How much does Pegasus keep when canceling a trip? How to properly cancel a tour abroad and get your money back? before the start of the tour to a country where a visa is required

In this article I will talk about all the ordeals and difficulties that those who decide to return the money for a package tour will have to experience. As a rule, it is much easier to give money to a tour operator than to return it later. The likelihood of a return is small, but it is there. Here I give at least possible ways to solve this issue.

Be sure to read the article to the end - it contains a life hack that will help, for example, those who were unable to vacation in Egypt.

How to return a ticket if a trip is cancelled?

There are still people who, despite the great risk, buy tour packages. The reasons are different. Some people are still afraid to go on an independent vacation (although it’s high time to start), some people think that an organized vacation is more comfortable (often in vain), some people think that it’s cheaper (nowadays it’s quite rare), etc. d.
And increasingly, travel agency clients are faced with a number of questions:

We planned a vacation more than six months in advance, but a week before departure, the child fell ill. Is it possible to get a refund for a trip?

I was denied a visa. Can I get my money back without penalties?

Flights to Egypt were banned. We were supposed to fly in a week. What to do?

Due to various circumstances, we are forced to cancel our vacation. Can we get our money back?

I have court debt. I may not be allowed to leave the country. How can I find out exactly everything or cancel the trip and get my money back?

There could be a million reasons. First of all, you need to understand in advance whether this is a voluntary refusal of a trip or a forced one. Now, when the entire tourism industry is seriously experiencing a storm, completely different situations may arise.
In simple terms, all the reasons can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. You voluntarily refuse to travel(you do not have any valid documents that could prove that you cannot go).
  2. You are forced to cancel your trip(the main thing here is not even your desire, but the documents with which you can or cannot prove your forced refusal).
  3. The travel company cannot provide you with a vacation(this, in principle, falls under the second point, but I put it in a separate category, since the consequences are different). If this is your case, the information is at the very end of the article.

Forced refusal is stipulated in Article 10 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation.”

Each party has the right to demand a change or termination of the contract for the sale of a tourism product due to a significant change in the circumstances from which the parties proceeded when concluding the contract.
Significant changes in circumstances include:

  • deterioration of travel conditions specified in the contract;
  • change in travel dates;
  • unexpected increase in transport tariffs;
  • impossibility for a tourist to travel due to circumstances beyond his control (tourist illness, refusal to issue a visa and other circumstances).

Forced return of the tour

First, let's consider a simpler option - forced return.

For any tourism organization, your words, even very honest ones, do not matter. Most likely, your claims or requests will be dealt with not by the person to whom you brought the documents, but by someone with whom you simply cannot physically communicate. Therefore, the most important thing here is the documents that you provide.

For example, if a child or an elderly person falls ill and needs your care - a certificate of incapacity for work or a certified extract from a medical card.

Do you have a subpoena? Ask for a document with a stamp and signature - you cannot go on vacation!

If you were not issued a visa, also make a certified copy of the letter from the embassy and your passport or other document that confirms this.

As for the money itself. By law, you can choose to either return the entire amount or demand to change the terms of the contract (postponement of your vacation to another time, reduce the number of tourists, etc.). The main thing to remember is that in this case, you are the one who has the right to choose the most convenient option for you.

Everything in the travel agency is set up so as not to return your money. And draconian terms of contracts, and huge fines in case of refusal and the possibility of falsifying documents. (we'll talk more about this later)

But despite all the obstacles, you may be able to return 100% of your amount, sometimes even without any problems.

I recommend not to forget that your cancellation of the tour on this basis cannot be associated with poor quality services provided by the tour operator. Therefore, termination of the contract does not imply the return of the entire amount paid.

Based on the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 32, the travel agency can deduct from you the expenses that it has already incurred in connection with the organization of your vacation.

Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 32 . The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (rendering services) at any time, subject to payment to the contractor for the actual expenses incurred by him related to the fulfillment of obligations under this contract.

It must be remembered that returning money paid to travel agencies has never been easy. If they don’t want to satisfy your demands, then you can go to court, or better yet, contact Rospotrebnadzor. They will help with the trial and at the same time send an inspection. By the way, the employees there told me in confidence that it is rare to come across a travel agency without violations. And the punishments for them are serious. Therefore, the likelihood of resolving issues amicably seriously increases.

Regarding the trial and deduction of expenses, read this article to the end, do not rush to submit all the documents at once.

Return of the tour at your request.

There will be much more difficulties here. As a rule, tourists do not read the contract for the provision of services, and if you do read it, you will not be allowed to make any changes. Somehow, travel agency workers easily forget that this is a contract and you have the opportunity to also enter your requirements and change the terms of the contract. But no one can take away your choice - to sign it or not.

In any case, you should have it and now is the time to read it more carefully. As a rule, penalties are clearly stated there (albeit often in small print).

For example, “Biblioglobus” has the following conditions:

  • From 0 to 7 days - you lose 100%
  • From 8 to 14 days - you lose 50%
  • From 15 to 21 days - you lose 25%
  • From 22 to 30 days - lose 10%
  • 31 days or more - lose 1,500 rubles

And with Pegasus you lose:

  • From 29 to 11 days before the start of travel services - 25%
  • From 10 to 7 days before the start of travel services - 50%
  • From 6 to 3 days before the start of travel services - 75%
  • From 2 to 0 days before the start of travel services - 100%

Most likely, you won’t be able to get more from them without going to court. So, if you decide to voluntarily cancel the tour, then you need to:

Firstly, it’s good to think about whether it’s worth doing. Perhaps other alternatives are possible.

Secondly, changing dates will usually be easier and it may go much easier for you. But also keep in mind that most often this is done through cancellation of the tour. But as long as you don't demand money, you will be treated much more kindly.

And here another possibility arises. If your deadline has been changed a month or two in advance, then there are much more opportunities to refuse without penalty. Here the terms of the contract play into your hands.

Third, be prepared to sue. You will almost always get more money back in this lawsuit, sometimes 100%. (At least you can dream...) But you need to correctly draw up an application in which you are exempt from state duty.

If it comes to filing a lawsuit.

By law, you can only be charged as fines for expenses that the travel agency has already incurred. As a rule, they pay all expenses for your maintenance and flights with a delay or after the services are performed. In order to prove these expenses in court, the tour operator will have to be cunning.

However, all internal documents of travel agencies say otherwise. Most likely, you will sign the same thing in the contract. But the laws of the Russian Federation are always higher than internal acts and requirements.

For example, Pegasus: “The actual expenses of the TOUR OPERATOR (losses) must be compensated by the CUSTOMER/AGENT, regardless of whether they have been paid by that time by the TOUR OPERATOR or will be paid by him in the future”

What you need to do to get a refund for the tour:

    Write a statement or claim to cancel the contract due to a significant change in circumstances.
    (By law, the tour operator is responsible for organizing your trip, so even if you purchased the ticket through a travel agency, the application will need to be submitted to the tour operator.) A sample claim is attached to this article.

    Correctly draw up and submit a claim.

  • Hand over your claim copy to the tour operator personally against signature;
  • If the tour operator is located in another city, send the claim by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or a valuable letter with a list of attachments to the tour operator's address specified in the contract. Retain postal receipts, notices, inventory as proof of date of mailing;
  • To speed up the resolution of your issue, duplicate the claim by email to the tour operator and hand it with the inbox to the travel agency where you purchased the tour. Remember the date on the incoming documents is the deadline for submitting your application. All oral negotiations do not count here.
  • I would also recommend going to Rospotrebnadzor. They are on your side and will help.
  • By the way, there is an almost win-win option. Find someone who wants to travel on your trip and get money from them. If the time before departure is less than a month, then you will definitely benefit from this, even if you offer it to a friend with some kind of discount.

