Money out of thin air: how to get compensation for a flight delay. How to get €600 compensation for a flight delay How to get compensation for a canceled flight

Flight delay statistics show that most charters are delayed during the summer, the peak holiday season. Airlines are trying to manage their regular flights and still make money on charter flights while there is high demand for resort destinations.

Unfortunately, air carriers do not always have time to serve tour operators and their own passengers. Delays in charter flights are familiar to many tourists. But if in past years it was unrealistic to obtain compensation for charter delays, today air passengers have the opportunity to compensate for the inconveniences incurred during the flight.

In 2017, Russia joined the Montreal Aviation Convention. The Convention regulates the liability of airlines for disruption of international flight schedules, delays and cancellations. The rules for refunding money to passengers for disruptions in air carrier operations are set out in the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR).

The new rules mean that passengers on charter flights are entitled to the same compensation as passengers on regular international flights.

What compensation is due for charter delay

According to the Montreal Convention, compensation for flight delays is calculated in SDRs (Special Drawing Rights). The SDR is a unit of account of the International Monetary Fund, pegged to the exchange rates of major world currencies.

The maximum compensation amount is 4,150 SDR for each hour of waiting at the airport. Depending on the SDR to ruble exchange rate, the amount can reach 320-360 thousand rubles.

The rules of the Convention do not apply in two cases:

  • If an air passenger is late for check-in or boarding;
  • If the delay in the plane's departure was due to circumstances beyond the airline's control: bad weather, technical malfunction of the plane, airport staff strike and other reasons of force majeure.

Airline actions at the airport

Regardless of the reason for the plane's delay, airline representatives are required to provide passengers with drinks, food and a place to rest. These services are provided free of charge and depend on the time spent at the airport waiting for the flight.

You can read more about the airline's free services in case of flight delays in the passenger assistance section:

How to get compensation

In the event that a charter flight, rather than a regular one, was delayed or cancelled, the tour operator who entered into an agreement with the airline is responsible to the passengers.

All delay claims must be filed directly with the court.. The following documents must be attached to the statement of claim:

  • Certificate of flight delay (must be obtained at the airport check-in counter);
  • Agreement with a tour operator for air transportation or for the provision of tourist services;
  • Checks for food and payment for vacation, if representatives of the airline or tour operator did not provide you with the required free services;
  • It is highly advisable to supplement the list of documents with testimony of witnesses. To receive them, exchange mailing addresses or phone numbers with your fellow sufferers.

It is in the interests of the tour operator and the airline to resolve the issue during the pre-trial investigation, otherwise fines for violating obligations may become quite serious for them. If the tour operator meets you halfway and is ready to compensate for your inconveniences during the trip, it is better to agree.

But if you refuse to resolve the issue, bring the matter to court. It is better if you use the help of an experienced lawyer.

Important information!

Some representatives of the Russian Tour Operators Association say that there is no provision for monetary compensation for delays in charter flights.

The tour operator can partially compensate for the inconvenience with additional excursions or SPA treatments. But the decision on this is made by the tour operator himself, if he deems it necessary.

Indeed, the contracts contain the following phrase: the tour operator has the right to change not only the time, but also the place of departure of the charter.

From FlyNow's point of view, according to this clause of the contract, the carrier does have the right to reschedule the departure time. But at the same time, the passenger must be notified of the postponement of the flight in advance (at least 24 hours in advance) and not sit at the airport waiting for a long time for the flight.

In such a situation, you may need to consult a specialist: does this clause of the contract with the tour operator contradict the Federal Aviation Regulations?

But if you are faced with waiting for many hours to board at the airport, then there is no question of the tour operator changing the departure time! This is a flight delay and you have every right to demand compensation for it.

Issues related to the procedure for calculating and paying compensation for cancellations and delays of flights (including charter flights) in our country are regulated by the Federal Aviation Rules (FAR). The amount of compensation for disruptions to the schedule is prescribed in the Montreal Convention, to which the Russian Federation joined on August 21, 2017. The mentioned document notes that passengers of charter flights are entitled to compensation in the same amounts as passengers of regular airlines.

The Montreal Convention sets compensation for delay of a charter flight at 4,150 SDR (about Ք345,000) for each hour of overtime waiting at the airport. The amount of compensation in rubles may fluctuate depending on the SDR rate (an acronym for “Special Drawing Rights” - a universal means of payment used for settlements under the Montreal Convention, the rate of which is “tied” to the main monetary units of the planet: dollar, pound, euro and yen ).

