What is a package tour? Package tours: planning, selection, organization and offer

Let's study in detail the "composition" of a package tour, pay attention to the characteristics of the "fine print" and analyze such nuances as: types of food in hotels, types of flights, and the main question - is flight always included in the tour?

In order not to get confused in the multitude of offers and to make the best purchase, we usually use these services for selecting and booking tours from all tour operators:

When making a purchase, many people have a question: what is included in the price of the tour? Different tour operators have different services. What should you pay attention to first when buying, for example, a package tour from Moscow?

Air travel

It would seem logical that the tour includes a flight. But no, more than once we ourselves came across options with an attractively low price tag, and upon closer examination, a not very noticeable footnote was revealed that we would have to get there on our own.

In principle, this practice does exist - a tour without a flight - but with reliable tour operators such offers are made separately, and certainly not sent out by email in an attempt to lure the client (as is the case with dubious travel agency intermediaries).

To secure your future vacation, look for tours directly from tour operators. And so that safety comes with a good price as a bonus, search on special online search engines - and - here are offers from all trusted tour operators. Conditions of constant competition (and the services cooperate with 120 proven companies) contribute to the appearance of very interesting prices 🙂 Everything is fair: both the flight and the tour are included in the price.


The package price, of course, includes accommodation. To make it easier to find a trip that is ideal in all respects, you should decide in advance which apartment will serve as your home during your vacation.

Advice: use the filter function in online search engines: immediately sort the options by the star level of the hotel or the number of meters to the beach! Personally, we try to choose 3-star hotels everywhere.


A package tour may consist of various meal offers. If you are a gourmet who wants to visit all the cafes and restaurants in the city, or a fan of walking and long excursions, then you can stop at “breakfasts”. Well, for those who want not to worry about food, but to enjoy relaxing on the beach, an all-inclusive service is provided. Such tours are often found in Turkey, Greece, etc.


Tour operator insurance, first of all, implies medical travel insurance for the period of the trip. This entitles the traveler to medical care abroad in the event of an emergency. Its cost is automatically included in the total price of the tour and depends directly on the country of stay, duration of the trip, number of risks and sum insured.

Beyond the basic set, there is travel insurance, which allows you to return part of the money spent, if necessary. There is also insurance against bankruptcy of the tour operator. In this case, your expenses for an unfulfilled vacation will be covered by the insurance company. But there’s really no point in taking them; in our opinion, it’s a waste of money.

What is an all-inclusive tour?

Almost all tour operators offer an all-inclusive tour service. By purchasing this program, you can enjoy your vacation absolutely free. Of course, this is meant figuratively, because free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. In other words, you pay for the hotel services provided once.

However, you should find out in advance what is included in the all-inclusive tour, since there are no standards in this regard, everyone draws up their own list of services. When buying a “pig in a poke”, tourists are in for unpleasant surprises, and all because they bought the ticket without asking what was included in the ticket. Most often this service is booked in Turkey, since it is more affordable in price.

In most cases, the tour package includes: meals, swimming pool, sauna, beach, rental of sun loungers and umbrellas, animation programs, entertainment area, etc. Excursions, diving lessons and other active recreational activities are not included in the price of the tour. It is worth noting that the larger the hotel, the larger the list of services included in the tour.

Benefits of package tours

Package tours from tour operators have many advantages:

Convenience – the program includes basic services, which means you don’t have to independently study the air ticket sales market, book a room, order a transfer, etc.

Safety – thanks to insurance and the invisible presence of an “organizational hand”, a tourist feels confident in a foreign country, and no matter what end of the map it is located.

Savings - booking hotels and air tickets on your own often costs more than buying a ready-made tour. Especially in such countries of mass beach holidays as TĂĽrkiye, Thailand, Spain, Greece. Therefore, package tours will be a good option for an economical trip.

This can be confirmed by our personal example: we flew to Barcelona 2 times, on a tour and on our own. A ten-day trip for one with hotel accommodation and breakfast cost 23,000 rubles. Traveling on our own, the tickets alone - 12,000 rubles - and the reservation of a hostel (much lower in class, and even without meals and transfer) cost a couple of thousand more.

