Alcohol in the Maldives - transportation rules, prices in hotels, where you can and where you can’t. What is not allowed in the Maldives - what is prohibited in the Maldives What is not allowed in the Maldives

The Maldives attracts many tourists with its beauty. The fabulous islands provide an interesting pastime and a great vacation. Not only diving and outdoor enthusiasts, but also married couples and newlyweds from all over the world come for tranquility, silence, the unique underwater world and the splendor of nature. And every traveler can do some shopping as a souvenir of the time spent in the Maldives.

Traditional souvenirs

The Maldives has many shops where you can buy interesting souvenirs and gifts for friends. The most popular in Male cloth. In stores you can buy a T-shirt with the word “Maldives” written on it, or, at the tourist’s choice, they can make any design on the T-shirt. In addition to stenciled T-shirts, you can also buy items that express local art because different techniques are used to design them. So in the back rooms of souvenir shops there are workshops where stencils are prepared and colors are mixed to create incredible designs. The T-shirts are imported, but the design and the work itself are truly Maldivian.

The islands also produce traditional clothing in cream or brown, but it is quite difficult to buy. But you can buy batik or other clothes. On the streets of Chandhani Magu and Faridhi Magu, tourists can find a huge number of shops and souvenir shops. Products that are sold in popular places can be the work of both Maldivian artisans and overseas craftsmen.

Unusual souvenirs

Don’t be upset if you don’t find anything in the hotel souvenir shop or if traditional souvenirs turn out to be boring. In Male you can buy interesting items that are usually not considered souvenirs. A grocery or hardware store frequented by locals sells everyday items and items. Regular shops are located on the narrow streets that lead from the coast to the city center.

In stores you can buy water hookah, which is popular among Maldivian women. Such an item will be a wonderful decoration, and we will remember our trip to the Maldives. It is sold in parts: the base (a pot-bellied bottle), metal tubes, a rubber hose, a bell-chimney, and also a slab of smelling tobacco.

Hardware stores sell household items such as coconut shell spoons, spice mortars, coconut graters and more.

On the coast, shops sell a variety of nautical instruments and instruments. Fishing enthusiasts may want to purchase a couple of unique shark teeth. Such souvenirs can be found in any shop. For tourists, shark jaws that have never bitten anyone are hung on the walls of the shops.

Local crafts

On the island of Bandos, travelers can see two surviving crafts - mat weaving and lacquerware production. Masters demonstrate their works and put their works up for sale. If you manage to stay longer during a tour of the island village, you can see how the locals make some things with their hands.

Widely known mat weaving- kajang made from coconut palm leaves, which are sewn with rope. They are usually used to erect fences and cover roofs. In some villages, women can be seen sewing together reed stalks with threads made from coconut fiber. They are used to create roofs for resort bungalows. A roof made from coconut leaves needs to be updated frequently. A fashionable ceiling decoration in many bungalows is a soft mesh mat. It is woven from threads of dried pandanus leaves.

An unusual gift could be coconut rope, which is woven from coconut shell fiber. It is pre-soaked in sea water for some time. In order to fray into threads, the fiber is beaten with a wooden hammer and then dried. A strong rope of the required size is woven from threads by hand.

Nothing is wasted when palm is processed, so guests can see different examples of its use that are not intended for sale. So, vessels for collecting juice, which are shaped like an hourglass, are made from coconut shells. Palm sap is nectar collected from coconut flowers. The natural drink tastes sweet.

Varnished items require high skill in manufacturing. No matter what the specialist cuts, first he shapes the piece of wood into the required shape using a manual lathe. The varnish is applied in an even layer, and it is also filled with traditional patterns that reflect the style of the master. Lacquer boxes and vases, canes and goblets are very popular. The most beautiful gifts will be round dishes with patterns.

On many islands the inhabitants are busy weaving mats of various sizes and shapes from reeds, and also making covers for food and containers from the same materials. On Quihadu Island in Baa Atoll, you can see how locals decorate basketry.

