What to do before flying on an airplane. First flight on an airplane. What you need to know

A bad long-term domestic or international flight can ruin your vacation or business trip. To ensure that your flight causes minimal discomfort, find out in advance what seats and services are available on board. Bring a number of essentials with you to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. While on board an airplane, try to stand up and stretch your muscles often. Do relaxation exercises to help you calm down and reduce stress.


How to use space and provide physical comfort

    Book a good seat if possible. Find out in advance whether you can get a comfortable seat on board. Even within the same class and price range, there are better and worse places than others. If you need more legroom, the seats near the emergency exits are best, and if you want to lean against the wall and sleep, you'll want to sit near the window. Try to avoid places near toilets, as other passengers will constantly walk past you.

    • There will also be more legroom in front of the partitions between the salons and the curtains. As a rule, in such places there are no other seats in front.
    • Avoid choosing a seat near an emergency exit if you have a baby or small child with you, as it will be difficult to open the hatch in the event of an accident.
    • On some airlines you can get a more comfortable seat for an additional fee in economy class. These tickets are often called superior economy.
  1. Take as little hand luggage on board as possible. If you have a lot of luggage, it will be difficult for you to get comfortable. Find out the airline's baggage requirements in advance and take only what you need on board. It is enough to take one backpack with you. It will be easier for you to find space for a backpack on top or under the seat compared to a suitcase.

    Dress comfortably. Tight and uncomfortable clothing will make the flight unbearable. Choose loose, comfortable clothing and shoes, and bring at least one warm item to wear over your clothes if you get cold on board (for example, a sweater or zip-up).

    If you plan to sleep, take a pillow with you. Sleeping on an airplane without a pillow can cause discomfort and neck pain. Bring a special travel pillow or headrest and do not use inflatable pillows unless you know exactly what you will be comfortable with.

    • If you don't have a pillow, you can buy one at almost any airport.
    • Some airlines offer pillows on board, but this service may cost extra. Find out in advance whether the airline provides pillows and blankets on board.
    • Since it can get cold on the plane, take a small blanket or travel blanket with you.
  2. Keep personal hygiene items on hand. Pack your bag with a comb, toothbrush, lip balm, and anything else you'll need to preen yourself before boarding. Facial wipes will also help you feel clean and fresh.

How to keep yourself occupied on board

  1. Try to move as much as possible during the flight. This is especially important on long flights because movement can help prevent pain, poor circulation, and potentially dangerous conditions including deep vein thrombosis. Some airlines provide instructions on how to do exercises (such as foot rotations or arm stretches). In the middle of a long or overnight flight, walk around the cabin a couple of times to stretch your muscles.

    • Perhaps there is a place at the back of the salon where you could do some exercises.
    • Wait until the boat attendants allow you to get up and move.
    • Do the exercises with the help of videos provided by the airline, if possible. There are special videos that show how to do exercises on board.
  2. Take advantage of the opportunities on board. Many airlines have movies and radio on board. Connect your headphones to the jack located in your seat. Some planes have seat-back monitors with movies, TV shows, and flight information. All these entertainments will help you pass the time. Find out what your airline offers in advance.

    • If your airline offers audio and video content on demand, this means you can pay extra for special access to content during your flight. But remember that this service can be very expensive.
  3. Take something with you to keep you occupied. As a rule, you can’t start watching movies on built-in screens immediately after takeoff, and the choice is usually small. Bring your tablet, laptop, or portable DVD or Blu-ray player with your favorite movies, music, podcasts, or e-books. You can take a new book you like or a game with you.

    • Be sure to charge all electronic devices before your flight.
    • Some flights have free Wi-Fi. Thanks to this, you will be able to use the Internet during the flight.
    • Take a couple of recent magazines with you. Buy some magazines at the airport before your flight. This way you don't have to read what's on board.
    • You can also solve crossword puzzles, sudoku, or color in adult coloring books. If you love crafts or drawing, bring a sketchbook or knitting thread (but remember that you won't be allowed to take knitting needles on board).
  4. Put your headphones in your bag. Headphones that are provided on board (for free or for money) are most often of poor quality. It is best to take noise-canceling headphones or earbuds with you. They will muffle engine noise and passenger voices.

    • If you just want to block out sounds, use earplugs.
  5. Don't look at your watch while flying. There is nothing you can do about the fact that you will have to fly for a long time. Time will pass even slower if you constantly look at the clock. Don't think about time or look at the map on the plane that shows the current position of the plane.

    • If you really want to look at the clock, distract yourself with something.

Rest and food

  1. Do relaxation exercises if you feel tense. If you're nervous, irritable, or feeling claustrophobic, try some relaxation exercises. Take a couple of deep breaths, meditate, do a few simple yoga exercises in your chair.

    • Do some research on airplane yoga to get an idea of ​​what exercises you can do in tight spaces.
    • Listen to calm music, read, draw or decorate.
    • If you feel very nervous in the air or have a fear of flying, talk to your doctor or therapist. The specialist will tell you behavioral strategies or even prescribe medications that will help you relax.
  2. Try to find a comfortable sleeping position. If you brought a pillow with you, place it on the table in front of you and rest your head on it. If you are sitting by a window, lean against the window or against the wall. This will make it more convenient for you. If you are sitting in the middle or in the aisle, recline your chair as far back as possible.

