"Hammer and Sickle": history of the place. The Hammer and Sickle industrial zone will be transformed into a new urban district. Development of the Hammer and Sickle territory.

DonStroy Company implements the residential complex "Symbol". The site for the block is limited by Zaporizhsky Val Street and Entuziastov Highway. The concept was developed by specialists from the British bureaus LDA Design and UHA London. The construction of the quarter is planned to be completed within ten years. Two blocks have already been put into operation: “Freedom” and “Dignity”.

The project presents housing in segments from comfort to premium. The area of ​​the site for renovation is more than eighty hectares. Here are the areas of the Serp and Molot plant, which will be demolished as a result of the work. Sixty hectares are allocated for the new quarter. The complex will include thirty buildings of varying number of storeys. Their height ranges from five to twenty-seven floors. The planned volume of residential real estate will be 1.5 million square meters. m. The planned number of residents of the quarter is about nineteen thousand people. For sale are one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and six-room apartments, including European options. Ceiling height is 3.1-3.6 m. On the upper floors the project provides for penthouses with views. There is no finishing provided in the apartments. The houses will have central utilities - heating, hot and cold water supply, electricity, sewerage. It is planned to connect to Internet networks, telephone communications, and cable TV.

In addition to housing, the quarter will include commercial and social real estate. Schools, kindergartens, office buildings, a clinic, and cultural facilities will be built here. Space will be allocated for park areas. Green spaces will occupy about forty percent of the site area; in addition to the park in the central part, landscaping of the courtyards is planned. The total green area will be almost thirty hectares. The planned number of underground parking spaces is about ten thousand.

Transport accessibility of the complex is good. The stations can be reached on foot, as well as the railway station. There are plans to open another metro station near the complex under construction. Near the residential complex there are several major transport routes - the Third Transport Ring, Entuziastov Highway. During peak hours, traffic jams occur on the highways.

The ecology of the area is satisfactory. The territory was used for the needs of an industrial enterprise. Land reclamation will be required.

The complex is being built next to a neighborhood that has the necessary infrastructure. There are schools, kindergartens, shops, a clinic, shopping malls, dentists, a library, and bank branches. In the Lefortovo area there are twenty-two kindergartens, fifteen schools, one private school, a lyceum, three evening schools, twenty-two universities, and fourteen clinics. The area's trading network is developed, which includes small shops, markets and large chain supermarkets such as Auchan, Dixy, Pyaterochka, and shopping malls.

At the end of the 19th century, a French entrepreneur founded the Moscow Metal Plant Partnership here. In Soviet times, it was nationalized and the largest plant was created in Central Russia. It was named the Moscow Metallurgical Plant "Sickle and Hammer".

In Soviet times, pipes, steel products, wire and metal sheets were produced here. After the 1990s, the volume of production decreased sharply. The workshops were closed one after another, the plant finally ceased operations in 2011.

Although this is one of the oldest industrial zones in Moscow, there are not many historical buildings left here. The enterprise underwent a large-scale reconstruction in the 1970s, and new buildings were erected in place of old buildings. Now there are plans to build a modern urban area with housing, social infrastructure, new jobs and even city attractions.

The total area of ​​the new development is more than 1.5 million square meters. m. It is interesting that 30% of the entire territory of the industrial zone will be landscaped and landscaped. The area will be designed for 19 thousand residents and 26.5 thousand workers.

In addition to housing (1.1 million sq. m), schools, kindergartens, a clinic, parking lots, offices and other commercial facilities will also be built. There will be a media center (172 thousand sq. m) and a House of Culture and Music, which will open on the basis of a former industrial building that is awaiting reconstruction. It will become a highlight not only of the new area, but of the entire city: the project will be prepared by one of the world's leading bureaus in the field of construction of concert halls, Bentham Crouwel from Holland.

This will be the most modern concert hall in the capital for 3.5 thousand people, with music studios, vocal classes and other educational music infrastructure.

The concept for the development of the territory of the Serp i Molot plant was prepared during an architectural competition. His materials were presented at the 2013 World Architecture Festival in Singapore, where he aroused keen interest among the global architectural community. This competition became one of the largest events in modern urban planning in Moscow: 52 of the strongest architectural teams, which included 157 companies from 17 countries, took part in it.

