Autumn gastronomic festivals in Italy. Ten main wine holidays in the world The history of young wine

Do you want to create a gastronomic tour of autumn Italy? Nothing could be easier, because we have already collected the brightest and most delicious events of autumn for you!

Gastronomic festivals are not only mountains of dishes, dozens of liters of wine and a million new acquaintances, but also master classes from famous chefs, numerous concerts and performances. Such holidays are ideal for all groups of tourists, from lonely hearts and poor students to couples with children or older people. If the former plunge headlong into the noisy stream and endless tastings, the latter will be able to take a break from busy everyday life and satisfy their curiosity in the field of cooking.


Festival: Eurochocolate
Where: Perugia (Umbria)
When: October 14 – 23
Price: free

Chocolate Festival in Perugia is the largest in Europe. Every year, about a million chocoholics from different countries flock to Perugia to not only taste the most popular sweet in the world, but also to participate in numerous master classes and enjoy SPA treatments with chocolate. By the way, if you e children with children, they will be happy to try out the profession of a chocolatier in a special confectionery school for children.

The organizers of the holiday urge tourists to book in advance due to the large number of visitors at this time!

First meal

Festival: I primi d’Italia (Italian first courses)
Where: Foligno (province of Perugia, Umbria)
When: September 29 – October 2
Price: free

Italy's first and only festival , dedicated to a whole class of dishes. You can taste pasta, rice, soup, polenta in various variations. And what’s even more important, you’ll learn all the secrets of making Italian sauces that can transform literally any of your dishes.


Festival: Cous Cous Fest
Where: San Vito lo Capo (province of Trapani, Sicily)
September 16 – 25
Price: free

A festival of cultures centered around one ingredient - couscous. In addition to the gastronomic part, you can also enjoy the cultural part. Every day, free concerts of famous Italian performers take place on the main stage. For a detailed program, see the website (information is available in English).


Festival: Mostra Mercato Nazionale Del Tartufo Bianco
Where: San Miniato (Tuscany)
When: November – December
Price: free

On the way from Florence to Pisa, be sure to stop by the small town of San Miniato, where every year in November-December national exhibition and sale of white truffles . However, your trip will not end with an acquaintance with the white truffle, because local wines, cheeses and sausages are widely represented at the fair. So get ready to leave your vehicle for the night, and slowly discover all the delights of dolce vita in Tuscan style.

Festival: Fiera Nazionale del Tartufo di Acqualagna
Where: Acqualagna (Marche)
When: October 30 – November 13
Price: free

If you are planning a trip to the eastern part of Italy, then truffle fair you can visit in Acqualagna. Focus on the standard program - tasting dishes with truffles accompanied by warming wines.

Festival: Fiera del Tartufo di Alba
Where: Alba (Piedmont)
When: October 8 – November 27
Price: 3 euros

The largest truffle fair in Italy , which is visited by both ordinary people, restaurateurs and gastronomic critics. By the way, visiting the fair with dogs is welcome. Thus, local residents emphasize the important role of their four-legged friend in silent hunting. You won't be bored at the fair. Numerous culinary master classes, presentations, and wine tastings will absorb all your attention. To make the festival memorable for a long time, be sure to watch the donkey races!


Festival: Sagra dell'uva
Where: Marino (province of Rome, Lazio)
When: first Sunday in October
Price: free


Festival: Fiera Nazionale del Marrone
Where: Cuneo (Piedmont)
When: October 14 – 16
Price: free

What is it impossible to imagine European capitals without in late autumn and winter? Without mobile points hot roasted chestnuts , which will be lovingly packed in a little bag by the rosy-cheeked seller. In Italy there is a holiday for everything and chestnut is no exception. The northern town of Cuneo is filled with the aroma of coals and roasting chestnuts for several days. Between eating a sweet delicacy, you can stroll along the aisles of the fair and buy goods from local craftsmen and manufacturers.


Festival: Sagra Nazionale del Gorgonzola
Where: Milan
When: September 17-18
Price: 10 euros

Gorgonzola is one of the most famous, having a bright smell and intense taste. Let’s say right away that if you don’t like blue cheeses, then feel free to skip this event. For everyone else gorgonzola festival will be an excellent occasion to try traditional dishes with fragrant cheese. For example, traditional polenta or lasagna. Wine tastings and jazz concerts are also included in the program.


