EMS delivery from China to Russia. Tracking ePacket China EMS

If you need to quickly and reliably deliver a package from China to Russia, EMS delivery is the best for this. The international postal service EMS (Express Mail Service China Post) is the courier branch of the state-owned China Post.

Features of EMS delivery from China

EMS is equated to regular mail by international law. Therefore, simplified customs clearance schemes are applied to all parcels sent through it. So, most often, you do not need to pay customs duty for the goods.

Registering parcels in EMS costs 8 yuan. All fees are already included. But the cost of EMS delivery from China depends on the weight of the parcel. For the first 0.5 kg, you need to pay 201 yuan, and for each subsequent 0.5 kg, another 60 yuan. The weight of the parcel is always rounded up to a multiple of 0.5 kg up. Thus, if the parcel weighs 1 kg 20 g, then the shipping cost must be paid as for a parcel weighing 1.5 kg.

It is better to track a parcel sent from China by this courier service on the official website for Russia. You can use other services and special sites.

If the package has not been delivered within a month, the addressee must contact the EMS office and write a corresponding application. The company undertakes to find the lost parcel within 30 working days and return it to the person to whom it was sent.

Like any service, the international EMS mail delivery service from China has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of EMS delivery from China to Russia

  1. The service works stably for 10 months of the year. The exception is December and the month of Chinese New Year celebrations. But, as practice shows, these two months are critical for all Chinese postal services.
  2. The delivery time of EMS from China is much shorter than China Post. According to statistics, the parcel is delivered to the addressee in Russia in 10 - 25 days.
  3. Sending a package via EMS, it will automatically be insured for $100.
  4. In Russia, the package will be delivered to the address of the person to whom it was sent. However, the courier will give the parcel only after presenting the passport.
  5. EMS employees are loyal to the contents of the package.
  6. EMS rates from China are available to almost everyone who sends mail to Russia. The shipping cost of EMS from China is higher than China Post, but much lower than DHL.
  7. High duty-free threshold.
  8. Ideal for sending goods for personal use, including high-value goods.
  9. One of the best options for sending parcels from China to Russia for small businesses. Therefore, many individual entrepreneurs use this particular service to send email messages.

Disadvantages of EMS delivery from China to Russia

  1. The service is not responsible for the integrity and safety of parcels.
  2. Tracking of parcels sent via EMS can only be carried out according to the country of the sender or the country where it will be received.
  3. The service imposes significant restrictions on the weight and size of parcels sent from China to Russia.

China Post EMS Restrictions

  1. EMS courier delivery from China can send parcels weighing no more than 30 kg and up to 1.5 meters in size.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to send in parcels: any weapons, all types of drugs, animals and people.
  3. Inside the parcels should not be: liquids, flammable substances and objects, batteries, laptops and computers in the assembly.

About delivery from China EMS reviews are different. And this is quite natural, because, how many people, so many opinions. However, the fact that the EMS courier service fulfills its promises, works clearly and smoothly remains a very important fact.

This article will focus on ordering smartphones, tablets, and indeed anything from China. Why exactly from China, and not, for example, from the United Arab Emirates? Everything is very simple. The fact is that it is from China that the main flow of imports to Russia comes, so customs officers pay more attention to just this direction. Further, I confess honestly: I adjusted the article to the theme of our site, because. the example described below will be considered in it on the delivery of other goods, but this is not essential - the main thing is to understand how express delivery of EMS Russian Post works and draw your own conclusions.

History of non-delivery of the parcel for 252 days

In addition to this site, we have another project for which an order of $ 778 for clothing accessories was made from a Chinese factory, of which the services of the EMS transport company cost us about half of this figure. The weight of the parcel is approximately 9.5 kilograms.

According to Russian laws, an EMS shipment from abroad is not subject to customs clearance if its weight less than 31 kg per month, and the cost - up to 1,000 euros. This information (we are talking about EMS Mail from China) has been repeatedly confirmed by the operators of EMS itself.