The developer chose the concept of the architectural bureau LDA Design from the UK, famous for such projects as the Olympic Park in London, the restoration of Central Park in New York and a number of projects for the renovation of industrial areas in Europe.

However, in fact, their concept only formed the basis, and the project itself, including the first quarter of “Svoboda”, was developed by the Russian architectural bureau “Atrium”.

This is one of the most problematic metropolitan areas from an environmental point of view, as previously hazardous industries operated here. However, in the future, “Sickle and Molot” has every chance of becoming a comfortable living environment, where residential buildings coexist with infrastructure facilities.

The metallurgical plant "Serp i Molot" began its existence in 1890. Over time, production expanded, and workshops of different directions appeared here. In post-Soviet times, when many enterprises were closing, “Sickle and Molot” also fell into disrepair, and the territory began to be built up mainly with warehouses. Due to the fact that the industrial zone is very harmful to the city’s ecology, back in 2008 most of the workshops were closed and moved to the Smolensk region.

According to the head of the analytics and consulting department of the NDV-Real Estate company Elizaveta Gudz, the entire territory of Hammer and Sickle, which is 101.84 hectares of land, will undergo a complete reorganization. The demolition of all existing buildings and structures is planned. This procedure, according to the chief architect of Moscow Sergei Kuznetsov, will have a beneficial effect on the formation of a positive environmental situation.

The "Sickle and Hammer" industrial zone is a site with an area of ​​74.5 hectares, located in the northern part of the industrial zone, within the boundaries of Zolotorozhsky Val streets, Entuziastov Highway, and the "Sickle and Hammer" Plant passage. In 2014, the developer held an international competition for the architectural and urban planning concept of the territory, the winner of which was the British bureau LDA Design. The finalists proposed the innovative project “Garden City” to the investor.

“The concept is based on the idea of ​​a central public park, which serves as a green “frame” for residential areas and connects public, business, cultural and social clusters located on opposite parts of the territory,” the Don-Stroy Invest website said. “In general, the entire development will be organized in such a way as to create all the conditions for the formation of an active urban environment and the development of public spaces.”

According to Anna Danchenok, Deputy Director of the Strategic Consulting Department at NAI Becar, the planning project is currently being prepared. The implementation period, taking into account the planned development volume of 1.8 million square meters. m will be at least 10 years. The total investment in the project is estimated by experts at 140 billion rubles.

“Initially, construction was planned to begin in the middle of this year, but there is a high probability that the developers’ entry to the site will be postponed due to the crisis in the economy.”

Yuri Taranenko, RRG

“The general deadline for the project is 2021, it is possible to postpone the deadline taking into account the current economic situation”

Irina Dobrokhotova, BEST-Novostroy

However, in the Don-Stroy Invest company the site was assured that the developer’s plans are unchanged, and the crisis will not affect the start of preparatory work. This year the company intends to begin demolishing dilapidated buildings. In general, the developer plans to build 1 million 844 thousand square meters on the territory of the industrial zone. m of real estate, an active urban environment will be created for 19 thousand residents: the architects skillfully combined residential, public-business, cultural and social clusters in the project. The space of the facility is organized in such a way that people have opportunities for a full life within a micro-city, which has not only all the necessary infrastructure, but also a large park area.

“Based on the location of the industrial zone, its proximity to the center, and plans to create a full-fledged residential environment, it is advisable to build multi-format housing here - primarily comfort and business class”

Grigory Altukhov, FSK "Leader"

“Since Serp and Molot is located just 5 km from the Kremlin, on the border of the Central Administrative District, it is advisable to build high-quality business-class housing here. At the same time, large-scale territories of former industrial zones make it possible, due to volumes, to implement projects at a fairly affordable price level,” said Don-Stroy Invest.

“In my opinion, on the first line from the Third Transport Ring and Entuziastov Highway it is worth building office buildings, then comfort-class housing, and in the depths and closer to the metro - business segment buildings.”

Sofia Lebedeva, "MIEL-New Buildings"

According to the forecasts of Ekaterina Kurgina, a consultant in the residential real estate valuation department of the Uphill consulting group, the cost per square meter in new buildings in the Hammer and Sickle industrial zone could range from 220 thousand to 265 thousand rubles.

