Saber Mountain coordinates. Ch3. Subpolar Urals. Aranets-Mount Saber. Vyatka land and Komi - republic

Administrative affiliation: Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Khanty-Mansiysk) and the Komi Republic (Salekhard). However, the city is unofficially considered the capital of the Subpolar Urals intu, which is the central transport hub of the Subpolar Urals, located on the Moscow-Vorkuta or Moscow-Labytnangi railway route.

Population: just like in the Polar Urals, there is no population here as such. The indigenous population of the Subpolar Urals are the Mansi and Komi-Zyryans, who left these regions after a great epidemic that killed all their herds. The indigenous population was forced to leave their homes and move down the rivers into the valley.

There are no settlements in the mountainous regions of the Subpolar Urals, except for individual camps of reindeer herders and geologists: there are large settlements only in the flat regions of the Urals. The western slope is still more or less inhabited, but on the eastern slope, except for the village of Saranpaul and isolated sites, there is nothing else.

Geography: The Subpolar Urals is the highest part of the Urals, geographically bounded by Mount Telposis in the south and its sources in the north. The highest point of the Subpolar Urals is (1895 m). The total area of ​​the mountain range is 32 thousand sq. km. The ridges of the Subpolar Urals are distinguished by alpine landforms, high peaks, asymmetrical slopes, high passes and deep river valleys with high rocky walls. The highest ridges are concentrated in the central part of the massif.

The largest rivers of the Subpolar Urals - , - belong to the basins of the Kara and Barents seas.

Also popular in Yugyd Va ecotourism and ethnographic tourism: some travel companies organize tours to reindeer herders’ settlements and accommodation there with immersion in the everyday life of reindeer breeders.

How to get there: Geographically, the Yugyd Va National Park is located on the territory of the Komi Republic, or more precisely, in the Intinsky, Pechora and Vuktylsky districts. The directorate of the park is located in the city of Vuktyl, branches are in the cities of Inta and Pechora: the directorate must be visited in order to obtain permission to pass the route in the territory of the national park. Here you can also organize a transfer to the desired starting point of the route - the management of the national park can assist with this.

You can get to the park from the cities of Vuktyl, Inta, Pechora, the villages of Synya, Aranets, Kosyu, Kozhim-rudnik, Kozhim, Priuralsky and some others: it all depends on what goal the group sets for itself. There is a regular bus from Vuktyl to the village of Podcherye - the only settlement located on the territory of the national park. You can get to Vuktyl itself by bus or rented car from Ukhta.

The cities of Inta, Pechora, as well as the villages of Synya, Aranets, Kosyu, Kozhim-rudnik are stations of the Northern Railway with connections from Moscow to Vorukta or Moscow to Labytnangi. At the same time, you should pay attention to the fact that fast trains do not stop in small villages and at stops.

From Inta there is a dirt road to the mountains, which is hardly possible to drive along in an ordinary passenger car, so it is better to hire a Ural or GAZ. Traditionally, all routes start from Lake Bolshoy Bolbanta (130 km from Inta), where travelers will be delivered by all-terrain Ural vehicles. There are also options for transportation by car to the Sanavozh camp site (100 km from Inta) and crossing the Kozhim River (80 km from Inta).

Mountaineering in the Subpolar Urals

Sablinsky ridge and Mount Sablya

Route description: The Sablinsky ridge is located in the Komi Republic and is the most technical and interesting route for climbers. Highest point - Mount Saber(1497 m), which was chosen by both climbers and mountaineers, and for good reason. Sablinsky ridge is one of the most beautiful ridges of the Subpolar Urals. In addition, it has another undeniable advantage: having been separated to the west from the main massif of the Ural Mountains, it is more accessible for radial forays from the surrounding rivers and allows for significant variations when planning a walking or mountain route. The Sablinsky ridge, due to its height, is visible from afar - literally 100 km away - and attracts adventurers with its snow-white peaks. The steep, vertical eastern slopes of the Sablinsky ridge are accessible only to climbers with special equipment.

The main peak, Saber Mountain, is a saber-shaped peak hanging to the east. The western slope of the Saber is flatter - about 30°, the eastern slope is steeper, about 60°, closer to the top the slope ends with sheer walls, rich in glacial cirques, snowfields and tarn lakes. The western slope is recommended for hiking, the eastern - for mountaineering.

