Local Shambhala, Okunevo. Local Shambhala, Okunevo Omsk region Okunevo village map

All details of the road route from Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk urban district, Novosibirsk region, Russia) on the road to the village of Okunevo (Muromtsevsky district, Omsk region, Russia) indicating all intermediate points, settlements, distances and travel times between them.

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Weather for today (08-06-2019) in Novosibirsk

Weather forecast for 08-06-2019 for Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk urban district, Novosibirsk region, Russia

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Detailed weather forecast for Okunevo village

Weather in the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevsky district, Omsk region, Russia today, 08-06-2019

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Closest airports to Okunevo village

The following airports and airfields are located near the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevsky district, Omsk region, Russia:

  • Krutoberezhny village (Omsk district, Omsk region, Russia);
  • Pavlodar (Pavlodar city akimat, Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan);
  • Volnovo village (Alexandrovsky district, Tomsk region, Russia);

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Closest airports to Novosibirsk

Airports and airfields located near Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk urban district, Novosibirsk region, Russia:

  • Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk urban district, Novosibirsk region, Russia);
  • Barnaul (city district of Barnaul, Altai Territory, Russia);
  • Kemerovo (Kemerovo urban district, Kemerovo region, Russia);
  • Tomsk (Tomsk urban district, Tomsk region, Russia);

Check the price and buy a return ticket

General information about the flight Novosibirsk - Okunevo village

  • The plane distance between Novosibirsk and the village of Okunevo is: 531.6 kilometers.
  • Flight time to the village of Okunevo from Novosibirsk is 1 hour, 10 minutes (and by train 4 hours, 7 minutes).
  • The cheapest air ticket from Novosibirsk to the village of Okunevo, found by our users today (06/08/2019), costs 97 euros.

Cheap flight tickets from Novosibirsk to Okunevo village

In order to get to the village of Okunevo (Muromtsevo district, Omsk region, Russia) from Novosibirsk (city district of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Russia) by plane, you can choose the flight that suits you and buy an inexpensive air ticket.

the site found for you the most inexpensive air tickets Novosibirsk - Okunevo village, comparing the cost of an air ticket to Okunevo village in 68 agencies, 17 booking systems and 728 airlines. Where exactly to buy plane tickets from Novosibirsk is your choice.

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Kemerovo (KEJ) Novosibirsk (OVB) Direct T9 508 Thai Star Airlines 97 € Let's fly!
Tomsk (TOF) Volnovo village (SWT) Direct SP 5009 256 € Let's fly!
Novosibirsk (OVB) Krutoberezhny village (OMS) 1 stop UN 108 Transaero Airlines 406 € Let's fly!
Tomsk (TOF) Novosibirsk (OVB) 1 stop UN 2154 Transaero Airlines 432 € Let's fly!
Tomsk (TOF) Krutoberezhny village (OMS) 1 stop UN 2154 Transaero Airlines 433 € Let's fly!
Kemerovo (KEJ) Novosibirsk (OVB) 1 stop UN 114 Transaero Airlines 540 € Let's fly!
Tomsk (TOF) Krutoberezhny village (OMS) 2 stops SU 1531 Aeroflot Russian Airlines 660 € Let's fly!
Barnaul (BAX) Krutoberezhny village (OMS) 2 stops FV 1431 Rossiya-Russian Airlines 688 € Let's fly!
Novosibirsk (OVB) Pavlodar (PWQ) 2 stops KC 218 Air Astana 693 € Let's fly!
Novosibirsk (OVB) Pavlodar (PWQ) 1 stop KC 218 Air Astana 694 € Let's fly!
Barnaul (BAX) Novosibirsk (OVB) 1 stop S7 218 S7 Airlines 706 € Let's fly!
Barnaul (BAX) Krutoberezhny village (OMS) 1 stop SU 5807 Aeroflot Russian Airlines 722 € Let's fly!
Novosibirsk (OVB) Krutoberezhny village (OMS) 2 stops U6 334 Ural Airlines 728 € Let's fly!
Kemerovo (KEJ) Novosibirsk (OVB) 2 stops SU 1451 Aeroflot Russian Airlines 734 € Let's fly!
Barnaul (BAX) Novosibirsk (OVB) 2 stops SU 5807 Aeroflot Russian Airlines 751 € Let's fly!
Tomsk (TOF) Novosibirsk (OVB) 2 stops S7 812 S7 Airlines 814 € Let's fly!

