Get from Bali to Gili. Speed ​​boats on Gili, how to get from Bali to the islands of Gili and Lombok. What are functional cookies

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In this article I will write about how we got from Bali to Gili. At first glance, everything should have been simple: we order a transfer from Bali to Lombok, and the travel agency employees will think about everything else for us. But such options are not suitable for us at all - everything is too simple and boring. So, we flew to Indonesia for the first time; we did not have any reservations or clearly planned routes. We only knew the main points that we want to visit, and these are: the island of Bali, the Gili Islands, the volcano. And since we only had 10 days planned for Indonesia, we decided to find out everything locally. We arrived in Bali in the morning on a flight from China at about 11 o'clock and immediately took a taxi to Kuta, which is not far from the airport and is a developed tourist destination with a huge beach where there are a lot of surfers.

We arrived with a large suitcase and, realizing that with so many things we could not be mobile, we immediately began to look for a place where we could leave our things, and we were lucky. We met a nice young Balinese couple who run their own small travel agency. We asked them about the trip to Lombok and Gili and agreed to leave the suitcase. They strongly recommended that we go on foot, without bikes, because... the road is long and not easy; We were advised to take a bus to the pier. The bus cost about $10, the distance was 60 km. For comparison, in Ukraine the price of a bus ticket, which covers a distance of 400 km, was about $10-12. We understood that this is very expensive for Indonesia. She also said that the ferry from Bali only leaves 3 times a day, and we had already missed all three. Let me remind you that these were a husband and wife, the owners of a travel agency in the very center of Kuta. In general, we finally decided to go to Lombok and Gili on our own, of course, not because of the bus prices, but because on a bike we feel completely mobile, and therefore free. Sasha had read on blogs before that the ferry departs every hour; also, if we think logically, we understood that a cargo ferry could not sail only 3 times a day between such two huge islands. We decided to take a chance and go. We bought a SIM card from the local operator simPATI with a 3G Internet package so that we could navigate the area thanks to navigation from Google, and went to look for a scooter.

Our route

Bali is a very large island, and without navigation it is better not to go on such a trip. Moreover, if you ride a motorbike, the driver does not have the opportunity to follow the map, since the traffic in Bali is quite dense and I follow the map, guiding Sasha to the right turns.

It is best to shoot a motorbike on the streets Poppies 1 and Poppies 2, which are located opposite the central beach right next to McDonald's (described here). Prices in this area are the lowest, and the selection is excellent. It’s better not to admit to the owner that you will be riding a motorbike to Lombok, because... The Balinese don't like it and may not give it to you. Let people sleep peacefully ;).

So, we rented a motorbike. We returned to our “base” at the travel agency, sorted through the suitcase, put all the things we needed along with warm clothes and shoes for going to the volcano into two 30-liter backpacks, agreed to leave the suitcase at the agency, loaded up and went. The cute Balinese couple were in shock; the guys wished us a good trip.

We left at 17:30 and were on the ferry around 19:00. For beginners the road is very difficult, the traffic is crazy. If you are not a confident driver, allow more time to travel from Kuta to the Lembar pier.

Traffic in Bali (Road from Kuti to Padang Bay)

You need to ride your bike to the Padang Bai pier and buy a ferry ticket. Attention! Buy tickets only at the box office, where they will sell you a ticket at its regular price. At the entrance to the pier there are a lot of intermediaries who blatantly stop the bike and say that you need to buy a ticket from them in order to travel further - it’s all a scam. Drive confidently, stop only near the booth. At the box office you need to order a ticket for 1 motorbike, because... a motorbike ticket costs 100,000 rupees, and a passenger ticket costs 80,000 rupees. It turns out that if five people get on a bike, then you still need to pay not for 5 people, but for 1 motorbike.

It turned out that the ferry still leaves every hour. At 20:00 we set sail. It took 4 hours to swim. At 22:00 I called my parents to say that everything was fine with us, and only during the conversation I realized that from their point of view, everything was exactly the opposite: we were sailing on a ferry at night, arriving on an unfamiliar island at midnight, not The fact is that we will be able to find housing at this hour, we don’t know where to go next. Despite all the nuances described above, I felt as cozy, comfortable and calm as ever; I knew for sure that everything would be fine with us. I learned to trust the Universe 100%, I liked that it answered me.