The Maldives has a developed shipbuilding industry, employing many carpenters. Model dhoni boats, which are made from wood, coral or mother of pearl, are popular local products. Their size can be from 30 cm to a meter. The most beautiful models are those made from black coral, but they are expensive. Transporting such fragile souvenirs is problematic.

On Kadholhudhu Island in Raa Atoll you can see a jeweler at work. He buys silver wire from Male and makes bracelets And chains. The master trained in this trade 30 years ago on the island of Hulhudheli in Dhaal Atoll, known as the birthplace of gold and silversmiths.

Lots of locals markets, located on the coast, among which the fishery is especially famous. There are many buyers who come here for dried fish. “Maldivian fish” is a wooden product that is considered one of the best souvenirs.

At the vegetable market you can find unusual products such as breadfruit chips or sweet balls. Sometimes instead of sweets, there may be chili pepper in the ball. You can also buy areca nut or betel leaves at the market.

In general, a souvenir from the wonderful islands can be anything, except what is prohibited by the law of the Maldives and is under protection.

List of souvenirs that cannot be exported from the Maldives:

  • products made from tortoiseshell. In the Maldives, most turtles are endangered species, so by purchasing such a souvenir you can contribute to the extinction of turtles.
  • pearls and pearl oyster shells;
  • corals, as well as products made from red and black corals;
  • fish and other inhabitants of the sea world.

The most important souvenir from the Maldives is the colorful memories and peace that tourists bring from their holidays. But no matter what, every traveler wants to preserve the best moments of the trip. Of course, the best way is to buy various souvenirs and gifts. Shopping in the Maldives is always interesting, and it’s also fun.

Before traveling, check your documents:

1. passport (once again, pay attention to the validity period of the passport).

2. air ticket

3. insurance policy.

4. voucher.

5. a memo with the necessary information about the host country.

6. Powers of attorney from both parents (for children traveling without parents) or powers of attorney from the second parent (for children traveling with one of the parents).

7. A photocopy of the child’s birth certificate, if the surnames of the parents and the child are different.


Check-in for international flights begins 2.5-3 hours before departure and ends forty minutes.

Baggage allowance is 20 kg.

Upon arrival at the airport:

Check your flight information on the information board and go to the check-in counters whose numbers are indicated on the board. When checking in, present your passport and ticket.

1.Check your luggage at the check-in counter.

2.Get your boarding pass. Pay attention to the gate number and time for boarding the plane (on the boarding pass the gate is indicated by the word GATE, the time - TIME).

3.After checking in and the boarding announcement, you must go to the appropriate areas for international flights.

Passengers on international flights undergo customs, passport and security control, after which they await departure in the sterile area of ​​the international airlines gallery. When going through security checks, you must present your passport and boarding pass.

When transporting animals or plants, it is necessary to undergo phytocontrol / veterinary control.

Flight time:

The direct flight Moscow - Male takes about 9 hours.

Upon arrival at Male Airport:

Upon arrival at Male Airport, you will first enter the passport control area. Before going through passport control, check that you have filled out a migration card (usually, a migration card is issued on the plane before boarding in Male; if you were not given a migration card on the plane, take it to passport control and fill it out in English). One part is given at passport control upon arrival, the other part is kept and given at passport control upon departure.

1. Go through passport control (present a foreign passport valid for at least three months from the date of entry into the territory of the Maldives, migration card).

2.Get your luggage. The monitors above the baggage belts indicate the flight from which baggage will be issued at this belt.

3.Go through customs control - your luggage is checked. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited! Alcohol is confiscated immediately and not returned (new law on complete free confiscation of imported alcoholic beverages dated May 1, 2011).

4.After customs control, you will be met by a representative of the tour operator with a sign.

5.Give your voucher (1 copy) to the representative.

6.Receive an information sheet with contact numbers from the representative.

7.Go to the hotel desk (each desk has the name of the hotel).

8. State your last name at the hotel reception so that hotel representatives will note your arrival.

9.Go to the transfer. Information about where exactly you need to go for the transfer will be provided to you at the hotel reception (at hotel receptions information is provided in English). If you don't understand something, go to a representative and he will help you.

