How to make a person from plasticine. How to mold a person from plasticine: step-by-step instructions on the example of figures of a girl and an adult man, as well as superheroes - Spider-Man and Iron Man

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So, we have learned how to sculpt various animals, and now let's move on to more complex work - we will sculpt little men!

You can mold anyone from plasticine - a clown, a pirate or yourself. The tips in this chapter will help you create any character.

Useful Tips

As with animals, the thicker the legs and the larger the feet, the more stable the man is. You can support the figurine with a plasticine chair or other objects, which will be discussed in chapter 3. Try planting or placing the figurine. If all else fails, make a plasticine base for her, which, moreover, will protect her from damage when moving.

Torso sculpting

Let's start with the simplest parts and make a snowman and a robot first, and then complicate the task.

We will mold a plasticine snowman in the same way as from snow, and hands can be made from a toothpick. We blind a small carrot for the nose, and plasticine tape for the scarf. The topper on the pancake will replace the hat. Don't forget about the eyes, mouth and buttons.
To make a robot, put together a cube-body, a smaller cube - a head, sausages-arms and sausages-legs. Mark the bolts with small pencil dots or tiny balls. You can add any other details.

Now let's try to sculpt a little man.

We need a short, thick cylinder (or sausage) to serve as the torso. Flatten it slightly to form the chest and back.
Roll up the snake and fold it in half, and fasten the fold on the body. Bend the ends slightly - these will be the feet.
To make the figurine stand, press it against the board. If it is still unstable, make your legs thicker, shorten them, or bring them together.
Hands can be crafted from two sausages. The ball will become the head.
Blind the brushes from small balls. Pinch a piece of plasticine and pull it out - you get a thumb. Flatten the brush ball into a pancake and your hand will have a palm.
Attach such brushes, resembling mittens, to your hands. The rest of the fingers can be cut with a knife.

With the tip of a pencil, mark the eyes and a smiling mouth, make a small ball nose.

So you have learned to sculpt little men! Well, let's continue. After all, the little men need to be combed and dressed.

How to make a person from plasticine? Joint activities with a child bring joy not only to the child, but also to his parents. One of my favorite activities is plasticine sculpting. This process is a useful alternative to playing games on the computer or watching TV. Moreover, the baby will be able to show imagination and create new compositions every day.

Most often, children sculpt animals and people. Therefore, parents need to find an answer to the question of how to mold a person from plasticine or an animal. There are several methods of sculpting, it remains to choose the appropriate option for joint creativity.

Not only toddlers love to sculpt from plasticine. Interesting tasks can be found for older children. For example, to mold a person from plasticine is a task for children of preschool and school age. You should consider the proposed schemes in stages and start modeling the little man.

Before you start your creativity, you need to prepare your workplace and materials. When choosing plasticine, you should pay attention to the features of its appearance.

It can be of medium hardness: when heated, it becomes soft and pliable, does not stick to hands, and after completion of work it keeps its shape well. Perfect for children's crafts.

Soft clay is more suitable for younger children. It makes snakes, koloboks, sausages and snails well. It has a pleasant texture and smell. Every kid will like working with this look.

There are also sculptural and ball plasticine. The first is used for wireframe modeling. The second one consists of small balls, has a pleasant smell, does not stick to hands and various surfaces. You can't get dirty with such a mass, which is a big plus.

After you have decided on the clay, you should purchase a special knife, toothpicks and a bowl for water. The workplace should be well lit. The tabletop should be covered with oilcloth, and it is a good idea to put on an apron on the young sculptor. During the sculpting process, the baby can get dirty, and the plasticine is poorly washed.

