Endangered plants. Rare and endangered plants. Endangered plants.

During the existence of mankind, a huge number of plant species have already disappeared from the face of the earth. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is natural disasters, but today it is more appropriate to explain this problem by anthropogenic activity. Rare species of flora, that is, relics, are most susceptible to extinction, and their distribution depends on the boundaries of a particular area. To draw public attention, the Red Book is being created, which contains information about endangered species. Also, government agencies in different countries ensure the protection of endangered plants.

Reasons for the disappearance of plants

The disappearance of flora occurs due to human economic activities:

  • deforestation;
  • grazing;
  • drainage of swamps;
  • plowing of steppes and meadows;
  • collection of herbs and flowers for sale.

Not least important are forest fires, flooding of coastal areas, environmental pollution, and environmental disasters. As a result of natural disasters, plants die in large numbers overnight, leading to global changes in the ecosystem.

Extinct species of flora

It is difficult to determine how many hundreds of plant species have disappeared from the planet. Over the past 500 years, according to experts from the World Conservation Union, 844 species of flora have disappeared forever. One of them is sigillaria, tree-like plants that reached a height of 25 meters, had thick trunks, and grew in swampy areas. They grew in groups, forming entire forest zones.

An interesting species grew on the islands of the Pacific Ocean - Streblorisa from the genus Leguminaceae, which had interesting flowering. Extinct is the crian violet, a herbaceous plant that grew up to 12 centimeters and had purple flowers.

Also, the lepidodendron species, which was covered with dense foliage, disappeared from tree-like plants. Of the aquatic species, it is worth mentioning nematophyte algae, which were found in various reservoirs.


Thus, the problem of reducing biodiversity is urgent for the world. If measures are not taken, many species of flora will soon disappear. At the moment, rare and endangered species are listed in the Red Book, and by reading the list, you can find out which plants should not be picked. Some species are practically no longer found on the planet, and they can only be found in hard-to-reach places. We must protect nature and prevent plants from disappearing.

Human activities are leading to the extinction of many plant species throughout the planet. Due to mass destruction, individual representatives of the flora are at the stage of extinction. Scientists name ten species of plants that may soon disappear without a trace.

Arizona Agave

Since the 19th century, this species of agave, which originated in the New River Mountains, as well as the Sierra Ancas, was threatened with extinction, and when in the 60s of the 20th century only 100 copies of this plant variety remained on the planet, scientists began to take measures to restore its population. Today there are two species of Arizona Agave, and their populations are protected by the local National Forest. The corresponding plant can be found in its native mountains.

Enrubio bush

Enrubio is a shrub that lives in Puerto Rican forests; in the 90s of the last century, according to the results of scientific research, it was represented in the amount of 150 units. The main reason why it was endangered was because it was eaten by local livestock, despite the presence of protective thorns.

Ouachita mountain goldenrod

According to research, this type of goldenrod has been growing on Earth for 25 thousand years. However, now only the humid climate that remains in two American states, Arkansas and Oklahoma, is favorable for this plant. Nowadays, the Ouachita goldenrod, which got its name due to its bright golden inflorescences, as well as its place of origin - the Ouachita mountain range, has only 130 specimens.

The fact that the plant has not yet become extinct was a pleasant surprise for many scientists, since before 2000 it was already considered extinct. This shrub, which prefers hot climates, is primarily found in the Wa'ina Mountains located on the island of Oahu. Stenogin Canehoana is notable for its dense leaves with fine fluff on their surface, and one of its important features is its miraculous healing properties. It was this quality that caused the mass destruction of the plant. Today, scientists have hopes of restoring the population of Stenogin Canehoana due to its ability to grow in captivity.

This plant, of American origin, is now protected in the Oregon State Wildlife Refuge. Despite the fact that at the end of the 20th century, Zelaipodium Hovelli was quite common in this area, its population was about 30 thousand specimens; later, as a result of mowing the grass cover, the shrub began to disappear. Today, according to scientists, only 5 bushes of the Zelaypodium Hovelli species remain in nature.

A rare plant called wild Texas rice that grows along the San Marcos River has been rapidly disappearing in recent years. Researchers claim that the main reason for this is a decrease in the amount of water in the river, which is caused by malfunctions of the dam. And since the plant can only live in this fresh water, botanists predict its imminent extinction. Currently, measures are being taken to restore the natural habitat in which this type of plant feels most comfortable.

