Independent travel through Argentina and Patagonia. Travel to Patagonia. Traveling Patagonia: Things to do in Argentina

Journey to the ends of the earth. Patagonia.

Patagonia is an untouched wild land that did not belong to any country until the 19th century. Now it is part of two states: Argentina and Chile.

This is where we are heading in February 2020!

We will spend 13 days on an amazing journey through the most beautiful corners of this region! We will enjoy the landscapes that we read about as children, empathizing with the heroes of the story “The Children of Captain Grand.”

Get ready! This will not be just a journey! This will be a real adventure in the spirit of wild Patagonia.

Group: from 6 participants

Travel format: hiking

Difficulty: medium

14 days in Patagonia



  • We will visit Los Glaciares National Park and the famous Perito Morena glacier, which is constantly in motion;
  • Let's take a 3-day walk through Argentine Patagonia;
  • We will meet unforgettable sunrises over the peaks of Fitzroy and Cerro Torre;
  • Let's unite with world-famous Argentinean steaks;
  • Let's get acquainted with the cozy mountain town of El Calafate, located on the shores of Lake Argentino - the largest freshwater lake in the country, with an area of ​​1.4 thousand sq. km.


  • We will take a 4-day walk along the W-track route in one of the most beautiful parks in the world - Torres Del Paine, also called the Blue Towers;
  • Let's enjoy the views of the Gray Glacier and the lake of the same name;
  • We will see the most impressive panorama of these places at the famous “Torres Towers”;
  • We will visit the world's southernmost continental city of Punta Arenas, where there is a view of Tierra del Fuego;
  • Let's take a boat ride through the Strait of Magellan and observe the life of penguins and sea lions.
  • Hiking experience: In order to visit these places, you don’t need to be an avid hiker with a lot of experience! We have guys taking part in our hikes who have never hiked in the mountains before and successfully complete the entire route, having tremendous fun!
  • Physical form: The walking part of the route is possible for absolutely anyone with normal physical shape. You will find preparation recommendations
  • What to take with you: We will send you a clear list of clothing and equipment that will be useful to you in Patagonia and will advise you on this matter more than once.
  • During the walking part of the trip: We spend the night in campsites in tents. For guests there is almost always a cooking room, where you can also arrange evening gatherings, a shower and a toilet.

Program by day

If it were possible, would you be interested in traveling back in time, let's say, 3,000,000 years ago, and observing what our planet was like then?

So, this is real!
And we are going there in February 2020!

After all, it is by visiting Patagonia that you can see our Earth in its youth. After all, it is believed that for three million years its appearance has remained virtually unchanged.
Incredible, right?!

Join our journey and we will show you a truly amazing part of our Planet.
There will be something to tell your grandchildren someday, believe me!

We are waiting for you in our team! :)

14 days at the ends of the Earth!

DAY 1: Group meeting in Patagonia

El Calafate

Today is the day the group gathers in the city of El Calafate (Patagonia), which is located on the shores of the largest lake in the country called Lago Argentino, with an area of ​​1420 sq. km! Just imagine these scales!

We will meet you at the hotel, the coordinates of which will be sent closer to the trip.

Having rested after the flight, we go for a walk around the city. We will spend the evening in a “delicious” restaurant, where we will get to know all the participants while enjoying the taste of famous Argentinean steaks.

We have a long and bright journey ahead of us together.

DAY 2: Argentine Patagonia

El Calafate - El Chaltén - Rio Blanco

In the morning we take a bus to the heart of Argentine Patagonia - the town of El Chaltén. This is where all the Fitzroy Range trails begin.

We put on our backpacks and set off to the start of our walking journey. We will pass through an exotic forest along the shore of Lake Capri. On the way, we will have a view of the hallmark of Patagonia - Mount Fitzroy.

We will spend the night at the Rio Blanco campsite.

DAY 3: Dawn over Fitzroy

Rio Blanco - Capri

We get up at 4 am and go to the observation deck on the shores of Lago de Los Tress, which is right at the foot of Mount Fitzroy.

We meet the first fiery rays of the sun on the rocky surface of the mountain, absorb all the beauty of these places and descend back to the camp. Tomorrow awaits us there, our backpacks and a new day of interesting walking through Patagonia towards the Capri campsite.

