Which volcano erupted in 1955? Bezymiannaya Sopka Volcano (Bezymianny Volcano, Bezymiannaya Sopka). New surprises from an active volcano

Bezymyanny is an active volcano in Kamchatka, near Klyuchevskaya Sopka, about 80 km from the village of Klyuchi, Ust-Kamchatka region.
The height is 2882 m (until 1956 - 3075 m), it consists of the remains of an old volcano destroyed by the 1956 eruption (in the southeastern part of the massif), a young active stratovolcano and a crater on the site of the old volcano with a diameter of 1.3x2.8 km. There are numerous lava flows on the slopes, and 16 extrusive domes at the foot.
The famous catastrophic volcanic eruption on March 30, 1956 was highlighted by G.S. Gorshkov and G.E. Bogoyavlenskaya into an independent type - “directed explosion” or “Bezymianny type”, which is recognized by world volcanology (“directed blast”, “lateral blast”, “type Bezymianny”).

Eruption 1955-1956 was the first in the historical period (in this area since 1697) and occurred, according to tephrochronological studies, after a 1000-year period of rest. Before the eruption, the structure of the volcano had the shape of a regular cone with a height of 3085 m (a stratovolcano of predominantly andesitic composition, complicated by summit and side extrusive domes). The eruption began on October 22, 1955, after a 23-day swarm of earthquakes. Until March 30, 1956, the eruption was of a moderate, Vulcanic nature (pre-climax stage). During this period, a crater with a diameter of 800 m was formed at the top of the volcano, from which frequent ash emissions occurred to a height of 2-7 km. At the end of November, a dome of viscous lava began to squeeze out of the crater. Simultaneously with the growth of the intracrater dome, a strong swelling of the southeastern slope of the volcano began. The magnitude of the deformation, estimated from photographs, reached 100 m. The deformation of the slope was due to the fact that part of the magmatic melt was introduced in the form of a cryptoculol (near-surface intrusion) into the volcano edifice.

The catastrophic eruption on March 30, 1956 (culmination stage) was triggered by the collapse of the eastern slope of a volcanic structure with a volume of 0.5 cubic meters. km. The collapse transformed into a cold (< 100°С) обломочную лавину, скорость которой превышала 60 м/с. Обломочная лавина образовала три ветви, вложенные в речные долины. Максимальный путь (22 км) прошла центральная ветвь. В процессе распространения обломочная лавина сдирала и толкала перед собой вал материала подножья вулкана (снег, почву, аллювий, растительность), который образовал протяженные грязевые потоки. Сразу за обрушением последовал кастрофический направленный взрыв, вызванный тем, что обвал резко уменьшил литостатическое давление на магму, внедрившуюся в постройку на докульминационной стадии извержения. Материал, выброшенный взрывом (0,2 куб.км.), распространился вдоль восточного подножия вулкана в виде пирокластической волны (турбулентный поток горячей смеси газа и пирокластики). Скорость потока превышала 60 м/с, температура составляла около 300 градусов С. После направленного взрыва произошло извержение пирокластических потоков протяжённостью более 20 км. Высота эруптивного облака извержения достигла высоты около 35 км. В результате извержения образовался подковообразный кратер диаметром ~1,3 км, открытый на восток. У восточного подножья вулкана на площади ~500 кв. км деревья и кустарники были сломаны и повалены в направлении от вулкана. В зоне разрушений возник покров специфических пирокластическлх отложений (отложения направленного взрыва). После пароксизма (посткульминационная стадия) в подковообразном кратере начал выжиматься купол вязкой лавы, формирование которого продолжается до настоящего времени.

55°58′ N. w. 160°36′ E. d. HGIOL

Nameless- an active volcano in Kamchatka, near Klyuchevskaya Sopka, about 40 km from the village of Klyuchi, Ust-Kamchatka region.

Current state[ | ]

Absolute height - 2882 m (up to the city - 3075 m), the composition includes the remains of an old volcano destroyed by the 1956 eruption (in the south-eastern part of the massif), a young active stratovolcano and a crater on the site of the old volcano with a diameter of 1.3x2.8 km . There are numerous lava flows on the slopes, and 16 extrusive domes at the foot.

