To Poland by car. To Poland by car: features, route description and reviews Documents for traveling to Poland by car

This part of the report is about how we crossed the Belarus-Poland border without a queue and practically passed through the first European country in transit. How much does gasoline cost, where can you drink coffee and eat sandwiches? And some sights of Lodz.

Day 2, continued. Border Belarus - Poland

We decided to break into Europe by car from Belarus. Namely, in Brest, cross one of the most “slow”, according to many forum members, the Warsaw Bridge checkpoint, connecting Belarus and Poland. BUT! The devil is not as scary as he is portrayed to be. The Belarus-Poland border is crossed the fastest on Sunday evenings. But even this “fastest” usually lasts for a couple of hours. They make a terrible noise, deliberately piss them off, take away meat, cheese, nicotine, rifles and marijuana for themselves (and, as luck would have it, this is exactly what we carry when we go to Europe by car).

We were scared, and we arrived at Brest, the last city in Belarus, exactly in the evening of the last day off - we wanted to get to Poland as quickly as possible (the hotel was booked in advance). We didn’t have time to finish the meat, we hid all the most forbidden things and drove up to the “Warsaw Bridge”...

The Belarusian border was unexpectedly crossed in 10 minutes. A stern border guard of about 25 years old peered into my face for a long time and looked for 10 differences with the photo in my passport. I had to apologize for some cosmetic procedures performed on my own face after the passport was made. 10 differences were found, a stamp was given and we were released from the former USSR. Now this part of our autotrip could easily be called a “trip to Poland” if this country were not planned exclusively as a transit country.

On the Polish border, the tail of cars pleased with the final visibility. To be precise, there were three autotails. One is for EU cars, two are for the rest. The EU tail on the Belarus-Poland border (as on any other border) moved faster, and disappeared after half an hour. And - miracle of miracles! — the Polish border guard waved to us and moved us from the “Russian” line to the one where the starry sun should be present on the license plate of the car. They took our passports, asked how many liters of gasoline were in the car, for the sake of decency they asked us to open the trunk..... And that’s all!

So we had no reason to be afraid. It would be possible to carry out drugs and weapons. But those who stood outside the European corridor were clearly looked at longer than us. And tomorrow we have a whole day of traveling around Poland by car... We are preparing fifth points and remembering the leisurely traffic on Polish roads in 2011.

Day 3. To Poland by car – impressions of the country

The third day of our summer road trip has arrived. Woke up in the hotel Hotel Mixbud(an ordinary hotel for an overnight stay, with good plumbing, the ability to buy breakfast, comfortable beds and excellent wi-fi). We woke up, got ready and went. The entire third day of the trip we planned to drive and look at Poland from the car window.

Poland, with the exception of obvious tourist cities, is not very attractive. Neat, lots of flowers in the courtyards of two-story houses. Lots of storks. A lot of cars. A few people. The country is not distinguished by strong originality - we noticed this five years ago.

The roads in this part of the Polish land are good (we can safely recommend them for starting a trip around Europe by car), but the abundance of settlements reduces driving speed. What was unexpected was that we were stopped by the border service to check our documents, although we were already relatively far from the border.

We are driving along E30 (A2 or M1) to Warsaw. Although we don’t need Warsaw, essentially. Gasoline prices in this part of Poland range from 4.44 to 4.57 zlotys (about euros). In the Cafepunkt cafe we ​​drink coffee (espresso 60 ml for 4.5 zlotys, all other coffees 5.99 zlotys for 300 ml). There are even more cars in front of Warsaw, and we are trundling along at a speed of 50 km/h. The houses on the sides of the route are neat, with occasional churches, but by and large the gaze doesn’t stop at anything.

We drive through Warsaw quickly thanks to new junctions, we never get out of the car and see the outskirts of the city exclusively from the window. Stalinist glass makes Warsaw look like the Vyborg side of St. Petersburg, and modern glass, as expected, kills any beginnings of originality and completely depersonalizes an already not very beautiful city.

Our butts were a little tired, and we decided to let them warm up in Lodz. First we continue to drive along the E30, which after Warsaw has become wide, fast and multinational. Having driven about 40 km from Warsaw, we drink tea and sandwiches in a large parking lot. There is a toilet, three sheds with benches and a water pump. After another 10 km there is a gas station, parking and McDonald's. And then again. And further.

If your route to Poland by car goes along this route, you will truly enjoy it. We have never seen roads like these anywhere else in Europe. This is a well-renovated new autobahn, with a speed limit of 140 km/h. After the turn to Lodz and all the way to Germany, the road becomes toll-free, but we passed through the free section.