DAY 4: Dawn on Cerro Torre

Capri - El Chaltén - El Calafate

Today we again begin our day by meeting the first rays of the sun. We enjoy an incredible panorama of the mountain range and one of the hallmarks of Patagoni - Mount Cerro Torre.

In the lagoon, at the foot of the mountain, calved icebergs often drift, which makes the view even more amazing.

DAY 5: Perito Moreno Glacier

El Calafate - Perito Moreno - El Calafate

Relaxation day! We take a bus to the largest glacier in Patagonia - Perito Morenay. Its area is about 250 sq. km

The speed of movement of this ice giant is about 2 m per day (700 m per year), but since entire icebergs break off from it every day, in fact, over the past 90 years, its edges have remained in the same place.

Closer to lunch, when the sun warms up the ice, we will be able to watch how, with an incredible roar, the blue ice separates with many fragments and falls into Lake Argentino. What a spectacle! Those who wish can even walk along the glacier and feel its grandeur even more. You must book a tour in advance.

In the evening we return to El Calafate.

DAY 6: Chilean Patagonia

El Calafate (Argentina) - Puerto Natales (Chile)

Our destination for today will be a small town on the western slope of the Andes mountain range - Puerto Natales (Chile). Which is located on the shore of a very narrow and long fjord, Ultima Esperanza, which is translated from Spanish as “last hope”. It is also one of the eight pairs of antipodean cities in the world.

We will live in a hotel. We check in and go for a walk.

DAY 7: Torres Towers

Puerto Natales - Torres Towers - Chileno Village

In the morning we take a bus to Torres del Paine National Park, which is also a UNESCO biosphere reserve. Finally, we put on our backpacks and set off on a 4-day hiking trip.

Today, the plan is to reach the Chileno campsite (5 km), where we will leave our things and from where our radial walk along the gorge to Lake Torres, above which rises the three rock peaks of the same name - the Torres Towers - starts. It is not for nothing that this main attraction of the park attracts so many tourists from all over the world.

We take a lot of photos, relax with a gorgeous view and slowly return back to the camp.

DAY 8: Turquoise lake Nordeskhold

village Chileno - village French

We set off further to explore Torres del Paine Park.
This region is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful places on the Planet with a unique combination of mountain landscapes, thousand-year-old glaciers, blue lakes, wild rivers, spacious valleys and green forests. Also, about 118 species of birds and 26 species of mammals live here. It will be interesting to meet a guanaco or an Andean deer along the way.

Today we are walking along the large lake Nordeskhold with incredibly turquoise water, the shores of which are strewn with small pebbles. If desired and the weather is suitable, you can relax here and take water treatments.

Towards evening we arrive at the campsite. Tomorrow is a special day.

DAY 9: B Ashni Los Cuernos

village French - village Paine Grande

After breakfast we go to the neighboring Italian campsite, where we leave our things and go on a radial walk.

We will walk through the French Valley - one of the most spectacular places on the track. Along the way, we will visit two 360° observation decks to enjoy views of the Cuernos Mountains, the Paine Grande peak, glaciers and the green expanse.

Patagonia will surprise you again with its wild landscapes! Then we return to our backpacks, have lunch and continue our journey along the shores of Lake Scottsburg. We will spend the night at the Paine Grande campsite.

DAY 10: Glacier Gray

K. Paine Grande

One of the most impressive days of the hike! We leave our things at the camp and set off by light pack to the Gray Glacier.

Its area is 270 sq. kilometers and it is part of the great Southern Patagonian Ice Field, the third largest reserve of fresh water on the Planet, after Antarctica and Greenland. In a word, a very spectacular place and one of the calling cards of the national park.

Argentina has not yet been spoiled by Russian tourists, and that makes it even more attractive to them. It’s no joke, almost a 20-hour flight. Not everyone can afford such a trip. Perhaps, if it were not for such remoteness, Latin American countries would be among the first on the routes of Russian travelers. Believe me, there is something to see and be surprised there. Today we will tell you how to plan an independent trip to Argentina.

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Routes to the natural attractions of Argentina are always planned as an independent, separate trip, requiring calculation of time and budget.

Read more about the most in our article.

Many travelers consider this place to be the main natural attraction of Argentina. It's difficult to argue. It’s hard to surprise northern Russians with the glaciers and snow of Patagonia; the salt lakes and mountains of Salta are not new to connoisseurs, but Iguazu Falls will amaze even the experienced.