The location has an excellent location in terms of transport accessibility - it borders on the Third Transport Ring, next to the Serp and Molot railway station and the large Entuziastov Highway, which is being actively repaired. Along the 9th building on the Entuziastov Highway, one lane will be added for exiting the highway towards the center, the highway will be expanded in sections from 1st Cable Passage to the 1st Entuziastov Street, an elevated pedestrian crossing will be built in the area of ​​the building 16, and an additional lane will be organized at the exit on the street Aviamotor when moving towards the region.

At the exit to the outer and inner sides of the Third Transport Ring, an additional lane will be built for comfortable exit from the Moscow Voitovich Carriage Modernization and Construction Plant. There will also be another exit from the Serp i Molot Zavod drive, which will be used only for passenger vehicles. In addition, by 2017 the reconstruction of Nizhegorodskaya and Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya streets will be completed.

The construction of several commercial facilities is planned on the territory under consideration:

Media center with a total area of ​​205 thousand square meters. m;

Hotel with 160 rooms;

Business center with a total area of ​​53.7 thousand square meters. m;

Apartments with a total area of ​​28.9 thousand square meters. m.

Olga Lukinskaya, a consultant in the commercial real estate appraisal department of the Uphill Consulting Group, believes that it is better to abandon the construction of warehouse premises here, and rebuild some of them into art objects, lofts and co-working spaces. A significant part of the buildings here are in good condition, that is, there is no need to demolish them - such premises can be converted and used as retail or office facilities. The cost of shopping centers can be 140-160 thousand rubles. per sq. m, office - 120-140 thousand rubles. per sq. m.

If everything planned is brought to life, Muscovites will really get a completely new place to live, which will intelligently combine different types of real estate and green space. Don-Stroy Invest is confident that the Hammer and Sickle territory has high potential to become a prestigious cluster, a “growth point” for the Lefortovo district, as well as a vibrant cultural and leisure attraction for all citizens.

Publication date March 26, 2015 Distant rural past
The territory, in modern Moscow, limited by the Enthusiasts Highway, Zolotorozhsky Val Street and the Serp and Hammer Plant passage, in the 16th century was part of the possessions of the monastic village of Karacharova, which belonged to the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery. For almost three centuries, this area served as arable and pasture land - at least, no mention of any settlements here has been preserved in the chronicles.

In 1649, near the village of Karacharova and the Andronikov Monastery, vast tracts of land were demarcated for urban pasture, among which was part of the territory of interest to us. At the end of the 17th century, the construction of residences of the nobility and kings began here, and in the 1730s, during the construction of the palace and park complex known as the Summer Annenhof, the Annenhof Grove was planted to the east of it. If the grove had survived to this day, then at its southern end it would have become part of a new multifunctional district on the site of the plant, but its fate was different: on June 16 (29), 1904, all the trees were literally “shaved off” by a tornado, which also destroyed Karacharovo in Moscow, Andronovo, Lefortovo barracks and part of Sokolniki, and reached Yaroslavl.

Under the auspices of the state
In 1738–1742 Moscow was surrounded by the line of the Kamer-Collezhsky Val, which became the customs border of the city. Outposts appeared on all main roads: on Vladimirskaya - Rogozhskaya, on Ryazanskaya - Pokrovskaya, and in the 2nd half of the 18th century, a Prolomnaya outpost was built in the Lefortovo area. In 1764, during the secularization of church lands, Andronovka and Karacharovo came under the jurisdiction of the College of Economy. From this moment a new page in the history of these lands begins: they parted with the status of farmland. Already at the beginning of the 19th century, the first factory establishments appeared in the territories adjacent to the outposts. So, for example, on the Topographic map of the Moscow circumference of 1818, the Tar Plant is shown on the outer side of Rogozhsky Val, south of the village of Novaya Andronovka - Kanitelny Plant.

In the early 1840s. The Vladimir road was reconstructed, straightened and received the name Vladimir highway. In 1840, in the village of Novaya Andronovka (to the north of the new highway), the All Saints Church and a high bell tower were erected (architect P.P. Burenin). In 1862, the territory was transformed into the Edinoverie All Saints Nunnery Monastery. In 1873, along the Vladimir highway, a two-story building of the St. Nicholas Church with a chapel of the Intercession was built (Shosse Entuziastov, 7), which has survived to this day in a disfigured form on the territory immediately adjacent to the Hammer and Sickle plant.