    • Be careful and polite when reclining your seat. Warn the passenger sitting in the back that you want to lower the backrest so as not to crush his legs or spill coffee.
    • If you are traveling with friends, parents or other relatives, lean on them to sleep.
    • Do not drink caffeinated drinks on board. Not only will they prevent you from falling asleep, but they will also force you to get up to go to the toilet several times during the flight.
    • Bring a sleep mask to prevent light from disturbing your sleep.
  3. Find out in advance what kind of food will be on board. Although many domestic flights do not offer food, there are some airlines that still include food in the ticket price. On some flights you can buy additional food. Check with the airline staff in advance to see if you will be offered food during the flight.

    • If you're flying abroad, you may have a range of meals and snacks to choose from.
    • Many airlines offer vegetarian, kosher, halal and other special meal options 2-3 days before departure. Because airlines have to prepare special meals, these meals usually taste better than standard options. In addition, passengers with special requests are often served first.
  4. Bring some sweets and other snacks with you. Many airlines offer passengers insufficient food for a long flight, and what food is available on board may be unhealthy, tasteless or expensive. If you've researched food options in advance and don't like them, bring your own food (such as a couple of granola bars or fruit).

    • Protein bars are convenient to take with you, especially if you have a long flight. Typically, the food offered on board is low in protein and high in carbohydrates.
    • Before you fly, check travel sites (such as TripAdvisor) to see if you should bring food.
  5. Drink more water during the flight. If you have a long flight, your body may become dehydrated in the air, which will increase discomfort. Although you can ask the flight attendants for water, it is better to carry an adequate supply of liquid with you. You can buy a bottle of water after going through security or get water from the fountain.

    • Remember that the water from the handwash tank in the toilet should not be drunk. It's not clean enough.
    • Apply drops to your eyes if you feel dry. Eye drops can be purchased at the airport store. They are usually sold in small bottles that can be carried on board.
    • Bring a saline nasal gel or spray in an appropriately sized bottle to help prevent your airways from drying out during the flight. This spray will help relieve nasal congestion and prevent pain in the ears and sinuses during takeoff and landing.
    • move to more comfortable seats. You'll be more likely to get these seats if you're dressed appropriately: no jeans or sweatshirts, no open sandals, and no backpacks or other loose luggage.
  6. If you often get stuffy ears during takeoff and landing, take chewing gum with you. Chewing will help you get rid of congestion. You can also take an antihistamine before flying.
  7. If you get motion sickness, drink more water or don't move. If this doesn't help, use a disposable vomit bag kept in the seat pocket in front of you.
  8. The armrests of the seats can be raised (even those in the aisle), but some have a hidden latch. Ask the flight attendants to help you if you are not sure how to raise the armrests.
  9. Feel free to ask for extra napkins and ice when offered drinks. They might even give you a whole can of the unpopular drink if you ask.
  10. If your child kicks your chair, politely ask him to stop. If the child does not respond, ask the parent to intervene.
  11. Go to the toilet before boarding. Thanks to this, you will most likely not need to go to the toilet on the plane.
  12. If you have time, do some stretching exercises before your flight. This will help you stretch your muscles and prevent your legs from becoming numb during the flight.

Flying can sometimes be a real challenge if you don't maintain calm and composure. After all, before the flight you need to go through such stages as check-in and baggage drop-off, customs and passport control, security control, and duty-free shops make their significant contribution. Therefore, in order to get everything done without unnecessary rush, you need to get to the airport at least 3 hours before the plane’s departure (passenger check-in ends 40 minutes before the flight).

First of all, every trip begins with the purchase of a ticket. Nowadays, you can easily purchase it on the airline’s website, or find a suitable option on search services such as aviasales, where you can find the cheapest option among all airlines. When purchasing through the website, the data is entered into an electronic database, but you need to print out a receipt that will be sent by email - this will help significantly speed up the registration process. When purchasing on your own, you must enter all the passport details correctly, otherwise there will be problems during registration.


During check-in for the flight, baggage is checked into the cargo compartment of the aircraft. A passenger can check in 1 bag in the checked baggage area, but it must weigh 20-25 kg, depending on the rules of the air carrier. After this, the passenger is given a luggage tag. It is better not to check in valuables; it is better to transport them in hand luggage, which you can take on board the plane. Each airline determines the maximum weight and size of hand luggage. During check-in for a flight, a passenger may request to be seated in a specific seat. There will be more chances to get the desired place if you arrive earlier. After check-in, you will be issued a boarding pass, which you will have to present frequently. The ticket contains all the necessary information about the flight.

Customs control at the airport

Before a passenger gets on board, he must go through customs control. A person carrying a large amount of cash, weapons, antiques and other items subject to duty. To simplify the inspection, there are “red” and “green” inspection zones. People who do not have items to declare pass through the green corridor. Those who are flying for the first time should familiarize themselves with the rules for transporting things.

Search and passport control

Before boarding, you must also undergo personal inspection and passport control. The inspection depends on the airport rules, but usually you need to take off your hat, take everything out of your pockets, take off your outerwear, and sometimes you need to take off your shoes. During the inspection, they look for weapons, explosives, flammable substances and other items that could become weapons in the hands of terrorists. Abroad, they may be asked to take out all the equipment and turn it on. Those transporting flowers must undergo phytocontrol, and animals must undergo veterinary control. Liquids are checked right away; they should only be carried with luggage. There are transportation rules for medicines, which can be found on the airport website. When flying abroad, you must undergo customs inspection, since the border service needs to make sure that the passenger can leave the country and that he has a visa from the receiving state.

