Trinity Church in Sharapovo schedule. Sharapovo. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity. Temples of the Moscow region

The history of the construction of the temple began in 1867. Peasants turned to the Ryazan Spiritual Consistory with a petition to build a church in the village Sharapovo. The ruling Archbishop Irinarch (Popov) refused the request, citing the fact that the construction of a new temple would “upset” the old churches.

At the beginning of 1869, the Ryazan department was headed by Archbishop Alexy. A second petition for the construction of a temple was immediately submitted. In February 1986, the request was approved.

The church had three altars: the main altar - in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, the northern - in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the southern - in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. From that moment on, the village of Sharapovo became a village.

In the 1880s, the wooden church burned down. At the expense of local residents, the construction of a new stone church of the “octagon on quadrangle” type began. The monastery was illuminated in 1883. In 1892, a three-tier bell tower was added, the cross of which could be seen from afar.

A few years later, a strong fire occurred in the village of Sharapovo, during which several houses and a church were damaged. A short time later the church was restored.

For many years, Orthodox churches and historical monuments throughout the Russian land were shamelessly destroyed, and the village of Sharapovo is no exception! In the early 1930s, Trinity Church was closed. Church utensils were burned in the middle of the temple, the church building was used for household needs. The church lost its existence and was completely abandoned.

The restoration of Trinity Church began in 2003. 12 bells were cast in Tutaev. The main bell of the temple weighs 212 pounds.

During the restoration work, several burials of church ministers were found, whose graves were brought into proper shape. The temple was painted by craftsmen from the Moscow Danilov Monastery.

A rural church... How many feelings these words evoke in the heart of every Russian person! It is impossible to imagine a rural landscape without a church or at least a chapel. Holidays and weekdays, joy and sorrow - they are inextricably linked with the temple. Every temple, even the smallest one, is involved in the centuries-old history of our Fatherland.

The history of the Trinity Church began in 1867, when the peasants of four villages - Sharapovo, Tyushino, Spirino and Novoshino - turned to the Ryazan Spiritual Consistory with a request for permission to build a new church in Sharapovo and form a separate parish. They justified their request by saying that the nearest churches were far away and that it was difficult to get to them. It was especially difficult in the spring when the rivers flooded. The peasants were ready to allocate land for construction and pay all costs.

However, permission was given only after a repeated request, in 1869. Anticipating the decision of the consistory, the peasants “bargained” for a wooden church in the village of Lelechi. The haste was caused by the desire to transport the church “along the winter route,” and already in February the temple was in Sharapovo. It was consecrated on August 17, 1869. Since that time, the village of Sharapovo has become the center of a rural parish, uniting several villages.

A few years later, the wooden temple was burned by lightning. Local residents decided to build a new brick church and in 1882 began its construction. Like the first church, the new one was built with funds from local parishioners and benefactors. In 1882, a stone refectory church in honor of the Holy Trinity with the Zachatievsky and Uspensky chapels was built in the village. The red brick temple in the New Russian style was consecrated in 1883. Nine years later, a three-tiered stone bell tower was built, the cross on which was visible from behind the forest at a distance of more than ten kilometers.

On April 30, 1869, Stefan Speransky, a graduate of the Ryazan Seminary, was appointed rector of the temple. For many years, Sharapovo became home to the priest and his later numerous family. Father Stefan and his wife Varvara had eight children - four sons and four daughters.

Recollections of contemporaries remain that under Father Stefan, divine services in the church were performed “decently and with due reverence,” and three schools were established in the village, in which children were taught strictly in the spirit of the Orthodox Church. Father Stefan served in Sharapov for more than half a century, and only at the end of his life, weakened by illness and old age, did he transfer the parish to his son Nikolai. Archpriest Stefan died in 1921.

Father Nikolai with his wife and young sons from 1929 to 1931. I was in exile, my house was taken away. After returning, Father Nikolai’s family settled in the church gatehouse. They lived very meagerly, but, despite the difficult times, Father Nikolai was strong in faith and fulfilled his pastoral duty with great love for the Lord and his parishioners.

In 1937, Father Nikolai was convicted based on a slanderous denunciation. Archpriest Nikolai Speransky spent fourteen long years in the camps; only in May 1951 was he able to return to Sharapovo, but as soon as he entered the house, authorities appeared and announced that he was forbidden to live here and he must leave within 24 hours. The Speransky family had to leave their homeland... Since 1951, Father Nikolai served as rector of the church in the village of Ardabyevo. Archpriest Nikolai Speransky died on October 16, 1970 and was buried in the local rural cemetery.

