How to get from Hong Kong to Beijing. Prices for air tickets Beijing - Hong Kong by month Airplane Hong Kong - Beijing

  • A short blink of the high beams in an area with heavy traffic means that the oncoming driver is giving you priority right of way - “pass”
  • A series of flashes of the high beams of an oncoming car warns of danger ahead or a traffic police ambush; it is necessary to reduce speed. At night, it may mean a request to switch the headlights to low beam
  • If a car behind you is flashing high beams, it means the driver is asking you to give way to him. It is necessary, if possible, to change lanes to the right
  • 2 - 3 flashes of the hazard warning lights - this is how drivers usually thank each other for their politeness.
  • On country roads, drivers of large trucks or buses often help the cars following them. So, the turned on left turn signal warns of approaching oncoming traffic, which means it is better to hold off on overtaking. If the right turn signal is on, the oncoming lane is clear, you can overtake.
  • If you hear a long horn and blink at the distant car behind you, it means you are asking to let you go ahead. If there is exactly the same signal from the side, it means: “Make way!”
  • On roads with branches, it can be difficult to make a left turn due to the volume of traffic; to show that you are being let through, the oncoming car will briefly blink its “distant” flash. You can do the same if you decide to let oncoming traffic pass.
  • In a situation, especially in the dark, when a large truck overtakes you, it is difficult for him to see whether he has overtaken your car or not. Flash your high beams at him and let him know that you can complete the maneuver.
  • In the dark, if you are blinked with high beams, then you may be asked to switch from “high beams” to “low beams”.
  • One short flash of high beams in a traffic jam - “pass.”
  • A short horn in the driver's language means a friendly greeting or a kind of “please” if you thanked a person with an emergency light. A long beep in tandem with flashing high beams is an important signal warning that there is danger ahead or your car is broken down.
  • A hand showing a circle and pointing down means that one of the tires of your car is flat.
  • If the driver is shown a fig, then a stone has “settled” between the paired wheels of the truck.
  • The hand points to the side of the road - they tell you that your iron horse has broken down and you need to stop.
  • The hand points to the car door - it means one of the doors is not completely closed or something is stuck there.
  • Palm strike in the air - you need to check the trunk
  • During icy conditions, the braking distance of a vehicle increases by approximately 10 times compared to the normal surface of the roadway; in such cases, engine braking or intermittent braking should be used.
  • When driving on a snowy road, try to drive without stopping or changing gears, as this reduces the inertial force that helps the car move and causes a loss of speed or even a complete stop.
  • If you often drive on dirt or snowy roads, purchase special anti-slip mats and store them in the trunk. If these are not available, you can use rubber mats from the interior. As already mentioned, to get out of the mud or snowdrift, use a board or branches from the surrounding bushes.
  • In foggy conditions, it is prohibited to leave your lane unless absolutely necessary, overtake, move along tram tracks and tow motor vehicles.
  • On the road, try to stay away from military vehicles. Often these vehicles are driven by young soldiers who have recently received their license. Needless to say, how dangerous a large-sized Ural is when driven by an inexperienced driver!
  • According to statistical studies, most road accidents involving pedestrians occur between 16:00 and 20:00.
  • Never stick a “U” sign on your car window. Trimming and “teaching” a novice teapot is a favorite pastime for many car enthusiasts. From harmless beeping in front of a traffic light and ignoring your advantage to getting caught on the road.
  • When driving a front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive vehicle, when turning, do not turn the steering wheel all the way, but always leave a reserve of travel. Otherwise, the CV joints or “constant velocity joints” will wear out quickly and will have to be replaced regularly.
  • It is always better to park your car in reverse, as it takes up less space, is easier to maneuver and has fewer problems leaving the parking lot.
  • Don't drive in neutral. When going down a steep hill, the steering wheel and wheels may lock, which will lead to loss of vehicle control.
  • Do not constantly depress the clutch; even during short stops, switch to neutral. Otherwise, the release bearing will wear out very much.
  • Do not leave the car with the handbrake on for a long time; it is better to leave it in gear. Otherwise, you will have to tighten the handbrake cable very often, and in winter you will not be able to move at all, the brake pads will freeze to the drums.
  • Carefully drive over the speed bump. Reduce your speed a few meters before the obstacle, brake, and sharply release the brake before the obstacle itself. In this case, your car will deftly pass the obstacle and the suspension will not suffer from holes.
  • Keep an eye on the air conditioner. Turn it on regularly to ensure that the coolant does not leak out and the pipes do not dry out. It will be expensive to repair.
  • To prevent your car from skidding, brake intermittently. By vigorously and quickly pressing the brake pedal.
  • Drive your car in a good mood, without haste, this is the only way you will arrive at your destination on time.

