Hisar city, Bulgaria. Hisarya and magical sources of health. Cheap flights to Bulgaria

Hisar: treatment, recovery, medicine, balneotherapy. Information about medical centers and sanatoriums in Hisar. Reviews from tourists about Hisar.

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Hisar (or Hisarya) is a small resort town, which, like the neighboring Chiflik, is slowly but very confidently attracting tourists who want to diversify their vacation and literally take a little break from the Black Sea resorts of Bulgaria. Well, Hissar, located in a basin near the Syshtinskaya Sredna Gora just north of Plovdiv, has truly unique natural conditions that attracted people here several thousand years ago. First of all, there is an abundance of mineral springs that heal literally all ailments. The surprisingly mild climate with warm summers (up to +25 °C) and cool winters with an average temperature of about 0 °C also played a role.


The results of archaeological research indicate that settlements near Hisar springs existed more than 7 thousand years ago. Later the Thracians moved here, followed by the Romans. In 293, Emperor Diocletian visited these places and declared the springs his property, confirming his intentions with the construction of a fortress (the walls of which, by the way, have survived to this day). In honor of the Emperor of Rome, the village was named Diocletianopolis and began to develop as a resort, a popular vacation spot for Roman patricians.

It had all the trappings of a wealthy imperial city: marble palaces, spacious cobbled streets, public baths, sewers and, of course, an abundance of sculptures of gods. The city, snow-white thanks to marble, against the backdrop of bright Balkan greenery, was noticed by travelers many miles away.

After the decline of the Roman Empire and destruction by the Goths in the 3rd century, Diocletianople was, however, quickly restored, but with much more powerful fortress walls. Subsequently, the city experienced many ups and downs, and only in the 17th century did the then owners of these places, the Turks, appreciate the healing properties of mineral water and began to encourage the development of a resort here. It was at this time that the city received its current name - Hisar (which means “fortress” in Turkish) due to the many ruins of once powerful fortifications.

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How to get there

The most convenient way to get to Hissar is through Sofia. Transfer cost for up to 4 people from the airport of the capital of Bulgaria: 150 BGN. There are no direct bus and train connections between Sofia and Hissar, so tourists need to first get to Plovdiv (ticket price: 15 BGN) on buses from the Central Bus Station every 30-60 minutes. Karlovo can also be a transfer point (ticket price from Sofia: 10 BGN). Hisar is located 43 km from Plovdiv and 26 km from Karlovo, travel time: 1 hour and 30 minutes respectively. Prices on the page are for April 2019.


Hisar is 22 springs with a water temperature of +37...+52 °C. This low-mineralized (which means it has a pleasant taste and odorless) water treats dyskinesia, pancreatitis, gastritis, kidney disease and other ailments.

Mud is also mined here and used to combat skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema. In general, the “water + mud” complex gives excellent treatment results, so it is not for nothing that Hisar is considered one of the largest balneological resorts in the country and has international status. There are a huge number of sanatoriums, hotels and recreation centers here.

Water from local springs is bottled and sold throughout Bulgaria.

Entertainment and attractions

The main attraction of Hissar is the ruins of a Roman fortress. Its three-meter walls, built in the 4th century, are in some places perfectly preserved. Once upon a time, the fortress was supplemented by 43 towers, of which only fragments have survived to this day. Behind the wall were buildings traditional for a Roman city: barracks, baths, temples, necropolises. There were also 5 ancient tombs here, including the well-preserved Hisar tomb. This is a 4th century Roman family tomb consisting of a vaulted staircase, a corridor and a burial chamber. Its walls are decorated with frescoes, and the floor is covered with multi-colored mosaics.

Near the springs “Havuz” and “Momina Banya” there are the remains of thermal baths, as well as early Christian basilicas from the 7th century, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the churches of St. Dimitar, St. Panteleimon, St. Peter and Paul.

Hisar also has its own Archaeological Museum with a good exhibition.


