Metal library of the Atlanteans (10 photos). The mystery of the underground library of the Atlanteans, found in Argentina Juan Moritz and his discoveries

Argentine entrepreneur, ethnologist and collector of mysterious facts Janusz Juan Moritz was born in Hungary, but spent most of his life in South America. In 1965, in a deserted area overseas, he discovered an extensive system of underground communications of unimaginable antiquity, and four years later he made this discovery public, informing the President of Ecuador about it under oath.

Metal books

According to the original researcher, this gigantic branch of underground roads and tunnels stretches for thousands of kilometers, passing, in addition to Argentina, also under the territory of Peru and Ecuador. The walls of the tunnels were smooth and polished, and the ceilings were flat and even, as if covered with glaze. Passage roads led to vast underground halls.

In one of the galleries, Moritz allegedly discovered twenty-kilogram books made of thin metal sheets measuring 96x48 centimeters. In scientific circles, these plates are called plaquettes. The most amazing thing is that on each such page mysterious signs were stamped or engraved. Juan Moritz and his fellow researchers such as Stanley Hall, Petronio Jaramillo and the world famous Erich von Däniken tend to suggest that this is the library of a lost ancient civilization.

According to other versions, the metal books record the historical prophecies of the Incas or the knowledge of aliens who once flew to Earth. In the center of the library there are objects resembling a table and chairs around it, but the material from which they are made is unknown to anyone.

It is not stone, wood or metal, but most likely something similar to ceramics or modern composite materials. Such composites, which are especially resistant to high temperatures and have great strength, are used, for example, in aviation and astronautics. But could someone really have made their analogues many thousands of years ago?

Animals and planes

In addition, Juan Moritz discovered many animal figurines made of gold in the dungeons. This unique “zoo” featured elephants, crocodiles, monkeys, bison, and jaguars. They all stood along the walls of the halls and passages. Many interesting drawings were found on the floors of the tunnels. One of them depicts a man soaring above the planet.

It turns out that long before the current era of astronautics, people knew about the spherical shape of the Earth. The other floor figure has a rectangular body and a round head. This strange creature stands on a globe and holds the Moon and the Sun in its “hands”. A figure called a “clown” or “pilot” was also found. On his head is a helmet with headphones, on his hands are gloves. His spacesuit-like suit has a ring and wires attached to it.

Among the amazing finds of Juan Moritz there is something very similar to a gold model of the Concorde supersonic passenger airliner. One such figurine was sent to a museum in the Colombian capital of Bogota, while the other remained underground.

Aviation experts who have studied the museum exhibit are inclined to believe that this is really a model of an aircraft. Its geometrically correct wings and high vertical keel are striking. This does not occur in birds.

The airplane figurine is made of pure gold, which is also very mysterious. After all, pure gold does not occur in nature as such. Native gold is a natural solid solution of silver with a mass fraction of up to 43% in gold and contains impurities of copper, iron and other metals. Pure gold these days is obtained through special processing at modern enterprises and equipment. Where did representatives of ancient civilization know such technology from?

Another drawing, engraved on the floor of the tunnel, depicts a fossil lizard. But dinosaurs lived on our planet 65 million or more years ago. The drawing itself dates back to approximately the 4th-9th millennium BC. e. And the tunnels themselves are quite a mystery. Even in our time, there are no such unique technologies for underground construction. Who, then, was able to melt through granite strata perfectly smooth tunnels with polished walls, intertwined into a kind of gigantic underground metropolis? It is not for nothing that researchers are sometimes inclined to say that this is the fruit of extraterrestrial alien technology.

How Moritz and von Daniken quarreled

I must say that Juan Moritz was a great original. He quite seriously believed that Hungarian roots lie at the basis of virtually every civilization, and, having talked somewhere in the wilderness with Indians, he came to the conclusion that they understood entire phrases in the Hungarian language quite tolerably. As for communication with the President of Ecuador, it gave him carte blanche for complete control over the discovery - Moritz could invite an independent researcher and demonstrate photographic evidence confirming the discovery of a network of underground communications.

In 1972, Juan Moritz met with Erich von Däniken and introduced him to the secret, showing him the entrance to the cave labyrinths, which supposedly led to a large underground hall. Apparently, von Daniken did not see the legendary metal library, but only the tunnels leading to it. The eminent Swiss researcher shared his impressions on the pages of the bestseller “Gold of the Gods”: “Undoubtedly, we are not talking about natural formations: the underground corridors turn strictly at right angles, they are sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, but the walls are smooth everywhere, as if polished. The ceilings are perfectly smooth and seem to be varnished.”

But one of potentially the most sensational discoveries of the 20th century soon faded. Indeed, in an interview with the German publications Stern and Der Spiegel, Janusz Juan Moritz unexpectedly began to deny that he had ever been in the caves with Erich von Daniken. This undermined confidence in the Swiss, who began to be suspected of simply fabricating his incredible facts proving the presence of gods - ancient astronauts - on our planet. Although it was easy to understand: if von Däniken really deliberately lied, he would not have left any coordinates for connecting readers with Juan Moritz.