Festival: Südtiroler Speckfest Villnöss
Where: Villnöss (South Tyrol)
When: early October
Price: free

Italians are proud of their lard and are ready to talk for hours about dishes with spice (it. speck). Speck is most often eaten as a snack, and also added to pasta or pizza. By the way, speck differs from our traditional lard, as it has a bright smoked taste.

Italy can delight its guests not only with its gentle sea, natural beauties and beautiful architecture. But also an abundance of festivals and other holidays, designed without exaggeration to suit every taste, and capable of attracting the interest of the most discerning tourist. Let's get to know them better. Italian holidays, festivals, carnivals... everything is ahead.

Winter holidays in Italy

Let's start with the cold season, good because we don't need to be distracted by the delights of the sea and all our attention will be devoted to Italian architecture, festivities and festivals. Among which the leaders are Christmas and the most famous carnival - the Venetian one. Plus, it is precisely one of the winter months – February – that brings the “dominance” of the brightest carnivals in many cities of Italy.


The most important holiday for Catholic believers, of whom the vast majority are in Italy. Preparation begins several months in advance. There are a lot of Christmas figurines on sale. Special dishes are being prepared. Themed theatrical performances are held in the evenings. The illumination is lit, creating a magical atmosphere on the big day. We have already written about. In addition, you may be interested in:

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  • Where: everywhere.
  • When: December 25.

St. Stephen's Day / Santo Stefano Festa

On this day one of the oldest carnivals in the world begins. It was first held on December 26, 1394 in honor of the transfer of the relics of St. Stephen from Monopoli to Putignano. The symbol of the carnival is a character named Farinella. The procession is interesting because of the use of mobile platforms on which figures of politicians rise.

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  • Where: Putignano.
  • When: December 26.

Epiphany / l’Epifania

It was on January 6, according to legend, that the Holy Trinity first appeared to the world. The day passes under the sign of the good witch Befana, who gives gifts to obedient children. In the evening, however, the effigy of this same witch, apparently as having failed in her duties, is burned in the squares of almost all cities of the country. There are also fairs, processions, jokes, laughter, and fun.

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  • Where: everywhere.
  • When: 6th January.

Venice Carnival / Carnevale di Venezia

Perhaps the most famous and oldest carnival in the world. This costumed masquerade ball includes a huge number of events. Water parade. Competitions for the best costume and mask. Flight of an Angel and Youth Carnival. Processions and dances. Parades and performances by artists, jugglers and magicians. Several weeks of bright carnival madness.

  • Where: Venice. .
  • When: January-February (depending on the date of Easter in the current year, begins 12 days before the start of the Catholic Lent, ends 40 days before Easter).

Carnival in Viareggio / Carnevale di Viareggio

The famous humorous carnival, the “feature” of which is a parade of giant platforms (up to 25 meters in height), on which huge, often animated figures made of papier-mâché or plastic rise. They caricature celebrities, politicians and artists. Which allows us to consider this carnival one of the most satirical in the world.

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Where: Viareggio. Book hotels in Viareggio early if you want to attend the holiday.

When: January-February (almost a month on Sundays before Lent).

Roman Carnival / Carnevale Romano

A revived holiday, famous for its chic horse parade, and other carnival delights, such as masquerades and performances by street performers.

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  • Where: Rome and its hotels are waiting for you.
  • When: February, 10 days before Lent.

Valentine's Day / San Valentino

In the homeland of St. Valentine, his holiday is celebrated with special reverence, not only as Valentine's Day, but also as the time of the arrival of spring. And the biggest problem on February 14 will be finding a free place in a cafe or restaurant. All catering on this day is romanticized and designed for couples absorbed in each other. And all retail outlets are overflowing with a lot of hearts and other holiday paraphernalia. Which is also called “Sweet Day” - there is a tradition of always giving your other half a Baci - “kiss” - a chocolate bar with a declaration of love.

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  • Where: everywhere.
  • When: The 14th of February.