The ascent along the western slope partly passes through a coniferous forest, which ends at an altitude of 600 m, giving way to larch, mosses and volcanic stones. As you ascend to the top, do not forget to admire the gradually opening views of the Pechora river valley: in the distance you can see the city of Pechora itself and a section of the Northern Railway. But the most stunning view awaits travelers at the top of Sablya: from here almost the entire Urals are visible.

How to get there: from the Pechora railway station of the Northern Railway by hired vehicles (Ural, GAZ).

Mount People's (Poengurr)

Route description: Mount Narodnaya (with emphasis on the first syllable) is the highest point of the Ural Mountains: 1895 m above sea level. The Mansi called it the beautiful word Poengurr, which translated from Mansi means “top, crown, head.”

Mount Narodnaya is located on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, within the Yugyd Va National Park, and is distinguished by inaccessible slopes and a plateau-like, flat top. The northern slope of the mountain is most suitable for climbing, and the preferred time of year for this, of course, is summer - from about July to mid-August. The slopes of Narodnaya are rich in forests with clear lakes, glaciers and snowfields.

However, Narodnaya is attractive not only as the highest point from which you can see almost the entire Urals - as far as the eye can see. Climbers also chose its western and eastern slopes for difficult climbs and training.

How to get there: In order to get to Mount Narodnaya, you must obtain permission from the directorate of the Yugyd Va National Park, on whose territory the mountain is located. The Directorate is located at: Verkhnyaya Inta, st. Dzerzhinsky, 27a. Verkhnyaya Inta, in turn, can be reached by train of the Northern Railway. Here, at the directorate, you can order a car that can take you from Inta to the Zhelannaya industrial base, located near Lake Bolshoye Bolbanty. From the base you will need to cover a distance of about 15 km to the foot of the mountain, moving upstream of the Balbanyu River.

Hiking and skiing routes of the Subpolar Urals

Tourist base "Ozernaya" and shelter "Upper Vangyr"

It is very convenient to start hiking and skiing routes, as well as combined (pedestrian and water) routes from a tourist base conveniently located in the Subpolar Urals " Ozernaya" and shelter "Upper Vangyr". Here the routes can be completed, or a base can be designated as one of the intermediate points on the route: for rest, replenishment of supplies or (God forbid) receiving medical care.

From the Ozernaya base you can make hiking, skiing, and water trips lasting from 1-2 days to several weeks. The base is located in a wonderful location: the Voyvozh-Syny river valley. In the immediate vicinity there are two beautiful peaks: Sunduk and Shuda-Iz, to which everyone can make radial ascents as a warm-up before a more difficult hike.

From here it is also possible to access routes along, to Hoffmann glacier, and conquer the beautiful nameless ridge at the sources of the Ozernaya River, as well as take a simple walk in the picturesque valley of the Ozernaya River: There are a lot of options, for every taste, for any level of training and for any period.

You can get from the Ozernaya tourist center to the Verkhniy Vangyr shelter in one walking day, and from Verkhniy Vangyr, in turn, you can start the route along the Inaccessible ridge, visit the Parnuk plateau and climb the pearl of the Subpolar Urals.

Route description: The Research Range is located in the northern part of the Subpolar Urals, on the border of the Komi Republic and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. It extends 175 km north of the river, and its highest point is (1895 m), which is also the highest point of the Ural Mountains.

The Research Range includes: the Torgoveyiz ridge, Mount Keftalik, mountains at the sources of the Nyamga, Vyrayu and Kobylayu rivers, the Neroika, Salener, Manyinskiye mountains, the Inaccessible ridge, the watershed ridge at the sources of the Khobeyu, Naroda, Manaraga and Balbanyu rivers with the peaks of Mansiner, Narodnaya, Karpinsky , Didkovsky. To the north, the Research Range continues the Wolverine Range.

In this area, you can organize a route of any difficulty category: there are easier options, with gentle and not too tiring climbs and low passes (from 600 to 750 m above sea level). For example, along the southern part of the ridge in the upper reaches of the Puyva and Torgovaya rivers, as well as between the upper reaches of the Shchekurya, Manya and Bolshoi Patok rivers.