10.Transfers in the Maldives are provided by the hotels themselves, so there are no accompanying guides on transfers.

Upon arrival at the hotel

1.Go to the reception, where you will be given a registration card.

2.Fill out the registration card in English.

3. Hand in the completed registration card, voucher (1 copy), foreign passport (the foreign passport will be returned to you after a photocopy is taken, check at the reception when you can pick up your passport).

4.Wait for check-in. Check-in at the hotel is at 14.00. Until this time, you can use all services on the hotel premises, leaving your things in the storage room. Upon check-in, you will be given room keys.

5.After checking into your room, read the information provided by the hotel. Pay attention to which services are paid and how much they cost (as a rule, the information is in a folder and lies on the table or bedside table).

Before your flight home:

Go to the reception and check if you have any unpaid bills for additional services (use of a minibar, telephone, etc.). If you have any debts, pay them.

1.In the evening (after 17.00) an envelope with information about the transfer time will be brought to your room. If this envelope was not brought to you, after dinner, check the transfer time on the hotel information board (or on the screen at the reception).

Please take note

* To avoid an unforeseen situation, carefully study the conditions and rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage stated in the air ticket. Do not carry knives, scissors or any other sharp objects in your hand luggage. The baggage limit is 20 kg plus 5 kg of hand luggage per person. Please clarify questions regarding the transportation of special luggage, children, and animals when purchasing a tour.

* The airline is responsible for air transportation, guided by the Rules of Passenger Transportation, some of which, under certain conditions, limit its liability or exempt it from it. In accordance with the law, our Company bears no additional responsibility for the Airline’s obligations for rescheduling the departure date, flight delays, or safety of baggage.

Customs regulations

In accordance with current legislation, when crossing the border, citizens are allowed to export funds (foreign currency and rubles) equivalent to $3,000 without filling out a customs declaration. The export of foreign currency in excess of 3,000 US dollars, but not more than 10,000 US dollars, as well as the export of traveler's checks in the amount of more than 10,000 US dollars, are subject to mandatory written declaration. When importing pets, you must present a valid veterinary certificate indicating all vaccinations, including rabies vaccination.

Duty-free import of 250 cigarettes or 50 cigars, 250 g of tobacco products, 1 liter of spirits or 2 liters of wine, 50 g of coffee, 100 g of tea, 50 ml of perfume, 250 ml of cologne or other perfume products is allowed. The import of non-canned food products is prohibited. Jewelry, video cameras, computers and other expensive items must be declared and then removed. The import and export of drugs, weapons and ammunition, explosives, potent, psychotropic or toxic substances, medications, protected species of animals and plants is prohibited. Without special permission, you cannot import or export objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value.

Customs regulations of the Maldives

There are no restrictions on the import or export of foreign and local currency. It is strictly prohibited to transport alcoholic beverages in any quantity, even those purchased in Duty free stores, salami sausage, spearfishing weapons, pornographic publications and drugs. The export of turtle shells and corals is prohibited, except for decorative purposes.


The local currency is the rufiyaa, equal to 100 lari. 1 USD=15.33 rufiyaa. Banknotes in denominations of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rufiyaa, as well as coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50 lari are in circulation. US dollars and major credit cards (American Express, Visa, Master card, Diners Club, JCB and Euro Card) are accepted everywhere, so there is no need to exchange dollars for local currency upon arrival .


Warm and humid. Air temperature is about +30°C, water temperature is about +26°C. Day and night the temperature is almost the same, short-term rains occur mainly at night. Due to its close location to the equator, seasonal changes due to the monsoon are minor, making the weather in the Maldives favorable for tourists throughout the year. During the southwest monsoon (from May to October), it rains more often and the weather in the Maldives at this time is more windy. The northeast monsoon season (November to February) is considered less humid. Short rains occur at the end of May, July and August. The ebb and flow of the tides is almost imperceptible.