The Battle of the Oranges / La battaglia delle arance

The Jewish carnival attracts guests with the opportunity to take part in a real orange battle, symbolizing the uprising of local townspeople against the rich. The Orange confrontation takes place between the "guards" on the carts and teams of townspeople and captures hundreds of people in its orbit. From time to time, however, injuries and bruises from juicy projectiles occur, but this does not stop anyone. It’s especially funny that oranges don’t grow in these places; fruits for the battle are supplied by Sicily.

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  • Where: Ivrea. Prepare for the holiday thoroughly: stock up on clothes that you don’t mind, and book a hotel in Ivrea in advance.
  • When: end of February – beginning of March.

Spring holidays in Italy

Nature wakes up from its slumber, and the madness of winter carnivals is left behind. In spring, the holidays are calmer and more measured. Several very significant celebrations for Italy await us and, of course, Easter.

Feast of Saint Giuseppe / Father's Day / Festa di S. Giuseppe / Festa del Papa

Two holidays celebrated on one day, which has become the most “masculine” in Italy. Saint Giuseppe (Joseph), the adoptive father of Christ, is known as the protector of the poor and disadvantaged, and at the same time of young girls. This day is usually filled with charity and caring for the poor. And an indispensable manifestation of respect and veneration for their fathers. However, it is useful to do this not only once a year. It is also traditional for bonfires to be lit throughout Italy and special dishes to be prepared.

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  • Where: everywhere.
  • When: March 19.

Tree Day / Giorno dell'albero

A holiday that allows you to feel unity with nature. Simply put, an all-Italian cleanup day dedicated to planting and caring for green spaces. A very relevant holiday, you know, in our crazy times, when the green lungs of the planet are mercilessly destroyed by businessmen of various stripes.

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  • Where: everywhere.
  • When: 21 March.

Easter / Pasqua

The second greatest Christian holiday, along with Christmas. Many theatrical performances about Jesus in all years of the country. A lot of delicious food is on the tables of local residents, and of course in all cafes and restaurants. But the familiar chicken eggs in the Land of Calves are slowly replacing chocolate ones. The kids are especially happy about this. In the evening, pyrotechnics come into play - as a symbol of the fire lit in the church and carried home in the old days. In some places this ritual is still in force. And, of course, the obligatory religious procession and Easter mass in Rome.

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  • Where: everywhere.
  • When: in spring, the exact date is determined by the phase of the moon and the position of the sun.

Founding Day of Rome / Natale di Roma

Usually lasts several busy days. During this time, you can see the symbolic opening of the city gates and the festive historical procession - a costume procession in which people dressed in outfits from the times of the greatness of Rome take part. Cheer on the gladiators fighting in the Circus Maximus arena. Watch the ceremony of lighting the sacred fire. And girls from Italy or countries that were part of the Roman Empire can even become the “Goddess of Rome” by winning the competition of the same name.

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  • Where: Rome and its hotels are waiting for you.
  • When: April 21.

International Soup Festival / Festival della Zuppa Bologna

A real culinary competition taking place right on the streets of the city. Moreover, anyone can take part. You just need to prepare at least 10 liters of soup and treat it to passers-by. The winner is chosen by a vote of satiated soup eaters and receives a golden ladle as a reward. At the same time, although no longer in front of the general public, professional chefs from many European countries are also competing.

  • Where: Bologna. .
  • When: 25th of April.

Day of Liberation from Fascism / Festa della Liberazione

On April 25, 1945, a general liberation uprising against fascism and German occupation began in Italy. Since then, this day has the status of a national holiday. Almost all cities of the country host ceremonial and commemorative events, flower laying events, as well as meetings of war veterans and partisans. Concerts and optimistic health races are also common on this day.

Photo source: travelcalendar.

  • Where: everywhere.
  • When: 25th of April.

Festival of La Sensa / Festa della Sensa

The Feast of the Ascension commemorates the peace treaty of 1177 between Pope Alexander III and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, signed in Venice. And also the rescue of the inhabitants of Dalmatia from Slavic (!) pirates on May 9, 1000. In general, a classic case: “so as not to get up twice.” On this day, a costume ritual of “the betrothal of Venice to the Sea” takes place, during which a local official throws a ring into the waves. The program also includes a regatta, concerts, gondola races, a fair, and fireworks.

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  • Where: Venice. .
  • When: Sunday after the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, usually May.