Akalifa viginsi is one of the indigenous “residents” of the Galapagos Islands, distinguished by its bright spike-shaped inflorescences. Traditionally, the factor that influenced the rapid extinction of this shrub was the reduction of its habitat and active construction in the natural territory of the plant. Scientists say that in the absence of immediate action to restore the Akalifa population, the bush will soon disappear completely.

The American variety of aster, Georgia, until recently covered a large area of ​​the southeastern United States. As a result, scientists have recorded a reduction in the habitat of only 57 representatives of this group of plants in recent years, and therefore the danger of its complete extinction increases. In order to preserve and increase the population of the Georgia aster, a special organization was created - the “Association for the Protection of the Georgia Aster”.

Another exclusively American plant, which is the rarest representative of the flora, is the steppe orchid. It grows only in the western part of the USA. Today this flower is presented in only 172 copies. The main reason for its extinction is global warming, which adversely affects this wetland culture. Frequent fires that occur in the orchid's growing area, as well as eating and trampling by livestock, also contribute to the gradual disappearance of this plant species.

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Following and of course we publish an equally rosy top 10 the rarest plants in the world which are also endangered plants.

10. Arizona Agave

At the time of 1984, there were approximately 100 copies of this plant. But the Arizona Agave was able to overcome its population decline. Although only two species still survive, both are located in the Tonto National Forest, Arizona. This rare plant is native to the New River and Sierra Uncas Mountains. And opens the top 10 the rarest plants.

9. Enrubio

In 1992, there were about 150 copies. This bush, which grows in Puerto Rico, has sharp thorns that protect it from being eaten. It is close to extinction due to grazing animals that eat it.

8. Ouachita Mountain Goldenrod

It is believed that remains from the last ice age remain unknown. The endangered plant species, grows in three counties along the Arkansas and Oklahoma borders. This plant prefers cool, humid climates, such as on the ridges of the Oushito Mountains.

There was evidence that this member of the mint family disappeared in 2000, until a specimen was discovered that confirms the existence of this species. This plant is found only in the Wa'ina Mountains on the island of Oahu. The leaves of Stenogin Canechoana are quite dense, with fluff. In 2001, Lyon proved that these plants can be grown in captivity.

6. Howell's Spectacular Thelypody

Thelypodium howellii is represented by only five populations, all of these rare plants native to northeastern Oregon. At the time of 1999, there were about 30 thousand of these plants, but their numbers fall annually due to the mowing of grass in their habitat.

5. (Texas Wild Rice) Texas wild rice

Zizania texana is a plant species with a rather bleak future. They grow only in the fresh water of the San Marcos River. According to the Plant Conservation Center, this type of rice is in danger due to decreased water levels caused by the Spring Lake Dam.

4. Akalitha

Acalypha wigginsii is an indigenous "inhabitant" of a tiny part of the Galapagos Islands. The main reasons for the decline in the population of these plants are construction work and loss of habitat. According to the Galapagos Conservation Trust (a British charity), this species is critically close to extinction.

Endangered plants Symphyotrichum georgianum is native to the southeastern United States. According to the conservation organization Nature Serve, the plant species grew in small clumps but now has about 60 populations thanks to its natural habitat.

2. Rafflesia

This species of the Lyubka family is native to only five US states in the Midwest, and is the rarest plant in the world. The Endangered Species Coalition estimates that there are only 172 species in the population of these plants, and four groups of these orchids contain 1,000 individuals each. This wetland plant grows in prairie potholes, indentations left by glaciers of the last ice age 20,000 years ago. The main threats to this plant are overgrazing, fires and global warming.

Corpse Flower

Rafflesia or Corpse Flower got its name “thanks to” the unbearably vile smell of corpse decomposition that it emits. With the help of smell, the flower attracts carrion insects, which pollinate it.

Also, this plant received the laurels of the largest flower in the world! The record holder among corpse flowers reached a height of 2 m 74 cm and weighed more than 100 kg.

Lady's slipper (yellow and purple)

More recently, this type of orchid was widespread throughout Europe. Unfortunately, they are now classified as rare species. To everyone's surprise, in 1917 several shoes were found on an ordinary golf course. Like everything rare in our world, this flower is very expensive. For one shoot you will have to pay $5,000.

