How to get to Ancona. Italy, Ancona. Ancona, beaches. Holidays in Italy. When is the best time to go to Ancona?

Useful information for tourists about Ancona in Italy - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Ancona is the capital of the Italian region of Marche, a major port on the Adriatic coast, located on the slopes of Monte Conero. The city, founded at the end of the 4th century BC, got its name from the Greek word for cubit - the fact is that at that time the city harbor was protected by a cape in the shape of an cubit. The Greeks established a factory for the production of purple on the shores of the harbor, and it is still not precisely established when Ancona became a Roman colony. What is certain is that for the Romans this port was of great importance, since it was the closest to Dalmatia.

In the Middle Ages, on the territory of the Marche there was an independent maritime Republic of Ancona, which was the target of the papal throne, the powerful Republic of Venice, and the German emperors. At the end of the 18th century, another independent state entity existed for several years - the Anconitan Republic, which in 1861 became part of the united Italy.

Today Ancona is a large industrial city. The main areas of the economy are shipbuilding, carriage building, oil refining, footwear industry, etc. Tourism also plays a role in the city's economy.

Despite the fact that most of Ancona was destroyed during the Second World War, a number of important historical and architectural monuments from different periods have been preserved here - for example, the 18-meter marble Arch of Trajan, built in the 2nd century AD. Among the museums, it is worth highlighting the National Archaeological Museum of the Marche region with artifacts from the Italic, Greek and Roman periods, the Diocesan Museum and the Francesco Podesti Art Gallery, located in Palazzo Bosdari. Be sure to see the Cathedral of San Ciriaco, overlooking the city on Guasco Hill, the 13th-century Church of Santa Maria della Piazza and the Church of San Francesco alle Scale. A popular city landmark is Lazzaretto, also known as Mole Vanvitelliana, a pentagonal structure with an area of ​​over 20 thousand square meters, built in 1732 according to the design of the architect Luigi Vanvitelli. Finally, some buildings built in the late Gothic style deserve attention - Palazzo Benincasta, Palazzo del Senato and Loggia del Mercanti. And in the vicinity of Ancona there is one of the largest pilgrimage centers of the Christian world - the Basilica of Loreto, also known as the Holy House (Santa Casa).

There are several popular tourist resorts around Ancona - Portonovo, Sirolo, Santa Maria di Badia, etc. All of them are focused on different needs of tourists and different levels of recreation. You can also travel to Croatia, Greece and Turkey from the city port.

Ancona, Italy - detailed information. Sights of Ancona with photos and descriptions. Routes around Ancona and the main attractions on the map.

Ancona is a city in Italy on the Adriatic coast, the administrative center of the province of the same name and the Marche region. This is one of the largest Italian ports. Ancona is a city of art, rich in monuments and attractions with a 2,400-year history, and is one of the main economic and tourist centers of the entire region. The city's population is 200 thousand people.


The city of Ancona is located on rugged terrain with alternating bands of hills and valleys. The climate is Mediterranean, thanks to the proximity of the sea with cool summers and mild winters. Winters here are moderately cold and humid (average January temperature is +5 °C), and dense fogs are often possible. Sometimes strong winds blow


Ancona owes its origins to Greek merchants from Syracuse, who founded the city in the 4th century BC. The Greeks noticed the convenient location of the future settlement - the city is located on a promontory in the shape of a bent elbow or knee, which protects the largest natural port of the central Adriatic. Translated from Greek, "ankon" means knee.

At the end of the second century BC. under Emperor Trajan, Ancona came under the control of the Roman Empire. Before the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the city, like the entire peninsula, was in the domain of Odoacer and then Gotha. Then the port became the possession of the Byzantine Empire.

In 774 the city passed to the Papal State.

At the end of the 12th century, Ancona became a free city and a republic. At this time, clashes occur with the Holy Roman Empire, Venice.

In 1173 the city was under siege by the troops of Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa.

During the Renaissance, after the fall of Constantinople and the discovery of America, the importance of the coastal cities of the Adriatic basin began to decline. Ancona was no exception.