Narodo-Itinsky ridge

Route description: The Narodo-Itinsky ridge is the northeastern continuation of the Issledovatelsky ridge, adjoining it as if in a checkerboard pattern - a little obliquely. The Narodo-Itinsky ridge extends 100 km to the northeast from source to source, and, along with , and other rivers of the western slope. However, it also has its own characteristics.

In the upper reaches the river is fast, the bed is narrow, in the middle reaches the bed widens to 50-100 m, powerful rapids and large stones appear in the bed, the banks are high, rocky, overgrown with dense forest. Sometimes the river goes into a narrow rocky gate. After the confluence of the Vangyr tributary, Kosyu turns north and overflows up to 150 m, significantly slowing down and flowing out onto a flat area with flat, swampy banks. In the middle reaches, you can drop off the route near the village of Kosyu with the railway station of the same name with the Kotlas-Pechora-Vorkuta connection.

In its lower reaches, the river overflows in places up to 500 meters, breaking into countless branches and oxbow lakes. The current is almost gone.

There is a lot of fish on Kosyu: salmon, whitefish, Siberian grayling, taimen, but we remember that on the territory of the Yugyd Va National Park, fishing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Main obstacles on the route: Unlike some other rivers of the Subpolar Urals, the rapids on Kosya are named. The most famous rapids on Kosyu are: Kedrovy, White Horse, Trek and Bezgil. However, almost all of these obstacles can be called a “threshold” with a big stretch: most of them are passed without looking and without insurance - along the main stream between the stones. The exception is the Bezgil rapids, which in high water can be dangerous due to strong pressure against the rock of the opposite bank. Overkill at the very beginning of the rapid is not desirable, since beyond the rapid the river goes into a narrow ten-kilometer canyon, in which rescue operations are very problematic. In the riverbed behind the rapids and in the rocky gates there are deep holes. The most famous is located beyond the Bezgil threshold - the Round Pit.

Famous Mount Manaraga(1663 m) is located very close to the source of Kosyu - about 20 km. Therefore, mountain lovers, connoisseurs of unique mountain beauty and high-altitude views should definitely go to the radial hike to Manaraga: it’s worth setting aside 1 day for it. You can recognize Manaraga by the characteristic jagged ridge at the top, reminiscent of a bear's paw - this is how the name of this beautiful mountain is translated from Mansi.

Tributaries of the Koshu:, Vangyr, Bolshaya and Malaya Saryuga, Bolshaya Inta (right).

How to get there: Just like Kozhim, Kosyu flows in the territory of the Yugyd Va National Park. The route should start from the source of the Kosyu River, or from one of its tributaries, which can be reached by hired vehicles from the city of Inta. The most convenient drop-off point from the route is the Kosyu station of the Northern Railway on the Moscow-Vorkuta or Moscow-Labytnangi route. The station is located in the middle reaches of Kosyu and is good for starting “mattress” rafting.

Big Son

Seasonality: June - September

Route description: Bolshaya Synya is a left tributary of the Usa River, which belongs to the Pechora basin. This is a picturesque, stormy, rapids mountain river - exactly what a river in the Subpolar Urals should be. The entire route along Bolshaya Synya runs through the territory of the Komi Republic and the Yugyd-Va National Park. In the upper and middle reaches of the Bolshaya Synya, in places it breaks through tight rocky canyons with walls up to 70 m high. The upper reaches of the Bolshaya Synya are rich in rapids and rocky banks, the rate of fall is average, there are no serious obstacles as such. After the last limestone rock of Sgoryk Kyrta, the river turns west and acquires a flat character and a calm flow with small riffles and low rocky islands that divide the channel into numerous channels.

Bolshaya Synya is full of fish, but even here you have to remember the ban on fishing throughout the Yugyd Va nature reserve.

Attractions along the route: The Upper Gate of the Big Synya (Sokotovo) is the main attraction of the route, located in the upper reaches of the river, and is a picturesque rock canyon, which is also a unique geological object. In the area of ​​the Upper Gate, the river goes into a narrow (60 m) rocky canyon with vertically standing layers of limestone rocks, forming a bizarre-shaped wall with notches and battlements, reminiscent of the ruins of a medieval castle - it was this place that Zhukovsky once called the “Pechora Alps”.