Summer holidays in Italy

The gentle summer is coming into its own, drawing more and more tourists to the sandy beaches. But the holidays and festivals of Italy do not subside even in the heat. Among them are the most important Republic Day for Italians and several interesting events near the water. Just the thing during the hot summer season.

Republic Day/ Festa della Repubblica italiana

On June 2, 1946, Italy voted in a referendum for a republican system of government instead of a monarchical one. From now on, this is one of the most important national holidays, especially solemnly celebrated in Rome. It is notable for its military parade, often using historical uniforms from different times. Laying flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier by the country's top leadership. Fighters painting the sky in the colors of the Italian flag. And the solemn atmosphere reigning in all corners of the country.

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  • Where: everywhere.
  • When: 2 June.

Regatta of Saint Ranieri / Palio di San Ranieri

The day of the city's patron saint, celebrated since ancient times. The four historical quarters of Pisa meet on the waters of the Arno in an exciting competition, during which they compete for pennants flying from the 10-meter flagpole of a barge standing in the middle of the river. The regatta ends with a reconstruction of the Battle of Lepanto, where the fleet of the Knights of the Order of St. Stephen boarded the Turkish flagship and captured the enemy pennant. On the night before the regatta, the Luminara festival of lights is held.

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  • Where: Pisa. .
  • When: June 17.

Gioco del Ponte - "Games on the Bridge" / Gioco del Ponte

Another celebration in honor of Saint Ranieri. A vibrant event that begins with a parade, hundreds of participants proudly displaying medieval outfits. Next, a costume competition is held on the oldest bridge in the city, Ponte di Mezzo. During it, townspeople from the southern and northern regions must push a heavy cart to the enemy’s side. They naturally object.

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  • Where: Pisa.
  • When: last Saturday in June.

Pink Night / La Notte Rosa

Summer New Year, when the entire Adriatic coast turns pink - the color of hospitality, kindness, meetings and warm memories. Concerts, dances, songs, fire shows, fireworks. And pink is everywhere - each of the participants in the action considers it their duty to wear some kind of accessory of this color.

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  • Where: Rimini and other coastal cities. Book hotels in Rimini!
  • When: first weekend of July.

Feast of the Savior / Festa del Redentore

These days mark the end of the terrible plague epidemic of 1575–1577, which receded after the townspeople prayed to the Lord and the construction of the church began. The highlight of the celebration: a 300-meter bridge of connected gondolas, and most importantly - a 40-minute (!) fireworks display - one of the brightest and most beautiful in the whole world.

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  • Where: Venice.
  • When: on the third weekend of July.

“The Siege of the Fortress” / Assedio al castello

A historical action, the climax of which is the reconstruction of the battle of 1446 between the troops of Sforza and Malatesta. In addition, guests will enjoy a recreation of the life and traditions of that time, medieval dances, performances of buffoons, a fire show and fireworks.

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  • Where: Gradara.
  • When: last weekend of July.

Noantri Festival / la Festa de’ Noantri

An eight-day festival dedicated to the transfer of a 500-year-old statue of the Virgin Mary from one church to another starts in Trastevere, a district of the Eternal City. Simultaneously with the costumed religious procession, cheerful folk festivities take place.

  • Where: Rome.
  • When: first Sunday after July 16th.

Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Ascension, Ferragosto / Assunzione, Ferragosto

This public holiday, widely beloved by Italians, marks the end of the big summer work season (in Ancient Rome, consularia was held at this time - marking the end of the harvest). And the holy day for all Catholics is when the Virgin Mary ascended to heaven. Two in one. Picnics, outings, swimming, beach holidays, as well as religious processions and competitions.

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  • Where: everywhere.
  • When: August 15.

Siena Palio / Il Palio

One of the most famous bareback racing and special rules (physical pressure on opponents is allowed) in all of Italy. The name comes from the word “palio” - a flag, a banner awarded to the winner. They have been held since the 14th century and attract tens of thousands of spectators. Adding color to the action is a procession in medieval costumes and a festive banquet after the end of the races, held right on the main city square.

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  • Where: Siena. .
  • When: July 2, August 16.

Autumn holidays in Italy

The time when the earth fully shares its fruits with man, which determines the culinary content of a fair portion of the festivals in Italy at this time of year. The geography of the festivities is vast; the content will delight the most sophisticated travelers.