They are located on the border of Brazil and Argentina and can be reached from both sides. A round trip plane ticket from Buenos Aires will cost you approximately $300-400. By bus you will spend a little less money, but the journey will take almost 18 hours. The choice is yours.

Already upon approaching you will see, or rather, guess that you are seeing the main waterfall “Dragon’s Throat”. Steam will billow from the green mass of the trees and rise into the sky. The town of Iguazu itself is the antipode of the prim capital, small, truly Latin American with brick-red soil under your feet.

The national park is open to visitors from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. By purchasing a ticket that comes with a map, you can take a special train to the main waterfall. True, there are several trains running through the park, but the routes are easy to figure out. To help tourists, there are signs along the trails, and park employees flash by every now and then, always wanting to help.

Observation platforms are located both on the upper path and along the lower route. From the upper path there is a stunning panoramic view of all the cascades, and you feel like a bird, and from the lower path you can observe the walls of water from below, fully realizing the powerlessness of man in front of this power.

El Calafate and El Chaltén

To the southern part of Patagonia, to the El Calafate area, about 4 hours flight from Buenos Aires. Here, additional luggage inspection is carried out, since you are entering an environmentally friendly zone with its own rules. The main goal of all visitors is Los Glaciares National Park with a unique natural attraction, the Perito Moreno glacier. Remember: there are restrictions on entrance tickets, and they are sold only upon presentation of a passport. The park is open until 18:00. Buses to the glacier depart 2 times a day (08:15, back at 16:00, and 13:00, back at 19:30).

It would seem, what can surprise the icy land? But starting a walk from one observation deck to another, you gradually begin to understand why your pace is slowing down. The icy power is amazing! Fans of mountaineering and trekking immediately purchase tickets to El Chaltén. The town itself is located on the territory of Los Glaciares, in its northern part. Transfers to El Chaltén run 3 times a day (08:00, 13:00 and 18:30).

The bus will take you to the administration building, where you will be given instructions and familiarized with possible routes. It must be said right away that for the completeness of all sensations, physical endurance and dexterity are very important here. In order to be transported to the pages of the novel “The Children of Captain Grant” not mentally, but to personally verify the beauty of the local nature, it is even worth overcoming yourself.

The color and magic of Argentine cities

Salta. A resort, vibrant Argentine city, founded at the end of the 14th century as a resting place for trade caravans heading to Buenos Aires. This picturesque and fabulously beautiful place also attracts with its history. Pilgrims come here to worship the healing statue of the Virgin Mary, located in one of the halls of the Salta Cathedral. And for tourists, one of the most popular trips from this town is considered to be the “Train in the Clouds” (a trip to a town lost at an altitude of 4000 meters, taking 14 hours).

Salta is connected by air to both Buenos Aires and Cordoba, and by bus to many other Argentine cities.

Cordoba. The second major Argentine city after the capital. For architecture connoisseurs, it will be more attractive than Buenos Aires, since the flavor of the colonial era has been preserved here with greater authenticity.

Mar del Plata. An Argentine resort famous for beach lovers, located 400 km from the capital. The length and diversity of the coastline attracts both lovers of solitude and party-goers.

As a little boy, in my dreams I dreamed of going to the ends of the earth with the heroes of Captain Grant's Children. I had no idea where exactly this region was located, but this only filled my ideas about it with fantasy. Patagonia, just from this word the heart begins to beat faster, igniting a spark of excitement in a real traveler who is in love with the endless purity of real nature, where, after traveling hundreds of kilometers, you will not meet a single person.

Patagonia. I have traveled almost 2500 kilometers and walked 55 km along trekking trails in the mountains of Argentina and Chile. I don’t have enough words to describe my delight, and the photograph, unfortunately, will not convey even a tenth of the emotions and feeling of the surrounding reality while being there.

Patagonia. The south of South America, then only Antarctica, but I will definitely go there another time. I looked at the Il-76, operating regular flights to Antarctica and parked at Punta Arenas airport, with an eye to the future.
Like a good trailer for a bright blockbuster, endless glaciers and turquoise-colored lakes are already visible from the airplane window, of course, if you sit by the port window on the way from Santiago.

Patagonia. Between Argentina and Chile, on endless roads with perfect surface, but with dozens of oncoming cars in a couple of hours. With small automobile border crossings between countries. I have so much that I want to tell and show, but today I will start with an overview announcement, after which you will definitely and consciously want to visit these incredible places.