After all inspections, the passenger can safely enter the departure area. There you should first find your exit to board the plane, and later, if you have time, you can stroll through the Duty Free shops. When boarding the plane, you will need to show your boarding pass with your passport. Afterwards, the passenger is left with a ticket stub indicating the row and seat on board.

Air transportation refusal

There are cases when a person is not allowed on a plane due to incorrectly filled out documents. In addition, the passenger will not be allowed on board due to his violation of the norms of behavior while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In this case, you should not expect compensation from the air carrier. But there are also exceptional cases, such as overbooking, when there are no empty seats on board. It is imperative that the representative put a stamp on the air ticket about the refusal of transportation. Then demand compensation from the airline for the cost of the ticket, as well as material and moral losses. In the European Union, the carrier must pay compensation of 200-600 euros to the passenger, as well as related expenses.

Lost luggage

There are no airlines or airports on Earth where luggage cannot be lost. If suddenly the passenger does not find his luggage, then he should find a representative of the air carrier (the information desk will tell you where the office is located). At the office, the representative must draw up a report that the luggage is lost, and also issue a bag with essential items. If after 21 days the luggage is still not found, then you need to contact the airline demanding compensation for each kilogram of weight. There is no point in convincing the airline that there were expensive items in the suitcase, they should be insured or carried in hand luggage.

My first plane flight was very memorable. Since it was the first time, I remembered it for the rest of my life.
The flight did not last long, a couple of hours. Before the flight, I was very worried, I was overcome with fear, and the panic began to intensify. My hands began to tremble and my voice became weak. I never thought it was possible to be so afraid. Thanks to the people who were flying with me, I calmed down; they told me various funny stories. And it became not so scary. Then curiosity began to overcome me. How is it, up there in the sky? The clouds are probably very close.

After checking in, we began boarding the plane. This is a large corridor through which everyone goes to the plane. It’s a very bright room, and as I walk I have such a feeling of delight and fear at the same time. It seemed to me that I was alone on this entire plane. Everyone else has such calm faces, it seems as if they weren’t on a plane, but just went for a ride on a bus. Entering the plane, it seemed even bigger to me. There was so much space, very comfortable seats and wide aisles between them. My excitement didn't go away. I couldn't wait for him to take off and be in the sky. The flight attendant warned everyone about seat belts and talked about the rules of behavior on the plane.

A few minutes later the engine started to start and there was a slight noise in the aircraft cabin. In general, not as scary as I thought. When the plane began to gain altitude, my ears started to clog, and this lasted for quite a long time. I tried to calm down and started eating sucking refreshing candies, they help a lot in such situations. And now we are already in the sky, the weather is beautiful, it’s simply impossible to express it. It's like walking on clouds. I was sitting right next to the window. Small roofs of houses were visible smaller and smaller through the white clouds. The vibration in the aircraft cabin became more and more intense as it ascended. Having gained its altitude, the plane began to fly calmly.

You could relax and enjoy the height and beauty of the blue sky. A few minutes later, reading a very interesting book, I fell asleep, although I didn’t even think about it. On the contrary, I wanted to see and feel everything. But sleep turned out to be stronger than me and took possession of me during the flight. I woke up to the flight attendant saying something about landing. In a panic, I started checking the belts, drank some water and took out my candy again. As we approached the landing, vibration began again and the noise intensified. I closed my eyes in fear. This didn't last long. Our plane landed safely and everyone was happy with the flight.

I really enjoyed this flight because I was asleep and felt almost nothing. But just this fear of flying, I think I can somehow cope with it.

Ivanova Elena Alexandrovna

Some people don't fly on airplanes just because they've never done it before. This is not a fear of danger, not a fear of heights, but simply panic in front of something unknown. And many do not understand what pleasure they are depriving themselves of, because flying is very pleasant and interesting, and most importantly - fast. And in many cases, this is the only way to get to the right place. Do not neglect technical progress, because horses and carriages, weeks and months of travel are already far in the past.

Personally, at first it was not the planes that scared me, but the airport. How to get into it, where to run, how not to confuse anything, and in general... Let's imagine that you find yourself at the airport for the first time. The procedure will be approximately the same, except that inspection and passport control in some cases change places.

First time at the airport

What time should you arrive? Check-in for the flight begins two hours before departure. Why so early? You need to have time to go through a large number of time-consuming procedures. You can arrive even earlier just in case. But it’s better not later, especially if you’re flying for the first time.


In our country, unlike many others, anti-terrorist security has been strengthened. Therefore, try to budget for the time you will spend... going inside the airport. There are often queues there. You will already be examined there and your things will be scanned, even if you just came as a guide. You can go back out, but you can only get back to the airport through security again.

Scoreboard and registration area

The departure and arrival board is perhaps the most romantic object at the airport, and it has even been praised more than once. The board indicates the number, destination, and departure time of the flight. Be sure to check your flight number. Once we almost got confused with flights that departed 15 minutes apart.

Sometimes several flights may depart at the same time, so keep an eye out. What makes it even more confusing is that airlines often operate codeshare flights. Do not rely on the name of the airline, and even sometimes time is not an indicator. The direction and number are what you need to see. The board also indicates which registration desk you need to go to and what state the registration is in: whether it is open or, God forbid, has ended. Check-in for the flight, as I already said, begins 2 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before it.

Baggage preparation

I haven’t found any useful information about preparing luggage on any “good” portal.