The propagation of a flower goes through several stages, in one of which the plant requires the presence of a special type of mushroom, which feeds the sprout. Obviously, this does not help restore the population.

Ghost Orchid

The ghost orchid got its name because of its gloomy appearance and, alternatively, because of the fact of its own resurrection from the dead. For 20 years this plant was considered to have sunk into oblivion, however, living specimens have recently been discovered.

The complex process of reproduction and the absence of leaves (as a result - photosynthesis) sealed the death sentence for this unusual plant - there is practically no chance of a natural revival of the species.


A flower from distant Sri Lanka. Since it blooms only at midnight and extremely rarely, moreover, the kadupul dies immediately after flowering.

Kokyo tree

Kokio - the fate of this plant is tragic. The tree was discovered in Hawaii in 1860, but at the time of discovery there were only three left. People tried to maintain the life of the species artificially, which turned out to be a difficult task - the tree was extremely fastidious in reproduction and demanding of conditions. In 1950, not a single tree of all the Kokyo seedlings survived, after which the species was declared extinct.

20 years later, fate gave the species a second chance - in 1970 the last specimen of the plant was discovered, which 8 years later would die in a fire.


Cosmos atrosanguineus is a flower from Mexico with an appetizing name and an equally appetizing vanilla-chocolate aroma of flowering. The plant has been considered extinct for more than a century, but in 1902 a sterile variant of chocolate cosmos was developed, whose scent we can still inhale to this day.

Parrot beak

Try to guess what this flower looks like?

Parrot's beak is a plant that has disappeared from the face of the Earth and grows in the Canary Islands. The flower became extinct along with the only insects that pollinated it—sunbirds.

jade vine

A very beautiful plant with clusters of jade flowers. The vine is pollinated by bats, which enjoy its nectar.

Recently, the jade vine has fallen into the category of endangered species - and again the person who is deforesting the habitats of this wonderful plant is to blame.

Gibraltar gum (Silene tomentosa)

This bright mountain flower grew in the mountains of Gibraltar and was already classified by scientists as extinct. A lucky chance allowed one of the climbers to encounter one of these flowers while climbing.

Now Smolevka is grown in the Gibraltar Botanical Garden and the Royal Botanic Garden in the UK.

The seeds of the plant are placed in the millennium seed fund.

Plants that eat rats, mushrooms that look like aliens from outer space, leaves that dance and flowers that smell like corpses: these natural wonders are some of the rarest and most exotic plants found in the wild.

Some are stunningly beautiful, despite the terrible smell, while others look like they came straight out of the sick mind of a horror movie screenwriter. But they are all excellent examples of the diversity of the earth's flora.

Even the most harmless of the Nepenthes plants are amazing in themselves. But the species that was discovered in August 2009 shocked the imagination of even experienced scientists. This species is considered the largest carnivorous plant on Earth and can even feed on rats.
It was discovered on Mount Victoria in the Philippines and named after the famous nature explorer David Attenborough.

Flower parachute

This flower looks like the creation of an artist painting fantastic flora. The petals joined together and something like a lollipop covered with hair together form a hollow tube, covered from the inside with hairs directed inward. The smell of the plant attracts insects that fall into the trap. The plant does not feed on insects and when the hairs dry out, the insect flies out, carrying pollen.

Mutinus caninus

Is it really hard to imagine an uglier mushroom than this one? These fungi, with a very unpleasant odor, spread their spores through mucus that forms at the end and is carried by flies. It got its name, as it’s easy to assume, due to the similarity of its structure with a certain part of the dog’s body (sorry :))

Dancing plant (Desmodium Gyrans)

Have you ever observed a plant that moves on its own?
The dancing plant, also known as the telegraph plant, moves its leaves when exposed to direct sunlight, heat or vibration. which explains his reaction to music.

The shaft at the base of its leaves allows them to move around their axis. This plant was described in detail by Darwin in his book “The Power of Plant Motion”.

Pelican plant (Aristolochia grandiflora)

This plant is almost beautiful in its strange splendor. With large chambers instead of petals and veins similar to the circulatory system. But don’t get too close, otherwise the smell of dead mice won’t dissipate for a very long time. However, this plant is not carnivorous like Nepenthes attenboroughii, so it attracts insects to pollinate it.

Sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica)

You could say that this small plant, with its fern-like leaves and pink flowers, is shy. It is enough to touch or simply blow on its leaves. so that they curl up into a tube, as if protecting themselves. When a plant is disturbed, it releases chemicals that cause the cells to release water, causing the leaves to curl.
It is still not clear what caused the plant to evolve in this way. Scientists suggest that in this way it scares away predators.

Hydnora africana

Wood's encephalartos woodii

This is one of the rarest plants on Earth. A tall palm with dark, glossy leaves was discovered in a single location on the southern slope of a mountain in the Ngoe Forest, South Africa. This is an endangered plant; all specimens found were male and did not produce seeds. Recently, people began crossing it with the closest species of the Encephalartos family, and after three generations they have made significant progress in preserving the species.

Lily of the genus Arum (Helicodiceros muscivorus)

This lily is called the dead horse lily. The name speaks for itself. This is a huge flower with the smell of rotting meat. It attracts insects, which are trapped for a while and then fly away, spraying pollen around.

Butterwort (Pinguicula gigantea)

This plant works very similar to anti-fly tape. Any insect that was careless enough to sit on it sticks to it. Immediately after this, Zhiryanka begins to immediately digest insects. The surface of the plant is covered with special enzymes, allowing it to easily cope with heavy food.

Aldrovanda Vesiculosa

This free-floating sea plant has a shape similar to the wheel of a water mill. At the end of each branch there is a trap with hairs pointing inward, which closes when the victim falls into the trap.

Wollemia nobilis

This plant has been around for 200 million years, but it was unknown to science until 2004, when an Australian military officer discovered what he thought was an unusual species of tree in Wollemia National Park. There are no more than 100 such trees in the wild.

Snowdonia Hawkweed

This plant does not have an unpleasant odor, size and looks quite common, but it is perhaps the rarest plant on Earth. Botanists around the world considered it long extinct, but in 2002 it was discovered on one of the slopes of a mountain in Wales. The scientists' surprise knew no bounds.


Lithops are succulents native to the dry, hot climate of South Africa.

In Ancient Greece, “litos” meant “stone”, and “ops” meant similar. Hence the name “stone-like.” They are also called “living stones”.

A distinctive feature of lithops is the color of their leaves. They are never green. they are brown, gray, cream with dark spots and red streaks.

This coloring serves as a camouflage for the plant. Lithops bloom well and can be grown at home. All you need for this is: “enough light, good ventilation and enough persistence to keep yourself from watering them.”


Definitely one of the most romantic plants! Grows in Central Asia, Europe and Asia Minor.

In fact, we are not talking about one flower, but a group of several tiny flowers gathered together. Edelweiss is very well protected from the cold and can grow not only on rocks, but also in valleys.

New Zealand nettle tree

The most dangerous stinging plant is the New Zealand nettle tree. It can kill dogs and even horses by injecting a mixture of strong poisons under their skin. The fine, stinging hairs on the leaves contain histamine and formic acid.


The largest carnivorous plant, capable of digesting the largest prey, belongs to the Nepentaceae family. Frogs, birds and even rats are caught in its traps and digested with the help of enzymes. Grows in tropical forests of Asia, on. Borneo and Indonesia.


The largest cactus in the world, the saguaro, grows in Mexico and Arizona. It easily reaches a height of 15 meters and weighs from 6 to 10 tons. The saguaro flower has 3,500 stamens, which are so large that small birds sometimes build nests there.

It takes a long time for a cactus to grow this huge: saguaros grow extremely slowly. In the first 30 years they grow no more than a meter. This is followed by a period of relatively rapid growth, when the cactus gains about a millimeter every day. Only at the age of 75 does the cactus acquire its exotic appearance of a huge trunk with garlands of lateral shoots. Cacti live up to 150 years, which, of course, is a lot for succulents.


I couldn’t resist posting this plant; anyone who likes tequila will agree with me.

The wild variety of agave grows in western Mexico in a dry tropical climate at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters above sea level, preferring red soils with a high sand content.

Jalisco, one of Mexico's northwestern states, continues to celebrate UNESCO's recent decision to designate blue agave plantations concentrated in the central regions of the state as a Heritage of Humanity.