During the Napoleonic Wars, the city was captured by the troops of Bonaparte, who proclaimed the province a Republic and annexed it to Rome.

In 1860, Ancona was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy.

Modern Ancona is a large industrial and transport center. Also, thanks to its rich history, the city has many attractions and interesting places.

Passeto is a city beach located in a picturesque location in the modern part of the city. It extends almost a kilometer below a high white-gray rock. The crystal clear sea has a rocky bottom. You can get to the beach by stairs that start below the war memorial or by elevator. You can get to Passeto beach by bus 1/4 Conerobus, which leaves from the train station. The beach address is Piazza IV Novembre.

Palombina is a classic sandy beach, a favorite holiday destination for many tourists and residents of Ancona. Palombina beach stretches for almost four kilometers, the sea is quite shallow, which is very suitable for children. You can get to the beach by any commuter bus heading north from the central train station. The beach address is Via Flaminia.

Portonovo is a beach of smooth white pebbles interspersed with fine golden sand, located in a bay at the foot of Mount Conero, in one of the most beautiful parts of the Adriatic coast. Bus - 94 Conerobus. Address - Portonovo.

Beach map

What dishes should you try here?

Because Ancona is located near the sea - you should definitely try seafood: siavattoni, cuttlefish noodles, mussels, as well as local dishes - brodetto All"anconetana and vincisgrassi.

Sights of Ancona

One of the four main squares of Ancona. Among them is the most ancient. The square began its existence in the 15th century.

(Duomo di Ancona) is a beautiful landmark, an old medieval church with a thousand-year history, in which the Romanesque style is combined with the style of the Byzantine Empire. The Cathedral is located in a picturesque location on top of the Guasco hill overlooking the entire city and the bay.

Loreto Basilica or Holy Hut(Santa Casa) is the main attraction of Ancona, one of the most valuable shrines of Catholic Christianity, located in the suburbs of the city. Loreta is the house where the Virgin Mary grew up and was brought up and where the Annunciation took place. While traveling through the holy places of St. Elena found this house and ordered to build a church here. In the 13th century, when the Saracens were besieging the holy lands, Loreta was mysteriously transported to Dalmatia, in the vicinity of Rijeka. According to legend, this was done by angels. Then the house moved in the same mysterious way to the outskirts of Ancona - Loreto, where the Loreto Basilica was erected around it. The Holy House of Loreto has become one of the most popular pilgrimage centers in Catholic Europe.

(Arco di Traiano) - a majestic triumphal arch, a masterpiece of Roman architecture. The Arch of Trajan was built in 116-110 BC.

Church of Santa Maria della Piazza(Chiesa di Santa Maria della Piazza) - was built between the 11th and 12th centuries on an ancient Christian church of the 4th century, and is a striking example of the Romanesque style of architecture.

Another masterpiece of Romanesque architecture, built at the beginning of the 11th century. The church seems to be immersed in the natural landscape. From here, from the top of the Konero rock, a beautiful view of the Adriatic Sea and Portonovo Bay opens up.

Ancona Citadel(Cittadella di Ancona) is an impregnable Renaissance fortress, which is located in a picturesque location overlooking the city and harbor. It was built in the 16th century by the great architect Antonio Sangallo. The fortress served as an example for military fortifications throughout Italy and Europe.

(Arco Clementino) - a triumphal arch located near the Arch of Trajan. It was erected by order of Pope Clement XII, the true patron of Ancona in the 18th century.

An interesting landmark of Ancona, designed by the architect Luigi Vanvitelli on an artificial island. The building has a pentagonal shape and is located inside the port. Object area - 20000 square meters. The lazaretto was built in the 18th century. Initially it was a multifunctional building: a hospital, a defensive structure, a warehouse, and port security.

As on the entire Adriatic coast of Italy, the sun in Ancona rises from the sea, but it is the only city whose inhabitants in the summer watch the sun also set on the sea - this effect is created by the cape in the shape of a bent elbow, on which the regional center of the Marche region is located - city of Ancona. This cape protects the widest natural harbor of the central Adriatic, and the name of the city itself recalls its geographical location: "Ankon" in Greek - elbow, this is how the Dorians from Syracuse, who founded here in 387 BC, called their city. "City of the Dorians" is another name for Ancona, reminiscent of its Greek origins. These lands were chosen for settlement by ancient peoples for their convenient berths and fertile lands.