Fragment of the “Topographic map of the circles of Moscow”, 1852. Courtesy of the Research Institute of General Planning of Moscow
In the web of railways
Perhaps the greatest influence on the study area was exerted by the railway construction that began in the early 1860s. The first section of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway was built in 1862: its passenger station was located behind the Pokrovskaya outpost north of the Ryazan road - now this is the Hammer and Sickle platform. This initial section of the road ran parallel to the Ryazan highway along the northern outskirts of the village of Khokhlovki, and already in 1864 traffic began along the Moscow-Ryazan (Kazan) railway. In 1867, they were joined by the line of the Kursk Railway, the route of which crossed the Kamer-Kollezhsky Val and the Vladimir Road along the bed of the filled-up Zolotoy Rozhok stream, and a little later it was connected to the Nizhny Novgorod Road by a special branch.

It was precisely this rapid construction in the area of ​​railways and access roads that stimulated the development of large industry here. In 1870, at the intersection of the Kazan Railway and the Vladimir Highway, the Dangauer and Kaiser boiler-mechanical and copper-hardware plant was founded, producing equipment for the food industry. And in 1883, between Rogozhsky Val and the connecting branch on the land of Novaya Andronovka, the French entrepreneur Julius Goujon founded the Moscow Metal Plant Partnership. Construction continued here for seven years, and in 1890 the first open-hearth furnace using fuel oil began operating. In 1913, there were already seven open-hearth furnaces operating here, producing more than 90,000 tons of steel per year, and several small-section and sheet rolling mills. The plant, which employed more than 2,000 workers, quickly became the largest metalworking enterprise in Moscow. It produced simple iron, as well as wire, nails, bolts, etc., which were indispensable in citywide and private households.

The Hammer and Sickle era
During Soviet times, all large enterprises in the described area were nationalized. The Goujon plant was no exception: in 1922 it received the name “Moscow Metallurgical Plant “Sickle and Hammer” (the Dangauer and Kaiser plant became the Kotloapparat plant, and the Vladimir Highway was renamed the Enthusiasts Highway). The expansion of the metalworking plant began in the 1930s: neighboring buildings were demolished, and in their place new buildings of the Hammer and Sickle plant appeared - shaped foundry, calibration and strip rolling shops.

The Hammer and Sickle plant was an exemplary enterprise of its time, where not only a record number of products were produced, but also new technologies were constantly invented and introduced. Thus, in 1932, at the new cold rolling mill here, for the first time in the country, the production of strips with a thickness of 0.1-1.0 mm made of stainless steel was mastered. And in 1949, the world's first technology for using oxygen to intensify open-hearth steel production was developed, for which its authors were awarded the USSR State Prize of the first degree.
The plant experienced a second large-scale reconstruction already in the 1970s, as a result of which Serp i Molot abandoned open-hearth furnaces, fully automated its production and switched to manufacturing products from high-alloy and stainless steel grades. Extensive new industrial and warehouse construction took place along the Enthusiasts Highway: on the site of one or two-story buildings, a large complex of a research institute for the cable industry was erected here.

Modern times
The glory of the leading enterprise passed in the 1990s, when the volume of output was significantly reduced: economic and political realities made their own adjustments. Almost the main activity of the plant was leasing its premises, which, in turn, gradually led to the natural decline of the territory. Discussions about the need for a comprehensive reconstruction of the “triangle” have been going on since the early 2000s: the city has repeatedly planned to locate offices and shopping centers here, in 2006 there was even an idea to move one of the Moscow train stations here (more precisely, to restore the Nizhny Novgorod station that once existed in this area). However, all these projects remained on paper, and the only large-scale work that took place in the immediate vicinity of the shutdown plant was the construction of the Third Transport Ring.

In fact, it was the appearance of such an important transport artery as the Third Transport Ring here that forced the city authorities to pay the closest attention to the semi-abandoned territory of the plant. Since 2007, the Moscow Government began studying possible scenarios for the reorganization of the industrial zone. Development projects for "Sickle and Molot" have been developed several times since then, the last two options s in April of this year by the Moscow Architectural Council.

