Are there mosquitoes in sacks? A simple holiday in Saki. Are there sandy beaches in Saki? Certainly

And 45 km from Simferopol, the Crimean capital. Received city status in 1952. It is the center of the district of the same name, but is not part of it: Saki is a city of republican subordination. As of 2015, about 24 thousand people permanently reside in the city.

Saki is a modern, well-known balneological resort in Europe. Annually health improvement and holiday in Saki chosen by thousands of tourists from all over the world.

Nature and climate of Saki

The fame of Saka as a balneological resort was brought by the salt lake, which stretches next to it for five kilometers. The lake appeared on the site of a river that was flooded by the Black Sea five thousand years ago. Layers of clay, pebbles, silt and salt began to be deposited at its bottom. The resulting mixture, which has healing properties, became healing mud. Its unique composition is superior in some respects to the mud of the Israeli Dead Sea.

Table salt from the Saki lakes began to be used as food - it was here that the famous Chumatsky Highway ran, along which the Cossacks once went to the Crimea for “white gold”.

There are mineral springs in the area. Their slightly alkaline water, known by the brand " Crimean mineral", is not inferior in properties to the mineral waters of Essentuki and Truskavets.

Another healing natural resource that makes holidays in Saki attractive is the climate. Saki, located 5 km from the sea, is located in the coastal-steppe climate zone. Summers here are hot (July temperature +23.3°C), and winters are mild (average February temperature -1°C). The average temperature for the year is +11.2°C with a relative humidity of 77%. The sky over Saki is greedy for precipitation, but generous with the sun: it shines over the area for about 2,500 hours a year. The swimming season begins in the first days of June and lasts until the beginning of October. During this period the water warms up to +17°C.

In Saki there is one of the most beautiful places in Crimea- City Park . Thirty sculptural compositions are located in the man-made arboretum in the shade of eighty species of shrubs and trees.

The combination of thermal mineral springs, a salt lake with silt mud, an arboretum and the sea makes the climate of Sak beneficial for humans. While in Saki, be sure to visit:

  • Saki salt lake;
  • Mikhailovskoye Lake.

History of Sak

There are several versions about the origin of the name " Saki" According to one of them, the city inherited the Persian name of the Scythians who inhabited it in ancient times: the Persians called the Scythians “Sakas”. The second version is tied to the healing properties of Lake Saki - translated from Turkic “saki” means “mud”, and “sak” means “strength, fortress”.

The exact time of the appearance of the first settlement on the site of the city of Saki has not been established. About 25 centuries ago, the coast of Crimea began to be actively populated by Greek colonists, and it is likely that the history of Sak began at that time. At the beginning of our era, the village was well known to the Romans: this is evidenced by many ancient coins found during excavations in the vicinity of Saki.

In the Middle Ages, Saki was a small village, the property of the rich Crimean Mansur family and was part of the Crimean Khanate. Life in the village went smoothly and repeated the historical fate of the entire Crimea, passing from hand to hand from Tatars to Genoese and Turks, from Turks to Russia.

They started talking loudly about Saki during the Crimean War. Not far from the village, between lakes Kyzyl-Yar and Saki, a huge coalition army landed. In February 1855, Russian army forces were stationed near the village, preparing under the command of General S.A. Khrulev to storm Evpatoria. During the fighting, the village of Saki was destroyed.

The end of the Crimean War caused the emigration of Crimean Tatars from Sakha. The deserted village was rebuilt slowly and with difficulty. In 1858, families from the Poltava province moved to it, and later the Greeks of Constantinople appeared.

The mud of Lake Saki began to be used for medicinal purposes back in the Middle Ages. They noticed the healing properties of the local silt, according to legend, thanks to one Chumakov who came to these places for salt. His overloaded oxen got stuck in the coastal mud, and the chumak toiled with them until the morning, trampling in the mud with his sore feet. Returning home, he suddenly felt that the old pain had left his legs...

In 1827, district doctor S.N. Auger began to officially practice in Saki mud therapy. He was prompted to this decision by the results of research by Russian scientists into the chemical composition of Saki mud, which discovered unique medicinal properties. 1827 is considered the year of birth of the Saki resort.

By the end of the 19th century, the village began to flourish: hospitals and hotels were built, and sanatoriums were opened. Local mud helps Tsarevich Alexei, heir to the Russian throne, get rid of his illness. Notable people are starting to come here. Remember: “and the princes are in the mud”?

Young Soviet Russia took up “sanatorium” issues only in the early 30s of the last century. The healing properties of Saki mud were appreciated so highly that since 1938, the resort's health resorts switched to year-round treatment.

During the Great Patriotic War, most of the rest houses and sanatoriums in Saki were destroyed. After the victory, they were among the first to be restored.