So, the order was paid for by transferring funds to the seller's account and arrived at the point of departure of EMS China February 1, 2013.

This is where our happiness ended, because for the past from this moment 252 days We never saw our order. But they got a heap of problems on their heads and for quite a lot of money.

In the photo - the full path of the parcel for the current date from the EMS website:

At that time we lived in a dacha in the Zaraisk district of the Moscow region. The parcel was supposed to be delivered to us there. But instead, in mid-February, the shipment received the status “Left the place of international exchange” and disappeared without a trace. Multiple calls to the EMS hotline gave only information that a customs notification was imposed on the parcel and we must wait for it to be received in the mailbox, and then go to the customs post indicated in it.

We were not able to receive any other information from EMS Russian Post until the 20th of March! As well as notifications in your mailbox. The EMS support girls are not able to give you any other information than what you yourself see on their website. Moreover, their learned voice of the robot is capable of infuriating anyone. The fact that all conceivable and unimaginable terms of “express” delivery have passed does not bother anyone but you. Where the parcel lies - at which customs - they also do not know. As a result, on the incompetent advice received from them, we went to the EMS customs clearance point in Moscow (135 km from the Zaraisky district), then visited the EMS postal delivery point on Prospekt Vernadsky, 18, but nothing but a scandal with their aggressive employees have not received. Nobody knows anything. The message has disappeared. We could only wait.

Further, having analyzed the ways of delivering other items to the same address in the Zaraisk district, we walked to the EMS post office in Zaraysk, where we (thanks to the responsive employees of the Zaraysk Post! In the Moscow region, people are really kinder and more responsive than Muscovites) kindly told us that all EMS- parcels to the Zaraisk region go through Kolomna, the customs office is also located there. They gave me a phone. From it, we learned where our parcel, which landed from China at the EMS MMPO Sheremetyevo, has been gathering dust for the second month, and no one knows why the notification is taking so long. This is how our Russian Post works.

The next step, we were forced to go to Kolomna on two intercity buses and look for the coveted post office. Found. And they even saw their paid package. They just didn't give it to us. They poked only at the customs notice, according to which the recipient must first go to the customs point at the other end of Kolomna and clear the goods. But at this EMS customs point at 16 pm, we were only waiting for the answer that “there is no one today”.

I had to do the same way on two intercity buses and one inside the city for the second time. The meeting with the customs officers gave simply amazing information in the style of "what country do we live in." We must clear a parcel with an invoice for about $ 160 (such an invoice was put by the Chinese) for at least $ 1 000 . Moreover, for this it is still necessary to collect an unreal pile of papers, provide an agreement with a Chinese seller, pay a state duty; conclude an agreement with a customs agent and rent from them a part of the warehouse for storing our cargo. And the customs clearance itself, according to Russian laws, will cost us ... 30% of the cost of the parcel!

Of course, no normal person would agree to such conditions. And in the case of commercial cargo, the conclusion suggests itself that it is simply unrealistic to import goods into Russia officially, because with such a customs clearance cost, your goods will then have to be sold at a price for which no one will buy it. Not forgetting the great word "competition". The EMS customs officers themselves understand this, and they kindly advised us to return to the post office and write a rejection letter, after which it will be returned to the sender without additional charges. So we did. The refusal was written on March 20, 2013, and only then, a few days later, the coveted mail notification was received. With what joy the parcel, which meets the requirements of the EMS customs, did not pass it at all - we never found out. Apparently, customs officers can do whatever they want for their own purposes.

According to an employee of the Kolomna post office, the shipment was supposed to go back no later than tomorrow.

After 5 days, the parcel seemed to really start some kind of movement and on March 25 it got to the Moscow ASC EMS Logistics Shop. All. Then the cargo disappeared again. The next information about him appeared only on August 13, 2013. The shipment ended up in Kolomna again, its status: “Storage period expired”. Then the parcel again came to Moscow. And so on a closed trajectory.