The distance between Beijing and Hong Kong along the highway is 2187 km, in a straight line - 1972 km. In English countries, the length of this route is 1360 miles by road and 1226 miles as the crow flies. A trip from Beijing to Hong Kong by car will last approximately 1 day 7 hours 14 minutes.

The road map is highlighted in red on the map and passes near 44 settlements. To plot the route Beijing - Hong Kong for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

To find out what traffic jams are like on the Beijing-Hong Kong road now, check the “Traffic” box and enlarge the map. To find out how to get from Beijing to by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a map diagram of the road route in a convenient format, click.

To plot the route and calculate the distance, precise satellite coordinates of roads and settlements were used. We do not guarantee 100% accuracy and are not responsible for the route constructed.

Distance between Hong Kong and Beijing - 2,179 km. You can overcome it by plane or train. Air service is excellent. The route by rail requires a transfer, but in this case you can find inexpensive tickets.

Airplane Hong Kong - Beijing

Daily direct flights are operated by Air China, Xiamen Airlines, Hong Kong Airlines, Cathay Dragon, Cathay Pacific. A direct flight will take from 2 hours 45 minutes to 3 hours 20 minutes. The minimum travel time with one transfer is 5 hours 35 minutes, and it is not at all a fact that an indirect flight will be cheaper. The connection options vary in duration; you can choose a short or long one and walk around the city where the transfer is supposed to take place.

Ticket prices vary and depend on many factors, including the season, so check the current cost directly when searching using the form below.

Search for flights from Hong Kong to Beijing at competitive prices for your dates:

Train Hong Kong - Beijing

A less fast way of transportation, which is suitable for those who are afraid of flying or are looking for a budget option. There are trains from Hong Kong Station to Guangzhou, then you need to change trains. Train timetable from Hong Kong. Ticket price in 2019: HK$155 for 1st class, HK$250 for premium class.

Trains depart from Guangzhou to Beijing throughout the day (8 hours travel time). Depending on the type of ticket, the cost ranges from US$72 (seated seat) to $US219 (business class, you can lie down).

The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets from Beijing to Hong Kong, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season of low prices. For example, in February prices reach an average of 31,182 rubles, and in June the cost of tickets drops to an average of 12,189 rubles. Plan your trip now!

We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine the best time to purchase airline tickets.

See how the price of air tickets from Beijing to Hong Kong has changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 101%. The minimum price for a flight from Beijing to Hong Kong is 47 days before departure, approximately 9,470 rubles. The maximum price for a flight from Beijing to Hong Kong is 11 days before departure, approximately 32,215 rubles. In most cases, early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

Airfare from Beijing to Hong Kong does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights from Beijing to Hong Kong is on Saturdays, their average cost is 16,487 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Wednesdays, their average cost is 22,577 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.

The cost of air tickets depends not only on the date, but also on the time of departure. An airline can operate several flights on one day, and they will differ in price category.

The graph shows the cost of departure depending on the time of day. For example, the average cost of a ticket from Beijing to Hong Kong in the morning is 20,146 rubles, and in the evening 22,673 rubles. Evaluate all conditions and choose the best offer.

The graph shows comparative prices for air tickets from Beijing to Hong Kong on the most popular airlines. Based on this information, you can plan your trip and buy air tickets from Beijing to Hong Kong from the carrier that suits you.

Statistics will help you choose a flight based on your financial capabilities, as well as your wishes in terms of comfort and flight conditions. The lowest prices for air tickets from Beijing to Hong Kong are offered by China Eastern Airlines, the highest prices are offered by China Airlines.