Usually, “smart” life hackers write about prohibited items and the weight of luggage somewhere in paragraphs about inspection, not taking into account the fact that we part with luggage much earlier, and this implies a completely different sequence of actions.

Baggage flies separately from you

You can fly without luggage and put all your items in hand luggage if the airline allows it. This is what I usually do, it significantly speeds up leaving the airport upon arrival. In this case, your suitcase or backpack must fit certain dimensions and not exceed the weight limit.

Oversized and oversized luggage

Dimensional - suitable for standard sizes. In Russian, a standard suitcase or bag. Oversized fits in weight, but not in size, and is issued separately. By the way, it is oversized luggage that is most often lost.

If you are concerned about this topic, then feel free to go to the airline’s website and check what they can and cannot do. No other way. Because different airlines treat luggage differently. It is clear that items such as a guitar, a huge box or a plasma TV can hardly be called oversized luggage. You will not be asked to pay any extra money for handling oversized luggage.

Extra bed

You can purchase additional luggage space, it costs extra money. But no one has canceled cheating, for example, the Aeroflot gold card allows you to carry two pieces of luggage at the same time for free, and, in principle, such a card is rubbish and envy.


Suitcases are usually thrown onto planes in a rather barbaric manner, so if you want to extend the life of your traveling friend, you can pack it for a fee. Luggage will be wrapped with special film by specially trained people in special places. They are not difficult to find.

If you are carrying something valuable, it is advisable to wrap your luggage. At the airport there are usually several packages with different prices. Naturally, the most expensive ones are located closest to the main entrance. They will wrap you for about 700 rubles, or 10–15 EUR. In addition to official packers, there are also “spider-men” who will offer the same service at 2-3 times cheaper. Wander around the airport a little, looking meaningfully at the packing sheds, and these enterprising cunning people will find you themselves.


If you (oh horror!) have an advantage, then prepare some money. Well, the time it takes to check in additional luggage and overweight will take from 20 to 40 minutes for sure.

Your luggage should be of the dimensions and weight, as I already said, acceptable in a particular airline, and it is also advisable to put in it everything that cannot be taken on board, that is, liquids, aerosols, and sharp objects.

Feel yourself. Money, passport, other documents and boarding pass must be literally glued to yourself. Under no circumstances leave money in your luggage (there are such cases), and without a passport you, in principle, will not fly far. It is best to keep such necessary items in a small bag or pocket, generally with you.


You can check in for your flight from home in advance. This provides certain advantages. For example, you can choose the best seats on the plane.

Registration is easy, Watson. When checking in for a regular flight, they usually don’t ask for anything other than a passport: the employees already have all the data, because Big Brother has been watching you for a long time... The only time the Spaniards asked for a printout of my electronic ticket, because in their database my name was not written with that letter. But this is the exception rather than the rule. At check-in you temporarily say goodbye to your luggage. The luggage is placed on the belt and weighed. After all this, you are given a boarding pass indicating your gate (exit), your seat on the plane and a baggage claim tag. Never lose your boarding pass. Now he is your king and god.

You may be asked what you take on the plane. Any belongings you bring on board are called carry-on luggage. Here's what you shouldn't have in your carry-on luggage:

  • Liquids. Some people think that in principle nothing liquid can be brought on board, but this is not true. You can safely carry up to 100 milliliters of any liquid substance with you.
  • Sharp, piercing and cutting objects. If you have scissors, corkscrews and knives in your hand luggage, then most likely you will be asked to part with them at security. We learned about diabetics. Syringes are possible. But if you have (quote) “a free-form doctor’s certificate.”
  • Aerosols. All varnishes, sprays and sprays must fly in the luggage compartment.

Hand luggage can weigh up to 10 kilograms. All airlines have approximately the same size requirements. There are even special suitcases that fit the size of hand luggage. In fact, if you're flying on a scheduled flight, you can bring almost anything on board. One day we were carrying a huge basket, a giant hoop the size of a hula hoop and... sheaves of straw. They were light, but voluminous, and we were almost invisible behind them. However, Aeroflot employees treated the sheaves with loyalty and even wished us to have a good event.

In addition to a special suitcase, you can take a fairly large bag or backpack on board. Since we carry a lot of props on business trips, all personal items usually fit in a small handbag.


You can lose quite a lot of time at the security check, as there will be people there who are not only in a hurry to catch your flight. You take a special tray and put everything on it: hand luggage, things, gadgets, a laptop (in Europe they ask you to take it out of your bag and call it a laptop, for a moment!), all metal objects and shoes, if they have thick soles or heels. It is easy to part with liquids or aerosols here if their volume exceeds the norm. For example, you are trying to smuggle a liter of shampoo - most likely it will be confiscated. Creams, gels, toxic substances, sharp objects - say “adios” to them if you haven’t put them in your suitcase. So we parted with Enterosgel at Heathrow airport, it was very strict there.

This whole story is connected, again, with anti-terrorist security; similar rules were introduced in 2007. On board (once again) - no more than 100 milliliters of liquid in total, that is, you can take with you a small cream, a spray for a runny nose, a perfume sampler and liquid for lenses, in general, a bunch of liquids, but the main thing is that there is not a total of them more than a hundred ml. Yes, and it is advisable to forget about jokes about drugs and weapons. They don't understand jokes at the airport.