The tour operator will be able to prove in court only the amount that it can officially confirm. At the same time, your name must be on the payment documents and you need to prove that someone else did not live or fly in this place. The situation is not very simple, so you still have a chance of getting a refund.

In fact, as a rule, the tour operator provides a bunch of paperwork for blocks of places, etc. without specification or names. (This is especially true in cases where there is a long time before the trip.) But do not rejoice in advance, there are also opportunities for tour operators to cheat. For example, ask the hotel to provide documents in your name. Often the hotel meets the tour operator as its partner.
What can you do yourself? First of all, obtain such documents before the tour operator contacts these organizations. The main thing is for you to prove that no one transferred or received money for you. Send your request to the hotel and airline yourself and receive a certified response from them. If necessary, send an official request - any lawyer can help you do this.

Sample text: “Please confirm that I, full name, did not live in this hotel and neither I nor third parties paid for my stay.”

Remember that the same Article 32 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Federal Law on “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” work for you. (links to documents below)

The actual expenses incurred must be documented by the contractor. At the same time, predetermined amounts of fines are not subject to withholding in the absence of evidence of their actual payment.

The travel company cannot provide your holiday.

There are also several options and each option requires a different approach.

    The travel agency went bankrupt

    Other reasons(recreation destination closed, etc.)

The travel agency went bankrupt

In this case, you are required to receive 100% of the funds paid. But, as a rule, it is quite difficult to get your money, because many people would like the same thing with you. But in practice it is not possible to get from 5% to 20%. In this case, the amount of liability insurance is divided among everyone who submitted an application.

If the tour operator gives at least something in this case, that’s already good. Take what they give and then try to get the rest.

Other reasons

Somehow a situation immediately comes to mind when a resort closes. This may be due to some natural factors (tsunamis, earthquakes, dangerous animals - for example, sharks).

In this case, the most important thing is whether there is an official ban on visiting your planned vacation spot. If there is no such ban, regardless of the passions that appear in the media, it is simply your desire. In this case, look at the item “Return of the tour at your request.”

If there is such an official ban, then this is the impossibility of fulfilling the contract, both on the part of the tour operator and on your part. Here you need to contact the office where you purchased the tour. In this case, the appeal itself is addressed to the tour operator, and intermediaries to travel agencies.

I recommend taking into account that when a direction is closed, and even more so a mass destination (such as Egypt), many people ask for a refund of their money. This is a rather dangerous situation for tour operators, even the largest ones. It is especially dangerous if this is the only or main destination for a given tour operator.

What is not necessary, but I would recommend doing, is to get a note about the impossibility of your vacation. For example, upon departure at the airport you will be given a stamp that your flight has been cancelled. Subsequently, this data can be very useful. Later, such documents will be much more difficult to obtain.

By the way, often in this case the tour operator, in order not to lose money, can offer you some other destination with an additional payment. If you have the opportunity to agree, it is better to relax somewhere else. This will be one of the easiest ways out of this situation.

Perhaps the surest way to get your money back.

As a rule, all the simplest things are on the surface.

In cases where the tour operator denies you a vacation, you can simply return your money through the bank.

Now, in the age of computer technology, 75% of people pay for services with payment cards. A useful advantage is the possibility of a refund.

There is such a concept - chargeback. This is the process of the bank challenging a card transaction made by the holder at a point of sale (online store). More often the procedure is initiated by the card holder. For example, if the appropriate services are not provided.

The procedure is performed as follows. The cardholder submits a corresponding statement to the issuing bank, indicating the reason why he considers the transaction invalid or fraudulent. Next, the credit institution conducts an investigation and, if the applicant is correct, debits the protested payment amount from the outlet and returns it to the payer, that is, the chargeback occurs at the expense of the outlet.

In the case of a refund for a package tour, you must indicate the reason - non-provision of services. This is a sufficient reason for a refund.

In such cases, I recommend that you especially hurry. Already now, in the situation with Egypt, many tour operators have stated that they will not be able to return money to tourists. But in the case of a return using chargeback, the return occurs without anyone’s knowledge - the money is withdrawn from the account automatically, without taking into account the wishes of the tour operator itself.

If the tour operator goes bankrupt (and this is quite likely in this situation), then it will be much more difficult to get the money back.

By the way, you can get your money back in the same way,

  • if you are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided;
  • in reality the product is different from what was promised by the seller;
  • services were not provided in full.

The likelihood of resolving the issue in this case (with the right approach) increases significantly.

The likelihood of a tour operator going bankrupt increases rapidly as the number of people wanting to get their money back increases. If we take the situation with Egypt at the beginning of November 2015 as an example, then quantity has definitely turned into quality.

Most tour operators (if not all) use either borrowed money or (more often) work on credit. At the same time, their activities proceed like a kind of pyramid. That is, all newly appeared clients provide the opportunity to pay funds to hotels and airlines for ongoing, and often already completed, trips of past clients.

Thus, most companies have financial difficulties not only with the closure of any destinations, but also with the inability to cover their expenses, especially with a decrease in the number of tourists.

In case of disasters similar to Egypt, other destinations of tour operators will not provide enough money to cover current debts. Therefore, I expect a series of bankruptcies of travel companies in the near future.

If you nevertheless decide to take a package tour, be sure to insure yourself against travel restrictions or (which is better) trip interruption.

Read your contract very carefully and remember that this is a CONTRACT. You can agree on its contents (although this is sometimes met with hostility from travel agents).

Remember, the cheapest and most tempting offers are given either for something that no one needs or by those who no longer see any other way other than such dumping. It's better not to take risks.

  • Plan your vacation yourself so as not to depend on intermediaries!

    Only independent travel will allow you to minimize risks. According to my calculations, there are practically no destinations where you cannot save significantly by going on vacation on your own.

    The participants of several of our master classes on independent holidays in the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and the Maldives were convinced of this.

    These destinations can become the best alternative to Egypt for a holiday in the autumn-winter period. In the United Arab Emirates, autumn, winter and spring are the height of the season. Air temperature is from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. The most inexpensive resorts are Sharjah and Fujairah, especially if you go on your own. Read more on the master class page on holidays in the UAE:

    So far, few people know that the cost of living in a 3-star hotel in the Maldives can cost from 3-4 thousand rubles for two. It is in winter and spring that the best season for relaxation is there. An independent holiday in the Maldives is simply several times cheaper than offers from travel agencies. The main thing is to choose the right island, hotel and, of course, the way to get there.

    These and other useful tricks are in the recordings of the master class on holidays in the Maldives:

    If you decide to choose Turkey in autumn-winter, then I recommend choosing the southernmost resort of Alanya. It will be sunny and the temperature during the day will reach 20 degrees Celsius. Swimming in the sea can be replaced with a healthy swim in hot thermal springs, of which there are a great many in Turkey. In addition, an excellent excursion program awaits you in Turkey - the country is famous for its historical monuments.

    In most cases, an independent holiday in Turkey will be cheaper than a package holiday. Read more at the link:

Happy travels!

