Top fastest planes in the world. Fastest plane

Is it possible to single out the fastest aircraft in the world at the present stage? After all, there were simply a huge number of them designed. It is worth highlighting five aircraft that are capable of reaching the highest speed.

Which model can be considered the fastest?

The first position is rightfully occupied by the Falcon HTV-2 model. This is the fastest plane in the world. The speed it reaches in flight is 13,000 miles/hour. The model was designed and released in 2010. The second flight on the plane took place in 2011. The purpose of this aircraft is closely related to the rapid response to any threats of a terrorist nature. Using this model, you can fly from Sydney to London in just 1 hour. True, it is still unknown how this will affect the pilot’s well-being. But it is not possible to know this, since the largest number of launches took place using an unmanned mode.

Maximum speed achieved in a few seconds

Let's continue talking about the rating "The fastest plane in the world." The X-43A model is capable of reaching 11,230 km/h. This aircraft was developed by professional NASA designers. A distinctive feature is the fact that it is capable of reaching maximum speed in just 10 seconds. This model has the latest generation engine. It allows the aircraft to move without the use of oxygen on board. This increases maneuverability and lightness. This is another fastest aircraft in the world. 11,230 km/h is a clear confirmation of this.

Powerful and fast model

In third position is one of the most powerful models. We are talking about the X-15. In a short period of time, the aircraft reaches a maximum speed of 4520 miles per hour. This representative of the rating “The fastest plane in the world” has a rather original purpose. It helps transform ordinary pilots into astronauts. This model is capable of quite easily taking off to altitudes exceeding 50 miles. Before conducting a flight, astronauts must undergo special training. This aircraft can be quite actively used for space travel. An option for space walks should be designed soon. In this regard, thrill-seekers may have an excellent opportunity to soon board this aircraft.

A model that can withstand high temperatures

In fourth position in the ranking “The fastest plane in the world” is a model called “Blackbird”. The speed of such an aircraft reaches 220 miles/hour. The basis for the design of the SR-71 aircraft was a titanium alloy produced by Lockheed Corporation. Due to this alloy, the aircraft can withstand heating up to 2 thousand degrees Fahrenheit. For about 40 years, this model performed quite complex tasks. And only in 1998 the car was written off. Unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to see the flight of this model.

Several variants of one aircraft

In fifth position is the fastest Russian-made aircraft in the world. We are talking about the MIG-25. The maximum speed that a pilot can achieve while driving this model is 2 thousand miles/hour. A similar aircraft can be seen in several versions. One of the first interpretations took off in the 60s of the 20th century. This model became famous for being able to shoot down a US B-70 bomber. The second option includes the model that first flew in the 70s. Regardless of the fact that such aircraft had some difficulties in maneuvering, they still managed to evade the Gulf War F-15 brand 10 missiles.

Old models that have not lost their power

As is known, aviation began to be used for the first time in military operations in 1794. This happened during the Battle of Fleurus between Austria and France. It was during those distant events that the French used air assets. Their main task was reconnaissance. Currently, technology is developing at a fairly rapid pace. Therefore, primitive aircraft were replaced by high-quality airplanes and helicopters. What is the fastest military aircraft in the world? It should be noted those models that have been in production for quite a long time.

The F-15 Eagle fighter, regardless of its fairly large size, has higher maneuverability characteristics. It was developed by American aircraft designers. It was necessary in order to achieve superiority in airspace. This is exactly what the fastest plane was needed for. It is considered stronger than Soviet military aircraft. This was achieved through the use of special materials in the design of the vessel. Among the advantages of the fighter, one should highlight the large capacity of the fuel tanks. In addition, there were autonomous engine power systems, which were equipped with consumable tanks, as well as a ringing system.