Eruptions [ | ]

Bezymyanny Volcano before the catastrophic eruption of 1955-56

The famous catastrophic volcanic eruption on March 30, 1956 was identified by G. S. Gorshkov and G. E. Bogoyavlenskaya as an independent type - “directed explosion” or “Bezymyanny type”, which is recognized by world volcanology (“directed blast”, “lateral blast”, "type Bezymianny")

Eruption 1955-1956[ | ]

Eruption 1955-1956 was the first in this area since 1697 and occurred, according to tephrochronological studies, after a 1000-year dormant period. Before the eruption, the volcano had the shape of a regular cone with a height of 3085 m (a stratovolcano of predominantly andesitic composition, complicated by summit and side extrusive domes). The eruption began on October 22, 1955, after a 23-day earthquake swarm. Until March 30, 1956, the eruption was of a moderate, Vulcan nature ( pre-climax stage). During this period, a crater with a diameter of 800 m was formed at the top of the volcano, from which frequent ash emissions occurred to a height of 2-7 km. At the end of November, the squeezing out of the viscous lava dome began in the crater. Simultaneously with the growth of the intracrater dome, a strong swelling of the southeastern slope of the volcano began. The amount of deformation, estimated from photographs, reached 100 m. The deformation of the slope was due to the fact that part of the magmatic melt was introduced in the form of a cryptodome (near-surface intrusion) into the volcano building.

Catastrophic eruption on March 30, 1956 ( climax stage) was triggered by the collapse of the eastern slope of a volcanic structure with a volume of 0.5 cubic meters. km. The collapse transformed into a cold (< 100 °С) обломочную лавину , скорость которой превышала 60 м/с. Обломочная лавина образовала три ветви, вложенные в речные долины . Максимальный путь (22 км) прошла центральная ветвь. В процессе распространения обломочная лавина сдирала и толкала перед собой вал материала подножья вулкана (снег, почву, аллювий , растительность), который образовал протяжённые грязевые потоки. Сразу за обрушением последовал катастрофический направленный взрыв, вызванный тем, что обвал резко уменьшил литостатическое давление на магму , внедрившуюся в постройку на докульминационной стадии извержения. Материал, выброшенный взрывом (0,2 куб.км.), распространился вдоль восточного подножия вулкана в виде пирокластической волны (турбулентный поток горячей смеси газа и пирокластики). Скорость потока превышала 60 м/с, температура составляла около 300 °C. После направленного взрыва произошло извержение пирокластических потоков протяжённостью более 20 км. Высота эруптивного облака извержения достигла высоты около 35 км. В результате извержения образовался подковообразный кратер диаметром ~1,3 км, открытый на восток. У восточного подножья вулкана на площади ~500 км² деревья и кустарники были сломаны и повалены в направлении от вулкана. В зоне разрушений возник покров специфических пирокластических отложений (отложения направленного взрыва). После пароксизма (post-climax stage) in the horseshoe-shaped crater, a dome of viscous lava began to squeeze out, the formation of which continues to the present day.

Formation of the “New” dome[ | ]

The formation of the “New” dome began immediately after the culminating stage on March 30, 1956. In the first years, there was a continuous squeezing of hard obelisks on the dome. Subsequently, the growth of the dome became intermittent and, along with hard blocks, viscous lava flows began to be squeezed out since 1977. The viscosity of the lava continues to gradually decrease and the length of the lava flows gradually increases (the decrease in viscosity is due to a gradual decrease in the silicic acid content). Currently, lava flows cover the entire surface of the dome, which almost filled the 1956 crater. The formation of the dome throughout its history is accompanied by weak to moderate explosive eruptions with the deposition of small block-ash pyroclastic flows and associated pyroclastic waves of the ash cloud. The frequency of eruptions reaches 1-2 per year. Among the explosive eruptions accompanying the growth of the dome, we can roughly distinguish the relatively strong eruptions of 1977, 1979, 1985 and 1993. The longest pyroclastic flows associated with the growth of the “Novy” dome traveled a distance of 12.5 km (1985). Until 1984, pyroclastic flows did not have a noticeable eroding effect. During subsequent eruptions, pyroclastic flows began to cut troughs on the slope of the dome. Simultaneously with the increasing erosive effects of pyroclastic flows during eruptions, large collapses of old parts of the dome began to occur. The largest collapse of the dome occurred during the 1985 eruption of the Bezymyanny volcano in Kamchatka.