P.S. This information is extremely difficult to find on the Internet. Share this information with your friends. You can send it in a letter, or you can simply click on the button of your favorite social network under the text of the article.

According to them, the consumer (customer) of services has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract at any time, while paying the costs actually incurred by the contractor.

There can be a lot of reasons for canceling a trip, but they are all divided into two types: voluntary and forced.

Any circumstances are considered voluntary., the respect of which cannot be confirmed by official paper, for example:

  1. changed your mind about going;
  2. there is a rush at work, but there is no replacement;
  3. finances didn’t work out;
  4. did not know that the passport was about to expire or had already expired.

Article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Unilateral refusal to execute a contract for paid services

  1. The customer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the provision of services for a fee, subject to payment to the contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him.
  2. The Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under the contract for the provision of paid services only if the customer is fully compensated for losses.

Forced circumstances for canceling a tour include:

  • A sharp unforeseen change in the cost of the transfer, and, accordingly, the tour as a whole.
  • A negative change in the conditions of being in a vacation spot (for example, military confrontations or civil clashes began, the resort suffered from a serious disaster, a terrorist attack occurred, etc.).
  • Change of travel dates by the tour operator.
  • Valid situations for a tourist that can be documented: illness or death of a relative, refusal of a visa by the embassy, ​​court decision banning travel abroad, etc.
  • Inability of the tour operator to ensure the fulfillment of the contract (for example, the direction indicated in the documents was suddenly closed; bankruptcy of the operator).

How much money can they get back?

Each tour operator has its own conditions, but on average, the policy for canceling a tour is similar for all: the sooner the client applies for termination of the contract, the less his losses.

With early booking and early refusal, losses are usually minimal, approximately from 10-30$ per person up to 10% of the cost of the tour, unless, of course, special conditions for such a development of events were specified additionally (this happens, for example, if the trip occurs during holiday periods, then the conditions are stricter).

Canceling a tour for an unexcused reason a day or two before it starts will hit your pocket much harder, even to the point of not receiving any compensation from the travel agency.

If the circumstances of breaking the contract are valid (forced), then the tour operator is obliged to return the entire amount paid for the tour, minus the expenses actually incurred by him (which must be documented).

The later the application, the lower the amount of compensation, since the tour operator has already paid for the flight, hotel, transfer, consular fee, and insurance.

If forced reasons do not depend on the circumstances of the tourist, but are caused by the elements, the situation in the region or the bankruptcy of the operator, then the client is paid 100% of the deposited amount, without any deductions. This is regulated by Federal Law No. 132-FZ of November 24, 1996 (Part 2, Part 5, Article 14).

Important! If circumstances change already on the first day after paying for the trip, there is a high probability of canceling the reservation without penalties. Please check this point before making a payment.

Now let’s learn more about returning vouchers to the tour operator.

In Coral Travel

Cancellation of a trip is an unpleasant procedure, but it is standard and uncomplicated. In large companies, the mechanism is well developed and runs without problems.

Each party is interested in getting out of the situation without financial losses, so misunderstandings happen from time to time. However, the outcome of the situation will depend on how competently you approach the process of returning your money. As a rule, money is returned if all previously issued documents are available.

Actions for a tourist to cancel a tour reservation:

  1. Contact the manager as early as possible. Don't delay, every day is important, delay can be costly.
  2. Writing an application for termination of the contract.
  3. Writing a claim.
  4. Waiting for the result.

The statement indicates only the intention to terminate the contract, and the claim states the reasons for cancellation and, if necessary, attaches a document about its significance.

It also stipulates a request to return the cost of the trip. They respond to applications quickly, within a day. Claims have the right to be considered up to 10 days.

Attention! Penalties for canceling a tour from a given tour operator depend on the country to which the tour was purchased, for example, it is easier to cancel a trip to visa-free countries, therefore the amount of fines is more flexible.

A very average table of fines looks something like this:

Time left until the start of the tour


30 or more days

10% of the total tour cost

less than 1 day

Advice. More details need to be clarified at the time of booking the tour. In some countries, penalties will be more merciful.

To Tez Tour

A large tour operator that has been on the market for a long time has a good reputation, including on the issue of peaceful cancellation of tours.

The steps a tourist takes if he wants to break the contract are standard:

We write the application immediately after the decision to cancel the tour is made., oral agreements are not an argument for starting the annulment procedure.

Reference. All statements and claims are drawn up in duplicate and must be registered with the travel agency!

In the complaint, we explain our refusal and support the necessary confirmation of our words, if any. We are applying for a refund. Cancellation of the trip depends on the period remaining before the start of the tour:

These are fairly general numbers; in each case, discuss these points separately.

Almost always, the tour operator, instead of returning the money, unobtrusively offers other compensation - to book another voyage suitable for the tourist under interesting conditions. If the situation allows, you can consider options.

In the event that the traveler wishes to receive the money back, the company undertakes to pay it within 10 days.

From tour operator Pegasus

The tour operator values ​​​​its name and reputation, so usually the cancellation of a tour takes place peacefully; all controversial issues, as a rule, are smoothed out without going to court. Algorithm of consumer actions:

  1. We contact the manager and report the problem.
  2. We are writing a statement to terminate the contract.
  3. We are making a claim.
  4. We are waiting for an answer.

If you are planning to cancel your tour, immediately call the travel agency, especially if the tour dates are approaching. The manager will clarify where to get a sample application and options for delivering it to the agency, and will also guide you on the amount of the penalty depending on the timing and reasons.

The claim will need to be accompanied by a document confirming the forced circumstances of the refusal, if any.

The tour operator Pegasus Touristik has a very detailed list of fines:

Before the tour starts


month (31 days) or more

20 USD from person

10% of the total cost of ordered travel services

tour start day and later

Less favorable conditions for refusing New Year's tours:

  • if the trip is canceled 60-41 days in advance, you will be fined 50% of the cost of the trip;
  • in 40-15 days – by 75%;
  • in 14-2 days – by 90%;
  • in 1 day or less – 100%.

What to do with the Intourist company?

The tour operator’s website is very informative; it’s easy to find an answer to any question there.
Such openness gives reason to believe that cancellation of travel services is quick and simple.

The chain of actions for a tourist with a full refund is as follows:

For a partial refund, the algorithm is the same, only the amount that needs to be indicated in the refund application is clarified with the manager.

Intourist fine grid:


before the start of the tour to a visa-free country

before the start of the tour to a country where a visa is required

10% cost

when canceling tours for May (from 20.04 to 08.05) and New Year (from 20.12 to 10.01) holidays, regardless of the deadline for submitting an application for tour cancellation

To the tour operator in accordance with the law.

Against the backdrop of the current fever in the financial market, the turbulent situation in the countries of the Arab world and Asia, and constant scandals surrounding tour operators and airlines, cases of vacationers abandoning their trips have become more frequent. And in quiet times, such refusals from tours are not uncommon.

From the article you will learn how to return all the money for an already paid travel package.

A tourist can cancel a trip at any time and get a refund for it.

All questions regarding cancellation of a trip and refund of money for a failed tour are regulated by three norms: Article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 32 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” and Art. 10 of Federal Law No. 132-FZ “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation.”

In accordance with them, a person who has paid a travel agency for a trip can cancel the trip at any time and return the money for it. However, this requires compelling reasons.