The new status of blue agave in the city of Tequila, which gave its name to the famous alcoholic drink obtained from this plant, is especially exciting. Here, in the vicinity of the city, are located most of the plantations founded by the Indians in pre-Columbian times.


Indeed, the flower of the clitoris is very similar to the female genital organs, but despite this, the battle for the name “clitoris” continued throughout the first half of the 19th century. The famous English botanist James Edward Smith was the first to cry out in 1807, but supporters of the name clitoris did not give up.

The last attempt to rename the clitoria took place in 1840 and it also failed. So the clitoria remained a clitoris...

By the way, this plant is very useful. Not only do Thais dye their rice a cheerful blue color with clitoris extract, it has a variety of medicinal uses.


Breadfruit, common in Oceania, accumulates starch in its pulp as it ripens, and if such a fruit is baked, it will taste like bread. The weight of such a loaf can reach 12 kilograms and, by the way, these fruits have been replacing bread for local residents for centuries.

Birch Schmidt

When people talk about the strength of wood, many people immediately think of “iron wood,” yew, or boxwood.

But the most durable tree grows in the Primorsky Territory; the largest population is in the Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve. The species is rare, protected, listed in the Red Book. It also grows in China (Jilin, Liaoning), Japan (Honshu) and the north of the Korean Peninsula.

The Schmidt birch grows slowly in the first years of its life. Lives up to 300-350 years.

This is wood with unique properties - if you make a ship’s hull from iron birch, you don’t have to paint it: it is not in danger of corrosion. Wood is not destroyed even by acids. The bending properties are not inferior to wrought iron and are 3.5 times stronger than cast iron. A bullet can't penetrate it. You can't cut down a tree with an ax; it simply doesn't leave a mark on the trunk.

Frost-resistant Norwegian spruces

Spruce trees were discovered high in the mountains of western Sweden.

Thanks to radiocarbon dating carried out in a laboratory in Florida (USA), the stele is known to be 8 thousand years old. Two more huge spruce trees grow near the tree. Scientists believe that they are between 4.8 thousand and 5.5 thousand years old.

But there, in Sweden, an even more amazing discovery was discovered.

Don’t be fooled by the slenderness and short height of the tree; it was born immediately after the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age (photo by Leif Kullman). He is... 9550 years old!!!

The previous oldest trees - pines in North America - dated back 4-5 thousand years.

Tallest trees

All of them are redwoods, and their exact location is a secret, so photographs of these trees are quite difficult to find. Don’t think about it, they are not guarded 24 hours a day, but only classified information so that the flow of tourists does not destroy the fragile infrastructure and prevent the trees from growing further.

10th place is occupied by a giant called the Mendocino Tree. Between December 1996 and August 2000 it was the tallest tree in the world. It grows in the city of Montgomery Woods, USA and reaches a height of 112.20 meters, the diameter is also impressive - 4.19 meters. The Mendocino tree is one of dozens of similar giants in the grove, and was never specifically declared the largest for protection purposes.

In 9th place is the Paradox tree from California. Its height is 112.56 meters and its diameter is 3.90 meters, thanks to which it took away the title of the tallest tree in the world from Mendocino.

The eighth largest tree in the world, called Rockefeller, is located in Humboldt, California. Its exact diameter is not known, but its height is as much as 112.60 meters.

7th place is occupied by the Lauralin tree, which is also located in California. It was not for nothing that they called him that, because his name means honor and victory. Lauralin is indeed revered, as it reaches a height of 112.62 meters and 4.54 meters in diameter.

Orion is in 6th place. Nowadays, Orion is one of the most famous and recognizable constellations in the earth's sky. And this giant tree is also a celebrity in the Redwoods of California, where it grew. The height of Orion is just a little higher than Lauralin, it is 112.63 meters, while its diameter is 4.33 meters.

The fifth largest is the strangely named National Geographic Society tree. It is located in Redwood Creek and reaches 112.71 meters in height and 4.39 in diameter. Since 1994, after it was found, this tree became the tallest in the world, but not for long, but only until 1995.

4th place goes to the Stratosphere Giant. This tree was once the tallest in the world. It was opened in July 2000 in Humboldt National Park. Then the height of the tree was 112.34 meters. However, it continues to grow, and according to reports in 2010, the giant already reached 113.11 meters in height and 5.18 meters in diameter.