Along the entire route, every now and then there are fossils with clearly imprinted remains of ferns and leaves, the age of which is about 200 million years.

How to get there: from the Synya railway station there is a branch with the connection Moscow (Kotlas, Usinsk) - Vorkuta by rented car to the village of Synya, from where you can start the rafting. The drop off point from the route is the railway bridge over Bolshaya Synya, from which it is only a few kilometers to the Synya station. If desired, rafting along the Bolshaya Synya can be continued to the confluence of the Usa and the village of Ust-Usa, from where you can get by hired vehicle to Pechora (about 120 km).

This is the most famous, the most impressive and the most beautiful of the geographical regions in the Ural Mountains chain. Small in length, it is the most powerful in height and number of mountains, ridges and massifs. Here is the main peak of the Urals - Narodnaya (1895 m), and some of the most beautiful mountains in the entire Urals - Manaraga and Sablya.

Immediately behind Shchugor, the watershed Research Range begins, running strictly north, with famous peaks such as Neroika, Tatishcheva, Narodnaya, Karpinsky. Even further north of the mountain, the Narodo-Itinsky ridge continues, running to the northeast. In the area of ​​Mount Narodnaya there is a powerful tectonic uplift over a large area, up to 100 km wide.

The northern border of the Subpolar Urals passes in the area of ​​the Khulga River, which originates a little south of Mount Grubee-Iz.

In the west, this mountain range is closed by the Sablya ridge. Between Saber and Narodnaya, among other interesting peaks, the beautiful Manaraga stands out with its unusual shape.

The relief of the ridges is mainly alpine, with traces of cirque-valley glaciation, with deep trough valleys and moraine ridges - traces of ancient glaciation.

The area is often visited by tourists, mainly in the Sabli–Narodnaya area, although there are many interesting peaks, lakes, waterfalls and glaciers. It is quite difficult to travel through the entire Subpolar Urals. The expedition “Big Ural-91” covered this path from the weather station at Shchugor to Narodnaya in 11 days, and the entire Subpolar Urals and part of the Polar to the railway near the village of Polyarny in 32 days, carrying a month’s supply of food in backpacks.

We offer to see the most beautiful places of the Subpolar Urals in relaxation mode, without backpacks, taking care of food and firewood with a lot of vivid impressions and a trophy catch.

Climate, suffice it to say that winter lasts from 7 to 9 months. The permafrost reaches a depth of 25-100 m. Unlike the Northern Urals, there are many glaciers here; scientists have counted about thirty of them.

We invite you to the Subpolar Urals - touch UNESCO World Heritage Site "Virgin Forests of Komi"

Mount Neroika

Translated from Mansi "Old man (man) is a mountain."

According to the Mansi, the world invisible to us is inhabited by spirits. Every swamp, every lake, every meadow, as well as every bay and steep river bank, has its own spirit, be it male or female; in some places there are several.

Within the Subpolar Urals, on the Sygva and along its tributaries, the Ner oika was considered the owner. No one can find the doors of his “crystal house” to this day. Whoever tried to do this, everyone died. Ner oika is considered the most peaceful hero. He was so strong that he did not take up arms, he did not shed blood, and his enemies fled or turned to stone at his mere glance.

He was the owner of all the deer in the Urals, and is also known for the fact that he stole the wife of his older brother and for this he paid off with all his deer, except for one choir and one important woman. But Ner oika’s deer did not follow his brother and ran away. Since then, on the middle and lower reaches of the Sosva there have been many wild deer and no domestic ones at all.

Nearby there is a mountain called Ner equa - the wife of Ner oik`i. The Mansi don’t go to this mountain. This mountain is so sacred that during the ritual of worshiping it, food is held at a great distance from the mountain itself.


A beautiful mountain of a regular quadrangular shape, the slopes are kurumnik and scree, i.e. stones, which suggests its artificial origin, but upon closer examination you notice that this is not the case. It stands on the very edge of the main ridge, almost separately. It's impossible to mix it up.

Mount Saber

Mt. Sablya, 1497.4 m - the highest peak in the Sablinsky ridge. The entire ridge has a bright alpine appearance, but the real decoration in it is Sabli Peak, a kind of Ural Matten Horn. The Sablinsky ridge stands alone, far to the west from the main high-mountain region of the Subpolar Urals, and its sharp-headed peaks contrast expressively with the vast plain (Aranets swamps) at the foot.