We turned onto A1 and stopped in Lodz. We didn’t have time to see all the sights of Lodz, and we only managed to walk a couple of streets.

Sights of Lodz

Sights of Lodz for us is Piotrkowska Street. We went through it completely, capturing only separate parts of the other streets. Piotrkowska (also Googled as Petrovskaya or Piotrowski) is one of the longest shopping alleys not only in Poland, but throughout Europe. Lots of funny sculptures, an area with personalized street tiles, lots of cafes and shops. If you take pictures everywhere, you can get stuck for a couple of hours. And if you get here during a festival, which is not uncommon here, you will be stuck for half a day.

Bench of Julian Tuvim at 104 Piotrkowska St.:
Avenue of Stars:
On the stars are the names of directors and filmmakers. The stars stretched from the intersection of Monyushka Street to the Rubinstein passage (houses 78-80).

Arthur Rubinstein's piano near house 78:
Monument to three factory owners near house 32:
These are famous Polish manufacturers of the early 20th century, Israel Poznansky, Ludwik Grohmann and Karl Scheibler, who had a hand in the prosperity of Lodz.

Part of the pedestrian area paved with personalized tiles:
Polish Lodz is a good city. A mixture of Kyiv and the Petrograd side in St. Petersburg. We went for a run, got caught in the rain and moved on. The clock says 16:00, we still need lunch, take E 67 (S 8) to Wroclaw to find a sculptural composition missed in 2012 and come to Germany to spend the night at a campsite.

We looked into Wroclaw, found sculptures of people going into the earth and emerging from it, and rushed to the village along E 40 (in Germany, route No. 4). We entered it already in the dark, and along the way we were again caught in local downpours a couple of times and once even in hail the size of a walnut.

We stopped overnight at a campsite near Bautzen. But this is another part of the report – German.

All our posts about this trip around Europe by car:

- practically a “transit” part of the report, but after reading it, you will learn several important points about the trip to Belarus and what to see in Polotsk, where we spent the night.

Part two – Poland- you were reading it now

(part of the 2016 auto trip report)

A country where there is nothing to do for more than a couple of hours. But maybe this is purely our opinion. Read this part of the report and decide for yourself!

8 days, 9 cities, mountains, gorges, villages and waterfalls. Quite a busy route. And prices in Switzerland in 2016.

Genoa, Pisa, Florence, Lucca, Cittadella and even the center of Padua. And a couple of hours in San Marino

Hoeschwangau, Neuschwanstein, Lindshorf, Dachau, Munich, Nuremberg and Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

Part eight, final - . What is interesting to see in Belarus by car in the summer

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In 2020, a considerable number of Russians were able to travel to Poland by car. Located in the very center of Europe, the republic has a land border with the Russian Federation. Namely, with the Kaliningrad region. It is not surprising that many of our compatriots prefer to travel around Polish territory by personal transport. We will find out all the nuances of traveling to Poland in your car.

In 2020, the Central European country continues to be popular among tourists from Russia. Visitors from the Russian Federation enter Poland both by air and by land - including by personal vehicle. The latter option is preferred by residents not only of the Kaliningrad region neighboring the republic, but also of regions remote from the border. Guests from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and even Vladivostok come to the European state in their own cars.

Features of entering Poland “on your own”

To come to Poland by car, you will need to obtain a visa in advance. In this sense, traveling to a European country is no different from arriving by plane, train or bus. You cannot visit the country without an entry document.

Typically, motorists and their travel companions apply for tourist Schengen visas. Each visitor, including children, will need their own document. Polish Schengen allows you to stay in the country for a maximum of 3 months within a six-month period. You will learn how to obtain a tourist visa to Poland from the article on our website.

Where to enter Poland

Of all the regions of the Russian Federation, Poland borders only the Kaliningrad region. Therefore, entering the republic from Russia by personal transport is only possible through this region. There are special checkpoints at the border. You are only allowed to drive your car through these checkpoints.

The second option for starting a Polish road trip is to enter Poland through Belarus. Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed into the fraternal republic with a Russian passport. In this case, the route is built like this:

  1. Travel from Moscow or another Russian city to Belarusian Brest.
  2. The path to Brest lies along the M1 highway (Smolensk road).
  3. Get to the border crossing. You can enter through the largest checkpoint Brest - Terespol or try the Domachevo crossing (50 km south of Brest).

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

  • Entrants have the right to be required to present funds as financial guarantees. The minimum amount for 1 day of stay is PLN 300. The equivalent in foreign currency is allowed (about 100 US dollars). It is allowed to present both cash and credit cards.
  • The import of foreign currency is not limited, but a declaration is required if the permitted amount exceeds the allowed amount of 10,000 euros.
  • If guests of Poland enter the territory of the country with pets, they will need a certificate from the veterinary service. It must contain notes on all vaccinations given to the animal, including vaccination against rabies.