The bay, surrounded by hills and open to the north, also determines the climatic conditions of the city: strong winds are frequent here, and this explains the tortuousness of some of its ancient streets, built in such a way specifically to soften gusts of wind.


In addition to its unique location, Ancona is distinguished by its historical center, rich in ancient monuments, well-preserved natural parks and picturesque surroundings.

Of course, it is best to go to the opening of Ancona by personal car. For travelers, the option is available to rent a car. By ordering a car in advance, while still at home, you can save a lot. “Italy in Russian” advises you to turn to the services of the popular giant service Rentalcars, multifunctional and simple, which will allow you to choose the most suitable car at home and receive it immediately upon arrival in Ancona.
For those who are accustomed to convenience, we recommend ordering a taxi in Ancona with a Russian-speaking driver. You can select and order a taxi through the convenient Kiwitaxi service: You just need to choose where and where you need to get to. Here you can order a transfer from any airport in Italy. At the specified time, in the specified place, your personal driver will be waiting for you with a sign with your name.
Order a taxi.


Every year, about a million travelers depart from the port of Ancona towards Greece, Croatia, Albania, Turkey and Montenegro. It ranks first on the Adriatic coast in passenger transportation and is one of the main ones in the field of goods transportation and fishing.

Ancona port. Photo


The city is surrounded by various beaches, the central one is “Passetto”, rich in rocks and reefs, among which the famous “Throne of the Pope” (Seggiola del Papa) - one of the symbols of Ancona and the “Square Reef” (Lo scoglio del Quadrato) - a favorite place for lovers diving. On the northern coast of Ancona, the flatter coast is known for the sandy beach “Palombina”, as well as the “Velvet Beach” (Spiaggia di Velluto) - its shallow, well-warmed sea is especially appreciated by families with children.

Passetto beach and monument to the fallen. Photomarcaanconetana. it


The territory in which Ancona is located is an alternation of hills and valleys. The line of northern hills facing the sea includes the Guasco hill (Colle Guasco), on which rises the Duomo; Capuchin Hill (Colle dei Cappuccini) with a lighthouse; Mount Cardeto with its fortifications, lost in the greenery of the park of the same name.

On the south side there is another line of hills.

Among them is Astagno, with the 16th-century fortress "Citadella" with five bastions, designed by Antonio da Sangallo - one of the first European examples of bastion fortifications. Ancient defensive structures coexist with the lush vegetation of the natural park, and its feature is a special route aimed at tactile and olfactory knowledge of the plant world.

On the hill of Santo Stefano lies the Pincio Park, rich in evergreen trees, with geometrically planned paths and a viewing platform from which a magnificent view of the entire city opens.

Mount Pulito (Pure) is the location of the Admiralty, Mount Pelago (Open Sea) is home to an astronomical observatory, Mount Santa Margherita attracts tourists with the Passetto Park on its northern slopes - with a swimming pool and a path leading to the sea.

City attractions

The city is divided into two parts: the ancient historical center, lined with medieval streets, which seems to rest on the Guasco hill, and the modern city with its straight, lined roads, built in the 18th century.

The Arch of Trajan and the amphitheater are the best preserved from the Roman era.

Arch of Trajan (Arco di Traiano)

One of the symbols of the city, the arch was installed in 115 in honor of the Emperor Trajan, who made a lot of efforts to strengthen and expand the port of Ancona, thus making it convenient for the anchorage of Roman ships departing from Ancona for military battles, in particular against the Dacians. Constructed from blocks of Greek marble, the 14-meter arch is erected on a four-meter-high pedestal. Its author is the Syrian architect Apollodoro di Damasco.

Arch of Trajan. Photoflickr. com

The arch was originally decorated with gilded bronze ornaments and three statues, including the emperor himself, now lost without a trace. Four Corinthian columns support the attic, on which a dedication to the emperor is carved.

