The city of Perth is the capital of the Australian Territory. Australia. Beaches. Which is better

Perth is a young modern city, the capital of Western Australia. The city was founded by the English lieutenant James Stirling in 1829. Bringing new settlers here on his ship Parmelia, he protected these lands from French colonization. Perth has long been a small town and its population was in danger of extinction. Due to the significant remoteness from the entire steel world, the influx of labor to Perth was very weak, so in the first half of the 17th century, convicts often had to be brought into this area.

However, life in the city changed dramatically when gold deposits were discovered in the vicinity of Perth in the 1890s. The city boomed, and in just a decade its population grew sixfold. Global changes have also taken place in the appearance of Perth. Numerous skyscrapers were built, which to this day are the offices of the country's largest mining companies. There are also many old colonial-style houses left, giving the city its charm. The city is the main operating center of the mining industry, which owns the world's largest discovered deposits of nickel and gold. The world's largest diamond-bearing region, Kimberly, is the main competitor of the Yakutian diamond deposit.

Perth has a very extraordinary nature - the preserved centuries-old giant trees "Karri" amaze with their majesty. To the north of the city, in the Nambung National Park, is the Pinnacles petrified forest, which gives the impression of an alien settlement. The origin of this forest remains a mystery. It is generally accepted that these blocks were formed from sea shells at the bottom of the ocean that once splashed here. According to the same version, these blocks periodically hide in the sand and are exposed again, which explains why this miracle was discovered only in 1960.

Speaking of Pinnacle, one cannot fail to mention another grandiose creation of Australian nature - 340 km from the city there is a truly wonderful sculpture, carved by the forces of nature in the red sandstone rock “Stone Wave» (Wave Rock). The wave reaches 15 meters in height and 110 meters in length and changes its color during the day depending on the lighting.

One of the main attractions of Perth is a relatively young tower - Swan Bell Tower. This tallest glass bell tower in the world was built in 2000. It is surrounded by copper sails and has a very majestic appearance. The tower has 18 bells, 12 of which were donated to the city by the English Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields on the day of the Australian Bicentennial. The bells date back to the 14th century. In the tower there is a museum exposition dedicated to bells, you can also watch the bell ringers at work through the glass floor of the second level of the tower. Near the tower is the Swan River boardwalk with restaurants, marinas and pleasure boats.

Perth has a mild maritime climate with long hot summers and cool winters. It rarely rains here, and the sun shines, on average, 8 hours a day. In summer, dry, very hot days are softened by evening breezes from the Indian Ocean. The sea winds, here called the "healer of Fremantle", bring coolness and freshness to Perth. The water in the ocean does not warm up as well as on the east coast, the average summer temperature of the ocean is 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, despite a noticeable cooling (up to 18 degrees Celsius) and possible showers, there is still a lot of sun in the city.

To the southwest of Perth, you can see many endless flowering fields, attracting travelers not only from Australia, but from all over the world with their diversity. IN Margaret river valley is one of the largest wine-growing regions of the country. White wine "Sauvignon Blanc" (Sauvignon Blanc) has become famous all over the world for its exquisite taste and alluring aroma.

Have you been to this place and blogged about it?

Perth City Aquarium

The aquarium in Perth was built in 1988 and was originally called Underwater World. In the 1990s, it was purchased by the current owners, who later renamed it AQWA. It is a family business and the current owners specialize in designing similar structures around the world.

10 Jun 2014, 08:08

Perth & Swan Valley

Today there will be a story about a brief stay in Perth and, of course, the Swan Valley - Western Australia's number one destination for lovers of wine, beer and various delicacies.

kaihopara , Apr 3, 2014, 09:56 AM

Destination Perth

The place where the city of Perth was founded, at the mouth of a wide river, was inhabited by the natives for more than 40 thousand years ago. It is believed that the first people came from the North and settled in the vast territories adjacent to the coast, and as far as science is known, there was even some kind of seasonal migration of the natives - in winter, when it became cold on the coast, the natives migrated to the interior.

25 Jul 2013, 07:13

Western Australia

Most of Australia's 23 million population is concentrated on the coast of the ocean, and cities such as Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane were laid in close proximity to the ocean, which served as the main route for delivering provisions, equipment and convicts to the new colony. Adelaide and Darwin are also seaside cities, major ports. No exception and the capital of Western Australia 1.8-millionth Perth, located at the mouth of the Swan River and in the surrounding areas of the coast of the Indian Ocean.

May 30, 2013 02:35 am

Perth, Fremantle

I don't even know what to tell about Perth. A typical large city is a CBD with skyscrapers, arcades of shops, parks and a port. Nothing special, memorable and distinguishing it from other cities.

happy-yozhik , 15 Apr 2013, 03:22

Perth beaches

Perth is famous for its beaches, and the reason for this is clear: Perth and its beaches are located on the west coast of Australia, and the sun hides right into the ocean (Indian Ocean) - there is definitely something to see. In the evening, you can get comfortable on the beach, taking a basket of goodies with you, and then at sunset, enjoy leisurely conversations while admiring the beauty of the setting sun.

nataly-vlad , 22 Mar 2012, 21:07

Perth and its Royal Park

Kings Park (or Royal Park) is a favorite and very popular place for both tourists and locals in Perth. Kings Park is located in such a way that its observation decks offer wonderful panoramic views of the central part of Perth - its business city with tall buildings, as well as the Swan River or Swan River.

nataly-vlad , 19 Mar 2012, 21:39

Perth Now. CHOGM.