What might they ask at the border?

  • Purpose of the trip.
  • Travel route planned to visit the city.
  • Scheduled tour dates.
  • What is being imported into Poland, do you have alcohol and cigarettes with you? The established norm for 1 person is 2 packs of cigarettes, 1 liter of strong alcohol or 2 liters of wine.

Documents for crossing the border by car

For passengers

  • International passport with visa.
  • Medical insurance:
    • For the entire trip.
    • Valid throughout Schengen.
    • Coverage from 30 thousand euros.
  • Sometimes they require you to present:
    • Financial guarantees.
    • Reservation of a hotel room or place at a campsite, or availability of another residential address in Poland.
    • Invitation from a local individual or legal entity.

For the driver

  1. International passport with visa.
  2. Medical insurance.
  3. Sometimes they require the same additional documents as for passengers.
  4. Driver's license (no special requirements).
  5. Vehicle registration certificate (vehicle registration certificate). It is important that the document is issued to the driver. Handwritten powers of attorney are not accepted.
  6. Valid green card.

What is a green card for a car?

When traveling by car to Poland, a green card is required. In fact, this is an analogue of our OSAGO. The document is issued not for the driver, but for the vehicle. This means that anyone on the trip can drive the car. Of course, provided he has a driver's license.

A green card for traveling to Poland must be of an international format and valid throughout Europe. It is not possible to issue the document at any insurance company. A limited number of organizations have the right to sell this type of insurance service. Among them:

  • "Rosgosstrakh".
  • "Alpha Insurance"
  • "RESO-Garantiya"
  • "Alliance".
  • "ERGO Rus".

Important! You can buy an insurance policy no earlier than 30 days before the start of its validity and the date of the trip.

How much do you have to pay for a green card?

The cost of a green card to Poland depends, first of all, on the type of vehicle and the duration of the insurance contract. Approximate amounts:

Key requirements for the car

  • Full technical serviceability of the machine.
  • Serviceability and one hundred percent working condition of lighting devices. It is advisable to stock up on light bulbs so that you can change them at the border if necessary.
  • The windshield is clean and free of visible cracks. Only cracks of 2-3 centimeters and small chips are acceptable.
  • The vehicle must contain:
    • First aid kit.
    • Spare tire or repair kit.
    • Fire extinguisher (it is recommended to check its expiration date before travelling).
    • Warning triangle.
    • Reflective vests for all participants of the trip.
  • Child car seats (when traveling with children under 12 years old).
  • Foreign motorists traveling on Polish roads in their car must place on it a sign of the state where the car is registered. For Russians, this is the “RUS” sign in a white oval. It is not permissible to drive a vehicle without a sticker.

Main road rules in Poland

  • Maximum permissible driving speed (in km/h):
  • When driving, the low beam headlights are always on. Time of day and weather conditions do not play a role.
  • Studded tires are prohibited. The use of winter tires is voluntary.
  • It is prohibited to equip vehicles with radar detectors and similar devices. Even an unused radar detector cannot be carried.
  • The maximum possible alcohol content in a motorist's blood is 0.2 ppm. For driving while intoxicated, the driver's driver's license is confiscated. In addition, the violator faces imprisonment for up to 8 years.

Fines for traffic violations

Parking in Polish

Polish drivers and motorists visiting from other countries are allowed to park their cars only in specially designated areas. It is also prohibited to leave a car in parking lots intended for people with special needs. For this there is a fine of 800 zlotys.

Free parking in Polish city centers is not as scarce as in other Central European countries. They are focused:

  • At large retail outlets (Ikea, Auchan and others).
  • Near historical centers.
  • In courtyards and near residential buildings.
  • Near restaurants, cafes and shops.

Paid parking lots are also present in large quantities. They are available on all main streets, near attractions and in areas that are most in demand. Finding a parking spot is easy. Just follow the blue signs with the letter “P”.

Important! In large Polish cities, parking is paid only on certain days (usually weekdays) and hours (usually from 9:00 to 17:00). The rest of the time you can stay on them for free.

The cost of parking depends on their proximity to the center, significant objects and crowds of people. For example, an hour of parking in the center of Gdansk will cost 3 zlotys.

Parking is paid through a parking meter. As a rule, these devices are located near the parking lot. On the parking meter display you need to select the parking time and pay for the service (in small change or large bills).

The machine will issue a receipt - a parking ticket. It must be placed on the car’s dashboard so that inspectors can see the paper through the windshield.