On the way to Patagonia, I had wonderful layovers along the way in modern Berlin, stylish Madrid and hot summer Santiago. My longest Dreamliner flight, 14 hours of endless fun. Then flight to Puerto Montt and further to Punta Arenas in the south of the Latin American continent. But I’ll tell you about all these nuances and details later, but today it’s ONLY NATURE. It was nature that became the main goal for me on this trip.

Often without mobile communications and almost always without the Internet. There is nothing here that distracts you from the pleasure of perceiving the PRESENT.

But first, let us remember how Jules Verne describes Patagonia in his unforgettable book “The Children of Captain Grant”: “The Argentine pampas extend from 29° to 40° south latitude. The word "pampas" is Araucanian and means "plain of grass." This name fits this region perfectly. The mimosa thickets of its western part and the luxurious grasses of the eastern part give it a unique appearance. All this vegetation takes root in a layer of earth, under which lies red or yellow clayey sandy soil. The American pampas are as special a geographical phenomenon as, for example, the savannas of the Great Lakes Country or the steppes of Siberia. The continental climate of the Pampas has harsher winters and hotter summers than the climate of the province of Buenos Aires."

So, let's start with a picture from an airplane.
Be sure to sit next to the left window on your flight from Santiago to Punta Arenas.

When arriving in Punta Arenas, I highly recommend that you rent a car. Huge distances can be covered by car much faster than by bus, but, most importantly, you often want to stop here every 10-15 minutes, which would be impossible by bus.

I ordered a car through an aggregator ECONOMYBOOKINGS.COM .
And this is not for you to rent a car in Europe or the States... I will tell you about the nuances, roads, gas stations, special permission to cross the border to Argentina and other things in a separate post, but I note that communication with the rental company was carried out by the aggregator, which has a very efficient Customer Support.

The main roads in Patagonia have perfect surfaces and markings and virtually zero traffic.

They are both endlessly boring and incredibly interesting, an amazing combination.
Only a very strong side wind keeps me on my toes; I have never felt such a roll of the car while driving.

Secondary roads are gravel. All rental companies have a significantly higher deductible in the event of a vehicle rollover or rollover; this is the most common accident on gravel roads.

Be sure to take the electric pump and repair kit with you from home.

And the small border crossings between Argentina and Chile are a completely separate and very interesting story :)

And local truck drivers are so harsh that they hang trophies on the back of their trucks:

The incredible Perito Moreno glacier in Argentina in Los Glaciares National Park.
With a very accessible infrastructure for tourists, you can almost touch the glacier with your hand.

The infrastructure of tourist bridges and paths reminded me very much of that at Iguazu Falls and also on the Argentine side, when inaccessible places become absolutely accessible to everyone.

The width of the Perito Moreno tongue is 5 km, the average height is 60 m above the water surface. The average depth is 170 m, the maximum is 700 m. The speed of its movement is 2 m per day (approximately 700 m per year). However, the mass loss is approximately the same, so (not taking into account small deviations) the glacier tongue has not retreated or advanced for 90 years.

And what a piercing blue color the ice is! Especially in those places where another “10-story building” of ice has just broken off with a roar:

I thought that 1-2 hours here would be enough, but I spent almost the whole day walking along the numerous bridges and paths. The glacier does not let go, it is impossible to look away, you look at this ice mass as if spellbound.

Top of Fitzroy. Someone wrote to me in the comments in response to my statement that the Swiss Matterhorn is the most photogenic peak in the world, that Fitzroy is still more interesting. Having seen both peaks, I can’t say for sure which one is more photogenic, but the fact that mountains in different parts of the planet are completely different is indisputable.

The Fitzroy summit was first seen by Francisco Moreno on March 2, 1877, during his travels in Patagonia. He named the peak in honor of Captain Robert Fitzroy, commander of the British brig Beagle, who made a major contribution to the exploration of the sea coast of Patagonia, Charles Darwin worked on board the Beagle.

The road to El Chaltén, a small town where trekking routes start in the Fitzroy area and to its foot.

There are excellent trekking routes here, but the travel time can be safely multiplied by 1.5-2, because you want to take pictures and stop almost every kilometer of the way.