Hisar hotels are affordable and have very good amenities. Most hotels are certified 3 and 4 stars. The cost of living in hotels ranges from 40 to 150 BGN, apartments can be rented for 25-100 BGN per day.

IN Varna, Nessebar and Sofia (Bulgaria) - this is reality!

Hisarya is a small resort town in the central part of Bulgaria with a population of about 10,000 people, located 160 kilometers east of the capital of Bulgaria Sofia and 42 kilometers north of the city of Plovdiv. Accordingly, the capital Vrazhdebna Airport (Sofia) is about 160 km away, and in winter you can use Krumovo Airport (Plovdiv), which is about 50 km away.

Mineral springs The balneological resort of Hisar has attracted people here since ancient times. Archaeological excavations have shown that settlements existed near Hissar mineral springs as early as 5,000 years before the birth of Christ. In 293, the Roman Emperor Diocletian visited the village, surrounded it with a fortress wall (it has survived to this day) and declared the hot springs the property of the emperor. During the reign of the Romans, the city on the site of Hissar was called Diocletianopolis, in honor of the Emperor Diocletian. The resort of Hissar had a special status under Roman rule due to the fact that many mineral springs were already discovered on its territory at that time. It was famous as a resort for the Roman nobility with many marble baths. The Baths of August were also located here - the largest in the Balkans. In 1976, a national archaeological reserve was created in Hisar, which included monuments from the Roman period.

Climate- moderate continental. The resort is protected from cold air masses by mountain ranges. Winter is warm and soft, snowless. Spring is early. The average monthly temperature in summer is plus 22? C. Average annual air humidity - 70%. Characterized by two wet maximums - June and November. The maximum number of sunny days per year is 280.

Today in Hisar They use mineral water for treatment, which contains fluorine, metasilicic acid and radon. Water temperature from 37 to 52? C. Water, which is extracted from mineral springs, has a pleasant taste, is odorless and colorless and is used to treat a wide range of ailments. The most famous is the spring in the Momina Banya area with radioactive alkaline water.

There are 22 mineral springs on the territory of Hisarya:

  • temperature from 24 to 49 C
  • transparent, colorless, with a pleasant taste and odorless
  • low-mineralized (200-270 mg/l - salt content)
  • magmatic and infiltration origin associated with the formation of mountain ranges
  • sodium bicarbonate, sulfate, rich in metasilicic acid, fluorine
  • radon (10-165 Um)
  • pH - 7.6-9.02
  • Contains more than 20 types of microelements

There are 22 mineral springs here with clean, tasty, slightly mineralized water, which can be used for both drinking and bathing. She treats numerous diseases (kidney, liver, bile, gastritis, diabetes, gout).

Modern balneological hospitals offer a high level of service. The most famous mineral The source of Hisarya is Momina Banya. It contains the substance radon, and its temperature reaches 47°C, which made it suitable for treatment of renal-urological diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Along with the listed diseases, those who wish to undergo course of treatment in the field of gynecology, digestive tract, getting rid of diseases associated with metabolism, liver and gallbladder diseases, skin diseases, respiratory system of the body. Also mined here therapeutic mud, and when using mud therapy, the quality of the healing process increases. Mud used for treatments, including allergies and eczema.

The city has several drinking pump rooms, balneotherapy clinics, many sanatoriums, dozens of recreation centers, hundreds of private hotels, and a large mineral beach.

  • Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Treatment of diseases of the nervous system
  • Treatment of diseases of the urinary system
  • Treatment of skin diseases at balneological and mud resorts
  • Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Treatment of respiratory system diseases

Hisarya – a very quiet, cozy and green town, it is famous for its beautiful parks, with a total area of ​​100 hectares of land. There are 300 species of vegetation growing here, among which you can find species from all over the world - magnolias, ginkgo biloba, ager, paulownia, albizia and others. The first park, built in 1892 near the former mineral baths "Topolitsa", is the work of the Swiss engineer Chevalias. Beautiful parks are located near source "Momina Banya", near the Summer Theater, as well as on the territory of the treatment and rehabilitation base of the Ministerial Council. On the outskirts of the city there is a belt of mixed broadleaf and coniferous forests - an excellent basis for many places for relaxation. In addition, the city of Hisarya is known for its ancient architectural sights, which are the heritage of the many peoples who inhabited this land.