Of course, calls to EMS support again did not give any information. Your problems are for your money. We also contacted the Chinese store, asked that their EMS agent solve the problem, because. we paid them money, and demand from them. However, an answer was received from China: the parcel is in Moscow, we can’t do anything, go and get it yourself.

The next lull lasted from August 15 to September 20, after which the cargo finally passed sorting in Moscow and (oh, miracle!) Moved in the direction of China. After 4 days, on September 24, he arrived in China, though not in the city from which he was sent, and we learned about the "unsuccessful attempt to deliver to the addressee." This information was given to us by the third-party parcel tracking service myparcels.ru, on the EMS website, only the China CNBJSD message proudly shines. Then, on October 9, the parcel was allegedly handed over to the addressee:

But the Chinese have not yet received their departure back. We will continue to torture them. As a result, 252 days is not the end. And we would still like to receive an order, right? And without overpayments, because the money has already been paid. A curtain.


If you are still willing to take the risk and place an order for a phone, tablet computer or inflatable doll from China via EMS, you are right. However, keep a few more things in mind:

Moment 1. It is unrealistic to find delivery times on the EMS website. You can clarify them with the operator by calling 8 800 200 50 55, but this is useless - EMS, as a rule, does not even closely observe its deadlines.

Moment 2. In case of problems (delay, missing shipment or imposing a customs notice) - no one in EMS will meet you halfway and will not provide any information. You will be left alone with your problems and can only wait.

Moment 3. It is possible and necessary to write to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications with claims (we wrote about delays in other EMS shipments in Russia), but in response they will only send you a dry reply with a quote from the laws, where you will find out what needs to be done, what compensation EMS should pay you (for the delay terms - up to 100% to the sender ... but after delivery!) and that you have the right to go to court. There will be no real help in resolving the situation.

Moment 4. It is also possible and necessary to write a statement to EMS about the search for items, but EMS is not just a mess, everything is thought out and organized there, because this mess promises someone a lot of money. Your application for the search for the parcel will go "down the drain", and the answer to it will come only after the status of the parcel is updated. Perhaps only six months later. When the departure itself is found, then they will unsubscribe to you. According to the principle: “your parcel is there, we have found it and we will kindly inform you. Thank you for using the EMS services of the Russian Post.

Moment 5. EMS Russian Post couriers in the vast majority of cases do not call the recipient before the visit. You have to forget about work, household chores and, tracking the status of the package on the EMC website, guess the approximate time of the courier's arrival while sitting at home. You are also unlikely to recognize him from the EMS operator. In the best case, the courier will call when he arrives or when no one opens the door for him. Then the package will receive the status "Unsuccessful Delivery Attempt". Further - either wait for a second attempt, or go to Vernadsky yourself. We'll see how it goes.

You can go on for a long time, but it's time to finish. I would just like to recall two more personal cases about a year ago, when we already acted as senders of EMS in Russia (then they wrote to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, by the way). A lot of money was paid for express delivery, but instead of about 3-5 working days named by the operator, both parcels went to the addressee by 22-24 days! To Norilsk and Nizhnevartovsk. Listening to the repeated claims of the recipients, we went through all fires and waters, finding on the Internet and barely getting through to post offices in these regions of Russia (as a rule, no one picks up the phone there). It was then that we first learned how EMS Russian Post works and what their actual delivery times and service are.

Finally, a couple of photos of EMS parcel warehouses for the best idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat your shipment is waiting for, how easy it is to lose it and how difficult it is to find it:

Write your feedback about the work of EMS Russian Post (EMS Russian Post) in the comments below.

To track your package, you need to follow a few simple steps.
1. Go to the main page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track the postal item"
3. Click on the "Track package" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the last status.
6. Estimated delivery period, displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not hard ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text "Group by companies", which is located under the tracking statuses.