Legitimate reasons for canceling a tour are:

  1. Deterioration of conditions at the place of stay (for example, this could be a war in the country where you are going, a natural disaster, civil unrest, a change in the tourism policy of another state).
  2. An increase in prices in the passenger transportation market that could not be predicted (sometimes due to fluctuations in stock markets, airlines significantly increase ticket prices).
  3. The tour operator's decision to reschedule your trip is unilateral and without agreement.
  4. Force majeure circumstances that do not depend on the tourist (illness, hospitalization, refusal to issue a visa, change in the tourism policy of the Russian Federation).

One of the most controversial issues in the issue of refunds for a tour is how much money can be returned? According to the law (and contracts with travel agencies usually include a corresponding clause), you can return the money minus the expenses that the travel agent has already incurred (for example, booked a hotel).

Refusal for reasons beyond the control of the parties

There can be a lot of force majeure circumstances that disrupt vacation plans: a flood occurred in the country, a civil war broke out, an epidemic of a contagious disease began. A recent example of unforeseen reasons is the ban on travel to Egypt after the crash of the A321 aircraft over the Sinai Peninsula.

The legal basis for a refund for a tour may be:

  1. Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with recommendations to refrain from traveling to a particular country.
  2. Information from Rostourism about threats to the safety of vacationers in this region.
  3. Other regulations and documents adopted by the federal authorities and entered into force.

Law No. 132-FZ establishes that in the event of circumstances that pose a threat to vacation, a tourist who has not yet left for a problem region is returned the full cost of the tourism product. If the trip has already begun, the tour operator is obliged to return an amount proportional to the cost of services not provided to the client.

Cancellation at the request of the client

According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen can return the entire cost of a plane ticket if he cancels more than 24 hours before departure

As mentioned above, a person may get sick before the trip, and his financial situation may sharply worsen.

If you cancel your trip in this case, you must be refunded the money minus the expenses actually incurred by the travel agency - hotel booking with a non-refundable deposit, paid insurance, etc.

However, tour operators go to all sorts of tricks to lose as little profit as possible.

The most common tricks of travel companies:

  1. The travel agent does his best to hide expenses for your trip and does not provide documents confirming expenses. In fact, this is fraud, so you can threaten the company's employees with criminal liability. When calculating the amount that they must return, they are required to provide you with payment receipts, notices, checks - all information about the costs.
  2. It is best to check the travel company’s calculations yourself. Often, a hotel reservation can be canceled without losing the deposit, as well as paid additional services: cultural program, excursions and entertainment, expanded menu in the hotel restaurant, etc. Most information can be checked from home by simply contacting the service provider via email.
  3. The tour operator refuses to refund money for flight tickets, citing the position of the carrier. Airlines really often try to screw over refusing passengers, claiming that it is impossible to return the money for the ticket. But this is not true. Art. 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation states: a citizen can get the entire cost of a ticket back if he cancels the flight no later than 24 hours before departure. If the refusal occurs later, then the money is returned to him minus a special fee, the amount of which cannot exceed 25% of the flight price. These rules also apply to charter flights.
  4. Often in travel agency contracts there is a clause that specifies a differentiated refund system, depending on how many days before departure you canceled the trip. For example, if you apply for a waiver in a week or less, you lose 100% of the money. If within 7-14 days - 50%, etc. Such conditions are contrary to Russian legislation. Therefore, you should not sign such an agreement - either seek the cancellation of such a clause, or find a more law-abiding operator.

How to issue a return

To get a refund for a tour, you must contact the tour operator’s office and write a statement

Regardless of the reasons, cancellation of the tour is formalized by visiting the operator’s office and writing a statement of termination of the contract.

In the application, you indicate the reason why you are canceling the trip (if it is personal, just write it vaguely; if it is related to force majeure, provide an additional link to the federal law and information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Rostourism).

Sometimes a tour operator can independently cancel a charter flight without offering its clients an alternative vacation option and without returning the money. This situation becomes a good reason, at a minimum, for claims and complaints to Rospotrebnadzor and Rostourism.

You can also go to court and try to recover from the unscrupulous travel company not only the cost of the trip, but also moral damages.

For travel agencies, delaying the payment of money for a trip is a common practice. The employees will assure you that this is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. However, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” makes it clear that a ten-day period is allotted for a refund for the tour. For each day of delay, you have the right to demand a penalty in the amount of 3% of the contract amount, as well as defend your interests in court. Be sure to mention this in your application.

According to the law on the protection of consumer rights, a tourist has the right to refuse the service on any day unilaterally, and there can be no talk of any fines. Only about reimbursement of real costs to the travel agency. But in practice everything is somewhat more complicated.

Agent - operator

The fact is that intermediary agencies, where clients in most cases make applications, are responsible to tour operators. And the agreements between them stipulate very specific fine amounts that the agency is obliged to pay to the operator in the event of a tour cancellation. These amounts depend on the “height” of the season and the number of days remaining before the start of the tour.

You can also understand the actions of the tour operator - frequent refusals of booked hotel rooms lead to loss of trust and refusal to cooperate. The next time you try to book an apartment, the manager may hear a polite answer that there are no vacancies. Carriers who have lost a client can also demand a penalty.

Tourist - agent

These fines are what agencies are trying to shift from themselves to their clients. And in order to avoid misunderstandings, contracts are concluded between clients and agencies, which stipulate the conditions for refusing tourist services.

What to do

Before booking a trip and making an advance payment, be sure to read in the contract whether it is possible to cancel the booked tour and under what conditions. A lot depends on the agency’s relationship with a specific operator, as well as seasonality. The sooner you cancel the trip, the less the penalty amount will be. If you cancel your trip three days or less, you risk paying 100 percent of the tour cost.

Travel cancellation insurance

You can also take out additional travel insurance. It makes it possible to return money for a previously purchased tour in case of illness. Please note that funds cannot be returned in 100% of cases.

1) illness or death of the traveler

2) subpoena, etc.

If the duration of the tour includes, in whole or in part, the period:

from March 25 to April 2
from April 25 to May 15
from October 30 to November 12
from December 24 to January 15

Withholding by tour operators is subject to a fine (penalty) in the amount of 100% from the cost of the tourist product, regardless of the timing of the refusal (cancellation of an application for booking a tourist product confirmed by the travel agency).

Before canceling the tour, our accountant will contact you at the phone number specified during registration to confirm the cancellation request and check the details for a refund.

After confirming the application and issuing the invoice, any changes to the start date of the tour, duration of the tour, number of people in the room, room type or change of hotel are possible through cancellation of the already confirmed tour and payment of cancellation fees, if any.

Help with advice.

We were going to Phuket, Karon beach... I wanted to give my husband a gift.

God, at least everything was fine with dad...

On the topic, you need to read and you can ask there (but they are not lawyers, but they may give good advice). As far as I understand, there are rules (law) on tourism activities in the Russian Federation and a law on the protection of consumer rights. A travel agency can justify the actual costs incurred ONLY IN COURT. Without a trial, you will not be able to have 99% of the dialogue with the company.

P.s. Thailand is not as beautiful as everyone imagines it to be. A holiday in Phuket is interesting (if with family) - but it’s expensive. There is no sea as such in Pattaya - dirt. You need to sail to the islands.. the excursions are all stupid and tiring.. in general, this is a place either for young people to party all night or for just men for sex recreation.

Thailand, Phuket, Karon Beach, Hilton Phuket Arcadia is a magical fairy tale... Two weeks for two with half board, luxury room - about 250 thousand... Pittance.