Almost all tourists visiting the islands arrive here by plane. Male International Airport is located on Hulule Island, at a distance of 1 km (10 minutes ride by national boat "dhoni") from the capital of the Maldives - Male. There is no regular transport service on the islands. Air Maldives operates regular flights only to a few outlying islands. Hotels provide tourists with transfers by dhoni boats (speed 7 knots per hour), speed boats, helicopters or water planes, which take tourists to the most remote corners of the country. While relaxing on one of the islands, you can always rent a dhoni or a speed boat. Any Maldives island can be crossed in 1.5 - 2 hours. Bicycles and motorcycles are the most popular types of land transport. Taxis are available to get around Male. The cost of one trip in any direction is 10 rufiyaa. In Male and other major islands you can rent a car.


From the Maldives they bring shark jaws (a favorite souvenir of tourists), coconut oil, shells, sarongs, wood crafts (hand-cut red and black figurines), and coconut monkeys. In Male, shopping is more serious - there you can buy high-quality equipment and equipment for scuba diving from foreign manufacturers.

You can bargain in local shops and stores, but prices in the Maldives are not very willing to be reduced - a maximum of 2-3 USD.

National characteristics

Although the Maldives is relatively liberal as an Islamic state, visitors to the country must carefully observe the laws. In the Maldives, it is prohibited to drink alcohol in public places (outside the resort area), swim naked (as well as “topless”) on all islands of the archipelago, fish in the immediate vicinity of the shore, and it is prohibited to catch and tear live or dead corals in the ocean or near shore (fine - $500). Violating the laws of the country may result in imprisonment. Don't try to contact local women! For a walk in Male, it is recommended to dress in accordance with Muslim ideas about morality: long trousers or a skirt, a shirt or blouse.

The usual form of greeting for Maldivians is to shake hands; they greet each other formally with “salaam alaikum”; they greet each other with the word “kihenen” in an informal setting. A carefree and simple existence in harmony with nature - this is the Maldivian way of life. The artistic Maldivians complement the natural beauty of the exotic coral islands. Fishing for them is both leisure and profession at the same time. The local hospitality is especially striking. This trait is passed on from generation to generation among Maldivians. The Maldives is a place where tourists are always a welcome guest.

National cuisine:

The national cuisine of the Maldives is based on Indian and Arabic dishes, complemented by local recipes. The main products are rice, seafood and fruits. Traditional drinks are tea and fruit juices; alcohol is strictly prohibited for the local population. In tourist centers, in addition, the cuisine of the world's peoples, including alcoholic drinks, is widely represented. It should be noted here that, as a rule, there is one hotel on one island, and local residents do not live here, only service staff. Aborigines live on islands where there are no hotels.

Holidays and non-working days:

January 1 (New Year), January 8-10 (Eid al-Fitr - end of Ramadan fast), March 15-18 (Eid al Kebir - Day of Sacrifice), April 6 (Islamic New Year), June 4-5 (National Holiday) , June 15 (Mulud - Prophet's Birthday), July 26-27 (Independence Day), November 11-12 (Republic Day), September 1 (Huravi Day), October 28 (Martyrs' Day), November 3 (Victory Day).

Entry formalities:

Citizens of Kazakhstan do not require a visa. A tourist visa for a period of 30 days is issued free of charge upon arrival at the airport. Israeli passport holders are not allowed into the country.

Russian Embassy in the Maldives:

Embassy of the Russian Federation, 62 Sir Ernest de Silva Mawatha, Colombo-7, Sri-Lanka

Phone: (8-10-941) 57-4959, 57-3555

(There is no Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Maldives).

Other useful information:

Time is 1 hour behind Astana.

Electricity: 220 Volt, 50 Hertz.

We do not recommend drinking raw water here. Bottled drinking and mineral water is available at all resorts. There are no pharmacy kiosks in the resorts of the Maldives (we only saw one at the airport), so take a small first aid kit with the necessary medications.

Help numbers

Telephone network helpline - 110.

International telephone operator - 190.

Communication operator between atolls - 188.

