When running rink. Where to go skating on weekends. Skating rink in the Tagansky Park

In Moscow, the real winter came and the brightest sign of the season - the opening in the park of Gorky rink, one of the largest in Europe. At the same time, he can take four thousand people. The organizers assure: modern technique will provide comfortable skating even with a possible thaw.

With the first minute, skating turns into real skating competitions. This event, Muscovites waited a whole year. This in Gorky Park has not yet been. On frames removed from the air, 18 thousand square meters of ice as on the palm. For the first time this year there are even light corridors in which you can get lost. The 15-centimeter ice was poured over for more than a month. Special machine grinded every centimeter. As a result, the surface is smooth as glass.

The ice platform in the Gorky Park this year in the style of street art, the so-called Street Art. Develop the design began in the summer. Finished the design, over which 10 artists worked at once, only two hours before the discovery. Not random and colors of the roller and pavilions. Black and white Arena is highlighted from the inside, and in the center - a summer fountain, which this year first turned into installation, flickering which never ceases during the day or night.

"It is plastic, it is covered with a special film, which, depending on the light ingress, gives various bribes beautiful," says Creative Director of Park Maxim Lapchuk.

Pavilion issuing skates. For the first time this year, it is not necessary to wait here until they are departing for the rental - it was canceled. It will also be on the VDNH. Until large rink There is similar to a big construction site, but the discovery in a week. Day and night layer behind the layer, like on the rolled, increasing the thickness of the ice, mount the backlight (only under the ice - about 10 thousand light bulbs). Slip, promise, it will be possible even on video. Here will be installed a special ice screen.

"There is a lot of LED light bulbs, you can even watch cartoons," said Alexander Morozov, head of the construction site

In total, in Moscow this year, almost one and a half thousand ice platforms should open. In the first stage - Izmailovsky, Vorontsov and Tagansky Parks, the Garden "Hermitage". And one of them that works already now - in Sokolniki. Here are two rinks at once: with artificial and natural coating.

Here is what visitors say:

- Despite the fact that the ears, of course, take up a bit from frost, but the mood is just super! Many people, excellent music and positive emotions!

- In my opinion, the weather today is good, many very positive people and I love to fall.

- I open today new seasonI have a great mood and hopeful it will continue all evening.

- Today is such a good day! Mood is beautiful!

The big ice season in Moscow this year started before the calendar term. End of autumn, and ice in the capital is already burning with millions of multi-colored light bulbs.

The weather today is just for riding. In the capital dry and frosty. But, for example, the rich in the Gorky Park is not terrible and weather whims. Special freezing system. The ice does not touch here at the plus temperature and does not even melt in the rain.

Capital Park "Sokolniki" is so great that he can afford to delight visitors not with one rink, and three, of which two are free. Skating in Sokolniki 2018-2019 - This is a great ice, thoughtful entertainmentDemocratic prices.

Date of opening and opening hours

The ice skating rink is equipped with an ice forage system, and therefore thaws up to +15 is not terrible. The season begins in mid-November. The bandwidth of the site is 1500 visitors. Located a comfortable rink at the festival area (10 minutes walk from the entrance to the park). Here are two points of rolled skates, and the rental is included in the ticket price and the deposit is not required, there are locker rooms (free).

You can ride until midnight. At night, the sides are highlighted, which creates the effect of northern lights. A specially equipped scene is clearly visible from all points rink.

How the roller works:

Morning session from 10.00 to 12.00
Day session from 13.00 to 15.00
Evening sessions from 16.00 to 18.00; 19.00 - 21.00 and 22.00 - 00.00

Between all sessions - a clock technical break. The mode of operation from January 1 to January 11 does not change. There is no weekend.

The organizers took care of those who do not like to skate, but came to the Park "For the Company". Next to the roller is located tubing Gorka "All Very". Here you can ride cheerfully.

Ticket price:

  • monday - Thursday - 300 r.;
  • friday - Sunday + holidays - 400 r.;
  • subscription for 10 sessions - 3000 p.;
  • subscription for 20 sessions - 5000 p.

Sale of subscriptions is carried out on the official website.

Provides benefits. Pensioners can be ride free on Tuesdays (one session). Children under 14, accompanied by an adult (with a ticket) ride free. Students and schoolchildren can buy a ticket for 200 r., But only twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday). The cost of the simulators "Penguin" or "Panda", help learn how to ride, - 200 r. Session plus pledge. Perhaps the "ice" stands out among other rinks by the most democratic prices.

Free rollers in Sokolniki Park

The skating rink "Giant", which occupies the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe "large circle" of the park, is poured with the onset of a stable minus, as the ice is formed naturally. Therefore, the opening date of the "floating", which is dependent on the whims of the weather. This also applies to the rich "in the forest". IMPORTANT: Riding to the official opening is fraught with injuries, since the ice is still not faster.

Both free rinks are open daily from 09.00 to midnight. The ice is poured at night. Rental item is open from 10.00 to 22.00. The cost of renting a pair of skates - 300 p. in a day.

In terms of ice quality, the rollers do not differ, but in the area significantly. The overall disadvantage of such sites is dependence on weather and complaints to spoiled ice. But here the fault of the thaw. Hence the negative reviews about free rinks.

Christmas tree and not only

One of the sites of the NG celebration last year was the ice skating rink. Christmas hits sounded, and an hour before NG started theatrical and musical performance with compositions from musicals. After midnight - and continuation of the concert.

Last year's holiday on the fountain square has lasted a week. Within the framework of the New Year's Vacation and Christmas Program on January 7 at 13:00, events began:

  • circus show;
  • speech by the Acaperel Group Canticum Festum:
  • theatrical performance;
  • performing male choirs;
  • staging the theater "Ceftak";
  • performance of the puppet theater.

The holiday lasted until 19.00.

The baton on January 13 was accepted by "Christmas cruising". In the program, friendly communication, races on dogs, prizes draws, tea drinking, animal communication.