Historical regatta / Regata Storica

Consists of a parade of boats of all sizes and types, both modern and ancient. And, in fact, competitions in which up to a hundred vessels participate. The hit of the competition is the gondolier race on the gondolini.

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  • Where: .
  • When: first Sunday in September.

Lantern Festival / Festa della Rificolona

The event has been taking place since the 17th century and is dedicated to the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God the Virgin Mary. In the past, the city was filled with crowds of peasants who came to the fair, which opened on the birthday of the Virgin Mary. Rural ladies, who dressed up as magnificently as possible, received the nickname “lanterns” from the townspeople - Rificolona. Nowadays the Rificolona are real. At night, a procession of thousands of people takes to the streets of the city, carrying paper lanterns with candles burning in them.

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  • Where: Florence. .
  • When: September 7.

White Night / La Notte Bianca

A kind of “night of museums”, when a lot of Rome’s attractions open their doors from dusk to dawn for the free entry of visitors. The festival was organized by the authorities of Rome so that people could better learn the history of the city and enjoy the wealth of museums, theaters and exhibitions in an unusual setting.

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  • Where: Rome. will help you plan your trip.
  • When: second weekend of September.

Juliet's Birthday / Il compleanno di Giulietta

On this day, the city is bustling with costumed processions, performances, film screenings, performances by street musicians and dancers dedicated to Shakespeare's immortal heroine. And to get to Juliet’s house on Via Capello on this day, you need to stand in a truly epochal queue.

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  • Where: Verona. !
  • When: 16 of September.

Fashion Week / Milan Fashion Week

The brightest part of Milan fashion weeks, according to experts, takes place in September. Hundreds of celebrities, luxurious outfits, overwhelming excitement. The fashion capital is as elegant and fascinating as always.

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  • Where: Milan. .
  • When: display of women's collections - in February and September, men's - in January and June.

Crafts Festival / Craft Festival in Toscana

Dozens of craftsmen of various professions: artists, blacksmiths, potters, jewelers, woodcarvers are going to the exhibition-fair to show off their extraordinary skills. Also in the central square of the city, fascinating master classes on various crafts are held.

  • Where: town of Montepulciano, Tuscany. .
  • When: last Friday in September.

Chocolate Festival in Perugia / Eurochocolate a perugia

A real holiday for those with a sweet tooth from all over the world. For more than a week, Perugia, gripped by a confectionery frenzy, becomes the chocolate capital of the planet. Pizza, cheese, figurines, telephones, wrenches, chocolate cosmetics. A festival of huge sculptures, again created from this delicacy. And the inevitable fireworks.

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  • Where: Perugia.
  • When: mid-October.

Grape Festival / Marino Grape Festival

A holiday dedicated to the grape harvest. One of the oldest harvest festivals in Italy, famous for tasting the local gifts of the vine and the best varieties of these delicious berries. Every year, 3,000 liters of white wine are prepared from 150 tons of grapes for this festival. Plus the inevitable historical parade and a fountain in the central square, from which the gift of Bacchus flows in a stream.

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  • Where: Marino.
  • When: first Sunday in October.

White Truffle Festival

A festival that honors the “Kings of Food” and the pride of Italy – white truffles, the harvest season of which falls right in November. Tastings and master classes on preparing these mushrooms, and even a truffle auction. Plus, a costume parade, snails, wine and cheeses in large quantities.

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  • Where: San Miniato.
  • When: Saturdays and Sundays, starting on the second Saturday throughout November.

Cuckold Festival / Festa del Cornuto

Humor with a bit of sadness. This weekend, deceived husbands gather here, as well as those who want to insure themselves against such a share. The main thing is to put horns on your head - and you are a full participant in the Festa del Cornuto. A theatrical procession through the streets of the village. Presentation of the award for the most notorious adultery. Dancing, music and wine. The history of the festival dates back to the Rule of the first wedding night, when the lord had the right to kiss the wife of any of his vassals. Can you imagine the number of cuckolds in those ancient times?

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  • Where: Rocca Canterano, a village near Rome.
  • When: second weekend of November.