The Convention does not apply to schedule delays caused by legal protests of airline/airport employees and force majeure of meteorological, climatic, social or economic origin (snowfalls, rainfall, thunderstorms, epidemics, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, acts of terrorism, military operations , local riots, coups d'etat and other force majeure circumstances).

Passengers who do not bother to ensure their timely arrival at the airport are deprived of the opportunity to claim compensation.

Rights of passengers on delayed charter flights

  • 2 hours after the departure date indicated on the ticket – serving refreshments and providing the opportunity to make two telephone calls and send the same number of emails;
  • after 4 hours - provision of hot meals (hereinafter - once every 6 and 8 hours during the day and night, respectively);
  • after 6 hours – providing passengers with beds in hotels with delivery to and from the place of temporary accommodation.

The carrier is obliged to provide all of these benefits free of charge. In case of refusal, lawyers recommend that passengers pay for the listed services from their own funds, but be sure to retain documents/receipts/checks/receipts confirming the fact of payment and recover the costs incurred from the airline through the court.

Collection through court

The carrier will have to be “forced” to pay passengers the compensation prescribed in the Montreal Convention through the courts. In the case of charter flights, the responsibility for delivering people to their destination lies with the tour operator with whom the service agreement was concluded.

Documents confirming the fact of violation are

  • certificate of flight delay (taken at the airport check-in counter);
  • contract for the provision of air transportation services;
  • tickets, boarding passes, baggage receipts;
  • witness testimony (to obtain it, it is advisable to exchange telephone numbers with other comrades in misfortune);
  • the previously mentioned receipts for the purchase of food, drinks, hotel and taxi payments.

Tour operators and carriers, as a rule, try not to bring matters to court battles due to the fact that, in addition to compensation to passengers, servants of Themis can collect substantial compensation for moral damage and “solder” significant fines for violating the terms of the contract.

If it was not possible to resolve the problem at the pre-trial stage, it is advisable to enlist the support of an experienced specialist in the field of aviation law, and then file a claim in court.

For those who want to “not bother” with finding a lawyer, it is advisable to use the services of specialized ones who specialize in claiming compensation from carriers as specified by law. These online assistants work for a percentage of the “knocked out” amount. Payment for services is made only if the problem is successfully resolved.

When planning a trip by plane, force majeure circumstances may arise. Due to many of them, air carriers cancel flights or announce delays. What should travelers do in this case?

Air passenger rights in case of flight delay

The departure or arrival of an aircraft is delayed for various reasons. Air carrier employees notify customers who have already purchased tickets about it. There is a special service at the airport for this. If the plane's departure is cancelled, the company sends out SMS messages.

In Russian federation

When a plane's flight is canceled or delayed, any airline has certain obligations to its customers.

Regardless of how long the flight was delayed, each passenger has certain rights. They are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the flight is delayed for 5-15 minutes Travelers with children under seven years old are provided with a special room - the “Mother and Child” room. It is equipped specifically for rest, feeding and other needs.

If the aircraft's departure is delayed by no more than 2 hours, each traveler has the right to make two free phone calls.

Airline staff must provide water and other drinks.

If a flight is delayed by 4 hours or more, waiting travelers must be provided with hot meal vouchers.

During the day, passengers must eat every 6 hours, at night - every 8 hours.

If a flight is delayed for 8 hours or more, the airline must accommodate people waiting for the plane in a hotel.

Their transfer, luggage storage are her obligations.

There is no need to wait for company employees to bring drinks or give out coupons for free food. You need to approach them yourself.

Do not ask questions to airport staff. Their organization is an intermediary and provides services only for issuing tickets, checking luggage, and boarding a flight.

  • In Europe and abroad
  • The work of European airlines is regulated by “Regulation of the European Parliament and Council” No. 261/2004. It is valid only in the European Union and for companies registered in its territory.
  • Air carriers must provide their customers with free food and drinks in the following cases:

When an aircraft's departure is delayed for 2 hours or more. The flight length is up to 1500 km.

If the flight is delayed for 3 or more hours, and flights are carried out only within the EU. Their length reaches 1500-3500 km.

If the flight is delayed for 4 hours or more.

The passenger can make two free phone calls. In the event that the departure or arrival of an aircraft is delayed by one or several days, the airline provides a hotel room. Compensation can only be received if the flight is delayed for 3 or more hours due to the fault of the air carrier. These rules are set by the EU Parliament.