Meteorological service - 317-171.

Male Airport Information Center - 332-211.

Maldives Tourism Development Bureau - 323-228.

Customs Department - 322-001, 310-045.

Emergency services

Police - 119.

National Security Service - 313-281.

Fire service - 118.

Ambulance - 102.

  1. Check your flight information on the information board and go to the check-in counters whose numbers are indicated on the board. When checking in, present your passport and ticket.
  2. After checking in and boarding being announced, you must proceed to the appropriate areas for international flights.

Passengers on international flights undergo customs, passport and security control, after which they await departure in the sterile area of ​​the international airlines gallery. When going through security checks, you must present your passport and boarding pass.

When transporting animals or plants, it is necessary to undergo phytocontrol / veterinary control.

Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections

In accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2007 No. 104 prohibited from transporting on board the aircraft by passengers in checked baggage and in things carried by passengers, the following dangerous substances and objects:

Allowed to transport on board the aircraft by crew members and passengers, subject to the required conditions, the following items and substances:

  • in checked baggage in cargo and luggage compartments of an aircraft with isolated passenger access to luggage during the flight:
    • crossbows, spearguns, checkers, sabers, cutlasses, scimitars, broadswords, swords, rapiers, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting knives, knives with ejectable blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;
    • household knives (scissors) with a blade length over 60 mm; alcoholic drinks containing more than 24%, but not more than 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in containers intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger;
    • liquids and alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content by volume of no more than 24%;
    • aerosols intended for use for sports or household purposes, the release valves of the cans are protected by caps from spontaneous release of the contents in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger;
  • in things carried by passengers:
    • medical thermometer - one per passenger;
    • mercury tonometer in a standard case - one per passenger;
    • a mercury barometer or manometer, packed in a sealed container and sealed with the sender's seal;
    • disposable lighters - one per passenger;
    • dry ice for cooling perishable foods - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
    • liquids, gels and aerosols classified as non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other units of volume measurement), packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter - one bag per passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml are not accepted for transportation, even if the container is only partially filled. Exceptions to transportation include medications, baby food, and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased from duty-free shops at the airport or on board an aircraft must be packaged in a securely sealed plastic bag that allows the contents of the bag to be identified during the flight and has reliable confirmation that the purchase was made at airport duty-free shops. or on board the aircraft on the day(s) of travel. Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. Do not open the package either before boarding or during the flight.

The administration of the airport, airline, or operator has the right to decide to introduce additional measures to ensure aviation security on high-risk flights, and as a result prohibit the transportation of the following items in the aircraft cabin:

  • corkscrews;
  • hypodermic needles (unless medical justification is provided);
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors with a blade length of less than 60 mm;
  • folding (without lock) travel, pocket knives with a blade length of less than 60 mm.

Flight time

The direct flight from Moscow to Male takes about 9 hours.

Upon arrival at Male airport

Upon arrival at Male Airport, you will first enter the passport control area. Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. Before going through passport control, check that you have filled out a migration card (usually, a migration card is issued on the plane before boarding in Male; if you were not given a migration card on the plane, take it to passport control and fill it out in English). One part is given at passport control upon arrival, the other part is kept and given at passport control upon departure.
  2. Go through passport control (present your foreign passport, active at least six months from the date of entry into the territory of the Maldives, migration card).
  3. Receive your luggage. The monitors above the baggage belts indicate the flight from which baggage will be issued at this belt.
  4. Go through customs control - your luggage is checked. The import of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited! Alcohol is confiscated immediately upon arrival!
  5. After customs control, you will be met by a TEZ TOUR representative with a sign. Our representatives wear yellow shirts/T-shirts.
  6. Give your voucher (1 copy) to the TEZ TOUR representative.
  7. Receive an information leaflet with contact numbers from a TEZ TOUR representative.
  8. Go to the hotel desk (each desk has the name of the hotel).
  9. State your name at the hotel reception so that hotel representatives will note your arrival.
  10. Go to the transfer. Information about where exactly you need to go for the transfer will be provided to you at the hotel reception (at hotel receptions information is provided in English). If you do not understand something, contact a TEZ TOUR representative, he will help you.
  11. Transfers in the Maldives are provided by the hotels themselves, so there are no accompanying guides on transfers.