Another fastest aircraft is the F-111 Aardvark bomber. It was designed in America. It is characterized by the presence of variable wing geometry. Among the advantages, one should also highlight the ability to detect enemy targets and then strike them, regardless of weather conditions and time of day. In addition, with the help of this bomber you can break through air defenses, regardless of their density. This aircraft was used quite actively during the Vietnam War.

The Su-24 Fencer, designed by Soviet specialists, can also act as the fastest aircraft in the world. Photos, which are available in quite a large number, demonstrate some similarity with the American F-111 model. The Soviet bomber is capable of attacking ground targets at relatively low altitudes. Compared to its American counterpart, it is characterized by the highest speed, high power, small size, and the ability to take off from poorly equipped airfields.

American-made fighter and interceptor

The 4th generation jet fighter REO F-14 Tomkat was designed in America back in 1970. It is characterized by variable wing geometry and a significant fuel tank capacity. In addition, it uses a weapons control system. It was thanks to this that this fighter was able to repel missile attacks on ship groups.

The next model is the REO “Super Tomcat” F-14D. This is the latest model of the jet interceptor aircraft. They thought about its development at a time when the need arose to detect and destroy enemy aircraft at night. In addition, the aircraft of this model could make flights regardless of weather conditions.


What is the fastest plane in the world? We hope that the answer to this question can be found in this review. The article made an attempt to consider the fastest models that have been produced before and are still being produced.

There are many known aircraft that are incredibly fast. Most models are strategic military vehicles. Below is a ranking of the 10 best aircraft by speed.

1st place: North American X-15 (8200.8 km/h)

The aircraft has no equal among the fastest manned structures. This is a unique fighter model created specifically for various research purposes. In particular, the aircraft participated in tests in the field of hypersonic flights. Equipped with a rocket engine, it is capable of rising to a height of more than 100 km. The fighter carried out a suborbital flight into space.

2nd place: SR-71 Blackbird (4102.8 km/h)

This model has undergone a number of tests. This machine not only served as a strategic reconnaissance vehicle, but was also used for research purposes. The main advantage of the aircraft is its enormous speed in all respects. A difficult point during production was the increased temperature - the fighter overheated during the flight.

3rd place: Lockheed YF-12 (4100.4 km/h)

This combat vehicle is equipped with three air-to-air missiles. In a number of characteristics, including external data, it resembles the SR-71 Blackbird, since Lockheed was the prototype of the second fastest fighter in the world. The aircraft received many significant titles, thanks to which it entered the history of world aviation as one of the most successful fighters.

4th place: MiG-25 (3916.8 km/h)

This model was created with the aim of intercepting American reconnaissance group fighters. The main military advantage of the MiG was its speed, thanks to which it freely reached its target in the air. The aircraft is equipped with four missiles and is still in service in some countries to this day.

5th place: BellX-2 Starbuster (3911.9 km/h)

Initially, this model was intended to study flight conditions at high altitude. The moment of flight was studied at speeds exceeding Mach 2. The fighter maneuvered at a stunning speed of Mach 3,196.

6th place: XB-70 Valkyrie (3672 km/h)

This fighter is equipped with six engines - such a large number of them contributes to the rapid acceleration of a machine weighing more than two hundred tons. However, the high speed turned into a problem for the designers - when climbing, the heating of the engines reached 330 degrees. This is not just an airplane, but a strategic bomber designed to carry nuclear weapons. In addition to its outstanding speed, it is also distinguished by its considerable overall dimensions coupled with a high load capacity.

7th place: MiG-31 (3463.92 km/h)

The fighter is equipped with powerful engines, and therefore is capable of flying at different altitudes. The aircraft is equipped with radar systems, automatic weapons, four heavy-duty air-to-air missiles, as well as missiles of different ranges. About 500 of these aircraft were produced.

8th place: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (3065 km/h)

The American-made aircraft is equipped with two engines and is famous for its excellent weapons. Today, Eagle is one of the leading fighters in the military aviation of different countries. The aircraft's acceleration speed is several times higher than the speed of sound. The first launch took place in the 70s of the last century.