If you don’t want to waste a lot of time and make yourself nervous, and also embarrass women with sad faces and scanners in their hands, then, in principle, you shouldn’t hang all the iron jewelry left over from your gypsy grandmother, belts with massive buckles, and put on shoes thick soles or heels: they will strip you and take them off like there’s nothing to do. And this, you see, is not the most pleasant procedure. Here, by the way, is a link to a wildly funny video where a friend did not understand what they wanted from him and was scanned along with his luggage.

Passport control

Keep your passport and boarding pass with you, preferably in your hand. It is also better to avoid stupid jokes at passport control. Taking photographs of the passport control area is prohibited. Therefore, if something suddenly seemed funny to you (for example, your own face and you sawed yourself), you will be asked to delete the photos.

The official in the booth may ask questions. For example, about the purpose of the trip. He will leaf through your passport looking for visas and stamps. I was remarked several times that, they say, I don’t look at the border guard all the time, but fiddle with my phone (it’s better not to be distracted by anything extraneous from this important process), and that my passport is dirty (yes, I dropped it once to Kuru in , and several seals blurred). And you just might not like you. By the way, if you have a biometric passport or visa, you may be asked to place your finger on an infrared reader.

The waiting area

When re-reading my own text, I quickly replaced the word “desirable” with “required.” You absolutely must immediately find your gate (exit). Sometimes it can be difficult. Sometimes special trains run between gates, as in Madrid Barajas or London Heathrow. Sometimes they write scary numbers: how long to get to the exits. Sometimes this is the number 15, that is, minutes. But breathe out: this has never happened at Russian airports. Your ticket will indicate the gate number and boarding time, that is, the start time of boarding. It is better not to wander too far from the desired exit, otherwise you may miss important information. The gate may change, the flight may be delayed, or who knows what else. Take control of the situation.

There is usually something in the waiting area. For example, Duty Free. What “Duty Free” is does not need to be explained to the Russian tourist, who usually begins to prepare for a vacation by drinking alcoholic beverages from this shiny, tasty-smelling and shining market. The belief that it is cheaper at Duty Free is just a belief. For example, alcohol and snacks are often more expensive than in supermarkets, cigarettes are sold only in blocks, and cosmetics correspond to the market price. However, what should not be doubted is the quality of the products. It is better to buy good perfume, professional cosmetics, and gift packs of chocolates at Duty Free. By the way, when purchasing you will be asked to show your boarding pass, so don’t take it too far away.

And, of course, there are all sorts of cafes in the waiting area. Unless you're in Berlin's Tegel, for example, which is more like an Ikea place to pack your groceries. It's not cheap to eat there, but I usually get water from the machine. The air on the plane is dry and you feel thirsty. Anything purchased in this area is suitable to be brought on board.

Boarding the plane

Depending on the airport, your route from the gate to the plane could be like this:

  • telescopic ladder,
  • bus,
  • on foot.

If the airport is small, you can walk, usually a short distance. Sometimes you have to wait for the bus; it’s hot and cramped. Ideal if you are walking along a telescopic ramp - this is an air bridge from the airport to the plane.

If you have a lot of hand luggage, it is better to get in line at the gate early so that you have time to occupy the luggage racks. Sometimes there may be no empty seats next to you, so you will have to look for an empty shelf away from your chair. At smart airports, there is a division into groups to avoid queues at the gate. In this case, your group number is also indicated on your boarding pass. But personally, I like to wait until the last minute: I jump at the gate when the bulk of people have already boarded the plane.

First time on a plane

And here you are, so happy, sitting on the plane and, perhaps, shaking with fear that this colossus is about to take off into the air. This won't happen instantly. You'll be packing for a while. The crew will be preparing for some time. Then the beautiful flight attendants will begin to show how and what to do in an emergency. At this time, the plane will begin to move towards the runway. Previously, I always loved the moment of takeoff, when the iron bird accelerates so that it presses you into the chair, and then takes off from the ground, but now I often fall asleep even before takeoff. The main thing is, if you are scared, take a comfortable position. Good luck if you have a pillow under your head, because external and internal comfort are inseparable.


When it comes to seats inside an airplane, a simple law applies: the closer you are to your head, the less you will be shaken by turbulence. Turbulence, or bumpiness, is the vibration of an aircraft caused by vortex wind flows, downward and outward. It's not scary. The usual bumpiness that occurs when flying through some types of clouds is not dangerous. The aircraft is designed to withstand the resulting overloads. In general, when a plane shakes, it is not a technical failure, and the pilot is not crazy, it is just a temporary phenomenon that needs to be accepted and forgiven. And don’t set yourself up for horror: I’ve flown many times without shaking at all. Since there is less vibration at the front of the plane, business class is located there.

As for “by the window or not by the window,” the point is controversial. If you have never flown, then it may seem to you that a fascinating picture is created in the window throughout the entire flight. However, it is not. The most interesting thing is the takeoff and landing, when you see the city that has turned into a toy city. And then the plane gains altitude and rises above the clouds. Outside the window there will be monotonous blinding white clouds if you are flying during the day, or endless darkness if at night. If you are not a big fan of sticking your forehead into the wall and snoring, then there is no need for a window. There is nothing wrong with choosing a seat near the aisle - it is convenient to go to the toilet without stepping over your sleeping neighbors.

Great if you're flying on a half-empty plane. After takeoff, when you are allowed to wander around the cabin, look in the rear section: there may be three free seats there. I call it "reserved seat". You can stretch out on them, cover yourself with a blanket and sleep. No one will say a bad word to you - it’s been verified.