Conclusion: it is more profitable to purchase a tour package for typical resort countries! To Thailand, Vietnam, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, etc.

The price is per person when purchasing a tour for two

What is insurance against travel abroad?

The trip has been paid for, your suitcases are almost packed, and you are looking forward to your dream trip, but suddenly, due to circumstances beyond your control, all your vacation plans collapse like a house of cards. How can I get my money back in this case?

In this case, the tourist will be helped abroad. Typically, a trip is sold without taking this service into account, i.e. the tourist himself decides whether to add it or not.

Insurance against travel abroad is most suitable for those travelers who are planning a vacation in the Schengen countries. Sometimes life brings such surprises, for example, you have already paid for a tour, purchased tickets, booked a hotel, when an agent calls you and announces the sad news that your visa has been denied. Everything will not be so sad if your documents include travel insurance against non-departure. You will be able to partially return the costs, minus the penalty.

What does travel cancellation insurance include?

  • Ticket prices
  • Payment for placement
  • Visa costs
  • Payment for tour operator services
  • Cost of excursions (if included in the tour package)

How much does travel insurance cost?

Insurance from the tour operator in case of no travel must be obtained in advance, approximately two weeks before the departure date. To save additional money, carry out this procedure also directly through tour operators. The price of insurance depends entirely on the cost of the tour, but usually it ranges from 1 to 5% of the price of the tour package.

Transfer from a tour operator - how does it work?

One of the popular services provided by a travel company is transfer. It involves meeting the tourist at the airport and subsequent escort to the hotel and back. There are two types of transfer: group and individual.

By default, the package price includes a group transfer. It offers tourists to get to the hotel on a comfortable bus with a capacity of 20 to 40 people. The advantage is saving your travel budget. The downside is the duration of the move (imagine if you live in that very 40th hotel on the list? :)

For an additional fee, a private transfer will be waiting for you. In this case, the tourist reaches the destination in a car with a capacity of up to 4 people. The advantage is that there is no queue, so you can go straight from the airport to the hotel. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the service, but, as they say, you have to pay for all good things!

Types of food in hotels

All hotels are united by the international food designation system. When purchasing a tourist package, especially on your own, you need to clearly know the meaning of the following abbreviations.

RO (room only)- without food. This type is provided by small hotels, as well as when staying in villas. And it seems like this is savings on a non-budget hotel menu, but if you count how much money is spent on lunches and dinners in cafes, the benefits will clearly be exaggerated.

BB (bed&breakfast)- breakfasts. This type is typical for hotels in Europe and Asia. Very convenient, because... In the morning you can have a thorough breakfast, and, without being tied to the hotel by meal times, spend the day exploring unfamiliar spaces.

HB (half board)– half board. This type of meal involves a combination of breakfast and dinner, or breakfast and lunch. Alcoholic drinks will be provided at an additional cost.

FB (full board)– full board. The price includes breakfast, a nutritious lunch and a hearty dinner. The menu is varied, but the price does not include alcohol.

AI (all inclusive)– good old “all inclusive”. The name speaks for itself: you will receive 5 meals a day and locally produced drinks.

UAI (ultra all inclusive)- “ultra all inclusive”. The same varied food, but with imported alcoholic drinks.

Types of flights

Regular flight from Fly Dubai to the UAE and charter flight from Royal Flight to Greece

For a tour package, airlines offer two types of flights: charter and regular.

Basically, a package tour from a tour operator involves charter flights. The main advantage of this choice is the low cost of the tour, because these flights are seasonal, and you do not overpay for possible empty seats (as on regular flights), because they are completely purchased by tour operators. But the downside is the possibility of the air carrier rescheduling the charter departure time.

Some good advice for those who live in the regions: when purchasing a package tour with a flight from Moscow, do not rush to purchase an air ticket to the capital. Consider all options for changing the date, otherwise your ticket will simply be burned. Take either with a reserve of a day or more from the time of departure or travel by train (in this case, you can always return them).