From October 28 to October 30, our city will host a convention of heads of state united by the British flag - the so-called CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting). Of course, Her Majesty Elizabeth II will also come. This event is very significant for the city, since CHOGM is held only once every two years and always in a new place, so the city is already very clean and beautiful, now it is just beautiful.

natasha-e , 25 Oct 2011, 01:49

Whiteman Park in Perth

Whiteman Park is located north of Perth Airport and covers an area of ​​4,000 hectares. The park is named after Lew Whiteman, who owned most of the park's land.

dane-mo , 13 Aug 2011, 07:22

Perth and Fremantle

When planning this trip, I decided to fulfill my old dream - to drive across Australia along (ie from west to east) and across (ie from south to north). For the first part of my plan, I chose the Indian Pacific Express, a train that crosses the continent from west to east and back again from Perth through Adelaide to Sydney.

etceterini , 2 Jul 2011, 09:45

A bit of Perth in May

It so happened that this time we observed Perth mainly from above. We spent the first night at the hotel, which is part of the Burswood casino complex. When we woke up in the morning, we found this view in the windows of our room.

melbaa , 21 Jun 2011, 19:15


Over the weekend we went to the city of Mandurah, which is an hour's drive from Perth. Late autumn there is represented by bright colors, but more green anyway, of course. First of all, we went to the "Mini-village". We love all things miniature...

natasha-e , 19 May 2011, 06:26

farm show

After close contact with kangaroos and other animals, Max really wanted to go to the show. He fell in love with this word at the Bulgarian resort "Dunes" since last summer. And everyone was waiting for them to dance, but there were no dances :)

natasha-e , 30 Apr 2011, 03:44

One happy Australian day

Yesterday we were in a place where you want to return again and again, where you don’t want to leave at all, where you are happy every minute. I really love places where you can pet animals, feed them, play with them...

natasha-e , 27 Apr 2011, 04:08

South Fremantle. Abandoned power plant

In the area of ​​South Fremantle on the ocean there is an abandoned power plant - a huge complex that stopped working several decades ago. For Australia, this is a unique object. This is due to the fact that all old objects are disassembled and destroyed, but this one is worth it.

dane-mo , 11 Oct 2010, 08:13

A trip to the bookstore, Perth

Today some more photos of the center of Perth. There is also a bookstore on campus, but I didn’t know about it yet, so I went to the center. Yes, and just had free time, I wanted to unwind, take some pictures. This is usually the case here, especially on weekends - whichever bus comes first, you go on this one, because the next one can be in half an hour. Some go to the train station, some go straight to the center. At that time, I got the one that was immediately in the center.

Aug 15, 2010 07:55 AM

Curtin University of Technology

Curtin is in a suburb of Perth called Bentley. You can get here by bus or by train, it takes about 35 minutes. Buses in Perth do not stop everywhere. To get out, you need to signal the driver by pressing the button. Stops are not announced, so you need to know approximately where you are going. It's simple, because at each stop there is a bus schedule and a map of which route goes where.

27 Jun 2010, 12:00 pm

trip to the beach part 2

Last time we stopped near the entrance to the station. Today is a continuation. All public transport in the city is operated by one company. Because of this, when buying a ticket for a bus, train or ferry, with the same ticket you can go to any other train, bus or ferry in the city within 2 hours. The center and suburbs are divided into zones - the farther from the center, the larger the zone number and the higher the ticket price. So far, it turns out that all trips are inside the first zone, so the ticket costs 2.

27 Jun 2010 09:36

trip to the beach

I got a little tired of doing nothing and going to the university, and last Thursday I decided to finally get to one of the many beaches located in the suburbs of the city of Perth, Western Australia. It is worth starting with the fact that normal people in Australia have cars. Therefore, in principle, you can go to any nearby beach. By and large, wherever there is a sea, there is a beach, except for marinas for boats and yachts. That is, if there was a car, it would be possible to get to the coast in 20 minutes.

25 Jun 2010, 15:04

City cemetery and its inhabitants

Visiting Australia and not seeing a kangaroo is like visiting Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower. If you happen to be in Perth, then the closest place to the city center where you can find these cute animals is the Pinaroo Valey Memorial Park city cemetery.

dane-mo , 22 Mar 2010, 03:27 pm


Fremantle is on the opposite side of the Swan River from Perth. You can get here by metro or bus. The most famous places: the local old prison, the grave where Bon Scott (AC / DC) lies, the historical museum, the maritime museum and other attractions. It's a pretty nice and peaceful place to visit.

dane-mo , 19 Mar 2010, 05:04

First day in Australia

Despite the rather early arrival, I was met by Anya - a sweet, thin girl who took me to Perth, home to Jeff - her boyfriend. I met Anya and Jeff in Moscow while working in a hostel. I remember how Anya showed me on Google Maps her house in Perth and the bars where she goes and where the rock clubs are.

dane-mo , 16 Mar 2010, 11:16

Report. Perth. December 11-20, 2009.

Katya, our fighting friend, was leaving for her homeland, to / to Ukraine. Katya is a traveler with us and even finally persuaded Zhenya and me (well, she didn’t even persuade us, we ourselves, of course, wanted to) to visit Perth, from where she flew away.