Hissar resort It is considered one of the largest balneological Bulgarian resorts of international level. The resort has balneological clinics, sanatoriums, recreation centers, and many dachas, both private and departmental. The resort of Hisarya has mineral beach. Modern fitness centers allow you to improve your health using the most modern methods.

Almost every resort hotel has a SPA center or balneological complex. Treatment procedures can be completed regardless of where you live.

Composition of mineral waters at the resort of Hisar:

Spring "Momina Banya" - Hisar resort

Water - sodium, moderately radioactive, fluoride.

  • Physico-chemical characteristics: pH 9.1, Flow rate 40 l/s,
  • Metasilicic acid (H2SiO3) 59 mg/l, Mineralization 0.27 g/l, Radon (Rn) 592 Bq/l, Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 1.5 mg/l, Temperature 52 C
  • Anions: Carbonate (СО3 2?) 6 mg/l, Sulfate (SO4 2-) 36 mg/l, Fluorine (F-) 5 mg/l, Hydrocarbonate (HCO3-) 85 mg/l, Chloride (Cl -) 9 mg/l
  • Cations: Potassium (K+) 1.6 mg/l, Calcium (Ca2+) 4 mg/l, Lithium (Li+) 0.3 mg/l, Sodium (Na+) 60 mg/l

Source "Momina Salza" - Hisar resort

The water is hydrothermal, hydrocarbonate-sodium, contains radon, slightly radioactive, fluorine.

  • Physico-chemical characteristics: Flow rate 1.7 l/s, Metasilicic acid (H2SiO3) 41.4 mg/l,
  • Mineralization 0.23 g/l, Temperature 41.0 C
  • Anions: Carbonate (СО3 2?) 18.0 mg/l, Sulfate (SO4 2-) 31.5 mg/l, Hydrocarbonate (HCO3-) 75.0 mg/l, Chloride (Cl -) 7.0 mg/ l
  • Cations: Potassium (K+) 28.0 mg/l, Calcium (Ca2+) 4.9 mg/l, Sodium (Na+) 28.0 mg/l

"Parilkite" spring - Hissar resort

Water – low-mineralized, hydrocarbonate-sulfate, chlorine, sodium, fluorine-silicon, with an alkaline reaction.

Colorless and odorless, has a pleasant taste.

Mineral water is used as table water, suitable for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, renal-urological, gall bladder, metabolism, gynecological diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and chronic intoxication (heavy metals, pharmaceutical products).

  • Physico-chemical characteristics: pH 8.9, Flow rate 3 l/s,
  • Metasilicic acid (H2SiO3) 48.3 mg/l, Mineralization 214.9 g/l, Temperature 43 C
  • Anions: Sulfate (SO4 2-) 28.3 mg/l, Fluorine (F-) 4.2 mg/l, Hydrocarbonate (HCO3-) 66.7 mg/l, Chloride (Cl -) 7.1 mg/l
  • Cations: Potassium (K+) 1.7 mg/l, Calcium (Ca2+) 5.2 mg/l, Sodium (Na+) 53.4 mg/l

Indications for treatment at Hissar resort: diseases of the urinary system(kidney stones, chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder, inflammation of the urinary tract, chronic prostatitis), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract(stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, chronic stomatitis, chronic pharyngitis, digestive disorders and lack of appetite, chronic colitis, constipation, functional gastrointestinal neuroses), liver and gallbladder diseases(chronic hepatitis, gallstones, chronic inflammation of the gallbladder, functional disorders of biliary excretion, chronic pancreatitis, condition after infectious hepatitis and postoperative condition after removal of the gallbladder), gynecological diseases(infertility of inflammatory origin in women, chronic inflammatory processes in women, shifts in the menstrual cycle), (rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of muscles and tendons, ankylosing spondylitis, post-traumatic conditions), neurological diseases(vegetative dystonia, neuritis, radiculoneuritis, plexitis, polyneoritis, polyradiculoneuritis), (chronic sinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, chronic bronchitis), vascular diseases(occupational arteriopathy, Buerger's disease, Raynaud's disease), diseases of the venous system- varicose veins and chronic phlebitis (3 months after the acute stage), (skin allergies, psoriasis, eczema), metabolic diseases(diabetes, gout, obesity).

