A journey into the world of abandoned estates. Abandoned buildings of Russia: tour of architectural ruins Tour of abandoned estates

In the city of Biysk, located in the Altai region, which is undoubtedly closer to the Chinese Mongolian and Kazakh borders than to the capital, the building Passage of the merchant of the first guild Mikhail Klevtsov represents the real power of history, for it symbolizes the conquest of the outlying Russian lands by merchants. The building was built in 1890 near the local bazaar and became the city's first shopping center. It was executed in the “eclectic” style characteristic of the time, which mixed the pleasures of all eras, European and Russian architectural motifs, ostentatious pomp and boasting. Klevtsov Passage became a meeting place for local dandies who ordered Chinese silks here to sew dresses in Parisian fashion. But the gallery could not withstand the onslaught of revolutionary sentiments and went bankrupt, caught in the whirlwind of reforms. Before World War II, the Altai University and the workshop of a famous sculptor took refuge here, then the municipal library and the training academy for young collective farmers. They say that Mr. Klevtsov continued to hide his gold in the basements, which certainly attracted the attention of the Siberian security officers in the dark thirties. The merchant was arrested, his traces were lost in history. From 1941 to 2005 Klevtsov Passage served as a military hospital. Today, although the building retains its splendor, it is gradually and inexorably collapsing, since its administrative ownership cannot be shared between the Ministry of Defense and the city authorities.

Merchant Klevtsov's Passage located at: Altai Territory, Biysk, st. Tolstoy, 119.

The building of the old Tver station

In Tver or Soviet Kalinin, 163 km northwest of Moscow, on the road to St. Petersburg, you can find the old railway station building, which is a grandiose and tragic spectacle. Built in 1938 at the confluence of the Volga and its tributary Tverts, the building in the Stalinist neo-imperial style, with a capacity of a total of 550 passengers, served the entire Soviet period of history and continued to function until the early 2000s. Since then, the majestic building, which has a certain harmony, strict and impressive at the same time, began to rapidly collapse like a decrepit, absurd throne. The famous gallery owner Marat Gelman, who has done a lot for the cultural revival of Perm, emphasized back in 2011 that it is necessary to think about the new purpose of this magnificent building on the water and its reconstruction as a cultural center, since its roof already requires complete restoration. But nothing has been done so far - the railway station is dying, losing the irresistible charm of post-colonial cities, under the supervision of the last and only guards - stray dogs. Maybe the building is simply paying for the fact that it was built on the site of a destroyed monastery? Even photographs from the Soviet era neatly hide the nearby church, the only remnant of the old religious architectural complex.

The old Tverskaya station is located at: Moscow region, Tver, emb. Afanasia Nikitina, 3.

Half-timbered house or Osip Girshfeld's house

The city center of Samara, the southern Russian fortress on the Volga, hides a unique house from the point of view of Russian architecture, which tells the story of a very remarkable character. German Jew Osip Hirschfeld, originally from the small town of Rivne, arrives in Samara after completing his studies in Kazan. A very young lawyer is hired to work in a small firm, where he even begins to work with thieves, believing that every person has the right to defense. He finds himself among revolutionary-minded youth, who begin to visit his apartment too often. Therefore, he decides to leave this society and actively pursue a career, which is developing very successfully. In the house he bought in 1903 on Frunze Street (old Saratov Street), he misses his homeland more and more often and even brings German servants with whom he behaves on an equal footing. He gets into the club of local German colonists and helps his compatriots a lot with money. For this, as a token of gratitude, the German community builds a new half-timbered wing in the courtyard of his house, very special, with a small tower and a bay window. This unique architectural UFO, from which some kind of museum would inevitably have been created in Europe long ago, is being destroyed more and more every year, and its only connoisseurs remain lovers of unusual tourism.

half-timbered houselocated at the address: Samara, st. Frunze, 75.

