Is it dangerous in Tunisia now? Is it worth going to Tunisia? Pros of traveling in Tunisia

New possible holiday victims in North Africa. Two tourists from the Leningrad region missing.

The last time a resident of the village of Kamenka heard her mother’s voice was on the phone on June 22. On this day, her parents flew to Tunisia on vacation. The trip expired on July 5, but the tourists never returned. Both phones are switched off and the hotel address is unknown. The Russian police have now joined the search for Leningraders lost in Tunisia.

Lately, Tunisia has increasingly come under criticism from Russians who vacationed there, the Federal Tourism Agency and the military. And experts’ fears are not unfounded. The resort town today is a place of constant clashes between the authorities and the people, rampant crime and repeated terrorist attacks. The situation in Tunisia is, to put it mildly, unsafe.

Only in January 2018, a wave of popular unrest swept across Tunisia. Local residents rebelled against rising prices and rising tax rates. The discontent of the population reached such proportions that the police fired tear gas. The tense political situation immediately scared off Russian travelers; the flow of tourists decreased significantly, noted the Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

In light of recent events, Rostourism did not remain silent either. On May 18, specialists from the Federal Agency warned that a holiday in Tunisia poses a threat to life.

“Rosturism recommends that Russian tourists planning to travel to Tunisia observe personal safety measures, exercise caution and caution while staying at the resorts of Sousse, Hammamet, Monastir, and the islands of Djerba,” the Rostourism statement says.

Russian tourists who ignored the call for safety found themselves captured by armed foreigners two weeks later. During the excursion walk, the bus stopped right in the middle of the highway. Dozens of frightened tourists immediately rushed to send messages to relatives about what was happening. As it turned out later, the emergency stop occurred in connection with a rally of local residents.

The Federal Tourism Agency had already hinted that Tunisia was unsafe two years earlier. The resort town is regularly attacked by the criminal group ISIS (an organization banned in the Russian Federation).

The militants have repeatedly demonstrated their superiority by massacring tourists. Killing foreign guests is just a way for criminals to clearly show their strength. The threat of attack remains to this day.

Moreover, the former leader of the criminal group Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi openly declared his intention to locate a terrorist base in Tunisia. And the current successor, Jalaludin al-Tunisi, is a native of the city.

Militants are still carrying out dark deeds in North Africa. Evidence of this is the fact that more and more terrorist acts are being uncovered. Thus, in 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs prevented a plot to seize provinces in the south, and at the beginning of 2018, a gang that supplied military equipment to militants was brought to light.

According to news agencies, there is now an outflow of militants from Libya and Algeria. And the members of the dangerous group choose Tunisia as a new refuge. Which is not so surprising, since people from this country are actively joining the ranks of ISIS militants (an organization banned in the Russian Federation). This is evidenced by data from the Turkish Center for Strategic Studies KAFKASSAM. Tunisia’s reputation is also damaged by the fact that in February 2018 the European Commission included it in the list of countries that may be involved in the development of international terrorism.

The politically unstable state of affairs in the country also plays into the hands of terrorists. The situation may worsen with the election of a new mayor. The current mayor of Tunisia, Souad Abderrahim, represents the interests of the Islamist Ennahda party. The religious preferences of the latter, in this case, can give impetus to the development of the terrorist power of ISIS (an organization banned in the Russian Federation).

Moreover, terrorist attacks are not the only thing you should be wary of when buying a trip to Tunisia. Due to unsanitary conditions, an outbreak of dengue fever began in the country. You can catch a dangerous infection through just one mosquito bite, the consequences of which are not the most pleasant - intoxication, rash, enlarged lymph nodes. In addition, Russian tourists often bring back from vacation rabies and the dangerous diseaseis.

The hostile attitude of local residents and political upheavals in Tunisia today dictate their own rules to tourists who dare to relax there. Judging by the events taking place in the country, travelers can only hope for a miracle that a trip to Tunisia will not be a one-way ticket.

Sergey Yarkovsky

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Tunisia is one of the most popular tourist destinations. The excitement around Tunisia is due to recent terrorist attacks in the country, so many people have a question: is it dangerous to travel to Tunisia in 2016?

What is the political situation in Tunisia?

On the eve of 2018, many were interested in... Tours to Tunisia did not stop selling, even in connection with last year’s events. Tunisia is at high risk due to militant attacks. The refusal of tourists to visit Tunisia is due to the terrorist attack that occurred in November 2015. Let us recall that then, due to the fault of a mad terrorist, 23 foreign citizens died. This caused a wave of cancellations from holidays at the resort, and many travel agencies suffered losses.

After the terrorist attack, a state of emergency was declared in the country. This situation has affected the safety of tourists in Tunisia, but there is no clear answer about political stability yet.

What do the experts say?