Hisarya resort offers many options for entertainment and sports: swimming in outdoor and indoor mineral pools, tennis, volleyball, basketball, cycling, horse riding, motocross, paintball and others, as well as opportunities for hunting and fishing. Local beaches and mineral water pools are very popular among the Bulgarians themselves. From Hisarya you can take a walk through the wonderful nature of these places. The winemaking traditions of these places provide the opportunity to taste wines from local cellars

The city of Hisar is the final railway station on the local railway line Dolna Mahala - Hisar (a branch of the Plovdiv - Karlovo railway line). The bus station and railway station are located nearby in the western part of the city.

The Hissar resort is open all year round and is ideal for both adults and children.

Today there are many modern spa and balneological centers at spa resortsHisarya, Sandanski, Kyustendil, Sofia,

The resort that we will talk about today is interesting in everything, but first of all it is interesting for its history and mineral springs, around which this story has revolved for many centuries. Of course, we will tell you this story. So, Hisarya in Bulgaria appeared many centuries ago, according to some sources, the first people and settlements appeared here around the 3rd century BC, in general, a very long time ago. It’s hard to say who those first settlers were, in the depths of centuries their features and the name of the people were erased, and they left almost no traces, then the Romans came here, and were stunned by the beauty of these places, and at the same time, having explored the miraculous properties of local springs, they decided that They will feel very good here and decided to stay.

Remaining in these fertile places, they began to build a city, according to its Roman tradition, the city was solid, with stone-paved roads and fortress walls, by the way, the ruins of those walls and the remains of those roads can be found and seen even now, thousands of years later. Our modern road builders should be very ashamed, because the ancient masters managed to build roads with their own hands that, even after a thousand years, could still carry several trucks, but modern roads cannot last even a year.

The same can be said about the builders of those walls that have not collapsed even now, and looking at modern houses, one sad thought appears in my head, what will the archaeologists of the future excavate after us? Most likely, we will not be able to leave the ruins of 9-story buildings and asphalt roads to our descendants; most likely, by the time our civilization disappears from the face of the earth, only dust will remain from our buildings, and our descendants will not know anything about us.

But we are a little distracted. So, when the Romans came to this land with their high technologies and built a city, and behind it they built baths and baths, the city began to develop rapidly and already in those days it became a center not only of trade, but also of treatment, and of the ancient Romans. The city was called then differently than it is now, it was given the name of the then Emperor of Rome Diocletian and was called Diocletianople, just like that.

In general, the city flourished, and the emperor, convinced of the amazing properties of the local mineral water, even declared the springs the personal property of the emperor. The fortress grew and even began to be considered the third largest in Europe, well, at that time, of course. Then the city gradually began to decline, constant wars and raids by various friendly neighbors practically stopped the life of the city.

It finally died out when the Turks came to this land. They destroyed the city to the ground, but after learning about the wonderful properties of the springs, they rebuilt the city and breathed life into it again. Then the Turks were driven out of here by the Russians, during the war the resort became a little covered in dust, but was not completely forgotten. Now this resort is one of the largest balneological resorts in Bulgaria, which is now visited by tourists from all over Europe and you can visit without any problems.


In order to get to Bulgaria, you will need a set of some documents, where to get them and how to complete them. There are several ways: you call or come to the embassy yourself and find out the necessary list of documents to obtain a visa to Bulgaria.