One more step

Despite the completely ruined relationship with Erich von Däniken, the book by the proponent of the paleovisit theory attracted new supporters to the side of Juan Moritz. One of them was the American Stanley Hall. And it was then that Hall and the writer managed to meet Padre Crespi, who was a missionary monk in Ecuador from the early 20s until his death in 1981.

Pedre collected a huge collection of gold and other artifacts, which were brought to him by grateful Jivaro Indians. These were mainly objects made of copper, copper alloys, and sometimes gold. Most of these artifacts were made by coining on metal sheets. The congregation had masks, crowns, breastplates, etc. But the third part of the collection is of greatest interest. It includes products that cannot be correlated with any of the known archaeological cultures of America. But the most interesting were the numerous metal plates covered with plot images and inscriptions. This type of writing is not known to modern researchers.

Another interesting fact is that the images on such plates had nothing to do with the cultural traditions of ancient America. So on one of the plates a regular pyramid was depicted, and not a stepped one, like the pyramid in Egypt. After Padre's death, the collection disappeared, leaving only a few of the more than 3,000 artifacts.

Stan Hall, having analyzed the padre's meeting, having studied the situation of the researcher Maurice, who continued to hide information about the location of the library, decided to organize his own Ecuadorian-British scientific expedition to the Cueva de los Teyos area, where the entrance to the dungeons with the metal library is supposedly located. It was only necessary to find a person with a big name to formally lead the expedition.

For the role they chose American astronaut Neil Armstrong, who, like Hall, was of Scottish descent. The astronaut replied that he was more than willing to join the mission. At the time, Ecuador was ruled by a military junta, and the expedition was a joint venture between the Ecuadorian and British armies, supported by a group of geologists, botanists and other specialists. It is curious that for some time enthusiasts hoped to attract Prince Charles, who had recently received a degree in archeology, to lead the expedition, but the Scottish factor in choosing a chief ultimately turned out to be decisive.

One of the brightest events of the expedition was that on August 3, 1976, Neil Armstrong actually stepped into the ancient tunnel system, having the chance to once again make an epochal mark in human history. Unfortunately, no traces of the metal library were ever found. But scientists cataloged 400 new varieties of plants and discovered a burial room with a burial dating back to 1500 BC. e.

Janusz Juan Moritz died in 1991. He always kept something back about the mysterious dungeons. Therefore, like-minded people continued the search, each trying to contribute to it in their own way.

Third man

All the threads of this story weave around Juan Moritz, but still he was not at the starting point. In a 1973 interview with Der Spiegel magazine, Moritz confirmed that an unnamed person showed him the cave. But who was this man?

After Moritz's death, Hall decided to find out about the "third man" who had disappeared into the shadows. Hall got the name - Lucio Petronio Jaramillo Abarca, but nothing more.

“Moritz died in February 1991,” Hall said. “I had a name and a telephone directory. But in Quito (the capital of Ecuador - D.M.) there lived a great many people with the surname Jaramillo. Finally I found him, or more precisely, his mother. It was September 1991 when she gave me her son's phone number. I called him."

Jaramillo confirmed that when Moritz arrived in Guayaquil in 1964, he met Jaramillo at the house of A. Moebius and learned about his history. Hall was frustrated because various people tried to set him up with Jaramillo back in 1975, but it took another 16 years before they met.

Jaramillo and Hall realized that Moritz, who had focused on the Cueva de los Teyos, was looking in the wrong place. The 1976 expedition could have ended with the discovery of the century. And today Hall's greatest wish, if he could turn back time, would be to sit at the same table with Moritz and Jaramillo. At the same time, he understood that Moritz had been obsessed from the very beginning with the idea of ​​​​making the Metal Library his inheritance. When Hall showed Moritz the recording regarding the 1976 expedition, Moritz steadfastly refused to return it. This ended their friendship, but Hall did not understand the reason for the rift until 1991, when he realized that Jaramillo's name was mentioned in that project. Moritz did not want to make this name public under any circumstances (as evidenced by his interview in 1973). Moritz was incredibly stubborn and, at the same time, incredibly loyal, but he was obviously mistaken in thinking that he could single-handedly become the pioneer of the century.

underground treasures

Jaramillo and Hall became friends, although both agreed that Jaramillo would not reveal the location of the entrance to the tunnels prematurely.

Through Jaramillo's stories, Hall learned the true history of the Teyos library, which never existed in Cueva de los Teyos! Jramillo stated that he entered the library in 1946 when he was 17 years old. His guide was an uncle whose name remains unknown. Apparently he was on friendly terms with the local population, which is why the tribe members trusted him with their secret.