Elsa's dacha

In the city of Pyatigorsk, which is located at the edge of the Caucasus, the so-called “ Elsa's dacha"continues to intrigue with its story - fascinating and deadly. The popular confectioner Arshak Gukasov, arriving from Baku, found success, luck and love in this resort city - Elizaveta Vlasevna, the daughter of a wealthy German merchant. In 1905, the couple built a luxurious 62-room mansion, similar in appearance to a medieval castle, which became a popular boarding house called Elsa's dacha" The Gukasovs furnished the boarding house according to the latest fashion, but their love turned out to be powerless in the face of the problem of infertility. After the divorce, Elsa was left alone and tried to lose herself in work and social entertainment. They say that then the beautiful woman began to communicate with dark forces in order to get good luck in business. The stories about her death are also full of rumors: either it was suicide, or the Bolsheviks burned and walled her up in her own boarding house, because she did not want to give up her treasures. There are different versions of the legend, but they agree on one thing: Elsa never found peace, she still wanders outside the walls of her castle, terrorizing men and inspiring women. " Elsa's dacha“Today it belongs to a certain businessman who wants to restore it, but does not do so, despite the recognition of the building as an object of architectural heritage of regional significance. The castle is already half in ruins and today continues to attract lovers of ghost stories, poets and adherents of satanic rituals.

Blast furnaces in the village of Mezhevoy

In the vicinity of the city of Satka, 200 km northwest of Chelyabinsk, in the very heart of the industrial and mountainous Urals, the remains of the first metallurgical plants look great in the natural landscapes surrounding them, without disturbing the harmony at all. Brick cylinders of old furnaces Sat metallurgical plant- still working - as if they had come straight out of the ground, like strange giant trees, traces of urban civilization, lost among the hills. The Satka plant was the first metalworking plant in the region, which was founded at the end of the 18th century by the Stroganov merchant dynasty together with the city. All its residents worked at this plant. Plant in Satka after the first industrialization, he went through many trials: the popular uprisings of Pugachev, the construction of the first dams and power plants, the rapid successes and equally rapid bankruptcies of the great founders of Russian industry, the transition to state ownership at the beginning of the nineteenth century, orders for the production of weapons and ammunition at different times of the war . Now all that remains of the large production is pipes, on the masonry of which you can read its history.

The ovens are located in the village of Mezhevoy, close to Satka city, in the Chelyabinsk region.

Nuclear lighthouse at Cape Aniva

Rock Sivuchya, which is located on the southern tip of Sakhalin Island, has always been known as a dangerous place for sailors. Here thick fogs descend and currents converge. built with great difficulty in 1939 according to the architect's design Miura Shinobu. The lighthouse was a unique, most complex technical structure in all of Sakhalin. The building also operated on a diesel generator With additional batteries, and on a nuclear energy source. However, the main mechanism running through the entire building from top to bottom was a pendulum-weight weighing 270 kilograms, wound every three hours to move the optical system. The maintenance of such an installation at the beginning of the 21st century was considered economically unprofitable. The isotope installations were taken away by the military, the rest was stolen by looters. It once shone for 17.5 miles around, but is now plundered and abandoned.

Coordinates of the lighthouse on Cape Aniva: 46°01′09″N. w. 143°24′47″E d.

Estate of architect Khrenov

Around Lykoshino station, which is located near the city of Valdai, Tver region, abandoned estate Zaklyuchye. It appeared in this quiet corner on the shore of a forest lake around the middle of the 19th century by order of the St. Petersburg architect A. S. Khrenov, who wanted to retire among the forests in order to draw inspiration from nature. It is believed that Zaklyuchye estate was built according to the architect's own design. The project was very extravagant for the countryside, as it looked like a medieval European castle. In addition, the structure was asymmetrical and was built from a wide variety of materials: brick was combined with stone, wood and metal. The estate gradually expanded with new buildings, but Khrenov's house remained the most unusual building. His owner, Alexander Sergeevich, having played enough with the new toy, packed his bags and moved to China for permanent residence. IN Zaklyuchye estate The pioneer camp arrived, and bright representatives of that era immediately appeared in the park - concrete boys and girls in ties. After the pioneer camp there was a tuberculosis sanatorium, after which to this day lovers of creepy stories talk about a certain evil old man who died within the walls of the sanatorium and still wanders around the rooms.

The estate of the architect Khrenov is located near the village of Lykoshino, Bologovsky district, Tver region.