Roman amphitheater (Anfiteatro romano)

Between the Guasco and Cappuccini hills, at an altitude of about 50 meters above sea level, you can see the ruins of the most important city building in the Roman era. It is assumed that its construction began at the end of the 1st century BC. during the period of Emperor Octavian Augustus and was continued by Trajan already in the 1st century AD. The amphitheater with 20 rows in three sectors could accommodate about 10,000 spectators. Adjoining it were thermal rooms decorated with mosaics with various inscriptions. Archaeological work is currently ongoing in some areas of the Amphitheater.

Roman amphitheater of Ancona.

Mole Vanvitelliana

The pentagonal building with a courtyard and the chapel of St. Rocco is a small island in the port bay. Built in 1732-1743 by the architect Luigi Vanvitelli on behalf of Pope Clement XII, this structure is also known as the “Infirmary”, as it originally served to protect the city from epidemics and could accommodate up to two thousand people. Travelers arriving from the East were quarantined here, including such famous people as Giacomo Casanova.

Mole Vanvitelliana. Photo

Subsequently, the purpose of the building changed: it served as a barracks, a prison, a hospital, a customs warehouse, a sugar factory, and a tobacco warehouse. Currently, Mole Vanvitelliana hosts exhibitions, festivals and theater performances.

Cathedral of Saint Cyriaco (Cattedrale di San Ciriaco, Duomo di Ancona)

On Guasco Hill, on the site where the Greek acropolis stood in the 4th century, the cathedral, the Duomo, one of the symbols of the city, now rises above the sea. The thousand-year-old cathedral is dedicated to the holy martyr Cyriacos and is one of the most interesting medieval churches in Italy, as it is a mixture of styles - Byzantine (layout in the form of a Greek cross), Romanesque and Gothic. The majestic portal is guarded by two lions made of pink Verona marble - also symbols of Ancona.

Cathedral of Saint Cyriacus. Photo

The severity of the interior decoration is diluted by the play of light and volume, and the contours of the original basilica and the remains of previous buildings can still be seen on the floor. Of interest are the 14th-century dome and the chapel dedicated to the Madonna with a marble altar from 1739 by Luigi Vanvitelli and a miraculous image of Mary, who, as legend tells, suddenly had her eyes opened during Napoleon’s invasion.

Altar dedicated to the Madonna in the Cathedral of Saint Cyriacus. Photoit. wikipedia. org

Diocesan Museum (Museo Diocesano)

To the left of the Cathedral of St. Cyriac is the Diocesan Museum, which contains valuable exhibits from the Cathedral of St. Cyriac and other churches of Ancona, telling the history of Ancona since the early Christian era. Here you can see the sarcophagus with the relics of the 6th century martyr St. Dasius, the reconstruction of the remains of the portal of the Romanesque church of St. Peter (destroyed during the Second World War), Flemish tapestries of the early 18th century, created from drawings by Rubens and representing the main biblical subjects, as well as a rich collection of sculptures, paintings and religious objects.

Tapestries of the Diocesan Museum. Photoreggioemilia. chiesacattolica. it

National Archaeological Museum of the Marche (Museo Archeologico Nazionale delle Marche)

The austere 16th-century Ferretti Palace houses the main museum dedicated to the entire Marche region. This is one of the most famous archaeological museums in Italy, with a rich collection of exhibits found during excavations in the Marche region and reflecting almost all time periods.

The prehistoric section, with finds from the Paleolithic and Bronze periods, contains the oldest items made about 200 thousand years ago, found in Monte Conero. The Protohistorical Department has an exceptionally complete collection telling about the art and life of the Picenian people who lived on the territory of the Marche during the Iron Age; There is also evidence of the Gallic invasion of the 6th century BC, including exquisite gold crowns with plant elements. The museum's section on Ancona's Greek period features glass exhibits, jewelry, tombstones, and a model of the Temple of Aphrodite, which towered over the ancient acropolis. Since 1972, a rich department dedicated to the Roman period and a section telling about the Middle Ages have been open to museum visitors.

One of the halls of the archaeological museum.