Jaramillo logged in at least once more. Then he saw a library consisting of thousands of large, metal books arranged in compartments on shelves. Each book weighed on average approximately 20 kilograms, each page was covered with drawings, geometric shapes and writing. There was a second library, consisting of small, smooth, transparent, seemingly crystalline tablets, the surface of which was crossed by parallel channels. These tablets were also placed on shelves covered with gold sheets. There were zoomorphic and human statues (some standing on heavy pedestals), metal strips of various shapes sealing “doors” (possibly graves), covered with colored, semi-precious stones. A large sarcophagus, sculpted from a hard, transparent material, contained the skeleton of a large man in gold sheets. In short, this incredible treasure had been kept there for who knows how many years, as if hidden in preparation for some coming disaster.

One day Jaramillo took seven books off the shelves to study them, but the heavy weight forced him to abandon the idea. Jaramillo never provided physical evidence of his stories.

Hall asked him why he never took photographs. "He said it wouldn't prove anything." Experience from other discoveries confirms that photography is extremely unreliable evidence. However, Jaramillo stated that he left his initials on those seven books, so that if the library is ever discovered, we can verify the veracity of his words.

And so, while Hall was organizing a new expedition, in 1995, a war began between Peru and Ecuador, and therefore the dates of the expedition had to be postponed. And in 1998, Jeramillo was killed, taking with him the secret of the location of the library.

Although Hall never learned the exact location from Petronio Jaramillo, after Jaramillo's death in May 1998, Hall arranged a trip with Mario Petronio, Jaramillo's son, during which they pooled their knowledge. The journey had only the goal of reaching the “zero point”.

In May 2000, Hall returned.

He showed aerial maps, showing the bend in the river and the line of the cliff that concealed the entrance cave - the entrance to a system that stretched for several miles. His guess is that a rock collapse (evidence of an ancient earthquake) opened an underground network. Hall visited the site and concluded that it fit Jaramillo's description perfectly.

Need for cooperation

So, on January 17, 2005, Hall informed the Ecuadorian government about the location of a cave that fits Jaramillo's description, and which he hopes will become the goal of the expedition, this place turned out to be a bend in the Pastaza River.

For anyone interested, I provide the coordinates - 77°47’34′ west longitude and 1°56’00′ south latitude.

Hall thinks it will take decades or a shift in mindset before people can work together for a common goal. He argues that the 1976 expedition only took place because the military regime was in power; “The democratic bureaucracy will drown the expedition before even a single swampy river is encountered along the way.”

All that is required is a sense of cooperation and openness. Too many people have tried to use the library as evidence of their own theories of aliens, the all-conquering Hungarians, or the Hall of Records. Perhaps that is why these missions were doomed. Perhaps we should let the library speak for itself. Answers to questions regarding who built it, where they came from, etc. we can find inside. After all, is it a library or not?


Argentine entrepreneur, ethnologist and collector of mysterious facts Janusz Juan Moritz was born in Hungary, but spent most of his life in South America. In 1965, in a deserted area overseas, he discovered an extensive system of underground communications of unimaginable antiquity, and four years later he made this discovery public, informing the President of Ecuador about it under oath.

Metal books.
According to the original researcher, this gigantic branch of underground roads and tunnels stretches for thousands of kilometers, passing, in addition to Argentina, also under the territory of Peru and Ecuador. The walls of the tunnels were smooth and polished, and the ceilings were flat and even, as if covered with glaze. Passage roads led to vast underground halls. In one of the galleries, Moritz allegedly discovered twenty-kilogram books made of thin metal sheets measuring 96x48 centimeters. In scientific circles, these plates are called plaquettes.
The most amazing thing is that on each such page mysterious signs were stamped or engraved. Juan Moritz and his fellow researchers such as Stanley Hall, Petronio Jaramillo and the world famous Erich von Däniken tend to suggest that this is the library of a lost ancient civilization.
According to other versions, the metal books record the historical prophecies of the Incas or the knowledge of aliens who once flew to Earth. In the center of the library there are objects resembling a table and chairs around it, but the material from which they are made is unknown to anyone.
It is not stone, wood or metal, but most likely something similar to ceramics or modern composite materials.
Such composites, which are especially resistant to high temperatures and have great strength, are used, for example, in aviation and astronautics. But could someone really have made their analogues many thousands of years ago?