Upon arrival at the hotel

  1. Go to the reception, where you will be given a registration card.
  2. Fill out the registration card in English.
  3. Hand in the completed registration card, voucher (1 copy), foreign passport (the foreign passport will be returned to you after a photocopy is taken, check at the reception when you can pick up your passport).
  4. Wait for check-in. Check-in at the hotel is at 14.00. Until this time, you can use all services on the hotel premises, leaving your things in the storage room. Upon check-in, you will be given room keys.
  5. After checking into your room, review the information provided by the hotel. Pay attention to which services are paid and how much they cost (as a rule, the information is in a folder and lies on the table or bedside table).

Meeting with the hotel guide

There are no guides in hotels in the Maldives. For any questions or problems that arise, please contact the hotel reception or call the numbers listed in the information leaflet received from the TEZ TOUR representative at the airport upon arrival.

The day before your flight home

  1. Go to the reception and check if you have any unpaid bills for additional services (use of a minibar, telephone, etc.). If you have any debts, pay them.
  2. In the evening (after 17.00) an envelope with information about the transfer time will be brought to your room. If this envelope was not brought to you, after dinner, check the transfer time on the hotel information board (or on the screen at the reception).

Airport codes:

Check out from the hotel

On the day of departure you must vacate your room and hand over your keys before 12:00.

In case of day or night departure from the hotel, after vacating your room, you can leave your luggage in the hotel storage room.

Before vacating and checking out of your room, make sure that the safe, bedside tables, closet, etc. you did not forget any things, documents, money, etc.

In order to avoid various complications/delays, we kindly ask you not to be late and arrive for the transfer at the specified time.

Before leaving the hotel, check at the pier for your suitcases.

Arrival at Male airport for departure

  1. Upon arrival at the airport, receive your luggage (if the transfer was by boat, your luggage will be unloaded at the pier; if by plane - onto the baggage carousel in the arrivals hall).
  2. Proceed to the International Departures Hall.
  3. Go to the check-in counter where your flight number is listed.
  4. Check in for your flight (provide your passport and ticket).
  5. Drop your luggage at the front desk.
  6. Get your boarding pass. Pay attention to the gate number and time for boarding the plane (on the boarding pass the gate is indicated by the word GATE, the time - TIME).
  7. Go through passport control (provide your foreign passport, migration card for departure).
  8. Proceed to the departure hall, where you will wait for the boarding announcement for your flight.

Helpful information

Medical service

If you have an insurance policy, the service is provided free of charge or with subsequent reimbursement of expenses in accordance with the insurance policy (see the memo attached to the insurance policy). If an insured event occurs, you must contact the insurance company by phone numbers specified in the insurance policy. Only if you directly inform the insurance company and coordinate your actions with it, will free (or with subsequent reimbursement of expenses) service be provided.

First aid kit

Before your trip, prepare and take with you a first aid kit, which will help you with minor ailments, save you time searching for medicines and eliminate the problems of communicating in a foreign language; in addition, many medicines may have different names in different countries.


Rules for visa-free entry to the Maldives:

  • Citizens of Russia and other countries do not require a visa to visit the Maldives for the purpose of tourism for up to 30 days.
  • International passport (valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into the territory of the Maldives, with the signature of the passport holder)
  • Return air ticket with specified departure date
  • Voucher for tourist services
  • Cash at the rate of $50-$100 per day of stay in the country

Important! According to an official statement issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Maldives, according to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards, when crossing the border, citizens of all countries must have machine readable passports. Upon presentation of a non-machine readable passport, entry into the Maldives will be denied.