Questions and answers about the route Novosibirsk - Okunevo village

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The Omsk region is particularly rich in monuments of cultural, historical and natural significance. Suffice it to name just a few of them: Five Lakes, the national archaeological park in Batakovo, the Draverta Coast tract, Peipus Mountain, and, of course, Okunevo village in the Muromtsevo district of the Omsk region on the banks of the Tora River. They say that the village has such favorable energy that it can cure all physical and mental ailments. It differs from the provincial outback in another way: it even has its own website on the Internet, and it has an enviable attendance.

Some even joke that Okunevo is the navel of the Earth, which is very much proven by the anomalous phenomena that constantly occur in this zone. Pilgrims try to make the most of them. The village itself is nothing special: simple log houses surrounded by forest. But for some reason the tops of many trees are knocked off. Some trees are very intricately curved. Near the village there is a community whose members have outlined a circle through which very strong energy supposedly comes from outer space. For which people flock here. But since they receive it here, the Orthodox Church does not stand aside: a Christian cross and a chapel for the Orthodox are installed here.

In 2003, serious research the village of Okunevo and its surroundings specialists from the regional departments of the Geographical and Russian Geological Societies took up the task. Then scientists began to regularly study the mysterious area and came to some conclusions. For example, no silver was discovered in the famous waters located in the vicinity of the village. Although before this everyone was sure that it was the main asset of living lake water. But they found a large amount of free oxygen, which, apparently, makes this liquid healing and even miraculous. The hitherto widespread hypothesis about the meteorite origin of the lakes near the village is not confirmed. And the unusual glow above the village in the fog of the lakes, rays piercing the sky, and flying saucers are associated with increased activity of the fault in the earth’s crust.

MAI Academician Tamara Ermakova talks about Okunevo in her book “ Natural mysteries of Siberia“, and, frankly, in some places these stories are similar to fairy tales. For example, about mermaids sitting in trees. Meanwhile, not only scientists, but also local residents seem to have seen them more than once. And also a white dome in the sky with a bright rainbow covered with a greenish or purple haze. They say it is very dangerous to enter this fog. You may not get out.

By the way, mysterious phenomena concern not only natural phenomena, but also the behavior of birds. Let's say, there have been cases when a whole flock of kites begins to circle over the area, and what this means, no one still knows. To be honest, many tourists, visiting the village of Okunevo, they begin to believe the most incredible hypothesis. About the fact that nine parallel worlds touch in the Okunevo area. But the fact that there is something special here is evidenced by numerous photographs. They capture what the human eye could not see. Adding mystery to the already most unusual village in the country.

In other words, Okunevo village is considered a powerful energy center, perhaps a gateway to other worlds, not only the higher, but also the lower. By the way, translated from Sanskrit, the Tora River, on which the village stands, is called the savior. Apparently, not unfounded. Although there are other mysterious stories in the Muromtsevo region. For example, about Kolchak’s missing gold, or the alien ship that fell in 1992. Be that as it may, people who have been here create a special mental mood.

Okunevo village (photo)

In the Muromtsevo district of the Omsk region there is a place that is known throughout Russia. This is not a temple or a monument, but a small village with the modest name Okunevo. The settlement itself is quite young - the year the village was founded is considered to be 1770, when the first settlers appeared here. Many researchers believe that people came to these places long before that.

The Legend of the Five Lakes.