9th place: General Dynamics F-111 (3060 km/h)

The vehicle is a tactical bomber. The fighter was capable of lifting bombs weighing up to 14,300 kg, as well as transporting air-to-air missiles. A tangible advantage of this model was its ability to change the wing sweep.

10th place: Su-27 (2876.4 km/h)

This fighter is distinguished by the presence of its own fly-by-wire system, developed specifically for this aircraft model. The vehicle is equipped with two engines, a cannon and ten hardpoints needed for missiles. This aircraft first took to the skies more than thirty years ago, but despite the passing years, it is still one of the active combat models.

An airplane is a fairly fast vehicle, but among airplanes the fastest ones also stand out.

1 MiG-25 3.2M is the fastest aircraft.

A sniper pilot I know said over a cigarette: “Yes, this plane has no speed limit, it’s only on paper.” This is of course an exaggeration, but this is the fastest plane in the world.

Soviet single-seat supersonic high-altitude interceptor, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau.
A legendary aircraft on which several world records were set, including a speed record, but as usual in the USSR, they kept silent about many things. According to General Designer R.A. Belyakov, exceeding M=3 speed by the MiG reduced the airframe's service life, but did not lead to damage to the aircraft or engine. According to familiar pilots, the plane repeatedly surpassed the 3.5M threshold, but such a record was not officially recorded.
On September 6, 1976, the Mig-25 aircraft was hijacked by USSR Air Force pilot Viktor Belenko to Japan. The plane was returned, but before that it was dismantled down to the screw. The new aircraft were modified and received the MiG-25PD index; all those in service were modernized and awarded the MiG-25PDS index.
Belenko at the Hakodate airport fired a pistol, preventing the “Japs” from approaching the MiG, and demanded that the plane be covered, but the commission that investigated the incident came to the conclusion that the flight was deliberate, although without obvious treasonous purposes.

2 Lockheed SR-71 3.2M

US Air Force strategic supersonic reconnaissance aircraft. Unofficially named "Blackbird". The plane became famous for its unreliability; in 34 years, 12 of the 32 existing aircraft were lost.
The main maneuver of the aircraft when avoiding missiles was climb and acceleration. In 1976, the SR-71 “Blackbird” set an absolute speed record among manned aircraft with ramjet engines - 3529.56 km/h

3 MiG-31 2.82M

two-seat supersonic all-weather long-range fighter-interceptor. The first Soviet fourth generation combat aircraft. The MiG-31 is designed to intercept and destroy air targets at low, extremely low, medium and high altitudes, day and night, in simple and adverse weather conditions, when the enemy uses active and passive radar jamming, as well as heat traps. A group of four MiG-31 aircraft is capable of controlling airspace with a front length of 800-900 km.
Maximum permissible speed at altitude: 3000 km/h (2.82 M)

4 McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle 2.5M

American all-weather tactical fighter of the fourth generation. Designed to gain air superiority. Adopted into service in 1976.
Maximum speed at high altitude: 2650 km/h (Mach 2.5+)

5 General Dynamics F-111 2.5M

two-seat long-range tactical bomber, tactical support aircraft with variable wing geometry.
Maximum speed: at altitude: 2655 km/h (Mach 2.5)

6 Su-24 2.4M

Soviet front-line bomber with a variable sweep wing, designed to carry out missile and bomb strikes in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night, including at low altitudes with targeted destruction of ground and surface targets. According to familiar pilots, the plane is equipped with an autopilot system capable of controlling the plane at ultra-low altitudes, holding, for example, 120 meters above the ground, but not many pilots could mentally withstand the work of the autopilot; the plane was approaching the rise of the earth's surface, rocks, etc. at high speed. d. and exactly at a distance of 120 meters made a climb maneuver.

7 Grumman F-14 Tomcat 2.37M

Jet interceptor, fourth generation fighter-bomber, with variable wing geometry. Developed in the 1970s to replace Phantoms.