If you are a busy person or you are simply too lazy to do this, then a special company or travel agency can shoulder all the troubles for you, of course, for a fee. The set of documents is standard, you need a foreign passport, by the way, if you don’t have one, then it can also be issued by specially trained people, several certificates and other pieces of paper. You can find out the exact list of documents on the website of the Bulgarian Embassy. If you are going, then you will need a little more documents certified by a notary, the embassy will also tell you about this.

Weather in Hisar in Bulgaria

In addition to the very necessary pieces of paper, any tourist is interested in the weather in the place where he is going to spend his vacation. Previously, it was difficult to find out the weather; at best, you called your friends at the resort and asked them what it was like outside the window. Moreover, this method was very ineffective, because after learning the weather today, and leaving tomorrow, you could easily come to the resort and sit in the hotel room for the entire vacation. Now everything has become much simpler, any person now has access to the Internet and there he can find any information he is interested in, including the weather forecast.

We recommend that you check in Hissar in Bulgaria a few days before your trip and it is best to look at the forecast 10-14 days in advance. Of course, there is no exact information on the Internet, but with an 80% chance you will at least have an approximate idea of ​​what the weather will be like on vacation. In general, the weather in Hisar in Bulgaria is very favorable.

If you decide to go on vacation in the summer, then you will not encounter sweltering heat here; the temperature in summer here rarely rises above 22 degrees Celsius, in winter there is no frost, and in spring the weather is warm, but not hot, about +12-14 degrees. Autumn lasts here until the end of October and also boasts very warm weather.

And also weather in Hisar in Bulgaria can boast that there is almost never fog here and there are a lot of sunny days a year; according to various estimates, there are about 280-290 sunny days a year. In short, the weather here will not let you down, and even if it rains outside, it will not last long and it will not ruin your vacation. Since this resort cannot boast of being hot, be sure to take warm clothes with you on your trip; in the evenings it can be quite cool here even in summer. Therefore, warm clothes should definitely go with you on your trip.


As you already understand, this resort is designed mainly for those people who want to receive medical treatment or simply want it for prevention. For this purpose, a simply excellent infrastructure has been created here, which was created not only by people, but also by nature itself, because without the mineral springs it created, nothing would have happened. Treatment in Hisar in Bulgaria occurs not only with the help of mineral water and baths, but also with the help of mud, but let's talk about everything in order. So, as we have already said, the miraculous properties of water from the sources of Hisarya were discovered a long time ago, and until today they have not been forgotten.

There are more than two dozen mineral springs, near which many hospitals and sanatoriums have been built, where everyone who wants and has money can undergo treatment. What is being treated here and how? Many diseases can be treated here, but do not think that water is just water and everyone can drink it, nothing like that, water in springs is a real medicine that has its own contraindications and side effects. For example, if you have cancer, pregnancy, mental disorders and other acute illnesses, you cannot appear here, and do not think that if you have money you will be allowed to rest and be treated here, no. Each sanatorium and rest home employs highly qualified medical workers who, before allowing you to undergo procedures, will do a full examination and after that will prescribe you treatment.

Various diseases can be treated in Hisar, Bulgaria; skin diseases are treated here with the help of massages and the use of various muds; it should be noted that this treatment is quite effective. They also treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases, intestinal and stomach diseases, respiratory tract problems, hypertension and much more. In general, if you have health problems, then they can help you here, unless, of course, you have advanced the disease to a critical state. Treatment with mineral water is carried out in different ways, there are pools filled with mineral water, sometimes the water temperature in the pools reaches 52 degrees. There is also drinking mineral water, as well as mud, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of human skin and more. You can order a course of therapeutic massage and much more in the sanatoriums of Hisar in Bulgaria, it’s all about your finances. By the way, we have come to the most interesting question – the price of treatment in Hisar in Bulgaria.

prices in Hisar in Bulgaria

And now we get to the most interesting part - prices in Hisar in Bulgaria. We will talk about all the prices that you can find here, and the first prices that we will talk about are the prices for treatment. Vouchers to sanatoriums are sold for a minimum of 10 days, but in general experts recommend undergoing treatment here from 14 to 25 days. A 10-day trip will cost you about 300 euros, but this is the minimum price. Prices may be higher, it all depends on what treatment package you choose, in which sanatorium you will relax, and so on. As for prices for real estate and hotel rooms, they are not very different from prices in the rest of Bulgaria.