I repeat once again - current judicial practice in Russia is a 100% refund of money to an individual. And the agency's relationship with the operator is their problem.

The travel agency that has been working with you all this time must return its full commission.

Free legal advice:

Pegas Touristik (PEGAS TOURISTIK)

In case of refusal of a tourist product or any changes in the composition of services included in the tourist product, at the initiative of tourists, as well as in the event of inability to travel for any reasons beyond the control of the Tour Operator, including due to refusal or delay of the embassy/consulate foreign state in issuing a visa, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actually incurred expenses of the Tour Operator (fines and other financial sanctions imposed on the Tour Operator by third parties in connection with the refusal of a tourist product and/or the inability to make a trip) in the following amount:

  • 14-9 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 25% of the total cost of travel services;
  • 8-4 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 50% of the total cost of travel services;
  • 3-2 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 80% of the total cost of travel services;
  • 1 day before the start of the provision of travel services (or in case of no-show for the flight) - 100% of the total cost of travel services.

If you refuse the application or make any changes to the application for a tour to Indonesia less than 21 days after confirmation of the reservation, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actually incurred expenses of the Tour Operator in the amount of 100%. In case of refusal of the application or any changes to Thailand, China and India, less than the latter, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actual expenses incurred by the latter in the amount of 3 (Three) nights of hotel accommodation. In case of refusal of the application or any changes in the application for a tour to the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Cyprus, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actual expenses incurred by the latter in the amount of:

  • back before the start of the provision of travel services - 25% of the total cost of travel services,
  • 14-8 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 50% of the total cost of travel services,
  • 7-1 day before the start of the provision of travel services (or in case of no-show for the flight) - 100% of the total cost of travel services

In case of refusal of the application or any changes in the application for a tour to Mexico, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actual expenses incurred by the latter in the following amount:

  • 20-8 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 50% of the total cost of travel services

In case of refusal of the application or any changes in the application for a tour to the UAE, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actual expenses incurred by the latter in the following amount:

  • back before the start of travel services – 3 nights’ stay,
  • the day before the start of the provision of travel services - 25% of the total cost of travel services.
  • 10-1 day before the start of the provision of travel services (or in case of no-show for the flight) - 100% of the total cost of travel services.

In case of refusal of the application or any changes in the application for a tour to Italy, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actual expenses incurred by the latter in the following amount:

  • back before the start of the provision of travel services - 30% of the total cost of travel services,
  • 21-8 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 50% of the total cost of travel services.
  • 7-1 days before the start of the provision of travel services (or in case of no-show for the flight) - 100% of the total cost of travel services.

In case of refusal of the application or any changes in the application for a tour to Vietnam, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actual expenses incurred by the latter in the following amount:

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  • back before the start of the provision of travel services - 50% of the total cost of travel services,
  • 10-8 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 75% of the total cost of travel services.
  • 7-1 days before the start of the provision of travel services (or in case of no-show for the flight) - 100% of the total cost of travel services.

In case of refusal of the application or any changes in the application for a tour to Kenya, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actual expenses incurred by the latter in the following amount:

  • back before the start of the provision of travel services - 35% of the total cost of travel services,
  • back before the start of the provision of travel services - 75% of the total cost of travel services.
  • 9-1 days before the start of the provision of travel services (or in case of no-show for the flight) - 100% of the total cost of travel services.

In case of refusal of the application or any changes in the application for a tour to Spain and Andorra, the Tourist undertakes, at the request of the Tour Operator, to pay the actual expenses incurred by the latter in the following amount:

  • 14-9 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 25% of the total cost of travel services,
  • 8-4 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 50% of the total cost of travel services,
  • 3 days before the start of the provision of travel services - 80% of the total cost of travel services,
  • 2-1 day before the start of the provision of travel services (or in case of no-show for the flight) - 100% of the total cost of travel services.

If the duration of the tour includes, in whole or in part, the period:

  • from March 25 to April 2,
  • from April 25 to May 13,
  • from November 01 to November 12,
  • from December 24 to January 15,

the actually incurred costs of the Tour Operator are 100% of the total cost of travel services in case of refusal of a travel product in the following areas:

  • when canceling a tour to Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Spain, Andorra, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Cyprus - 21 days before the start of travel services;
  • when canceling a tour to Greece, India, Vietnam, China - 45 days before the start of travel services;
  • upon refusal of the application or any changes to Thailand, Indonesia, Kenya - 60 days before the start of the provision of travel services;
  • if you cancel a tour to Italy - 30 days before the start of the provision of travel services.
  • if you cancel a tour to the UAE - 40 days before the start of travel services.

The Tour Operator's losses must be compensated by the Tourist, regardless of whether they have been paid by the Tour Operator at that time or will be paid by him in the future. The visa fee is non-refundable in any case.

In case of cancellation of a confirmed Tourist Product, the cost of domestic flights will not be reimbursed.

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When calculating the timing in the event of a tourist’s refusal of a Tourist Product, the day of departure (departure) is not taken into account.

Cancellation of the tour: is it possible to get all the money back and how to do it?

Against the backdrop of the current fever in the financial market, the turbulent situation in the countries of the Arab world and Asia, and constant scandals surrounding tour operators and airlines, cases of vacationers abandoning their trips have become more frequent. And in quiet times, such refusals from tours are not uncommon.

From the article you will learn how to return all the money for an already paid travel package.

When can you issue a refund?

A tourist can cancel a trip at any time and get a refund for it.

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All questions regarding cancellation of a trip and refund of money for a failed tour are regulated by three norms: Article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 32 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” and Art. 10 of Federal Law No. 132-FZ “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation.”

In accordance with them, a person who has paid a travel agency for a trip can cancel the trip at any time and return the money for it. However, this requires compelling reasons.

Legitimate reasons for canceling a tour are:

  1. Deterioration of conditions at the place of stay (for example, this could be a war in the country where you are going, a natural disaster, civil unrest, a change in the tourism policy of another state).
  2. An increase in prices in the passenger transportation market that could not be predicted (sometimes due to fluctuations in stock markets, airlines significantly increase ticket prices).
  3. The tour operator's decision to reschedule your trip is unilateral and without agreement.
  4. Force majeure circumstances that do not depend on the tourist (illness, hospitalization, refusal to issue a visa, change in the tourism policy of the Russian Federation).

Refusal for reasons beyond the control of the parties

There can be a lot of force majeure circumstances that disrupt vacation plans: a flood occurred in the country, a civil war broke out, an epidemic of a contagious disease began. A recent example of unforeseen reasons is the ban on travel to Egypt after the crash of the A321 aircraft over the Sinai Peninsula.

The legal basis for a refund for a tour may be:

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  1. Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with recommendations to refrain from traveling to a particular country.
  2. Information from Rostourism about threats to the safety of vacationers in this region.
  3. Other regulations and documents adopted by the federal authorities and entered into force.

Law No. 132-FZ establishes that in the event of circumstances that pose a threat to vacation, a tourist who has not yet left for a problem region is returned the full cost of the tourism product. If the trip has already begun, the tour operator is obliged to return an amount proportional to the cost of services not provided to the client.

Cancellation at the request of the client

According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen can return the entire cost of a plane ticket if he cancels more than 24 hours before departure

As mentioned above, a person may get sick before the trip, and his financial situation may sharply worsen.

If you cancel your trip in this case, you must be refunded the money minus the expenses actually incurred by the travel agency - hotel booking with a non-refundable deposit, paid insurance, etc.