If you are sailing at night, then on the ferry itself you can rent a mattress and sleep, since the journey is not close.

This is what the ferry looks like

Having landed on the pier at 12 at night and saw only a few men who were closing their shops, we asked them about housing, they answered in unison that there was no housing here on the pier, it wasn’t even a village, but just a village near the pier. They offered us a common room where we could spend the night sitting in a chair, but we refused and decided to go to Mataram - the largest city on the island. Lombok, which is located near the pier, and which definitely has overnight accommodation. Everything was going great: we were driving alone in complete darkness, the navigator was leading us to Mataram, when suddenly a fork appeared, after passing which we realized that the navigator had lost contact with the satellite. That’s when we felt uneasy, we didn’t know what to do, where to go, there was no connection. While we were fiddling with our phones, a motorcyclist was driving along the road, stopped and showed us the way. He stopped on his own, we didn’t stop him (we would have done that;). We returned to the fork, went in the right direction, and the navigator soon started working too. At the entrance to Mataram we found an inexpensive motel (180,000 rupees), where we spent the night. It was very nice to go to bed at 1:30 am, knowing that everything was over and now we would sleep. On the road from the pier to Mataram there are only remote villages with no hotels, so allow time to get to Mataram.

In the morning we continued our journey, our destination was the Bangsal Ferry Terminal, from which we were going to sail to Gili. We drove for about two hours. The landscapes were very beautiful, so we often stopped and looked down from the mountain at the deserted white beaches.

Beautiful lagoon

Mountain View

The road goes right over the sea

You can also lie down along the way!

There are covered parking areas for motorbikes at the pier. The owners wanted 25,000 rupees per day, we negotiated for 15,000 rupees, wholesale, so to speak, for 3 whole days and we still look young, so our catchphrase about students works always and everywhere)))). A ticket from Bangsal to Gili Trawangan cost about 10,000 rupees (public bot or public transport), departs several times a day, the schedule, unfortunately, was not photographed. The boat is small and takes about 30 minutes to the farthest and largest island of Trawangan.

This is what a public bot looks like

Later we realized that we had done the right thing by choosing the farthest island first, because... Tickets from the island to land are more expensive, and the further away the island, the more expensive the ticket.

Gili Islands, Lombok, Indonesia - Trawangan, Meno and Air?>

Gili Islands, Lombok, Indonesia - Trawangan, Meno and Air

Lombok is worth visiting for 2 reasons: climbing Mount Rinjani and snorkeling around the Gili Islands. I already wrote that, but we also saw the oldest mosque in Indonesia. We also decided to go to the Gili (or Gili) Islands.

Gili means “small island” in the local language of Lombok residents. The most famous Gili Islands- these are 3 islands near the western coast of Lombok, although many more tourists come here from Bali - mainly young Europeans and European students. Students from Western Europe (Germany, France, UK) and the US tend to make up the lion's share of travelers to Southeast Asia, with a generous mix of young people from Australia and New Zealand in Bali and Lombok.

So, 3 Gili Islands:

gili islands map

(Gili Trawangan) - the largest and most crowded, located farthest from Lombok (on the left, if you look at the map of the islands from above),

Gili Trawangan - map

(Gili Meno) - the calmest (in the middle)

Gili Meno map

And Gili Air(Gili Air) - closest to the shore of Lombok (right).

Gili Air map

Hitchhiking to Gili. Hitchhiking from the village of Senaru, where we saw the waterfalls and the mosque, with a New Zealand woman who hired a private jeep, we reached the turnoff to the pier, walked a little more than 1 km and ended up near the ticket office of the Ferry pier.

First tip for budget travelers- buy food, snacks and water before departure - on Gili Island everything is 2-3 times more expensive. There are no shops near the pier; it is better to buy in one of the shops 1.2 km away, at the turn to the pier from the main road.

useful diagram for those traveling to the Gili Islands

Trawangan had the largest selection of affordable housing, so the choice fell on this island.

Going to Gili Trawangan wasn’t the best idea because it’s too crowded there, which we don’t like. For those who like tourist beach parties, I advise you to visit, you might like it. But for those who like it quieter, choose Meno Island.