In fact, many legends are associated with this small village, the most famous of which, of course, is the legend of the Five Lakes. Not far from the settlement there are four (!) lakes known far beyond the Siberian region: Danilovo, Lenevo, Shchuchye and Urmannoe (Shaitan Lake). According to local beliefs, there is also a fifth - the Hidden Lake, which does not allow everyone to approach it.

It is believed that the water and mud in lakes Danilovo, Lenevo and Shchuchye have healing powers, which attracts vacationers from all over Siberia. Local residents say about these lakes that they contain “living” water. Urmannoye Lake, according to old-timers, is filled with “dead” water. It is also called Shaitan Lake, which literally translated from Turkic means Devil’s Lake.

Studies of the properties of the water of the Five Lakes near Okunevo confirmed the healing properties of only Lake Danilovo. Here water can actually treat some intestinal diseases and most skin diseases. This also applies to the mud of Danilov Lake. From a scientific point of view, the healing properties of the water in lakes Lenevo and Shchuchye are very controversial.

The version of the origin of the Okunev lakes is also interesting. According to ancient Indian treatises, these lakes were “born from space.” Of course, we are not saying that Indians visited these places, but we should not forget about the legends. According to ancient Indian myths, it was in these places that the great battle between Rama and the Evil Forces took place. In this battle, a man - a hero named Hanuman - provided invaluable assistance to the deity, for which he was gifted with the lands of Siberia. According to legend, he founded the Great City with the Temple, in which the crystal of Wisdom sent down by the Cosmos was kept. According to one version, this temple should be located somewhere near Okunev.

In principle, scientists say that the Okuneva lakes could well have appeared from a falling meteorite fragment. This hypothesis is confirmed by the shape of the lakes (all lakes are elongated in the same direction) and their depth. Among other things, magnetic anomalies, seismic vibrations and other “oddities” are observed here. At the bottom of Lake Danilov, scuba divers discovered a hole over which hangs a cornice with old mossy trees, which confirms the fact that the bottom of the lake was once the surface of the earth.

However, we forgot about the fifth - the most mysterious lake. This lake is called Secret and, according to legend, is located on the right bank of the Tara, about 250 meters from the coast. It is shown only to a select few, so seeing it is a great success. They say that it has the shape of a perfect circle and is very small.

Okunevo and Danilovo Lakes as a vacation spot.

Maybe thanks to numerous legends, or maybe thanks to the healing power of the water of Danilov Lake, but one way or another, the small village of Okunevo in the Omsk Region has become a place of real pilgrimage for tourists from Omsk and surrounding regions. Okunevo and its five lakes are located just on the border of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, with Lake Danilovo lying in the Novosibirsk Region, and Lenevo in the Omsk Region.

From Okunevo to Omsk 250 km, and to Novosibirsk even more - 800 km. However, despite the rather considerable distance, residents of these Siberian cities with great pleasure go on vacation both to the lakes and to the village of Okunevo itself. Both in the village and on the shores of lakes Danilovo and Lenevo, there are campsites and guest houses where tourists can spend the night or have lunch in complete comfort. Local residents will be very happy to tell travelers about the legends and lead them to the supposed location of the Hidden Lake or the Great Temple.

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Let's look at some facts. So.

Okunevo was founded in 1770. Until that time it was called Rezino. After peasants from other regions of the Russian Empire moved here, Rezino expanded, absorbing another village. The village received its modern name from the surname of the first settler.

Initially, the village of Okunevo was of no interest to the spiritual representatives of the world's religions. A turning point in the history of the village was the order of the Indian guru Shri Babaji from Haidakhan, his disciple Rasma Rosita, to find the location of the ancient temple of the god Hanuman and revive it. She was told that the temple was located somewhere in Siberia. Her research led her to the Omsk region, and then to the village of Okunevo, where she lived for several years conducting Vedic meditation. The land near the village was recognized as the site where the temple stood. Gradually, numerous fans of mysticism and meditation began to flock to the village, first from Russia, and then from all over the world.
Later, Rasma left for her homeland in Latvia, and her followers replaced her.
The ancient temple of the monkey god is hidden underground near the Siberian village of Okunevo, says the famous Indian prophet Sai Baba. Russian researchers of anomalous phenomena are also confident that there is a “sacred place” there - a secret gateway to parallel worlds.