The infrastructure of today's resort health resorts can be the envy of many European resorts. And the amazing restorative properties of Saki mud continue to attract tourists from all over the world. You can diversify your holiday in Saki with excursions to local attractions:

  • Church of St. Elijah;
  • Museum of History and Local Lore;
  • sanatorium named after Burdenko;
  • the Greco-Scythian settlement of Kara-Tobe;
  • Saki resort park;
  • park named after Pushkin.

Sanatoriums in Saki

Sak sanatoriums are known as a resort for the treatment of infertility and gynecological diseases. Local climatic conditions and balneological resources also help doctors successfully cope with diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the digestive system.

The best sanatoriums Sak:

  • named after N. N. Burdenko;
  • "Blue Wave";
  • named after N.I. Pirogov;
  • "Saki";
  • "Northern lights";
  • "Poltava-Crimea";
  • "Yurmino";
  • "Tangier".

Are there beaches in Saki?

Between Saki and Yevpatoria there is the entertainment complex “Solnyshko”. The complex with an area of ​​4.5 hectares has:

  • 450-meter equipped beach;
  • rental points for various equipment;
  • water attractions; diving center with professional instructors;
  • sports grounds for playing aquaball, streetball, volleyball, paintball;
  • children's playground;
  • bars with great bartenders;
  • cafes with national cuisines of the Crimean peoples;
  • the largest dance floor in Crimea (accommodates 3 thousand people).

Food in Saki

Options food in Saki- usual for Crimean resorts. You can buy food and cook yourself, you can eat in canteens and restaurants. In the private sector homeowners often cook inexpensively and deliciously. The price of an average lunch starts at $5. The best restaurants and cafes in Sak: “Coffee House”, “Crimean Courtyard”, “Smak”, “Hellas”, “Oriental Cuisine”, “Cheburechnaya No. 1”.

Accommodation in Saki and housing prices

Saki is a health resort town with a calm and quiet atmosphere. Holidays on the Black Sea here are more associated with health improvement and the maritime climate than with lying on the beach every day. Therefore, when planning a vacation in Saki, it is advisable to count on accommodation in a sanatorium. Where, no matter where, will you be closest to Saki dirt and people who know how to handle it? If the sanatorium is not available to you, you can stay in Saki:

  • at the Garrison Hotel;
  • at the Sahara Hotel;
  • guest house "Eden".

The most attractive prices in the Edem guest house - from $15 per night.

Saki is the largest balneological resort, a place where people have been officially treated with mud for almost 200 years. And even though “vacation on the Black Sea” is a relative concept here, the ancient city deserves to be visited, at least while passing through.

Saki, a small town on the western coast of Crimea, is best known for its mud, sanatoriums, large water park and entertainment complex on the seashore. This place, however, also attracts those who love quiet, wild beaches.

1. Dirt

Saki is primarily known for its mud. The bottom of the Saki salt lake is covered with a thick layer of healing mineral mud.

The mud and brine (salt-saturated water) of this lake help with atritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases, vascular diseases, some gynecological and neurological diseases, genitourinary diseases, and sexual disorders in men.

There are 15 sanatoriums and boarding houses in Saki that offer mud therapy, including the Poltava-Crimea clinical sanatorium (open all year round). To improve your health, it is better to go for at least 2-4 weeks.

However, mud therapy is a very serious method; it is contraindicated in case of bronchial asthma, diabetes, cancer, renal forms of hypertension, etc. Consultation with your doctor before the trip is required.

There are also mineral water springs in Saki. Here they produce slightly alkaline water “Crimean” (used for diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders).

2. Beaches

Although there is no sea beach in Saki (the city is 4 km from the sea), it is easy to get to the sea coast by bus or minibus.

You can sunbathe on equipped beaches in Novofedorovka or on the Saki bay-bar (the isthmus that connects Saki and Yevpatoria), where there are sun loungers and umbrellas, cafes, restaurants, toilets and entertainment for children, or you can drive further away and relax on wild beaches where there are few vacationers (mostly auto tourists) and there are no annoying sellers of corn and ice cream.

Two hours away by car is the Tarkhankut Peninsula (Olenevka village), one of the most beautiful places in Crimea. There are picturesque rocks and grottoes here, including the famous 100-meter grotto on Cape Bolshoy Atlesh.

3. Entertainment

On the highway not far from Saki there is the Banana Republic water park (8 pools and 25 attractions). A ticket for adults costs from 650 to 950 rubles depending on the time of visit, for children up to 130 cm tall - 650 rubles, for children up to 90 cm tall - free. Luggage storage - 100 rub.

Between Saki and Yevpatoriya there is also a large entertainment complex "Solnyshko" (4.5 hectares) - there is a beach equipped with sun loungers and showers, rental points for water and sports equipment, water attractions, a diving center, sports grounds for playing volleyball, aquaball , football, streetball, etc.