Animals and planes.
In addition, Juan Moritz discovered many animal figurines made of gold in the dungeons. This unique “zoo” featured elephants, crocodiles, monkeys, bison, and jaguars. They all stood along the walls of the halls and passages. Many interesting drawings were found on the floors of the tunnels. One of them depicts a man soaring above the planet. It turns out that long before the current era of astronautics, people knew about the spherical shape of the Earth. The other floor figure has a rectangular body and a round head. This strange creature stands on a globe and holds the Moon and the Sun in its “hands”. A figure called a “clown” or “pilot” was also found. On his head is a helmet with headphones, on his hands are gloves. His spacesuit-like suit has a ring and wires attached to it.
Among the amazing finds of Juan Moritz there is something very similar to a gold model of the Concorde supersonic passenger airliner. One such figurine was sent to a museum in the Colombian capital of Bogota, while the other remained underground. Aviation experts who have studied the museum exhibit are inclined to believe that this is really a model of an aircraft. Its geometrically correct wings and high vertical keel are striking. This does not occur in birds. The airplane figurine is made of pure gold, which is also very mysterious. After all, pure gold does not occur in nature as such. Native gold is a natural solid solution of silver with a mass fraction of up to 43% in gold and contains impurities of copper, iron and other metals. Pure gold these days is obtained through special processing at modern enterprises and equipment. Where did representatives of ancient civilization know such technology from?
Another drawing, engraved on the floor of the tunnel, depicts a fossil lizard. But dinosaurs lived on our planet 65 million or more years ago. The drawing itself dates back to approximately the 4th – 9th millennium BC. e. And the tunnels themselves are quite a mystery. Even in our time, there are no such unique technologies for underground construction. Who, then, was able to melt through granite layers perfectly smooth tunnels with polished walls, intertwined into a kind of gigantic underground metropolis? It is not for nothing that researchers are sometimes inclined to say that this is the fruit of extraterrestrial alien technology.

How Moritz and von Daniken quarreled.
I must say that Juan Moritz was a great original. He quite seriously believed that Hungarian roots lie at the basis of virtually every civilization, and, having talked somewhere in the wilderness with Indians, he came to the conclusion that they understood entire phrases in the Hungarian language quite tolerably. As for communication with the President of Ecuador, it gave him carte blanche for complete control over the discovery - Moritz could invite an independent researcher and demonstrate photographic evidence confirming the discovery of a network of underground communications.
In 1972, Juan Moritz met with Erich von Däniken and introduced him to the secret, showing him the entrance to the cave labyrinths, which supposedly led to a large underground hall. Apparently, von Daniken did not see the legendary metal library, but only the tunnels leading to it. The eminent Swiss researcher shared his impressions on the pages of the bestseller “Gold of the Gods”: “Undoubtedly, we are not talking about natural formations: the underground corridors turn strictly at right angles, they are sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, but the walls are smooth everywhere, as if polished. The ceilings are perfectly smooth and seem to be varnished.” But one of the potentially most sensational discoveries of the 20th century soon fizzled out. Indeed, in an interview with the German publications Stern and Der Spiegel, Janusz Juan Moritz unexpectedly began to deny that he had ever been in the caves with Erich von Daniken. This undermined confidence in the Swiss, who began to be suspected of simply fabricating his incredible facts proving the presence of gods on our planet - ancient astronauts. Although it was easy to understand: if von Däniken really deliberately lied, he would not have left any coordinates for connecting readers with Juan Moritz.

One more step.
Despite the completely ruined relationship with Erich von Däniken, the book by the proponent of the paleovisit theory attracted new supporters to the side of Juan Moritz. One of them was the American Stanley Hall. Moritz and Hall decided to organize an expedition to the Cueva de los Teyos area, where the entrance to the dungeons with the metal library is supposedly located. They only needed to find a person with a big name to formally lead the expedition. For the role they chose American astronaut Neil Armstrong, who, like Hall, was of Scottish descent. The astronaut replied that he was more than willing to join the mission. At the time, Ecuador was ruled by a military junta, and the expedition was a joint venture between the Ecuadorian and British armies, supported by a group of geologists, botanists and other specialists. It is curious that for some time enthusiasts hoped to attract Prince Charles, who had recently received a degree in archeology, to lead the expedition, but the Scottish factor in choosing a chief ultimately turned out to be decisive.
One of the brightest events of the expedition was that on August 3, 1976, Neil Armstrong actually stepped into the ancient tunnel system, having the chance to once again make an epochal mark in human history. Unfortunately, no traces of the metal library were ever found. But scientists cataloged 400 new varieties of plants and discovered a burial room with a burial dating back to 1500 BC. e.
Janusz Juan Moritz died in 1991. He always kept something back about the mysterious dungeons. Therefore, like-minded people continued the search, each trying to contribute to it in their own way. Count Pino Turolla, for example, believes that the metal library is absolute proof of the prophecies of Edgar Cayce. Stanley Hall spent many years trying to find out the exact coordinates of the entrance to the caves with the library from Petronio Jaramillo, but he died in 1998, taking the secret with him. However, the new Indiana Jones of our time - Stan Grist - believes that the true entrance to the treasured cave is hidden under water and hopes to organize his own expedition equipped with the latest technology to the Cueva de los Teyos area.

(c) Andrey CHINAEV

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Argentine entrepreneur, ethnologist and collector of mysterious facts Janusz Juan Moritz was born in Hungary, but spent most of his life in South America. In 1965, in a deserted area overseas, he discovered an extensive system of underground communications of unimaginable antiquity, and four years later he made this discovery public, informing the President of Ecuador about it under oath.