A special chic during check-in is getting seats at the emergency exit. Ask and they will give if they are still available. On most planes, the distance to the next seat is very far, and the table extends out of the armrest. Of course, you will have a great responsibility - to save passengers in case of emergency evacuation, since you will be the very first one to the exit there. But you can stretch your legs and have fun.


It all depends, of course, on the airline and the specifics of the flight. If you are able to register in advance, you may also have been asked to select a menu. Major international airlines offer special menus: kosher or vegetarian. I haven’t tried ordering the menu in advance, but I know it’s possible.

I once had a vegetarian lunch on board British Airways. The quinoa, avocado and tofu salad was much better than the usual lunch that included a stale bun with mayonnaise. However, in any case, do not expect culinary delights from economy class. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to fly business class, but insiders know that it’s delicious, especially if it’s Aeroflot. Fortunately, the latter’s food is delicious even in economy, and sometimes there was also red fish.

The funniest airplane meal of my life was organized by the German subsidiary of Lufthansa, Air Berlin. Unfortunately, they stopped flying from Moscow. For the rest of my life I will remember a wonderful packed lunch consisting of very spicy chips and a glass of juice. And the worst lunch was at Air Moldova: some kind of indistinct sandwich.

If you fly during the day or evening, your chances of eating better are much greater: at night and in the early morning, you can count on a bun at most. Of course, a lot depends on the flight time. The usual proportion is that the longer the flight, the more food they will give. In any case, airplane food doesn't pretend to be anything incredible, so if you have the opportunity to bring something on the plane, grab it. There are usually no complaints about chocolate and cookies.

And, of course, it’s worth saying that at altitude we eat and drink completely differently than on earth; food seems tastier. By the way, there is a whole stereotype that people most often drink tomato juice on a plane. They say it tastes better to us than on earth and quenches our thirst better. On a plane you always want to drink because, I repeat, the air in the cabin is very dry. Plus, rich tomato juice has a richer flavor that we love. It is always better to stock up on a bottle of water, most importantly, not before the security check area, but after: you can bring water purchased in the waiting area on board. As for alcohol, almost all international flights have wine, champagne, and beer. The flight attendants may simply not offer you this. But if you have a strong desire to get tipsy, ask, and they will organize a can of good beer for you - tested by British Airways.

Takeoff and landing

If your plane takes off and everything goes well, you can relax until you land. According to statistics, 90% of aircraft malfunctions occur during takeoff and landing. That is why singer Elka passionately wishes that the pilot “takes off well and lands extremely successfully.” During takeoff and landing, you are asked to fasten your seat belts, bring the seat to an upright position, remove the tables and open the curtains. All this is done so that in an emergency there are fewer obstacles to the implementation of the rescue program.

When an acquaintance flew with me for the first time, he really did not like the maneuvers of the plane, when the side turns and turns out to be one wing lower and the other higher. If you saw this and got scared, know that nothing terrible is happening at this moment, the plane is just turning.

If you are flying to a resort, you will most likely begin to descend directly over the blue waters. Again, panic in this case is unnecessary; the resort airports are really located right on the shore. Land will appear, don't worry!

Some people believe that the softness of a landing depends on the airline or type of aircraft. Nothing like that, everything is controlled by a pilot, or rather pilots, since control is usually divided equally between them. The best way to get me into Montenegro was the unloved, bankrupt and otherwise notorious airline Kogalymavia, when they had a contract with the operator TUI.

Important detail: time it correctly. As soon as the plane lands, it will travel along the runway for some time, circling around the airport until it stops. It will be some time before you are allowed off the plane. Passport control on an international flight and baggage claim on any flight will take about another half hour (or more). Therefore, you should not order a taxi before your arrival.

Don't immediately jump up and run out of the plane. You don't even have to get up. For some time you will wait for the “doors to a new country” to open.

At the airport of the country of arrival

Next, you will find almost everything the same as upon departure: boarding ramp or bus, passport control and baggage claim. Get in the line that says All Passports and you'll get a stamp (finally!) with the name of the airport. Next, we follow the arrows to the luggage, which probably already misses you as much as you miss it. Above the baggage belt they usually write the flight number and where the plane came from, so it’s difficult to make a mistake. In addition, it very rarely happens that two or more planes arrive at the same time, so you will probably go where the most people are standing. If the airport is very large, then there is a board indicating where to look for luggage.

If the tape has already scrolled a hundred hundred times, and your suitcase still hasn’t appeared, and all the passengers have left, then something is wrong here. Then you go to the representatives of your airline with your boarding stub (it is on it that the tag with your baggage number is on it) and most likely everything will be resolved safely. Well, then you, stamped, enriched and happy, can head to the exit (following the arrows) and begin to conquer new lands!

I hope you were able to learn something new about air travel and are now looking forward to the moment when the flight attendant announces that your plane is ready for takeoff.

Every minute, at every airport on the planet, an airplane with passengers on board takes off. 70% of people sitting in the cabin experience fear of flying, which is quite natural. But not everyone is able to cope with their phobia. To understand how not to be afraid of flying on an airplane, you need to understand the reasons for this fear.

Causes of fear

Fear of flying on an airplane is a natural symptom characteristic of any person. Some people know how to drown it out and ignore it, while others, “making a mountain out of a molehill,” turn everything into a phobia. This happens for many reasons, and the roots of the problem lie in the subconscious.