The ridge has a steep eastern slope with impassable passes. The city of Sablya breaks off to the east with especially high and steep walls; its plumb lines of many hundreds of meters are a record for the Subpolar Urals. The western slopes are gentler, from here you can climb Saber without alpine equipment. A simple climb along the ravine from the forest border leads to a clearing with a lake (~840 m), then goes ~30 degrees. ascent along a talus ravine to the saddle of the Hoffmann Pass (~1200 m). Next, a slightly more difficult climb along the ridge (with a bypass of the rock gendarmes along the shelves on the right) to the couloir leading to the summit peak. Here it is advisable that the peak is not hidden by clouds, otherwise you can easily get lost among the rocky cornices and end up in dangerous areas.

Manaraga - “Queen of the Mountains” and

Narodnaya – “Top of the Big Urals”

(UNESCO World Heritage Site "Virgin Forests of Komi")
The Hungarian scientist A. Reguli first wrote about it in the mid-19th century in his reports on a trip to the Urals. This peak has the original Mansi name - Pungk Ur. Reguli gives several translation options - apex, apex, sting, thorn, crown, crown, head, tooth. “Here the Urals are the highest.” Indeed, in 1927 the priority of the height of Pungk Ur was instrumentally proven. However, in 1927, the highest Ural peak was given a new name - Mount Narodnaya.

You can climb to the top from the west, along the ridge, along rocky slopes, between the pens, but this is more difficult. It’s easier to get to the mountain along the spurs from the north... From here the easiest climb is. The slopes of the mountain are composed of gneisses and metamorphic schists. They contain a lot of quartz, so the highest peak of the Urals differs sharply from all others with its steely dark gray color... Behind each ridge, which seems to be the last, a new one opens.

Mount Narodnaya does not stand out in any way from the surrounding communities. The same inaccessible slopes, pits and cirques filled with snow and ice, small mountain lakes with clear and icy water, powerful accumulations of stone boulders on the peaks and slopes. And yet, a few dozen extra meters put it in first place among all the mountains of the Urals. The second highest Ural peak, Mount Manaraga (1820 meters), was explored in the summer of 1935 by a small geological party led by A. A. Chernov in the upper reaches of the Kosyu River (Western Saledy ridge). (N.P. Arkhipova. How the Ural Mountains were discovered. 1977)

Manaraga translates to "bear's paw". Indeed, the shape of the mountain is very unusual and with its “watchtowers” ​​it resembles a bear’s paw. This peak cannot be confused with any other peak in the world. She has her own unique charm and witchcraft appeal. Everyone definitely wants to return to Manaraga.