Main parameters of a machine readable passport (MRP):

  • the passport must have a machine-readable zone - the lower quarter of the page, in two lines of which there is a machine-readable entry (mandatory and additional data formatted for machine readability) - an alphanumeric code containing, in accordance with the international standard, the basic information available in the document;
  • the passport must have a printed visual zone - the upper three-quarters of the page, where the photograph of the passport holder, passport details and personal data of the holder are placed;
  • the passport must contain the signature of the owner;
  • The page with the machine-readable record must be covered with a “hot” lamination film, or be completely plastic (in the case of biometric passports) to protect it from physical distortion or accidental damage, including as a result of bending and bending.


The time is 1 hour ahead of Moscow.


The local currency is the rufiyaa, equal to 100 lari. US dollars and major credit cards (American Express, Visa, Master card) are accepted everywhere. Euros are accepted only at resorts, as well as in some souvenir shops.

Paying hotel bills

  • Most hotels do NOT accept local currency (rufiyaa). Therefore, we kindly request upon arrival at Male airport do not change currency (dollars / euros) to local money. Dollars are accepted for payment everywhere in the country (all hotels, the capital, local islands), euros - in all hotels.
  • Russian rubles are NOT accepted for payment in the Maldives and cannot be exchanged.
  • Dollar bills dated 2004 or earlier will NOT be accepted or exchanged at most hotels.
  • Most hotels DO NOT accept $1 bills.

Mains voltage

Mains voltage 220 V.


Islam (Sunnism, a small number of the population professes Shiism). When visiting any inhabited islands (local villages, the capital Male), open beach or transparent clothing is not allowed. Recommended clothing: T-shirts, blouses, shirts that cover the shoulders and shorts, trousers, skirts that cover the knees.


Souvenir products can be purchased in special shops at resorts, souvenir shops in fishing villages and the capital of the country - Male (Chandani Magu Street). As a rule, these are sculptures carved from coconut wood, beautiful wooden and mother-of-pearl dishes, boxes and household items, souvenir plates, colorful fish figurines, paintings by local artists, T-shirts, scarves, sarongs, postcards, shells, rugs, etc.


You can export up to $3,000 per person from Russia without filling out a customs declaration. Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes and 125 ml of perfumes is allowed.

The Maldives strictly prohibits the import of any alcoholic beverages, drugs, firearms, pornographic materials, anti-Islamic literature, pork, professional video equipment (import is possible only with a special permit), spearfishing equipment, and animals. All alcoholic beverages imported by tourists are confiscated immediately upon arrival in the country.

The export of turtle shells and corals is prohibited.


For local and international calls, it is recommended to purchase telephone cards from local operators Dhiraagu or Ooredoo. A local call within the country costs about 10 cents (US) per minute. The cost of a call to Russia is about 40 cents (USA). International calls from hotel landlines tend to be quite expensive.


There is no permanent transport connection between the islands. All transfers to and from the airport are organized by the hotels themselves. For flights to distant islands, transfers are carried out by seaplanes or scheduled domestic airlines. For shorter distances, speedboats and local dhoni boats are used.

* When traveling on seaplanes and domestic airlines, baggage weight not exceeding 20 kg per person is allowed. Hand luggage should not exceed 5 kg in weight / dimensions 50 cm long x 30 cm wide x 17 cm high (+/-). When boarding a seaplane, hand luggage must be handed over to the accompanying crew member for storage during the flight in the rear of the aircraft.


Tips are usually 10% of the bill.


In the Maldives, due to the geographical features of the country, guides do not have the opportunity to visit resorts, so communication with tourists occurs by telephone.

The guide's contact phone number is in tourists' vouchers (in the upper right corner), as well as in the information letter that tourists receive from the TEZ TOUR meeting representative upon arrival in the Maldives. All questions that tourists have are resolved either at the hotel reception or by calling the guide.

In case of any emergency, please contact the country support number below.

TEZ TOUR tourist support phone numbers in the Maldives

For any questions regarding your holiday in the Maldives, you can contact a Russian-speaking representative of TEZ TOUR.

Mobile tel: +960 794 1646, +960 794 4013

24/7 telephone in Russia

If you have trouble dialing the support number, please report it to our 24-hour phone number 8-800-700-7878 (calls from any region of Russia are free).