Step-by-step instruction

We decided on the plasticine, prepared the workplace, start modeling a person:

  1. Mix different colors of plasticine for a flesh-colored look. It can be white, red, pink and a drop of brown. Carefully remember the mass in your hands to obtain a uniform color. Use it to sculpt the face, arms and all exposed parts of the body.
  2. Form a flesh-colored plasticine oval. This will be the face. Notches should be made on it for the eyes, nose and mouth. A special knife will help you to perform the action.
  3. To shape the nose, you need to roll up a small droplet and attach it in place. To prevent the nose from looking like a separate fragment, smooth the edges with a spatula along the entire contour.
  4. Place 2 thin red or pink sausages in place of the mouth. Depending on what kind of smile you want to see on your little man, bend the sausages as needed.
  5. Roll up two small balls of white plasticine and stick to the eye area. 2 flesh-colored sausages will play the role of the upper and lower eyelids. Smooth the elements neatly to make them look coherent. Stick on black pupils and style your eyebrows in brown or black.
  6. Roll 2 ears out of flesh-colored plasticine. Place the pieces symmetrically on the plasticine head.
  7. Depending on the look, roll the little man's hair or headdress. Here you can turn on your imagination and attach woolen threads, straw or paper. Stick a toothpick into the resulting head in order to further attach it to the body.
  8. For a plasticine boy, blind your legs immediately in pants. Take a mass of any color and roll 2 sausages. Connect your legs at the base of your torso and put “boots” on them;
  9. 2 sausages of colored plasticine are suitable for hands. Two flattened flesh-colored balls will serve as palms. Gently trim the brush and use a knife to make cuts in the form of the palm and fingers.
  10. Connect your head and body with wooden toothpicks. Your plasticine friend is ready.

If you sculpt with your daughter, then for sure she will want to mold a plasticine girl. The torso sculpting scheme is similar, only there are small nuances. First you need to model the dress.

Take a piece of pink plasticine and form a cone. The edges of the part need to be pulled out a little in a circle. You will get a wonderful skirt. Here, too, you can dream up and decorate the skirt with polka dots or a pattern of a different color. The upper part of the cone should be supplemented with a detail in the form of a blouse or T-shirt.

Blind the head, face, arms and legs from flesh-colored plasticine. For hair, you can use long woolen threads or thin brown sausages. The hairstyle can be different: depict two ponytails or two braids. It all depends on your wishes. Blind shoes or boots on the legs. Put a handbag or briefcase in your hands. Then the parts should be connected with matches or toothpicks, and the craft should be considered complete.

You can learn how to make a person out of plasticine from various books and on the pages of educational magazines. Materials, imagination and good mood are required of you. The advantage of playing with plasticine is that after creating crafts you can play with them.

For young toddlers, playing with soft mass will help develop hand motor skills.

Play, invent and create!

And so how to sculpt a person from plasticine in stages thanks to a simple execution scheme? One of the types of fine art is. Many different compositions and volumetric ways can be recreated using plastic materials. Modeling with plasticine is rich and varied in its capabilities and is available to anyone, even the smallest one. To get to know this type of fine art more closely, it is enough to start with the simplest. For example, from sculpting a little man. And so let's start how to mold a person from plasticine, the scheme is simple, in stages. Let's proceed to the simplest sculpting of a human figure from plasticine. At the end you will find a video of how to mold a person from plasticine.

Sculpt a man

It is a pleasure and pleasure to create a human figure from plasticine with your own hands. Plasticine is easily kneaded by hands and does not harden without additional processing. Plasticine has an oily base, so you should not work with it on surfaces that can deteriorate due to grease. It is best to use a piece of linoleum or cardboard as a sculpting surface. If it is not possible to find a suitable surface, you can buy a special set, which contains a knife for cutting plasticine, various forms for sculpting and, of course, a special board. Plasticine tends to stick to the surface, so before starting work, you need to moisten the board with water.

Plasticine man

So, let's start sculpting a sculpture of a man made of plasticine. To do this, we need several types of plasticine, a knife for cutting it and several toothpicks. It is desirable that, in addition to plasticine with the usual colors, there are several pieces of flesh-colored. This plasticine color can also be obtained by mixing white, red and yellow. In this case, the proportions of 6/2/1 must be observed.

We sculpt the head of a person from plasticine

We begin to sculpt a human head from plasticine with our own hands. In order to blind the head, it is necessary to make an oval and cut out the mouth with a knife. After that, the little man needs to make a smile by inserting teeth made of white plasticine. Let's move on to more detailed details of how to blind a person's face from plasticine.

Sculpting teeth

After the little man has teeth, you need to make lips. To do this, roll out a thin strip and place it around your mouth. From a small piece of red plasticine, you need to make a tongue.

Human nose

How to blind the eyes of a person's figure

The most interesting element among others is the human eyes. To do this, you need to mold two white balls and place them on the head above the nose. Having done this, you can proceed to sculpting the pupils and eyelids. You also need to remember to make eyebrows for the little man. By changing the shape of the mouth, eyes and eyebrows, you can show different variations of the facial expressions of our composition.

Ear sculpting

Human ears from plasticine can be molded of any size, the main thing is that they are symmetrical. Attach them to the sides at the level of the nose, tucking them inward a little.

Man figure hairstyle

I make a hairstyle for a person from plasticine with my own hands, you can show imagination. You can leave a bald spot or depict a variety of hats, for example, make a cap or a fisherman's hat.

The plasticine human head that you made yourself is completely ready. You can move on to sculpting everything else. First, let's make the legs (lower part). We sculpt the shoes and insert one or two toothpicks into them for strength. Then we close the toothpicks with pants, which can be made from plasticine of any color. Then we push the torso onto the remaining pins.

Making hands from plasticine to a man

In order to make the arms, you need to roll out two symmetrical sausages and attach them to the torso, where they should actually be located. The most difficult task when creating hands is sculpting the fingers. You need to make a blank in the form of an oval, and carefully cut them out with a knife. After that, the fingers are given an aesthetic look.

We attach the head to the body of the figure

It remains to attach the head to the body of the person. To do this, you need to insert several toothpicks into the torso and connect them with the neck. That's all, a simple do-it-yourself plasticine man is ready. And don't forget to keep the proportions. Although creative people shouldn't set limits!

Step-by-step video on how to mold a person with plasticine

Video how to make a spiderman from plasticine with your own hands

Remember: how long have you been holding plasticine in your hands? So long ago that I can't even remember? And now your own kids are asking you to help mold them into a plasticine man? We give you a great chance to please children, have a great time with them, and at the same time remember how to sculpt funny figures!

Preparation of materials

To make a plasticine human figurine, you will need:

  1. Plasticine box in several colors, including white;
  2. Matches or toothpicks (you can also use wire - then it will be easier for the little man to give any pose);
  3. Stacks;
  4. The backing is made of oilcloth or thin plastic.

Modeling and phased assembly of the figure

Plasticine, in addition to ease of processing, is also good because its different colors can be mixed in the same way as paints. To get a flesh color, take a piece of white plasticine, pinch off a little orange or light brown, heat the plasticine in your palms and knead and rub it thoroughly until a uniform color. In the same way, you can make other shades that are not in the set.

  1. We choose which colors we will use in our work. By mixing, we get the missing ones.
  2. Using a stack - a plastic knife - we separate pieces of the required size from the plasticine bars and roll balls from them: one large and two small flesh-colored balls. These will be the head and hands.
  3. From a bar of any other color you choose, in which you want to "dress" your little man, we make a blank for the body: roll the ball a little larger than the head, slightly flatten it from the sides, giving it a slightly elongated shape.
  4. To make hands from plasticine of the same color as the body, roll up two small balls and roll them out in the form of a "sausage". We mold the blanks for the legs in the same way as the hands, only of a different color and larger: we take more plasticine and make the "sausages" thicker. If we want our little man to then be able to stand in a standing position, we put toothpicks inside the legs as a frame. For the shoes, we sculpt two small dark balls, slightly larger than those that we have prepared for the hands.
  5. On the face of the little man, with the help of a stack, we make a cut: this will be the mouth. You can insert teeth into it from tiny white balls - but if you want to create a very filigree work. Stick two thin pink stripes along the slit - lips. We attach the nose a little higher - it can be molded in the form of a small ball or droplet, or you can not sculpt it at all if it does not work out. For the eyes, we take very small white balls, flatten them into cakes; from above we stick tiny black pupils. For hair, you can blind a lot of thin flagella, or you can simply apply a thin layer of plasticine of the desired color to the head and make notches with a stack or draw stripes with them, imitating strands.
  6. For hands, we attach balls to the prepared "sausages" - hands and slightly flatten them out. We make notches in a stack - fingers and trim them. For the legs, in the same way, to the prepared "sausages" we stick shoes - dark balls, which we first give a slightly oval shape.
  1. We form the body of the little man, stick two halves of a toothpick from below, on which we attach the legs, "sausages". We carefully grease the attachment points of the parts to each other for strength. Where it is difficult to get close with your fingers, we use a thin stack. But the hands can be attached to the shoulders of the figure without using a frame - they will not be heavily loaded.
  2. We also carefully attach the head to the half of a toothpick, apply a stack to the neck.
  3. You can finalize small details: sculpt buttons, a belt or jewelry, carefully place them on the figure.
  4. We give the finished man the desired pose and strengthen it on a stand made of a large ball flattened into a cake. You can make some people and make a funny scene with them.


To learn about how to sculpt human figures from plasticine of the most varied complexity, watch the following videos. After all, even professional artists use plasticine at various stages of work, and amazing works come out of their hands!

Today I will show step by step in the photo how to mold a person from plasticine with my own hands, namely, to make the correct sculpting of all parts of the body. Since usually many have errors on the main points. This master class is very long and will take a lot of time compared to others. A person is often molded by more experienced craftsmen, and they start with easier ones, for example, try it.

We will immediately prepare the plasticine that we need. It is blue, orange and yellow, as well as small pieces of black, white and pink plasticine.

Roll a ball out of yellow plasticine, this will be the base of the head.

We give the ball the shape of a head, make it a little elongated and immediately sculpt the neck.

Next, you need to make the hollows for the eyes and the nose. We press with our fingers in the middle of the workpiece, so that we get the depressions we need.

We shape the nose neatly. If it doesn't work out for you, you can add plasticine and make the nose the way you want.

This is the shape of the head. Side view.

We make a cavity for the mouth under the nose. Initially, we form the entire head, then we will make all of its parts.

We start sculpting the eyes directly. We roll small balls from white plasticine, and a little smaller balls from black.

We make flat circles from white balls and stick them on the hollows in the eyes.

Stick the black balls on top of the white plasticine, flattening them a little. So we made the eyes of the little man from plasticine.

We roll small and thin sausages from black plasticine.

We make eyebrows out of them. Stick sausages over our eyes.

Now comes the hardest part. Everyone makes mistakes at this stage. It is necessary to blind the hair, usually rolled hair is molded onto the head in one layer. I propose to create them in the form of several sausages. Roll out nine small sausages made of black material.

We shape the hair from the middle of the head. Stick one line in the center.

Here is a top view.

Then, on one side, we still stick a black line, and so on.

This is how the hair should look like. You can make an original bang or ponytail at the bottom of the hair.

With such hair, the face is much more beautiful and natural.

Again, we sculpt small ears from white plasticine.

We glue them on the head.

Roll your mouth out of pink plasticine in the form of an arc.

Stick it on your head and we have it completely ready.

We begin to make the body. We sculpt a rectangle from orange plasticine.

We roll two sausages for hands.

These are the details for the body you will need.

We glue our hands to the body.

Lubricate the joints between the arms and the body.

We glue the head to the body.

Roll two balls from yellow plasticine.

Roll them out a little and form brushes.

We make one finger.

Then the second finger.

Fourth and fifth.

We do the second hand in the same way, but the thumbs on different sides should be, do not forget.

We glue the brushes to the hands.

We lubricate the entire layer.

We glue the legs to the body.

Again we roll two balls for the feet from yellow plasticine.

We make volumetric rectangles out of them.

We sculpt shoes for feet from pink plasticine.

These are the curved layers that need to be made.

Putting pink details on the feet.

And at the end, by the end, we stick our feet to the legs and to the whole person.

And if you don't like sculpting something out of plasticine, do or.