The Russian Foreign Ministry calls on citizens to remain vigilant and avoid high-risk areas. This was also repeatedly mentioned by S.V. Lavrov, discussing the political situation in Tunisia. The border between Libya and Tunisia is the most vulnerable.

Despite the fact that the authorities are trying in every possible way to protect the country from extremists, it is almost impossible to prevent terrorists. On May 7, 2016, another attack was carried out on the town of Ben Gardan, which is located in Tunisia. According to Middle East experts: "Islamic State" intends to expand its zone of influence, destabilize the situation in the country and establish a caliphate in Tunisia.

The UN Secretary General said that Tunisia is on the brink of war. Throughout the year, there are a series of minor attacks on foreign tourists, often resulting in death.

Is it dangerous to travel to Tunisia in 2018?

The country's authorities are trying in every possible way to stabilize the situation in the country. Gendarmes patrol the streets of Tunisia, hotels and local attractions are heavily guarded.

The fall in demand for holidays in Tunisia has provoked an increase in hot offers from travel agencies, so now you can relax at the resort three times cheaper.

Based on the fact that Tunisia is on the brink of hostilities, in order to protect yourself, it is better to refrain from traveling to the resort and wait until the situation in the country stabilizes.

When traveling to Tunisia, do not forget that this is an Islamic state where 95% of the population is Muslim. You should be careful with public displays of affection, such as kissing and hugging. It is also not customary to look closely at women in veils, much less show them any signs of attention - there is a possibility that you will have to deal with their relatives. You should also not appear in public even if slightly inebriated.

During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins differently every year, but around July-August, all religious issues arise even more acutely, so you should behave more modestly.

Woman in veil

Harassment on the streets

Here, unlike and, there are very few obsessive suitors who whistle after women. Basically, those who try to meet people on the streets just want to hang out at someone else's expense.

It is better to travel around Tunisia accompanied by a man, or at least not alone. You should not respond to remarks or glances, or take advances too seriously. As a rule, local men don’t go beyond shouting. As in any other country, women should not walk the streets at night completely alone. If courtship begins to cross personal boundaries, then you can express dissatisfaction out loud and threaten to call the police.


At resorts you can often see girls walking around in revealing outfits and sometimes even sunbathing topless, but it is better not to dress too revealingly so as not to attract public attention.

Dressing rules apply to both men and women. The first one should not wear shorts and expose your torso. And girls should remember that clothes should cover the shoulders, chest, stomach and legs, and should not be tight or transparent. It is also better to refrain from walking around the city in a swimsuit.

It is best to dress like the locals, in loose, lightweight cotton clothing. The further you are from big cities, the less revealing your outfit should be. You should be especially polite near sacred places and mosques.


There are often petty scammers among taxi drivers. They may put you in a taxi that already has kilometers on the meter. Sometimes drivers refuse to give change or slip smaller bills. If you like to negotiate the price and drive with the meter turned off, then you should make sure that you are not paying per person, but for everyone. It’s better to find out prices from more experienced tourists so that they don’t try to deceive you.

Other scammers may try to sell you on some kind of free excursion, which will actually turn out to be paid and will be more like a strange whirlpool accompanied by an incomprehensible speech from the guide. Sometimes during this “tour” you will be offered to visit semi-legal shops where the guides receive a commission for each client.

Taxi in Tunisia


In Tunisia there is a very serious ban on any photography of not only government and military buildings, but also telecommunications, towers and bridges. Moreover, the police really strictly monitor the implementation of this law. You should definitely ask for permission before taking photographs of local residents or police officers - otherwise you may end up in a conversation with a police officer.

You should especially not take photographs of the Presidential Palace, located in Carthage - then you will definitely be guaranteed a long conversation with people in uniform.

Natural hazards

It should be remembered that Tunisia is a hot country, so in order not to get sunburned, it is better to try to walk outside as little as possible between noon and 4 pm. At this time, solar activity is especially high, so it is not recommended to sunbathe or simply stay in the sun for a long time. If you spend a long time walking around the market or exploring the city, you should periodically look for shade and stop by an air-conditioned cafe to cool down.

You should drink a lot of mineral water, it is advisable to have a whole bottle with you. In winter and summer, especially in August and September, it is imperative to wear sunglasses and a hat. On the beach, you should use a high-protection sunscreen.

However, you may want to bring some warm clothes as the desert and shore can get quite chilly in the evenings and you may want to go for a walk.


There are jellyfish in the coastal waters of Tunisia, but you should not be seriously afraid of them. Sometimes their burns are painful, but the pain goes away after a few minutes. If the pain remains, then just rub the burn with a tomato slice.

Most often, jellyfish live off the coast of Sousse, but they are also spotted in Monastir and Hammamet. They are most active in July-August, although there are years when jellyfish are not visible at all.

When traveling to Tunisia, do not forget that this is an Islamic state where 95% of the population is Muslim. You should be careful with public displays of affection, such as kissing and hugging. It is also not customary to look closely at women in veils, much less show them any signs of attention - there is a possibility that you will have to deal with their relatives. You should also not appear in public even if slightly inebriated.

During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins differently every year, but around July-August, all religious issues arise even more acutely, so you should behave more modestly.

Woman in veil

Harassment on the streets

Here, unlike and, there are very few obsessive suitors who whistle after women. Basically, those who try to meet people on the streets just want to hang out at someone else's expense.

It is better to travel around Tunisia accompanied by a man, or at least not alone. You should not respond to remarks or glances, or take advances too seriously. As a rule, local men don’t go beyond shouting. As in any other country, women should not walk the streets at night completely alone. If courtship begins to cross personal boundaries, then you can express dissatisfaction out loud and threaten to call the police.


At resorts you can often see girls walking around in revealing outfits and sometimes even sunbathing topless, but it is better not to dress too revealingly so as not to attract public attention.

Dressing rules apply to both men and women. The first one should not wear shorts and expose your torso. And girls should remember that clothes should cover the shoulders, chest, stomach and legs, and should not be tight or transparent. It is also better to refrain from walking around the city in a swimsuit.

It is best to dress like the locals, in loose, lightweight cotton clothing. The further you are from big cities, the less revealing your outfit should be. You should be especially polite near sacred places and mosques.


There are often petty scammers among taxi drivers. They may put you in a taxi that already has kilometers on the meter. Sometimes drivers refuse to give change or slip smaller bills. If you like to negotiate the price and drive with the meter turned off, then you should make sure that you are not paying per person, but for everyone. It’s better to find out prices from more experienced tourists so that they don’t try to deceive you.

Other scammers may try to sell you on some kind of free excursion, which will actually turn out to be paid and will be more like a strange whirlpool accompanied by an incomprehensible speech from the guide. Sometimes during this “tour” you will be offered to visit semi-legal shops where the guides receive a commission for each client.

Taxi in Tunisia


In Tunisia there is a very serious ban on any photography of not only government and military buildings, but also telecommunications, towers and bridges. Moreover, the police really strictly monitor the implementation of this law. You should definitely ask for permission before taking photographs of local residents or police officers - otherwise you may end up in a conversation with a police officer.

You should especially not take photographs of the Presidential Palace, located in Carthage - then you will definitely be guaranteed a long conversation with people in uniform.

Natural hazards

It should be remembered that Tunisia is a hot country, so in order not to get sunburned, it is better to try to walk outside as little as possible between noon and 4 pm. At this time, solar activity is especially high, so it is not recommended to sunbathe or simply stay in the sun for a long time. If you spend a long time walking around the market or exploring the city, you should periodically look for shade and stop by an air-conditioned cafe to cool down.

You should drink a lot of mineral water, it is advisable to have a whole bottle with you. In winter and summer, especially in August and September, it is imperative to wear sunglasses and a hat. On the beach, you should use a high-protection sunscreen.

However, you may want to bring some warm clothes as the desert and shore can get quite chilly in the evenings and you may want to go for a walk.


There are jellyfish in the coastal waters of Tunisia, but you should not be seriously afraid of them. Sometimes their burns are painful, but the pain goes away after a few minutes. If the pain remains, then just rub the burn with a tomato slice.

Most often, jellyfish live off the coast of Sousse, but they are also spotted in Monastir and Hammamet. They are most active in July-August, although there are years when jellyfish are not visible at all.

Information sources periodically contain news about the closure of Tunisia to Russians due to security reasons. Today, this destination remains one of the most affordable and budget-friendly destinations for an all-inclusive family vacation. The country with a warm climate continues to attract tourists this year despite previous terrorist attacks. In addition, its resorts constitute the only alternative to the beach. Let's try to figure out whether it's worth going to Tunisia in 2019 and how much the trip will cost if you plan your trip on your own.

Official information for tourists is provided on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Regarding the situation in Tunisia in 2019, it is indicated that there is political tension in the country, with armed clashes constantly occurring between the police and local radicals. The situation is particularly severe along the borders where Salafist groups operate.

The threat of terrorist attacks also remains, and mass demonstrations are being held due to the difficult social situation in the state. The message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contains a direct indication of the need to refrain from making tourist trips to attractions along the Tunisian-Libyan border due to unrest in the neighboring state. In particular, the city of Ras Jedir.

The last popular marches regarding the reform of the social system took place at the beginning of 2016 in the capital and the cities of Kef, Gafsou, Sidi Bouzit and Kasserine. If difficult situations arise, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises contacting the local police and notifying the Russian Embassy in Tunisia.

There is no direct ban on visiting Tunisia. As recommendations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation suggests staying in protected tourist areas, where permanent police squads monitor control. The authorized body advises vacationers not to leave the hotel premises and not to make individual trips.

Entry ban

You can find out whether it is prohibited to travel to Tunisia for tourism purposes on the official websites of the Department of the Situation and Crisis Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Rostourism. In 2019, no decrees on restrictions on travel to the country were issued; trips to Tunisia on vouchers are carried out as usual.

Let us note that in addition to Tunisia, the tense situation remains in a number of countries that are popular tourist destinations among Russians. These include Thailand and India. Armed conflicts occur constantly in Israel.

The Tunisian authorities, for their part, provided a report on the adoption of security measures in the country. These include maintaining enhanced video surveillance, restricting access to tourist sites, equipping entrances to hotels, shopping centers and other public places with metal detectors, organizing the work of highly qualified security services at hotels, and confidentiality of personal data of vacationers.

Whether it is worth going to Tunisia in 2019, each tourist decides for himself. The authorities do not interfere with the sale of tours or individual entry into the country.

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What time of year is best to go to Tunisia?

The country experiences high tourist season from June to September. Beach holidays at this time are especially popular in the resorts of Hamammet and Sousse. They are chosen for traveling with children and couples. Active sports are interesting for young people.

From the beginning of November to April, Tunisia experiences cold temperatures, and this time is noted as the low season. However, spa treatments are popular at this time. The constant flow of tourists is ensured by lowering the cost of living; an influx of tourists is noted during the New Year holidays and Christmas not only from the Russian Federation. Most tourists are Europeans, citizens of the former colonial state of France, Germany and Great Britain.

The most expensive is the velvet season from the beginning of September to the end of October. The heat subsides; the sea, which has warmed up over the summer, remains at a high temperature. Sunbathing at this time is completely safe; the possibility of getting burns is practically excluded.

What interesting things can you see

The sights of Tunisia will appeal to both lovers of active recreation and historical places.

The coast of Tunisia is a famous dive site for divers. Most of the diving centers are located in Tabarka. The best time to explore the reefs is from June to September.

How much does a ride cost

You can go to Tunisia on an organized tour or plan a trip on your own. The benefits of free rest include:

  • The opportunity to explore a large number of attractions individually without being tied to a tourist group or excursion program.
  • Planning departure and return dates depending on the vacation schedule, early booking of tickets with savings.
  • Accommodation in Tunisia for any period of time, for example, a month, and not the standard 7-14 days, as with a voucher.
  • Choose from a huge variety of hotels, changing them as you explore nearby attractions, resorts, or apartments.
  • A variety of food in restaurants and cafes without reference to the hotel menu.

An independent trip to Tunisia will consist of the following expenses, take for example a 10-day tour to a 3-star hotel in the resort of Monastir in July 2019 for one person with departure from Moscow:

  • Flights. Tickets can be purchased both at airline offices and online. One of the most popular resources is Presumably, the departure date is July 15, the return date is July 25. The cost of a round-trip ticket with a transfer in Istanbul, Turkey is 18,000 rubles.
  • Accommodation. You can book a hotel, for example, on the website Tourists are offered about 300 hotels from 2 to 5 stars. It is possible to choose a hotel at any resort near the sea or attractions. For example, a night at the Hotel Les Mimosas, 3* per person will cost 2,267 rubles. When planning a vacation for 10 days, the total cost will be 22,672 rubles. When organizing your trip on your own, you also have the opportunity to rent accommodation – apartments in any city in Tunisia. The price of a studio, which is quite enough for a traveler, per month on is $216.
  • Nutrition. You can order three meals a day or all inclusive immediately when booking a hotel by selecting the appropriate function. It is also possible to visit various restaurants and cafes every day. In almost all hotels, breakfast is included in the price. A set lunch and dinner will cost about 20 Tunisian dinars, that is, about 600 rubles. For 10 days you will need 6,000 rubles.
  • Insurance. When purchasing a tour, the cost of the insurance policy is automatically included in the price of the service package. When leaving the Russian Federation for other countries, the traveler independently takes on material risks due to the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances or deterioration of health, or sudden death.
    Hospitals for foreigners often have high rates for medical services for foreigners, amounting to tens or even hundreds of dollars for a doctor’s appointment or any procedure. In this regard, it is much more profitable to pay for a full package of insurance services under an international policy. Its cost will be valid for 10 days in Tunisia, depending on the insurance company, from 680 rubles. The insurance amount is $50,000.

So, an individual trip to Tunisia will require an amount of 47,352 rubles. The costs are approximately the same as the price of a trip, but taking into account the advantages of an independent tour, for some such a vacation will be more profitable and convenient.