Okunevo looks like an ordinary village. However, it is located in a picturesque place - on the steep bank of the small Tara River. What distinguishes it from neighboring villages is that for many years Omsk archaeologists have been conducting excavations here, opening ancient burial grounds, looking for all kinds of objects from ancient eras.
Okunev residents have been observing unusual phenomena here for a long time. These are mysterious glows, multi-colored rays extending into the night sky, and frequent flights of UFOs, and the mysterious origin of a pit-mine near the village of Porechye, to which, as anomaly researchers believe, aliens had a hand.
There is no doubt that near Okunev, two hundred and fifty kilometers north of Omsk, there is a powerful energy center - the EC.
I know of only two such energy centers on Russian territory. The second is in Arkaim, in the south of the Urals. ECs have also been found in other countries.
Not far from Okunev there are lakes - Linevo, Shchuchye, Danilovo, Shaitan Lake, where both water and mud are healing. Siberian clairvoyants claim that these lakes were “born of the Cosmos” - they were allegedly formed as a result of fragments of a huge meteorite falling to Earth, that there were five of them. And now we must definitely find the fifth “magical” lake, because diseases will soon appear that can only be cured with water taken from the five lakes. It is curious that the author of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” Pyotr Ershov, once lived in Omsk. According to Rechkin, in the 19th century he could hear legends about horses flying in the sky, about miracle lakes, by swimming in which one by one, you can become a handsome, good fellow...
According to a hypothesis put forward by a group of Siberian historians, 300 thousand years ago in Western Siberia there was a highly developed civilization, where many religions of the world originated.
Back in 1945, the famous Western seer Edgar Cayce predicted that as a result of a global cataclysm, most of North and South America, England, and Japan would be flooded. The revival of civilization will begin in Western Siberia, which is intended to become a “Noah’s Ark” for earthlings who survived the “end of the world.” The teachings of another prophet, the miracle worker and clairvoyant Sathya Sai Baba, who, according to legend, appeared in India in November 1926, echoes Casey’s predictions. Satya Baba is called upon to establish a “golden age” on Earth - to unite humanity into one fraternal family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation.
As the disciples of the prophet claim, he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia. Satya Baba himself said that in the center of Siberia in ancient times there was a temple of Hanuman, where he was the High Priest. In Indian mythology, Hanuman is “the divine monkey, the son of the wind god Vayu. He is able to fly through the air, change his appearance and size, and has the power to tear hills and mountains out of the ground.” Hanuman was granted eternal youth and is revered as the greatest healer and patron of the sciences. The priests of this god allegedly owned a magic crystal sent down from Space, promoting the spiritual elevation of humanity. (One of the Siberian clairvoyants claimed that the temple was built by aliens, and the crystal was a means of cosmic communication with extraterrestrial civilizations; another claimed that the history of the disappeared Siberian civilization was recorded on the crystal.)
In 1989, a student of the Indian guru Sri Babaji, a native of Latvia, Rasma Rozitis, went in search of the place where the Hanuman temple was located. This has already been discussed.
Outside the village, on Tatarsky Uval, Rasma and members of her community built an altar of stone. Interestingly, in the 1960s, it was on these hills that local children found two stone slabs polished to a shine. Without delving into thoughts about their mysterious origin, the village housewives found a use for them - breaking the slabs into pieces and using them as pressure when pickling cabbage.
Several years ago, a large wooden cross and an Orthodox chapel appeared on Tatarsky Uval, in which a priest from Omsk serves on major holidays. Old Believers who call themselves Inglids come here. They believe that 100 thousand years ago this is where the famous Belovodye was located. And in the Okunev area there was a large temple complex and... “intergalactic communication channels.” The English even allegedly saw a large alien ship above one of the lakes.