Metal books

According to the original researcher, this gigantic branch of underground roads and tunnels stretches for thousands of kilometers, passing, in addition to Argentina, also under the territory of Peru and Ecuador. The walls of the tunnels were smooth and polished, and the ceilings were flat and even, as if covered with glaze. Passage roads led to vast underground halls.

In one of the galleries, Moritz allegedly discovered twenty-kilogram books made of thin metal sheets measuring 96x48 centimeters. In scientific circles, these plates are called plaquettes. The most amazing thing is that on each such page mysterious signs were stamped or engraved. Juan Moritz and his fellow researchers such as Stanley Hall, Petronio Jaramillo and the world famous Erich von Däniken tend to suggest that this is the library of a lost ancient civilization.

According to other versions, the metal books record the historical prophecies of the Incas or the knowledge of aliens who once flew to Earth. In the center of the library there are objects resembling a table and chairs around it, but the material from which they are made is unknown to anyone.

Moritz and Stanley Hall in 1973

It is not stone, wood or metal, but most likely something similar to ceramics or modern composite materials. Such composites, which are especially resistant to high temperatures and have great strength, are used, for example, in aviation and astronautics. But could someone really have made their analogues many thousands of years ago?

Animals and planes

In addition, Juan Moritz discovered many animal figurines made of gold in the dungeons. This unique “zoo” featured elephants, crocodiles, monkeys, bison, and jaguars. They all stood along the walls of the halls and passages. Many interesting drawings were found on the floors of the tunnels. One of them depicts a man soaring above the planet.

Metal plate allegedly found by Moritz in a cave

It turns out that long before the current era of astronautics, people knew about the spherical shape of the Earth. The other floor figure has a rectangular body and a round head. This strange creature stands on a globe and holds the Moon and the Sun in its “hands”. A figure called a “clown” or “pilot” was also found. On his head is a helmet with headphones, on his hands are gloves. His spacesuit-like suit has a ring and wires attached to it.

Among the amazing finds of Juan Moritz there is something very similar to a gold model of the Concorde supersonic passenger airliner. One such figurine was sent to a museum in the Colombian capital of Bogota, while the other remained underground.

Aviation experts who have studied the museum exhibit are inclined to believe that this is really a model of an aircraft. Its geometrically correct wings and high vertical keel are striking. This does not occur in birds.

Guajaro Cave

The airplane figurine is made of pure gold, which is also very mysterious. After all, pure gold does not occur in nature as such. Native gold is a natural solid solution of silver with a mass fraction of up to 43% in gold and contains impurities of copper, iron and other metals. Pure gold these days is obtained through special processing at modern enterprises and equipment. Where did representatives of ancient civilization know such technology from?

Another drawing, engraved on the floor of the tunnel, depicts a fossil lizard. But dinosaurs lived on our planet 65 million or more years ago. The drawing itself dates back to approximately the 4th-9th millennium BC. e. And the tunnels themselves are quite a mystery. Even in our time, there are no such unique technologies for underground construction. Who, then, was able to melt through granite strata perfectly smooth tunnels with polished walls, intertwined into a kind of gigantic underground metropolis? It is not for nothing that researchers are sometimes inclined to say that this is the fruit of extraterrestrial alien technology.

How Moritz and von Daniken quarreled

I must say that Juan Moritz was a great original. He quite seriously believed that Hungarian roots lie at the basis of virtually every civilization, and, having talked somewhere in the wilderness with Indians, he came to the conclusion that they understood entire phrases in the Hungarian language quite tolerably. As for communication with the President of Ecuador, it gave him carte blanche for complete control over the discovery - Moritz could invite an independent researcher and demonstrate photographic evidence confirming the discovery of a network of underground communications.

In 1972, Juan Moritz met with Erich von Däniken and introduced him to the secret, showing him the entrance to the cave labyrinths, which supposedly led to a large underground hall. Apparently, von Daniken did not see the legendary metal library, but only the tunnels leading to it. The eminent Swiss researcher shared his impressions on the pages of the bestseller “Gold of the Gods”: “Undoubtedly, we are not talking about natural formations: the underground corridors turn strictly at right angles, they are sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, but the walls are smooth everywhere, as if polished. The ceilings are perfectly smooth and seem to be varnished.”

But one of potentially the most sensational discoveries of the 20th century soon faded. Indeed, in an interview with the German publications Stern and Der Spiegel, Janusz Juan Moritz unexpectedly began to deny that he had ever been in the caves with Erich von Daniken. This undermined confidence in the Swiss, who began to be suspected of simply fabricating his incredible facts proving the presence of gods - ancient astronauts - on our planet. Although it was easy to understand: if von Däniken really deliberately lied, he would not have left any coordinates for connecting readers with Juan Moritz.

