Rufabgo waterfalls. Organization of independent travel. Guide to cities and countries.

Another star attraction of Hadjokh is the magnificent Rufabgo waterfalls. 7 of the 15 Rufabgo waterfalls are easily accessible, plus you can make a short detour and walk to the waterfall on the Bachurina stream. All this splendor is located a couple of kilometers south of Kamennomostsky. This place is very popular and on weekends the waterfalls are crowded with cars and tourist buses.

There are always a lot of people on the trail. The energy here is simply amazing; nature has endowed this section of the Caucasus Mountains with amazing beauty. The Rufabgo stream in its lower reaches is framed by steep cliffs up to 150 meters high and is of the greatest interest, since all the largest and most beautiful waterfalls are concentrated here. The trail to the “Lace” waterfall is fully equipped: steps, railings, trash cans. You can safely take even small children with you; many, by the way, did so.

At the very mouth of Rufabgo there is the “Three Brothers” waterfall, I was not there, but headed straight to the six-meter “Noise”, which is considered the first waterfall of Rufabgo.

The path from “Noise” to the next waterfall “Malysh” or “Cascade” is perhaps the most eventful and picturesque. The trail goes along the very bottom of the gorge, and sheer cliffs rise to the left and right...

Flowers on the rocks.

The stream lives by rapids and riffles.

And frogs live in the stream.

And you live with all this beauty!!! With all these things going on, the main thing is not to miss “Baby”, here he is, lurking in three stages, ours!

Many people offend him, don’t notice him and go straight to the third waterfall “Heart of Rufabgo”. It's gloomy, mysterious and very picturesque here. Legend has it that once upon a time there lived a glorious young man Khadzhokh, who, with the help of the wizard Mezmay, killed the giant hooligan Rufabgo, took his heart out of his chest and threw it into a stream. Subsequently, the heart turned to stone and a waterfall formed.

Behind the “Heart of Rufabgo” the walls of the gorge recede and form a huge stone bag, where the “Lace” waterfall falls from a 15-meter height. In my opinion, this is the most spectacular of the Rufabgo waterfalls!

To the right of the “Lace” there is a steeply upward path to distant waterfalls. It is no longer equipped, but marked. It is not difficult to get through it. But... um, let’s just say that most people get stuck on the “Lace” and don’t go any further.

And to put it bluntly, the gray mass is lazy, cranky, comes up with excuses for themselves and others, and sets off on their way back. And this is good! Then the crowd becomes significantly smaller, and the number of interesting characters among them increases noticeably. After a hundred meters along the path to the right, a steep climb “With light steam” begins, and the path to the waterfall goes to the other side of the stream to the left. Soon a tributary flows into Rufabgo - the Bachurin stream. At their confluence there is a huge rock “Sail”. It’s impossible to take a picture of it completely, I just grabbed the edge.

I walked up the Bachurin stream a little and came across a stone bag with a waterfall.

Then I returned to Parus again and continued climbing Rufabgo. After 200 meters I came to the tandem waterfalls “Bowl of Love” and “Maiden Braids”. The distance between them is only 40-50 meters. There are parking areas and the remains of fire pits. In general, many people come here with backpacks, tents and spend the night in these amazing places. The energy is just crazy - you forget about everything in the world and just sit, meditate, contemplate the waterfall. If I happen to visit here again, I’ll definitely take some gear and spend the night right next to the waterfall...

Fifth waterfall “Bowl of Love”.

To get to the sixth waterfall you need to climb a leaning log onto a 4-meter ledge. This is not as difficult as it seems - there are grooves on the log for support with your feet. Behind the “Cup of Love” are the 9-meter “Maiden Braids”. The light here is very difficult for photography. The best shots can be taken just after sunrise. In general, I recommend photographers to visit Rufabgo waterfalls in the first half of the day, the earlier the better. After lunch, the light in most areas becomes backlit.

I returned along the ascent “With light steam” through the old Circassian gardens and the observation point to Belaya.

