Russian Maltese dictionary online. Russian-English phrasebook for tourists: going to Malta Russian Maltese phrasebook

Malta has two main state languages. These are English and Maltese. English remains a popular language, including in business and tourism. You will need an English phrasebook with pronunciation if you want to travel around the islands comfortably.

So be sure to take a small Russian-English phrasebook with you if you don’t know this language at a conversational level. If you want to see all the beauty of Malta, be prepared to interact with the residents. So the phrasebook in English should always be in your pocket.

We have compiled a small list for you useful phrases in English, which will be useful in any English-speaking country. By the way, many people here also understand Italian, this one is too close European country, and there are many guests from there in Malta.

Good evening!

Good and: Vning

Good afternoon

Good a: ftanun

Good morning!

Good morning


See you


Thank you (Thanks)

Sank yu (Sanks)

Thank you very much

Thank you very much

Senk u veri mach

Could you

Everything is fine

It's about: L Wright

How much does it cost?

What are the fares?

Wat a: ze feas

Here "- where exactly

Uea from ze

Passport control

Passport control

Passport control

Here is my passport and customs declaration

Here are my passport and custom declaration

Hie and May passport and custom declaration

This is my baggage

Here is my luggage

Hie from Mai Luggage

I'm traveling as part of a tour group

I travel with a group

I travel wiz e group

Excuse me, but I do not understand

Excuse me, I don't understand

Excuse mi, ay dont understand

I need a translator

I need an interpreter

Ay nid en interpreter

Call the group leader

Call for the head of the group

Col for the head of the group

They greet me

Ay tsil bi mat

I have nothing to declare

I have nothing to declare

Ay hev natfin tu dekleya

These are items for personal use

These are my personal items

D(z)iz a may personal items

Aim sikin...

My hotel

My hotel

Tourist office

Tourist office

Tourist office

Pay phone

Stree fawn



Post office

Where is the nearest...

Where is the nearest...?

Uer from ze nierest...?


How much does it cost to get to...?

What does it cost to go to?

Wot daz it cost tu go tu?

At this address please!

This address, please

D(z)is edres, please

Take me

Drive mi...

Take me to the airport

Drive me to the airport

Drive me to the airport

Take me to railway station

Drive me to the station

Drive My Two Station

Take me to the hotel

Drive me to the hotel

Drive mi to the hotel

Take me to good hotel

Drive me to a good hotel

Drive mi tu e good hotel

Take me to a cheap hotel

Drive to a cheap hotel

Drive mi tu e chip hotel

Take me to the city center

Drive me to the city center

Drive mi that the city sente

I need to go back

I need to come back

Ay nid cam back

Stop here, please

Stop here, please

Stop hee, please

How much do I owe you?

What does it cost?

What daz it cost?

Could you wait for me?

Could you wait for me, please?

Where is Uwait, please?

How often do the buses go?

How often do the buses run?

How ofen do ze basiz ran

How much does it cost to get to

What (how much) is the fare ti?

Wat (how mach) from ze fea tu

I need one ticket

I need one ticket

Ay ni: d one ticket

Tell me, please, where should I get off?

Tell me, please, where i am to get off?

Tel: mi pli: z uea ay em tu get of


Call the police

Kol the palis

Call a doctor

Call for a doctor

Kol for e dakter

I'm lost/lost

As for the Maltese language, although it is primary, it is not very popular among tourists. They will try to speak English to you. By the way, the Maltese writing system is based entirely on the Latin alphabet, but there is still no single spelling system. The graphic basis is the Italian alphabet, which is supplemented with special characters. Moreover, the language is an adverb of the Arabic language, which received written independent processing. It is also represented by Maltese literature and folk dialects.

Europeanisms deserve special attention. They not only replenish the Maltese language, expressing later cultural concepts, but also displace Arabic words in the main vocabulary. We have found a small Maltese dictionary for you so that you can see examples of this distinctive and original language.

Russian-Maltese phrasebook

Good morning

Goodbye, bye

Sahha, ciao


Skuzi, skuzani


Tayyeb hafna


Yek yo:jbok

Do you speak English?

Titkellem b"l-ingliz?

How are you?

Kif inti?

I don't speak Maltese

Ma nitkellimsh bil-malti

I don't understand

Ma nifimsh

Beautiful girl

Tefayla sabiha

I love you


Nice to meet you

A: ndi pyachir


Vikhed, vakhda

The official language of Malta. The second official language of the republic is English. Citizens of Malta speak both languages ​​and often mix words from English and Maltese in conversation. Malti, as the Maltese call their language, is spoken by 372,000 people. A small nation managed to preserve the national language, and the Australian diaspora created its own dialect - Maltraljan (Maltese Australian). The language is from the Semitic language family, close to the Maghreb dialect.

History of the Maltese language

In the 9th–3rd centuries BC. e. the island was a colony of Carthage; during this period the population of Malta spoke Phoenician. The tradition was preserved during the years of domination of Rome and Byzantium, which lasted until the end of the 9th century AD. e. The Arabs who replaced the Byzantines brought their language, close to Phoenician, to Malta. The Arabic language of Malta was not classical and existed simultaneously with the popular Sicilian-Arabic language.

At the end of the 11th century, the Normans invaded Sicily and later Malta. The Arabic language left Sicily along with the previous conquerors. In Malta, the Sicilian version has been preserved; modern Maltese is the same language with elements of Romance. The Arabs finally left Malta 150 years later, and from that moment on the Arabic and Maltese languages ​​separated. The unification of Sicily and Malta lasted more than four hundred years, during which many Romanesque borrowings entered the language. The poem "Il Cantilena" is considered the first literary work in the Maltese language.

The formation of malti was significantly influenced by the knightly Order of St. John, which ruled the island in the 16th–18th centuries. In the written language, and were used mainly, but examples of literature in Maltese have also been preserved. Thus, in 1672, Bonamico’s poem was created, and in 1752, Vizzino’s catechism.

Malta was annexed by Great Britain at the beginning of the 19th century, but the influence of English on Maltese is not traceable. Vassalli's dictionary, grammar of Maltese and translation of the New Testament belong to this period.

The twentieth century gave Malta self-government. According to the constitution, the official languages ​​on the island were Italian. In 1964, Malta declared independence, and the Maltese language took the place of Italian.

  • Only the Maltese language in the Semitic group uses the Latin alphabet and the writing direction is left to right.
  • Schooling in Maltese was only introduced in 1924, before which the language was transmitted through oral speech.
  • Maltese is a difficult language to learn because it combines Semitic grammar and characteristics of Romance languages.
  • Languages ​​in different times those who came to the island changed almost beyond recognition. The isolated situation turned one of the Arabic dialects (Maghrebian) into an independent language.
  • The Maltese understand Arabic well, while Arabs have great difficulty mastering Maltese.
  • Malta has always been a bilingual island, and this has never caused protest among the inhabitants. At the end of the 19th century. The patriotic scientist Mikiel Anton Vassalli tried to introduce school education in Maltese, but his initiative did not meet with support. The language gained international recognition without the efforts of the Maltese - independence island state and joining the EU made the language official. Residents of Malta received the news about the new status of the national language without enthusiasm.
  • Currently, Maltese and English coexist equally in Malta; all Maltese are bilingual and do not seem to notice the difference between the languages.

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