One more step

Despite the completely ruined relationship with Erich von Däniken, the book by the proponent of the paleovisit theory attracted new supporters to the side of Juan Moritz. One of them was the American Stanley Hall. Moritz and Hall decided to organize an expedition to the Cueva de los Teyos area, where the entrance to the dungeons with the metal library is supposedly located. They only needed to find a person with a big name to formally lead the expedition.

The collector of South American antiquities Padre Crespi with ancient metal plates from his collection fully proves the truth of Moritz's words

For the role they chose American astronaut Neil Armstrong, who, like Hall, was of Scottish descent. The astronaut replied that he was more than willing to join the mission. At the time, Ecuador was ruled by a military junta, and the expedition was a joint venture between the Ecuadorian and British armies, supported by a group of geologists, botanists and other specialists. It is curious that for some time enthusiasts hoped to attract Prince Charles, who had recently received a degree in archeology, to lead the expedition, but the Scottish factor in choosing a chief ultimately turned out to be decisive.

One of the brightest events of the expedition was that on August 3, 1976, Neil Armstrong actually stepped into the ancient tunnel system, having the chance to once again make an epochal mark in human history. Unfortunately, no traces of the metal library were ever found. But scientists cataloged 400 new varieties of plants and discovered a burial room with a burial dating back to 1500 BC. e.

Janusz Juan Moritz died in 1991. He always kept something back about the mysterious dungeons. Therefore, like-minded people continued the search, each trying to contribute to it in their own way. Count Pino Turolla, for example, believes that the metal library is absolute proof of the prophecies of Edgar Cayce.

Stanley Hall spent many years trying to find out the exact coordinates of the entrance to the caves with the library from Petronio Jaramillo, but he died in 1998, taking the secret with him. However, the new Indiana Jones of our time, Stan Grist, believes that the true entrance to the treasured cave is hidden under water, and hopes to organize his own expedition equipped with the latest technology to the Cueva de los Teyos area.

In contact with

For thousands of years, people have been trying to find answers to the same questions: why were they born? Who or what created the Universe? Who or what placed the stars in space? Who or what gives the “commands” and “fun” by throwing stars at each other, causing supernovae to explode, allowing entire galaxies to disappear and appear? Who or what “breathed” life into inanimate matter? Despite the great many theories, the whole truth of the universe is still shrouded in darkness...
But do specialists studying prehistoric times really seek the truth without false fear and any prejudices? After all, no one saws the branch on which he sits. Isn't the church - whatever it may be - afraid that faith in the Creator will turn into accurate knowledge of how the world was created? Will she stand in opposition to the discoveries that such a revolution could bring about?

Isn’t it scary to suddenly abandon generally accepted ideas and admit that the entire history of our ancestors, in which we believed so much, is just fiction?

In his book “Gold of the Gods. Aliens Among Us,” journalist Erich von Däniken develops his own hypothesis of the origin of man and human civilization. Daniken is convinced that man owes his appearance on Earth to humanoid astronauts from distant planets, who flew to Earth in prehistoric times and left many traces of their stay here.

Absurd, you say? What if he's right?!

A gigantic network of galleries runs deep underground across the South American continent, a real labyrinth thousands of kilometers long! The first to lift the veil of secrets of the many kilometers of tunnels was the Argentine ethnologist Juan Moritz. The effectiveness of Moritz's research was greatly facilitated by a group of Peruvian Indians who acted as translators and intermediaries between their unfriendly fellow tribesmen and the scientist. So one day Juan accidentally stumbled upon the entrance to the underground galleries. For a long time, as befits a scientist, Moritz remained silent. And only three years later, in 1968, having collected a significant collection of amazing objects, he decided to inform the President of Ecuador, Velasco Ibarra, about this.

Moritz discovered metal plates engraved with historical prophecies of a lost civilization. No one knew about her existence, since until now no traces of her had been found. Plates and other objects were discovered in numerous and varied galleries. Apparently, this is a real metal library containing the history of mankind. And this library with the prophecies of a vanished civilization can shed new light on the history of humanity.

The entrance to the labyrinth is strictly guarded by inhospitable Indians. A huge opening, similar to a portal, is cut into the thickness of the rock. Undoubtedly, we are not talking about natural formations: the underground corridors turn strictly at right angles, they are sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, but the walls are everywhere smooth, as if polished. The ceilings are perfectly smooth and seem to be varnished. All this would resemble a bomb shelter if it were not located at a depth of 240 meters.

Province of Morona-Santiago. Entrance to the labyrinth, strictly
guarded by Indians, is located inside a triangle between
cities Gualakiza - San Antonio - Yaupi

Hey archaeologists! Don't explain how these galleries were cut out with primitive stone tools!

If the creators of this library had such technical means that they were able to cut out such a huge number of sheets of metal “to measure,” then it is quite obvious that they used graphic signs in order to leave a message to future generations that they considered important. It remains only to find out whether our civilization is capable of penetrating the secrets of the distant past? And did the disappeared civilization want its secrets to be deciphered? We must not forget that there is always a risk of bringing to light the truth that can turn upside down the dubious order of things that we see around us.