We got up at 4 o'clock in the morning. Before breakfast, I discovered that the bag in which I put the dishes had been chewed, apparently rodents live here, so I had to burn it. An hour and a half later we left. The best time to climb the mountain. Having climbed the ridge a little, we walked along the bushes. Windy weather with gusts, but there were no mosquitoes. Further along the stones to the valley of the Närstyuyu River, from here it was very clearly visible. We noticed several deer without antlers crossing our path 500 meters away from us. They weren’t afraid of us, it was clear that they expressed surprise, even at first I thought they were wolves. Berries are blooming everywhere in the valley, and in some places the golden root has already ripened. At the foot we saw another deer, this time with antlers. A steep climb over rocks, then through snowfields, we reached the ridge of the mountain. The long climb along the ridge, according to the name of the mountain Telpoz-iz (“mountain of winds”) was completely justified; it was possible to hide only behind large stones. It seemed that it would be carried a little into the sky. Although at first the weather seemed calm, this was only the case in the northeastern part of the mountain. At approximately an altitude of 1100 meters we entered a cloud, and all that remained was to walk in it; fortunately, it was quite thin and you could see the slope up to 100 meters, although with the rise the visibility dropped to 50 meters towards the very top. A snowy area began there; at first, rare pieces of snow grew into a solid white blanket. At the mini foot there were tracks, apparently of a wolverine, in the freshly fallen snow. Apparently snow fell recently. To the very top there was an ascent through a rather dangerous section, I actively used my hands to climb the mountain, the fallen snow was fraught with some danger, I had to follow the path. It was easy to slip or fall into a crevice between the stones. At the top sat an icy pink teddy bear. On a tour, Alexander discovered a jar he had left several years ago, inside of which there was no note, no note at all, someone had taken it off, but had not left his. The ascent took almost six hours. Since everything was snow-covered and a strong wind was blowing, we didn’t look too hard and went downhill. The plan was to climb (reach) the second tooth of the mountain, according to the map it was even higher than nominal, but due to weather conditions we went down. It was much easier to go down, especially on the snowfields, although the stones were wet and you had to be careful, there was a slight slope along the ridge and then a slalom descent into the valley on the snow. At the edge, the clouds created some kind of arch, cutting off the valley from the rest of the landscape. On the descent, the sun was already appearing, it even became hot, the clouds had gone, but Telpoz-iz was still shrouded in clouds. Along the way we collected wild rosemary for tea, a very smelly coniferous plant, especially when you step on its bushes. Returning to the camp, where we had a somewhat late lunch and time to rest and dry our things, in the evening the road back to Shchugor awaited us. In the evening we also went back, having reached the kurumnik we decided to go down it to the river, where we had lunch. The descent is too steep, up to 60 degrees downwards on rather slippery and unstable rocks. We got to the river very quickly, then we followed it downstream on foot, in some places it was deep and we had to walk along the bank, after a while we found a place where we had lunch, from there we began to think about heading to the pass, to the Shchugor River. The trail was lost, we followed the azimuth to the central point of the pass, then descended, at the top there were alpine meadows, but mostly a swamp with sparse forest. The descent was difficult, there were rubble of trees, through a swamp with a cloud of mosquitoes in addition, plus midges. Tired legs clung to the branches, so that he fell to the ground. It’s hard to step in thick grass, the ground is invisible, and every step needs to be controlled. Coming out to Shchugor, we went along it to look for a place to spend the night; along the shore there was a thick layer of silt mixed with small pebbles, the earth was spreading, so that our feet fell through and got stuck. Telpoz also had chapped lips and nose; a baby cream that I applied to the damaged areas of the skin before bed helped.

Once you have visited the Subpolar Urals, you will definitely want to come again. Because it is impossible to remain indifferent to its harsh but beautiful nature!

Having visited these parts in the summer on ATVs (4x4 Club No. 12’2012) and in the winter on snowmobiles, we became infected with... the “subpolar Ural” virus.

In summer there are some interesting places available here, and in winter - others. But even in a couple of trips it is impossible to see everything interesting. Last year we discovered that in one of the huts of the Vangyr shelter, where tourists stay, there is no stove. So we decided to combine another sightseeing and riding voyage with a good goal - to bring warmth to the shelter!

We set out from Moscow in cars with trailers, heading for the Urals. There you can climb the highest Ural mountain, Narodnaya (1895 m), or visit the camp of real reindeer herders in the tundra. You can see the symbol of the Yugyd-Va park - the picturesque Mount Manaraga, and if you cross the Ural ridge, you will find yourself in Asia.

Having reached Pechora, a city on the river of the same name, we turned into the village of Aranets, from where there is the shortest route to the mountains. The route is well-rolled, only 60 kilometers to the first pass, and Sablya Mountain (1497 m) is already visible in all its glory. This time we built a circular route near it.

Enchantment of the Subpolar Urals.
This area is worth traveling 2000 km. And at any time of the year!

A delicious dinner and a heated sauna await us in Arants. From the window we admire the views of the ridges and passes, where we will soon go. March is the most favorable time to travel here on snowmobiles. During the day, the temperature does not drop below minus 15 degrees, and the daylight hours are already quite long.

We start in the morning. The team has five snowmobiles: two Lynx Ranger 49, Polaris Assault 800, Artic Cat Crossfire 800 and Ski-Doo Renegat 800. We meet groups of skiers. Some are returning from the mountains, others are just rising. Lots of schoolchildren. In the northern regions, the tradition of going on hikes with whole classes, led by teachers, is still preserved.

Before the pass we stop at the Ministry of Emergency Situations post. There is radio communication, several modern snowmobiles and trailers for them. During the period of tourist activity, rescuers serve on a rotational basis. Very friendly people! We communicate, talk about our plans and write down in the log book - anything can happen in the mountains in winter.