Regular flights are also found on tour packages. They are carried out regardless of the seasons, according to a schedule. If you prefer only these flights, please indicate when booking your package tour. True, you will have to pay a certain amount, and the trip will cost more. Regular flights are served by more comfortable aircraft, the service is higher, the food is better, etc.

We usually search for and buy regular flights through Skyscanner or Aviasales (it’s convenient to compare prices).

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Search And package bookingtours We are convenient and profitable! We just sell tours NO EXTRAS!
You pay for your tour exactly what it costs tour operator.

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Modern remote service allows you book, pay for the tour and receive documents,
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Just fill out the search form for package tours, indicating all the necessary data and click "Search tours":

Search result form:

Click on the hotel name to get all the information about the room, available rooms in this hotel, type of food, resort, country and much more.

Click on the airplane icon and you will see available flights.

When you click on the price, you will be taken to the tour application page.

Manual selection

Click and fill out the form that opens if you want our specialist to select a tour for you. With manual selection batch tours It is possible to take into account more of your wishes for holidays abroad.

Design of package tours

In this paragraph I will move on to consider the issue of planning a package tour.

During the actual development of any tour, its developer must imagine what he wants to achieve. When planning package tours, in the end we will have to get a tour that will be in demand, therefore, the appropriate place for the tour (city, country, etc.) must be selected. The tour must be affordable so that many people can afford it. The developer must put himself in the place of the traveler, and decide what services he considers necessary and necessary in order to subsequently include them in the package tour program. Designing package tours is a very complex and labor-intensive process, with its own subtleties and nuances. Let's look in more detail at what the tour developer has to go through before he gets the desired result that brings him profit.

“The basis for developing a tour is its brief description, i.e. a set of requirements identified as a result of market research, agreed with the customer and taking into account the capabilities of the contractor.”

“Tour planning is a stage in the cyclical activity of a tour operator, as a result of which the tour itself is formed from an unspecified tourism project, as a set of tourism services of various enterprises of tourism infrastructure and suprastructures, compared in time, place, sequence, quality and cost, ready to promote it on the tourism market " Before deciding to organize tours to a new destination, a travel company conducts market research. It is necessary to identify the needs, priorities of consumers, and demand trends. This will help to formulate a tour package in such a way as to more fully satisfy all the needs of the buyer (tourist). These studies also help to properly guide the course of planning tours and conducting a contractual campaign with service providers.

It is necessary to conduct a study of the needs of the tourism market before starting design work. “A well-conducted and extensive study of tour needs really focuses the designed tour on a specific group of consumers, allows us to develop a project that has no analogues in the regional tourism market, takes the most advantageous position for the tour operator among competitive offers, and determines the prospects for growth in the tour operator’s sales volume.”

First stage. Marketing research. At this stage, it is necessary to find out potential opportunities and formulate a tour.

a) PEST analysis (political, economic, social, technological forces). The company takes into account and analyzes its efforts, which it can apply to implement and implement this tour;

b) PNDU (advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, threats). The company weighs all the pros and cons of designing a tour, paying special attention to the consideration of possible dangers to human life (for example, disasters associated with climatic conditions, etc.);

c) market segmentation (motivation, goals) - “name of the tour.”

Second phase. Route geography - preliminary tour planning:

Identification of resource and technical support for the tour (resolving issues related to transport, accommodation, food, inclusion of any excursions, etc.)

Route type (linear, radial, circular).

A little more about the types of routes:

Linear route.

These include routes whose goal is to get from point “A” to point “B”. The route does not have to be direct, but in any case it starts at point “A” and ends at point “B”, upon reaching which the task set by travelers (tourists) can be considered completed. The group travels from the final point to the starting point by transport. Needless to say, if you do this on your own, then you lose interest in going through the same places again where you were only a couple of days ago.

Ring route.

Such a route begins at point “A” and ends at point “A”, that is, the group moves as if in a ring. It is laid in such a way that, while walking along the route, you can see the maximum number of beautiful places along the way.