Perth is the capital of Western Australia. It is located in the southwestern part of the mainland on the coast of the Indian Ocean. Perth is one of the five most populous cities in the country. About 1 million 200 thousand people live here. The weather in the city corresponds to the Mediterranean climate. Perth is a rapidly developing city, one of the main economic centers of the country. The most developed are mining, oil refining, chemical and food industries. Deposits of gold, nickel and diamonds have been discovered and developed here. Nevertheless, Perth has established itself not only as an industrial center, but also as a major resort, attracting tourists from all over the world with its beauties.

The peculiarity of the city is the amazing unique nature, preserved due to the unique weather conditions. South of Perth stretch endless flower fields, and grow rare giant curry trees. To the north of the city is the Nambang National Park, where in the middle of the lifeless desert are Pinnacles - the remains of a petrified forest, representing a fantastic unearthly picture.

Hikers will be interested in the quiet streets and noisy avenues of the city, where you can see ancient buildings next to modern skyscrapers, picturesque park areas near industrial areas and built-up embankments. The city is distinguished by an abundance of boutiques, salons, restaurants where you can taste fresh seafood created according to secret national recipes, drink a glass of wine made in the world-famous vineyards in the town of Swan Valley. Little tourists will be delighted by the AQWA Oceanarium, located near the city, whose underwater tunnels will introduce you to the life of the inhabitants of the underwater depths, the beauties of coral reefs. There is a huge zoo in the center of Perth, where African and Australian animals live, there are a lot of attractions and entertainment. The coastal zone of the city impresses with its cleanliness and endless sandy beaches. Fans of outdoor activities and extreme sports can go diving, surfing, canoeing, and fishing here.

Those wishing to get acquainted with the culture of Perth will be interested in excursions to the Gallery of Fine Arts, the Anthropological Museum and the Museum of Western Australia. The presented expositions will tell about the history of the state, the cultural traditions of the local population, the peculiarities of life, the work of local artists and sculptors.

At night, the city sparkles with the lights of numerous restaurants, cafes, clubs, art bars, and casinos. The West Perth and Northbridge districts are rightfully considered centers of nightlife, where the doors of cheerful discos and stylish establishments offering a rich program are thrown open at every step.

Holidays in Perth will be appreciated by both energetic youth and couples with children. Even the most sophisticated and demanding tourist will enjoy the beauty and entertainment of this amazing city.

Perth is the largest city and capital of the state of Western Australia, located in the southwest of Australia on the Indian Ocean. The population of the city is 1.658 million people (2010). Perth is the fourth largest city in Australia after Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. About 75% of the population of the entire state of Western Australia lives in Perth. Coordinates: 31°57′11″ S sh. 115°51′32″ E e. Time zone: UTC+8, UTC+9 in summer.

Perth Map

History of Perth

Before the arrival of Europeans, the Noungars lived on the lands of the present city. When Europeans first encountered the local natives, they called these territories Burlu. In 1697, the team of Captain Willem D "Vlaming was the first to set foot on these lands.

Perth was founded in June 1829 by James Stirling. From the moment of its foundation to the present day, the city has shown a steady trend towards development. In 1962, Perth was nicknamed the "City of Lights", as all the inhabitants turned on the light when the Friendship 7 spacecraft flew over them. In the 60s, large deposits of gold were discovered, which gave the city's economy a new impetus to development.

Perth today

Perth is a major port on the west coast of the continent. It is also an important railway junction. On the territory of the city there are: cement, oil refinery and shipbuilding plants, enterprises of the textile, food and chemical industries. According to 2010 statistics, Perth was ranked eighth in the list of the best cities to live in.

The city has two airports. Public transport includes: buses, trams and ferries.

Attractions Perth

A popular place is the Fine Arts Gallery of Western Australia, where you can admire not only the works of modern masters, but also Aboriginal drawings.

The Museum of Western Australia will acquaint you with the nature of the state, its history and indigenous people.

Fremantle Port is located 19 km from the city, where the Maritime Museum, the Fremantle Fine Arts Center, the Fremantle Dungeon, the Round House are located.


Perth is the capital of the region of Western Australia, one of the administrative centers most isolated from the wider civilization.

centers of the world. Out of the way has earned Perth the reputation of being the hidden gem in the Australian crown: you can find it

far from everyone, but the stubborn seeker will be rewarded in full - kilometers of virgin beaches, a huge number

national parks within walking distance, beautiful nature, and all this, coupled with lifestyle hospitality and contagious

the carelessness of local residents more than compensate for possible inconvenience.

How to get to Perth

The journey from Russia to Australia is long, there are no non-stop flights, so get ready to spend at least 20 hours in the air without

connection counting. There are a lot of flight options: Emirates via Dubai, Thai Airways via Bangkok, Singapore Airlines

via Singapore, not counting the possibility to fly to Sydney and from there to get to Perth on a domestic flight of the national

air carrier Qantas or low-cost carrier Virgin Blue.

Perth International Airport is located 15 km from the city and consists of three terminals. Flights from abroad are served in

terminal 1, home - in the 2nd or 3rd. To get from the airport to the city center, you can use the services

shuttle. Connect shuttle buses link the international and local terminals to Perth city centre; departures from the airport

6:20 am to midnight. In Perth, the shuttle makes 5 stops in different parts of the city. Travel time to the first stop - about 20

minutes, the fare is $18 one way and $30 round trip. Another option (good value if you are traveling in

company) - take a taxi. The trip will cost approximately $40.