After the last night at the Rio Negro campsite, you need to climb another 1.5 hours to the lakes and glaciers at the foot of Fitzroy. It takes your breath away, you want to scream with delight when you see these mountains at arm’s length:

And the Chilean side of Patagonia, Torres Del Paine National Park.

Here you can drive, walk, sail on a boat between the islands and to the glaciers. Changeable weather, thoroughly wet after a fresh spring shower, we walked up to the famous Torres battlements, and on the opposite side of the valley the bright sunset sun was shining:

Wake up at 4 am, get out of your warm sleeping bag and climb up the steep rocky slope again... To be the first to see the Torres light up.

I have not yet read how these mountains were formed, but I certainly have never seen such colors and such a structure of stone anywhere in the world.
Torres del Paine means "blue towers".

I often say that the most important thing in a hotel is the view from the window. But the best view is, of course, from the tent!

Real wildlife is nearby. Hares, hedgehogs, foxes, guanacos, rheas, many different birds. And penguins around Punta Arenas!
Even the woodpeckers in Patagonia are completely different!

It’s an indescribable thrill to bring a bottle of Chardonnay “Del Fin Del Mundo” (“Edge of the Earth”) with you in your backpack to the top and drink it during your hiking dinner!

In general, this is just an announcement... what follows will be incredibly interesting.
There will be several practical articles on how to organize such a trip to the End of the Earth on a very budgetary basis, because we only spent the night in a hotel once, the rest of the time we slept in a tent.

My partners on this incredible journey:

Credit card EVERYTHING from Renaissance Credit Bank .

This is an ideal card for travelers because it allows you to withdraw cash from any ATM in the world without commission!
And in addition, it opens a 62-day interest-free loan, which is also important when traveling, just in case.

To be continued...

In this article we will talk about how to prepare and what to take with you when planning a trip to Patagonia, as well as how to see the most interesting places in the region in one trip: forests, fjords and famous glaciers.

Southern Patagonia, stretching across the territories of Chile and Argentina, has been attracting travelers for many centuries with its remoteness from the rest of the world, huge centuries-old glaciers and stunning wild landscapes. Here, in various national parks you can see snow-capped mountains, fjords and virgin forests. At the southernmost tip of South America, huge icebergs thunder as they break away from a huge glacier that has hidden the land for centuries and float into the ocean.

The most popular national parks, Torres del Paine in Chile and Los Glaciares in Argentina, are visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. For the most complete tour of Patagonia, it is best to visit both of these regions in one trip. Of course, such a trip will not be budget-friendly, especially at the height of the tourist season. So, we offer an action plan for organizing your trip to this remote corner of our planet.

How to travel in Patagonia

When to go

Most hotels in El Calafate and Torres del Paine are open to tourists only from spring to autumn (taking into account the difference in seasons with the southern hemisphere of the planet, this is mid-September and early May), and only a few of them are open all year round.

To avoid crowds of tourists and at the same time catch good weather, it is better to plan your trip in the spring, when the first flowers appear, or autumn, when the leaves of the trees are colored red, orange and yellow. During the summer months (December-February) the weather is most comfortable, but keep in mind that temperatures rarely rise above 20°C and there is often strong wind.

Travelers should note that the weather in Patagonia is quite unpredictable, especially in spring and early summer. Temperatures can change dramatically, and a strong storm can come from the Pacific Ocean. When planning your trip, it is best to allow a few extra days in case of inclement weather.

How to get there

Since the territories of the countries of Chile and Argentina are quite large, you need to fly to Patagonia by plane (of course, if you do not have a few weeks left to travel by car or train).

During the peak tourist season (December-February), flights sell out quickly, so it's worth booking them as far in advance as possible: ideally six months before your trip. During other months of the tourist season (October, early May), you can book tickets three months in advance - this way you will avoid inflated prices and a limited choice of options.

In Chile LATAM Airlines flies south to Chilean Patagonia year-round, offering daily flights between Santiago and Punta Arenas. The flight time is just over 3 hours, the cost is from $130 round trip if you pre-book a ticket.

In addition, in December, the same airline offers an additional flight twice a week between Santiago and Puerto Natales (duration 3 hours 10 minutes), on the way back the plane lands in Punta Arenas. In January and February, the number of flights on this route increases to four per week, with ticket prices starting at $130.