If you have any difficulties with the statuses in English, click on the link with the text "Translate to Russian", which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track code information" block, where you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame, with the heading "Pay Attention!", Carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks, you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the country of destination, in this case, tracking parcels becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the country of destination / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived at Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery deadlines calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, and the parcel travels for more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and therefore they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the package is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the package, and the status of the package "the item pre-advised" / "Email notification received" does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by clicking on the link:.

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new package takes more than a month, this is normal, because. parcels go by different routes, in different ways, they can wait for dispatch by plane for 1 day, or maybe a week.

If the parcel left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who carries a parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, be scanned, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Acceptance / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can see the transcript of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you did not understand anything, read this instruction again, and again, until complete enlightenment;)

Until now, buyers are asking questions - what is ePacket? Until the end of 2013, ePacket was used primarily for the delivery of parcels within the United States. But with the increasing volume of parcels from China, Aliexpress sellers began to master third-party postal services, such as, and even.

And yet, even these capacities were not enough to quickly deliver parcels from China. So, in order to develop the Asian market in early 2014, ePacket organized a new line for parcel delivery and began to work closely with and.

Track numbers and tracking EMS China

Examples of departure numbers:

  • EA---CN (EA123456785CN) - EMS China Post
  • LM---CN (LM123456785CN) - ePacket mail

How to track ePacket EMS China parcel

The ePacket delivery speed is comparable to China EMS delivery speed and ePacket parcels are tracked on the China EMS website. The site is made in Chinese, but it is possible to switch to the English interface if you click "ENGLISH" in the upper right corner.

In the field "Shipment Number" you need to enter your ePacket number, and in the adjacent field "Verificatior" the numbers that will be displayed when you click on it:

The information will show the movement of the departure with dates, statuses and locations.

A significant drawback of tracking on the China EMS website is the difficulty in translating the displayed statuses. Therefore, it is much more convenient to use a clear and simple

China EMS specializes in domestic and international express mail, is the largest logistics provider with a presence in 31 provinces in China. An important feature of the company is that it guarantees reliable and fast delivery of goods by courier services. Tracking an epacket package is easy and convenient for a resident of any part of the world - this can be done on the website or through a mobile application. ePacket is a popular way to deliver orders from various online stores, including on a platform such as AliExpress.

epacket package tracking

Cooperating with a large number of online stores, EMS China has developed a convenient system for tracking postal items to any country. To track epacket, it is enough to know the international track number, consisting of a combination of letters and numbers. You can find it on the page of your order on the store's website or by asking the seller. Most often, after paying for the order, a message with a track number comes to e-mail. EMS China allows you to track up to 20 parcels at the same time, and the company has developed a convenient notification method - information about all changes in the location of the parcel is sent by e-mail or SMS. This allows you to significantly save time and eliminates the need to visit the site frequently. The high-quality work of the resource allows buyers to always be aware of the status of the order, situations when the epacket track is not tracked are extremely rare. For any questions, you can contact the company's specialists, and the mobile application provides the most convenient e-packet tracking. All order tracking services are provided free of charge, and the application runs on any Android and IOS smartphone. Delivery of an order from AliExpress via ePacket is much faster than the standard one - about two to three weeks. Information about the parcel is provided from the moment of payment for the purchase until confirmation of delivery, and the history of previous orders is also saved. ePacket allows you to track the package regardless of the recipient country, the information is always accurate and up-to-date.

Service you can trust

The division of the international company EMS is engaged in the design and delivery of parcels. In China, it has been operating for almost 30 years, gaining experience and constantly improving its service, today the company has more than 16 million employees. As a rule, the parcel is delivered by courier to the address. Regular customers of online stores usually prefer this delivery method, since the overpayment for ePacket is minimal, but at the same time you can be sure that the package will not be lost on the way, will not be damaged and will be delivered on time. Delivery delay may occur due to problems at customs, but thanks to the package tracking service, the buyer will be warned about this. Using ePacket when ordering goods in Chinese online stores guarantees tracking quality and maximum delivery speed.