A ferry ticket to Gili Trawangan costs IDR 19,000. The journey takes 35-45 minutes. When loading onto a ferry boat, you need to take off your shoes if you are wearing shoes, because... There are no platforms for passengers.

to Gili by boat

The boat is roomy, probably 100 people climbed into it. There are a lot of seats, but not enough, many are still standing. It’s especially fun to sit or stand behind two large Yamaha propeller engines - the water is actively gushing from under the propellers, and the propellers are quite close. But locals say that it is absolutely safe and nothing has ever happened.

The water around is just an incredible dark, deep blue color.

I just want to quickly dive in and see if there is anyone in the depths of such beautiful water.

When approaching Trawangan, the first thing you will see is a large colored TRAWANGAN sign welcoming you.

On the shore, near the pier, there are many boats constantly moored; you will have to swim next to them, although the water does not get dirtier from this.

Surprisingly, the water itself is crystal clear, although there is a lot of garbage in it - all kinds of packaging, bags and even bottles.

Immediately after arriving, we went to look for our hotel - Izzi Homestay.

Ours, of course, is not as beautiful as in the photo. Ours was a simple Indonesian room with a shower and breakfast included - a good option for budget travelers.

There are many options for hotels, guesthouses and hostels on the island of Trawangan. Most of them are concentrated on the eastern, ferry side of the island. On the contrary, there are more expensive hotels in the western part of Trawangan. Apart from electric mopeds, horses and bicycles, other types of transport are prohibited on the island. So if you choose a hotel on the western part of Trawangan, keep in mind that you will either need to walk 30-40 minutes to get there, or you will need to hire a horse (carriage) to transport you there with your luggage.

horse on Gili - the main transport for tourists

The most popular sightseeing and transportation option among tourists around the island of Trawangan - by bike, rented. It will probably take you an hour or an hour and a half to go around the island if you don’t rush anywhere and stop often. But we didn’t have time to rent bikes, it was nearing sunset, and we simply crossed the island, going up the hill and going down to the other shore. From the hill there is a nice view of the coast and the neighboring island of Meno.

view from the hill on Gili - on the water and on Gili Meno

We, however, forgot, but we must always remember that in the evenings in Bali, Lombok and Gili there are high low tides, during which it is difficult to swim.

swimming at low tide on Gili Trawangan

We waited for a stunning sunset on the western side of Gili Trawangan.

sunset on Gili Trawangan

I also wandered around the shallows and found some amazing sea animals like the sea urchin

And some kind of starfish

starfish on Gili Trawangan - mother with brood

Back on “our” side of the island, we decided to find some food. In the eastern part, on the streets near the ferry there are many cafes, bars and even restaurants (Italian, Thai). There is a night market with seafood and classic versions of Thai dishes such as pad thai (fried noodles) with chicken and kaw pad (Thai fried rice). There are also more classic versions of Indonesian dishes with fried chicken and tofu.

night market on Gili Trawangan

You won't be able to eat very cheaply, prices range from $2.5-3 - small islands are always more expensive.

Snorkeling on the Gili with turtles

The night before I had chosen one of the tour companies that offered snorkeling around the islands - the main attraction on the islands.

snorkeling on Gili Trawangan - route in one of the major tour companies on the island

Snorkeling with turtles- this is what 100% of tourists come here for. And you should definitely come here for the same reason. Snorkeling and snorkeling are excellent here. Those who know how to scuba dive and have a large enough wallet can go diving, they say that in the best options here you can see large manta rays.

When going snorkeling, wear a T-shirt in the water and lubricate your hands and feet well with protective cream, otherwise you will burn. Bring water and something to eat, although there will still be a mid-day stop at Meno Island and you can eat at the restaurant.

You need to arrive at the appointed time, usually at 9 or 10 am at the place where you bought the tour, they will check your ticket, if you bought it in advance, they will give you a mask with a snorkel and fins. Don't lose them, the fine for losing them is quite large, about $100. The cost of the tour (2017) is about 200,000 Indonesian rupees, which is just under 900 rubles. For lunch at a restaurant, get ready to shell out at least 50,000-75,000 rupees.

During the snorkeling tour you will be transported to 3 places where you dive for 30-40 minutes in each.

After lunch, diving on a full stomach is not very comfortable. So enjoy what you see before the big break. And there is something to see - there is a huge variety of colored fish and corals and, most importantly, turtles.

sea ​​turtles - snorkeling on the Gili was a success!