Free hit

There are two ways to get to the waterfalls. Paid by paying 200 rubles at the ticket office near the bridge over the Belaya River. Free, walking from the Khadzhokh Gorge along a well-trodden path a couple of kilometers upstream of the Belaya. The advantages of the free route, in addition to the money saved, are that along the way you can admire Belaya. The cliff to which will be on your left.

And on the rocks hanging above you, which will be on the right.

Then the path will go through a picturesque beech forest and come out onto the main trail of the Rufabgo waterfalls, marked like this.

1. As I already wrote, there is a trail that bypasses the ticket office, I marked its beginning on the map.

2. It is convenient to combine Rufabgo waterfalls with a sightseeing tour. In this case, you will need to spend the night in. Hotels where you can look in advance
3. The travel agency offers a bright and eventful trip to Adygea, the program of which includes going down a waterfall in a wetsuit - so-called canyoning.

The Rufabgo waterfalls are located - one of the most picturesque and famous attractions of the Republic of Adygea. A few kilometers from here stands the village of Kamennomostsky, also known as Khadzhokh. This is where most of the republic’s tourist routes originate.

On the way to the Heart of Rufabgo waterfall Maiden's Spit, view from above the waterfall, March Maiden's Spit waterfall, March Noise waterfall, March At the end of the gorge - the Heart of Rufabgo waterfall

The section of the Rufabgo River that flows through a deep gorge surrounded by rocky slopes, which become inaccessible cliffs as the height increases, is extremely popular among tourists. There are a dozen waterfalls here, the most picturesque of which are such waterfalls as Lace, Bowl of Love, Heart of Rufabgo, Maiden Braids, Noise and Cascade.

There are two ways to get to Rufabgo waterfalls. Free, runs along the Belaya River starting not far from. Or pay to cross the bridge, which offers a wonderful view of a small waterfall called the Three Brothers. It is sometimes called Rufabgo Zero Falls. Behind this waterfall there is a cozy clearing with gazebos, souvenir shops, cafes and attractions.

Waterfall "Noise"

Shum Waterfall, March Shum Waterfall, March Shum Waterfall, July

After passing through the clearing, you will see the first of the ten main waterfalls - the “Noise” waterfall.

Cascade Waterfall

Kaskadny Waterfall, March Kaskadny Waterfall, July Kaskadny Waterfall, February

As you continue walking, you will soon hear a continuous stream of water falling from the slope, and then you will see the picture itself. This is a small but extremely beautiful Cascade waterfall, consisting of several small steps.

Waterfall "Heart of Rufabgo"

At the end of the gorge - the Heart of Rufabgo waterfall On the way to the Heart of Rufabgo waterfall

Undoubtedly, the most majestic of all the Rufabgo waterfalls is the third waterfall of the gorge, called the “Heart of Rufabgo”. It received this name for the shape of the rock, from under which a huge stream of cold water falls.

Waterfall "Maiden's Braid"

Maiden's Spit waterfall, July View from the Maiden's Spit waterfall, July View from the Maiden's Spit waterfall, July Maiden's Spit waterfall, March Maiden's Spit waterfall, March Maiden's Spit waterfall, March Maiden's Spit waterfall, top view of the waterfall, March

After the “Heart of Rufabgo”, the highest of the Rufabgo waterfalls will appear before your eyes - “Maiden’s Braid” (another name is “Lace”), the height of which is about 20 meters.

Here the section of the trail equipped for visitors ends and to see the rest of the waterfalls, you will have to climb 900 meters along a not so convenient trail. For those who overcome the difficult climb, the reward will be two waterfalls at once - “Maiden Braids” and “Cup of Love”. In this place, streams of the purest water flow from a height of five meters from the rocks into a bowl created by nature itself. And literally 40 meters from the “Chalice”, flowing in gentle curves, the waters of the river intertwine into the beautiful “Maiden Braids”.