Official archeology classifies these drawings as
constructors of miniature models for “religious jewelry”

Currently, access to these treasures, hidden deep underground and telling about man's past, is extremely limited. The Indians keep their secrets very jealously and always look with suspicion at strangers who hover near the entrance to the labyrinth, of which they are vigilant guards.

Even today, the guards of the labyrinth make wooden figurines of “people with long noses” (gas masks?) and, as Moritz was convinced, they discuss among themselves the incredible feats of “flying creatures” that sometimes descended from the sky. There's no way in hell the Indians would risk accompanying you through the catacombs. They believe that dungeons are inhabited by spirits.

In the maze, Däniken personally saw a scaled-down model of an airplane! Archaeologists classified it as religious jewelry. So much the worse for them. Aerotechnics experts consider this to be a scaled-down model of the aircraft, as confirmed by Dr. Arthur Poisley of the Aeronautical Institute in New York:

“It’s hard to imagine a bird with absolutely straight wings, also equipped with vertical stabilization ailerons!” Most likely, this is nothing more than a scaled-down model of an Incan aircraft.

These are two mythological figures from prehistoric
times of Australia, called “two divine
creatures”; they are dressed in overalls with belts,
they have headdresses in the shape of a star, like the starry one
Inca deities.

These tunnels existed thousands of years before the Inca Empire. Think about how the Incas managed to dig hundreds of kilometers of underground tunnels, just remember how many disputes and opinions the project of laying a tunnel under the English Channel caused! But our technical means cannot be compared with those of the Incas! The supreme rulers of the Incas probably knew about the underground tunnels.

But the main question remains: who built the underground labyrinth and for what purpose?

Has our blue planet given shelter to gods defeated in a cosmic battle? If we accept such a hypothesis, then it follows that the planet from which the vanquished came should have had living conditions similar to the living conditions on Earth. And, therefore, to be at approximately the same distance from the Sun as the Earth, to have an atmosphere of oxygen and the corresponding gravity.

Do such planets really exist? Is it true that spaceships took off from them and headed towards Earth?

The infinity of options does not allow us to at least approximately calculate the probability of such a hypothesis.

There are no fewer mysteries. But it is unlikely that one should stubbornly adhere to one scheme, based only on the desire for a harmonious reproduction of the past. Often this is done with the aim of once and for all establishing the value and inviolability of a once accepted scheme...

Juan Moritz and Stanley Hall

Argentine entrepreneur, ethnologist and collector of mysterious facts Janusz Juan Moritz was born in Hungary, but spent most of his life in South America. In 1965, in a deserted area overseas, he discovered an extensive system of underground communications of unimaginable antiquity, and four years later he made this discovery public, informing the President of Ecuador about it under oath.

Metal books

According to the original researcher, this gigantic branch of underground roads and tunnels stretches for thousands of kilometers, passing, in addition to Argentina, also under the territory of Peru and Ecuador. The walls of the mysterious tunnels were smooth and polished, and the ceilings were flat and even, as if covered with glaze. Passage roads led to vast underground halls. In one of the galleries, Moritz allegedly discovered twenty-kilogram books made of thin metal sheets measuring 96x48 centimeters. In scientific circles, these plates are called plaquettes.

The most amazing thing is that on each such page mysterious signs were stamped or engraved. Juan Moritz and his fellow researchers such as Stanley Hall, Petronio Jaramillo and the world famous Erich von Däniken tend to suggest that this is the library of a lost ancient civilization.

According to other versions, the unusual metal books contain the historical prophecies of the Incas or the knowledge of aliens who once flew to Earth. In the center of the library there are objects resembling a table and chairs around it, but the material from which they are made is unknown to anyone.

It is not stone, wood or metal, but most likely something similar to ceramics or modern composite materials.

Such composites, which are especially resistant to high temperatures and have great strength, are used, for example, in aviation and astronautics. But could someone really have made their analogues many thousands of years ago?

Animals and planes

In addition, Juan Moritz discovered many animal figurines made of gold in the dungeons. This unique “zoo” featured elephants, crocodiles, monkeys, bison, and jaguars. They all stood along the walls of the halls and passages. Many interesting drawings were found on the floors of the tunnels. One of them depicts a man soaring above the planet.

Metal plate allegedly found by Moritz in a cave

It turns out that long before the current era of astronautics, people knew about the spherical shape of the Earth. The other floor figure has a rectangular body and a round head. This strange creature stands on a globe and holds the Moon and the Sun in its “hands”. A figure called a “clown” or “pilot” was also found. On his head is a helmet with headphones, on his hands are gloves. His suit, which resembles a spacesuit, has a ring and wires attached to it.

Among the amazing finds of Juan Moritz there is something very similar to a gold model of the Concorde supersonic passenger airliner. One such figurine was sent to a museum in the Colombian capital of Bogota, while the other remained underground. Aviation experts who have studied the museum exhibit are inclined to believe that this is really a model of an aircraft. Its geometrically correct wings and high vertical keel are striking. This does not occur in birds.