Ufologists also did not ignore Okunevo. For most of them, local UFOs are alien probes collecting information about the inhabitants of the Earth. But some people believe that “plates” are spaceships capable of changing shape and size.
Okunevo is frequented not only by lovers of all sorts of mysteries, but also by people who simply dream of taking a break from the noise of big cities. Holidays here are wonderful: there are fish in the rivers and lakes, mushrooms in the forests, berries in the clearings, a riot of herbs and flowers in the meadows. Swim, sunbathe, walk, heal with mud. The silence is ringing, the air is breathless (there are no industrial enterprises in the area), the landscapes, sunsets and sunrises are of unwritten beauty! Of course, they leave these places peaceful and healthier, and most importantly, convinced that they have received a powerful energy “recharge.”
A couple of years ago, several businessmen, natives of the Muromtsevo district, decided to build a health center near Okunev. And in order to better plan everything, we turned to Moscow geophysicists for help.

Last year, scientists examined the area and discovered two types of anomalous areas. As a joke, the first one was called the “darkness”, and the second – the “luminary”.
In the “dungeons” (there are few such areas around Okunev) the level of natural electromagnetic radiation is much lower than in the entire area. There is little vegetation here; the trees, twisted by an unknown force, have dried up. In such places, Muscovites felt very uncomfortable, they were overcome by some kind of oppressive state, they wanted to get away as quickly as possible.
Local residents showed geophysicists an abandoned village house. Its owners celebrated a housewarming party, but could not live in the house - they were constantly sick, everything was not going well for them. When examining the house, it turned out that the level of the electromagnetic field here was the same as in the “dark”.
In the “luminaries” the level of the natural electromagnetic field was one or two orders of magnitude higher than in the area. Such a field affects the human body in two ways. If its level is an order of magnitude higher (zone A), then it seems to “feed” a person - well-being improves, performance increases. It is undesirable to linger in areas with the level of electromagnetic radiation one and a half to two orders of magnitude higher (zone B). Zone B is located ten kilometers from Okunev, next to a huge field. This is an oblong clearing (200x50 meters), overgrown with grass and bordered by bright wildflowers. There is quite a dense forest around the clearing. One of the pilgrims, who tagged along with the geophysicists, after hanging out in the zone for two or three hours, suddenly began to dance, as he later assured, to the music, but no one except him heard this music. But for the businessman, who had traveled a long way to Okunev after lengthy negotiations and a sleepless night, a short stay in the clearing had a beneficial effect. After lying on the grass for an hour, he stood up cheerful and full of strength.
Zone B presented geophysicists with more than one surprise. Firstly, magnetic and gravitational anomalies were noted here, as in an iron ore deposit, of which there is no trace here. Secondly, geophones recorded continuous vibrations, unusual for this area. In an urban environment, such fluctuations are caused by the operation of transport, industrial enterprises, power lines, etc. But where did they come from in this deserted place?
After the seismic survey results were processed, it turned out that in zone B, in the thickness of the soil consisting of loams, sands and loose sandstones, at a depth of 8 to 15 meters there is some kind of large dense massif.
One could assume that there is some kind of artificial structure underground and that it is this that is the source of the recorded vibrations, but no one has ever built anything here... Neither scientists nor customers have yet decided to drill a well. And the clearing will lose its original appearance. And it is unknown what will happen to the “object”.
By the way, this summer, during the second expedition, Moscow scientists recorded the same fluctuations in two more places - on the northern shore of Shaitan Lake (where the Hanuman temple supposedly stood) and in the bend of the Tara River. It is possible that mysterious objects may be discovered underground here too. And in the very center of the bend they found a small “darkness”.