Picturesque bridge

Bridge on Rufabgo Falls Trail, February


Any beautiful tourist site necessarily has its own legend. And Rufabgo waterfalls are no exception. There is a legend about the evil giant sorcerer Rufabgo and the beautiful young man Khadzhokh. According to legend, Rufabgo once lived in Here he performed secret rituals, maintaining contact with evil spirits who granted Rufabgo remarkable strength and magical abilities. Thanks to these forces, many surrounding villages were enslaved by him. In each captured village, the evil Rufabgo took the most beautiful girl, and brutally dealt with those who tried to defend the peasants. In one of the settlements there lived a beautiful girl who loved the slender young man Khadzhokh. Hadjoh knew about Rufabgo and was afraid that one day he would come for his beloved.

To prevent this, the young man decided to find a kind sorcerer named Mezmay, who lived somewhere in the mountains of Adygea. When Khadzhokh came to the wizard, Mezmay told him that there was only one way to defeat the evil Rufabgo. To do this, you need to drive up to it from the leeward side and scatter the miraculous powder, from which a cloud is formed that disorients the giant. At this moment, you should cut out the heart from his chest and throw it away. Hadjokh thanked Mezmay, took the magic powder from him and went to the cave where Rufabgo lived. There Khadzhokh challenged the giant to a duel. Hearing this, Rufabgo laughed, because he had already defeated many such brave men. The opponents drove into the valley. But the overweight Rufabgo got stuck in the ground, soaked by the recent rain. Then Khadzhokh jumped up to the giant and poured out the powder, which immediately disoriented him. Without wasting a minute, the young man raised his sword, cut open the chest of his enemy, tore out a huge heart from there and threw it as fast as he could into the distance. The heart fell into a gorge in the path of a fast mountain stream, blocking its path. Over time, it petrified, and the resulting waterfall was called the Heart of Rufabgo. Since then, when spring showers erode the surrounding clay and the water takes on a reddish tint, local residents say that it is the greedy heart of the giant Rufabgo that is bleeding.

Cave "Through"

Near the descent to the Shum waterfall, the path leads up, this is the path to the Skvoznoy cave

The river (or stream) Rufabgo is a left tributary of the Belaya River, about 17 km long. The Rufabgo originates on the northern slope of the Azishsky ridge and flows into the Belaya 2 km above the village of Kamennomostsky.

According to legend, Rufabgo was the name of a giant who once lived in these places. He was angry and fierce, and his name meant “mad, obstinate.” There is also a version that this is a distorted Adyghe word “syryfybg”, which is translated as “white hill (hill)”, due to the abundance of foaming (white) waterfalls. According to other sources, the name is altered from “gufabgo (gufebgu)”, which literally means “nine that fit side by side” - based on the number of nine main waterfalls.

To see Rufabgo you need to cross the bridge over the canyon of the Belaya River in the village of Kamennomostsky, turn left and climb along the bank upstream. From the gorge on the left you can hear the sound of water, and on the right there rises a steep wall hanging over the path.

Rufabgo is approximately 2 km from here. The path winds through a fairly dense forest in the shade of hornbeams, oaks, maples and elms entwined with vines and spitting.

The stream is known primarily for its waterfalls, as well as the variety of rocks from different geological periods that emerge on the surface. Here you can see gray thin-slab marbleized limestones of the Lower Triassic, which were formed 180-170 million years ago. Upstream, pink granodiorites come to the surface. The upper parts of the valley slopes are composed of light gray and white Upper Jurassic limestones 130-120 million years old.

Due to the fact that Rufabgo crosses rocks of different hardness and bedding conditions on its way, the channel either expands or narrows, forming waterfalls of various shapes and heights. The river flows through a canyon, the depth of which near the mouth reaches 160 m.

The main attraction of these places, of course, are the waterfalls, of which there are 15 on Rufabgo. Most often, tourists visit the first five, which are the largest and most spectacular.
The first of the waterfalls, called “Noise,” is located just 15 minutes from the Hadzhokh (Kammenomostsky) - Dakhovskaya highway. Its name speaks for itself - from a height of about 5 m, streams of water fall noisily into a small lake.