However, tour operators go to all sorts of tricks to lose as little profit as possible.

The most common tricks of travel companies:

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  1. The travel agent does his best to hide expenses for your trip and does not provide documents confirming expenses. In fact, this is fraud, so you can threaten the company's employees with criminal liability. When calculating the amount that they must return, they are required to provide you with payment receipts, notices, checks - all information about the costs.
  2. It is best to check the travel company’s calculations yourself. Often, a hotel reservation can be canceled without losing the deposit, as well as paid additional services: cultural program, excursions and entertainment, expanded menu in the hotel restaurant, etc. Most information can be checked from home by simply contacting the service provider via email.
  3. The tour operator refuses to refund money for flight tickets, citing the position of the carrier. Airlines really often try to screw over refusing passengers, claiming that it is impossible to return the money for the ticket. But this is not true. Art. 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation states: a citizen can get the entire cost of a ticket back if he cancels the flight no later than 24 hours before departure. If the refusal occurs later, then the money is returned to him minus a special fee, the amount of which cannot exceed 25% of the flight price. These rules also apply to charter flights.
  4. Often in travel agency contracts there is a clause that specifies a differentiated refund system, depending on how many days before departure you canceled the trip. For example, if you apply for a waiver in a week or less, you lose 100% of the money. If within 7-14 days - 50%, etc. Such conditions are contrary to Russian legislation. Therefore, you should not sign such an agreement - either seek the cancellation of such a clause, or find a more law-abiding operator.

How to issue a return

To get a refund for a tour, you must contact the tour operator’s office and write a statement

Regardless of the reasons, cancellation of the tour is formalized by visiting the operator’s office and writing a statement of termination of the contract.

In the application, you indicate the reason why you are canceling the trip (if it is personal, just write it vaguely; if it is related to force majeure, provide an additional link to the federal law and information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Rostourism).

Sometimes a tour operator can independently cancel a charter flight without offering its clients an alternative vacation option and without returning the money. This situation becomes a good reason, at a minimum, for claims and complaints to Rospotrebnadzor and Rostourism.

You can also go to court and try to recover from the unscrupulous travel company not only the cost of the trip, but also moral damages.

Free legal advice:

For travel agencies, delaying the payment of money for a trip is a common practice. The employees will assure you that this is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. However, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” makes it clear that a ten-day period is allotted for a refund for the tour. For each day of delay, you have the right to demand a penalty in the amount of 3% of the contract amount, as well as defend your interests in court. Be sure to mention this in your application.

Dear forum users - maybe the question is off topic - already

We've scoured the Internet, we want to go with our family

Actual expenses incurred

Valid from 05/01/17 (00:01 Moscow time) for all changes in applications

Free legal advice:

1 In case of refusal of a confirmed application or change in the conditions of booking a tourist product to Country X, the CUSTOMER/AGENT undertakes, at the request of the TOUR OPERATOR, to pay the actual expenses incurred by the latter, which arise during settlements with counterparties:

  • 31 or more days before the start of the provision of travel services - 20 USD. for a tourist
  • from 30 to 22 days before the start of travel services – 10%
  • from 21 to 15 days before the start of travel services – 25%
  • from 14 to 8 days before the start of travel services – 50%
  • from 7 to 5 days before the start of travel services – 60%
  • from 4 to 2 days before the start of travel services – 75%
  • 1 day before the start of travel services – 90%
  • on the day of departure and after the start of travel services – 100%
  • For tour dates that fully or partially include the period from 12/24/2017 to 01/08/2018:

50% from 60 to 41 days before the start date of travel services

75% from 40 to 15 days before the start date of travel services

90% from 14 to 2 days before the start date of travel services

100% from 1 to 0 days before the start date of travel services

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The indicated amounts of actual expenses are approximate and are ultimately determined in each specific case.

2 Recalculation of the application at a new reduced price for a tourism product is not allowed.

The cost of an application for a request to restore a previously canceled application is determined by the tour operator on an individual basis.

The full cost of the tourism product for the tourist in tour currency(without deduction of agent discount) will be displayed in:

3 The actual expenses of the TOUR OPERATOR (losses) must be compensated by the CUSTOMER/AGENT, regardless of whether they have been paid by that time by the TOUR OPERATOR or will be paid by him in the future.

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4 When calculating the deadlines in the event of refusal of the CUSTOMER/AGENT from a tourist product, the day of departure (departure) is not taken into account.

5 The consular fee for a visa is non-refundable if, at the time of cancellation of the tour, the documents for the visa have already been submitted to the consulate.

6 In case of cancellation of a tourist product due to refusal to issue an entry visa, the cost of the consular fee is not refunded.

7 Refunds for air tickets on regular flights are made in accordance with the rules established by the Carrier depending on the fare.

  • 7.1 Rules for airlines “Pegas Fly” and “Nord Wind” More details
  • 7.2 Rules for Ural Airlines and S7 AIRLINES Read more

* Actual costs shown apply to confirmed applications only.

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FIT's tourism product includes hotel room booking services in the following countries: Austria, Bahrain, Brazil, Venezuela, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Mauritius, Maldives, Malta, Portugal, Seychelles, France, Sri Lanka.

Actual expenses are the losses of the TOUR OPERATOR (fines and other financial sanctions imposed on the TOUR OPERATOR by third parties in connection with the refusal of a tourist product and/or the inability to make a trip). Information on actual expenses incurred in case of refusal of the application or any changes to the FIT tour product is sent to the AGENT in writing by the FIT TOUR OPERATOR when requesting a tour.


  • February 14, 2017

What should the agent do if, after the client cancels the tour, the TO is going to pay the money only six months later? How is this possible and how legal is it? Let’s find out with a lawyer.

An agent from the Perm region contacted the editors of Profi.Travel, who, after canceling the tour, could not get a refund from Pegas Touristik.

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This is all due to a new “unexpected” clause added by the tour operator to the contract for the sale of services in 2017.

We booked a tour to Greece with Pegas Touristik for the end of June 2017. A week later, at the request of the tourist and without penalties from the company, the tour was canceled. The tourist expected to get the money back immediately, and we wrote a letter to the tour operator asking for a refund. We received the following response to our request: “According to clause 2.2.3. agency agreement, in the event of cancellation of a tourist product/tourist service booked at the request of a travel agent due to the fault and/or initiative of the tourist and/or another customer ‹…› Money for the paid tourist product/tourist service is returned by the tour operator within three days after the date The end of the tour is 07/08/2017.”

To find out how legal the conditions specified in the contract are and what an agent should do in this situation, we turned to lawyer Ilya Tuguev. The expert explained who exactly should return the money to the tourist, and also noted that he had never encountered such a clause in contracts before.

The lawyer also explained within what time frame, according to the law, the money is returned to the customer and why, in this case, the interests of the tourist are not protected by the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights.”

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Ilya Tuguev, lawyer, Moscow Bar Chamber:

The terms for the return of payments by the tour operator could be revised, referring to the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Article 31), according to which the company has 10 days to satisfy the consumer’s request for a refund of the amount paid if the service delivery period is violated or there are complaints about its quality. However, in this case, the norm cannot be applied, because the tourist abandoned the trip of his own free will. But, I note, the return to the tourist of the money he paid within the period established by the agreement between the tour operator and the travel agent - six months after canceling the tour - seems disproportionate and violates the interests of the consumer.

Will the court help return the client’s money?