In this case, compensation is provided for flight delays. It is paid in the Russian Federation if the delay was due to the fault of the airline.

Important. Financial compensation is not paid if the plane is late or does not take off due to bad weather conditions.

It will also not be paid in the following cases:

  • industry strikes of employees began;
  • there have been changes in social life that affect the safety of flights (war, epidemic, etc.);
  • state restrictions on air transportation have been established;
  • a malfunction of the aircraft has been identified, which may lead to a risk of crash.

In the Russian Federation, according to the established rules for delays of aircraft flights due to the fault of the air carrier, the amount of compensation is 25-50% of the amount of the minimum wage. The percentage of financial payment depends on many circumstances.

Advice! To exercise the right to payment of compensation in full, you must put a special mark with an airline employee.

Amount of compensation for flight delay to the EU

In the European Union the amount of compensation is fixed. It depends on the flight distance and flight delay time.

To be collected, a mark must be placed on the travel document. This is performed by an airport or airline employee. When collecting large evidence, you can take a photo of the board on which information about the flight delay was displayed.

Interesting! If the air carrier notifies the customer of a flight cancellation or delay 14 days in advance, no compensation will be paid. If this period is shorter, the passenger can count on a financial payment in the same amount as in case of a flight delay.

How to get paid: detailed instructions

Unfortunately, not all air carriers strive to maintain their positive reputation. Not only do they not provide travelers with drinks or free food vouchers, but they are also slow to answer questions about reimbursement.

On one's own

If all the passengers' demands have been ignored, you can collect a package of documents and go to court.

Supporting documents:

  • a copy of the ticket with a note about the cancellation or delay of the flight;
  • letters or invitations if you planned to travel abroad to visit relatives or to an important event;
  • copies of tickets for excursions;
  • receipts or checks for hotel accommodation and meals for the entire time you are waiting for the flight.

You also need to write a complaint. It is handed over to an airline employee along with the collected package of documents.

Advice. It is better to send all this by registered mail. This will give travelers proof that they have filed a complaint.

Some people photocopy the claim. Its second copy is signed by the airline employee to whom it was handed over. He indicates the date of application and his data (full name, position).

You can apply for compensation immediately after the exact time of the aircraft’s departure delay has been established. But no later than 6 months from the date of flight cancellation or delay. In the EU, this period is set individually for each airline.

Via Compensair

You can also contact companies that specialize in air compensation from European airlines. For example, Compensair helps travelers receive compensation of up to 600 euros in case of canceled or delayed flights, or denied boarding. In this case, compensation can be obtained for problems with flights of European airlines over the past 6 years. To receive compensation, fill out the form below.

Complaint consideration period

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, complaints about the airline's work are considered within 30 days. After this period, the air carrier either compensates for the damage or refuses to pay compensation. At the same time, he must provide irrefutable evidence of his innocence.

Note. The rules for transporting passengers by air do not specify the exact time at which compensation must be paid. Sometimes this process drags on for months.

In the European Union the situation is different. Airlines pay compensation no later than 7 days after consideration of the complaint.


“Fighting” with the airline on your own for the right to receive compensation is a difficult task. This organization employs experienced lawyers. They do their jobs well. And sometimes it is not possible to receive the long-awaited compensation.

Advice. In this case, you need to seek help from professional lawyers. They will help collect sufficient evidence of the airline’s guilt.

The court must provide supporting documents. You can file a claim within 3 years from the date of the flight delay.

What to do if, due to a delay in one flight, a passenger is late for another

The outcome of the situation depends on how the traveler issued his ticket. For example, he makes a flight from Krasnodar to Minsk with a transfer to Moscow. In this case, the airline is responsible for the Moscow - Minsk flight. They will put the traveler on the nearest plane that flies in that direction.

Important. Receiving compensation due to the current situation is possible if the passenger arrived at the destination 3 hours or more late.

If documents were purchased for two separate flights (“Krasnodar - Moscow” and “Moscow - Minsk”), the air carrier is not responsible for being late for the second plane.

What to do if the airline does not provide a hotel

This situation happens quite often. What to do if your flight is delayed for a day or more? And the airline ignores its obligations.

The first thing you need to do is to mark the flight delay with a company employee. Next, you need to collect all receipts: for food, luggage storage. When checking into the hotel, ask for supporting documents indicating the amount of payment. They will be evidence of material expenses that the carrier company must reimburse.