Further the trail wanders through a gorge, a forest thicket and rubble of stones. The second waterfall is more modest than the first; some people pass it without even noticing it. But it is no less beautiful and there are no crowds of tourists nearby.

But no one will pass by the third waterfall. The bed of the stream in this place is blocked by a huge block of stone, shaped like a human heart. On the right, a thin stream breaks into a deep gorge, the rocks of which are densely overgrown with moss and reflect a mysterious echo from any sound. This waterfall is called "Heart of Rufabgo". According to legend, the evil giant kept local residents in fear, and took the most beautiful girls as tribute. Many wanted to kill him, but this was impossible, since the severed hand or head immediately appeared again in the giant. But one day the brave and dexterous young man Khodzhokh met in the mountains a wise old man named Mezmay, who listened to him and gave him a leather bag of powder. The elder explained to the young man that he needed to approach Rufabgo from the windward side and pour out the powder from which a cloud would form. Once in this cloud, Rufabgo will no longer see, and at this moment it is necessary to cut open his chest, take out his heart and throw it as far as possible. This is how the brave Khojokh defeated the evil giant. And Rufabgo’s heart, abandoned in the gorge, petrified and turned into a huge boulder. After showers, the stream here turns brown-red from washed-out clay and it seems that blood is flowing from a huge heart

To the right of the Lace you can find a thick log with metal pins replacing steps. If you climb up, there is a path on the left with almost vertical ascents and slippery descents. This path will lead to the place where Rufabgo merges with its tributary - the Bachurin stream. In this place there is a high rock, surrounded on three sides by a stone monolith. At the top of the cliff you can see a practically destroyed fortress, and among the fragments of rocks and various stone piles there is a very beautiful two-tier waterfall “Maiden’s Braids”.

The next waterfall can be reached by several paths passing over boulders on both sides of the stream.

At the end of the path, the Cup of Love waterfall gurgles. A huge boulder hangs over this waterfall, forming a small niche in the lower part, in which you can even wait out the rain if necessary.

The mountains of the North Caucasus did not leave any tourist indifferent. Even 200 years ago, Russian poets - Lermontov, Pushkin and others - wrote about the Caucasus. Elbrus has become the hallmark of this region. And holidays in the Elbrus region are becoming more popular every year. In the summer they go on various hiking trips on horseback, some go to live in the mountains for a week or a month, and in the winter they go skiing there.

There is a fabulous and bewitching corner in the Caucasus - the Maiden Braids waterfall (Elbrus region). There are many springs in the mountains, but this was the one chosen by Soviet directors Govorukhin and Durov for the filming of the film “Vertical” in 1967. In this film, the main role was played by the legendary Vladimir Vysotsky.

Origin of the name of the attraction

The corners of the Caucasus have beautiful names, and the legends about the origin of these names are no less beautiful. The Maiden's Spit waterfall got its name due to the shape and location of the source. Graceful and transparent streams of a thirty-meter stream, descending through gutters under pressure from the Gara-Bashi glacier into a basalt grotto, caused an association among the peoples of the Caucasus with the braids of the Circassian woman.

You won't be able to talk near the source. The noise is so loud that it drowns out all conversations! And in summer the water is so warm that you can also take water procedures.

Location of Maiden's Braids

To enjoy the view of the waterfall, you need to go to the Elbrus region of Kabardino-Balkaria. There you need to find the village of Terskol in It is located only 10 kilometers from Mr. Elbrus. A little more than a thousand people live in the village. Not far from it there is an international observatory called “Terskol Peak”. The landscapes on the mountain slopes are stunning and mesmerizing! By the way, the Maiden's Braids waterfall itself is one of

You will see the source on the rocks of Ram's foreheads. Those, in turn, were located on the southern peak of Terskol. It has a height of more than three thousand meters.

Hike to attractions

As it becomes more and more popular, there are more and more excursion routes. They are being improved, hotels and cafes with affordable prices are opening, and cable cars are being built. Tourists ask about "Maiden's Braids" (waterfall): "How to get there? Is it difficult?"