In 2002, Tatyana Speranskaya, the granddaughter of Archpriest Stefan, visited her native Sharapov; she looked with sorrow at the destroyed church and at the place where her parents’ home had once been. “I stood in front of the altar of the summer church, where there was the grave of Stefan’s grandfather, and now there is an asphalt road leading to houses built on the site of the old cemetery near the church. Nothing resembles a burial site. The only thing that remained unchanged was the well that the Sharapovites dug for their father. That's what it was called - Popov's Well. The water in it was amazingly clean and tasty.”

Parting with her native place, Tatyana Nikolaevna said: “Let's not grumble. Nothing happens without God's permission. I would like to believe that the time will come and the bell in the belfry of the Church of the Holy Trinity will ring again. And again parishioners will marry and baptize their children in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” And the time has come.

In 2002, natives of the village living and working in Moscow began restoring the temple and building a bell tower. In 2006, during the work, four burials were found. One of them turned out to be the resting place of Archpriest Stefan Speransky. Now the remains are reburied in the church fence. Above them there are crosses and a memorial plaque. After many diligent and sacrificial works of people of good will, the temple finally appeared in all its glory before the eyes of believers.

On August 29, 2010, on the day of the great consecration of the Trinity Church, Bishop Juvenaly was concelebrated by Bishops Ilian (Vostryakov) and Serpukhov Roman, Secretary of the Moscow Diocesan Administration Archpriest Alexander Ganaba, Abbot of the Moscow Stavropegial Danilov Monastery Archimandrite Alexy (Polikarpov), Dean of the churches of the Shatura District Archimandrite Nikon (Matyushkov), clergy of the Moscow diocese. The church benefactor N.A. Tsvetkov and his family, the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations of the Government of the Moscow Region T.A. Karakhanov, the Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma V.E. Aksakov, the head of the Shatura district A.D. Keller, high-ranking guests, and parishioners of the temples prayed during the service. Shatursky and Yegoryevsky deaneries. The choir of the Kolomna Theological Seminary under the direction of Hieromonk Konstantin (Ostrovsky) added special solemnity to the service.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the rector of the Trinity Church, priest Evgeniy Shevykin, addressed the Bishop with a word of greeting: “Your Eminence, dear fathers, brothers and sisters! I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of the great consecration of our temple! This event is of great importance not only for the village of Sharapovo, but also for the surrounding villages. I am happy that the temple is filled with people praying today. This event contributes to the spiritual revival of our entire Motherland. How can we revive spiritual life in our big, vast Fatherland? Walking the path of reviving churches, lighting new spiritual centers that are beacons in the stormy sea of ​​life. I wish God’s help to everyone so that we never weaken in our prayers to God!”

N.A. Tsvetkov said: “I am grateful to the Almighty that He blessed the work that we all did. I express my gratitude to all those who invested time, labor, soul and heart into the restoration of the temple. Gratitude to those clergy who helped and revived the temple after silence for many decades. “Gratitude to my fellow countrymen for the support and cordiality with which you met everyone who came to restore the temple.”

In his response, Metropolitan Yuvenaly said:

“Dearly Tigran Alexandrovich, representing the governor of the Moscow region, deeply respected Valery Evgenievich, chairman of the regional duma, beloved Nikolai Alexandrovich, fellow archpastors, dear father, viceroy of the Danilov Monastery, honorable fathers, leaders of the Shatursky district, beloved guests, dear brothers and sisters!

It is difficult to share my thoughts with you today without emotion, because what is happening now is a true miracle of God. Today, during the Divine Liturgy, the Gospel beginning was read, where the Lord’s parable about those invited to supper was told. Many did not come to this supper, and others, having accepted the invitation, reacted to it differently, sometimes frivolously. And when the owner of the feast saw them, he drove them out, not worthy of the joy of the supper. This parable is about the Kingdom of God, to which we are all called.

The Church of Christ, through Her spiritual guidance, leads us to the Kingdom of God. We must think about what kind of people they were who came to the supper not in wedding, festive clothes. This parable is addressed to each of us, because we are all called to the Kingdom of God, everyone, especially those in the church today, received Holy Baptism, but this is not a guarantee that we will achieve the Kingdom of God. You also need to have wedding clothing: good deeds, strong faith, love that people should see.