The unusual airplane figurine is made of pure gold, which is also very mysterious. After all, pure gold does not occur in nature as such. Native gold is a natural solid solution of silver with a mass fraction of up to 43% in gold and contains impurities of copper, iron and other metals. Pure gold these days is obtained through special processing at modern enterprises and equipment. Where did representatives of ancient civilization know such technology from?

Another drawing, engraved on the floor of the tunnel, depicts a mysterious fossil lizard. But dinosaurs lived on our planet 65 million or more years ago. The drawing itself dates back to approximately the 4th - 9th millennium BC. e. And the tunnels themselves are quite a mystery. Even in our time, there are no such unique technologies for underground construction. Who, then, was able to melt through granite layers perfectly smooth tunnels with polished walls, intertwined into a kind of gigantic underground metropolis? It is not for nothing that researchers are sometimes inclined to say that this is the fruit of extraterrestrial alien technology.

How Moritz and von Daniken quarreled

I must say that Juan Moritz was a great original. He quite seriously believed that Hungarian roots lie at the basis of virtually every civilization, and, having talked somewhere in the wilderness with Indians, he came to the conclusion that they understood entire phrases in the Hungarian language quite tolerably. As for communication with the President of Ecuador, it gave him carte blanche for complete control over the discovery - Moritz could invite an independent researcher and demonstrate photographic evidence confirming the discovery of a network of underground communications.

In 1972, Juan Moritz met with Erich von Däniken and introduced him to the secret, showing him the entrance to the cave labyrinths, which supposedly led to a large underground hall. Apparently, von Daniken did not see the legendary metal library, but only the tunnels leading to it. The eminent Swiss researcher shared his impressions on the pages of the bestseller “Gold of the Gods”: “Undoubtedly, we are not talking about natural formations: the underground corridors turn strictly at right angles, they are sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, but the walls are smooth everywhere, as if polished. The ceilings are perfectly smooth and seem to be varnished.”

But one of the potentially most sensational discoveries of the 20th century soon fizzled out. Indeed, in an interview with the German publications Stern and Der Spiegel, Janusz Juan Moritz unexpectedly began to deny that he had ever been in the caves with Erich von Daniken. This undermined confidence in the Swiss, who began to be suspected of simply fabricating his incredible facts proving the presence of gods on our planet - ancient astronauts. Although it was easy to understand: if von Däniken really deliberately lied, he would not have left any coordinates for connecting readers with Juan Moritz.

One more step

The famous natural mountain cave of Guajaro is located near the coastal city of Cumana. It is fraught with many secrets and mysteries that remain unsolved to this day. it is not possible to get into her secret chambers.

The Guajaro Cave was discovered at the beginning of the nineteenth century by the famous German scientist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt, who entered the cave with local guides.

Submitting to primitive fear, the Indians refused to accompany Humboldt deeper into the unusual cave, but the scientist was able to independently cover a considerable distance and discover very unusual inhabitants in the cave - the nocturnal Guajaro birds.

Despite the completely ruined relationship with Erich von Däniken, the book by the proponent of the paleovisit theory attracted new supporters to the side of Juan Moritz. One of them was the American Stanley Hall. Moritz and Hall decided to organize an expedition to the Cueva de los Teyos area, where the entrance to the dungeons with the metal library is supposedly located. They only needed to find a person with a big name to formally lead the expedition.

For the role they chose American astronaut Neil Armstrong, who, like Hall, was of Scottish descent. The astronaut replied that he was more than willing to join the mission. At the time, Ecuador was ruled by a military junta, and the expedition was a joint venture between the Ecuadorian and British armies, supported by a group of geologists, botanists and other specialists. It is curious that for some time enthusiasts hoped to attract Prince Charles, who had recently received a degree in archeology, to lead the expedition, but the Scottish factor in choosing a chief ultimately turned out to be decisive.

One of the brightest events of the expedition was that on August 3, 1976, Neil Armstrong actually stepped into the ancient tunnel system, having the chance to once again make an epochal mark in human history. Unfortunately, no traces of the metal library were ever found. But scientists cataloged 400 new varieties of plants and discovered a burial room with a burial dating back to 1500 BC. e.

Janusz Juan Moritz died in 1991. He always kept something back about the mysterious dungeons. Therefore, like-minded people continued the search, each trying to contribute to it in their own way. Count Pino Turolla, for example, believes that the metal library is absolute proof of the prophecies of Edgar Cayce. Stanley Hall spent many years trying to find out the exact coordinates of the entrance to the caves with the library from Petronio Jaramillo, but he died in 1998, taking the secret with him. However, the new Indiana Jones of our time - Stan Grist - believes that the true entrance to the treasured cave is hidden under water and hopes to organize his own expedition equipped with the latest technology to the Cueva de los Teyos area.