To see the source, there are two walking routes from the village of Terskol. The same paths lead to the observatory.

The first path runs along the tractor road into the gorge, the second is easier. You will reach the Maiden Spit along the serpentine path on the southern slope of the peak. The mountain landscapes are very beautiful, but the mountain air is even nicer. It is filled with the aroma of coniferous trees. Please note that the mountain air is thin. Particularly sensitive tourists may feel dizzy. The weather is changeable in the mountains. So, walking along a path uphill, you may find yourself in a cloud! Visibility is significantly reduced. Be careful.

Features of walking to the waterfall

When going on a hike, take warm and spare clothes with you, as the weather changes rapidly due to pressure changes. Shoes should be comfortable and comfortable. You will have to walk a lot, your legs get tired quickly, and the stones constantly crumble and create slight discomfort while walking.

Along the serpentine road to the Maiden's Spit waterfall you will climb up the mountain, you can take sticks as support. If the day is sunny, then “arm yourself” with glasses. And here, around the bend, are the long-awaited streams of Maiden's braids. flows down from the glacier. She's clean. Tired travelers drink it, scooping it up with their palms. Other travelers take bottles of water with them. Those who drank this water say that it is “living.” Can relieve fears and fatigue.

The Balkar poet Kaisyn Kuliev wrote in his poem that these waters can restore the strength of an exhausted traveler, as well as help to join the age-old wisdom! Such beautiful, bewitching and powerful Caucasian lands.

The walk there and back takes 5-6 hours. The one and a half kilometer long trail can be covered in two hours. Yes Yes! The path up the mountain is not easy, so be patient. For those who want to get to the waterfall faster, there are different ways to achieve their goal. The range of transport is wide. There are horses, as well as ATVs, cars and mountain bikes. During the tourist peak, buses go to the attraction in an endless stream.


Maiden Spit waterfall, Elbrus region - unique places of the Caucasus. The severity and grandeur of these places fascinate travelers. Sometimes there are not enough words to describe the delight you feel when visiting the mountains. Unfortunately, the site itself near the source is not equipped. But there are no annoying sellers, garbage and fuss. People with cardiovascular diseases and bronchial asthma should also be careful. When the air is charged, it becomes bad; the lack of oxygen immediately makes itself felt with low hemoglobin. You may experience headache or dizziness. But even such phenomena will not be able to spoil the unforgettable impressions that you will get by visiting these beautiful places!

Near the village of Kamennomostsky there are Rufabgo waterfalls. We visited them in June.

They are a natural monument of republican significance.

They are named after the stream on which they are located. The stream stretches along the Azish-Tau ridge and is a left tributary of the Belaya River.

View of the Belaya River from the bridge upstream

There is an equipped route to the fifth waterfall, Maiden Spit. It starts at the bridge over Belaya. Access to the bridge is paid. There is a cash register at the entrance.

View of the Belaya River from the bridge downstream

The first Three Brothers waterfall is visible from the bridge.

View of the Belaya River from the bridge. Three Brothers waterfalls are visible on the right

Three parallel water streams of the Bolshoi Rufabgo stream fall from a small cliff into the Belaya River.

Rufabgo waterfalls. Three brothers

The second waterfall is located 250 meters from the bridge. It's called Noise, which reflects his character.

Waterfall Noise

A metal staircase leads down to it.

Stairs to the Shum waterfall

The height of the waterfall is 6 meters, there is a bowl under it. Probably at other times there are a lot of swimmers here. But after the rain, the water was muddy, and there were no people willing to climb into it.

I'm at the Shum waterfall

The excursion route is less than 1.5 kilometers one way. Walking this distance through the gorge is not so easy, especially after rain. Along the way there are many obstacles in the form of puddles, roots on the road, slippery stone natural stairs and narrow passages where visitors crowd.

Rufabgo stream is quiet. With the profile of a lion on a stone :)

in some places it turns into turbulent streams of muddy water.