Typically, tourists see at least one turtle. We saw 7! I was delighted. Amazing snorkeling.

sea ​​turtles - snorkeling on Gili

My mask was leaking, but that was most likely due to my mustache. Perhaps next time I'll shave when I'm going to dive for a long time. The equipment is good, but if you’re not used to it you still get tired quickly. After lunch on Meno Island (one of the options, there are also options where you will stay on Eyre Island) diving takes place 100 meters from the island. This is the most affordable snorkeling because it is shallow and anyone living on Meno can snorkel without booking a tour.

Gili Islands - Google map

You will be given a loaf of bread and you can feed the fish. I, however, did not receive any bread and only watched as others fed them. At this depth you won’t be able to see turtles, but there will be plenty of fish.

Around 14-14:30 you will be transferred back to Trawangan and you will have time to rest and go somewhere else. That same day we returned back to Lombok, stopped at the pier in Bali and took the ferry to Bali to spend our last night and day in Indonesia. Read a short overview of Bali, housing and hitchhiking there in the next post. Come or fly to Lombok, enjoy hiking on Rinjani and snorkeling on the Gili Islands - experience this piece of paradise.

Additional useful information about the Gili Islands

Airplanes to Lombok - You can fly to Lombok airport from almost any major airport in Indonesia, from Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.

Google Map of the Gili Islands

Gili Islands - Google map

Hotels on Trawangan Island.

From Bali to Gili you can travel by plane [via Lombok], helicopter [via Trawangan only], ferry [via Lombok] and speed boats.

This page provides an example of Wahana's speedboat ride from the port in Padang Bai.

Boat selection

Boat companies in Bali differ in boat size, routes, quality of service and price.

Inside some boats everything is almost like in an airplane: comfortable seats, a toilet, life jackets. Even sometimes pre-flight briefing is carried out.

Prices range from Rp 500,000 to Rp 1,200,000 for a return ticket, but due to high competition, some companies have sales through agents and sometimes reduce prices to Rp 400,000.

How do you like the situation?

In good weather, boat companies with larger boats can take on additional passengers and transport them on the roof.

If you are interested in low ticket prices, pay attention to the boats of Wahana | Eka Jaya | Marina Srikandi. But if any problems arise [the transfer did not arrive | not enough places | late for registration | lost tickets, etc.] only the agent who booked the tickets can help you.
These companies, as a rule, do not delve into customer problems, regardless of whose fault the problem arose.

Tickets to Gili

Choose a reliable agent before purchasing tickets. Feel free to ask the agent questions at 7am. If the agent does not respond to messages, draw conclusions. Morning transfer is the number one problem in any tourist destination in Bali.

To book tickets you will need the following information:
first and last name of the contact person
number of tickets and travel dates
name and address of your hotel
local phone number

If you do not have a local SIM card, please indicate the room number and phone number of the hotel from which the transfer to the port will be carried out. If you are not in Bali yet, you can send your phone number/room number later.

Transfer from your hotel in Bali

For morning boats from Padang Bai, the transfer arrives at the hotel between 06.30 and 07.30 am. It’s better to pack your things in the evening, solve the problem with breakfast, top up your phone balance and charge your batteries.

If your hotel/villa is not located on a main road, please clarify this when booking and discuss a location where the driver can easily find you.

Sometimes there are traffic jams due to ceremonies. This is Bali – everyone has to wait. The transfer is delayed - call/write to the agent.

Payment for tickets

Please note: Only cash is accepted, it is better to have rupees.

The driver will tell you where to pay for the tickets. Keep track of your luggage and tell the porters the name of the island you are heading to.

Find the name in the registration log for which you booked the tickets.
The manager will issue boarding tags and tickets. Save your tickets until you return to Bali!

From Padang Bai to Gili Trawangan, large boats take about 2 hours and make one or two stops along the way. Travel times may vary due to wave heights.

09.00 – departure from Padang Bai
10.30 – Lombok /Senggigi/
10.45 – Gili Air
11.00 – Gili Trawangan

When traveling to Gili, booking tickets, transfers and check-in are key. Then everything will be much simpler.

Don't hold your emotions!

If you feel bored inside the salon, feel free to go upstairs. The boat goes very fast, so keep your hats and glasses on.

Don't forget to apply sun cream, even if the sun is not visible because of the clouds.

