City of San Jose. San Jose, California from a car window. The area where we live. Life in Silicon Valley. Braulio Carrillo National Park

San Jose is a city in the western United States, located in the southern part of San Francisco Bay. As of 2013, the population of San Jose is estimated at 998 thousand, making it the third most populous city in the state of California. According to forecasts, the population of San Jose will continue to increase, by 2040 the growth will be 340-470 thousand people.

Distances from San Jose to:

  • San Francisco - 70 km
  • Sacramento - 140 km
  • Los Angeles - 490 km
  • Portland - 900 km

Downtown San Jose

San José was founded in 1777 by the Spanish, led by Lieutenant José Joaquín Moraga. The settlement was originally named El Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe, which literally means "Settlement of St. Joseph on the Guadalupe River." During the first two centuries of its history, San Jose developed and grew very slowly. By 1850, when San Jose received city status, only 4 thousand people lived in it. By 1900, the population had increased to only 21 thousand (for comparison, by this time about 350 thousand people lived in San Francisco). Until World War II, the city's economy was based on agriculture. After the war, rapid development of industry and high-tech production began. Fruit orchards have given way to research complexes and industrial parks.

Today, San Jose is located in the very center of a technologically advanced cluster, which in Russia is commonly called Silicon Valley. The English name "Silicon Valley" is derived from the word "Valley" (referring to the Santa Clara Valley - the Santa Clara Valley, where San Jose is located) and the word "silicon" ("silicon" - used to create semiconductors, actively used in the computer industry). The San Jose region is home to more than 6,600 high-tech companies employing more than 250,000 people. Among the city's largest employers are such well-known companies as Cisco Systems, IBM, eBay, Adobe and others. It is estimated that 1/3 of all venture capital funds in the US are invested in companies based in San Jose and Silicon Valley. The region's numerous universities graduate thousands of engineers each year, fueling the local economy. All this allows us to call San Jose the “Capital of Silicon Valley.”

It is worth noting that Silicon Valley and San Jose are a popular place of work for programmers, IT specialists and scientists moving there from the countries of the former USSR.

View of the valley and city at night

From 1950 to 1970, San Jose grew aggressively and annexed neighboring territories. Over these 20 years, the population has increased enormously - from 95 to 459 thousand (almost 5 times!). At the same time, the city grew in width (territorially), and not in height. The area of ​​San Jose is 466 sq. km. Due to San Jose's rapid expansion in the post-war period, much of the city is low-rise tracts spread over a larger area.

As of 2010, there are 314 thousand buildings within the San Jose city limits. 170 thousand of them (54%) are detached, housing no more than one family. 58% are homeowners, 42% are renters. The average cost of a detached home in San Jose is $480 thousand, and an apartment in an apartment building/townhouse is $245 thousand.

Racial composition of San Jose population as of 2013:

  • Hispanic (any race) - 33.5%
  • Asians - 32.9%
  • white - 27.3%
  • African Americans - 3.0%
  • mixed races - 2.8%
  • Indians - 0.1%

It is worth noting that 39.3% of the city's residents were born outside the United States.

Primary language of communication at home:

  • English - 45%
  • any Asian - 24%
  • Spanish - 23%
  • others - 8%

Socio-economic indicators of San Jose:

  • average income per person - $34,997
  • population living below the poverty line - 12.8%
  • unemployment in the region (as of June 2014) - 6.0%
  • cost of living index - 140.9 (more than 40% higher than the US average).

Like most cities located in the San Francisco Bay Area, San Jose is an expensive place to live. The cost of living in the city is one of the highest in the country. The main reason is high prices for real estate, rent, utility bills, and services. At the same time, according to numerous studies and ratings, San Jose is recognized as one of the safest large cities in the United States.

Sights and interesting places of San Jose

  • San Jose Center for the Performing Arts - performing arts center
  • The Tech Museum of Innovation - science and technology museum
  • San Jose Museum of Art - San Jose Art Museum
  • Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum - a museum dedicated to Ancient Egypt
  • San Jose City Hall - San Jose City Hall
  • Santana Row is a prestigious European-style area with shops, restaurants, hotels and vibrant nightlife
  • Japantown - Japanese neighborhood north of downtown with a number of cultural sites, shops and good restaurants
  • California's Great America - amusement park (open in the summer season)
  • Raging Waters San Jose - water park (open during the summer season)
  • Plaza de Cesar Chavez - a small park in the city center where open-air concerts are held
  • Lick Observatory is an astronomical observatory located 46 kilometers from San Jose.