Upon arrival at the airline, the passenger writes a statement in the prescribed form. You can get it from an employee. He attaches copies of the collected documents to it. It is also necessary to provide a copy of the ticket, which contains a note about the delay or cancellation of the flight.

On the website of many airlines it is possible to submit such a complaint online. As practice has shown, it is better to submit the application in person or send it by mail (issue a registered letter). This way there will be a greater chance that the claim will be considered on time and a decision will be made on it.

We tell you how to get compensation if the airline delays, cancels or reschedules your flight. What to do if there is a delay, how much money passengers are entitled to, what documents will be needed to receive compensation.

From the article you will learn:

  • amount of monetary compensation in Europe and Russia
  • under what conditions can payment be obtained from the carrier?
  • what to do and where to contact in case of flight delay or cancellation

1. Conditions for receiving compensation

The possibility of receiving compensation depends on the reasons for the delay or cancellation of the flight, the time of delay and the country (departure, arrival and country of registration of the airline).

1.1 Reasons for delay

Monetary compensation for delay or cancellation of an aircraft flight is only due if this the airline is to blame.

What does this actually mean?

Compensation is NOT paid if the reason for the flight delay/cancellation is:

  • bad weather
  • staff strike
  • other force majeure events beyond the airline's control

That is, if the flight was delayed or canceled through no fault of the airline, passengers are not entitled to compensation.

1.2 When can you receive compensation?

In Europe, compensation applies to both scheduled and charter aircraft flights.

In Russia - only for regular flights. In the case of charter flights, everything depends on the tourist’s contract with the tour operator (the maximum permissible delay of the plane’s departure must be specified there).

Conditions may vary slightly from country to country, but generally Compensation can be obtained in the following cases:

  1. The flight was canceled
  2. The flight was delayed by more than 3 hours
  3. You were flying with a transfer and, due to the delay of the first plane, missed your connecting flight, arriving at your final destination more than 3 hours later than the designated time
  4. You were denied boarding due to overbooking

What is overbooking? Sometimes airlines sell more tickets than the plane can accommodate (as some bookings are canceled and the company loses money). If all passengers show up for the flight, there will physically not be enough space for them on the plane.

Photo: © Youlanda Sun /

2. How to receive compensation

The rules for receiving compensation depend on the country of departure and arrival, as well as the airline’s place of registration.

The amount of payment for a domestic flight within Russia and an international flight will be calculated differently.

You can check if compensation is available to you by entering your flight details in the form below:

In Europe

Payments of compensation for delays, flight cancellations and overbooking in the European Union (EU) and Turkey are regulated by Regulation No. 261/2004.

The European Union in this case means 28 countries (list) + Switzerland, Iceland and Norway.

Payments from €125 to €600 can be received if at least one of two conditions is met:

  1. The flight was carried out by an airline registered in the EU or Turkey (except for flights outside Europe and Turkey, for example Bangkok - Kuala Lumpur).
  2. The starting point of the route is an EU country or Türkiye (for any airline).

For example, if a flight is canceled Aeroflot from Berlin to Moscow - payment is due, but if there is a return flight - not. The first case falls under the condition “point of departure is an EU country”, but the second does not. But if it were a plane of a European company Lufthansa– compensation is due in both cases.

Look at these conditions in table form:

Where are we flying from/to? Airline from EU Non-EU airline
flight between EU countries + +
from the EU to a third country + +
from a third country to the EU +
from non-EU to non-EU

How much will they pay

The amount of compensation depends on the time of delay to the final destination and/or the flight distance. The exact amount can be calculated.

For denied boarding (overbooking)

  • 250 euros – for a distance of up to 1500 km
  • 400 euros – for a distance of 1500-3500 km and on all flights 1500+ km within the EU
  • 600 euros – for a distance of more than 3500 km

For flight delay (more than 3 hours)

  • 250 euros – up to 1500 km
  • 400 euros – 1500-3500 km or 1500+ km within the EU
  • 300/600 euros – from 3500+ km for 3+ / 4+ hours of delay, respectively

If the flight is delayed by less than 3 hours, no compensation is provided. In this case, the delay is determined not by the time of departure from the airport, but by the time of arrival at the destination.

For example, you bought an Air France ticket from Moscow to Paris with a 6-hour layover in Amsterdam. We left Moscow 3 hours late, but managed to catch our connecting flight and ended up in Paris on time. No compensation is due, since you arrived at your final destination without delay.