Then two planning projects were submitted to the council - a plot of the former factory territory with an area of ​​19 hectares and a plot with an area of ​​53 hectares (the Third Transport Ring divides the Hammer and Sickle industrial zone into exactly these unequal triangles). In the first part, the authors of the planning project (SUE NIiPI General Plan and the PROJECTUS company) proposed to place a multifunctional complex development, the author of the second concept - Financial and Organizational Consulting LLC - provided for the creation of a media park, a hotel, a new building for the Shalom theater, an office and trade and exhibition complexes. Members of the Architectural Council unanimously recommended rejecting these projects, including due to the colossal disconnection of the two territories, which in an urban planning sense can and should be a single whole. According to experts, the transport scheme, typology of buildings and the environmental component of the projects also required improvements. In order to create a “socially controlled, rather than socially isolated space,” and also taking into account the enormous potential of this site for the city, the Architectural Council recommended that the developer make the development of an architectural and urban planning concept the subject of an international competition.

The Symbol complex is the largest project in the history of the Donstroy company, which is being implemented on the territory of the former Serp and Molot plant. The new building is located in the Lefortovo district of the South-Eastern Administrative District at the intersection of Zolotorozhsky Val street and Entuziastov highway. The multifunctional complex will include 1.5 million sq. m of real estate, of which 857 thousand sq. m the developer defined as residential, the rest - as commercial and social. Demolition of the existing buildings and the complete formation of a new quarter will take at least 10 years.

Architecture and housing stock

30 houses from 5 to 27 floors, designed for 19 thousand residents, will be built in Symbol. The master plan for the renovation of the territory was developed jointly by two British bureaus - LDA Design and UHALondon. Based on the proposed concept, the Atrium architectural studio developed a detailed architectural plan, which formed the basis for the first stage of the residential complex. In high-rise buildings, the decoration of facades is dominated by vertical lines, with alternating light and dark stripes; in mid- and low-rise buildings - horizontal stripes. Thus, a single architectural ensemble is created from contrasts of color and linear outline.

The first stage of development is divided into two sections - located in the northern part on the side of the Serp and Molot passage, where about 250 thousand square meters will be built. m of housing, and a plot along Entuziastov Highway for another 150 thousand sq. m. m. Buyers are offered comfort and premium class apartments with a minimum area of ​​27 sq. m. m: from one- to four-room apartments, as well as penthouses with access to the roof. The developer will put the apartments on the last levels up for sale last.

Development of own infrastructure

The construction of retail and social facilities is underway, which will create 16 thousand jobs upon opening. The following will appear on the territory:

  • a multifunctional center with offices and retail premises, which, due to its non-standard shape, was given the name “frog” by the developer;
  • 2 schools for 2360 students;
  • 1 free-standing kindergarten for 330 places and 7 built-in kindergartens for 700 places;
  • adult and children's clinics for 85 and 256 visitors per shift;
  • 2 sports and recreation complexes with an area of ​​4200 sq. m;
  • A house of culture and music with a concert hall for 3.5 thousand seats, the architectural design of which was developed in the Dutch studio "Bentham Crouwel" (the investor is still being determined).

Improvement and environment

29.1 hectares are allocated for landscaping, which is approximately 40% of the territory. The central element will be a pedestrian boulevard, the so-called “green river of the quarter,” with trees and shrubs planted on the roadsides. The street will connect two public and business centers located on opposite sides of the microdistrict - in the west and in the east. All courtyards will face the central park; children's playgrounds and recreation areas will be created on their territory. An underground multi-level parking lot for 10 thousand cars is being built for cars.

Residential complex "Symbol" is located next to the Cossack Glory Park, Lefortovo Park and the Yauza River. There is a school and a lyceum nearby, and near the Ploshchad Ilyicha metro station, which is 5 minutes away, there are several shopping centers, including the Rogozhka shopping center. Transport accessibility is provided by the Entuziastov Highway; the Garden Ring runs 1.5 km from the development. "Donstroy" also intends to build another 4 km of new roads and run a bus route through the territory of the quarter.