As you can see, there are dozens of holidays in Italy. But we have tasted only the cream of the festival abundance of a country that knows how to work, but also relaxes on a grand scale and with relaxed southern fun. Which you and I can join too.

September is harvest month in Italy, during which time the country hosts a large number of gastronomic festivals, in particular wine festivals. In addition to tasting Italian wines and delicacies, September in Italy can offer tourists excellent opportunities for beach and sightseeing holidays. Travelers planning a trip to this country in the fall will find a guide to Italy useful.

Thus, one of the most prestigious wine festivals in the country and in the world - Douja d'Or ("Golden Jug"), the wine Oscar - is held annually in September in the city of Asti, the birthplace of the famous champagne. This year, the prestigious competition of Italian winemakers, organized here for more than forty years in a row, will take place from September 8 to 17. The best wine companies in the country will take part in the festival, which will present several hundred varieties of vintage wines of the highest categories DOC and DOCG to experts and visitors.

The site for tastings will be Campo del Palio, where special pavilions will be installed. Guests will also be offered to try appetizers - traditional dishes from different regions of Italy, prepared by the best chefs of Asti restaurants. Visitors will be able to purchase natural products and delicacies at the Festival delle Sagre fair. The main event of the cultural program will be a colorful parade of farmer's carts. You can get from Milan to Asti by train in 2.5 hours.

The famous Chianti Classico Expo wine festival will begin in the village of Greve in Chianti (Tuscany) tomorrow, September 7, and will last until September 10. The holiday is dedicated to Chianti Classico wine - the very first generally recognized wine brand made from Sangiovese grapes. The local wine, whose signature is the black rooster, is considered the “gold standard” of technology and quality for all other varieties of Italian Chianti.

The events of the wine festival will take place on the main market square, where a fair town will be set up. Visitors will be introduced to the new harvest wine presented by winemakers from the Chianti Classico region. The tastings will be accompanied by performances by musical groups. Entrance to the festival costs 15 euros, the ticket includes 8 glasses of wine. You can get to Greve from Florence by regular bus in about an hour.

The wine festival “Vino al Vino” in Panzano will be held from September 14 to 17, it will introduce guests to the wines of Tuscany and in particular the Chianti Classico region. In the city square Piazza Bucciarelli you will be able to taste the products of all Panzano wineries of the new harvest, cheeses, olives, butter and other local delicacies. Visitors will also be able to see performances by jazz groups. You can get here from Florence by bus in an hour, the entrance ticket costs 12 euros (includes one glass of wine).

The festival "Wine and..." (Neive Vino e...) in the village of Neive is dedicated to the wine and cuisine of Piedmont, it will be held from September 16 to 19. The festival program includes tastings of local wine varieties (red Barbera d'Alba, Barolo, Barbaresco, Dolcetto d `Alba and sparkling Moscato d'Asti) and local dishes - with black truffles, as well as other Piedmontese delicacies. Tourists should remember that Neive, located among the picturesque Alpine hills, is included in the list of the most beautiful Italian villages. You can get here by train from Turin, with a bus transfer to Asti in three hours.

In September, gourmets are also recommended to visit the International White Truffle Fair in Alba (Fiera Internazionale del Tartufo Bianco d’Alba), which runs from September 7 to November 26, the largest in Italy. The hero of the holiday is the white truffle - one of the rarest and most expensive delicacies in the world, a tuberous mushroom that grows in Piedmont, and in particular in the vicinity of Alba. The price of white truffle at auctions reaches 300 euros per kilogram.

The fair has been held here since 1928, it is accompanied by folk festivities, tastings of truffle dishes and local wines. Visitors can also purchase new harvest mushrooms, see a colorful medieval costume parade, donkey racing and palio, and performances by street musicians. From Milan you can get to Alba by train in three hours.

Italy - autumn holidays will continue until December.


Florence, Hippodrome del Visarno (Tuscany region)

On the weekends of the second and third weeks of October in Florence (at the Hippodrome Visarno, located at Piazzale delle Cascine, 29) the colorful Balloon Festival will take place. During the festival, large balloons will decorate the sky above the city. You can fly along a random route at a height of 45 meters, or you can make tethered ascents to a height of 5 meters. Guests will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of free workshops for adults and children, such as how to make kites. After sunset, you can admire a truly fabulous show of illuminated balloons that will rise and move to the beat of the music!

