Youth holidays in Turkey. Youth holiday for the New Year Youth holiday in summer

The traditional solution to the problem of children's recreation during the holidays is for the child to attend a children's camp. Today, in Russia alone there are thousands of camps offering holidays for every taste - from beach to mountain, from excursion to sports and entertainment. But even more camps await little guests abroad. And, fortunately, holidays in a children's camp abroad today have become available to many families in our country.

Foreign camp is affordable!

Contrary to the established stereotype, many camps abroad are not much more expensive, or even cheaper than some domestic camps for children. Camps in Bulgaria and Ukraine, Belarus and Spain, camps in Slovakia and the Czech Republic offer high-quality children's recreation with an abundance of exciting excursions and a well-developed cultural program.

In children's camps abroad, a child will never be bored, because in them he will be able to swim and ride horses, learn to dance and study foreign languages, play team games and even make films! And of course, many camps abroad have a health-improving focus, and this is a great opportunity to relax in a camp with benefit!

Children's camps abroad are becoming more popular every year, and thanks to the website project, they are becoming even more accessible!

Such a familiar and close Moscow region every year reveals to us new facets of its splendor and truly limitless opportunities for recreation and treatment. The Moscow region was formed on January 14, 1929 and is located in the center of the European part of Russia, between 54 and 57 s. w. and between 35 and 40 centuries. d. Area (excluding Moscow area) 46 thousand km2. Population (as of January 1, 2004) - 6,622 thousand people (4.6% of the Russian population). The Moscow region borders in the west with Smolensk, in the northwest and north with Tver, in the northeast with Yaroslavl, in the east with Vladimir, in the southeast with Ryazan, in the south with Tula, in the southwest with Kaluga regions. The administrative center of the Moscow region is Moscow. The geographical location of the territory of the Moscow region determines the generally flat nature of the relief with alternating hilly hills and flat lowlands.

The poet William Blake argued that the whole world can be seen in one flower bud. In the Moscow region, many generations of Russians collected and painstakingly preserved the best artifacts of world culture, repeated famous historical landscapes, and copied world-famous palaces and castles. Here you can visit the holy land without leaving the expanses of our northern Motherland. In the 17th century, the banks of the Istra River, with their bends, miraculously repeated the bends of the Jordan River, and our Moscow region Jerusalem was reflected in its waters. Mounts Zion, Tabor, Eleon and Galgotha ​​grew. For its beauty and genuine luxury, the Arkhangelskoye estate has been turned into a “Versailles” near Moscow, and in the south of the Moscow region, in the steppes of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, real bison graze freely. And if you like the overseas exoticism of a tropical hotel, the hospitable and zealous Moscow region will offer it to you. Because the Moscow region is one of the most developed regions of the Russian tourism industry. The list of resort complexes exceeds 1000 items and is able to provide any level of comfort. Health resorts, known for their unique medical facilities and highly qualified medical staff, will help you restore and improve your health. And how much active entertainment there is in boarding houses and recreation centers near Moscow! The surrounding areas of the capital are famous for their rare natural beauty. The land of brooding forests, ancient rivers, magical lakes and even man-made mountains will provide you with a rich selection of entertainment for spring, summer and holidays.


The climate of the Moscow region is temperate continental. The warm period (average daily air temperature above 0°C), starting in early April and ending in early November, lasts 205-215 days. The warmest month is July (average temperature from 16.5 C in the northwest to 18.5 C in the southeast). The absolute maximum temperature - 39 C was recorded in Kashira and Zaraysk. The annual precipitation in the region varies from 450 to 650 mm.

Natural healing factors and treatment profiles

The basis of the resort resources of the Moscow region, along with the climate, are drinking mineral waters and brines, which are used for baths. Many sanatoriums near Moscow, such as Mozhaisky, Dorokhovo and Erino, have their own pump rooms. In the Moscow region there are several deposits of medicinal peat mud, which are effectively used for treatment in sanatoriums. The possibility of carrying out sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation in the Moscow region is determined by the following factors: the absence of an acclimatization, adaptation and readaptation reaction for residents of central Russia; all-season; developed recreational and medical-diagnostic infrastructure of sanatoriums near Moscow; proximity to leading medical centers.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases, metabolic disorders.