If you run out of gas...

Self-service is common at Polish gas stations. The driver fills the tank and then pays for the fuel at the ticket office. Drivers are allowed to carry up to 20 liters of fuel in cans. It is worth considering that 92nd gasoline is not available at local gas stations. And the 95th comes in 2 types - with and without lead.

At the beginning of 2017, the average cost of gasoline and diesel fuel in Poland was:

  • 1.07 euros (95 petrol).
  • 1.13 euros (98 petrol).
  • 1.05 euros (diesel).
  • 0.5 euro (LPG).

At the same time, prices at gas stations located along highways can be 10-20 eurocents higher than at gas stations near large shopping complexes.

Toll roads

Polish motorways A1, A2 and A4 are toll roads. The fare depends on the distance traveled.

Payments are calculated differently for specific road sections. Typically, travel is paid both in cash and by bank transfer, in national currency, euros and American dollars. However, it is recommended to pay with local money. Change is also always given in zlotys.

By car through Poland: transit rules

People enter Poland via Kaliningrad or Brest by personal transport not only for the sake of a road trip through the Central European republic. Many of our fellow citizens are only passing through Polish lands, choosing other countries as the main goal of their auto tour. The following documents are submitted for a Schengen transit visa to travel through Poland:

  • :
    • It must be filled out completely and certified with a personal signature.
    • It is advisable to fill out the form on a computer, but it is acceptable to fill out the form by hand.
    • The information must be entered legibly, using a pen with blue or black ink (if filled out by hand).
    • Information is written in Russian, Polish or English.
    • Points No. 1-5 are filled in in Latin letters, strictly as in the international passport.
    • A separate form is filled out for a minor child included in the parent’s passport. It is signed by the parent.
  • Visa of the state of destination (original and copy). In case of its absence, the following shall be submitted:
    • Or a 100% paid hotel reservation.
    • Or documents for ownership of real estate (lease agreement, purchase and sale agreement, etc.).
  • International passport:
    • Copies of the first page and Schengen visas for 3 years (if available).
    • With 2 free sheets.
    • The document is valid for 3 months after returning home.
    • The passport is valid for no more than 10 years.
  • Russian passport. Copies of pages:
    • First.
    • With registration.
    • Pages 18-19 (about previous passports).
  • Photos:
    • 2 pieces.
    • 35 by 45 mm.
    • The face occupies 70-80% of the field.
    • Colored.
    • On a white background.
    • Printed on high quality paper.
  • Made no more than six months ago.
  • Medical insurance for the entire transit period.

When crossing the border, the same papers are presented as for road trips directly within Poland. It is important to remember that if a foreigner already has a valid Schengen visa, there is no need to make a separate document for transit.

Polish highways are considered one of the safest in Europe. The vast majority of drivers treat all road users with respect. Pedestrians and cyclists have priority on the road. Almost all highways are equipped with CCTV cameras and radars and are carefully monitored by the police. Therefore, when traveling around the republic by car, you should strictly follow traffic rules.

The advantage of such a trip is savings. A trip to Poland in your own car is an incredibly cheap pleasure. A week's holiday, including gasoline (which is more expensive than ours), toll roads in Belarus and Poland, paid parking, hotels, restaurants and entertainment - will cost 50 euros per person per day. And if you also spend the night in campsites and eat semi-finished products, you can even meet it in 25. Here, there is no limit to perfection!

Not to mention complete freedom to control time and position in space is also a pleasant state, and it’s worth a lot.

However, when embarking on this venture, it is necessary to think through and prepare in advance. We offer you a win-win algorithm of actions that should precede your trip. So that it brings you only pleasant surprises, and does not turn into a continuous “resolution” of various types and degrees of seriousness of problems.

1. Route

First of all, we determine the route. Literally - from the threshold and... wherever the soul calls. Decide, after consulting with friends and acquaintances, surfing the Internet in the evenings, looking through colorful guidebooks and albums... - where you want to visit. This is the first – and most serious – step.

We will tell you that northern Poland is good for a beach holiday - the soft Baltic coast with moderate temperatures and cool water, picturesque beaches. These are summer routes that run through the ancient coastal cities of Gdansk, Solot, Slupsk, Gdynia.
And in winter they will beckon you, and the most popular of them is Zakopane.

Poland literally breathes living history, all of it is the embodied chronicle of centuries - from knightly times to the present day. very, very diverse and numerous, because no matter what city you take, there will definitely be a historical monument in it, and more than one. In order to get acquainted with the history and culture of Poland, you should definitely visit Warsaw. Then come Krakow, again Gdansk, located in the heart of the country Lodz, living evidence of the Polish Renaissance Poznan and of course, the ancient capital - Gniezno.