Chilean low-cost carrier Sky Airlines also offers direct flights from Santiago to Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas, but at lower prices. The cheapest tickets can be purchased by booking them in August. From December to March, Sky Airlines offers three flights per week from Santiago to Puerto Natales (costs from $70 when booked online). Two flights to Punta Arenas operate all year round: one direct and one connecting to Puerto Montt. During the tourist season, a third flight is added, its cost starts from $50 when booking online.

Between Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas the distance is three hours by car, between Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine National Park - two hours, and five hours between Punta Arenas and the park.

In the same time in Argentina The main gateways to Patagonia are the cities of El Calafate and Ushuaia. These destinations are served by LATAM Airlines and Aerolineas Argentinas.

During the tourist season, LATAM Airlines offers daily flights from Buenos Aires to El Calafate (flight time 3 hours, 25 minutes). Ticket prices start from $340. There are also flights from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia for $515 with a flight duration of four hours.

The cost of a flight from Buenos Aires to El Calafate and Ushuaia, as well as between El Calafate and Ushuaia on Aerolineas Argentinas aircraft is from $80. Los Glaciares National Park, home to the famous Perito Moreno Glacier, is an hour's drive from El Calafate Airport. Another popular destination is the town of El Chaltén, located three hours from El Calafate.

How to navigate the region

Most of the best hotels in Southern Patagonia include airport transfers as well as transportation for daily excursions.

You can travel from Chile to Argentina and vice versa both by land and by sea. But, unfortunately, there are no direct flights between Puerto Natales or Punta Arenas and El Calafate or Ushuaia.

To travel by land, you will have to rent a car, find a guide with a car, or buy a bus ticket. Crossing the border between Argentina and Chile requires a five-hour drive across the Patagonian steppe from Cancha Carrera to Cerro Castillo. The way back is the same.

There are several good bus companies offering bus tickets for the Puerto Natales - El Calafate route: Buses Fernandez, Buses Sur, Buses Pacheco, Turismo Zaahj and Cootra. Buses depart every day at 7-9 am. The journey takes 5-7 hours, depending on the time spent going through customs control. Tickets cost from $80 to $130 per person and can be purchased either at the bus station or online. It is better to book tickets in advance, preferably a month before travel, especially during the tourist season.

By the way, there is a sea cruise route - Australis cruises. Travel from Punta Arenas (Chile) to Ushuaia (Argentina) starts at the end of September and lasts until the beginning of April. On this expedition, the ship passes through fjords, the most famous glaciers, crosses the Strait of Magellan and Cape Horn. Cost for three nights during the tourist season - from $1895 per person.

What to take with you

Since the temperature in Patagonia can drop from +20 degrees to -15 during the day, it is important to take appropriate clothing with you on your trip. On the road, take not only a waterproof jacket and comfortable boots, but also sunscreen and glasses - the sun shines very brightly here.

If you plan to stay in hotels overnight, a suitcase is quite suitable for your things; if you plan to go hiking, a backpack will do. On excursions and walks, it is better to take a small, comfortable backpack with you.


  • Moisture-wicking thermal underwear
  • Water-repellent hiking pants
  • Light pullover or sweatshirt
  • Fleece jacket or light down jacket
  • Water-repellent warm jacket
  • Sun cap
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Gloves
  • Waterproof Hiking Boots
  • Long warm socks
  • Insect repellent spray
  • Flashlight
  • Backpack for walks and excursions

Traveling Patagonia: What to do in Chile

Tourists come to Southern Patagonia to see the majestic beauty of nature in Torres del Paine National Park (entrance fee is $38) and five of the most interesting representatives of the animal world of Patagonia: pumas, Guanaco llamas, South Andean deer, Andean condors and rheas. Of course, other animals live in this region, such as flamingos, foxes, penguins and more than 100 species of birds. For example, there are safari tours in which tourists travel through a national park for several days and track down pumas.

Also, visitors to the park can explore untouched forests, see unusual South American nature (lenga, coihue, nyire), meet the royal woodpecker and emerald parrot.

A walk along the popular "W" route (so named for its shape) offers the opportunity to visit one-of-a-kind freshwater lakes that can disappear literally overnight, turquoise lagoons, icebergs floating in the ocean and glaciers shimmering in the sun. The total length of the “W” route is 70 kilometers; you can cover this distance in 4-5 days, visiting the main attractions of the park and staying overnight in campsites or refugios (houses for overnight travelers).