It is clear that people come here not only for treatment, but also just to relax. Therefore, there are not only sanatoriums and holiday homes, but also ordinary hotels and apartments that are rented out to tourists. You can rent a hotel room here for 1,500-5,000 rubles per night, it all depends on how many stars are on the hotel sign.

Most famous sanatorium Hisar in Bulgaria. This is a sanatorium that boasts 4 stars on its sign. People come here from all over Europe, and recently from the CIS, in order to solve problems with the musculoskeletal system, intestines and many other health problems. Prices in the Hissar sanatorium in Bulgaria are quite affordable, despite the 4 stars. For example, a standard room will cost you approximately 54 euros per night, a suite will cost you 76 euros, but these prices will be affordable for you if you come for 4-5 days. If you just decide to spend a couple of days in a sanatorium, for example, a weekend, then the prices are completely different. For a standard room you will have to pay 62 euros, and for a luxury room about 80 euros. There are also apartments, rooms for people with disabilities, and two-room suites. In general, anyone will find a room to their liking here.


The last thing we will talk about today is attractions of Hisar in Bulgaria. As you probably already guessed, most of the attractions of Hisar in Bulgaria are associated with the rich history of this city. If we go back into history for a moment, the name of the city itself translates as a fortress; this name was given to the city by the Turks. So it is the fortress walls, which can still be seen today, and at the same time the huge, ancient fortress gates that are the main attraction of the city. There is also an archaeological museum, which houses a rich collection of ancient artifacts that were found in the city itself and its environs.

Therefore, lovers of history and archeology will find something to their liking here and will be able to spend an interesting and informative time. It is clear that the mineral springs themselves are also a real attraction of this city; these sights can not only be seen, but also touched with different parts of the body. It is clear that in and around the city there are many churches dating back to the Christian era and beyond. For example, near the village of Starosel an ancient Thracian temple was found, and with it a rich treasure of gold items, weapons and much more. Thanks to these rich finds, black archaeologists and other treasure hunters often appear in these parts.

Although there are not many of them here. There are no modern attractions in the city, and entertainment is scarce here. If you are a fan of noisy companies and nightclubs, then there is nothing for you to do at this resort. No, of course, there are all these entertainments here, but there are not as many of them as it might seem, nevertheless, mostly people come here who want to improve their health, and they do not need noise, on the contrary, such people are more interested in silence.

I’ll briefly finish with “what I liked” (I apparently reached the text length limit in “what I liked”, and there my flow of words stopped)) The Hissar Hotel fully met our expectations. It, the parks of Hisarya, blooming at this time and full of birds, water sources, ruins of a Roman fortress, etc. create a wonderful atmosphere for a leisurely “resort” holiday. 5-maximum 10 days is enough - you will leave calm and healthier. "MINUSES". 1. It is clear that the hotel as a whole and the equipment in the rooms are many years old. This style of the 80s of the 20th century will irritate some. We are not there, but I warn you... 2. On weekends a lot of people come and it becomes a little noisier. 3. The audibility between the rooms is “Bulgarian” (those who have been to hotels in Bulgaria will understand). Even if I wanted to, I can’t remember any more “negative” things. Last year, 2018, we were in another hotel (also 4 stars, junior suite, not far from Hissar). Almost the same prices, but the difference (in favor of “Hisar”) is undeniable. I definitely recommend it. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them, about Bansko too. Sincerely, Vladimir