8 Su-27 2.35M

Soviet multi-role, highly maneuverable, all-weather fighter, developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and designed to gain air superiority.
Thanks to thrust vector control, the aircraft is capable of performing miracles, “Cobra” and “Frolov’s Chakra”. Such aerobatics demonstrate the ability to keep the aircraft from stalling at angles of attack exceeding the critical one.

9 MiG-23 2.35M

Soviet multi-role fighter with variable sweep wing. MiG-23 fighters took part in many armed conflicts in the 1980s
Maximum permissible speed, km/h 2.35M

10 Grumman F-14D Tomcat 2.34M

The F-14D modification differed from the previous ones with a more powerful Hughes AN/APG-71 radar; the system allows you to track 24 targets and capture and launch missiles at 6 of them simultaneously, at various altitudes and ranges, with improved avionics and a refurbished cockpit. A total of 37 aircraft of this type were built, another 104 were converted from previously produced F-14As and were designated F-14D(R).

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There are a large number of aircraft in the world that have exceeded the speed limit of Mach 2 (2448 km/h). Some of them are research vehicles, but most are combat or reconnaissance vehicles.

Agree, there is something mesmerizing about flying at supersonic speeds, which all the fastest planes in the world are capable of achieving. Just imagine: you are at an altitude of five kilometers, you hear a clear command “forward” in your headphones and squeeze the throttle back all the way. You feel how a powerful engine accelerates you to speeds unimaginable for any other life form on our planet.

But it’s not about you at all - you’re just a passenger. The plane you are flying on is a true work of art; the work and knowledge of hundreds of designers and engineers was invested into it. Now we will tell you about the ten fastest planes in the world.

Su-27 2876.4 km/h

Su-27 can reach speeds of Mach 2.35. This aircraft is the pinnacle of engineering in the former Soviet Union. This aircraft has two engines and a fly-by-wire control system, first used on Soviet combat aircraft. This machine was created to gain air superiority, and to do this it had to confront the new generation of American aircraft, such as the F-15 Eagle. The Su-27 is armed with a 30mm cannon and has 10 hardpoints for air-to-air missiles that can engage the enemy at medium to short ranges. The Su-27 is a really cool machine, despite the fact that it first took to the skies more than 35 years ago, these fighters are still in service. Numerous modifications of the Su-27 have been created. And the most modern of them are a formidable opponent for any aircraft.

General Dynamics F-111 3060 km/h

Number nine on our list of the fastest aircraft in the world is not a fighter, but a tactical bomber that is capable of reaching speeds of Mach 2.5. This beautiful aircraft was already decommissioned in 1998. It had nine external hardpoints and two bomb bays inside the fuselage. All this allowed it to lift into the air and deliver 14,300 kg of conventional or nuclear bombs to the target, carry air-to-air missiles, or it could be equipped with a multi-barreled rapid-firing gun. F-111 also called Anteater. The F-111 was the first aircraft to go into production with variable-sweep wings, and this gave the aircraft tangible advantages.

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle 3065 km/h

This is an American all-weather fighter that is considered one of the most successful aircraft and is still in service with the US Air Force. F-15 Eagle belongs to the fourth generation, has two engines and excellent thrust-to-weight ratio. All this allows an aircraft weighing 18,000 kg to be accelerated to a speed 2.5 times higher than the speed of sound. The F-15 Eagle made its first flight back in 1976, but it is still considered an important part of the US Air Force's weapons and will remain in service until 2025. The Americans delivered 1,200 copies of these aircraft to their closest allies: Japan, Saudi Arabia and Israel. The current plans of the American command are to continue production of these vehicles until 2019.