Church of Santa Maria della Piazza

In the center of Ancona, on Piazza Santa Maria, stands the medieval church of Santa Maria della Piazza, a striking example of the Romanesque style. It was built in the 11th-12th centuries in the shape of a Latin cross, divided into three naves.

Facade of the Church of Santa Maria della Piazza.

The 13th-century facade is decorated with Byzantine-style arches and bas-relief with symbolic figures around the portal. Part of the floor of the church is made of glass, through which you can see the mosaic of the early Christian church of the 4th-6th centuries that stood on this site before.

Mosaic of an early Christian church.

Initially, the church was called Santa Maria del Canneto (canneto - reeds), since it was located, at that time, in a swampy area, then it was called Santa Maria del Mercato (mercato - market), since a weekly city market took place in the square next to the church. And only after the square near the church became the place where the authorities were installed, the church began to be called Santa Maria della Piazza (piazza - square).

Theater of the Muse (Teatro delle Muse)

The theatre, built in 1827 according to a design by Pietro Ginelli, today retains its exterior structure and façade in neoclassical style with Ionic columns and high relief depicting the nine muses and Apollo, the god of the arts, and Palaemonius, the patron saint of ports. During the Second World War, its roof was partially damaged by a bomb, which caused an almost complete internal reconstruction of the theater in the post-war period.

The largest in the Marche region, capable of accommodating more than a thousand spectators, the Muses Theater has been the venue for international opera, ballet and symphony seasons, prose performances and jazz concerts since 2003.

Theater Moose.

Fountain of Calamo

Built into the city wall during the Middle Ages, the fountain's name recalls the fact that there was once a marshy area (calamo - reeds) here. According to another hypothesis, the name of the fountain comes from the word сalare (to descend), reflecting its location in the lowlands, outside the city walls. Its more common name is the “Fountain of Thirteen Trumpets,” based on the number of holes in the bronze masks of satyrs and fauns from which water flows. This source was known to the residents of Ancona back in the Greek period, but in 1503 the fountain was destroyed and then restored only in 1560 according to the sketches of Pellegrino Tibaldi. It is believed that in order to return to Ancona again, you need to drink water from this fountain before leaving.

Kalamo Fountain. Photopanoramio. com

Other places and monuments of Ancona are also interesting: this is the Piazza Papa (or Piazzale Plebiscite) - the heart of the oldest city district, named after Pope Clement XII, whose statue adorns the square. There is also the medieval Government Palace, the Church of St. Domenic, the city tower of the 16th century, as well as the city museum.

Pope Square.

The city of Ancona is not only the capital of the Italian province of Marche, but also an important port of the Adriatic. This city can truly be called unique, because its residents and guests can watch in the summer how the sun sets directly into the sea. This effect is created thanks to the promontory in the form of a curled elbow on which Ancona stands. Many of the medieval city's buildings were destroyed during World War II, but the city still has noteworthy sites. Ancona is famous for its unique natural parks, historical center and ancient monuments. Every year, almost a million travelers depart from the port of Ancona to nearby countries, and the city itself ranks first in the list of fishing centers.

Ancona: how to get there

Ancona Falconara Airport has recently expanded and now accepts flights from major European cities. Many world famous airlines already fly to Ancona. You can travel from Vietnam with transfers. Also nearby are the airports of Venice and Bologna, receiving planes from Russia.

Ancona is conveniently located on the Bologna-Lecce railway line, so it is convenient to get here by train. It is worth remembering, however, that Ancona Station has two lines of tracks, and Platform 2 is not the same as Platform 2Ovest.

Many intercity buses depart from Piazza Cavour. But some buses start their routes from the railway station.

Ancona can also be reached by car. The city is located on the A4 motorway, which leads to Bari and Bologna. The SS76 highway connects Ancona with Rome and Perugia. The SS16 highway is considered the most comfortable and free option, but the journey will take longer.

Ferries sail regularly from Ancona to Montenegro, Greece, and Croatia. The journey to Montenegrin Bar takes 18 hours, and the cheapest ticket costs 79 euros.