Climate of Perth

Average monthly temperature, °C
Jan Feb mar Apr May june july aug sep oct but I dec
afternoon +31 +31 +29 +25 +21 +18 +17 +18 +20 +22 +25 +28
at night +16 +17 +15 +12 +10 +8 +7 +7 +8 +10 +12 +14
water +23 +23 +22 +22 +20 +20 +19 +19 +19 +19 +21 +21

Transport in the city

The municipal company Transperth runs Perth's public transport. At the service of local residents and guests -

city ​​buses, commuter trains and a ferry connecting the banks of the Swan River, on which the city is located.

Perth has a large number of bus routes, the most popular of which are CAT buses. Within the city there are three

lines: Red CAT and Yellow CAT connect the eastern and western parts of the city (from 6 am to half-8 pm with an interval of 5/10 minutes),

Blue CAT - north and south (from 7:00 to 19:30, interval 8 minutes). In addition, circular routes are popular.

No. 98 (clockwise) and 99 (reverse).

The fare is charged according to the number of crossed zones, there are nine of them in the city. Fares within the same zone -

$2.50, two $3.70, and so on. The city center and its surrounding areas are within the same zone. Travel ticket for

24 hours will cost $9. Movement within the Perth Free Transit Zone (FTZ - Free Transit Zone) is free.

Bus stops in this zone have a red FTZ sign.

In addition to fare tickets, you can purchase SmartRider, an electronic card that needs to be “charged” beforehand.

money at Transperth offices. Apply SmartRider to the validator in public transport when entering and exiting, and

the amount will be automatically debited from the card balance.

Gaze at the fantastic starry sky of the Southern Hemisphere in Scitech, the largest planetarium on the continent.

Commuter trains are a great way to quickly get to the outskirts of Perth and its suburbs. Popular

destinations include the northern area of ​​Clarkson, as well as the towns of Fremantle and Midland. Trains depart from the central

city ​​station on Wellington Street. The traffic schedule is from half past six in the morning to midnight on weekdays and until two in the morning on weekdays.

weekend. Trains are also subject to the FTZ rule - free travel within the city.

By ferry, you can quickly and comfortably get to the southern regions of Perth, for example, to visit the zoo. Ships ply

Every 20-30 minutes from 7 am to half past seven in the evening on weekdays and from 8:00 to 21:00 during the weekend; travel time - 7 minutes.

For lovers of physical activity in Perth, there is the opportunity to rent a bicycle. There is an extensive network

cycle paths, and all of them are maintained in almost perfect condition.

Cuisine and restaurants in Perth

Perth has a huge number of bistros, pizzerias and restaurants of a wide variety of gastronomic traditions - from the original

Australian to American, Italian, Japanese, Mexican and Thai. The largest selection of restaurants for every taste

And a wallet in the Northbridge area. Bars, pubs and nightclubs are also located here, and after dark you can

"continue the banquet" in them. Other restaurant areas - Barrack Street and Mend Street wharf areas on the south bank of the river

Swan (lunch can be combined with a short but romantic ferry trip).

seafood, from shark meat to freshwater oysters. Perth is famous for lobsters, it is a whole industry with an impressive share

export to the USA.

The Swan River Valley is one of Australia's oldest wine regions, don't miss the chance to have a glass -

another local invigorating drink.

Italian cuisine flourishes in Fremantle, a town 20 minutes from Perth. Thousands immigrated here in the 1950s and 1960s

adherents of pasta and lasagna, and since then it is absolutely not difficult to find an institution with excellent dishes.

Shopping and stores

Perth's main department stores, Hay Street Mall and Murray Street Mall, are located in the heart of the city. There are many

stores of international mass-brands of clothing, shoes and accessories and several boutiques of local designers. kingstreet-

Another popular shopping artery of the city. It also makes sense to visit the malls Carillon City Arcade, Carousel Shopping Center in

Canington, West Perth's Harbor Town Outlet and colorful Karrinyup Shopping Center - luxury boutiques here

interspersed with nooks and crannies with all sorts of things - bracelets, neckerchiefs and other accessories.

To soak up the local flavor and stock up on food, head to the markets of Perth: Fremantle Markets (more than 150

retail space in a historic building from 1897), Canning Vale (fruits and vegetables, flowers, second-hand items; works on

Sundays), Gosnells Railway and E-Shed Markets. Large selection of souvenirs and handicrafts at Scarborough Fair

Markets and Wanneroo Market (Saturdays and Sundays from 8 am to 5 pm).

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Perth

One of the main attractions of Perth is the ocean and the beach in all their diversity: from simply lying on the sand to flying on

two-seat plane over the surf line. Among the most comfortable and safe beaches are North Beach, Sorrento

Beach and City Beach. Cottesloe beach is also suitable for swimming, but here you need to beware of undercurrents

breakwaters. Scarborough and Trigg are ideal for surfers.

You can enjoy the charm of uninhabited beaches and watch short-tailed wallabies on Rottnest Island,

located 19 km from Perth (about two hours by ferry). Private transport is prohibited here; the island has one

Bus route and several bike rentals. In the vicinity of Rottnest, divers can dive to

Wreckage of sunken ships.

The out-of-the-way position has earned Perth the reputation of being the hidden gem in the Australian crown.