Explore the colorful fishing town of Puerto Natales and explore the maze of picturesque fjords with huge blocks of ice and mysterious marine life, which can be admired from the board of a pleasure boat.

Near Punta Arenas you can visit the penguin colony on Seno Otway Island or Magdalena Island, and see sea lions and whales peeking out of the water. Here you can also kayak across the Strait of Magellan and even charter a boat to Clarence Island for skiing in complete isolation from the rest of the world.

Where to Stay in Chilean Patagonia

The best hotels in Torres del Paine offer a complete package that includes airport transfers, a variety of excursions, and three meals a day with good wines and cocktails.

Various hotels are located both in the park itself and in surrounding towns. There are many options - from luxury rooms with spa treatments to eco-camping in the middle of the mountains.

Many good hotels are located around the fishing town of Puerto Natales. You can even stay in a hotel near Cape Horn.

Local kitchen

Most hotels and private pensions offer excellent cuisine based on local products, for example, white strawberries, rhubarb, seaweed, Patagonian honey, guanaco, Patagonian hare. There are many seafood delicacies here: South American king crab, hake ceviche, conger eel, snook, stewed mussels and oysters. Order a Pisco sour cocktail or a bottle of vintage Chilean wine with dinner.

Day Trips in Chile

Hotels can usually find information about the many excursion options on offer for people of all fitness levels, including mountain hiking, horseback riding, biking, kayaking, fjord boating, glacier cruising and many other activities.

The most popular and most recommended activity is a hike to the Torres del Paine viewpoint. This is a difficult 8-hour round trip journey, but the beautiful views of mountain peaks and incredibly picturesque natural landscapes will be your reward for your efforts.

Also one of the most popular routes is the hike to Mirados Las Torres. Tourists pass the beautiful Lake Pehoe, and then go out to an area with picturesque mountain scenery.

You can book a tour of Gray Lake and sail to the Glacier Gray glacier, or from the pier in Puerto Natales go to the Balmacedi and Serrano glaciers.

Spend a day with Chilean cowboys at the family-run Estancia Mercedes ranch. Here you can ride horses among the fjords throughout the day.

Tips for tourists traveling in Patagonia in Chile

When visiting Chile during the summer months, protect yourself from midge bites. Apply insect repellent spray regularly and wear light-colored clothing with long sleeves (for some reason, local midges are very attracted to dark fabrics).

If you are an avid traveler, you can avoid the crowds of tourists in Torres del Paine by visiting these places in November or April.

Take trekking poles with you on your hike - they will help on steep descents.

Traveling Patagonia: Things to do in Argentina

Every year, more than 100,000 people visit the Perito Moreno Glacier, which covers an area of ​​250 km² in the Los Glaciares National Park (entrance fee: $260) and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Located near the town of El Calafate, this glacier is one of three glaciers in Patagonia that continue to grow and increase in size.

On boat excursions you have an amazing opportunity to see huge icebergs sliding from the Perito Moreno glacier into Lake Lago Argentino. Sometimes you can even go out onto the glacier and walk on it, wearing special metal shoe pads that prevent you from slipping on the ice.

History buffs can get acquainted with the rural life of the Patagonian ranch Estancia Cristina, where life stood still as it was a hundred years ago. There is beautiful nature here, excellent places for hiking, horse riding and, of course, picturesque views of mountain glaciers.

Three hours by car from El Calafate is the small mountain village of El Chaltén. It is notable for the fact that the Fitzroy mountain peak rises next to it. Here you can find picturesque chalets, as well as ski slopes for skiers of all skill levels.

A trip to the province of Tierra del Fuego is a trip to the “end of the world.” Its capital, Ushuaia, is a port for ships traveling between Argentina and Chile. Book a boat tour to see the penguins, sea lions and cormorants that inhabit the Beagle Channel, made world famous by the work of Charles Darwin, who visited the area during his voyage on the Beagle in 1831.

In Tierra del Fuego National Park, tourists will see a subarctic rain forest with huge beech trees, and from the Martial Glacier there will be panoramic views of Ushuaia and the canal. Anglers from all over the world travel to the banks of the Rio Grande River in hopes of catching the largest brown trout, a fish from the salmon family.

Where to Stay in Argentine Patagonia

The main street of the city, El Calafate, Avenue del Libertador General San Martín, has many nice shops and restaurants, but the rest of the city, unfortunately, lacks such charm.