The excursion program is very diverse, and usually holiday homes and sanatoriums offer excursions around the area of ​​the Moscow region where they are located. Do not forget that sanatorium treatment is perfectly combined with excursions, especially since such a concentration of interesting places as in Central Russia still needs to be found. There are more than a thousand archaeoli in the Moscow region. monuments (villages, settlements, mounds), many ancient Russian cities, the age of which sometimes exceeds the age of Moscow. Mozhaisk, Vereya, Ruza, Volokolamsk, Zvenigorod, Dmitrov, Kolomna, Serpukhov, Zaraysk have largely preserved the historical buildings of the 18th-19th centuries, and some of them have kremlins and ramparts. There are more than 500 religious buildings in Petrograd, including Orthodox shrines - the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Savvino-Storozhevsky, Joseph-Volotsky, New Jerusalem, Nikolo-Ugreshsky monasteries, etc. Approx. 150 estates and several dozen estate parks. More than 100 museums and other objects reflecting the history and culture of Russia: Borodino; house-museums of P. I. Tchaikovsky in Klin, S. I. Taneyev in Dyutkovo, A. A. Blok in Shakhmatovo; estates Abramtsevo, Muranovo, Yaropolets, Arkhangelskoye.


Museum M.M. Prishvina(village Dunino).

Savvino-Storozhevsky stauropegial monastery, the date of foundation of the monastery is 1398.

Intercession Church(Akulovo village, Shkolnaya st. 88G). Built in 1807 through the efforts of V.P. Razumovskaya - Sheremeteva.

Church of the Transfiguration(village Golitsino). Built in the 1590s by order of Boris Godunov.

Spasskaya Church(village Ubory). Built in 1694–1697. An example of Moscow Baroque architecture.

Church of the Transfiguration(Bolshie Vyazemy village). Built in 1598. The temple, consecrated in 1600 in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity, after 1702 was renamed in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Church of the Assumption on Gorodok (Zvenigorod). Built at the beginning of the 15th century.

Muranovo Estate(village Artemovo). House, outbuilding, children's house, coachman's room, barn, park, gatehouse, linden alley, ironing room, church. Built in 1840–1842. according to plan and under the leadership of the famous Russian poet Evgeniy Abramovich Baratynsky. Guests of the estate were: N.V. Gogol, S.T. Aksakov, V.F. Odoevsky, E.P. Rostopchina, F.I. Tyutchev.

Sofrino Estate(2 km from Ashukinskaya Square). Smolensk Church, remains of a park with a pond. In the 70s. XVII century the property is listed as a “sovereign village”, and by the 90s it became the patrimony of boyar F.P. Saltykov near Moscow. His daughter, Praskovya, married Tsar Ivan Alekseevich, the elder brother of Peter I.

Tsarevo Estate(Pushkinsky district). St. Nicholas Church, ancient tombstones.
In the last quarter of the 17th century. here was the courtyard of the patrimonial owner N.I. Sheremetev, then F.A. Golitsyn, in the middle of the 18th century. the estate was owned by P.N. Shcherbatov, then landowner A.I. Durasova and her heirs, in the middle of the 19th century. - A.F. Zakrevskaya, in 1911 - V.I. Smirnov. St. Nicholas Church in Tsarevo was built at the expense of the owners of the village of Durasovs in 1812–1815.

Museum Reserve A.A. Blok(Village Shakhmatovo). Created in 1984

Neolithic site(left bank of the Klyazma river, Lyalovo village). One of the oldest Neolithic sites in the Moscow region, dating back to the mid-3rd - early 2nd centuries. BC e.

Slavic burial mounds(village Myshetskoye, south of Lake Krugloye). Relates to the 11th-12th centuries.

North- Dmitrovsky, Mytishchi, Taldomsky

Northeast- Pushkinsky, Sergiev Posad, Shchelkovsky

Northwest- Krasnogorsk, Lotoshinsky, Solnechnogorsk, Khimki

South- Domodedovo, Podolsky, Kashirsky, Serpukhovsky, Stupinsky, Chekhovsky

Southeast- Voskresensky, Egorievsky, Kolomensky, Zaraisky, Lukhovitsky, Ozersky, Ramensky, Serebryano-Prudsky

Southwest- Leninsky, Narofominsky

West- Volokolamsk, Istra, Mozhaisk, Odintsovo, Ruzsky

East- Balashikha, Noginsky, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Pavlovo-Posad, Shatursky.

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The most party and youth resorts in the world

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Modern youth now do not like to just lie still, sunbathing on the beach; many of them are in search of unforgettable experiences, extreme sports and an adrenaline rush in order to gain a unique life experience. Young people are most interested in active recreation: beach parties, where you can dance to your heart's content and engage in various types of water activities, where you can experience a lot of new emotions.
We will try to help you with this difficult choice and introduce you to the list of countries and resorts where you can “have a blast.”








There are more than enough tourist attractions. One of the main places of attraction for tourists is the Red Sea, one of the most beautiful on the planet, a paradise both for lovers of diving, snorkeling and kiting, and for those who prefer lying on the beach to all types of recreation.





Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such means, if the processing of personal data without the use of such means corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows, in accordance with a given algorithm, a search for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as the transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement - for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored electronically in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to process and transfer personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such means, if the processing of personal data without the use of such means corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows, in accordance with a given algorithm, a search for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as the transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement - for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored electronically in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to process and transfer personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.