Attention to the most curious and energetic! Don't even try to take in this vast splendor in one trip. Poland is too big to discover in a week's vacation. Decide what you would like to see first. .

To fully get to know the country, it’s still better. To fully explore the country, it is better to buy a sightseeing tour. Then the trip will be structured in an optimal way so that in the minimum time you get the maximum impressions from this trip

2. Book a hotel

Ideally, you need to book hotels in advance in all cities through which the route will pass. This is not easy to do; there are too many factors to consider. If you entrust this part of the preparation to a travel agency, you will gain time and save energy.

In any case, you must book in advance the hotel where you will arrive first when you are in Poland. Because confirmation of your hotel reservation will be required to obtain a visa.

3. Visa application

It is not difficult for Russians to obtain a visa to Poland. To do this, you need to contact the embassy or consulate of the Polish Republic. To avoid standing in lines and wasting time on working days before your vacation, order a visa from a tour operator. It is not much more expensive, and if you are traveling with your whole family or a large group, discounts on this service are possible, and for very little money you will gain time and save energy, which will be useful both for preparation and for the trip.

The best part is that Poland is part of the Schengen zone, which means that having received a visa to Poland, you can proceed to any European Schengen country. Therefore, many experienced motor tourists have chosen Poland as an ideal start for a big trip to Europe.

4.Documents required for the trip

So, in addition to the visa, you need:

Green card and medical insurance for the Republic of Belarus (purchased at the Russia-Belarus border). Green card and health insurance for Poland (purchased at the border in Brest).

However, if you are transiting through Poland, medical insurance is not required. If you do not have health insurance, when entering Poland you must have 300 zlotys per person per day (that’s about 75 euros).

If a child is accompanying you, and you are not a parent or the other parent is not with you, then a notarized permission to take the child abroad is required.

Driver license. Not necessarily international. Enough Russian.

Technical passport. Attention! The owner of the car must be present. Even if he's not driving. But management by proxy in the absence of the owner will not work.

Car: no tint, especially on the front doors. Entry on studded tires is prohibited. Don't forget the first aid kit. And be sure to remove radar detectors and other tricks. Polish traffic police will not forgive you for this.

5. What else should I take with me?

Important: restrictions on the import of tobacco products and alcohol. To avoid problems, it is better not to take cigarettes with you in reserve. Gasoline too - only in the gas tank. You cannot import certain types of food - meat, for example. So finish your sandwiches before crossing the border.

Money. If you have health insurance - 100 zlotys per person per day (about 25 euros) - minimum. Take 1,500 euros with you for a week - you will probably have enough for a family or a small company.

Be sure to buy a road map of Europe in Moscow - it is difficult to find in Poland.

6.How to go?

From Moscow it is easier to take the M1 highway all the way to Brest. Border crossing - Brest-Terespol. There are more border guards here, which means the line moves faster. From Moscow to the border the journey takes 11-12 hours. The transition procedure takes from half an hour to four hours, depending on the time of day and day (weekends, holidays, weekdays). It’s best to go at 2-3 am – there are almost no people. South of Brest there is a transition to Domachevo. There are fewer queues there, but there are also few border guards, so the time is longer than in Brest itself.

When asked about the purpose of the trip, you answer – tourism. Present your passport with a visa. Show a printout of the email as confirmation from the hotel.

And now you are in Poland. Be careful on narrow Polish roads, obey traffic rules and use common sense. We hope that these tips will make your trip easier and allow you to devote maximum attention and time to active recreation, vivid impressions and wonderful discoveries. Bon Voyage!

Polish Mix: 2-Week Itinerary from Krakow to Gdansk

Castles, deserts, ports, lighthouses, caves, lakes - this journey through the south and north of Poland turned out to be a vibrant cocktail of opposites that could completely change the impression of this country!

Travels are different, just like dishes: some are bland, others are spicy, others are exotic. Our recipe is unique: friendly company, changing plans on the fly, a desire for new experiences and, of course, a colorful country.

It all started with the fact that we decided to visit friends, and at the same time diversify our impressions. The plans were grandiose - to drive along the entire Baltic coast of Poland by car, visiting a dozen lighthouses, sunbathing on the beaches, discovering new horizons, then seeing Warsaw and going home rested. But plans tend to change without the knowledge of their owners. Therefore, upon arrival to see friends, it was decided to go not to the north, but to the south - to Krakow. This idea was unanimously approved, and we set off by car.