  • Malyshev A. I. Life of a Volcano. - Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. - 262 p.
  • Alidibirov M. A., Bogoyavlenskaya G. E., Kirsanov I. T. et al. Eruption of the Bezymyanny volcano in 1985 // Volcanology and seismology. - 1988. - P. 3-17.
  • Sediments and sequence of events of the Bezymyanny volcano eruption on March 30, 1956 (Kamchatka): sediments of a debris avalanche // Volcanology and seismology. - 1998. - No. 1. - pp. 25-40.
  • Belousov A. B., Belousova M. G. Deposits and sequence of events of the Bezymianny volcano eruption on March 30, 1956 (Kamchatka): deposits of a directed explosion // Volcanology and seismology. - 2000. - No. 2. - P. 3-17.
  • Bogoyavlenskaya G. E., Kirsanov I. T. Twenty-five years of volcanic activity of the Bezymyanny volcano // Volcanology and seismology. - 1981. - No. 2. - P. 3-13.
  • Gorshkov G. S., Bogoyavlenskaya G. E. Sopka Bezymyannaya in 1956-1958. // Bulletin of Volcanology. - M.: Nauka, 1961. - No. 31. - pp. 17-22.
  • Dubik Yu. M., Menyailov I. A. A new stage of eruptive activity of the Bezymyanny volcano // Volcanoes and eruptions. - M.: Nauka, 1969. - P. 38-77.
  • Florensky P.V. Unique shots // Nature. - 2007. - No. 1. - pp. 38-39.
  • Belousov A., Voight B., Belousova M. Directed blasts and blast-currents: a comparison of the Bezymianny 1956, Mount St Helens 1980, and Soufriere Hills, Montserrat 1997 eruptions and deposits // Bulletin of Volcanology. - 2007. - No. 69. - pp. 801-840.
  • . Scale: 1: 100,000. Condition of the area in 1979. 1986 edition

The famous Bezymyanny volcano is located in the eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Its peak for a long time had the shape of a regular cone, the height of which at the beginning of the last century was 3085 meters. The volcano was considered extinct because it had been dormant for about 1000 years. But on October 22, 1955, an eruption began, which until March 30, 1956 was moderate. Such an eruption could be described as the awakening of a volcano.

For six months, the volcano smoked, and the hill on which Nameless woke up was what is called “shaking.” It seemed as if the hill was being shaken by convulsions. For six months, gas explosions with ash emissions and lava splashes were heard in the area. During these six months, a new crater with a diameter of 800 m was formed at the top of the volcano, from which frequent ash emissions occurred to a height of 2 to 7 km. But on March 30, the volcano simply exploded. This eruption was catastrophic according to scientific classification.

With a terrible roar, hot gases demolished the top of the old volcano cone along with the newly formed crater, so that it became 200 meters shorter, and a new giant horseshoe-shaped crater with a diameter of 1.3 km, open to the east, appeared on the eastern slope of the hill. From it into the atmosphere to a height of 35 km. a huge black cloud of volcanic ash (tephra), heated to 300 degrees, shot up. Following the explosion and the release of a black cloud of gases and tephra, huge streams of fiery lava poured onto the ground from the hole. Its speed exceeded 60 m/s, the temperature was about 300 °C. Rushing down, the hot lava tore off and pushed in front of the soil, huge boulders and vegetation from the foot of the volcano, falling and cooling hot ash, melting snow, mixing into one mass, forming mud flows that swept away everything in its path. Under the newly formed crater at the eastern foot of the volcano, over an area of ​​about 500 km 2, trees and bushes were broken and felled in the direction from the volcano.