Khrapovitsky Estate

In the village of Muromtsevo, which is just a few kilometers from the city of Sudogda, Vladimir region, on 40 hectares of land stands a luxurious with a huge castle in the middle. This estate complex can easily be called an example of Russian pride, because it was built solely for the sake of winning a frivolous bet between nobles. According to legend, the colonel bet with a certain French baron that he could build a castle in Russia that would be as great as the French ones. The Frenchman mockingly replied that if such a castle was built in Russia, he himself would come to see it. Returning home, the colonel immediately hired one of the best architects of that time - P. S. Boytsov. The estate, built in the style of a medieval German castle with a hint of a French chateau, was an architectural anomaly in the Russian landscape. And as far as we know, the Frenchman fulfilled his part of the bet - he really came for a visit. Unfortunately, after the revolution, Khrapovitsky was forced to flee his luxurious creation and, as they say, died in poverty. His elegant estate first housed a school; during World War II it became a hospital, but was eventually abandoned. And only in the last few years it began to be gradually restored.

Khrapovitsky's estate is located: Vladimir region, Sudogodsky district, village. Muromtsevo.

On a tour of the abandoned estates of the Leningrad region, you will find fascinating stories from the lives of their unusual owners, the spirit of past luxury, stunning views for photography, as well as the opportunity to see and capture what will soon disappear!


  • You will visit the ruins of the “Fifth Mountain” estate, which belonged to the warlock and freemason Jacob Bruce, who became famous because, according to legend, he could freeze a lake in the summer and turn any metal into gold.
  • You will learn about the mysterious experiments with weapons that Bruce conducted, as well as details of the life of one of the most cruel landowners in the history of Russia, Olga Konstantinovna Briskorn, who later owned this estate.
  • Then you will see what remains of the house of one of the most famous and noble noble families of Russia - the Wrangel barons. We will talk about the life of a typical “noble nest”: what the serfs did on the estates, what kind of life the landowners led, how they liked to have fun and spend their time. The story will be based on the memoirs of Baron Nikolai Nikolaevich Wrangel.
  • In the middle of the journey there is a stop to visit the restroom and have lunch at the Church in Gubanice. The hospitable priest will tell you about the fate of the building and the parish.
  • In the village of Gostilitsy we will visit the estate of Alexei Razumovsky. You will learn about royal hunts and other entertainments of Elizabeth Petrovna and her favorite Razumovsky. The estate itself is very large and beautiful.
  • At the end of the trip, we will visit the beautifully preserved but empty estate of the Demidov mine owners in Taytsy. You will learn the history of this estate, which was visited by such famous Russian cultural figures as Turgenev and Rimsky-Korsakov. In Taytsy, the remains of a magnificent park will await us: Gothic gates, granite lions and the “Humpbacked” bridge, preserved from the time of the Demidovs.


  • Taitsy estate
  • Estate of Barons Wrangel in Torosovo
  • Gostilitsy estates
  • Church of John the Baptist in Gubanice
  • Ruins of the abandoned Trinity Church in the Pyataya Gora estate

Organizational details

  • This excursion can be booked individually at a time convenient for you.
  • The excursion takes place by minibus or bus, depending on the number of participants. Transport costs are included in the price.
  • During the excursion there will be a stop for tea and sandwiches in the church premises in Gubanice.
  • Cost of tea and sandwiches: 200 rubles. You can also bring your own food and eat at the tables.
  • The hospitable priest Father Pavel loves to talk about the temple. We apologize in advance to atheists and those who do not like to attend churches. We suggest taking a visit to the Church as part of an excursion program, as well as a place to relax on a long journey. Moreover, there will be no cafes or restaurants on our way, we will take you to a real wilderness! :)
  • Type of excursion: individual
  • Dates: select when booking
  • Start: by agreement
  • Duration: 8 ocloc'k
  • Russian language
  • Price: 7000 rubles for 1-4 people, regardless of the number of participants