South. Beskids. Krakow

A few hours' drive, and here we are. We rented accommodation through airbnb and, having parked the car, walked to the old town. The entire historical center is surrounded along the perimeter by a neat park with bicycle paths and places to relax in the shade of trees. We entered the city from Shchepanskaya Square near the Palace of Arts, and straight away we found ourselves at a light show - many fountains were illuminated and created a festive atmosphere. After admiring the luminous streams, we headed to the heart of the Old Town - Rynok Square.

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The same city can be completely different depending on the time of day. We recommend admiring all its beauties during the day on an educational excursion. Krakow greeted us with the yellow lights of lanterns in the twilight that had fallen on the city, the sounds of a jazz orchestra on the Main Market, the clatter of hooves and the creaking of carriages from carriages. A diverse crowd of tourists slowly moved through the streets, flowing from one brightly lit building to another. We also followed their example and dived into the Cloth Rows, the central building of the square. This historical building was transformed and completed several times under different rulers, but always had one purpose - trade. Even now they sell souvenirs and handicrafts here, from leather bags to amber jewelry. The variety is such that your head is spinning and you want to buy everything. Coming out, St. Mary's Church with towers will immediately appear before your eyes, which at night looks like an ancient castle. The square is full of cafes and restaurants, where you should definitely try zurek or pirogi (that is, dumplings and some delicious dessert). This is how we spent the whole evening, walking through the narrow streets of the old city and looking at the ancient houses.

On the second day we went again to the old city, but from the northern side, where the Barbican is located, which once served as a defensive structure. It was connected to the city by a bridge, and now there is a branch of the historical museum there. We entered the city through the northern gate and headed towards the center. During the day, Market Square looked completely different: a fair spread out over almost the entire territory, noise, music from all the cafes. We hastened to look inside St. Mary's Church: there is a separate entrance for tourists and a separate one for parishioners. The temple is crowded, but not noisy, there is a lot of air inside - this effect is created by high arches, the huge central nave is painted like a starry sky - there are golden patterns on a dark blue background, light pours through the high windows, illuminating all the splendor and splendor. If you wait, you can see how they open a huge altar of carved wood. The church is impressive, but you definitely need to look at it from another side.

We climb the steep steps of the City Hall, at the same time you can see the exhibition of ancient clothing, which is exhibited on one of the floors (the City Hall is a branch of the Historical Museum of Krakow). There is no observation deck as such, the windows are just open on the top floor, but the views are still beautiful. The entire Market Square and the church are in full view, the basilica domes, and below the cafe umbrellas and fair tents look like a mosaic. Wawel Castle is visible in the distance, just right for us. You can also find out in detail about all the exhibitions, opening hours and addresses of the departments of the Historical Museum of Krakow.

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It takes about 10-15 minutes to walk from the Market Square to the Royal Castle along the pedestrian street Grodzka, but we didn’t want to rush, because at every step we came across some attractions - for example, the Church of St. Andrew the First-Called - or simply beautiful historical buildings. The castle itself is an entire architectural complex, including about two dozen buildings, but the main ones, of course, are the Royal Palace and the Cathedral of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslas, over the entrance of which hang huge bones, they say that of a mammoth. Entrance to the castle grounds and the cathedral is free, but you must purchase a ticket to enter the interior, where various exhibitions are located. Wawel Castle stands on the hill of the same name on the banks of the Vistula and from there offers a beautiful view of the modern part of the city and the river. By the way, after going down, you can take a cruise ship along the river with a sightseeing tour, and this will allow you to look at the city from a different angle.

It was not by chance that we ended up in Krakow and specifically in Wawel, but because this is the first of 16 castles in a chain of defensive structures. The so-called Eagle's Nest Path is a route passing through the Lesser Poland and Selesia voivodeships. King Casimir III the Great built these castles to protect borders and trade routes. And they received such a bizarre name because of their location on the hills and rocks, like eagle’s nests. In order not to go astray and not miss a single castle, we used the website and, having examined the first castle, without wasting time, we went to the next one.

You can learn all the secrets and legends of Krakow at: why the dragon became a symbol of the city, what you should definitely try from the local food, and how women were punished in the Middle Ages. You will find all the answers to your questions there!

Kozkiew Castle

A castle is located 13 kilometers from Krakow, near the small village of Kozhkiew. It was built in the 14th century, restored, and today is used as a place for celebrations. Numerous halls host weddings and various events. When we arrived, preparations for the wedding were actively underway and one of the halls with ancient tapestries turned into a banquet room.

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Inside, in many of the halls the walls are not plastered, but bare brickwork is left and decorated with animal horns. The place is very picturesque, but the castle may be closed during celebrations. You can allocate 1-1.15 to Kozhkevsky Castle and that will be enough.