Being inside the cabin, there is practically no chance of seeing this. The captain is usually the first to notice the dolphins and sounds a sound signal.

Dolphins love to race against boats, but speed boats are not their level))
But there may be a lot of dolphins and the moments of delight from the spectacle you see will last a little longer.

If your plans include visiting several islands, you can land on Lombok, in a day or two move to Gili Air, then to Gili Trawangan and from Trawangan return to Bali. Check your options with your agent; boat companies periodically change their routes and rules.

You can get to the island of Gili Meno by public boat from Trawangan or from Gili Air. The public boat runs twice a day. The schedule and prices are available at the ticket office at the pier of each of the islands and are further below in the text.

That ladder, on the left, will be the pier today))

If your choice fell on the island of Gili Air, then it’s time to leave the boat. For those who do not want to walk along the side, there is a comfortable exit through the roof. Don't forget to wait for your luggage.

Who likes such straw umbrellas on the beach, and even with a view of the Rinjani volcano, go to the Gili Air Hotel
An excellent place for romantics, good snorkeling a hundred meters from the shore and the best point to watch the sunrise over the island of Lombok. The same hotel on

There are cheaper and more expensive hotels nearby. Open the map and select (click “Show map”).

There are no cars/motor vehicles on Gili. Everyone walks, pedals bicycles or takes a tailed taxi.
Chidomo /cidomo/ is the Sasak name for a traditional two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage. Lombok Ferrari is its more modern name))

By the way, the boat docks in the south of the island, and the Gili Air Hotel with straw umbrellas is located in the northeast, a 30-40 minute walk. On a horse, in 50 thousand and 10 minutes you will rush to the sound of bells, dispersing unwary pedestrians. Local “taxi drivers” are reluctant to bargain - if you don’t need to roll your suitcase along the sand, then let them continue to stand at the “pier”.

And this is the southwest. A lot of algae grows in the water here, so the beaches are mainly suitable for contemplation. But what pictures...

There are also hotels here: both very cheap and more expensive. Be sure to compare prices on Booking and Agoda and read reviews. Even if you are not going to book and are looking for accommodation already on the spot. Although, for example, there is no Villa Casa Mio hotel on Booking. That does not prevent him from successfully selling all the rooms for the coming days only through Agoda. Not a bad place.

Public bot on Gili

A public boat operates on the Air-Meno-Travangan-Meno-Air route twice a day. On all islands there are ticket offices at the pier, with schedules and prices. Ticket price: 35-40 thousand rupees

Departure from Gili Air
– 08.30 and 15.00
Departure from Gili Trawangan
– 09.30 and 16.00
Departure from Gili Meno to Trawangan
– 08.45 and 15.15
Departure from Gili Meno to Gili Air
– 10.15 and 16.15

This is the final station. We've arrived!

When dropping off passengers on other islands, some boat companies will allow you to travel to Gili Trawangan on their speedboat once at no extra charge. One day before the trip, notify the boat company - in person at the office or by phone indicated on the ticket.

You can top up your phone balance, for example, at the pier, at the ticket office that sells tickets to the public bot. When replenishing your balance, be sure to wait for the money to arrive!

Also in the pier area there are many good hotels in the price category up to $50. For example Nirwana Guest House

Important point!

Tickets for speed boats are sold with an open return date - you can return to Bali on any day convenient for you.

One day before returning, you must notify the boat company - in person at the office or by phone indicated on the ticket.
30 minutes before departure, you must present your tickets to the office and receive a boarding tag.

The rules have long been known to everyone: boat, hotel, free...

Personally, everything related to the ocean always comes first for us. We love to swim, dive, chase turtles and take photos.

The most beautiful coral reef (easily accessible on the Gili Islands) is located on Gili Meno, opposite Mahamaya Resort, 50 meters from the shore.

Photos of Gili

On the opposite side of Gili Meno there is also something to see underwater. And opposite the hotel

When the phrase “bounty islands” is heard, many people associate it with the Maldives. But we, in Bali, also have our own paradise islands! Snow-white sand, 320 sunny days a year, clear turquoise water, amazing snorkeling and, probably, the best sunsets in the world - this is an incomplete list of the advantages of the Gili Islands!

Typical beach on Gili:

Typical sunset on Gili:

This mini archipelago consists of three small islands: Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air.