Today we can give an example of how you can tear something away from yourself and do something for others, not only living ones, but also subsequent generations. This is the feat of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Tsvetkov, your fellow countryman, who showed by personal example how to love Christ and serve your neighbors. When many years ago the residents of the village of Sharapovo had a desire to have a church here, they wrote to the church authorities that without worship, without prayer, people had become coarse. It was then, almost a century and a half ago, that they felt how bad it was to live without the constant guidance of the Church and prayer to the Lord. What can we say about the past century, when this shrine was destroyed in front of the residents for seven decades, what could they have turned into?!

What a joy for all of us that this shrine has been revived! When I served in the Trinity Church, I had the impression that I was somewhere in a cathedral city, in a cathedral, because here there is such splendor that you will not find in any village. This temple has become more beautiful and majestic than the previous one.

Dear Nikolai Alexandrovich! You are a person who says little but does a lot. And I would like, on behalf of your fellow countrymen, on behalf of the diocese, on behalf of the Holy Church, to thank you for the feat that you took upon yourself to restore the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity.

I congratulate all of you, beloved, on the discovery and consecration of the holy temple. I would like to present the image of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” as a blessing to the parish. Throughout Russia, this image is now especially revered, and people ask the Lord for the Mother of God’s help through this image in softening morals, eradicating wine drinking and a happy family life. May everyone who prays in front of this image receive from the Lord, through the intercession of the Mother of God, everything necessary for temporary and eternal life.

Indeed, as the rector said, this is an all-Russian celebration, and it did not go unnoticed by the Primate of our Church, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, who instructed me to convey to you, Nikolai Alexandrovich, the award of the Russian Orthodox Church, the order of our venerable and God-bearing father Sergius, abbot of Radonezh and all Russia's miracle worker. On such a day, it is customary to give something to donors. I thought for a long time and came to the conviction that it is necessary to present you with the most precious, most valuable thing - the Bible, because it is the Word of God that nourishes us, guides us and leads us to Eternal Life. I think that, inspired by the Word of God, you accomplished this feat, which we are witnessing. Let this holy book be a reminder in your family that the Lord lives and works among us, and we will pray for you and your loved ones, as a sign of which I ask you to accept this holy prosphora. Many happy summers to you!”

The Bishop also presented awards to the main workers of the church revival in Sharapovo, after which a group photograph was taken against the backdrop of the revived shrine. The celebration continued with a gala meal and conference.

Temple address: 140761 Moscow. region, Shatursky district, village. Sharapovo, st. Central, 1.

Temple opening hours and schedule of services:

  • Sat: 8.00 – Liturgy, 16.00 – All-Night Vigil.
  • Sun. 8.00 – liturgy.
  • on the eve of the Twelfth, Great and Patronal Feasts: 16.00 - all-night vigil;
  • on holidays - 8.00 - liturgy.

At the beginning of 1869, the peasants of four villages - Sharapovo, Tyushino, Spirino and Novoshino - turned to the Ryazan Spiritual Consistory with a request for permission to build a new church in Sharapovo and form a separate parish. On February 4, 1869, the petition was approved. Ahead of the decision of the Consistory, the peasants “bargained” for a wooden church in the village of Lelechi for 700 rubles. This haste was caused by the desire to transport the church “along the winter route,” and already in February the temple was transported to Sharapovo. Having presented the plan for the future church to the diocesan authorities, the peasants asked for the issuance of a church charter. The construction of the church was planned to be completed by Easter, but it was consecrated later - on August 17, 1869. From that time on, the village of Sharapovo became a village - the center of a rural parish, uniting several villages. The church had three altars: the main one - in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, the southern one - in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and the northern one - in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The church was given antimensions, and for record keeping - church books and a seal. However, the new clergy had to work for a long time to legitimize the allotment of church land by the peasants. The case dragged on for several years and ended only in 1874. A few years later, the wooden temple was burned by lightning. Local residents decided to build a new brick church and began its construction in 1882. Like the first church, the new one was built with funds from local parishioners and benefactors. The red brick temple in the neo-Russian style, of the “octagon on a quadrangle” type, was consecrated in 1883. Nine years later, a three-tier stone bell tower was built, the cross on which was visible from behind the forest at a distance of more than ten kilometers. In 1897, a fire occurred in the village, which damaged the church and several houses; soon the temple was completely restored. In the 1930s, by resolution of the Gorsky Village Council, the Trinity Church was closed. The interior decoration of the temple has not been preserved. As local resident Ivan Vasilyevich Suetinov recalls, icons were burned right in the middle of the temple. Only a few of them were saved - they were taken home by local residents. Now one of the icons - the righteous saints Joachim and Anna - has been returned to the temple. As was the case everywhere, a warehouse was built in the temple, and later it was completely abandoned. The dome capping the large octagonal light drum was dismantled, and the temple vaults were overgrown with bushes. In the nineties, the temple was returned to believers. At that time it was difficult to imagine that it could be restored, but there were people who decided to revive the desecrated shrine. Thanks to the zeal of benefactors, natives of the village of Sharapova, a new life for the Trinity Church began. First of all, the roof and domes were restored; 12 bells with a total weight of 820 pounds were raised onto the restored bell tower in December 2003. In 2006, during the work, four burials were found. Now the graves have been restored to their proper form; crosses and a memorial plaque have been installed above them. For the interior decoration of the temple, masters from the art and restoration workshops of the Danilov Monastery in Moscow were invited, whose specialists - icon painters, carvers, gilders, jewelers - have extensive experience in such work. The restored temple has three altars: the central one - in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, the northern one - in the name of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, the Wonderworker, and the southern one - in honor of the Conception of the righteous Anna of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is a Sunday school at the church.