Mud streams, in which ash, lumps of hardening lava and huge boulders mixed with the trunks of uprooted trees, rushed down. They traveled a distance of 22 km. Fortunately, these flows bypassed the village of Klyuchi, located near the Bezymyanny volcano, and no people were injured during this catastrophic eruption of the “extinct” volcano. But clouds of hot ash covered this village, so that its residents, returning from work, were forced to search for their homes almost by touch. But the British were lucky.

The Nameless Volcano gave them a wonderful "show", as the British were soon able to admire for some time unusually beautiful sunsets caused by atmospheric pollution as a result of emissions of volcanic ash.

In our article we want to talk about the Nameless Volcano. It is interesting because it is considered active; its eruption was observed in 1956. So Nameless in Kamchatka? What else is he interested in? Let's talk about this.

Location of the volcano

Bezymyanny Volcano is located in the center of the Klyuchevskaya group, not far from Klyuchevsky. If we talk about what it is, then it is an elongated massif with a destroyed top. In its eastern part there is a fragment of an older volcano; most of it was destroyed during an explosion in 1956. Only a small south-eastern part has survived. The western section of the massif is the Bezymianny volcano. Its slopes are covered with wide lava flows, the earliest of which are located in the southwest and south. And at the foot there are sixteen domes of completely different ages and composition. The destroyed peak is a large crater (diameter - 1.3 x 2.8 kilometers), in its center there is a new formation called a dome.

During the late Pleistocene, domes of dacite composition formed in the place where Bezymyanny (volcano) is now located. There were 16 of them. And ten to eleven thousand years ago, Bezymyanny was formed on the slopes of the Kamen volcano. The stratovolcano began to form 5500 years ago. The activity of these places made itself felt for another two thousand years.

Periods of activity of Bezymyanny

Bezymyanny (volcano in Kamchatka) has been active for the last 2500 years. Conventionally, this period can be divided into three periods. Based on the indicators of ash masses, it can be assumed that the moments of activation occurred in the following periods:

  1. 2400-1700 years ago.
  2. 13 500-1000.
  3. From 1965 to the present.

Eruption. Untitled, 1956

Scientists can judge earlier periods of volcanic activity by the composition of volcanic rocks. But as for the last eruption, it was not so long ago, and therefore we can talk about it in more detail.

In front of him, the height of the volcano was 3100 meters. At that time, at its top there was a fairly well-defined crater with a diameter of about half a kilometer. In the southern part of the crater there was a cinder cone (internal). Near the top, the slopes were cut by volcanic potholes. At that time, the volcano was considered long extinct. No one even imagined that there could be any activity going on inside it. The volcanic eruption changed everything. Untitled 1956 presented an unexpected “surprise” that can hardly be called pleasant. Its eruption is called catastrophic because it occurred after a very long period of peace, which lasted about a thousand years. It is no wonder that the volcano was considered extinct long ago. And so the eruption of 1956 opened a completely new period in the life of the giant, which continues to this day.

Why was Nameless considered extinct?

It must be said that the lack of signs of activity at one time caused some disdain for the Nameless One, and completely in vain. But there were some scientists who assumed that this volcano was still capable of delivering a surprise. And so it happened. Very soon this assumption was fully justified.

In 1955, at the Klyuchevskaya station, seismographs recorded multiple tremors in the direction of Bezymyanny. However, even these signs did not change the attitude of specialists towards him. For some reason, they believed that the phenomenon was associated with the future appearance of another side crater of a volcano such as Kryuchevsky.

New life for an active volcano

The eruption of the volcano (Bezymyanny is very unpredictable) began with powerful emissions of ash, which rose to a height of up to five kilometers. But then suddenly the volcano began to subside. The impression was that this, in fact, was all over. However, everything turned out completely different...

Already in March 1956, a powerful explosion shook the entire surrounding area. Huge clouds of ash rushed to a height of thirty-five kilometers. The top of the volcano was completely destroyed. In its place, a crater with a diameter of one and a half kilometers was formed. At the same time, its height instantly decreased by 250 meters.