Initially, this aircraft was conceived as a means of gaining air superiority, but then the F-15E Strike Eagle modification was released, which can already be classified as a fighter-bomber. This vehicle can carry Sparrow, Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, additional fuel tanks or aircraft bombs. To achieve this, the F-15E Strike Eagle has 11 hardpoints. In addition, this aircraft is armed with a 20 mm M61A1 Vulcan rapid-fire cannon. It is not surprising that this aircraft has more than 100 confirmed victories in air combat.

MiG-31 3463.92 km/h

This aircraft can reach speeds of Mach 2.83. It was equipped with two powerful engines, which allowed the aircraft to reach supersonic speeds at both high and low altitudes. On MiG-31 Passive and active radar systems were installed; four such vehicles could monitor a front 900 kilometers long. Mig-31 was armed with:

  • automatic 23 mm cannon;
  • four heavy air-to-air missiles R-33 or six R-37;
  • medium- or long-range air-to-air missiles or special missiles for high-speed targets.

Production of this aircraft was stopped in 1994 and it is unknown exactly how many aircraft were made. Presumably, this is 400-500 cars.

XB-70 Valkyrie 3672 km/h

XB-70 Valkyrie- This is a unique aircraft and another creation of the Cold War. Its six engines were supposed to accelerate an aircraft weighing 240 tons to a speed of Mach 3. As a result of this speed, the aircraft structure was heated to 330 °C in some places. The plane needed such a high speed in order to evade Soviet interceptors and, most importantly, to avoid the consequences of a nuclear explosion. After all, the XB-70 Valkyrie is a strategic bomber designed to deliver nuclear weapons. The enormous size of the aircraft allowed it to lift enough fuel to fly into the territory of the USSR at a distance of 6,900 kilometers and return back without refueling in the air. The plane could carry 14 nuclear bombs. The XB-70 first flew in 1964, and two aircraft were built.

Bell X-2 Starbuster 3911.9 km/h

BellX-2 is an experimental American aircraft that was created to study flight conditions at high speeds. The first flight of the machine took place in 1954, and two years later the program was discontinued. It was on this plane that they studied how the plane behaves at speeds above Mach 2. It was on this plane that an incredible speed of Mach 3,196 was achieved at that time, but after reaching this speed, the pilot made a sharp maneuver and the plane went out of control. After this incident the program was discontinued.

MiG-25 3916.8 km/h

MiG-25 was created to intercept American reconnaissance aircraft, such as the SR-71, flying at high altitudes at relatively low speeds. To be able to perform such tasks, the MiG-25 had unique characteristics: the aircraft's speed was 3.2 times the speed of sound, and it could hit targets at an altitude of up to 25 kilometers. None of the MiG-25s ever shot down an SR-71, but these machines performed well in several conflicts, for example, in the Iran-Iraq war. The MiG-25 was armed with 4 air-to-air missiles. This aircraft is still in service in several countries. In total, approximately 1,100 vehicles were built.

Lockheed YF-12 4100.4 km/h

YF-12 was developed as a prototype aircraft that could reach a speed of 3.35 times the speed of sound. Its appearance is no different from the SR-71 Blackbird, except that the YF-12 is armed with three air-to-air missiles. It was this aircraft that served as the prototype for the creation of the SR-71 Blackbird. In addition, both of these aircraft were developed by the same designer - the famous Clarence “Kelly” Johnson. The program was soon discontinued, but this aircraft forever remained in aviation history as the owner of several titles, which, however, were soon taken away from it by the SR-71 Blackbird.

SR-71 Blackbird 4102.8 km/h

After testing, the aircraft was used by both the US Air Force and NASA. The military used the Blackbird as a strategic reconnaissance aircraft, and NASA used it for research purposes. First flight SR-71 Blackbird committed in 1964. A total of 32 cars were produced. They were actively used for espionage against the USSR, Cuba and other countries. The SR-71 Blackbird was the first aircraft to use stealth technology. But the main defense of the aircraft was its speed: it easily evaded interceptors and missiles. The main problem during its creation was the high temperature to which the aircraft heated up during flight. The SR-71 requires special fuel and can only be refueled in flight.