Having crossed the ridge, we arrive at the Ozernaya base, where we stop for the night. We fire up the stove and prepare dinner. On the first day we walked 120 kilometers - not bad.

Each snowmobile is assigned 60 liters of operational gasoline reserves. The main supply travels along with the stove in a sleigh, which two Lynx pull in turns. In the morning we refuel, it becomes easier, but still the average speed of the convoy does not exceed 30 km/h. It was also lucky that the road was paved.

Moscow warmth on the Vangyr. We specially brought this stove from the capital. Let it warm the tired traveler

Usually in the mountains, most of the route winds along rivers and canyons. And you always need to be prepared that you will encounter open water and large boulders. Sometimes in search of the right direction you have to fight your way, wasting valuable fuel and taking risks. This time we have last year’s trek with us, so we quickly get to the goal of our “mission” - the Vangyr shelter.

Installing the stove did not take much time, it was still light, and we set off to get acquainted with the surroundings. We wanted to climb the nearest uncrossed pass - but that was not the case! Although we unloaded, only one Artic Cat Crossfire 800 felt at home and was able to drive to the very top. The rest got stuck in a narrow boulder river, on overgrown slopes and in deep snow... Closer to night, having dug out the snowmobiles, we returned to the hut. The fire crackled pleasantly in the new stove, it became warm, and for a long time we shared the impressions we had accumulated during the day.

Winter hut "Kushnik". Many tourists and travelers find shelter and rest in this hut on the Aranets tract.

The main task of the next stage is to get before dark to the border of the Komi Republic and the Tyumen region, where Mount Neroika (1646 m) rises above the Research Range. There used to be a quartz mine here. Back in Soviet times, it became unprofitable - quartz is cheaper to grow than to mine in the wilderness. But the small village still exists, and enterprising watchmen allow fishing and extreme sports enthusiasts to spend the night in empty houses. At dusk we were there. And again there were long evening conversations and all sorts of incredible stories. This time about the countless Ural treasures...

On Neroika, strange as it may sound, they have been digging for several hundred years! In this wild region, here and in the area of ​​Mount Narodnaya, deposits of both precious stones and gold are concentrated. And although translated from Mansi “Neroika” simply means “Old Man Mountain,” we could not refuse to visit the old mines. Maybe you'll get lucky!

The snow on the slopes is very hard. Strong winds are doing their job! And if you hit a rock, you can easily roll over

Getting to the adits is not easy - they are located at an altitude of about 1000 meters. We use the forest hut as a base, where we leave the sleigh with fuel, and go in search of adventure. It took, however, several hours to make a narrow hole in the dense snow and look underground. Everything there has been preserved since the 80s, when these developments were closed. Crossroads made of rails, old trolleys... Some corridors and drifts are blocked by huge ice blocks. They dug an entrance to another mine - it turned out to be even longer than the first. They say that the length of the tunnels reaches several kilometers! It is very easy to get lost in them and there is a great danger of collapse. But it’s hardly possible to stumble upon a nugget here...

Returning to the hut, we notice that in our absence a group of skiers visited it. But everything remained untouched - such laws. We support traditions: when leaving the next morning, we leave extra food - maybe someone will need it.

Mesmerizing view! Almost every pass or peak offers stunning views

And on the last day of the trip, we still dared to storm the Sabre. You can drive to the top of Narodnaya on any snowmobile, but only a powerful mountain climber can climb here. The only way is along a very steep, almost vertical slope. At the top there is a platform 10 by 10 meters. It was scary to be the first to decide to climb, but that’s what we came here for. And I pressed the accelerator! Ranger, obediently rumbling with its engine and tracing along the slope with either the right or left ski, began to climb up. The last 100 meters the snow became loose, and the sound of the engine changed - I had to press the trigger all the way. The skis hang in the air, and you can control the snowmobile only by moving your weight correctly. A little more, and here it is - the top! There is an urgent need to stop here, because there is an abyss further...

Having checked in at the Ministry of Emergency Situations post, we leave the mountainous area. Once again we were lucky with the weather and the choice of route. We stayed on schedule and everything went without incident. We received a lot of positive impressions and, in gratitude, left some of our warmth to the cold Subpolar Urals!