The explosion itself was directed to the east.

Devastating consequences of the eruption

It was so powerful that at a distance of up to 25 kilometers, all the trees were burned and felled. Hot sand, ash, and debris covered an area of ​​500 km 2 in a very thick layer. At the same time, almost all vegetation was destroyed. The snow that had accumulated over the winter instantly melted and rushed into the valley in dirty streams. The fragments of trees they had captured also rushed there. The water passed through the valley, bringing with it a lot of dirt, stones and wood, which formed a completely impassable blockage. The poisonous stream poisoned the water of Kamchatka for many days, making it completely unfit for consumption. In addition, sulfur impurities led to the death of fish. This is the surprise Bezymyanny volcano presented in Kamchatka.

After the crater was formed, a hot dome of lava began to rise from its bottom. In 1966, ten years after its eruption, when climbing the volcano, the presence of life was felt in it. At times, quite strong tremors were clearly felt underfoot, causing boulders to roll down the slopes, and gas jets smelling of sulfur rose from multiple crevices. The climb was not finished, it just had to be stopped.

New surprises from an active volcano

Now the Bezymyanny volcano is an active volcano in Kamchatka. The 1956 eruption was one of the largest on a global scale in the current historical period. After this event, the Nameless Volcano woke up twice more. But both eruptions were weak (in 1977, 1984). Its activity was observed in 1984. But already in 1985, the volcano presented a new surprise.

At the end of June, new tremors were recorded. A group of volcanologists was sent to the site under the leadership of P. P. Firstov. And on June 29, Bezymyanny exploded again. And again there was a directed release to the east. The explosion was very powerful. It was second in strength after 1956. And again, no one expected this from the Nameless One. It was considered to have already been sufficiently studied; people had already become accustomed to its periodic jolts. The group that went to the place almost died and miraculously survived.

Imagine that a flaming cloud swept twelve kilometers and destroyed all the young vegetation that had just appeared in a deserted area after the last eruption. The houses of volcanologists built at the foot were also destroyed. Fortunately, they turned out to be uninhabited at that time. The dome formed after the 1956 explosion survived, but the crater grew larger again.

An extraordinary spectacle

Volcanoes have a special property of always being in constant “combat readiness”. Nameless behaves the same way. Experience shows that you should always be on your guard with him. Even if he is completely calm today, it doesn't mean anything. He may soon come to life. The Nameless One has been making itself felt periodically for a long time. And every time it happens completely unexpectedly. Each eruption is something amazing and fascinating. Powerful fire element, hot lava flows, explosions and fireworks from stones. This is all a volcanic eruption. If someone had a chance to witness such a natural phenomenon live, then the person forever changes his attitude towards them. All eruptions of the Nameless One occur with serious explosions and quite severe destruction.

Type and form of Nameless

In its own way, it is a geological formation on the earth’s crust, through which liquid lava comes to the surface and forms volcanic rocks. Based on their activity, volcanoes are divided into active, dormant and extinct. And according to the form of formation, they distinguish stratovolcanoes, shield volcanoes, cinder volcanoes and others. Nameless is one of the active volcanoes.

In addition, it is a stratovolcano by type of formation.

The role of Bezymyanny in world volcanology

Volcanoes began to be explored and described only in the 18th century. The first book about was published by P. Krashennikov back in 1756. It contained information about the hot springs and giants of these places, including Bezymyanny. Later there were other works. In Soviet times, the Atlas of Volcanoes of the USSR was even published. And in 1991, a modern work appeared on active volcanoes in Kamchatka, where the active giants were described in sufficient detail. Thanks to the 1956 eruption, Bezymianny went down in history forever. Since then, a new type has appeared in world volcanology - “Unnamed”, or “directed explosion”. Previously, there were no such terms in science.

The Future of the Nameless One

Volcanologists managed to restore the nature of the activity of the Nameless One over the past 2,500 thousand years. It is quite difficult to judge the earlier stages. So, it was established that the activity was pulsating in nature. By analogy with previous periods, certain conclusions can be drawn regarding the future behavior of the volcano. Now we can safely say that Nameless is currently halfway through the next period of strong activity. Taking into account the duration of past periods, it is highly likely that the current cycle will last from 100 to 200 years.