In Okunev, a woman who came here on vacation from Omsk contacted geophysicists. This is the second year that her family has been renting a house in the village for the summer. And in this house in the evenings, somewhere after 10 p.m., strange music began to sound. It is impossible to understand where it is coming from. At first they blamed the neighbors, but they were either already asleep or watching the news on TV.
The music didn't cause any particular concern. Perhaps one thing was unpleasant - people involuntarily began to wait for the “musical hour”. Evening comes, but there is no music; the next day they were no longer waiting for it, but it suddenly began to sound. Quietly. But the melody could be heard. For some, it reminded them of the sounds of an organ, interspersed with the ringing of bells; for others, it reminded them of the operation of some mechanism. Unfortunately, it was not possible to record it on a voice recorder. But a UFO was seen several times near this house.
Muscovites did not immediately become acquainted with these flying objects. On their first visit, only after two weeks they began to notice orange reflections, yellow-orange fog and white balls. We tried to photograph objects using a Samsung Zoom-145C and four-layer Fuji-Color film with a sensitivity of 800 units. In Moscow they printed photographs taken at the foot of the Tatarsky Uval and in a field six kilometers from Okunev. All of them were wearing a large orange “spinning top”, its configuration reminiscent of the UFO that was observed in 1961 in the skies of Latvia.

So what is happening in Okunevo? So far, three hypotheses have been put forward to explain the existence of anomalous zones, flying objects and other things there. Disciples of Satya Baba and the English Old Believers believe that all these are traces of ancient civilizations. Ufologists believe that Okunevo is a kind of base for spaceships, messengers of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to metropolitan scientists, in the Okunev area, there may be channels for the “flow” of energy and information from parallel worlds. Then signals in the form of vibrations, UFOs having a certain spectrum, and strange music should be perceived as messages from these worlds. Messages waiting to be deciphered...

In the summer of 1963, in the very center of Okunevo, under Shkolnaya Gora, located on the steep bank of the Tara River, local children found two mirror-polished light gray slabs with dimensions of 100x60x20 centimeters each, which were apparently fragments of some kind of artificial structure. In 2000, under the same Shkolnaya Mountain, with the help of seismic instruments, some kind of artificial structure was discovered, located at a depth of 12 meters.

The mysteries begin with the name of the Tara River itself, on the banks of which all these surveys were carried out. Translated from the ancient Indian language (Sanskrit), which has been out of use for many centuries, the word Tara means savior; according to another version, it means star. The oldest underground structures discovered in the Omsk region are in some incomprehensible way connected with India. The Indian woman Rasma, who took a direct part in the archaeological excavations, claims that thousands of years ago there was a huge temple on the banks of the Tara River, the ruins of which are now deep underground, under the Tatarsky Uval (Uvals are the steep banks of the ancient Tara River, preserved to this day).

The Indian prophet Sathya Sai Baba is also convinced of this: deep underground on the banks of the northern Tara River lies the oldest Indian temple of the great healer of India, the monkey god Hanuman. The same is recorded in the ancient Aryan source Rig Veda. According to one version, in ancient times, on the vast territory of Western Siberia, there was a powerful pre-Slavic civilization with a city that stood at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om.

This hypothesis is confirmed by the oldest written monument of the Russian people, the sacred Book of Veles, which speaks of a large city that had sanctuaries. It was located at the confluence of the Om (Om) River into the Iriy River (the ancient name of the Irtysh).

Presumably, this region was destroyed by a meteorite fall. The fragments of the collapsing meteorite formed huge depressions, which were later filled with water. This is how lakes of unearthly origin were born, the water in which differs sharply from ordinary river and lake water. Presumably, five such unearthly lakes were formed - according to the number of fragments of a fallen meteorite, of which three lakes are located in the Omsk region (Linevo, Danilovo, Potaenoye), and two in the Novosibirsk region, in the Kyshtovsky region (Urmannoe, Indovo).

Three such lakes in the Omsk region are connected by an underground river, and the water in them is considered holy. According to legends, it does not deteriorate for years and heals diseases. Not only water heals, but even photographs of these lakes, which indicates some unknown energetic, and possibly magical properties of these unearthly formations. Scientists have found that Lake Danilovo has a triple bottom, and a lot of silver was found there, so there is an excess of active ions of this metal in the water. Perhaps this is why the water of Lake Danilov relieves many diseases.

