Is it possible to catch a saddle with a fishing rod in Minecraft? How to fish in Minecraft

A simple and very effective way to get a virtually endless source of food and treasure. In order to start it, we need a fishing rod and any body of water.

How to fish in Minecraft?

Having selected a fishing rod in the inventory, right-click on any body of water, after which a float with a hook will appear and a fishing line stretches from it to the fishing rod. With a little patience, you need to wait for the moment when small splashes begin to flow across the water. They will randomly approach the float. When the trail of bubbles connects with the float, it will plunge into the water and at this moment you need to hook the fish by pressing the right mouse button.

The catch can be anything. The highest probability of 80% for a fishing rod without an enchantment placed on it is to pull it out fish in minecraft. There is also garbage here. Anything can be caught as garbage: a lily pad, a bone, an ink sac or other objects that have nothing to do with fishing or the pond. There is also a drop rate for a good item, but it is very small. The greatest chance of catching a treasure (1.33%) will be if only the “Luck of the Sea 3” enchantment is cast on the fishing rod.

If your goal is to catch fish in Minecraft, then it is most appropriate to use the “Bait” ​​enchantment, at the maximum level of which the waiting time for a catch will be reduced by 15 seconds. In addition to “Luck of the Sea” and “Bait,” the fishing rod can be enchanted with the “Indestructibility” enchantment, which increases the number of durability points of the item.

In addition to its main purpose, the fishing rod is for minecraft fishing, with its help you can catch and pull up both hostile and friendly mobs. This property is used to pull an enemy out of the water, push him off a cliff, or pull up a flying ghast in hell to kill him and take his tear. Even though the hit triggers a damage animation, no damage actually occurs. We hope that our small guide is about how to fish in minecraft helped in answering this question.

Every gamer knows that in Minecraft you definitely need to eat in order not to die. This game sets the player's main goal to survive, and he has two scales: health and hunger. The health bar decreases when damage is dealt to the gamer, and the hunger bar decreases regardless of everything, gradually if the character does not eat anything. When the hunger bar runs out, the lack of food will begin to directly damage the player's health. To avoid this, you need to eat while restoring your hunger bar. To do this, the game has a large number of different products. But you need to be able to get each of them - hunt animals, grow vegetables, and so on. From this article you will learn how to catch fish, as well as do everything else that is possible with a fishing rod in Minecraft.

Craft fishing rods

First of all, you naturally need to know the recipe for making a fishing rod in Minecraft, since without it you will not be able to access the fish. However, in the process you will understand that with the help of this item you can get not only food in the form of fish, but also many other useful things. But first you need to make a fishing rod - for this you will need three sticks and two threads. The recipe is extremely simple, so you can get this device at the very beginning of the game. Now you know, in Minecraft, so you can move on to more serious issues. For example, to what it is intended for - fishing.

Using a fishing rod

You can use fishing rods in Minecraft to achieve various goals, the first and main of which is catching fish. To carry out this action, you need to be near any body of water - preferably, it should be deep enough so that your hook does not stick into the bottom or shore. Right-clicking on the fishing rod casts a fishing line with a float and a hook, after which you need to carefully monitor the process. Waves will appear around the float, which will gradually narrow until the float goes under water. It is at this point that you will need to click on the right mouse button again to hook your catch. As a result, the fish you caught will be in your hands. If you don’t make it on time or hurry, you will be left without loot. Using the fishing rod's ability to attract objects and entities, you can use it to fight mobs. It will not cause damage, but you can attract dangerous mobs that fire from a long distance, such as skeleton archers or ghasts. In general, you can always find a useful way to use such multifunctional items as fishing rods in Minecraft.

Types of catch

But it’s worth returning to the original purpose of using a fishing rod - fishing. There is one small feature here - you can catch not only fish, but also two other classes of items - garbage and treasure. Both classes of objects have a very small chance that you will catch it - around one or two percent. But such a possibility still exists, so it must be considered when you cast a fishing rod. In addition to fish, you may have in your hands either an old shoe or an enchanted book.

Fishing rod with carrots

Using a fishing rod, you can craft a special device with which you will control the pig you are saddled with. Under normal conditions, you can climb on a pig, but it will not listen to your commands. If you combine a fishing rod and a carrot, you will get the necessary item in a game like Minecraft. The Carrot Fishing Rod has no other use, so you don't need to craft many of these items. Please note that the carrots are consumed over time, and after a certain period you will be left with a regular fishing rod.

Minecraft is a game project that is considered the best among all existing interactive entertainments. It is a game of limitless possibilities in which you can do whatever your heart desires. Do you want to build a house? Please accumulate resources, design and create. Want to explore the world? No one will bother you, take supplies, food, weapons with you and go on a long journey. And there are a huge number of such examples. True, today we will discuss the main and most frequently asked question: “How to fish in Minecraft?”

Fishing rod recipe

To be able to fish and answer the question posed, you should remember: every action in the game requires a certain thing, which is a tool for performing the desired action. And answering the question of how to catch fish in Minecraft, we will say briefly: you need a fishing rod! Yes, this simple item will allow you to fish in any body of water in the game. True, it’s worth creating a fishing rod first.

The fishing rod recipe is not that complicated, you will need:

  • 2 wooden beams to create 3 wooden sticks;
  • 2 threads.