  • Reflexive fear is transmitted to people with a gene code from ancestors who were frightened by the first “iron birds”. For this reason, a person involuntarily shrinks when an airplane flies nearby;
  • When an airliner takes off into the sky, the human body intuitively reacts with alertness - it has been torn out of its familiar environment. Those who are psychologically susceptible to phobias begin to get nervous and sometimes seriously panic, not always realizing the cause of their fear;
  • Some people are afraid to fly on a plane consciously, having watched enough thrillers about plane crashes, although the real news is not full of daily reports about plane crashes. Such alarmists prepare themselves ahead of time for the tragedy of the situation;
  • Usually people are afraid of flights carried out for the first time - here the fear of the unknown is frightening. There is also a category of people for whom the first flight was unsuccessful due to poor health on board. Mistaking severe motion sickness for danger, the subconscious imposed a taboo on this method of movement, and psychological perception turned it into a phobia.

Note! Whatever the reason for fear when flying, you need to figure out how much of it is a phobia (or just an uncomfortable feeling of an unusual environment).


Aerophobia is not the only type of fear that people suffer from. There are those who are afraid of heights and confined spaces, as well as unfamiliar company. It is these fears that can cause a panic attack. To understand how aerophobic you are, you should try on the following symptoms of the problem described:

  • You begin to feel fear of flying on an airplane long before the trip, and are unable to control your internal panic;
  • Before you board the plane, you take a sedative dose of alcohol, sedatives or antidepressants;
  • When an airliner takes off and lands, you unconsciously squeeze into the passenger seat, your palms sweat, and your fingers frantically dig into the armrests;
  • During the flight, your entire consciousness is focused on monitoring the sounds of the engines. If the view of the window allows, you do not take your eyes off the running engines;
  • If the plane hits a zone of turbulence, the situation puts you in shock, and you mentally say goodbye to life;
  • Every action of the flight attendant makes you suspicious, and you try to understand what she is hiding behind her smile.

Note! If you have even half of these signs, you are an aerophobe, for whom flying becomes a real punishment.

How to smooth things over

When a person submits to his fears, it develops into a serious illness. If traveling by plane is not perceived as a natural event, it can be made more relaxed. To do this, you just need to distract yourself from your phobia by switching to something else.

  • Knowing about the upcoming flight, you can prepare for it in advance. There is no need to study reports about plane crashes that have already occurred; it is better to look at the statistics of accidents occurring on Earth. Many more people die in DPT than in the air;
  • To prepare yourself psychologically for the flight, it is advisable to register in advance and ask for a seat away from the windows. While the plane is loading, you calmly settle into your seat. You shouldn’t ask for space in the tail zone either – turbulence is most noticeable there;
  • Before a flight, it is not recommended to calm yourself down with alcohol or serious drugs - they can provoke an inadequate reaction. Coffee, which has a stimulating effect on the psyche, will not help either. It is better to always have motion sickness pills and fruit lozenges with you;
  • In order not to succumb to the phobia, you need to distract yourself, so you should take an interesting book or magazine with crossword puzzles on the road, download a movie with an exciting plot to your laptop or tablet, or occupy yourself with an exciting game;
  • Listen to pleasant, soothing music coming from your headphones, it will help drown out the sounds of the engines. You can download a relaxation music library to your player especially for the flight;
  • Chat with your seatmates. Talking is a good way to take your mind off your fears. Even if the same aerophobe as you is sitting next to you, mutual communication will help you cope with the problem;
  • If you don’t want to have small talk or distract yourself from bad thoughts with idle activities, you can just sleep. To do this, just take an inflatable pillow and a blanket (as well as earplugs and a blindfold) into the cabin. If you forgot about this option, some airlines may offer you bedding;
  • You don’t even have to sleep - you can just lie with your eyes closed and remember the pleasant moments of your life, think about an upcoming meeting, remember loved ones or make plans for the coming year.

Additional Information! Have you taken all the measures, but the state of panic does not go away? Then do some breathing exercises. The exercises are done like this: first, inhale deeply through your mouth, hold it in your lungs for 5 seconds, then exhale for another 4 seconds. don't breathe. Repeat the steps several times: this will help you calm down very quickly.

Professional help

If fears of flying have been present for a long time, and traveling by plane is a frequent forced reality, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. It is worth paying serious attention to your psycho-emotional state, devoting enough time to it.

  • Find an experienced psychologist who will help you figure out why you are afraid of flying and teach you how to deal with your phobia correctly. You can’t get rid of this with just a conversation - you’ll have to undergo a course of psychotherapy before you begin to perceive flying more naturally and stop being afraid of flying;
  • Part of the treatment is the use of flight stimulators, which allow you to become accustomed to flying using virtual simulators. This point is good because in grounded conditions, in a specially equipped room, a feeling of the reality of flight is created;
  • The doctor will help you choose medications for the upcoming trip. Here you need to take into account that the proposed pills are not a solution to the problem, but only part of the therapy, and they do not relieve the phobia on their own.

Medicines prescribed by a doctor for a flight can be divided into 2 types: cumulative and rapid-acting. The first group includes those that are accepted in several stages - immediately before departure, and then every half hour or hour. The second group of drugs has a sufficient concentration of sedative so that 1 tablet is enough for several hours of exposure.

Treatment is carried out with sedative and anti-anxiety medications that inhibit nerve impulses and relieve muscle spasms and cramps.

Important! The doctor himself decides which drug to treat an aerophobe, based on the individual characteristics of the patient, his state of mind, the causes of fear, and the severity of the problem.