There are no cars or mopeds on each of them, and the transport functions are performed by bicycles and horses and carts. And why is he there? Each of the islands can be walked around in half an hour - an hour. And the silence creates a unique atmosphere for rest and relaxation.

Do not doubt! Since you are already in Bali, you should definitely visit the Gili Islands!

Each Gili Island has its own character, which suits tourists for different purposes and, although they are all considered bounty islands, here each island has its own taste.

Let's start with Gili Trawangan - the largest and noisiest of the three islands. On Trawangan, infrastructure began to develop with the arrival of the hippie movement on the island back in the 70s, but it remained within the framework of environmental permissibility - the island’s slogan is “Go green”, which means “go green” (giving preference to natural products), meaning lungs recreational substances that are common among hippie youth. This is just one example of the new experiences the island offers. And we, in turn, can invite you to experience new sensations by swimming with wild sea turtles right near the shore not far from your bungalow! Turtles are very loved and well protected on all the Gili Islands, and on Trawangan they are also bred - you can even watch the tiny creatures in special pools, so these cute animals feel safe and will be happy to offer their shells for your underwater journey! Be sure to take your mask, snorkel and underwater camera with you, as it’s rare that you can interact with such an incredible aquatic world face to face! We offer you an unforgettable adventure where, by ordering snorkeling or diving, you can not only explore the ocean depths of these islands more deeply and swim among the coral reefs, but also swim into a turtle cavity and see a ghost shipwreck! And, of course, just enjoy a cruise around the three islands in a glass-bottomed boat, stopping at the most interesting diving spots, and admire the snow-white shores of the islands while in their crystal blue lagoons!

Trawangan is also bustling with tourist streets filled with various bars, cafes, hotels and, in the evening, a fish market with a wide selection of fresh catch, which will be prepared for you on the spot.

If you prefer a vacation where you can combine relaxation and activity, then this is Gili Air. It is the second largest of the islands and is somewhere between bustling Trawangan and wild Meno. On one side of the island you can enjoy "seclusion with nature, the ocean, deserted beaches and tropical greenery," while on the other you can find something to do to your liking, as Ayr "offers a range of activities." In any case, “there will definitely not be a dull moment on this island!” Besides taking a bike or hiking along the lush greenery and vibrant bougainvillea trails, or sunbathing and immersing yourself in the undisturbed paradise of the island's white, gentle beaches; here, as well as in Trawangan, we offer you an unforgettable boat trip through the blue lagoons with snorkeling and diving in the most mysterious bays, meeting beautiful manta rays and other inhabitants of the underwater world, and, as an option, fishing with our guides if you choose them offers on our website. You can get acquainted with all the options for activities on all three islands and choose the one that suits your soul!

A day flies by unnoticed on Gili Air, and is fabulously imprinted in your memories with the final touch - one of the most incredible sunsets in the world with a view of the sun setting behind the fiery ocean and the Agung volcano, which is in Bali. Coastal cafes with reggae music in the background will completely contribute to your relaxation. These places are not so crowded with people and you can eat delicious seafood from the grill. If you ask which Gili island is better, we will answer “Gili Air”.

For dessert we left Gili Meno - an island for lovers, for a honeymoon, for a romantic weekend. The smallest, quietest, most secluded and wild of all the Gili Islands. For lovers, “we suggest playing onGili Meno islandsymbolic wedding ceremony” and recommend it for a wonderful end to your Balinese honeymoon or to enrich your life together with such fabulous moments. Here life begins at dawn and ends at sunset. At 9 pm there is not a soul on the streets, and on the beach in front of you there is a view of the Milky Way and millions of stars! However, there are always variations for tourists, namely - here you can book a separate table on the beach by candlelight for a romantic dinner. On Gili Meno, nothing will disturb your heavenly enjoyment, and a relaxing, fuss-free holiday is guaranteed.

Romance on Gili

And for newlyweds or those who are simply young at heart, we offer to play a symbolic party on the Gili Islands. This is probably the most romantic place in the world. And this is exactly the case when it is better to see than to hear. Therefore the photo:

More photos from Weddings on Gili in !

Please email us or call +62 8 777 999 77 14 (What"sapp, Viber, Telegram) to order packages, transfers or excursions to Gili!

To order a wedding ceremony on Gili, we are waiting for your letters or call on +62 8 777 999 77 26 (What"sapp, Viber).