Prices in Ancona

Many hotels in Ancona are of very high quality, and among their rich variety you can choose a hotel to suit any budget. If the purpose of the trip is a beach holiday, then it is better to choose hotels in the resorts of Sirole, Portogovo or Santa Maria di Badia near Ancona.

Grand Hotel Passetto4* offers vacationers comfortable rooms starting from 3,000 rubles. The historic building overlooks the Adriatic Sea. From the windows of the NHAcona4* hotel (from 2940 rubles per day) you can enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the historical part of the city and the bay. Hotel Dorico2* is suitable for budget travelers. Prices here start from 1300 rubles.

Restaurants and cuisine of Ancona

LaMoretta is considered one of the best restaurants in Ancona, where you can taste national dishes. Local chefs will delight visitors with delicious tiramisu, Mediterranean fish soup and spaghetti with seafood. The restaurant also offers a rich wine list. At the IlClandestino sushi bar, lovers of Japanese cuisine can try various delicacies prepared according to Japanese recipes.

Traditional Italian dishes are on the menu at Il Cardeto restaurant. Guests are offered delicious pasta, pizza and seafood dishes. It is worth checking out the cozy IlMolo restaurant on the coast, where they prepare a large number of fish dishes.

You can listen to jazz and taste international cuisine at Lascensore. The Boccon Divino restaurant is located in a historic building from the 18th century. The establishment is replete with delicious delicacies and various seafood. For a romantic dinner, the setting of the DaGiacchetti restaurant is perfect, which is located near the coast and offers its visitors a variety of seafood dishes and desserts.

What to see and where to go for tourists

Among the Roman-era attractions in Ancona are the Arch of Trajan and the amphitheater. The famous arch is made of Greek marble, and was previously decorated with gilded bronze and statues that have not survived to the present day. The ruins of a Roman amphitheater are located between the Cappuccini and Gausco hills. The most important and largest structure of the Roman era is still being restored by many archaeologists.

The visiting card of the city is the Loggia Mercanti, where there used to be squares for merchants, and now important receptions are held there. One of the main religious attractions of Ancona is the Romanesque Church of St. Mary.

You should not ignore the large-scale construction of the Infirmary, which served as a military hospital in the 18th century. Art connoisseurs should definitely visit the Pinacoteca Communale gallery, which houses works by many Italian painters. A rather unusual institution in the city is the Homer Museum for Blind People. There are no real masterpieces of art here, but you are allowed to pick up all the exhibits.

Fans of painting can also visit the art gallery in the Bosdari Palace. Near the palace, the Cathedral of San Francesco alle Scale was built, decorated with an outlandish portal in the Gothic style. The most beautiful square in Ancona is rightfully recognized as Plebescito with the monument to Clement XII in its center.

You can take a walk in fresh nature among unique plants in Parque del Conero. Its territory also contains rocky cliffs and beautiful caves. Not far from Republic Square is the Muse Theater. Among the city's attractions one can also highlight the church of Santa Maria della Piazza.

Traditions and holidays of Ancona

The most famous and vibrant holiday of the city is still considered Festadel Mare - the Festival of the Sea. This celebration is celebrated on the first Sunday of September, and it lasts for several days. During this period, colorful performances are held on the coast, and restaurants serve only seafood and the best local wines. At the end of the holiday, dozens of boats decorated with bright ribbons sail from the coast. With the help of such a ritual, residents honor the memory of those who died on sea voyages. After the regatta ends, concerts and shows for children are held.

The city also hosts the Mediterranean Music Festival in September, which attracts musicians from different countries. Usually the Music Festival ends on the same day as the Sea Festival. On the day of the end, fireworks are displayed on the coast.

Note to tourists

Those who come to Ancona with children should remember about the discount system. Minor children and students can enjoy discounts on public transport and on many excursions.

Taxis should be taken at special stops, usually near the main attractions. It’s impossible to catch a car on the street, so a taxi is called to the hotel or restaurant. It is convenient to travel around the city by metro and buses. Tickets can be purchased in advance at kiosks near the stop. You can rent a bicycle or a car at rental points.