North American X-15 8200.8 km/h

This is the fastest manned aircraft in the world. Its maximum speed is Mach 6.7. It was built to conduct research work on the study of hypersonic manned flights. X-15 has a rocket engine and is launched from a strategic bomber. This aircraft has already reached an altitude of 107 km, a speed of Mach 6.7 and has completed a suborbital space flight. The plane lands on its own, on the bottom of a dry lake.

Planes that break the sound barrier

Today in the world there are many types of aircraft that fly at supersonic speeds. Most of them reach speeds that are capable of 2-3 times the speed of sound. These aircraft are needed to protect and patrol the airspace. The vast majority of models are equipped with military weapons. In our article we present fastest planes in the world- top 10.

10. Convair F-106 Delta Dart

The Convair F-106 Delta Dart interceptor fighter with a maximum speed of 2455 km/h opens the top ten fastest aircraft. In the fall of 1959, he took up duty in the sky for the first time. Although production of this aircraft ceased after a year, the F-106 continued to serve for about 20 years. This was made possible thanks to constant design improvements. The aircraft's electronics are excellent at monitoring and controlling systems such as target acquisition and missile launching. The fighter's combat equipment consisted of a pair of missiles located in containers. Since 1973, the M61 cannon, consisting of many barrels, has been added to the armament package.

Reviews from the military about this aircraft are only positive, as it is very easy to fly. At the peak of its popularity, the Convair F-106 Delta Dart was part of 13 aviation regiments of the United States Air Force.

9. Su 27

The Soviet multirole fighter Su 27 ranks 9th in the list of the fastest aircraft in the world. The maximum speed of the unit is 2500 km/h. The first copy of the SU-27 took off in 1977. Almost five years later, having completed testing and undergone modifications of individual components, the aircraft begins to enter air regiments. This model of military equipment is in service with countries such as India, Pakistan, China, etc. The SU-27 is the most versatile and maneuverable aircraft. Based on its design, the Su-30, Su-33, and Su-35 were created.

8. F-15 Eagle

The F-15 Eagle fighter-bomber is one of the fastest aircraft in the world, designed to provide troop cover and airspace control. The maximum recorded speed is 2650 km/h. It entered service with the United States Air Force in 1972 and immediately became the most prominent representative of its time. For so many years, only the F-22 (by the way, developed from the F-15 model) was able to get ahead of it. The most interesting thing about its history is that the F-15 Eagle was a completely new fighter model, because its prototypes (F-15A and F-15C) were not equipped with strike equipment.

The undoubted advantages of the bomber were the increased fuel capacity and speed, as well as the equipment with powerful weapons with a laser sight. Thanks to its maneuverability and ability to carry out any operation regardless of weather conditions, the F-15 Eagle fighter-bomber has become a favorite of the US Air Force. The design of this model greatly facilitates the controllability of the aircraft. The fighter-bomber is equipped with air-to-ground missiles and aerial bombs. The F-15 Eagle has a unique radar system that is capable of destroying targets not only on the ground, but also in the air.

7. General Dynamics F-111

The General Dynamics F-111 is the fastest tactical bomber with a top speed of 2,655 km per hour. It was designed in 1967. It is believed that the aircraft was ahead of its time, because it is the first model in the history of aviation with a variable-sweep wing. It should be noted that the plane did not need a parachute for braking. In order to reduce the flight speed it was enough to drain the fuel during gliding.

The General Dynamics F-111 is equipped with twin-spool turbojet engines with afterburners. The presence of this type of drive allowed the bomber to follow the target, skirting the terrain at an altitude of 80 meters. The F-111's unique radar system facilitates flight at supersonic speeds and is capable of flight along a complex trajectory.