We offer an overview of the nicest places to stay.

El Calafate has two good hotels located on the southern shore of Lake Lago Argentino, these are Esplendor Calafate and Xelena.

Eolo Lodge is a 30-minute drive from El Calafate, but it occupies a huge area in the pampas and has excellent views of the lakes. Heavy antique furniture creates a cozy atmosphere for guests. Here you can also book excursions, mountain biking and bird watching. The hotel offers excursions to the Perito Moreno and Uppsala Glaciers.

Alternatively, travelers can take a tour from El Calafate or simply spend a few nights at Estancia Cristina, an early 20th-century ranch that raises sheep and offers boating opportunities on Lake Lago Argentino. The ranch occupies a huge area with the natural landscape of Patagonia, here you can go hiking, ride ATVs, sail on a schooner among the icebergs near the Glacier Glacier Uppsala. Meanwhile, keen fishermen can horseback ride to the glacial lakes near the hotel to fish for rainbow trout.

Nibepo Aike is a real ranch built by a Croatian pioneer at the turn of the 20th century. Cattle and sheep are still raised here, and guests are invited to feel like a real cowboy and leave the lasso, and for dinner, try asado - a traditionally prepared lamb dish. In the evening, guests can admire the Gorra, Frias and Dixon glaciers.

Between the villages of El Chaltén and El Calafate, the Estancia Helsingfors hotel is located - a village house on the shores of Lake Viedma with excellent cuisine and excellent views of the mountain landscapes.

Estancia El Condor is located five hours from El Calafate near Lake San Martin. The hotel is named because condors nest in this area.

Los Cerros is located on the slopes of the mountains in El Chaltén. Aguas Arribas Lodge, an hour's drive from El Chaltén, is a secluded lakeside retreat with views of Mount Fitzroy.

In Ushuaia, the best places to stay are the Los Cauquenes and Arakur Ushuaia Resort & Spa hotels. There are excellent views of the Beagle Channel.

Local kitchen

Most hotels offer full board with three meals a day, but at the same time there are some local delicacies that are worth trying.

The town of El Calafate gets its name from the berries of the boxwood barberry, the national symbol of Patagonia, known here simply as califate berries. There is a local legend that whoever eats califate berries will definitely return to Patagonia. Califate is used to make ice cream, liqueur and delicious jams.

Tasting a real Patagonian asado is a “must-do” when visiting these places. Watch how to cook lamb asado over an open fire, with a glass of Patagonian Pinot Noir or Mendocinean Mablec in hand...

The Kaupe restaurant in Ushuaia is considered one of the best in Argentina.

The Cerveceria Beagle bar brews its own beer using meltwater from nearby glaciers.

Probably the most famous Argentine drink in the world is mate. There is a real ritual of preparing and drinking mate tea (a mixture of dried herbs rich in caffeine): the tea leaves, poured into a hollowed out pumpkin or wooden cup, are poured with boiling water through a metal tube - bombilla. If the drink turns out to be too bitter, add a little sugar.

Day trips in Argentina

A trip to the Perito Moreno Glacier in Los Glaciares National Park is one of the most popular excursions in Patagonia.

There are day-long river excursions, during which tourists sail by boat across Lago Argentino and visit the Glaciar Uppsala, Spegazzini and Perito Moreno glaciers.

The excursion to Estancia Cristina includes boat rides near various glaciers and waterfalls.

Cañadon de los Fosiles is a five-hour hike along a route with scenic views of the lakes and Glacier Uppsala, and then descends into a valley where you can discover many fossils of ancient animals and plants.

From El Chaltén you can go on various walks through unusually picturesque places. The climb to the top of Cerro Torre takes 6 hours, a more difficult route to Mount Fitzroy and Laguna de los Tres lake. You can even go ice skating at the top of the Glaciar Viedma glacier.

In Tierra del Fuego you can explore the life of the flora and fauna of the Beagle Channel or visit Tierra del Fuego National Park with its picturesque panoramic landscapes.

Tips for tourists traveling to Patagonia in Argentina

Some hiking routes to the glacier may have age restrictions - from 18 to 50 years.

If you are planning to visit Estancia Cristina, please note that the boat here leaves from El Calafate early in the morning and returns late in the evening.

If you want to avoid the influx of tourists, visit El Chaltén in November or April.

Camping equipment is expensive in Argentina, so it's best to take it with you.