Rufabgo stream is stormy

We also saw a large stone frog sitting near a burdock clearing.

Stone frog

We walked along bridges over the stream.

Through clearings covered with root carpets.

Along the stone walls, as if made of bricks.

Along the stream on a path paved with stones.

Cascade Waterfall

This gorge is amazing. Giant stones, narrow passages between them.

Steep rocky paths...

The Legend of Rufabgo's Heart

We reached the Heart of Rufabgo waterfall. From the bridge – 1,270 meters.

The stream of water goes around a huge block of stone, reminiscent of a heart. There is a legend about the stone.

Waterfall Heart of Rufabgo

Once upon a time, people lived happily in these parts. But the evil giant Rufabgo settled in a deep gorge and began to oppress the inhabitants of the village. He took half the harvest and offspring from livestock and poultry. Then he became completely insolent and began to demand local girls as slaves.

The men decided to kill the giant. But he was immortal. Even if his heart was pierced by an arrow, he did not die.

The young men went to the sage living on Mount Fisht. He said: “You can kill a giant only by blinding him and tearing out his heart.” And he gave a miraculous powder that should be thrown into the eyes of the villain.

A brave hunter named Khadzhokh went to fight the giant. He contrived and threw a handful of powder into Rufabgo’s face. Then he cut his chest, tore out his heart and threw him into the gorge. The hot heart hissed, but the water of the stream quickly cooled it and it turned to stone.

We walk past the kissing stones.

Does it really look like the stones are kissing?

Up the stone steps again.

At the top of the stairs is the petrified face of a giant, do you see?

The Maiden's Spit (Lace) waterfall closes the equipped excursion route.

It is 1,420 meters from the bridge over the Belaya River.

Rufabgo waterfalls. Girl's braid. He is also Lace

This waterfall is high, about 15 meters.

Below it is a huge bowl of water, like a small lake.

Our children at the Rufabgo Maiden's Spit waterfall

We arrived after heavy rain. The water was brown and cloudy.

Impressions from Rufabgo waterfalls

After the excursion trail ends, a wild path continues. The fact is that there are several more waterfalls and rapids on the stream, including large ones - Sukhoi (20 meters high) and Grandiose (15 meters). But the path is already so steep and slippery at the very beginning that after the rain, the children and I did not dare to climb it.

The route left a double impression. On the one hand, nature is always beautiful, and we are big fans. On the other hand, you should not go here after the rains. Still, it is much more pleasant to admire clean water than muddy, dirty streams.

I didn’t like that in many places after the rain the stones were incredibly slippery and not only that there were no railings - there wasn’t even any wire or rope to hold on to. Considering that there are a lot of people, it takes time to let everyone through and have time to slip through all this mud, stones and slippery places...

It’s not so much the pleasure of walking, but simply constantly forcing obstacles. We walked quite easily, although sometimes my husband gave his hand to the children so as not to fall on the slippery stones. And it was a pity to look at the elderly people and parents with small children.

Tips for travelers. Be sure to wear comfortable sports shoes. Preferably sneakers. Keep an eye on the kids! Hold your hand in dangerous places. Don't let them go to the edge of cliffs.

How to find Rufabgo waterfalls. They are located south of the village. If you go towards Dakhovskaya, the waterfalls will be right along the road on the right, a couple of kilometers from the village. Be aware that the parking lot is small. If you arrive not early in the morning, you will have to leave the car on the side of the narrow road.

Coordinates: N 44°15’39.1″, E 40°12’3.9″.

What is the price: ticket for an adult - 300 rubles, children under 14 years old - 150 rubles, children under 5 years old - free.

Rufabgo waterfalls, prices for summer 2015

You can get there for free if you walk from Kamennomostsky along the left Belaya River from the Khadzhokhskaya Gorge. We did not go this route. They say there is a very steep descent there. And there was simply no time to look. So if anyone has walked, please write down where the trail starts and how steep it is. Better with coordinates.

I would like to take a walk to these waterfalls, but I don’t want to pay 900 rubles for entry every time...

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