6. MiG-31

The MiG-31 is a supersonic fighter capable of reaching speeds of up to 3,000 km/h. Its development and subsequent testing began in 1971. The main purpose of this aircraft is to detect, capture and destroy enemy aircraft. The MiG-31 can carry out these tasks at both high and low altitudes. Weather conditions will not in any way affect the performance of the combat mission. This aircraft is built on the basis of the predecessor MiG-25, but the crew already includes 2 people. The first model of the MiG-31 took off in 1975 in mid-September. In April 1976, full testing began. They ended at the end of September 1980. Six months later, the aircraft was adopted by the Air Force of the Soviet Union.

5. MiG-25

Beginning in 1950, the USSR began to develop the design of a supersonic fighter. The tasks of this prototype include such as neutralizing American bomb-carrying aircraft. Artem Mikoyan, who headed the OKB at that time, accepted an order to invent an aircraft that, during acceleration, would be able to exceed the speed of sound three times.

Structurally, the MiG-25 looks like a monoplane with wings placed on top. The aircraft has a side-mounted traction engine. The tail compartment of the aircraft is made in the form of a supporting structure. The supporting part of the wings is made in the form of a trapezoid.

During testing in August 1977, this aircraft set a record for flight altitude - more than 37 km. The maximum speed with full armament is 3000 km/h, which allowed the MiG-25 to enter the top 10 fastest aircraft in the world.

4. XB-70 Valkyrie

The North American XB-70 Valkyrie is one of the most famous and fastest bombers used by the United States Air Force. This aircraft model flies at an altitude of up to 21 km. It is capable of reaching speeds of 3300 km/h. The first flight of this model of flying machine occurred in 1964. Over the entire history of the project, 2 units were produced.

One of the characteristic features of the XB-70 Valkyrie is the skin, which has low weight, high strength, rigidity and low heat transfer to the structure. One of the features of this model is that it is equipped with 6 YJ93-GE-3 engines.

3. Bell X-2

The Bell X-2 3380 rounds out the top three fastest aircraft. The American Air Force, together with NASA, began its creation back in 1949. This aircraft model was originally intended to conduct experiments to obtain data in the field of aerodynamics and thermodynamics. His tests were based on obtaining results when flying at speeds equal to M=3. During its design, it was decided to equip it with a jet liquid engine with a developing thrust of 900 kg. With such a powerful power plant, the designers planned to rise to a height of 40-65 km.

The main difference between this model and its predecessors is the presence of a low-mounted, swept-back wing. The entire body of the wing's main part was made of stainless steel. Since this aircraft requires flights at high altitudes, a complete cabin disconnection system was used to evacuate the crew. The cabin is made of materials that can withstand strong cooling and high temperatures.

The flight, carried out in 1956 on July 25, showed very high speed results - 3000 km/h. In the same year, there was a record for flight altitude, which was about 38,000 m. The maximum developed speed was 3,380 km/h.

2.Lockheed A-12

The Lockheed A-12 is a high-altitude, incredibly fast reconnaissance aircraft that was used by the United States Air Force from 1963 to 1968. The design of the flying machine is single-seat. Preliminary development of this model began in the late 1950s, it was called “Angel”. For a long time, a team of engineers worked to improve the design.

The Lockheed A-12 first flew in 1962. After some time, the plane reached a speed of 1.1 Mach. In 1962, the aircraft, after modifying the drive, was able to reach a speed of 3.2 Mach.

1.Lockheed SR-71

The Lockheed SR-71 is the fastest aircraft in the world, capable of reaching Mach 3.3. Until 1998, he was a strategic intelligence officer for the American Air Force. Its main advantages were sharp acceleration and maneuvering.

Even in our time, the appearance greatly distinguishes this model from its peers. It has a very complex modular shape. Thanks to it, the aircraft can show fairly high performance when flying at high speeds.

During the construction of the Lockheed SR-71, stealth technologies were used. Almost all models were painted dark blue. This allowed them to blend well with the background of the evening sky.