For flight cancellation

Compensation for flight cancellation is only due if the carrier notifies the passenger of this less than 14 days before departure. If the airline contacted you in advance and offered alternative tickets, there will be no compensation.

The amount of payment in Europe may vary slightly depending on whether there are 7-13 days left before departure or less than 7 days.

When canceling a flight, the airline is obliged to:

  1. Provide you with other tickets or refund your money (even if the fare is non-refundable)
  2. If, on your new tickets, you arrive at your destination later than expected on your old tickets, you must pay compensation.

The “delay” in this case is determined by the difference in the arrival of the aircraft at the final destination on the old and new tickets.

For example, if on a canceled ticket you were supposed to arrive in Rome at 12:00, and on a new ticket you arrive at 17:00 on the same day, the delay will be 5 hours.

How to receive payment

There are 2 ways to receive compensation for a canceled or delayed flight.

On one's own. In this case, you write a claim, send it to the carrier and wait for a response. The airline may agree to pay the fine, or it may refuse. In case of refusal, you have the right to apply for compensation to the court by filing an application and attaching the necessary documents.

Through an intermediary. You can resort to the services of intermediary companies, for example or - they take upon themselves the resolution of all matters with the airline in exchange for a percentage of the compensation received.

How does this happen:

  1. You leave passenger data and information about a delayed or canceled flight
  2. The company draws up a legally competent claim and sends it to the carrier
  3. If the airline refuses to pay, Airhelp / Compensair will resolve the case in court
  4. If you successfully receive compensation, it will be transferred to you minus the service commission (25%). If you are unable to receive compensation, you do not pay anything.

For example, if you are entitled to a payment of 400 euros, you will receive 300 euros, and 100 euros (25%) will be the service commission.

  • Submitting an application on your part takes 4-5 minutes, then Airhelp / Compensair handles everything
  • the case is handled by experienced lawyers, so the chances of receiving payment are higher
  • The intermediary company takes 25% of the compensation amount as its commission (only if it was possible to receive it)

In our opinion, the service is very convenient. It allows you to save time and not have to deal with all the paperwork yourself, and takes a commission only if you manage to obtain compensation for the delay, cancellation or overbooking of the flight.

In Russia

The rights of passengers on flights in Russia are regulated by the Air Code of the Russian Federation (Article 120) and the Federal Aviation Rules (clauses 74, 99, 227).

What falls under these rules:

  • flights of Russian airlines within Russia (Pobeda, Aeroflot, S7, etc.)
  • international flights of Russian airlines
  • international flights of foreign companies, if specified in the contract; if not, then the rules of the country where the airline is registered and/or international standards apply

Compensation for flights within Russia can be received within 6 months from the date of delay or cancellation, and for international flights - within 2 years.

If you only found out about the cancellation or delay of the plane at the airport, be sure to put the corresponding stamp on your boarding pass or itinerary receipt - this will be needed in order to receive compensation later.

The stamp can be obtained from an employee of the relevant airline or at the airport information desk.

How much will they pay

Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation establishes a fine for delay or cancellation of a flight due to the fault of the airline in the amount 25 rubles for each hour of delay. This is not a typo, compensation for a late plane is so small.

In this case, the fine cannot exceed 50% of the ticket price. That is, if you bought a ticket for an Aeroflot flight for 6,000 rubles, the maximum possible compensation will be 3,000 rubles.


What to do if your flight is delayed or cancelled:

  1. Compensation for overbooking, delays and flight cancellations is only paid under certain conditions
  2. In Russia, the rules apply only to scheduled flights; in Europe - both regular and charter
  3. You can negotiate with the airline yourself, or you can ask for help. In the second case, the chances will be greater and your participation will not be required, but the service will take a 25% commission.

It is a rare airline passenger who has not experienced a flight delay. Unpleasant situations associated with long waits for a plane to take off are especially difficult to bear if the passenger is in a sterile area or is already on board the plane.

At the same time, not every traveler knows that he can receive monetary compensation for a delayed flight and a spoiled mood.

In what cases can you receive compensation?

Compensation can be paid if the airline itself admits guilt in causing the plane to be delayed or is found guilty by a court.

The airline is considered to be at fault in the following cases:

    Overbooking. Statistics show that for almost every flight there are people who are late for check-in at the airport. To fill empty seats and prevent losses, many airlines sell more airline tickets than seats on the aircraft.