Lake Shaitan
In recent years, Lake Shaitan has been surrounded by an aura of mystery and mysticism. There are rumors about it that the lake is difficult to find, even if you know where it is, that it is, as it were, hiding. And as if its water is healing. If you wash your face with it, any illness will go away, and if you swim in the lake, then... They also say that something happens to people who find themselves here: either dizziness, or hallucinations.
Every summer, Lake Shaitan is visited by people, mainly tourists. Judging by the condition of the shores and roads leading to the lake, the number of people staying here is not very large. You can get to the lake along the road through the village of Inciss. There is also a hiking route to the lake from the village of Okunevo with a crossing over the Tara River.
Lake Shaitan is quite large (area about 50 hectares), but shallow (average depth - 1.5 m), so aquatic vegetation occupies not only a wide coastal strip, but is also distributed in some areas throughout the lake.

The shores of Lake Shaitan are low-lying and heavily swampy. Marsh vegetation decomposing along the banks and at the bottom of a reservoir releases marsh gas, which accumulates in calm weather and can cause poisoning in people. Such poisoning is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and even fainting.
In addition, marsh rosemary is common among the vegetation on the shores of the lake. This plant is poisonous and all its above-ground organs emit a specific, intoxicating odor, but the flowers are especially strong. In people with heightened sensitivity, wild rosemary causes allergies, nausea, headaches, and weakness.

The healing properties of water most likely come from substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria. These substances are contained in sphagnum mosses, which grow in large quantities around Lake Shaitan. The disinfecting effect is primarily exerted by humic acids, and moss, as is known, previously successfully replaced cotton wool or gauze in the treatment of open wounds.

Shaitan Lake is located at the intersection of two faults in the earth's crust, and four lakes: Shchuchye, Linevo, Danilovo and Urmannoe - along the line of a deep fault that stretches along the right bank of the Tara for tens of kilometers. Between Shaitan Lake and the four lakes mentioned above, the faults form an isosceles triangle. In this area, a rare natural phenomenon is sometimes observed - the glow of noctilucent clouds in the depths of the sky.

At the bottom of the lake, according to legend, there is a temple of the Hindu deity Hanuman, built many thousands of years ago. Hanuman, a giant who helped Rama fight evil forces, is mentioned in the epic Ramayana. Tradition says that after the victory, Rama granted his comrade Siberia, where Hanuman built a beautiful city with many temples. This city is supposedly located in the lake, hidden in the thickness of sand and bottom silt.

According to legends, the main attraction of the Hanuman temple is the Thinking Crystal - a magical talisman shaped like an octagon 1.2 meters high. While in the temple, he maintained constant communication between earthlings and space, from where he was delivered from the planet Sirius. The Thinking Crystal is the keeper of the knowledge of aliens from this planet. It contains saving information for all of humanity, which has reached a dead end in its development, since it is the greatest energy carrier, capable of completely changing not only the current energy supply system of earthlings, but also their way of thinking, and most importantly, their way of life.

Every year dozens of expeditions come to Okunevo, pilgrims gather from all over the world. Many people are attracted by the amazing lake water. It can stand without deterioration for years. At the same time, it retains such a fresh taste and smell, as if it had been collected quite recently.

But not all people who want to verify the unique properties of water from Lake Shaitan get to these mysterious places. They say that the Okunev zone does not accept everyone. Often on the way to Okunevo, people following the compass begin to get lost. Circumstances are such that the trip is postponed or cannot take place at all. As in any anomalous zone, space-time distortions occur in the Okunev area. Once a group of pilgrims went to Shaitan Lake, strictly checking the compass. It took no more than an hour to walk to the lake. When, after three hours, the pilgrims still did not see the surface of the water in front of them, they became slightly worried. With each new hour of travel, their anxiety intensified, especially since the places around them became completely wild. In the end, after seven hours of wandering, the pilgrims decided to return. They went back the same way and after 20 minutes they found themselves in the place where they started.