In the leading North American sports leagues, San Jose is represented by 2 teams. The San Jose Sharks hockey club plays at the HP Pavilion. And the football San Jose Earthquakes (European football) plays its home matches in Santa Clara, a suburb of San Jose. There are also several other minor league teams based in the region.

The climate in San Jose is pleasant (Mediterranean type of climate). There are more than 300 sunny days a year. Summer is warm, the average temperature in July is 21 C. In winter, snow rarely falls, the average temperature in January is 10 C. Temperature fluctuations between daytime and nighttime values ​​are usually insignificant 5-6 C. Precipitation falls mainly from November to April. Due to the fact that San Jose is surrounded on three sides by mountains, the amount of precipitation is significantly less than in some neighboring parts of the region. At the same time, as in most of the San Francisco Bay region, San Jose has dozens of zones with their own microclimate.

This American city has long been not as popular as its successful neighbor San Francisco. Over the past decades, it has become the main commercial and cultural center of California and confidently remains in the lead. One of the three largest cities in the state, it has taken the lead in innovative technologies.

City of the future

Modern San Jose (California) is the oldest city in the state and the third most populous. The unofficial capital of America, where the offices of the world's most famous corporations are located, is imbued with the spirit of modern technology, and the abundance of glass and concrete houses is more reminiscent of the fantastic landscapes of a city from the distant future.

A little history

According to official data, the city was founded in 1777. It was the main center of the Spanish colony of New California, but no historical monuments from that period have survived. It was a small farming community that became the state's capital in 1850 after the state gained independence. Undeveloped land began to be rapidly developed, and growth transformed the agricultural community into a global high-tech center.

Weather in San Jose (CA)

Tourists adore this unique city for its wonderful continental climate. The influence of the Pacific Current, which brings coolness, is weakened here, unlike other coastal cities. The mountains that surround it on all sides protect it from rain and strong winds, and therefore sunny weather with clear skies reigns here for more than 300 days a year. Precipitation is very rare; mild summers and warm winters delight travelers from different countries who come here on vacation throughout the year.

Economic Development of the Commercial Center

The city's economy, where engineering and computer companies are concentrated, is growing rapidly. The population is also growing rapidly, but it cannot be said that all problems have bypassed the economic center. The city has very high housing costs, and about six percent of people live below the poverty line. The beginning of the 21st century was marked by a real race for technological discoveries, each company sought to get ahead and win over its customers. At this time, in San Jose (California), hundreds of Internet corporations went bankrupt, and thousands of people lost their jobs. Residents of the business center never forget that success also has a downside.

In general, the metropolis is considered the richest and the salaries of the population are recognized as the highest in the country. An expensive settlement to live in, it is a popular place of work for experienced programmers and scientists, so the best specialists in the field of computer development rush here, dreaming of realizing their profession. Today, more than 6,500 companies are registered in the city, employing 250 thousand people.

Investments in the city by two powerful corporations

The huge Apple corporation has already invested $300 million in the developing San Jose. The State of California and City Council have approved the desire to build an office in the region. Five million square feet of office space is planned to become the tech giant's headquarters.

And in 2013, the main competitor of the American brand, the South Korean brand Samsung, laid the foundation of its research and development center in the city. And two years later, a 10-story office with an area of ​​more than one million square meters opened its doors. ft. The strategically important facility is the company's largest investment in San Jose, California. This is how Samsung plans to increase its presence in the American market.

Strange house - labyrinth

The city with its own laws of life is of great interest to tourists. Its main attractions are numerous museums and a haunted house.

The Winchester Villa, recognized as the strangest building in San Jose, stands alone. Built by the daughter of a major arms manufacturer, the three-story house is a labyrinthine labyrinth where doors open into blank walls, hallways wind through winding paths, and flights of stairs end at the ceiling. The hostess tried in this way to drive away evil spirits from the house, which, in her opinion, took the lives of loved ones.

An inattentive visitor risks breaking his neck by breaking through windows built into the floor, or falling out onto the street through a door that opens outward. A frightening labyrinth of 150 rooms with dead ends and secret passages is recognized as one of the most mysterious mansions in the world. Residents of San Jose (California) believe that the spirits living there are still rushing about in search of a ghostly exit.

What else to visit in the city?