Ancona is characterized by a mild climate and sunny summers with temperatures above +23 degrees. In winter, the average temperature is +3 - +5 degrees. more unpredictable and cold. The best time to visit the city is considered to be from May to September.

Ancona is a city on the western coast of the Adriatic Sea in Italy, the capital of the province of Marche and a major international port. It is from Ancona that ferries run to neighboring Greece, Montenegro, Croatia, Turkey and Albania. About a million tourists visit this small town every year.

However, Ancona is not only a port city. These are also wonderful historical sights in the center, wonderful beaches for both diving enthusiasts and families with children, and excellent fish cuisine. And the proximity of Ancona from, and will allow you to easily diversify your beach holiday.

How to get to Ancona in Italy

Ancona has its own international airport, Falconara, 12 km from the city, but direct passenger flights from Russia and Ukraine do not yet fly here. The nearest airport is in Rimini, from where the journey to Ancona will take an hour and a half.

You can find tickets to Rimini in the form below. A little further away are the airports of Venice and Bologna.

By car from Rimini you need to take the A14 Bologna-Taranto highway. This route is toll. There is a free and more pleasant alternative - the SS16 highway, which stretches right along the coast.

Ancona Hotels

There are not many hotels in Ancona, but all of them will delight you with good service and reasonable prices. Some of the best hotels in Ancona are:

You can also choose a suitable hotel depending on your preferences using the link below.

However, if a visit to Ancona involves a seaside holiday, we recommend staying in the neighboring resort towns of Portonovo, Sirolo or Numana. There are excellent beaches and resort hotels right on the coast.

Beaches of Ancona

Due to the proximity of the port and railway, the center of Ancona is not a very attractive place for a beach holiday; it is better to go to the outskirts or to neighboring towns, where the sea is cleaner and the beach infrastructure is better.

On the northern outskirts of the city lies the beautiful Palombina Beach. The sea here is shallow, warms up well, and the shore is covered with sand. The beach is ideal for families with children. You can get here by commuter buses heading north.

Another famous city beach is Passeto. It is surrounded by rocks and reefs, and is also home to the famous “Square Reef” and “The Throne of the Pope.” Passeto beach is often chosen by lovers of diving and snorkeling.

But perhaps the most beautiful beach in Ancona is “Three Sisters”. It is located 20 km from the city, and can only be reached by water transport. For many years in a row this beach has been included in the list of the best Italian beaches.

Sights of Ancona

Residents are very sensitive to their cultural and historical heritage, preserving and enhancing it. Ancona has preserved a lot of historical attractions, despite the fact that many of them were heavily damaged during the bombing of World War II.

The most ancient buildings

The city was founded by the Dorians, who sailed here from the Greek Syracuse. However, there is almost nothing left to remember the Greeks’ stay here. About two centuries later, a Roman fleet landed in Ancona harbor.

The rule of the Romans dates back to the heyday of the city. It was then that the Roman Emperor Trajan significantly expanded the port, making it the most important maritime hub of the entire Adriatic coast. In memory of this event in 115 AD. was installed in the city triumphal arch of Trajan, which has remained almost unchanged to this day. Now it is one of the most visited attractions in Ancona.

The Roman amphitheater could accommodate up to 10 thousand spectators

In memory of the Romans, Ancona also preserved a traditional one for the beginning of a new era. roman amphitheater, accommodating up to 10 thousand spectators. Nearby, archaeologists discovered the remains of ancient Roman baths.

Middle Ages

The Middle Ages is a mixture of severe Gothic and Romanesque styles. Several buildings remain in Ancona to commemorate this era. This:

  • Cathedral of Judas Cyriacus, built back in the 10th century. on the site of the early Christian church of St. Lawrence. The building is unique in its architecture; Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic styles are organically intertwined here. At the entrance of the cathedral, two pink marble lions are guarded - the symbol of Ancona; inside, the miraculous image of the Madonna by Luigi Vanvitelli has been preserved.

  • one of the oldest Romanesque churches Santa Maria della Piazza built on the site of an early Christian basilica at the turn of the 11th-12th centuries. Currently, concert events are held in the church building.