The Perth Zoo has more than 2,000 animals of 280 species, mostly native to the continent. In the wild park

Kangaroos and wombats can be seen in Caversham nature, and numerous koalas inhabit Cohunu Wildlife Park. lovers

There are also several noteworthy architectural monuments in the center of Perth - The Governor's House surrounded by

beautiful gardens, Parliament House and City Hall, St George's Cathedral and the Perth Mint,

where precious metals are processed today.

unfortunately not available for rent.

You can breathe fresh air within the city in one of the four parks in Perth: Allen Green Conservatory with a collection

tropical plants, Burswood Park, 400 hectare Kings Park or the Botanical Gardens.

Gaze at the fantastic starry sky of the Southern Hemisphere, head to Scitech, the largest planetarium in

continent. You can fly over Perth and its environs in a hot air balloon, helicopter and two-seater plane. Well

Of course, don't forget that the coast of Australia is one of the best places in the world for diving.

Perth and surroundings

  • What to see: having examined the calm and green city of Perth, it is worth paying attention to the virgin beaches and parks of its
  • suburbs, as well as an exciting safari on the prairies and the Pinnacles Desert. In addition, a couple of days
  • to be held in the country's largest city, Sydney. To see with your own eyes an example of a successful synthesis
  • ultra-modern skyscrapers of the business center with old "Mediterranean" buildings.
  • You may also be interested in UK , Indonesia , Seychelles , USA , Japan .
  • The most popular places in the country: Great Barrier Reef, Brisbane , Canberra , Cairns , Sydney .

Perth is a young modern city, the capital of Western Australia. The city was founded by an English lieutenant

James Stirling in 1829. Having brought here on his ship "Parmelia" (Parmelia) new

settlers, he protected these lands from French colonization. Perth has long been a small town and its

population was in danger of extinction. Due to the significant remoteness from the entire steel world, the influx

labor force in Perth was very weak, so in the first half of the 17th century it was not uncommon to have to import into the area


However, life in the city changed dramatically when gold deposits were discovered in the vicinity of Perth in the 1890s.

The city boomed, and in just a decade its population grew sixfold. Global changes have also taken place in the external

shape of Perth. Numerous skyscrapers were built, which to this day are the offices of the largest

mining companies in the country. There are also many old colonial-style houses left, giving the city its own

Charm. The city is the main operating center of the mining industry, which owns

the world's largest discovered deposits of nickel and gold. The world's largest diamond-bearing region Kimberly (Kimberly)

is the main competitor of the Yakutsk diamond deposit.

Perth has a very unusual nature - the preserved centuries-old giant trees "Karri" amaze with their

majesty. To the north of the city, in the national park Nambang (Nambung National Park), there is a petrified forest

"Pinnacles" (Pinnacles), giving the impression of an alien settlement. The origin of this forest remains a mystery.

these blocks periodically hide in the sand and are exposed again, this explains why this miracle was discovered

only in 1960.

Speaking of Pinnacle, one cannot fail to mention another grandiose creation of Australian nature - 340 km from the city

there is a truly wonderful sculpture, carved by the forces of nature in a rock of red sandstone "Stone Wave" (Wave

rock). The wave reaches 15 meters in height and 110 meters in length and changes its color during the day depending on the lighting.

One of the main attractions of Perth is a relatively young tower - Swan Bell Tower. This one

The tallest glass bell tower in the world was built in 2000. She is surrounded by copper sails and has a very

majestic view. The tower has 18 bells, 12 of which were donated to the city by the English Church of St.

Martin-in-the-Fields for Australia's Bicentennial. The bells date back to the 14th century. The tower houses a museum exposition,

dedicated to bells, you can also watch the bell ringers at work through the glass floor of the second level of the tower. Near

the tower is the Swan River embankment with restaurants, piers and pleasure boats.

Perth has a mild maritime climate with long hot summers and cool winters. It rarely rains here, and the sun

shines, on average, 8 hours a day. In summer, dry, very hot days are softened by evening breezes from the Indian Ocean.

The sea winds, here called the "healer of Fremantle", bring coolness and freshness to Perth. The ocean water is warming up

as good as on the east coast, the average summer ocean temperature is 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, despite

noticeable cooling (up to 18 degrees Celsius) and possible showers, there is still a lot of sun in the city.

To the southwest of Perth you can see many endless flowering fields, attracting with their diversity.

travelers not only from Australia but from all over the world. IN Margaret river valley one of the largest

wine-growing regions of the country. The white wine Sauvignon Blanc has become famous all over the world for its exquisite taste.

taste and alluring aroma.

Perth & Swan Valley

Today there will be a story about a short stay in Perth and, of course - Swan Valley - Western Australian

number one destination for lovers of wine, beer and various delicacies.

Destination Perth

The place where the city of Perth was founded, at the mouth of a wide river, was inhabited by the natives for more than 40 thousand years ago. How

it is believed that the first people came from the North and settled in the vast territories adjacent to the coast, and

as far as science knows, there was even some kind of seasonal migration of aborigines - in winter, when on the coast

it became cold, the natives migrated to the hinterland.

Western Australia

Most of Australia's 23 million people live on the coast and cities like Sydney,

Melbourne and Brisbane were laid in close proximity to the ocean, which served as the main shipping route

provisions, equipment and convicts to the new colony. Adelaide and Darwin are also seaside cities, large

ports. Perth, the capital of Western Australia, located at the mouth of the Swan River, is no exception.

and in the adjacent areas of the Indian Ocean coast.