The Museum of Science and Technology is located in the very center of the metropolis. Its exhibitions will tell you how modern technologies affect people's lives.

The art museum, which harmoniously fits into the landscape of the city of the future, was previously a small gallery where the works of fashionable artists were exhibited, and now it is the largest center of contemporary art.

The 13-year-old M. L. King Library offers visitors free access to state-of-the-art multimedia resources. And the snow-white building is a real architectural masterpiece.

The Egyptian Rosicrucian Museum is a genuine treasury containing unique artifacts of Ancient Egypt.

The Museum of Patchwork and Textiles is interesting because it is the only institution of its kind in America. Every three months the collections are replenished with the most interesting specimens.

According to all tourists who have visited a state like California, the city of San Jose lives in the future, and that is where the thoughts of local residents are directed. Even among friends, all conversations are about high technology. And as long as they exist, the metropolis will occupy a leading position in the field of innovative technologies for a long time.

Hello, dear friends! Now let's move to the other side of the globe to a tiny village...

“Today is one of those days in which you want to stay forever... Very rarely, but there are moments in life that you want to stop, forget about time and seconds slipping through your fingers, leave only this moment, this sea, this sand and these incredibly blue eyes ..."

On the day this LJ entry was made, I swam in the azure waves until sunset, naively believing that I was saying goodbye to the Caribbean Sea for many years. The very next day, an old school bus rushed along the Costa Rican serpentines, and my heart sank and shuddered, anticipating a meeting with one of the most unpleasant capitals of Latin America, which is the capital of Costa Rica, the city of San Jose.

The picture above, as you might have guessed, shows... No, not a prison, but an ordinary secondary school in a favorable area San Jose - capital of Costa Rica.

But you know, we often see only what we want to see, and at that time I really wanted to see a beautiful modern city that would dispel all the negative myths. And so it happened. San Jose turned out to be amazing!

So, let’s dispel the myths about San Jose Costa Rica

Myth 1. San Jose is huge and dirty.
According to my observation, there is no more garbage on the streets than in Minsk; the population of the agglomeration is only about 1 million people.

Myth 2: San Jose has terrible weather. It's hot, stuffy and impossible to breathe because of the smog.

Probably those who say this have never been to.

The capital of Costa Rica is located at an altitude of 1170 m above sea level, so the climate here is favorable - the temperature even during the rainy season fluctuates around 25-30 degrees, unlike the coastal regions of the country, where it is really humid and terribly hot. Old buses are driving around the city, emitting black clouds of smoke. This is a problem, but the air is quite suitable for comfortable breathing.

Myth 3. Residents of the capital are rude and unfriendly.

This is the case when how you relate to the world is how it treats you. In general, Costa Ricans are sweet souls, bunnies and sweethearts. Everyone is ready to help, suggest, show, just chat. The advantage is that many people speak English.

Myth 4. There is nothing for tourists to do there.
This can be said about any city on earth. San Jose is a lot like a big Eastern European city, but a little rougher. The historical center has many beautiful buildings, pedestrian streets, shopping malls, small parks, full of shops and very nice churches.

It gives the impression that the local population is open-minded. Lingerie stores and sex shops are on almost every corner. As in any other capital, life here is in full swing. I really liked the rhythm of the city.

Time in San Jose lags behind Moscow by 10 hours.

Sights of San Jose

Avenida Central- a pedestrian street, which is the epicenter of all the shops and restaurants. You can buy inexpensive clothes, shoes and souvenirs.

Mercado Central is the central market, located in a large yellow building on Avenida Central. An ideal place to fill the empty space of backpacks or suitcases with souvenirs, as well as try local delicacies. To bargain at the market, you will need Spanish, otherwise you are unlikely to get any discounts.

El Pueblo- the center of nightlife. This is where most restaurants, discos and karaoke bars are located

National Theater of Costa Rica (Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica)- the best architectural landmark of the country.

San Pedro Mall- one of the largest piers in Central America.

National Center for Art and Culture- this huge museum houses an entire block of houses and offices of the Ministry of Culture, several theaters and the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design.

Gold Museum (‘Museo del Oro’) located on the Plaza de la Cultura and houses an extensive collection of pre-Columbian gold. The ticket price includes a visit to the Numismatics Museum, where rare coins and banknotes are kept, as well as a visit to the art gallery.

Museum of Art of Costa Rica houses an exhibition of 3,200 national treasures of the country, and there is also a sculpture park with works by Francisco Zuniga and Jorge Jimenez. Many people combine a trip to the museum with a walk around Savana Park(Parque Metropolitano La Sabana) is the largest and most important urban park in Costa Rica.

The capital of Costa Rica, the city of San Jose, photo center:

Hotels, apartments in San Jose Costa Rica

According to the already established tradition, we stayed in a private mansion through booking.

Unfortunately, that room is no longer for rent, but on the Internet there are many other options in the center for reasonable money.

Hostel prices in San Jose fluctuate between $8-15 per night in a dorm and from $22 for a single.

Hotel prices in San Jose start from $40-50 for a double and higher if the hotel is in the city center, and there is no point in staying far from the center.

How to get to San Jose from Puerto Viejo and Cahuita

By bus from the terminal, a ticket from Cahuita costs 4,750 colones ($9.5). Bus at 7.00, 8.00 and further according to schedule. There are only 6 buses a day, all going through the city of Limon. The journey takes 4 hours from Puerto Viejo and 3 and a half hours from Cahuita. Bus schedules can be checked on the website

By the way, this is me in San Jose. I drink out of grief. I’ll tell you in the next post what kind of grief it was, and why I had to stay in San Jose for 8 days.

How are you doing? If anyone is interested, my experiment with vegetarianism continues. I still don’t eat meat, and it’s surprising that I don’t want it at all. I went to a alumni meeting on Saturday, and there were plates of cold cuts and meat salads on all sides. I didn’t even touch it, but before I would have cracked it all off in about two minutes. But I eat kilograms of avocados.

It’s interesting that in Mexico this fruit did not evoke any special feelings, but now I specifically go out into the cold to get unripe, half-frozen fruits native to Brazil. I also pop pomegranates with buckwheat, it seems to contain iron.

I must say, it is very interesting to conduct this kind of experiment. I used to consider meat an integral part of my life, but it turned out that even such an immutable element as this can easily be removed without any particular inconvenience.

And please write me something good in the comments. Well, that everything will work out, or that one day I, too, will look at Chinese skyscrapers from a bird's eye view, sitting on a black leather sofa... Today this is very relevant. :)

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      • GardenerWilly

San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, is a small, cozy and very beautiful city. Many of those who have visited this picturesque town at least once compare it to a colorful picture come to life. Skyscrapers and high-rise buildings are rare here, and the height of most hotels and houses does not exceed five floors.

The inhabitants of this fabulous city make up approximately half of the population of the entire country. Moreover, they are always friendly and hospitable towards foreigners, and are also distinguished by tolerance and tolerance.

In general, San Jose is a place where untouched nature and modern civilization amazingly combine. From anywhere in the city you can see tobacco and coffee plantations, as well as majestic mountains.

Who should go to San Jose? The answer is simple: absolutely everyone. Even the most demanding traveler will enjoy this heavenly corner of the planet.

province of San Jose


309,700 people (2005)

Population density

6940 people/km 2


UTC-5 in summer

Postal code

International dialing code

Climate and weather

San Jose has a subequatorial climate, but here it is milder. The rainy season lasts from the second half of April to November; from December to March precipitation falls much less frequently. There are no clearly defined seasons here, and weather conditions depend on the direction of the prevailing winds. On average, the air temperature in this region ranges from +19 to +27 °C.

The best time to travel to San Jose is considered to be from mid-December to July.


The city of San Jose is located in the heart of Costa Rica and lies on a mountain plateau, at an altitude of 1170 m above sea level. San Jose, like its surroundings, has an incredible diversity of flora and fauna, and just a short distance away is Poas volcano, which is one of the most popular and visited natural attractions in the country. Also 90 km from the city is the largest lake in the country - Arenal.


San Jose is a city with a long history that carefully preserves the monuments of the past. The appearance of San Jose is an original mixture of a variety of styles and movements - from traditional Spanish buildings to ultra-modern modernist architecture. The main place of the city, which serves as the departure point for most excursions, is Democracy Square. Next to it, there are numerous old narrow streets with many small markets and restaurants. Another, no less beautiful square of San Jose has become Plaza de la Cultura, next to which are located Gold Museum, ICT Information Center and National Theater, famous for its magnificent pink marble finish.

The building is of great interest to city visitors Atlantic Station(1907), within the walls of which is located National Railway Museum. The most memorable building in the city is considered National Palace, made in the best traditions of the Moorish style. Well, the main religious attraction of San Jose has become a luxurious Cathedral (Catedral), next to which there is a large Central Park.

Among other interesting attractions it is worth highlighting ICE and INS skyscrapers, the buildings of the Legislative Assembly and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Paseo Colon commercial area, the Aurora Hotel tower and colorful Mercado Central market.

In addition, San Jose can boast of a huge number of interesting museums:

  • National Museum at the Bella Vista Fortress;
  • Museum of Art;
  • Jade Museum;
  • Insect Museum;
  • Museum of Philately;
  • Museum of Press History;
  • Museum of Forensic Science and many others.

There are also several notable places in the vicinity of the city. Tourists show particular interest in Poas volcano, ancient Spanish Fortin fortress And La Guacima Butterfly Farm.


San Jose has a wide variety of restaurants, eateries and sidewalk cafes, serving every cuisine from around the world. However, establishments offering the national menu of Costa Rica are especially popular among tourists. Such places most often serve fresh vegetable salads and bean soup sopa-negro, stewed meat with vegetables picadillo, pies arreglados and a dish casados(a mixture of black beans, rice and vegetables) that goes great with beef or chicken.

Also worth trying are the corn tortillas tortillas, corn pancakes chorreados, boiled or toasted corn cobs and meat puff pasties empanadas. In addition, local chefs prepare excellent seafood dishes: baked fish a la plancha, seafood paella, shells end and sea bass corvina.

Well, as a dessert, it is recommended to try local fruits: mango, papaya and passion fruit, as well as mamones, anona and maranone seeds, the taste of which is reminiscent of cashew nuts. Moreover, fruits here are consumed not only as an independent dish, but also in combination with a variety of additives. In addition, they are used to prepare soft drinks ( refresco) and milkshakes ( sebada, pinolillo And horchata). You can’t help but try the local coffee, which has long been recognized as one of the best in the world. Moreover, they drink it here very often, but from very small cups.

Among alcoholic beverages, the most common is Costa Rican rum, the best varieties of which have an excellent reputation all over the world. In addition, you should definitely try the local light beer, as well as the creamy coffee liqueur and liqueur " Cachique».


Most hotels in San Jose range from one to three stars, so you can easily find a budget accommodation option here. Mostly such establishments are located near the airport. Of these, we can first of all recommend Adventure, where there is a sports bar, restaurant, jacuzzi and gym (from $90 for a double room); B&B Tambo Mundo, from whose windows you can see the Irazu volcano (from $40) and Hemingway Inn, located in a large mansion (from $40 for a double room).

You can truly enjoy relaxation and luxury in upscale four- and five-star hotels: Costa Rica Marriott Hotel(from $126) or Radisson Hotel San Jose(from $117). It is also recommended to pay attention to the hotel Doubletree Cariari By Hilton, which is famous for its ideal service and magnificent rooms ($90-230), hotel Finca Rosa Blanca, surrounded by exotic vegetation ($160-240 for a double room), and a hotel Grano de Oro, whose signature features are secluded atriums, marble fountains and lush tropical vegetation (from $119).

Entertainment and relaxation

San Jose is distinguished not only by its hospitable atmosphere, but also by a large selection of entertainment, as well as a series of colorful holidays. Try to get to Fiesta Del Fin del Aco: musical and theatrical performances, colorful masquerades and processions impress absolutely all guests of the city. No less impressive is the Festival of Lights, dedicated to the celebration of Christmas. It is also necessary to note such city holiday events as Orchid Festival And Dance festival.

Fans of hiking and outdoor activities will love this place in San Jose. For example, an excellent place for such a pastime is the local national park, where you can appreciate the diversity of the local flora and fauna. In addition, this park hosts concerts and a variety of entertainment events on weekends. Well, for serene rest and relaxation, a park is more suitable Parque La Sabana. The natural reserve is recognized as the most interesting place Spirogyra Butterfly Garden, the main inhabitants of which are beautiful tropical butterflies. Available in San Jose Simon Bolivar Zoo, whose main pride was its huge collection of parrots.

For sports lovers, the city has several high-quality sports centers, and in its surroundings there are excellent golf centers. It's also worth checking out the wellness center Kasasana or spa center Del Rio Spa. In addition, San Jose has excellent amusement parks: Pueblo Antiguo And Costa Rica Fun Adventures.

The nightlife of the city is no less intense, as there are many clubs and bars open here, where noisy parties take place every day.


Shops in San Jose, as well as throughout the country, have relatively low prices, so the city is very popular among shopping connoisseurs. First of all, it is recommended to take a walk along the pedestrian boulevard, which is located in the city center. This is where the most interesting shops and souvenir shops are located, as well as shopping center Multiplaza, in whose pavilions you can find almost any product - from cosmetics to musical instruments. It is also worth visiting El Pueblo shopping center, where there are many small souvenir shops, and souvenir Boutique Annemarie store located in the hall Hotel Don Carlos. No less remarkable Mercado Artesania market, whose vendors offer a variety of delicacies and unique handicrafts.

The selection of souvenirs in all stores is simply huge: painted wooden masks, handmade ceramics, beach hammocks, rosewood boxes, colorful scarves and T-shirts, Indian figurines, jewelry made of coral and semi-precious stones, as well as liqueurs and spices. However, the main purchase, without which not a single tourist leaves here, is excellent coffee, which has long become famous throughout the world. It is recommended to buy it only in beans and only in specialized stores that guarantee the excellent quality of the product.

Payment for purchases is made in US dollars or credit cards. You can only bargain in markets, since prices in most stores are fixed.


From San Jose Airport to the central part of the city you can take a bus (about $1) or a taxi ($20-25), and the trip lasts approximately 15-20 minutes.

City public transport is represented by buses, which are convenient and reliable. They run quite often and stop anywhere on request. The fare depends on the length of the trip and the type of bus, but almost never exceeds $1.

Taxi services in San Jose are cheap, but you need to know some of the intricacies of their operation. For example, the estimated cost of the trip should not be less than $1 (500 colones). It is also useless for taxi drivers to tell the address; it is better to indicate the nearest institution known in the city.

It is very convenient to get around San Jose by bicycle, and you can buy a used bicycle here for mere pennies.


In San Jose, telephone service is of excellent quality. For calls within and outside the country, it is recommended to use pay phones: this is the most economical option here. Calls are made using a plastic card, which can be purchased at any large store or newsstand.

Cellular communications operate in the GSM 1800/3G standard and cover the entire territory of the country. The roaming service is available to subscribers of all major operators.

Internet access is available in almost all hotels. There are also public Internet cafes in San Jose ($1.5 per hour).

Business climate

According to many leading analysts, San Jose has the highest economic growth and potential of any city in Latin America. This is primarily due to the fact that transfers of funds associated with any investment are not limited in any way. In addition, in San Jose, as in all of Costa Rica, there is no requirement to register investments and there are no restrictions on the reinvestment of profits and capital.

Moreover, Costa Rica has achieved high international standards in the protection of intellectual property rights. So it's no surprise that international companies such as Intel, Procter & Gamble, Oracle and Ad Astra Rocket are based in San Jose.

Real estate

According to a number of experts, over the past ten years the real estate market in San Jose has been characterized by unprecedented dynamics and is in constant demand, and is currently experiencing a real boom.

This is due to the fact that the lion's share of construction and sales of local real estate falls on large American, Canadian and European investors. A favorable business climate and the development of tourism also play a significant role in this issue. Moreover, if commercial real estate here is quite expensive, then housing has quite affordable prices ($50,000-300,000 per house).


No vaccinations are required to travel to San Jose, but malaria prevention is recommended. Tap water is considered safe, although bottled water should be used during the acclimatization period.

As for the criminal situation and tourist safety, the answer is ambiguous. On the one hand, San Jose is considered a fairly calm and friendly city, but hospitality only works in the central area, as well as in popular tourist areas. You should not go to the outskirts of the city: there is nothing interesting there, but there is a risk of becoming a victim of a scammer or robber.

Guests of San Jose must remember that in Costa Rica there is a law according to which every person, including tourists, must always carry with them some form of identification document (preferably a copy).

Also in Costa Rica there is no VAT refund procedure, so all services and goods here are subject to commercial tax (15%), and the so-called “ tourist tax" (4 %).

The Pre-Columbian Gold Museum is located in the heart of San Jose, next to the central bank. Its name speaks for itself - almost all of the museum’s exhibits are made of gold and date back to Indian times. It is worth noting that at first all the golden artifacts found by archaeologists were stored in a jar, but their number constantly grew and eventually they required a separate room. So the decision was made to build a special museum.

Everything here is unusual: from the exhibits to the museum building itself, which is located underground. All three of its floors go to a depth of twelve meters, and the structure is made in the shape of a pyramid.

Now the museum boasts a collection that exceeds a thousand gold items. Among them are Indian jewelry, amulets, animal figurines and even erotic figurines. Many products were made in the first centuries of our era.

Perhaps the largest gold sculpture is a life-size sculpture of a warrior. At the same time, the media does not mention a single case of an attack on a museum or an attempt to rob it.

Adjacent to the “gold exhibition” is the Numismatics Museum, which displays the first Costa Rican coin from 1825, as well as banknotes issued during the time when the Spaniards conquered Latin America.

The museum is open from Tuesday to Saturday from nine o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the evening. Adult tickets cost $8.

Coordinates: 9.93350300,-84.07667400

Thermal springs Tabakon

The thermal springs of Tabacon are located in the north of Costa Rica, thirteen kilometers west of the city of La Fortuna. The water in these springs is heated by volcanic activity, and in the hottest ponds the temperature can reach 42 degrees Celsius.

The comfortable Tabacon Spa hotel is located near the springs

Coordinates: 10.34243600,-83.95840000

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Braulio Carrillo National Park

Braulio Carrillo National Park is a protected environmental area located northeast of the capital of Costa Rica, the city of San Jose. The park was founded in 1978 and was named in honor of the country's former president.

Braulio Carrillo covers an area of ​​approximately 44,000 hectares, with most of the area being high mountains covered in tropical rainforest. The extinct volcanoes Cerro Negro Cacho and Cerros las Tres Marias are also a beautiful sight.

The fauna and flora of the reserve are distinguished by stunning biodiversity. Due to the strong differences in altitude above sea level, both mountain flora and fauna and lowland species are found in the park. There are more than 600 species of trees alone.

Thus, Braulio Carrillo is a real paradise for eco-tourists and simple lovers of wild, untouched nature. To admire all this beauty, the park has convenient cable cars - the so-called “aerial tram”. More than twenty trails run above the reserve, offering wonderful views of pristine tropical forests.

Coordinates: 10.15990000,-83.97442500

Rincon de la Vieja is an active layered volcano located in Costa Rica, twenty-five kilometers north of Liberia (the capital of the province of Guanacaste). Around the volcano there is a vast national park with a similar name - Rincon de la Vieja.

The height of the volcano is almost two kilometers; from its top there is a wonderful view of Lake Nicaragua and the Gulf of St. Helena. At the foot of the volcano there are many thermal springs that are sure to attract all tourists visiting Costa Rica.

The natural park surrounding the volcano is a very picturesque place. Here you can find the rarest tropical flower - the purple orchid, and there are more than three hundred species of birds alone. Rincon de la Vieja Park is excellent for active recreation - the administration conducts regular educational excursions through the jungle, organizes horseback riding and rafting along mountain rivers. Well, the volcano itself is a wonderful place for mountaineering lovers.

Coordinates: 10.83000000,-85.32388800

Manuel Antonio National Park

Manuel Antonio National Park is a small national park located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. In 2011, it was included in the list of 12 most beautiful national parks compiled by Forbes magazine.

The park was founded in 1972 to preserve it for future generations. Despite its small size of 16.2 square kilometers, it is one of the most beautiful and biologically diverse places in the world. The enchanting combination of rainforest, exotic beaches and coral reefs attracts 150,000 visitors annually.

The park is inhabited by various fauna. 109 species of mammals live here, including monkeys, squirrels, iguanas, and sloths. There are also 184 species of birds and many reptiles, including millions of crabs that inhabit the coast.

Coordinates: 9.40054500,-84.13837900

Numismatics and Pre-Columbian Gold Museums

The Museums of Numismatics and Pre-Columbian Gold brought together under one roof two thematic museums that are in one way or another connected with money. The number of exhibits in both was constantly increasing, as a result of which it was decided to update the exhibitions and open them to a wide range of viewers. In 2002, the new integrated modern museum literally stunned guests with the riches on display.

First of all, the Museum of Numismatics and Pre-Columbian Gold presents examples of gold objects from the Pre-Columbian era - jewelry, ritual accessories and whole ingots. The exhibits clearly illustrate the era preceding the arrival of the conquistadors. The halls display not just the country’s gold reserves, but also the historical heritage preserved in objects made of precious metal. Most of the ancient tribal art was melted down into tatty ingots during the Conquest. But in the museum you can see miraculously surviving statues of gods made of gold.

The numismatic collection is presented to the public in the main hall and is designed as a gallery. Here you can see the entire history of the Costa Rican currency, reflected in coins and banknotes.

Coordinates: 9.93368200,-84.07649500

Cerro San Jose Cliff

Cerro San Jose or Cerro de la Muerte is the highest point in Costa Rica. It is also called “Mountain of Death”, due to the difficulty of climbing the mountain and the death of many of its first conquerors.

Today, the mountain is easily accessible for climbing, as it is located next to the Pan-American Highway. There is a high temperature contrast on the mountain - at night it can drop below zero, and during the day it can be enough to put you at risk of heatstroke.

The territory of the mountain itself and the surrounding area is rich in vegetation and representatives of the animal world. Here you can also find dwarf bamboo, tree fern, blueberries, gooseberries and others. You can also find many species of birds on the mountain.

Next to the mountain is the Albergue Mirador de Quetzales restaurant, which you can visit after traveling along the mountain.

Coordinates: 9.56668500,-83.75003100

Arenal National Reserve

Arenal National Park offers a variety of interesting sites, including the active Arenal Volcano, several waterfalls, and the variety of animals and birds that inhabit the park.

The park covers an area of ​​80 square kilometers and includes 8 ecological zones of Costa Rica, including the country's largest lake. The main attraction is one of the most active volcanoes in the world - Arenal. Despite the fact that the last eruption was in 1968, smoke can still be seen coming out of the volcano's cone, and lava flows at night.

In addition to the volcano, the park has many beautiful and interesting places. For example, the La Fortuna and Pino Blanco waterfalls, near which there are observation platforms, and you can swim below. Also, during your stay in the park you can see various animals, birds and fish.

And while visiting the Indian village of Maleku, you can get acquainted with their culture and buy handmade souvenirs.

Coordinates: 10.46418000,-84.72215700

National Stadium of Costa Rica

The National Stadium of Costa Rica is the first multi-purpose sports arena built in Central America. The stadium with a capacity of 35 thousand spectators was built in 2011 with funds from the Chinese government.

The stadium has a modern design. There are huge television screens hanging on it. The stadium has a sports museum and gyms for fencing and table tennis.

The stadium is the home stadium of the Costa Rican national football team.

Coordinates: 9.93738100,-84.10727600

Orosi Valley

The Orosi Valley is a piece of paradise in Costa Rica. Its expanses stretch for many kilometers and are covered with a green carpet of silky grass, flowers and shrubs. The gentle, cool climate makes it possible to grow delicious coffee in the valley, varieties of which are highly valued among lovers of this noble drink. Costa Ricans like to call this place a piece of land where spring always reigns.

It's always quiet and peaceful here. Enjoying nature and the aromas of plants, you can literally meditate for hours and gain strength. The valley opens with views of the Reventazon River, and if you walk further, you can come out on the shore of the mirror-like Lake Cachi, carefully surrounded by mountain slopes covered with Spanish moss and coniferous bushes. You will remember this view for many years.

For history buffs, in the town of the same name there is a museum of the history of religion and antiquities, as well as an ancient church.

The name "Orosi" was given to the valley and the town in honor of the leader of the Huetar Indian tribe. This area is famous for its fertile soils and ideal climate, thanks to which the valley has not left anyone indifferent for many years.

Coordinates: 9.79999100,-83.84988800

National Theater in San Jose

Since its founding, the National Theater of Costa Rica has become a source of pride for every resident of this wonderful country, because the building was built with taxes, which were regularly paid by the local population. The idea to build your own opera house and join the world cultural arena arose in the nineteenth century among the coffee magnates of Costa Rica. The dream was realized in 1897.

The construction of the theater, both inside and outside, amazes with its pomp and chic. Thus, the floor in the lobby is made in Baroque style from Carrara marble with bronze trim. 22.5 carat gold plating was used as decoration. There, all guests are greeted by a statue of the master Pietro Bulgarelia, depicting the muses. The chandeliers colorfully depict noon, night and sunrise. The theater premises are decorated with paintings and frescoes telling the history of the state. So you can walk through its corridors as if you were walking through a museum.

The theater's auditorium seats more than a thousand people. Its shape is curious - the creators saw the hall in the shape of a horseshoe. As for the repertoire, it is varied; his troupe often delights its audience with interesting premieres.

There is a cozy coffee shop next to the theater.

Coordinates: 9.93313300,-84.07699600

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