The three tallest trees in the world are discovered by Icarus. It is located in Redwoods, California. Icarus was discovered on July 1, 2006 and currently stands at 113.14 meters in height and 3.78 meters in diameter.

In second place is a tree called Helios. It grows in the same place as Icarus in the Redwoods and was the largest tree in the world from June 1, 2006 to August 25, 2006. The giant lost his title after naturalists found Hyperion on the other side of the forest.

And finally, the first place is occupied by Hyperion, which took away the title and today remains the tallest tree in the world. It was discovered on August 25, 2006 by naturalists Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor. The tree was measured and its height was 115.55 meters and its diameter was 4.84 meters.

Hyperion's exact location has not been made public, out of fear that tourists might disturb the tree's ecosystem of life. The area of ​​this giant is estimated at 502 square meters, and its approximate age is 700-800 years.

A huge number of plant species have disappeared. Today, some species are also on the verge of extinction, so it is very difficult to meet them. This article will tell you about the endangered plants of the planet. Endangered plants photos and descriptions TOP 10 - look!

Endangered plants photos and descriptions TOP 10

Arizona Agave

Endangered plants photo and description - Arizona Agave

In 1984, the number of this plant species barely exceeded 100 specimens, but they were still preserved and even increased. Two species of Arizona Agave are found in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona and can also be found in the Sierra Uncas and New River Mountains. In this ranking, Arizona Agave is only in 10th place.

Endangered plants photo and description – Enrubio

Every year the number of enrubio specimens is noticeably decreasing. In 1992, scientists counted only 150 specimens. Enrubio is on the verge of extinction, as it is constantly eaten by animals in large quantities, despite the protective thorns present on the plant. Enrubio grows in Puerto Rico.

Ouachita Mountain Goldenrod

Endangered plants photo and description – Ouachita Mountain Goldenrod

Many people think that there is no vegetation in cold climates, but there are some plants that prefer wet and cold climates. Such plants include the Ouachita Mountain Goldenrod. This plant can be found on the border of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Today this species is quite rare, as it is on the verge of extinction.

Stenogyne Kanehoana

Endangered plants photo and description - Stenogin Kanehoana

For a long time, scientists believed that this plant disappeared back in 2000, but later they managed to find one specimen, which confirms that this type of plant still exists. The plant prefers the Woina Mountains, located on the island of Oahu. Stenogin Canehoana can grow both at home and in the wild. It is distinguished by dense leaves, on which there is a small fluff.

Howell's Spectular Thelypodium

Zelaypodium Howelli

This amazing plant is represented by only five populations that grow in northeastern Oregon. In 1999 there were about 30 thousand copies, but their number is noticeably decreasing every year. This occurs due to mowing the grass in areas where Zelaypodium howelli grows.

Texas wild rice

Endangered plants photo and description - Texas wild rice

Texas wild rice opens the top five rarest plants. It grows only in the fresh San Marcos River. Scientists have conducted studies that have shown that the number of specimens is becoming smaller and smaller each year due to low water levels associated with the Spring Lake Dam.

Endangered plants photo and description – Akalifa

This plant is native to the Galapagos Islands. The number of specimens decreases every year due to ongoing construction work and habitat loss. Some scientists believe that this species can be classified as a plant in critical condition.

Endangered plants photo and description – Georgia Aster

The next plant on the list grows in the southeastern United States. Previously, it was not difficult to find this type of plant, since they grew in small bunches, but now there are only 60 populations left. This happens thanks to the natural habitat.


Endangered plants photo and description - Rafflesia

Of all the known plants, Rafflesia Arnoldi is the largest. The plant is distinguished by its unusual structural leaves, roots and stem. In addition, the flower has an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of a corpse, which is why it received the name “corpse flower.” The plant grows up to 3 feet in height and can weigh about 11 kilograms.

Western steppe orchid

Endangered plants photo and description – Western steppe orchid

First place goes to the western steppe orchid. This beautiful plant can only be seen in a few states in the United States, as it grows nowhere else. Currently, scientists count only 172 species of populations of these plants. The western steppe orchid is disappearing due to fires, global warming, and frequent grazing by animals that eat the orchid.