Perth, Fremantle

I don't even know what to tell about Perth. Typical big city - CBD with skyscrapers, shopping arcades, parks

and port. Nothing special, memorable and distinguishing it from other cities.

Perth beaches

Perth is famous for its beaches, and the reason for this is clear: Perth and its beaches are located on the west coast

Australia, and here the sun hides right into the ocean (into the Indian Ocean) – there is definitely something to see. In the evening

on the beach you can get cozy, taking with you a basket of goodies and right there at sunset under unhurried

conversations to dine, admiring the beauties of the setting sun.

Perth and its Royal Park

Kings Park (or Royal Park) is a favorite and very popular place for both tourists and

local residents of Perth. Kings Park is located in such a way that its observation decks open

wonderful panoramic views of the central part of Perth - its business city with tall buildings, as well as

Swan River (Swan River or Swan River).

Perth Now. CHOGM.

From October 28 to October 30, our city will host a congress of heads of state united by the British flag - so

called CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting). Of course, Her Majesty Elizabeth II will also come. This

the event for the city is very significant, since CHOGM is held only once every two years and always in a new place, so

that the city is already very clean and beautiful, now it is simply beautiful.

Whiteman Park in Perth

Whiteman Park is located north of Perth Airport and covers an area of ​​4,000 hectares. A park

named after Lew Whiteman, who owned most of the park's land.

Perth and Fremantle

When planning this trip, I decided to fulfill my old dream - to drive through all of Australia along (i.e. from west to

east) and across (i.e. from south to north). For the first part of my plan, I chose the Indian Pacific Express -

a train that crosses the continent from west to east and back - from Perth via Adelaide to


A bit of Perth in May

It so happened that this time we observed Perth mainly from above. We spent the first night at the hotel, which

is part of the Burswood casino complex. Waking up in the morning, we found in the windows of our room

such a look.


Over the weekend we went to the city of Mandurah, which is an hour's drive from Perth. Late autumn there is represented by bright

paints, but still more green, of course. First of all, we went to the "Mini-village". We love everything


farm show

After close contact with kangaroos and other animals, Max really wanted to go to the show. He loved this word

in the Bulgarian resort "Dunes" since last summer. And everyone was waiting for them to dance, but there were no dances :)

One happy Australian day

Yesterday we were in a place where you want to return again and again, where you don’t want to leave at all, where you are happy

every minute. I really love places where you can pet animals, feed them, play with them...

South Fremantle. Abandoned power plant

In the South Fremantle area, on the ocean coast, there is an abandoned power plant - a huge complex that has ceased

work decades ago. For Australia, this is a unique object. This is due to the fact that all the old

objects are disassembled and destroyed, but this one is worth it.

A trip to the bookstore, Perth

Today some more photos of the center of Perth. There is also a bookstore on campus, but that's what I'm talking about.

did not know yet, so I went to the center. Yes, and just had free time, I wanted to unwind, a little

take a picture. This is usually the case here, especially on weekends - whichever bus comes first, you go on this one,

because the next one might be in half an hour. Some go to the train station, some go straight to the center. In that

once caught the one that immediately in the center.

Curtin University of Technology

Curtin is in a suburb of Perth called Bentley. You can get here by bus or train.

it takes approximately 35 minutes. Buses in Perth do not stop everywhere. To get out, you need to give a signal

driver by pressing a button. Stops are not announced, so you need to know approximately where you are going. It's simple because

that at each stop there is a bus schedule and a diagram of which route goes where.

trip to the beach part 2

Last time we stopped near the entrance to the station. Today is a continuation. All public transport in the city

operated by one company. Because of this, buying a ticket for a bus, train or ferry, with the same ticket within 2

hours can be passed on any other train, bus or ferry in the city. The center and suburbs are divided into zones - than

are inside the first zone, so the ticket costs 2.

trip to the beach

I got a little tired of doing nothing and going to the university, and last Thursday I decided to finally get to one of

numerous beaches located in the suburbs of the city of Perth, Western Australia. It is worth starting with the fact that

normal people in Australia have cars. Therefore, in principle, you can go to any nearby beach. By

By and large, wherever there is a sea, there is a beach, except for marinas for boats and yachts. That is, if the car

the coast could be reached in 20 minutes.

City cemetery and its inhabitants

Visiting Australia and not seeing a kangaroo is like visiting Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower. If

you are in Perth, the closest place to the city center where you can find these cute animals is urban

Cemetery Pinaroo Valey Memorial Park.


Fremantle is on the opposite side of the Swan River from Perth. You can get here by metro or bus.

The most famous places: the local old prison, the grave where Bon Scott (AC / DC) lies, the historical museum, the maritime

museum and other attractions. It's a pretty nice and peaceful place to visit.

First day in Australia<

Perth(English) Perth) is the largest city and capital of the state of Western Australia, located in southwestern Australia on the Indian Ocean. The population of the city is 1.658 million people (2010). Perth is the fourth most populated city in Australia after Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. About 75% of the population of the entire state of Western Australia lives in Perth.

The city was founded on June 12, 1829 by Captain James Stirling shortly after the formation of the port community of Fremantle. Perth is showing solid growth, faster than the national average.

Perth became known as the "City of Lights" when all the residents turned on the lights as the Space Shuttle Friendship 7 flew over them in 1962.

As of 2012, Perth was ranked the 9th most livable city in the world, according to The Economist magazine.