Scientists have noticed one interesting feature of the Nameless. Its eruption patterns changed approximately 1,400 years ago. Since then, it has been characterized by catastrophic eruptions. It must be said that the eruption of 1956 was the most powerful of them. Since there is a periodic increase in this effect, it can be assumed that in the future the volcano will present another surprise in the form of even greater activity.

Bezymyannaya Sopka Volcano (Bezymyanny volcano , Bezymianny Volcano , Bezymiannaya Sopka ) is located in the central part , southwest of . The stratovolcano is represented by a complex volcanic massif, slightly elongated in the sublatitudinal direction. The summit is crowned by a crater measuring 1.3 × 2.8 km and 700–1000 m deep. Currently, andesite extrusion is forming in the crater domes of the New. The top of the dome has already gone beyond the edges of the crater. The slopes of the volcano are covered with lava flows and pyroclastics. The eastern slope is complicated by a pothole formed as a result of the 1956 eruption. At the southern and southwestern foot of the massif there are 16 extrusive domes of different sizes and ages. Volcanic massif Bezymyanny volcano began to form 10–11 thousand years ago on the site of extrusive domes of previous Late Pleistocene eruptions. The latter, in turn, were located on volcanic formations . Modern Bezymyanny stratovolcano arose 5–5.5 thousand years ago.

Over the past 2.5 thousand years, three periods of activation of the volcano have been distinguished: 2400–1700, 1350–1000 years ago and 1955–1956. Each period was characterized by powerful explosive activity and the outpouring of lava flows of andesite and andesite-basalt composition. The catastrophic eruption of 1955–1956 occurred after 900–1000 years of dormancy and continues to this day. In October 1955, earthquakes of a volcanic nature began to be observed, then a rather strong ash eruption began. In December 1955 and January-February 1956, it (the eruption) decreased its activity, but the squeezing out of hard extrusion and the destruction of the top part of the structure began to be noted. On March 30, 1956, a catastrophic explosion occurred on the volcano, which completely destroyed the summit and partially the eastern parts of the building. A rather large and deep crater formed at the top, and on the eastern slope there was a deep pothole. The height of the volcano decreased by 200 m. Debris from the building was thrown eastward over a distance of 25–30 km, where it was deposited in the form of an oval with an area of ​​500 km² and a thickness of 0.5 to 15–20 m. Volume of material ejected by a directed explosion , amounted to 1 km³, the ejection speed reached 300–500 m/sec. Following the directed explosion, a Plinian-type eruption began. The eruptive cloud, loaded with ash, rose 35–40 km and began to spread in a 5 km strip in a northeast direction. Simultaneously with the ash cloud, an active flow of pyroclastic products began from the crater in the form of streams that filled river valleys near the volcano, and along the riverbed Sukhaya Khapitsa River descended to a distance of 128 km from the center of the eruption. The thickness of these deposits was 25–340 m, and the volume was 0.8 km³. The composition of the sediments is sandy-silty hornblende andesite. In addition, following the culminating explosion, extrusive material began to grow in the crater of the volcano. dome New, which by July 1956 had a height of 320 m and a base diameter of 600–650 m. The formation of the dome was accompanied by explosions of varying strength and the rolling of pyroclastic flows along the eastern trench. Individual flows had a length from 8 to 15 km and a thickness from 5 to 20 m. Along with explosions, the squeezing out of hard blocks and plastic lava was observed on the dome, and since 1977, at the final stage of the eruption, a lava flow began to flow onto the slopes of the extrusion.

The most powerful eruption on the dome occurred in 1985. It was accompanied by a directed explosion that destroyed the houses of volcanologists located on the northern ridge, 3.5 km from the center of the eruption. During the eruption, a fairly large collapse of the eastern slope of the dome occurred, which may have contributed to the manifestation of a directed explosion.