Free flight: departure at 8:00 from San Casciano in Val di Pesa, minimum age 6 years.

Tethered lift: take-off from 10:30 to 12:30 and from 16:30 to 21:00, minimum age 2 years.


Mantua, Loggia del Grano (Lombardy region)

Cremona, city garden, pl.Roma (Lombardy region)

In Mantua and Cremona, on the weekends of the second and third weeks of October, you will find a delicious Festival of mostarda, a spicy sauce made from fruits marinated in mustard and syrup, a typical dish of northern Italy.

In Mantua, on Saturday 13 October, festival guests will have the wonderful opportunity to visit the Palazzo Andreani (Calvi, 28), built in the Art Nouveau style, where the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is located and an important collection of 20th-century art is stored. On Sunday, the program includes tastings and sales of high-quality locally produced products and, of course, mostarda from producers.

In Cremona, the festival will take place over two weekends in the specially built Pala Mostarda pavilion in the city garden in Piazza Roma. Here guests can taste mostarda with cheeses, beer, salami and yoghurt.

Tasting hours in Cremona: Saturday 20 October 14.00-19.00, Sunday 21 October 15:00-19.00



Rome, Palazzo degli Esami (Lazio region)

This fall in Rome, in the halls of the Palazzo Legli Ezami, located in the Trastevere district, a colorful multimedia exhibition is being held dedicated to the work of the French impressionists and the fabulous atmosphere of Paris of the late 19th century reflected in their works. Thousands of images are shown on huge screens, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the world of paintings by Monet, Degas, Pissarro and Cezanne, accompanied by music from the most iconic composers of the era, from Debussy to Tchaikovsky.


Milan, Royal Palace (Lombardy region)

The exhibition "Picasso: Metamorphoses", which opens on October 18 at the Royal Palace, will be one of the main artistic events in Milan this autumn season.

The exhibition includes paintings that reflect mythological and ancient motifs that interested the famous Spanish master throughout his entire creative career, which is presented to the audience from this point of view. On the canvases included in the exhibition, antiquity comes to life in the form of recycled myths.

The Milan exhibition is one of the stages of the European three-year project “Picasso - Mediterranean”. It has about two hundred exhibits: the paintings of the Spanish maestro are compared with ancient works of art: ceramics, vases, statues, votive tablets, reliefs, idols and steles that served as his source of inspiration, collected from the collections of the Louvre, the Picasso Museum in Paris, Barcelona and Antibes, Vatican Museums, National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Lyon Museum of Fine Arts, Center Pompidou, Parisian Orangerie Museum and others.

The exhibition “Picasso: Metamorphoses” added to the list of exhibitions at the Royal Palace of Milan, dedicated over the years to the work of the famous Spanish master.


Merano (Bolzano province, South Tyrol region)

Fans of winemaking and haute cuisine have been waiting all year for these few days, during which 462 wine cellars and 120 private estates will present their products.

This festival, which takes place in the elegant Kurhaus von Meran, is considered one of the most exclusive and prestigious wine and gastronomic events in Europe. Here wine producers from all over the world, as well as young Italian wineries, present their exquisite wines.


Conversano (province of Bari, region of Apulia)

In mid-November, in the typically Apulian town of Conversano, not far from Bari, a festival of young wine (in Italian “novello”) takes place called “Novello sotto il Castello” - “New wine at the walls of an ancient castle”. Here you can taste the best wines and locally produced products. This is a holiday for true gourmets and connoisseurs of excellent cuisine, who will have to undergo numerous tastings of typical Apulian products and local gourmet delicacies with dedication, but only at will. Local delicacies will be washed down with local vintage wines, and for entertainment and delight of the soul, the holiday program will be decorated with performances of a traveling theater, performances by street performers and magicians, live music, traditional songs and dances, and an exhibition of handicrafts.


Cremona (Lombardy region)

The city of Cremona in northern Italy is preparing to receive tons of turrone, Italian nougat, of all possible varieties, shapes and tastes, brought from all over the country on the occasion of one of the most long-awaited and beloved gastronomic events by Italians - the Festa del Torrone, the holiday of turrone.