A country Australia
Status state capital of Western Australia
State Western Australia
Coordinates 31°57′11″ S sh. 115°51′32″ E (G) (O) (I) Coordinates: 31°57′11″ S sh. 115°51′32″ E d. (G) (O) (I)
Show geographical map
Based 1829
Population 1,832,114 people (2011)
Timezone UTC+8, summer UTC+9



Before the arrival of Europeans, this territory was inhabited by Noongars (English) Russian. for 40,000 years, which has been proven by excavations in the Swan River area. The Aborigines occupied the southwestern corner of Western Australia and lived off hunting and gathering. When Europeans first met the natives here, they called this land Burlu. Several tribes living along the banks of the Swan River formed the Whadjuk. People).

First sightings by Europeans

The first Europeans in the region were men from the command of the Dutch captain Willem de Vlamming on January 10, 1697. Subsequent observations by Europeans confirmed D'Vlamming's conclusions that the land was inhospitable and unsuitable for the agriculture that would be necessary in the event of a settlement.

Swan River Colony

"Foundation of Perth". Artist George Pitt Morison (George Pitt Morison), 1929

The first recorded sighting of Europeans at the mouth of the Swan River dates from July 19, 1619, by the crew of Frederick de Houtmann, however, due to bad weather conditions, the landing was not made. In the future, the territory was repeatedly visited by European sailors, but the settlements founded were not permanent.

The Swan River Colony was founded in 1829 by Captain James Sterling. One of the first buildings, the Round House, has survived to this day and is now located on the territory of the city of Fremantle. By 1832, the population of the colony reached 1.5 thousand settlers, and it was given the official name "Western Australia" in honor of the colony of the same name, founded in 1826 in the Albany region. However, the title swan river for a long time it was used to designate the entire territory. Later, Western Australia was expanded to the east and north of the Australian continent, becoming the second largest administrative unit in the world. Today, the state occupies about a third of the country.

Joining a federation


The city is located in the southwest of the continent between the Indian Ocean and the lower coastal escarpment known as the Darling Range. The CBD and the outskirts of the city are located on the Swan River. The nearest city of a million people to Perth is Adelaide in South Australia, 2,104 kilometers (1,307 miles) away. Perth is geographically closer to East Timor and Jakarta than to Sydney and Melbourne.

Business center of the city

The downtown area of ​​the city is bounded by the Swan River to the south and east, Kings Park to the west, and the railway line to the north. Australia's Christmas Island is located 2,360 kilometers northwest of Perth.


Perth experiences moderate and seasonal rainfall. Summers are mostly hot and dry, lasting from December to March. February is the hottest month. In turn, winter is quite wet and cool. Such weather makes Perth a classic example of a Mediterranean climate. Summers are not entirely rainless, with occasional short thunderstorms. The highest temperature of 46.2°C was recorded on February 23, 1991. Often on summer afternoons, a sea breeze, also known as the Fremantle Doctor, blows in from the southwest, replacing the hot northeasterly winds. On such days, temperatures drop below 30 degrees a few hours after the change in wind. Perth is a very sunny city for a Mediterranean climate with 2,800 to 3,000 hours of sunshine a year.

Winters are relatively cool and wet. The highest amount of precipitation falls between May and September. The lowest temperature of -0.7°C was recorded on June 17, 2006.

Although most of the rain falls in winter, the record was recorded on February 9, 1992, when 120.6 mm of rain fell. Rain patterns in Perth and southern western Australia changed dramatically in the mid-1970s. There has been a significant decrease in winter precipitation and an increase in the number of thunderstorms in the summer months.

Climate of Perth
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 45,8 46,2 42,4 37,6 34,3 28,1 26,3 27,8 32,7 37,3 40,3 44,2 46,2
Average maximum, °C 30,5 31,3 29,5 25,5 22,4 19,3 18,4 18,8 20,1 22,8 26,2 28,7 24,5
Average temperature, °C 24,2 24,7 23,0 19,5 16,6 13,9 13,1 13,4 14,8 17,0 20,2 22,4 18,6
Average minimum, °C 17,8 18,0 16,4 13,5 10,7 8,5 7,8 8,0 9,5 11,2 14,1 16,1 12,6
Absolute minimum, °C 8,9 8,7 6,3 4,1 1,3 −0,7 0,0 1,3 1,0 2,2 5,0 7,9 −0,7
Precipitation rate, mm 16,5 9,1 19,8 38,8 89,5 134,7 153,1 128,2 89,2 43,1 22,1 6,4 745,7
Water temperature, °C 23 23 22 22 20 20 19 19 19 19 21 21 21
Source: Bureau of Meteorology, Travel Portal


Population growth by year (ABS)
1854 4001
1859 6293
1870 8220
1881 9955
1891 16 694
1901 67 431
1911 116 181
1921 170 213
1933 230 340
1947 302 968
1954 395 049
1961 475 398
1966 559 298
1971 703 199
1976 805 747
1981 898 918
1986 994 472
1991 1 143 249
1996 1 244 320
2001 1 339 993
2006 1 445 079
2008 1 546 617
2011 1 832 114
Population size,
not born in Australia
Country of birth population
Great Britain 168 483
New Zealand 33 751
Malaysia 18 939
Italy 18 701
South Africa 18 683
India 14 007
Singapore 11 199
Vietnam 10 081
Ireland 7706
PRC 7681
Germany 7617
Netherlands 7570
Indonesia 7392
USA 5524

Perth is the fourth largest city in Australia. In the early 1980s, he overtook Adelaide in this indicator. According to the 2011 census, there were 1,832,114 people in the city.