People go on vacation to warm countries for various reasons. Someone wants to tan with chocolate and walk along their gray native streets glowing with pleasure and to the envy of passers-by. Someone sleeps and sees how he does not crawl out of the gentle waves of the warm ocean. Someone wants to get acquainted with the exotic nature of tropical resorts... There are many reasons why they choose exotic tropical countries. At the same time, some of our tourists cannot imagine their vacation without a glass of something invigorating and refreshing. In this regard, our compatriots are preparing for such an important step with all responsibility and seriousness.

Let’s say right away that Islam is preached in the Maldives. And one of the restrictions for a true Muslim is the ban on drinking alcohol. If a local resident is found even slightly drunk, he will face punishment ranging from a large fine to imprisonment for several years. And therefore: it is forbidden to import, consume or export alcohol into the country.

However, the ban on alcohol consumption is lifted if you live in a hotel that occupies a separate island. They have special permits to sell (on their territory) alcoholic beverages.

There is also another option for hotels in the Maldives; they are called “local” hotels. They are located on islands where the local population lives and drinking alcohol is prohibited on the territory of such hotels.

But even in “island” hotels, despite the permit, the cost of alcoholic beverages is unrealistically high. A glass of anything will cost at least seven dollars, and a bottle of regular vodka will start at $45.

Maldives Airport – can you cross the Rubicon?

They will be checked for the presence of alcohol at the airport in Male, the capital of the Maldives. The check is carried out randomly and if your appearance somehow interests the customs officers, then
They will search both your luggage and hand luggage. If they find something suspicious, they will not be too lazy to open the bottle and smell it.

One of the tourists even described a situation when a bottle of kvass was found in his luggage (they took it for the child). They sniffed it thoroughly and banned it from being brought into the country.

The good news is that everything that is found on you is described, drawn up in a document and sent to a free storage room. There is no fine for transporting alcoholic beverages. When you fly back, you can get your confiscated strong drinks.

Judging by the opinions of experienced tourists, direct flights from Russia are subject to more thorough inspection. If you are flying with transfers or a charter flight, then inspection at customs is carried out as standard. It is preferable to fly (in order to avoid thorough customs inspection) on Emirates or Qatar Airways.

What does it look like? Upon arrival in the country, you go through standard passport control and receive luggage with two types of stickers: green or red. Next, two corridors await you: green - for those who do not have declared items and red - for those who are unlucky.

In the green corridor there is a minimum number of employees and there are no scanners or frames. In the red corridor everything is much more “fun”: a large number of customs officers, several frames and scanners.

If you are lucky and you get a green card, then go through quickly, without delays or inspections of your belongings.

In the red corridor, you are happily greeted by three belts with scanners and up to five customs officers on each, several frames of metal detectors.

If you successfully pass all the checkpoints, you will have a great vacation with pleasant memories.

Several ways to carry out painless transportation of alcoholic beverages.

But with all these tricks, people manage to smuggle in “fire water.”

Since metal detectors react to metal and glass, it is best to transport your treasured drink in a plastic container. These can be juice tetra bags or any other plastic container.

1. You can take a flat plastic container and glue it to yourself under your wide trouser leg. Or hide it in the waistband of your trousers.

In this case, make sure that you do not have metal objects on you (belt yarn, watches, keys, etc.) - the metal detector frame may ring and customs officers may begin a search.

2. Use tetra juice bags as containers.

There are several solutions to this point.

2.1. First pour out the juice, rinse the box underneath and pour in the alcohol.

2.2. Do not open the juice cap. Using a syringe, pour out some juice, and add an alcoholic drink in its place. There will be an alcoholic cocktail right away.

2.3. Another option for extreme sports enthusiasts. Take a package of juice (for example, 1 liter), drain almost 70% of the liquid. Take a condom and carefully place it unfolded inside the juice pack. The end of the condom is carefully placed on the neck of the juice pack (try to use a juice pack with a screw cap). