Population of Shepetovka. Panorama of Shepetivka. Virtual tour of Shepetivka. Attractions, map, photos, videos. What should be captured in the photo

The city of Shepetivka is located on the territory of the state (country) Ukraine, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

In what region (region) is the city of Shepetivka located?

The city of Shepetivka is part of the region (region) Khmelnitsky region.

A characteristic of a region (region) or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region (region).

Region (oblast) Khmelnitsky region is an administrative unit of the state of Ukraine.

Population of the city of Shepetivka.

The population of the city of Shepetivka is 47,988 people.

Year of foundation of Shepetovka.

Year of foundation of the city of Shepetivka: 1594.

Shepetivka city telephone code

The telephone code of the city of Shepetovka: +380 3840. In order to call the city of Shepetovka from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +380 3840 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

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Ukrainian Shepetivka
Coat of arms
50°11′ N. w. 27°04′ E. d.
A country Ukraine
Status district center
Area Shepetovsky district
History and geography
First mention 1594
City with 1923
Square 40.0 km²
Center height 217 m
Timezone UTC+2, in summer UTC+3
Population ▼ 41,415 people (2018)
Digital IDs
Telephone code +380 3840
Postal codes 30400 - 30409
Vehicle code BX, НХ / 23
KOATUU 6825500000

Shepetivka(Ukrainian Shepetivka) - a city in, the administrative center of the Shepetivsky district (not part of it).

It ranks third in the region in terms of population.


For the first time, Shepetovka as a settlement that belonged to Prince Ivan Zaslavsky was mentioned in written documents for 1594. In the 16th century, Shepetivka was no different from other Polesie settlements. There was a community in the village, there was a mill. At the end of the 16th century, Shepetovka was granted Magdeburg law. This contributed to its growth and rapid settlement.

At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, the process of enslavement of the peasantry took place intensively. The population of Shepetovka also suffered from frequent attacks by the Crimean Tatars. Peasants and artisans, in response to feudal oppression, took part in the uprisings of 1591-1593. led by Hetman Krysztof Kosinski and 1594-1596. under the leadership of Severin Nalivaiko. During the liberation war of the Ukrainian people, in July 1648, when the peasant-Cossack regiments of Maxim Krivonos approached Polonnoye, residents of Shepetivka and surrounding villages joined the ranks of the Ukrainian army.

At the end of the 17th century, Shepetovka became the property of the magnates Lyubomirsky, and from 1703 - Sangushko.

In 1795, Shepetovka became part of the Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province, and in 1866 it became a volost center).

  • 1873 - railway station built
  • 1923 - Shepetivka receives city status and becomes the center of the Shepetivka district
  • 1930 - the city becomes the center of the Shepetovsky district of the Vinnytsia region
  • 1937 - Shepetovsky district is included in the Kamenets-Podolsk (since 1954 -) region

During the Great Patriotic War, on July 5, 1941, the city was occupied by advancing German troops,

On February 11, 1944, he was liberated from German troops by Soviet troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front during the Rivne-Lutsk operation:

  • 60th Army consisting of: 18th Guards. sk (Major General Afonin, Ivan Mikhailovich) consisting of: 148th Infantry Division (Major General Mishchenko, Andrey Avksentievich), 280th Infantry Division (Major General Golosov, Dmitry Nikolaevich), 351st Infantry Division (Major General Kozik , Emelyan Vasilievich); parts of the troops of the 226th Infantry Division (Colonel Petrenko, Vasily Yakovlevich) of the 23rd Infantry Division (Major General Chuvakov, Nikita Emelyanovich); 4th Guards mk (major general t/v Poluboyarov, Pavel Pavlovich) consisting of: 12th Guards. TBR (Colonel Dushak, Nikolai Grigorievich), 13th Guards. TBR (Colonel Baukov, Leonid Ivanovich), 14th Guards. TBR (Major Kurkotkin, Semyon Konstantinovich); 56th Guards TBR (Colonel Novokhatko, Mikhail Stepanovich), 1820th self-propelled artillery regiment (Lieutenant Colonel Fedor Stepanovich Melnikov), 1889th self-propelled artillery regiment (Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Ivanovich Skornyakov), 37th dept. armored train division (Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Ivanovich Zaichenko), 49 dept. armored train division (captain Shevchenko Daniil Maksimovich); 1st Guards breakthrough artillery division (Major General Art. Volchek Arkady Nikolaevich) consisting of: 2nd Guards. howitzer artillery brigade (Colonel Telegin Alexey Ivanovich), 3rd Guards. light artillery brigade (Colonel Zhagala Viktor Makarevich).
  • 2nd Air Army consisting of: 227th Attack Air Division (Colonel Lozhechnikov Andrey Aleksandrovich), parts of the 256th Fighter Air Division (Colonel Nikolay Semenovich Gerasimov) 5th Fighter Air Corps (Major General of Aviation Galunov Dmitry Pavlovich).

The troops who participated in the liberation of Shepetovka were thanked and a salute was given in Moscow with 12 artillery salvoes from 124 guns.

By order of the Supreme Command Headquarters dated February 17, 1944 No. 033, in commemoration of the victory, the formations and units that distinguished themselves in the battles for the liberation of the city of Shepetovka received the name “Shepetovka”:

  • 351st Rifle Division
  • 12th Guards Tank Brigade
  • 13th Guards Tank Brigade
  • 56th Guards Tank Brigade
  • 1889th self-propelled artillery regiment
  • 37th separate division of armored trains
  • 49th separate division of armored trains
  • 319th Guards Fighter Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment (Major Alexander Dmitrievich Mikhailov)
  • 350th Army Fighter Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment (Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Filippovich Sheremet)
  • 640th Army Fighter Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment (Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Vasilievich Chernyak)
  • 1178th Army Fighter Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment (Lieutenant Colonel Pegov Stepan Petrovich)
  • 1506th separate fighter anti-tank artillery regiment (Major Loskutov Sergey Dmitrievich).,

Shepetovskaya Street was named in memory of the liberation of Shepetovka.

In January 1989 the population was 50,876.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms was approved on December 14, 1995 by the Shepetivka City Council. The shield is divided by a fork-shaped golden cross into three parts: the top - red with a silver cross, the right - green, the left - azure. The golden stripe signifies the three roads at the crossroads of which the city is located; a silver cross on a red signifies that the city belongs to historical Volyn; The azure color is a symbol of Podolia, green is a symbol of forests, among which Shepetivka is located.

Educational establishments

  • Shepetivka Medical School
  • Shepetivka Professional Lyceum
  • Shepetivka College of Podolsk State Agrarian and Technical University

Famous people

Shepetovka is the birthplace of I.M. Ostrovsky and V.I. Matvienko, as well as the hero of the Soviet Union Sergei Klimovich. N. A. Ostrovsky spent his childhood and youth in the city. The famous Assyriologist A. A. Vayman, who proposed the decipherment of Proto-Sumerian writing, was born here, P. M. Lerner, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, excellent student of public health of the USSR, Honored Doctor of Uzbekistan, Honored Scientist, writer. B. T. Goroshchenko, Soviet scientist in the field of aircraft aerodynamics, Major General of the Aviation Engineering Service, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR. V. Girsa, Czechoslovak diplomat.

Here the pioneer hero Valya Kotik performed his exploits. Here was born the Hero of Socialist Labor - Dychinsky, Caesar Adolfovich.

Shepetovka in works of art

  • The city of Shepetivka is mentioned in Nikolai Ostrovsky’s novel “How the Steel Was Tempered.”
  • The famous Russian singer, Lyubov Uspenskaya, has a song called “From Moscow to Shepetovka”
  • In the work “The Golden Calf” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov, Ostap Bender utters the phrase: “And in general, the last city on earth is Shepetivka, on which the waves of the ocean break.” In those days, the Polish border ran along the northern and western border of the present one, and Shepetivka was the last major railway station.
  • In the work of P. M. Lerner “Waiman Aizik Abramovich”, Israel, 2011.

Military associations, formations, units

From May 2, 1935 to 1938, the 15th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Military District was located in the city (from May 17, 1935 of the Kyiv Military District).

From May 10, 1935 to 1938, the city was home to the headquarters of the 7th Cavalry Corps of the Ukrainian Military District, corps commanders P. P. Grigoriev (10.05.35 - 22.07.1937), I. M. Sysoev (until 3.07.1938), (Shepetivka is the regional center of the Shepetovsky district of the Vinnitsa region of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic). The corps consisted of the 23rd, 26th and 28th cavalry divisions.

On September 12−15, 1936, in the area of ​​the cities of Shepetivka (Vinnitsa region), Berdichev and Zhitomir (Kyiv region), district tactical exercises were held, which went down in military history under the name Shepetovsky maneuvers. Units formed in 1936 took part in the exercises.

On September 22, 1937, the Shepetovsky district with the regional center of Shepetivka was formed and is part of the Kamenets-Podolsk region. On September 22, 1937, it was formed from the western regions.

From 1938 to September 16, 1939, the 38th light tank brigade of the Kyiv Military District (from July 26, 1938 of the Kyiv Special Military District) was located in the city.

In 1938, construction of the 15th Shepetivka fortified area began in the Kiev Special Military District. The district administration was located in the city.

Since September 16, 1938, the Shepetivka army group of the Ukrainian Front has been headquartered in the city during a military campaign in eastern Poland - Western Ukraine with the aim of liberating workers and peasants from the yoke of capitalists and landowners.


Shepetivka is a major railway junction; five railway lines intersect here: Shepetivka-Podolskaya-Ternopil, Shepetivka-Podolskaya-Starokonstantinov-1, Shepetivka-Berdichev, Shepetivka-Zdolbunov, Shepetivka-Novograd-Volynskyi-1. There are two railway stations Shepetivka and Shepetivka-Podolskaya.


  1. Population (estimated) as of 1st December 2018 / Main Department of Statistics in the Khmelnytsky region
  2. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  3. Directory “Liberation of cities: Directory on the liberation of cities during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” / M. L. Dudarenko, Yu. G. Perechnev, V. T. Eliseev and others. M.: Voenizdat, 1985. 598 p. http://gigabaza.ru/doc/76524-pall.html
  4. Isaev A.V. From Dubno to Rostov. - M.: AST; Transitbook, 2004. militera.lib.ru/h/isaev_av3/index.html
  5. Liberation of cities. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1985. militera.lib.ru/h/liberation/index.html
  6. Website Soldat.ru.
  7. Red Army website. http://rkka.ru.
  8. Website of the Mechanized Corps of the Red Army.
  9. Website of the Cavalry Corps of the Red Army.
  10. All-Union Population Census 1989. Urban population of the Union republics, their territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender
  11. The current population of Ukraine as of September 1, 2013. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Kiev, 2013. page 103
  12. Pykhalov I. The Great Slandered War. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2005. - 480 p. Chapter 3. “The Myth of the Cavalry.”
  13. Red Banner Kyiv. Essays on the history of the Red Banner Kyiv Military District (1919-1979). Second edition, corrected and expanded. Kyiv, publishing house of political literature of Ukraine, 1979. pp. 81-112. Chapter 6. On a new basis.
  14. http://rkka.ru/cavalry Website Cavalry Corps of the Red Army.
  15. Archived copy. Retrieved May 7, 2011. Archived March 23, 2012. Archives of Russia website. Section XII. Directorates, headquarters of fortified areas and fortresses.
  16. http://army.armor.kiev.ua/hist/linia-stalina.php. Veremeev Yu. Anatomy of the army. "Stalin's Line" and the preparation of guerrilla warfare."
  17. Meltyukhov M.I. Soviet-Polish wars. Military-political confrontation 1918-1939. Part three. September 1939. War from the West - M., 2001.


  • Szepetówka // Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich. - Warszawa: Filip Sulimierski i Władysław Walewski, 1890. - T. XI: Sochaczew - Szlubowska Wola. - S. 898


  • Website of the Shepetovsky Vestnik newspaper
  • Main portal of Shepetivka
  • Blog of the city of Shepetivka
  • The first supermarket opened in Shepetivka

Shepetivka (Ukrainian Shepetivka) is a city in the Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine, the administrative center of the Shepetivsky district (not part of it). It ranks third in the region in terms of population. It is a major railway junction. Five railway lines Shepetivka-Podolskaya-Ternopil, Shepetivka-Podolskaya-Starokonstantinov-1, Shepetivka-Berdichev, Shepetivka-Zdolbunov, Shepetivka-Novograd-Volynskyi-1 intersect in the city. There are two railway stations Shepetivka and Shepetivka-Podolskaya.

For the first time, Shepetovka as a settlement that belonged to Prince Ivan Zaslavsky was mentioned in written documents for 1594. In the 16th century, Shepetivka was no different from other Polesie settlements. There was a community in the village, there was a mill. At the end of the 16th century, Shepetovka was granted Magdeburg law. This contributed to its growth and rapid settlement. At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, the process of enslavement of the peasantry took place intensively. The population of Shepetovka also suffered from frequent attacks by the Crimean Tatars. Peasants and artisans, in response to feudal oppression, took part in the uprisings of 1591-1593. led by Hetman Krysztof Kosinski and 1594-1596. under the leadership of Severin Nalivaiko. During the liberation war of the Ukrainian people, in July 1648, when the peasant-Cossack regiments of Maxim Krivonos approached Polonnoye, residents of Shepetivka and surrounding villages joined the ranks of the Ukrainian army. At the end of the 17th century, Shepetovka became the property of the magnates Lyubomirsky, and from 1703 - Sangushko. At the end of the 18th century, it became part of the Izyaslav district of the Volyn province (later, from 1866, it became a volost center). 1594 - the first written mention of Shepetovka 1795 - Shepetivka is included in the Izyaslavsky district of the Volyn province 1873 - a railway station is built 1923 - Shepetivka receives the status of a city, becomes the center of the Shepetovsky district 1930 - the city becomes the center of the Shepetivsky district of the Vinnytsia region 1937 - Shepetivka district is included in Kamenets-Podolsk (from 1954 - Khmelnitsky) region On July 5, 1941, Soviet authorities and troops left the city, occupied by German troops., February 11, 1944, liberated from German troops by Soviet troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front during the Rivne-Lutsk operation: 60th Army composed of: 18th Guards. sk (Major General Afonin, Ivan Mikhailovich) consisting of: 148th Infantry Division (Major General Mishchenko, Andrey Avksentievich), 280th Infantry Division (Major General Golosov, Dmitry Nikolaevich), 351st Infantry Division (Major General Kozik , Emelyan Vasilievich); parts of the troops of the 226th Infantry Division (Colonel Petrenko, Vasily Yakovlevich) of the 23rd Infantry Division (Major General Chuvakov, Nikita Emelyanovich); 4th Guards mk (major general t/v Poluboyarov, Pavel Pavlovich) consisting of: 12th Guards. TBR (Colonel Dushak, Nikolai Grigorievich), 13th Guards. TBR (Colonel Baukov, Leonid Ivanovich), 14th Guards. TBR (Major Kurkotkin, Semyon Konstantinovich); 56th Guards TBR (Colonel Novokhatko, Mikhail Stepanovich), 1820th self-propelled artillery regiment (Lieutenant Colonel Fedor Stepanovich Melnikov), 1889th self-propelled…

So, the journey continues, today’s post is about Shepetivka, a small town in the Khmelnitsky region. Shepetovsky district borders the Zhytomyr region; about 43,000 people live in the city itself. in 1873, a railway station was built and a locomotive depot was opened, rapid development began, and a few years later the post office and telegraph began to function. Since 1923 Shepetivka has been a city.

1. For me, the city usually begins with the railway station, meet the Shepetivka railway station.

There are only two passenger platforms and three tracks, without division into suburban and long-distance services. All trains, without exception, passing through Shepetivka have a stop here. In total, the Shepetivka railway junction includes 5 directions (Na Korosten, Kazyatyn, Starokonstantinov, Ternopil, Zdolbunov). Suburban trains run to all destinations.

2. I go to the city center, right next to the main street, opposite the supermarket this miracle is grazing.

3. St. Michael's Cathedral.

4. Inside

5. I get to the center on foot; the center here is called Im Square. Ostrovsky, where the main attraction of the city, the Ostrovsky Museum, is located, about him in the next post.

6. City Council

7. I found myself in the midst of the entrance campaign; those wishing to take the External Test and their relatives gathered near school No. 1.

8. Nearby is a cinema named after. Ostrovsky, it’s clear they are proud of their fellow countryman here.

9. Urban transport is represented by European consumer goods

12. Here is such a legal consultation, I wonder how it is still preserved? 100% of the population speak Ukrainian and dream of Europe.