4. Excursions

You can take many interesting excursions from Sak. Not far from the center there is the Museum of Antiquities of North-Western Crimea. Here you can see the archaeological excavations of the ancient fortress of Evpatorion (2nd century BC), the reconstruction of a Scythian dwelling and a museum where coins, ceramics, household items, finds from the necropolis and weapons are exhibited - a total of 240 exhibits.

In 20 minutes you can drive to Evpatoria. Among its attractions are the Khan-Jami Mosque, Tekie Dervishes (the only Muslim monastery in Crimea of ​​the 15th-16th centuries), kariz (an ancient water supply system built in the 15th-14th centuries), etc.

In 1.5 hours you can get from Sak to Bakhchisarai and see the medieval fortress city of Chufut Kale, the Assumption Monastery, the Khan's Palace, etc.

5. Transport

It’s easy to get to Saki if you fly to Crimea by plane. Simferopol Airport is located 40 km from the city. A taxi from the airport to Sak will cost about 900 rubles, some hotels offer transfers.

You can also get there from the airport by minibus. Another option is to take a bus or trolleybus to the railway station, and from there take a regular bus or minibus to Sak. The journey will take 1.5-2 hours. There are also trains from Simferopol to Saki, but they are slow and stuffy.

We will say a word about Saki nature... But first, about the climate of Saki, which determines the characteristics of the local nature.

Before characterizing the climate of the western coast of Crimea, let's remember what the word “climate” actually means. This is a sequence of weather changes characteristic of a certain area, its long-term regime.

The usual weather pattern depends on the geographical conditions of a particular area, including:

  • latitude, which determines the angle of incidence of the sun's rays
  • air circulation features
  • the presence of bodies of water in the region, for example, the sea. The width of the coastal strip of land, which is influenced by the sea, is 10-12 kilometers.

Is there a sea in Saki?

The question “is there a sea in Saki?” worries everyone who is going to these parts for treatment. We are happy to answer this question. The city of Saki is located five kilometers from the sea, and a number of Saki health resorts, such as the modern sanatorium "Yurmino", are located directly on the seashore.

Climate features in Saki

The uniqueness of the area lies in the successful symbiosis of sea and steppe. The spacious Crimean steppes and Saki’s proximity to the sea form a unique coastal-steppe climate. To summarize, we can say that the climate in Saki is moderate continental, quite mild, arid, without noticeable fluctuations in air temperature. The average annual air temperature is +11.2 °C. There is little precipitation - 350 mm per year, relative humidity 77%.

Saki is the Crimean record holder for the duration of sunshine, which delights vacationers here for 2,500 hours a year. In this parameter, even the legendary Yalta is inferior to Saki, where the luminary spends only 2223 hours a year.

Winter in Saki is mild and moderately cold: the average temperature in the winter months is about 0 °C. The coldest month is February (-1 °C).

Summer in Saki is comfortably warm. The average summer temperature is +22 °C. The hottest month is July (average temperature +23.3 °C, maximum daytime temperature +38-+40 °C). Thanks to the combination of steppe and sea, there is no intense heat in Saki in summer. Daytime breezes bring pleasant coolness, and at night the air with the aromas of herbs, heated during the day, envelops you in pleasant warmth.

Saki: nature is richer than it might seem

The peculiarities of the climate in the vicinity of Saki are reflected in the local living and inanimate nature. After all, water bodies, soil, fauna, and flora are in close interaction with climate.

For those who come to Saki for the first time, nature may seem poor: there are no palm trees and cypresses, mountains and forests, which may have been imagined before the trip to Crimea. But don't rush to conclusions!

The Saki resort has unique natural resources. There are springs of healing mineral water, a legendary salt lake with healing silt mud, spacious sandy seaside beaches, and special air with the aromas of steppe herbs and the sea.

The wise nature of Saki deprived it of the wealth of flora. But it seems that she did this deliberately, realizing that people usually value what they themselves had a hand in. The Sakchans tried their best! Today the city of Saki is surrounded by greenery. And the pride of the resort is the delightful arboretum, founded back in 1890. About 80 species of plants from Asia, Europe, North America, settled in Saki Park, delight, amaze, and amaze with beauty! The artificial reservoir “Swan Lake” and its feathered inhabitants restore peace of mind and the ability to enjoy life.

They also help nature in Saki health resorts. Visit the arboretum of the Yurmino sanatorium and you will understand what we mean. Well-groomed trees, shrubs, flower beds; murmuring fountains, cascading ponds...

Come without a doubt! The local climate, nature and the work of employees of sanatorium-resort enterprises have provided Saki with a reputation as a highly effective balneological resort.