  • Senate Palace Built in 1225, it was used for the meeting of senators. Previously, on the site of the Senate Palace there was an ancient Roman forum;
  • palace of the elders, built in 1270. It was from here until the 16th century. the city was governed;

Palace of the Elders in Ancona

  • merchants' loggia the middle of the 15th century, where merchants sailing to Ancona held their meetings;
  • Palace of the Ferretti family, built in the 16th century. as a family estate. Now within the walls of the palace there is another local attraction - Archaeological Museum of the Marche Region with a rich collection of archaeological exhibits. The museum is considered one of the best such collections in Italy;

If you drink water from the Calamo fountain, you will definitely return to Ancona

  • Kalamo fountain. The water source on this site was built back in the Greek period, but in the 16th century. it was destroyed and about half a century later recreated according to the sketches of Pillegrino Tibaldi. There is a belief that if you drink water from this fountain before leaving, you will certainly return to Ancona again.

Legacy of the Popes

In the XVI-XVIII centuries. Papal power strengthened in Ancona. It was at that time that numerous Catholic cathedrals and churches were built, which became local landmarks, including Church of St. Dominica built 1763, Church of St. Francesco it was erected in the 14th century, but acquired its final appearance only in 1790, Church of the Holy Communion, rebuilt in Baroque style in 1776 and Church of St. Pilgrina and Teresa Built in 1706.

Monument to Clement VII in Pope Square

In honor of Pope Pius VI in the 1780s, a triumphal arch of Pius, and in memory of the reign of Pope Clement remained Pope's Square with a monument and formidable citadel on Astagno hill.

Citadel in Ancona

The latter, by the way, “lit up” in Russian history, when the Russian squadron in 1799, at the request of the Austrian Emperor Franz II, tried to drive French troops out of Ancona. This event was included in the military history of Russia under the name of the Ancona expedition. A picturesque park is now located next to the citadel, and the military fortress itself is considered the highest point in the city of Ancona in Italy.

The old lighthouse now serves as an excellent observation deck

Speaking of observation points. In the 19th century A lighthouse was built on top of Capuchin Hill. Currently for its intended purpose old lighthouse is no longer in use, but from its top, located at an altitude of 105 m above sea level and attracting numerous tourists, it offers impressive views of the sea bay.

Mole Vanvitelliana was used as an infirmary for a long time

In the 18th century Another famous city landmark has appeared in the port bay of Ancona in Italy - Mole Vanvitelliana or Infirmary. Initially, this pentagonal structure on a makeshift island right in the bay served as a quarantine zone. To avoid an epidemic in the city, all travelers arriving from the east were quarantined here. Later it housed a prison, a hospital and even a sugar factory. Now there are exhibitions, festivals and other public events.

Museums of Ancona

This coastal town is also rich in interesting museums. If you have an extra day, we definitely recommend stopping by here.

The Archaeological Museum of Ancona is one of the best such museums in Italy

In addition to the Archaeological Museum, which Blogoitaliano already briefly mentioned above, in Ancona it is worth visiting:

  • City Museum, introducing the history of the city. The museum is located in Pope Square;
  • Diocesan Museum at the cathedral, which collected church relics of the city, dating back to the early Christian era;
  • Pinacoteca Francesco Podesti- famous Italian artist and native of Ancona in the 19th century. It was Podesti who initiated the collection of paintings in the city Pinakothek.

Pinacoteca Podesti in Ancona

What to try from local cuisine?

The cuisine of the Marche region is predominantly associated with the sea, this is not surprising, since the city is washed by the sea on three sides.

Brodetto alla Ancona is one of the popular local dishes

Among the local delicacies, we recommend trying Ancona-style brodetto - a traditional dish of several types of fish and seafood, grilled Ancona-style sea bream, traditional monkfish with beans, Ascolan-style stuffed olives with meat, fish or vegetables, as well as traditional soft sausages Ciauscolo.

Stuffed olives - a traditional dish of the Marche region

And, of course, don’t forget about the famous Anisette anise liqueur, produced only in the Marche region. Traditionally, a glass of liqueur is drunk after a meal, sometimes added to a cup of coffee.