Ojcow National Park and Ojcow Castle

We arrived at the next castle, or rather its ruins, in the afternoon. The car was left in the parking lot, next to the ticket office and information center, where they will give you a map and tell you the route.

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Ojcow Castle itself is located on a high cliff and most of it has been destroyed. A gate and a couple of towers have survived to this day in good condition, the rest is only in the form of foundations and ditches, but the view from the cliff offers a wonderful view of the emerald hills and valley. There are several routes in the national park, varying in length and difficulty. Walking along an asphalt road, you come across amazingly shaped rocks, as if a shark’s fin or the tip of a knife were growing out of the ground; for anyone, what associations do these bizarre sculptures of nature evoke? The most famous rock is the Mace of Hercules - a 25-meter rock formation surrounded by forest. The entrance to the trail is through a rock canyon - a narrow entrance opening into an emerald valley. A great place to breathe deeply in the cleanest air and move forward.

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There are caves in the park, but we didn’t go down there, the temperature there is no higher than 16 degrees, and after a hot day and an active hike without warm clothes, we risked getting sick in them. But we came out to a high observation deck, from where we could see the entire park. It’s worth spending 5-6 hours on Ojcow Castle and the park for a leisurely stroll, but if you go down to the caves, it’s better to leave a separate day for it.

Rabshtyn Castle

By evening we reached the town of Olkusz, which is 45 kilometers from Krakow. Nearby was the village of Rabshtyn with a castle, next on our route. We toured the castle ruins, which have been partially restored.

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The gate tower is in good condition; on the information signs we read that there is a small museum inside and various historical festivals are held. We decided to stay somewhere nearby for the night. It turned out that local residents rent out their homes to tourists at a low price. We stayed on the second floor of a private house right under the castle, and from the courtyard we could see the ruins.

Mosquitoes woke me up, buzzing annoyingly over my ear, I could no longer sleep and decided to go for a walk. Early morning, the time before dawn was quiet, I left the house and walked along the paved path. The village is located in a lowland around mountains and forest, only a small clearing and pasture near the castle. She approached the walls, and you could see the fog rising from the cold grass, like a ghost that was afraid of the light.

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From the hill the distant mountains are clearly visible and the first rays of the sun, at first timidly, insinuatingly, shine on the castle, on the forest, on the village, on the clearing. Then the orange disk of the sun rises higher and higher above the tops of the trees, the rays become brighter, the white walls of the castle seem to wake up from sleep, dew glistens on the fresh grass, the fog rises above the forest, evaporates and the mysterious haze disappears. I have never seen a sunrise in the mountains, it was so simple and at the same time fabulous that I did not regret waking up early.


We arrived in Smolen for lunch and immediately headed to the castle. The whole area was green and it was pleasant to walk, although the day was hot. More recently, Smolen was in decline, but now it is being restored and you can walk along the massive walls of the fortress and look at the surroundings from above, like other fortifications along the Eagle’s Nests path; it is located on a high hill. We climb the stone stairs to the tower; it is likely that it used to be a lookout tower. The view from the tower is in all directions - the castle dominates the plains and small hills, the fields are like a patchwork quilt, spread out all around and only in the distance are the foothills covered with forest visible.

In the castle courtyard there is a deep well, and on the opposite side there are dungeons. At one time, Smolen was an impregnable fortification, but now it has become an interesting place with a rich history and lush nature. 2-2.5 hours is enough for a visit and excursion.


Our last point on the Eagles' Nests Trail was Ogrodzieniec in the town of Podzamcze. We had the pleasure of spending half a day in this wonderful place and were satisfied. Moreover, there is an amusement park nearby, where neither children nor adults will be bored. The castle is very beautiful, despite its dilapidated state, its snow-white towers and massive walls create the impression of a fairy-tale town.

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Work is currently underway to reconstruct it. But tourists are allowed inside, entrance is paid, and the price also includes a visit to the tower with an exhibition of instruments of torture. The structure is located on a hill and seems to grow out of the rocks. You can walk for a long time along narrow, gloomy corridors with loophole windows, climb into galleries, and climb towers. And here it’s worth stopping and admiring the scenery. The castle is surrounded by a defensive wall, which in one place smoothly flows into the rocks. The entire area is covered in soft grass, where you can lie down and relax after the excursion. After walking around the castle and its surroundings, we headed to the amusement park. And here everyone chooses what their heart desires: an adrenaline park in the trees, and an educational theme park. Entertaining physics, where you can feel the influence of its laws on different equipment, a luge track like a bobsleigh, but not with such sharp turns, and a haunted dungeon.