13. Small church

14. My travel companion Anton convinces me to follow to the station. Shepetivka-Podolskaya, the second station within the city. and catch diesels there from Lanovtsi and Grechani, which arrive with a difference of 20 minutes
Art. Shepetivka-Podolskaya, view towards the station. Shepetivka

15. View towards the station. Grechani

16. Paramedic station at the station

17. View towards Shepetovka

19. Nature of Shepetovka, view from the Shepetovka-P.-Chetyrboki stretch

23. On the stretch, in addition to diesel engines, we met a utility train

24. Diesel train Lanovtsy-Shepetivka

25. Diesel train Grechany-Shepetivka

26. Input signals art. Shepetivka-Podolskaya

27. Returning to the city, monument to Valya Kotik

29. Electric train to Kozyatyn

Kumarim until 3.20, we are waiting for the night train towards Korosten, read about this in the general description of the trip.

The city made a good impression, but a whole day is clearly too much to explore it; the main and perhaps the only attraction is the N.A. Museum. Ostrovsky in the next post.

P.S. The title of the post is taken from “The Golden Calf” by Ilf and Petrov, where Ostap Bender says: “And in general, the last city on earth is Shepetovka, on which the waves of the ocean crash.”
Published on this trip.

City Shepetivka, located on the banks of the Guska River, is the center of the Shepetovsky district of the Khmelnitsky region. On the territory of the city, archaeologists have excavated some tools of the Neolithic era, and on the outskirts of the city Scythian-Sarmatian burial mounds proudly stand (this indicates that people lived here for a long time). The first written mention of Shepetivka dates back to 1594 - at that time the possession of Andrei Zdiarsky and the territory of the Kremenets district of the Volyn voivodeship.

The city often suffered from devastating and destructive attacks by the Tatar Horde. Residents of Shepetivka took an active part in the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. The city was destroyed by fire in 1649 by troops under the command of the Belz governor - which led to the decline of Shepetivka. In the same year, Dominik Zaslavsky became the owner of the city, and from 1673 - the princes Lyubomirsky, subsequently - Sangushki (they founded the first cloth factory in the town and opened medicinal baths on the basis of mineral springs), and from 1859 - the magnates Potocki, who owned until 1917. In accordance with the second partition of Poland, Shepetivka became part of the Russian Empire, and in 1896 it became a volost center. Since 1843, a sugar factory opened in the city, and three years later - a refinery, post office and telegraph began operating in 1888. Subsequently, a timber mill and a zemstvo hospital began to operate, brick and tile factories, an enterprise for the production of resin and turpentine were built, and quarries were expanded. . Education did not lag behind: there were schools, a parochial school, an Orthodox church, a church, a synagogue, and a printing house (opened in 1912).

Shepetivka suffered significant losses during the events of the First World War, as it found itself in the front line. Then the power in the city changed several times (the Central Rada, the Soviet government, the Directory, the troops of Simon Petliura, the UPR, the Bolsheviks again). Shepetivka officially became a city in 1923. The residents of the city suffered great losses from the Holodomor of 1932 - 1933, and the repressions of 1937 - 1938. In those years, Shepetivka was part of the Kamenets-Podolsk region. The city was also not spared the destructive and terrible events of the Second World War: Nazi occupation, execution, concentration camps, hard labor. In the post-war years, life in the city returned to normal, industry, education and culture came to life. Now Shepetivka is included in the list of historical populated places in Ukraine.

Tourism, attractions

Shepetivka tourist is famous for the following architectural and historical monuments: the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1848), the synagogue (1820 - 1840, today a youth sports school is located here), the water tower (1860 - 1880), the sugar factory buildings plant (1884, construction began by Prince E. Sangushko), Sangushko manor house (1870 - 1890), Khmelnitsky Regional Literary and Memorial Museum of Nikolai Ostrovsky (opened in 1979), monument to Nikolai Ostrovsky (1966 ), Shepetivka Museum of Local Lore (opened in 1926), a memorial cross at the burial site of Holodomor victims. You can also explore the majestic St. Michael's Cathedral. The resort town of Shepetivka has long been known for its medicinal mineral waters containing iron, and therefore it is worth “relaxing” in the medicinal baths opened on the basis of these mineral springs.

Hotels (Urozhay, Tsentralny, Motel), restaurants and cafes (Confectionery, Selva, Yubileiny...) of Shepetovka will hospitably open their doors to tourists. Well, the next day you can go on a new exciting journey. Good luck!