As soon as the necessary resources appear, it is worth installing them in a certain order: in the crafting window, place wooden sticks diagonally and place 2 threads on the side. This way you can get the desired fishing rod with which you can fish.


But the question of how to fish in Minecraft has not yet been fully resolved, since it includes not only the creation of a fishing rod, but also the process itself. So, first you need to find the body of water where you plan to fish (there will definitely be no problems with this). After this, you should pick up the created fishing rod (you can do this through the inventory, as well as through the quick access panel) and start fishing. In order to throw a float into the water, just press the right mouse button and, when it starts to go under the water, press the right mouse button again - the fish will be caught. It is worth noting that you can catch not only simple fish, but also a rare one called fugu, as well as various useful items and even weapons. The main thing is to change your fishing spot often, and then the chance of fishing success will increase.

Puffer fish

Puffer fish in Minecraft is the rarest reward for fishing. But if you catch it, and in large quantities, you should be congratulated, since it is quite useful in terms of crafting. And under no circumstances should you try to eat it! Yes, if he tries, the hero will gladly swallow it, but at the same time he will receive severe poisoning of level 4, nausea of ​​level 3 and hunger of level 3. In this case, the hero loses almost all his lives and cannot perform any actions for a minute. And don’t think about how to catch fish like pufferfish in Minecraft. The fishing process is absolutely identical to the standard one, it all depends on luck.

Useful properties of fugu fish

Fugu fish, in addition to its poisonous effect, also has positive properties that are revealed in alchemy. Yes, it is a valuable concentrate that allows you to create a rare and very useful substance known as the “underwater breathing potion.” True, first you need to prepare an “embarrassing potion”.

This is easy to do, you will need:

  • hellish appendage - 1 pc.;
  • bottle of water - 1 pc.;

After you create the “awkward potion”, you can immediately begin creating “underwater breathing”. To do this, you need to add to the brewing window:

  • “embarrassing potion” - 1 pc.;
  • fugu fish - 1 pc.

The underwater breathing potion allows the character to be underwater and not need oxygen for 3 minutes. This will allow you to find secret loopholes and underwater caves where the rarest resources are stored.

How to fish in Minecraft? Now you know exactly how to answer this question. In addition, knowledge about rare items and recipes that will be useful for virtual adventures in this fairy-tale world are now added to your experience bank.

Fish in the Minecraft game world is one of the sources of food for the player and, when raw, adds one hunger point. When fried, it adds three units. It is found in any body of water, which allows you to catch it even deep in the dungeons, having found a small source of water. With the help of fish, in addition to restoring energy, you can tame and feed ocelots, as well as promote their reproduction. Let's look at how to fish in Minercraft.

Fishing in Minecraft

To do this, the player will need a fishing rod, which can be created from two types of ingredients. These are three sticks and two threads. If the first element can be obtained even at the very beginning of the gameplay, collecting blocks of trees and turning them first into boards and then into sticks, then the second element is not so easy to get at the initial stages of the game. The thread can be found by killing cave spiders, to meet which you need to at least somehow prepare. It can also be found in chests in dungeons or by destroying web blocks.

To make a fishing rod, place three sticks diagonally in workbench mode on either side, and place two units of thread in the two empty side slots, so that all the laid out parts visually resemble an exaggerated image of a fishing rod. After this, you can start actually catching fish.

Taking the fishing rod in your hands, you need to press the right mouse button, thereby releasing the fishing line with the float. To return it to its previous state, you also need to press the right button. So how to fish in Minecraft? When the float is released, you must wait until it begins to sink into the water. While the float is completely in the water, a hook is made with the right button and, if you’re lucky, the caught fish will go straight into the player’s hands and, accordingly, immediately into his inventory. You can fish both from the shore and while in a boat, far out to sea. You also need to ensure, for example in places where the water level is not too high, that the float does not get stuck in blocks of sand or earth at the bottom.

Now you know how to fish in Minercraft and you can easily tell your friends about it.

Crafting fishing rods.
We place the sticks diagonally, starting from the lower left corner and ending, respectively, with the upper right. On the bottom right line in two cells we put threads and get a fishing rod.

Step 2

We go to the nearest body of water (at least 7x7 blocks) and cast a fishing rod (right mouse button). We throw at a depth of at least 2 blocks, more = better. As soon as the float goes under the water, we hook (also RMB) and... the fish flies back somewhere. It's good if you found it.

Step 3

We continue to fish. A lot goes missing, flying into the bottomless world of Minecraft, but this can be fixed! We just take the earth and build a wall behind us, 4 wide, 3 high. There are protruding walls on the sides, 3 blocks each, corresponding to the height of the wall. We make a roof from 2 blocks. That's all! We just stand in the left corner and throw the fishing rod in the middle or to the right. Otherwise, the fish of our dreams will fly away. When it hits the wall, the ide flies towards us.
You can improve the design, but this is already experience.

Step 4

The most developed type of fishing is at great depths, 5 or more blocks. Crafting a boat.
We fill the bottom strip with boards + on the middle strip there is another board on each side. The boat is ready.
We take the boat, put it on the water (we try to place it after already going into the water to a depth of 1 block and place it at a depth of 2 blocks). RMB on the boat and sailed.
One caveat - someone sitting in a boat cannot fish. Therefore, we stop completely, get out of the boat and, standing on it, cast the “spinning rod”.

Step 5

Look like that's it. If something is not clear, ask, or better yet, visit
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