According to the expert, such a practice has never existed before and it is unknown how the judge will consider the case. But a tourist can try to defend his interests, citing the following points:

  • The refund period is too long and, in fact, the TO uses the tourist’s money for free to achieve its own benefits.
  • “Freezing” a large amount by a tour operator makes life difficult for a tourist: he cannot pay important expenses.

The contract must be studied 100%

We contacted a representative of the tour operator Pegas Touristik, who stated that he did not see a problem with the terms of the contract, and also noted that difficulties arise when the travel agent did not inform his tourist 100% of the time.

Free legal advice:

Anna Podgornaya, director of marketing and PR at Pegas Touristik:


It happens that people refuse a tour due to unforeseen circumstances and hope for the money paid for the tour. Unfortunately, there are many situations: a building with a business burned down, suffered losses, neighbors were flooded, a car was crashed, a child got sick, they were put on long-term sick leave. Some families collapse in six months. . .

It’s simply not human to delay payment like that.

And judges, for the most part, protect ordinary citizens.

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How to get money back for a trip

In this article I will talk about all the ordeals and difficulties that those who decide to return the money for a package tour will have to experience. As a rule, it is much easier to give money to a tour operator than to return it later. The likelihood of a return is small, but it is there. Here I give at least possible ways to solve this issue.

Be sure to read the article to the end - it contains a life hack that will help, for example, those who were unable to vacation in Egypt.

How to return a ticket if a trip is cancelled?

There are still people who, despite the great risk, buy tour packages. The reasons are different. Some people are still afraid to go on an independent vacation (although it’s high time to start), some people think that an organized vacation is more comfortable (often in vain), some people think that it’s cheaper (nowadays it’s quite rare), etc. d.

And increasingly, travel agency clients are faced with a number of questions:

We planned a vacation more than six months in advance, but a week before departure, the child fell ill. Is it possible to get a refund for a trip?

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I was denied a visa. Can I get my money back without penalties?

Flights to Egypt were banned. We were supposed to fly in a week. What to do?

Due to various circumstances, we are forced to cancel our vacation. Can we get our money back?

I have court debt. I may not be allowed to leave the country. How can I find out exactly everything or cancel the trip and get my money back?

There could be a million reasons. First of all, you need to understand in advance whether this is a voluntary refusal of a trip or a forced one. Now, when the entire tourism industry is seriously experiencing a storm, completely different situations may arise.

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In simple terms, all the reasons can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. You voluntarily refuse to travel (you do not have any valid documents that could confirm that you cannot go).
  2. You are forced to refuse the trip (the main thing here is not even your desire, but the documents with which you can or cannot prove your forced refusal).
  3. A travel company cannot provide you with a vacation (this, in principle, falls under the second point, but I put it in a separate category, since the consequences are different). If this is your case, the information is at the very end of the article.

Forced refusal is stipulated in Article 10 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation.”

Each party has the right to demand a change or termination of the contract for the sale of a tourism product due to a significant change in the circumstances from which the parties proceeded when concluding the contract.

Significant changes in circumstances include:

  • deterioration of travel conditions specified in the contract;
  • change in travel dates;
  • unexpected increase in transport tariffs;
  • impossibility for a tourist to travel due to circumstances beyond his control (tourist illness, refusal to issue a visa and other circumstances).

Forced return of the tour

First, let's consider a simpler option - forced return.

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For any tourism organization, your words, even very honest ones, do not matter. Most likely, your claims or requests will be dealt with not by the person to whom you brought the documents, but by someone with whom you simply cannot physically communicate. Therefore, the most important thing here is the documents that you provide.

For example, if a child or an elderly person falls ill and needs your care - a certificate of incapacity for work or a certified extract from a medical card.

Do you have a subpoena? Ask for a document with a stamp and signature - you cannot go on vacation!

If you were not issued a visa, also make a certified copy of the letter from the embassy and your passport or other document that confirms this.

As for the money itself. By law, you can choose to either return the entire amount or demand to change the terms of the contract (postponement of your vacation to another time, reduce the number of tourists, etc.). The main thing to remember is that in this case, you are the one who has the right to choose the most convenient option for you.

Everything in the travel agency is set up so as not to return your money. And draconian terms of contracts, and huge fines in case of refusal and the possibility of falsifying documents. (we'll talk more about this later)

But despite all the obstacles, you may be able to return 100% of your amount, sometimes even without any problems.

I recommend not to forget that your cancellation of the tour on this basis cannot be associated with poor quality services provided by the tour operator. Therefore, termination of the contract does not imply the return of the entire amount paid.

Based on the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 32, the travel agency can deduct from you the expenses that it has already incurred in connection with the organization of your vacation.

Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 32. The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (rendering services) at any time, subject to payment to the contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him related to the fulfillment of obligations under this contract.

It must be remembered that returning money paid to travel agencies has never been easy. If they don’t want to satisfy your demands, then you can go to court, or better yet, contact Rospotrebnadzor. They will help with the trial and at the same time send an inspection. By the way, the employees there told me in confidence that it is rare to come across a travel agency without violations. And the punishments for them are serious. Therefore, the likelihood of resolving issues amicably seriously increases.

Regarding the trial and deduction of expenses, read this article to the end, do not rush to submit all the documents at once.

Return of the tour at your request.

There will be much more difficulties here. As a rule, tourists do not read the contract for the provision of services, and if you do read it, you will not be allowed to make any changes. Somehow, travel agency workers easily forget that this is a contract and you have the opportunity to also enter your requirements and change the terms of the contract. But no one can take away your choice - to sign it or not.

In any case, you should have it and now is the time to read it more carefully. As a rule, penalties are clearly stated there (albeit often in small print).

For example, Biblioglobus has the following conditions:

  • From 0 to 7 days - you lose 100%
  • From 8 to 14 days - you lose 50%
  • From 15 to 21 days - you lose 25%
  • From 22 to 30 days - lose 10%
  • 31 days or more - lose rubles

And with Pegasus you lose:

  • From 29 to 11 days before the start of travel services - 25%
  • From 10 to 7 days before the start of travel services - 50%
  • From 6 to 3 days before the start of travel services - 75%
  • From 2 to 0 days before the start of travel services - 100%

Most likely, you won’t be able to get more from them without going to court. So, if you decide to voluntarily cancel the tour, then you need to:

Firstly, it’s good to think about whether it’s worth doing. Perhaps other alternatives are possible.

Secondly, changing dates will usually be easier and it may go much easier for you. But also keep in mind that most often this is done through cancellation of the tour. But as long as you don't demand money, you will be treated much more kindly.

And here another possibility arises. If your deadline has been changed a month or two in advance, then there are much more opportunities to refuse without penalty. Here the terms of the contract play into your hands.

Third, be prepared to sue. You will almost always get more money back in this lawsuit, sometimes 100%. (At least you can dream.) But you need to correctly draw up an application in which you are exempt from state duty.

If it comes to filing a lawsuit.

By law, you can only be charged as fines for expenses that the travel agency has already incurred. As a rule, they pay all expenses for your maintenance and flights with a delay or after the services are performed. In order to prove these expenses in court, the tour operator will have to be cunning.

However, all internal documents of travel agencies say otherwise. Most likely, you will sign the same thing in the contract. But the laws of the Russian Federation are always higher than internal acts and requirements.