Reviews from tourists

We recently took a tour of abandoned estates. And I can say that we definitely did not regret it! We would never have seen it ourselves and never known what beauties we have or have had very close to home. We, as modern people, so often strive to travel to other countries and to other continents, but how often we do not know and do not appreciate our history, our native places. We are very grateful to George for our enlightenment. I really liked that he not only carried out the program, but also went beyond its boundaries, showed and talked about the sights that were along the way and not so much. It is clear that Georgy is rooting for the disappearing heroes of his excursion and does his work with all his heart. I really hope that over time there will be as many such informal excursions as possible, which will allow us and our children to get to know our wonderful city much more deeply and it will also not be boring)

We went on this excursion, relying on the description and reviews, really counting on an exciting trip, but, as they say, apparently it was not fate. The tour, at our request, was shortened to a visit to two sites. 4 hours of excursion of 20 minutes to the site and three hours and twenty minutes on the road. Georgy, it’s clear that a knowledgeable and interested person cannot talk and drive at the same time; several times we almost got into an accident. Therefore, as we moved along, we no longer asked him anything. A very brief description on the spot. My foreign guests called it the worst time in St. Petersburg, and I really wanted to show them something unusual. The idea is interesting, but the organization is “Russian”. If you hire a driver so you can talk along the way, and a more comfortable car, your impressions will probably be more positive.

Super tour from start to finish. The places were wonderful, and were brought to life by Georgi, who was very prepared, and knew detail upon detail. He also speaks English, which was a bonus we hadn't expected.

A wonderful excursion from start to finish. The places that Georgy took us through simply came to life. Georgy told many interesting facts, accompanied the story with unique old photographs, and answered any questions. At the same time, he spoke English, which was a bonus that we did not expect. Thank you very much!

« Abandoned Moscow"is an adventure for those who lack extreme sports and impressions in the bustle of the city. A foray into abandoned Moscow sites, the so-called “dark side of the city,” will allow you to gain new impressions and adrenaline.

The old Otrada estate, the KhZB hospital, an abandoned school, the AMO ZIL plant... An ideal theme for a Hollywood thriller or an opportunity to have a fun weekend? Make up your mind, and soon you will be able to tell your friends about your trip to the abandoned Khovrinsk hospital, which is also called “ Bermuda Triangle of Moscow" Or look at military equipment on airplane cemetery on Khodynka. Behind the gloss of the capital's streets are dozens of “black holes”. Houses from which life has gone forever, and some of them, for various reasons, were never completed. This excursion is not without its share of extreme sports. Going into an abandoned building is like stepping back in time. At some point, time stood still here.

The list of abandoned places in Moscow will continue with a forgotten school in the north of the city, where Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky once studied. It has been empty for more than 10 years, but textbooks, notebooks, school equipment and a museum archive are still stored within its walls.

It is almost impossible to get to some of these places on your own; you need to know the secret passages and loopholes. For example, it is quite easy to enter an abandoned factory or a military airfield. And to the famous “Umbrella” (HZB hospital) - only accompanied by an expert who is well versed in its gloomy corridors.

“Abandoned Moscow” is an opportunity to look into places where outsiders are usually strictly prohibited from entering. Open these secret doors with us!


You can choose where exactly we will go from one or more nests:

— Ominous buildings of a huge hospital
— A factory frozen in the Soviet era
— Empty business center with twenty floors
— Subway escalator body
— The frame of a high-rise building with a good view of the center of the capital
— Tunnel with heating main
— Reconstructed estate

Objects of a different focus are also possible, so let us know about your preferences or experience in visiting similar places and the area of ​​Moscow that is convenient for you, and we will come back with suggestions. So choose a destination that interests you, and we will try to make your adventure unforgettable.

What's included in the adventure

— Accompanied by an attentive guide
— Access to the selected object and walk around it
— Transfers on our transport with a guide between objects

Excursion schedule

By agreement with the guide

How far in advance can you book an excursion?

The tour can be booked 48 hours in advance.

What languages ​​are the tours available in?

English Russian

Meeting point with guide

Discussed individually


Each adventure lasts approximately 2 hours


From RUB 2,800 per group of 5 people
For a group of 6+ people, the price is discussed individually


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Tuesday 9:00 am - 10:00 pm

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Thursday 9:00 am - 10:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am - 10:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am - 10:00 pm

Sunday 9:00 am - 10:00 pm