The Turron festival always means delicious delicacies, cheerful music and exciting performances.

More than 60 tons of Italian nougat have already been prepared to be served during the planned 250 tastings, celebrations, historical reconstructions, events, master classes and street performers.

Hundreds of stalls set up on the central streets of the city will be filled with this most famous typical Cremonese delicacy, prepared for every taste: with ice cream, pistachios, chocolate, coffee, limoncello, as well as fantastic recipes for salted turron and all sorts of its original variations.


Cremona (Lombardy region)

On November 18, you will be able to see one of the key events of the Turron holiday - a historical procession dedicated to the wedding of the Duke of Milan Francesco Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti, which took place back in 1441. As legend has it, it was on the occasion of this wedding that two Lombard pastry chefs prepared turrón for the first time. In the afternoon, a historical cortege will pass through the central streets of the city, in which 150 people, dressed in rich Renaissance costumes, will take part. The cortege is accompanied by performances by jugglers, flag bearers and musicians . The procession will end in Piazza del Comune, where the wedding will be celebrated.

The history of this historic marriage is closely connected with the history of the city: in 1430, when Bianca Maria Visconti was only five, she was officially declared the bride of the commander Francesco Sforza, who at that time turned 29 years old. On this occasion, the bride's father, Duke of Milan Filippo Maria Visconti, granted Francesco Sforza Cremona as a future dowry and in exchange for a promise to serve him. On October 25, 1441, Filippo Maria Visconti completed negotiations regarding the marriage of his daughter, and on the appointed day, Bianca Maria arrived in Cremona, where the wedding took place. Bianca wore a red dress - according to the zodiac, the color of Aries - and she sat on a white horse covered with a golden blanket.

Italy is a country of colors, a country of emotions and fun. Therefore, local residents are very fond of organizing holidays and festivals. Among the most beloved traditional Italian celebrations is the wine festival. It is the Italians who are waiting the most, because they are the greatest connoisseurs of this drink.

There is even a belief among gourmets: in order to be vigorous and healthy, you need to drink young wine once a year. The Italians succeed in this, because this is where the festival of young wine takes place. Italy ranks second in the export of this alcoholic drink, because the wine here is amazingly aromatic and tasty; the holidays of young wine in Italy are proof of this. Travelers from all over the world come here to taste aromatic varieties of Italian wines.

Despite the fact that wine festivals in Italy are varied, one of the most popular are the celebrations of new wine in Italy.

What is the benefit of the drink?

The young drink is actually good for your health. Alcohol from fresh grapes helps cleanse the blood, affects skin rejuvenation and, of course, helps cope with the autumn blues. After all, who wouldn’t want to exchange gray autumn everyday life for a holiday in Italy? If you are already looking forward to unbridled fun, delicious drinks that will flow like a river and traditional Italian dishes, then you can safely contact the representatives of our company “Wine Tour Italia”. Italy, wine holidays with us will be the brightest celebration of your life!

How is new wine made?

Young wine is an alcoholic drink that undergoes a rapid fermentation period. In addition, it is prepared using carbon maceration. The bunches are placed in metal vats, then the vat is heated using a gas cylinder in order to force the berries lying at the bottom to ferment and carbon gas to rise up. The process lasts about 20 days. As a result, the drink turns out to have a strength of no more than 11 degrees, and the taste is light and not cloying.

How is the wine holiday celebrated?

Before you change your surroundings and go for bright, fresh emotions, you definitely need to know how the wine festival goes and what to expect from the festivities.

The holiday of young wine is celebrated at the beginning of November, the season opens at the end of October. The celebration scheme is the same as at any Italian festival: music, dancing, festivities, competitions and tasting of newly created young wine.

During the holiday it is worth visiting such regions as:

  • Sicily;
  • Sardinia;
  • , Piedmont and Veneto.

Italians love to have fun, throwing a feast for the whole world, which tourists happily join in on. Traditional donkey races and masquerades are the basis of the holidays. There will truly be plenty of entertainment during this period. Fresh emotions, good mood and a lot of fun are guaranteed throughout the entire holiday.

Use our contact information to contact our representatives to find out more detailed information about excursions and then feel free to go to a wine festival in Italy.

  • + 39 329 273 46 66;
  • nonna.frolova2;