Just take it straight and don’t swear. What's so difficult about it? It may be worth remembering as a child how painful and bitter it was for us to listen to the angry and poorly controlled scolding of our parents. Remember, as in the song of Captain Vrungel - “whatever you call the ship, so it will sail.” If children hear constant abuse from us, and even with various offensive epithets, such as: fool, idiot, mediocrity, etc., then it is possible that the child will grow up like this...

Date of publication or update 04.11.2017

Temples of the Moscow region

Trinity Church

Village Sharapovo

Story. Ancient village Sharapovo is mentioned in documents of 1636-1643. After the abolition of serfdom, the peasants of the village decided to build a temple, allocating 33 acres of land from their plots. In 1869, purchased in the village. Lelechi erected a wooden church in their village. Trinity Church had chapels: Pokrovsky and Nikolsky. In 1882, a stone Trinity Church was erected in Sharapovo with chapels in the refectory: Zachatievsky and Uspensky. At that time, there were two zemstvo schools in the parish. In 1897, there was a big fire in the village, which damaged several houses and a church. Soon the temple was restored.

During the Soviet years, from 1937 to 2002, the church was closed. Now, through diligence and at the expense of philanthropists, former natives of the village. Sharapovo, the temple is being restored.

Address: 140700, Moscow region, Shatursky district, village. Sharapovo.

Directions: from Moscow from Kazansky railway station to the station. Krivandino (134 km), then along the Shaturskaya line (35 km), then by bus (6 km).

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Sharapovo, Odintsovo district, Moscow region. founded in 1880 instead of a wooden church, in the 18th-19th centuries. existing in the neighboring Nosovo churchyard.
A one-domed church in the pseudo-Russian style with a refectory and a bell tower, close to the standard ones. In the refectory are the Skorbyashchensky and Nikolsky chapels. During Soviet times, the church remained active.
Photos are clickable, with geographic coordinates.

in 1593 Sherapovo was a village with the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, destroyed during the Time of Troubles. After 1646 this wasteland became a village, which in 1705 had 16 peasant households. There is also information that the village of Nosovo at the beginning of the 17th century was a village, and at the end of the 17th century it belonged to Mikhail Alekseevich Voinov, who built a wooden church in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the village was named the village of Assumption.

The first information about the newly built church is in the parish salary book of the Patriarchal order for 1702: “On the 22nd day of September, by decree of the Great Sovereign... it was ordered that the newly built Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary... in the village of Nosovena, the priest and the clergy should pay tribute... and a consecrated letter was given."
On October 3, 1702, an antimension was issued to the church. The nearest church is Nikolaevskaya, the village of Lutsyna, 4 versts.

The file “On the construction of a stone church at the village of Sherapova, parish of the village of Nosovo, Zvenigorod district” contains a petition from the clergy, elders and parishioners of the Assumption Church in the village of Nosova to the Most Reverend Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, dated August 3, 1879, in which they report , that the wooden church, built about two hundred years ago, has fallen into disrepair, and they are asking for permission to build a new stone warm church in the village of Sherapova in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God with three altars, since the majority of parishioners live in this village, there are “zealous philanthropists" and a convenient place for construction.
Construction was allowed, and on April 14, 1880, the church charter was signed.

In January 1941, the authorities decided to close the temple and turn it over to a club, but the outbreak of war prevented this decision from being implemented. According to parishioners, services were held in the church during the war, and since 1946 it has been officially operational.