Local residents are no longer surprised by such miracles. They know that there are days when it is better not to go to the surrounding forests at all - you may not return. If contrasting dark purple clouds creep into the sky in the morning, hunters stay at home. Otherwise, they risk disappearing without a trace in the taiga thicket.

There are several religious communities on the territory of Okunevo, the main ones are:

In 1991, the Omkar Shiva Dham ashram was unofficially founded. At the request of the Indian guru Sri Babaji from Haidakhan, a native of Latvia, Rasma Rozitis, his student, went in 1989 in search of the place where the temple of God Hanuman was located. Her mission was unusual: to find and revive the Hanuman Temple, lost somewhere in the Siberian expanses. According to Rajni (her spiritual name), the choice fell on Omsk because the name of this city is consonant with the sacred syllable “Om”, which, according to Indian mystical teachings, has colossal divine energy, the purest vibrations that permeate the Universe. The search for a sacred place led Rajni to the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevo district. The surrounding area of ​​the settlement was recognized as the area where the Hanuman Temple was located. Rajni lived in Okunevo for several years, performing Vedic rituals daily. Local residents began to gather for these rituals. Fans of various mystical teachings and meditative practices came to Okunevo not only from Omsk, but also from other cities of Russia and from abroad.
The activity of the new cult caused serious concern to the Omsk-Tara diocese. In 1993, Archbishop (now Metropolitan) Theodosius personally came to Okunevo to repel the “Babajists”.
After five years, Rasma left for Latvia, and the business she started in Siberia is being developed by her like-minded people. The ashram, registered as the religious community “Omkar Shiva Dham” in 1995, continues its life. Ashram "Omkar Shiva Dham" is the Russian center of the international organization of Babaji's followers "Haidakhan Samaj". The purpose of this organization is to spread the Teachings of Shri Babaji.


In 2000, the Vedoruses or (pagans) came to Okunevo. They say that these places have a special energy and attract. The very concept of “vedorus” is interpreted as “knowledge of Ra.” "Knowledge" means "knowledge" and "Ra" means "light". “May there be more Ra in you,” these strange Okunev residents, kind and very friendly, wish the guests. Here they have several houses painted in bright colors. There is a joyful house called “Cloud”, and there is “Elephants”.
They live by making dishes (plates, vases) from local clay, painting them and selling them in the summer. The Vedorussians have their own workshop, pottery, their own magic tree, they have a headquarters and even a logbook, where they talk about their life. There is also a house for meditation - a Vedic temple. (Material compiled according to open Internet sources)

This is a short story about Okunev, the mysterious land of the Omsk region. I visit it annually, sometimes twice a year, to relax and gain strength. I didn’t notice any special mysterious phenomena there, only on certain days, when you went deep into the pine forest to pick berries and mushrooms, it felt somehow uncomfortable to be alone. And the forest itself is mysterious and disturbing. I didn’t see a UFO, didn’t hear music or sounds, but the first time we were going to Lake Shaitan, we got lost and turned onto the wrong road. We wandered around for two hours until we realized that we were going the wrong way, we returned the same way, and found the lake. If you know the road, it’s difficult to avoid it.
A huge plus of Okunev is truly pure nature, air that has not yet been polluted by humans. Beautiful places where you can breathe freely and have a good rest - you should hurry up before multi-building hotels are built on this heel of the earth, and you can still relax near the fire. next to Mother Earth, forest and flowing water. The places are really tempting to come back. they pull no less than Altai, it’s also wonderful and very beautiful there. For some reason, Lake Linevo or Danilovo do not have such energy, maybe because these bases have been there for a long time and people do not “rest” there, but have a blast? There is still peace and quiet in the Okunev area... So hurry up before such places are trampled by tourists.....

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