    You can read in detail about overbooking in this FlyNow material. But we must admit that airlines' games with profits and losses should not affect passengers in any way.

    Your flight has departed, but you don't have a seat on the plane? This is 99.9% overbooking!. If your flight is significantly delayed, you have the right to demand compensation.

    If the flight crew is to blame for the flight delay, which turned out to be not ready for flight.

    The reasons related to the crew may be very different, but they do not concern passengers. The airline must anticipate such situations and send the plane on schedule.

    If the flight is canceled due to the fact that the carrier airline considered it economically unprofitable.

    Such situations happen often. For example, a certain airline operates two flights a day on the route. But too few tickets have been sold for one of the morning flights and a decision is made: cancel one morning flight. The airline combines passengers on two flights, morning and evening, into one flight and sends them to Moscow on an evening plane.

    Of course, this is a violation of passenger rights.

    Economic and financial situation of the airline also should not affect the timely departure of the aircraft.

    If it suddenly turns out that the airline cannot pay for fuel or airport services, then where do the passengers come from? They have already paid for their trip and are waiting for the paid service to be provided.

    Any other cases, if the carrier cannot prove the presence of force majeure circumstances that influenced the delay or cancellation of the aircraft departure.

In what cases should you not expect to receive compensation?

Adverse weather conditions– a common cause of flight delays. And, although in some cases the decision to take off is made by the captain of the aircraft, the decision to delay a flight is related solely to the safety of passengers.

If the flight delay is due to eliminating a technical malfunction of the aircraft. This case is also related to the safety and health of passengers, and therefore does not fall into the list of conditions for receiving compensation.

If the flight delay is due to circumstances beyond the airline's control. For example, a strike by air traffic controllers or other airport employees.

Compensation is not provided in case of force majeure circumstances: threat of terrorist attack, natural disaster, mass civil unrest, military action in the departure area or along the flight route.

Passenger rights in case of flight delay

Regardless of the reasons for the delay, the passenger has the right to receive the following services from the airline:

  • If there is a delay of more than 2 hours, you must be provided with refreshments;
  • If there is a delay of more than 4 hours, you should be fed a hot lunch;
  • If the delay is from 6 hours at night and from 8 hours during the day, you must be accommodated in a hotel for rest. The airline is also responsible for transporting passengers to and from the hotel.

If the airline does not provide these services to you, request them from the airline representative at the airport.

Amount of monetary compensation for flight delay

Compensation for flight delays consists of two components:

  • 25% of the minimum wage (minimum wage) for each hour of delay, but not more than half the cost of a plane ticket;
  • 3% of the air ticket price for each hour of delay.

Protection of the rights of passengers when flying across the territory of Russia is ensured by the following laws and acts:

  • Air Code of the Russian Federation (Law No. 60-FZ);
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 82 “On approval of Federal Aviation Rules”;
  • Law on Consumer Protection";
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Attention! When flying abroad by Russian and foreign airlines, different rules apply for compensation for delayed flight departure!

How to get compensation for delay

The first thing you must do is to put a stamp on your itinerary receipt at the check-in counter or from an airline representative, which will officially confirm the delay.

Be sure to keep all receipts for meals in airport cafes and restaurants, receipts for luggage storage services, taxi fares and other expenses you incurred while waiting for your flight.

Then you need to submit a claim to the airline by writing a free-form email and indicating all the necessary data on the claim: departure date, flight number, delay time and other requirements.

Attach a scan of your itinerary receipt with a note about the delay to the letter; scans of receipts confirming your expenses at the airport; documents confirming your material and moral damage associated with the flight delay: tickets to a concert or other events, invitations or other events that you missed due to the fault of the airline. Be sure to save your sent letter on your computer.

You can also file a claim with the airline representative at your airport of arrival.

If the airline has agreed to pay you compensation, it may ask you to send the original application and other documents by registered mail. But don’t forget to make copies of these documents for yourself before doing so, just in case.


You can file a claim for flight delay and payment of compensation when flying within Russia within six months from the moment of flight delay or cancellation.

According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the airline is obliged to respond to your complaint within 30 days. If you have not received a response or the response to your claim does not satisfy you, file a claim in court. Attach the originals of your itinerary receipt and checks to your application, also attach a printout of the letter to the airline with your claim and the response from the airline representatives.

You need to understand that your expenses while waiting at the airport should be reasonable. No one will pay for your expensive purchases at Duty-Free or lunch at a chic restaurant.