Good day to those reading this review! My wife and I lived at the Hisar Hotel in the Deluxe building from March 16th to 26th, 2019. We came from Bansko, where we spend several months in the winter and summer in the mountains (skiing, hiking in the summer). In Bansko-sport. In Hisar - complete relaxation + mineral water for internal organs and appearance)). Specifically about the hotel. 1. Friendly, Russian and English-speaking staff to varying degrees (we made a mistake when ordering - we ordered a double room, but for one person. Everything was immediately corrected, recalculated - the price changed by a penny, and the issue was closed). 2.Wonderful spacious room with a loggia and a view of the expanses of Bulgaria with mountains on the horizon. Bathroom with shower and bath, heated. Daily (we refused) change of robes and towels. Nice bed linen. Small refrigerator. It's for a minibar, but there's plenty of free space for your "eats" if you don't want to go to a restaurant. 3. Breakfast - for every taste. Standard European snacks + a couple of soups + honey in honeycombs + pancakes + (for us this was a pleasant surprise - we are vegans) Lenten menu (delicious porridge, excellent boiled vegetables, etc.). And lunches, although the choice was minimal - 4-5 dishes, quite good, edible food in large portions (and again, soup and the main course - there was a Lenten option). Wonderful indoor pool: 25 meters, 6 lanes, about 2 meters deep. In general, you won’t be able to stand in it and have endless conversations (as often happens). Just swim, which is what we did in the morning (12 double pools, 600 meters, per car, drink a glass of mineral water, and at 9-15 for breakfast). There are two outdoor swimming pools and a jacuzzi outside. One was being repaired, the other was working. People were sunbathing and swimming. The Deluxe building had its own separate SPA: infrared and steam baths, an ice room, a path with contrasting temperature jets and pebbles at the bottom, a “vertical jacuzzi” shower, a pool with mineral water, etc. Not our style, but we started walking and got used to it)))!

Length of stay: March 2019

A city near Plovdiv. This is a famous balneological resort and tourist site in Bulgaria because there are many attractions and there is also hot mineral water.

Balneological resort Hisarya is one of the very ancient Bulgarian settlements. There was a fortress here that was quite well preserved. “Hisar”, in fact, is translated as fortress. True, in that distant year 293 the city was called Dioclecyanopol. The settlement itself has existed since the 5th century BC.
The Bulgarians claim that there are 22 springs with thermal water on the territory of Hisarya. Personally, I saw one, so I can’t say anything here. I mean two, but identical in composition.

Western gate of the fortress. The height of the wall reaches 12.5 meters, width 2.6-4 meters. There are a total of 44 towers, 4 gates and 6 small entrances.

The city itself is to my taste - because I like ruins and fewer living people.

Honestly, in terms of the degree of neglect it is no different from, but in all other respects these are very different cities, starting from climate and topography.

Entrance to the park and rotunda Izvora Momina sulza- source Maiden's tear. In 1882, the first chemical analysis of mineral water in Bulgaria was made - it was the water in Hisarya and from this date the beginning of Bulgarian official balneology can be considered.

All these photographs were taken inside the fortress - the city spreads far beyond its borders. Which, however, does not make it big - only 7,000 people.

Late Roman public building.

This, in my opinion, is the most beautiful and well-groomed part of the entire city. Archaeological park complex. It is available for free viewing and is truly the greenest and most beautiful place in all of Hisarya. Behind the fortress walls, by the way, it’s as if the steppe begins - there are very few trees, greenery and the scorching sun.

There is absolutely nothing to do here if you don’t get treatment. There are plenty of mineral beaches of all kinds. For example, at the Hisar Hotel.

Former baths

By the way, mineral water in Hisarya is very diverse in its composition and temperature. The indications for treatment are so wide that I don’t even want to list it here, in a nutshell - it cures everything!

Roman baths.


Another source is the Maiden's Tear. More attractive, comfortable and equipped. But people crowd around the round rotunda in the Colonnade.

Poppies. By the way, it's mid-May.

The fortress wall has a perimeter of 2,327 meters - so imagine a town inside 20 hectares.

This is the main Southern gate of the fortress.

Hisarya is located in the Plovdiv region near the city of Karlovo (20 km), where they make good cosmetics from roses, and only 42 km from Plovdiv, so the nearest airport is Plovdiv Krumovo, and then in.

You can also get to Hisarya by intercity bus and by train (to Plovdiv).