The chemical composition of the products of the building varies from 54.5 to 62.5% SiO 2, i.e. from andesite-basalts to andesite-dacites, products of the last eruption - from 60.5 to 56.2% SiO 2. There is a decrease in the basicity of andesites, which is typical for all eruption cycles noted above. In terms of mineralogy, these are hornblende andesite-dacite, andesite and two-pyroxene andesite, andesite-basalt. During quiet periods of volcanic activity, active gas release is observed at the top of the dome. Their composition is SO 2, H 2 S, CO, CO 2, H 2, CH 4, etc. Their concentration is quite high. Due to frequent rock avalanches and high gas concentrations, visiting the top of the dome without special equipment is not recommended.

This is what academician wrote in 1955 in his classic monograph “Volcanoes of Kamchatka” A. N. Zavaritsky: "Nameless Sopka , 3150 m high (now on maps - 2882 m. - Approx. ed. site), represents an extinct volcano located near and south of . This is a fairly new volcano. Convex top Nameless occupied by a firn field, from where a glacier descends to Sukhoi Khapitsa River".

The absence of any signs of activity in historical times caused him to be treated with some disdain. And, perhaps, only such an expert on Kamchatka volcanoes of the older generation as , believed that this hill could still bring a surprise. The assumption was justified, and very quickly.

In 1955, seismographs at the Klyuchevskaya station began to record numerous tremors in the direction Nameless . But the distrust of him was so strong that the tremors were considered harbingers of the appearance of some kind of side crater . And suddenly on October 22, the year the book was published Zavaritsky, the dead has risen!

Photo from the archive of Kamchatka pilot-observer A. S. Semenov

The eruption began with powerful emissions of ash, rising to a height of up to 5 km, but then the volcano began to subside, and it seemed that this would be the end of its awakening. But on March 30 of the following year, 1956, a grand explosion shook the surrounding area, and a huge swirling ash cloud shot up to a height of 35 km. The top of the volcano was destroyed, in its place a crater with a diameter of 1.5 km was formed, and the height of the volcano decreased by 250 m.

The explosion was directed at an angle to the horizon to the east, towards Greater Khapitse. Explosions at a distance of up to 25 km felled or burned trees and covered bushes. Hot ash, sand, and debris covered an area of ​​about 500 square meters with a thick layer. km, destroying all vegetation. The masses of snow accumulated over the winter were quickly melted, and mud flows rushed into the valley Big Khapitsa, carrying down trees and debris of all sizes. A powerful stream swept through its valley, forming before its confluence with Kamchatka an impenetrable blockage of trees, stones and mud. Turbid and poisoned by sulfur impurities, the water of this stream made the water Kamchatka undrinkable and caused massive fish kills.

After the formation of the crater, a dome of viscous hot lava began to squeeze out from its bottom - a new cone. In 1966, 10 years after the eruption, climbing it felt full of life. From time to time, strong tremors were felt underfoot, boulders rolled down the slope, and translucent gas jets, smelling of sulfur dioxide, rose from numerous crevices. The ascent had to be stopped.

The 1956 eruption is considered one of the largest on a global scale in historical time. After him on Nameless There were two weak eruptions in 1961, 1966 and a stronger one in 1977. Activation was also observed in 1984, but in 1985 the volcano presented a new surprise.

At the end of June, tremors began to be recorded. A group of volcanologists was urgently sent under the leadership P. P. Firstova. And on June 29 the volcano exploded. Again there was a directed explosion to the east, but of enormous power, second in strength after the explosion of 1956. Nobody expected this. The nature of the volcano was considered to be sufficiently studied, they got used to the tremors, and the group almost died.

The scorching cloud swept 12 km, destroying the young vegetation that had just begun to attack the desert. The houses built by volcanologists near the volcano, fortunately uninhabited, were also destroyed. The new dome that grew after the 1956 eruption survived, but the size of the crater increased.


1. Kamchatka: tourist guide / count. authors. - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: RIO KOT, 1994. - 228 p. : ill.

2. - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Dalizdat. Kamch. department, 1988. - 143 p.

Prepared for publication on the website by V. A. Semenov
based on specified sources
with added illustrations.