Radial route.

The radial route combines the first two types of routes. It looks like a linear route, only from point “A” to point “B” of the route the group follows the same path.

Third stage. Contractual stage (concluding agreements with partners). At this stage, a partner or service provider is identified. The contract specifies: the subject of the contract, basic conditions, rights and obligations of the supplier, responsibility of the parties, payment procedure, legal addresses of the parties, force majeure.

The contract with the hotel company must contain:

Cost of rooms, their reservation;

Conditions of accommodation;

Race schedule;

Material liability.

The contract with the catering establishment includes:

* number of simultaneously serving tourists;

* regularity and amount of nutrition;

* approximate prices;

* material liability.

At this stage, it is necessary to carefully study all the terms of the transaction, so that in the event of troubles or force majeure, the client of the travel company can be compensated for material damage. Very often, lawyers are invited to negotiate contracts; this helps avoid future conflicts.

Stage four. Information and methodological support for the tour:

a) drawing up a transport route card;

b) description of the route (verbal description, conditions of reception and service);

c) schedule of movement along the route (schedule);

d) document “Conditions of reception and service of tourists”.

Conditions for accommodation: what rooms, rooms or cabins, how many people can stay, sanitary services - the presence of sewerage, laundries, showers or baths in the rooms.

Meal conditions: restaurant, cafe, buffet - address and distance from place of residence, meal plan.

Program of tourist, excursion, cultural and leisure services: days of service, list of topics of excursions and events, duration of excursions in astronomical hours, cost of excursions:

* route map;

* reference materials on the route;

* various information for compiling a memo for tourists traveling abroad, a memo for the manager;

* description of the technological features of the tour (vaccination against AIDS, malaria, Asian hotel, Disneyland, etc.);

* reminders about the deadlines for submitting applications (for air tickets, accommodation, meals, group discounts);

* tour booking application (date, order number, responsible person, tour name, information about tourists in Russian and Latin version, foreign and Russian passport number, transport, time, flight, class, possible changes, country, city, date of arrival and departure, hotel, name, class, type of rooms, meals, excursions);

* information sheet containing the following information:

1) route - excursion, type of route, transport, accommodation, duration, brief description;

2) package of services;

3) additional information.

Fifth stage. Calculation of the cost of vouchers and release for sale (costing). The cost of the trip is calculated as follows:

* transport services - internal shuttle transport, transfer (delivery of tourists from the group gathering place to the main carrier’s terminal), excursions;

* accommodation (cost multiplied by night);

* nutrition;

* salary (guides, tour guides, group leader);

* contributions to extra-budgetary funds (26% of the unified social tax and the accident insurance fee);

* excursion services;

* tickets for cultural and entertainment programs;

* overhead costs (10 - 20%);

* total costs;

* profit accrual (10 - 40%);

* VAT calculation on the amount of costs and profits;

* cost of the trip including VAT.

Sixth stage. Promoting a tour to the market (promotion tools):

Sales promotion (various materials for direct mail, brochures for a specific area - support method);

Public relations (press releases and publications are submitted to information services and committees);

Press conferences and press demonstrations;

Illustrative stories with description - image article;


Study tours;

Exhibitions, fairs, scientific and practical conferences;

Various videos.

The final stage. Stage of sales of vouchers (formation of an agent chain). The theistic agency gives the developed vouchers to its representatives (distributes them, for example, among cities, among its branches, etc.), and they, in turn, sell them to tourists (clients).

From the package tour design plan I presented, you can easily see that a very large number of specialists are involved in this process. One person cannot do everything independently from the first to the last stage; he can only manage the project and solve general issues. To design one package tour, it is necessary to create a whole team in which everyone will do their own thing, one with monitoring studies, the second with contracts, the third with processing information, the fourth with economic issues, etc. That is why at the first stage you need to find out how profitable and realistic your developed tour will be, so as not to get into trouble and not let people down, so that the expenses incurred are recouped, and the tour brings in money.