For example, Pegasus: “The actual expenses of the TOUR OPERATOR (losses) must be compensated by the CUSTOMER/AGENT, regardless of whether they have been paid by that time by the TOUR OPERATOR or will be paid by him in the future”

What you need to do to get a refund for the tour:

Write a statement or claim to cancel the contract due to a significant change in circumstances.

(By law, the tour operator is responsible for organizing your trip, so even if you purchased the ticket through a travel agency, the application will need to be submitted to the tour operator.) A sample claim is attached to this article.

Correctly draw up and submit a claim.

The tour operator will be able to prove in court only the amount that it can officially confirm. At the same time, your name must be on the payment documents and you need to prove that someone else did not live or fly in this place. The situation is not very simple, so you still have a chance of getting a refund.

In fact, as a rule, the tour operator provides a bunch of paperwork for blocks of places, etc. without specification or names. (This is especially true in cases where there is a long time before the trip.) But do not rejoice in advance, there are also opportunities for tour operators to cheat. For example, ask the hotel to provide documents in your name. Often the hotel meets the tour operator as its partner.

What can you do yourself? First of all, obtain such documents before the tour operator contacts these organizations. The main thing is for you to prove that no one transferred or received money for you. Send your request to the hotel and airline yourself and receive a certified response from them. If necessary, send an official request - any lawyer can help you do this.

Sample text: “Please confirm that I, full name, did not live in this hotel and neither I nor third parties paid for my stay.”

Remember that the same Article 32 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Federal Law on “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” work for you. (links to documents below)

The actual expenses incurred must be documented by the contractor. At the same time, predetermined amounts of fines are not subject to withholding in the absence of evidence of their actual payment.

The travel company cannot provide your holiday.

There are also several options and each option requires a different approach.

Other reasons (recreation destination closed, etc.)

The travel agency went bankrupt

In this case, you are required to receive 100% of the funds paid. But, as a rule, it is quite difficult to get your money, because many people would like the same thing with you. But in practice it is not possible to get from 5% to 20%. In this case, the amount of liability insurance is divided among everyone who submitted an application.

If the tour operator gives at least something in this case, that’s already good. Take what they give and then try to get the rest.

Other reasons

Somehow a situation immediately comes to mind when a resort closes. This may be due to some natural factors (tsunamis, earthquakes, dangerous animals - for example, sharks).

In this case, the most important thing is whether there is an official ban on visiting your planned vacation spot. If there is no such ban, regardless of the passions that appear in the media, it is simply your desire. In this case, look at the item “Return of the tour at your request.”

If there is such an official ban, then this is the impossibility of fulfilling the contract, both on the part of the tour operator and on your part. Here you need to contact the office where you purchased the tour. In this case, the appeal itself is addressed to the tour operator, and intermediaries to travel agencies.

I recommend taking into account that when a direction is closed, and even more so a mass destination (such as Egypt), many people ask for a refund of their money. This is a rather dangerous situation for tour operators, even the largest ones. It is especially dangerous if this is the only or main destination for a given tour operator.

What is not necessary, but I would recommend doing, is to get a note about the impossibility of your vacation. For example, upon departure at the airport you will be given a stamp that your flight has been cancelled. Subsequently, this data can be very useful. Later, such documents will be much more difficult to obtain.

By the way, often in this case the tour operator, in order not to lose money, can offer you some other destination with an additional payment. If you have the opportunity to agree, it is better to relax somewhere else. This will be one of the easiest ways out of this situation.

Documents mentioned in the text of the article:

Perhaps the surest way to get your money back.

As a rule, all the simplest things are on the surface.

In cases where the tour operator denies you a vacation, you can simply return your money through the bank.

Now, in the age of computer technology, 75% of people pay for services with payment cards. A useful advantage is the possibility of a refund.

There is such a thing - chargeback. This is the process of the bank challenging a card transaction made by the holder at a point of sale (online store). More often the procedure is initiated by the card holder. For example, if the appropriate services are not provided.

The procedure is performed as follows. The cardholder submits a corresponding statement to the issuing bank, indicating the reason why he considers the transaction invalid or fraudulent. Next, the credit institution conducts an investigation and, if the applicant is correct, debits the protested payment amount from the outlet and returns it to the payer, that is, the chargeback occurs at the expense of the outlet.

In the case of a refund for a package tour, you must indicate the reason - non-provision of services. This is a sufficient reason for a refund.

In such cases, I recommend that you especially hurry. Already now, in the situation with Egypt, many tour operators have stated that they will not be able to return money to tourists. But in the case of a return using chargeback, the return occurs without anyone’s knowledge - the money is withdrawn from the account automatically, without taking into account the wishes of the tour operator itself.

If the tour operator goes bankrupt (and this is quite likely in this situation), then it will be much more difficult to get the money back.

By the way, you can get your money back in the same way,

  • if you are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided;
  • in reality the product is different from what was promised by the seller;
  • services were not provided in full.

The likelihood of resolving the issue in this case (with the right approach) increases significantly.

The likelihood of a tour operator going bankrupt increases rapidly as the number of people wanting to get their money back increases. If we take the situation with Egypt at the beginning of November 2015 as an example, then quantity has definitely turned into quality.

Most tour operators (if not all) use either borrowed money or (more often) work on credit. At the same time, their activities proceed like a kind of pyramid. That is, all newly appeared clients provide the opportunity to pay funds to hotels and airlines for ongoing, and often already completed, trips of past clients.

Thus, most companies have financial difficulties not only with the closure of any destinations, but also with the inability to cover their expenses, especially with a decrease in the number of tourists.

In case of disasters similar to Egypt, other destinations of tour operators will not provide enough money to cover current debts. Therefore, I expect a series of bankruptcies of travel companies in the near future.

If you nevertheless decide to take a package tour, be sure to insure yourself against travel restrictions or (which is better) trip interruption.

Read your contract very carefully and remember that this is a CONTRACT. You can agree on its contents (although this is sometimes met with hostility from travel agents).

Remember, the cheapest and most tempting offers are given either for something that no one needs or by those who no longer see any other way other than such dumping. It's better not to take risks.

Plan your vacation yourself so as not to depend on intermediaries!

Only independent travel will allow you to minimize risks. According to my calculations, there are practically no destinations where you cannot save significantly by going on vacation on your own.

The participants of several of our master classes on independent holidays in the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and the Maldives were convinced of this.

These destinations can become the best alternative to Egypt for a holiday in the autumn-winter period. In the United Arab Emirates, autumn, winter and spring are the height of the season. Air temperature is from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. The most inexpensive resorts are Sharjah and Fujairah, especially if you go on your own. Read more on the master class page on holidays in the UAE:

So far, few people know that the cost of living in a 3-star hotel in the Maldives can cost from 3-4 thousand rubles for two. It is in winter and spring that the best season for relaxation is there. An independent holiday in the Maldives is simply several times cheaper than offers from travel agencies. The main thing is to choose the right island, hotel and, of course, the way to get there.

These and other useful tricks are in the recordings of the master class on holidays in the Maldives:

If you decide to choose Turkey in autumn-winter, then I recommend choosing the southernmost resort of Alanya. It will be sunny and the temperature during the day will reach 20 degrees Celsius. Swimming in the sea can be replaced with a healthy swim in hot thermal springs, of which there are a great many in Turkey. In addition, an excellent excursion program awaits you in Turkey - the country is famous for its historical monuments.

In most cases, an independent holiday in Turkey will be cheaper than a package holiday. Read more at the link.