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There is a miniature park and attractions for children. You can choose entertainment and events and see prices on the website. Festivals and knightly tournaments are held in Ogrodzieniec, so you can also plan interesting historical leisure activities. So it won't be boring. We set off home in the late afternoon and were only there by midnight.

North. Baltika. Gdansk

A couple of days of respite and we are moving north. At this point my soul wanted to go all out and visit the Curonian Spit, and Hel, and in general all the lighthouses along the coast. But that was not the case - there were only four days left and I had to choose the most interesting and compactly located. The route was as follows: Gdansk-Sopot-Hel-Sławinski National Park.

All motorways are in excellent condition and free of charge, and new motorways are under construction all along the route north. Having left the suburbs of Warsaw, we arrived in the evening. We parked near the historical center; after 6 pm parking is free. After walking literally a hundred meters, we came out onto the pedestrian Dluga Street, where a lot of attractions are concentrated on it and the parallel Pivnaya Street, which makes the walk eventful. You immediately admire the imagination with which the facades and gables of the houses are decorated. The impression is that these are gingerbread houses with sugar icing for Christmas, lined up in a holiday window, waiting to be selected and placed in a basket.

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The splendor of the architecture is due to the fact that the city was a rich and important seaport and, from the mid-14th century, was part of the Hanseatic League, which united more than 300 Baltic cities. It was inhabited by merchants and traders who competed in the luxury and beauty of the decoration of their houses - you look and you won’t find two identical ones. There are dragons on the roofs, horses, drainpipes in the shape of fish, and museum-like statues decorate the façade of the house. An excellent view of the evenly laid out streets and the bay opens from the Town Hall, which is located on the Dlugy Targ, as well as from the bell tower of the Church of the Virgin Mary. Along these same streets you can go through the Green Gate to the embankment.

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In the evening the city is dressed in bright lights, creating a particularly cozy atmosphere, and all this is reflected in the slow Vistula. All cafes and restaurants invite you to stop by and try delicious fish dishes of national cuisine. That evening we just walked and admired the views of the city. For a more impressive experience, you can climb into the cabin of the Ferris wheel on Warehouse Island, near the Maritime Museum. But we were very tired and went to bed.

We rented housing for one night with parking for 100 zlotys (less than 25 euros) in a new area of ​​Gdansk and were very pleased. In the morning we returned to the old city again, but this time we purposefully walked towards the embankment. There, at the old Zhurav, a port crane and also the city gate, we tried delicious smoked sheep cheese with cranberry jam. This combination gives a very piquant taste and you want to eat a dozen of these cheeses. To complete the picture, we decided to take a ride on a pirate galleon that was parked at the pier along the Vistula towards the mouth.

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The cost of the excursion is 40 zlotys per person (less than 10 euros). There is a guide on board who speaks good Russian, and there is a cafe inside. My husband and I wanted to have a snack and we ordered Polish borscht. I knew that this was not Ukrainian borscht, but I didn’t expect such deception: four dumplings dangled in the burgundy water - and that’s the whole dish. The galleon slowly sailed along the docks and shipyards of the port, the guide along the way told the history of Gdansk. The most beautiful views are right at the mouth of the sea.

After exploring Gdansk from the water, we went to the Royal Oliwa Park. This is a magnificent botanical park with the Abbey Palace and Oliwa Cathedral. On a hot day it was nice to walk in the shade of the trees and admire the well-groomed flower beds. The park has several small reservoirs connected by a cascade of waterfalls. In the summer, concerts are held - we caught one of these, the orchestra performed works by Chopin on an open stage. Many cozy and secluded corners of the park invite you to relax on the lawn or on a bench. Ducks and swans swim in the ponds, shady alleys invite you to take a walk, and if you have enough time, then it’s definitely worth spending half a day here.

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Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia are the famous Tricity on the Baltic. And we could not ignore the beautiful Sopot. It is not as lush as Gdansk, but on the contrary, it is somehow relaxed, resort-like, but no less interesting. We only had half a day to do it, so I’ll write what we managed to see while running. There are many cafes and bars on the main pedestrian street of Heroes of Monte Cassino, but the most interesting thing is seen when you walk towards the embankment. There is a Crooked House built there, incredible, seemingly dancing to a cheerful melody. You look and don’t believe that it’s possible to build something like this. Walls and corners do not want to obey strict geometry, and jump out beyond the boundaries of straight lines, it seems that you are looking at a reflection in a crooked mirror. Inside, nothing betrays its “crookedness,” but all the lines are smooth, in some ways even reminiscent of Gaudi’s architecture. Closer to the sea there is a lighthouse that adorns the city landscape. It is not operational, but colorful, also due to the fact that its base is square in shape, unlike conventional cylindrical beacons.