One dot represents 100 people born in the UK (dark blue), China (red), Italy (light green), Malaysia (dark green), South Africa (brown), Singapore (pink) and Vietnam (yellow), (according to 2006 census)

Ethnic composition

In 2006, the largest ethnic groups in the city were: English (534,555 or 28.6%), Australians (479,174 or 25.6%), Irish (115,384 or 6.2%), Scots (113,846 or 6 .1%), Italians (84,331 or 4.5%) and Chinese (53,390 or 2.9%). Also, 3101 indigenous people (0.2%) lived in the city.

Perth is distinguished by a large number of English people in the population. According to the 2006 census, there were 142,424 residents born in the UK, while in Sydney there were 145,261, and the total population of Perth was only 35% of Sydney's total.

The ethnic composition of the city changed in the middle of the last century, when a large number of immigrants from Europe arrived in the city. Since Fremantle was the first Australian city on the route of ships from Europe, Perth saw an influx of Italians, Greeks, Dutch, Germans, Croats, Bosnians, Serbs, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians, Ukrainians, Macedonians, Turks and other ethnic groups.


Perth is a major port on the west coast of Australia. Railway junction. International Airport. Refinery. Shipbuilding. Enterprises of the chemical, textile and food industries. Large cement plant.


Perth has two airports.

In 1968, a railway line from the city of Kalgoorlie was laid to the city. Currently, this line, owned by the Indian Pacific road, is electrified in the Perth area, using a gauge of 1435 mm.

The road system consists of 3 freeways and 9 highways, all roads are free.

Public transport includes trains, buses and ferries. Within the city there are three lines, including 200 bus and 60 railway stations:

  • Frimantle-Perth-Midland Terminal;
  • Joondalup - Perth - Armadale;
  • Mandurah-Kwinana.


Perth is the hometown of Heathcliff actor Andrew Ledger, better known as Heath Ledger, as well as Karnivool, Tame Impala, Pendulum and Knife Party founders and members Rob Swire, Gareth McGrillen and Paul Harding.

Parks and recreation areas

On the eastern outskirts of the city is Kounu Koala Park, a zoo-reserve that hosts tourist and school groups and allows tourists to take pictures with koalas and hold them in their arms.


Museum of Fire History

twin cities

Note to the tourist

Perth is a young modern city, the capital of Western Australia. The city was founded by the English lieutenant James Stirling in 1829. Bringing new settlers here on his ship Parmelia, he protected these lands from French colonization. Perth has long been a small town and its population was in danger of extinction. Due to the significant remoteness from the entire steel world, the influx of labor to Perth was very weak, so in the first half of the 17th century, convicts often had to be brought into this area.

However, life in the city changed dramatically when gold deposits were discovered in the vicinity of Perth in the 1890s. The city boomed, and in just a decade its population grew sixfold. Global changes have also taken place in the appearance of Perth. Numerous skyscrapers were built, which to this day are the offices of the country's largest mining companies. There are also many old colonial-style houses left, giving the city its charm. The city is the main operating center of the mining industry, which owns the world's largest discovered deposits of nickel and gold. The world's largest diamond-bearing region, Kimberly, is the main competitor of the Yakutian diamond deposit.

Perth has a very extraordinary nature - the preserved centuries-old giant trees "Karri" amaze with their majesty. To the north of the city, in the Nambung National Park, is the Pinnacles petrified forest, which gives the impression of an alien settlement. The origin of this forest remains a mystery. It is generally accepted that these blocks were formed from sea shells at the bottom of the ocean that once splashed here. According to the same version, these blocks periodically hide in the sand and are exposed again, which explains why this miracle was discovered only in 1960.

Speaking of Pinnacle, one cannot fail to mention another grandiose creation of Australian nature - 340 km from the city there is a truly wonderful sculpture, carved by the forces of nature in the rock of red sandstone "Stone Wave" (Wave Rock). The wave reaches 15 meters in height and 110 meters in length and changes its color during the day depending on the lighting.

One of the main attractions of Perth is a relatively young tower - Swan Bell Tower. This tallest glass bell tower in the world was built in 2000. It is surrounded by copper sails and has a very majestic appearance. The tower has 18 bells, 12 of which were donated to the city by the English Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields on the day of the Australian Bicentennial. The bells date back to the 14th century. In the tower there is a museum exposition dedicated to bells, you can also watch the bell ringers at work through the glass floor of the second level of the tower. Near the tower is the Swan River boardwalk with restaurants, marinas and pleasure boats.

Perth has a mild maritime climate with long hot summers and cool winters. It rarely rains here, and the sun shines, on average, 8 hours a day. In summer, dry, very hot days are softened by evening breezes from the Indian Ocean. The sea winds, here called the "healer of Fremantle", bring coolness and freshness to Perth. The water in the ocean does not warm up as well as on the east coast, the average summer temperature of the ocean is 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, despite a noticeable cooling (up to 18 degrees Celsius) and possible showers, there is still a lot of sun in the city.

To the southwest of Perth, you can see many endless flowering fields, attracting travelers not only from Australia, but from all over the world with their diversity. IN Margaret river valley is one of the largest wine-growing regions of the country. White wine "Sauvignon Blanc" (Sauvignon Blanc) has become famous all over the world for its exquisite taste and alluring aroma.