You should not constantly resort to these means, since most of them can become addictive. This method of treating aerophobia should be short-term and applied to those who do not travel by plane very often.

The person himself can prepare for a future flight in advance. About 3 weeks before your upcoming trip, you can start taking glycine or valerian extract daily in the doses indicated in the instructions. This will help reduce nervous tension and avoid stressful situations.

Laws of physics

Some people are terrified of flying precisely because they are cut off from the Earth. Not everyone understands the principle of aerodynamics, so they don’t fully understand how such a heavy metal colossus with a bunch of passengers on board and a large amount of luggage can stay in the air for several hours.

If you are flying for the first time, to calm your imagination and stop being afraid, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some design features of aircraft:

  • Airliners are equipped with powerful engines that can not only lift a plane into the air, but also hold it for a long time among the clouds;
  • There is no need to be afraid that the engines will break down: the plane has at least 2 of them. If 1 motor fails for some reason, the 2nd one will take over its function. Even if both engines fail at once, the plane will be able to land carefully, like a glider;
  • The wings, which are quite firmly attached to the body, help the airplane stay and glide in the air. The chance that they will fall off in flight is reduced to zero;
  • All systems equipped with airliners have duplicate programs. As soon as a failure occurs, the backup system immediately comes into operation (and there are at least 4 of them in passenger aircraft);
  • You don’t have to worry about the risk of getting into a plane crash due to the pilot’s poor health - the planes have a reliable piloting system that allows you to carefully land the car according to the program built into it;
  • The flight of each aircraft is controlled from the ground by air traffic control services, with which the pilots are in constant contact. Pilots will be immediately notified of all unusual situations and changes in weather conditions;
  • The turbulence zone, which not every plane encounters, should not be scary. The aerodynamic parameters of the design are calculated taking into account this natural phenomenon, so that the aircraft has a sufficient margin of safety to withstand such shocks;
  • There are professionals on board who do not consider themselves kamikazes. They calmly carry out their duties, as they are confident in the reliability of the “steel bird”.

Additional Information! For an extraordinary situation to occur, fate will have to try, because each plane is carefully checked by technical services before departure. They use special diagnostic devices, so faulty equipment will not even be allowed onto the runway. Customs inspection at the terminals has been strengthened, which prevents dangerous baggage from getting on board.

Don’t be shy to admit to others: “I’m afraid to fly on an airplane.” Among your friends there will be people who have already flown several times. They know what to do to overcome their fear. Take their advice to heart.

You will also be impressed by the reviews of third-party people who have learned to subdue their fears:

  • Dmitriy:“I used to be afraid of flying on an airplane, although I could not understand the reasons for this. On one of my business trips I fell in love with a beautiful girl. Now I fly to her on a date every Friday. During the flight, I only think about the upcoming meeting, making plans for how we will spend our time. Now, while I’m on board, I’ve never had a feeling of anxiety or panic”;
  • Olga:“I am constantly overcome by some kind of fear. I am not comfortable in enclosed spaces, I am terrified of getting into a plane crash. Because of this, I lost a very profitable job - in our business, even minutes matter. Airplanes, the best option for mobility, allow you to quickly solve problems. I used the car exclusively, losing time and clients. As a result, I had to see a psychotherapist and undergo special training. Even now, I am periodically driven by unconscious emotions, but I try to control them. Realizing that phobias are a game of my subconscious, I took the risk of using the airline’s services and have already managed to make 2 flights.”

If the phobia is not treated

When it is impossible to avoid flying, and you are terrified of it, problems not only of a psychological nature begin. If you do not learn to cope with fears, the phobia completely absorbs the person, turning him into a gloomy neurasthenic.

  • Before an upcoming flight, a person begins to be overcome by panicky thoughts, as a result he is tormented by nightmares, or he cannot sleep at all;
  • Becoming irritable and sleep-deprived, the aerophobe lashes out at people close to him, causing family relationships to deteriorate;
  • Those who hide their fears find it even more difficult to endure flying. A phobia driven deep into oneself leads to the development of heart disease, hypertension, and heart attacks;
  • If the need to fly is related to professional activities, every attempt to delay the flight or replace it with another type of movement affects career growth. Psychological shocks on this occasion make the aerophobe a patient in the neurological department;
  • The fear of using the services of airlines impoverishes your vacation - not every resort can be quickly and easily reached by rail (let alone by car).

Important! Any type of phobia will progress quickly if you subordinate your psyche to it and refuse the help of professionals.

Hoping that he can cope on his own, a person resorts to using powerful psychotropic drugs or alcohol. The more often the need to fly arises, the faster the bad habit develops. Such doping does not make the situation easier, but makes it even worse.

Alcohol in conditions of low pressure and dry air in the aircraft cabin can cause lightheadedness (sometimes with vomiting). The body is in a suspended state, and even a small amount of alcohol at an altitude of several thousand meters from the Earth can cause severe intoxication, which results in loss of strength. This immediately worsens a drunk person’s mood, and panic sets in with even greater force.


If you realize that you are subject to a phobia, you should not be embarrassed or hide it. Each person has his own complexes and fears, which are better to get rid of, rather than drive them inside himself. Aerophobia can be overcome if you carefully study your fear, delve into the design features of aircraft construction and understand the principles of aerodynamics.

Thousands of people use airline services every day, making multiple flights throughout the year, and continue to live, love, and work in peace. They learned from their own experience that the risk of being a victim of a plane crash is microscopically small. This should be a powerful argument for you. So should you be afraid of airplanes?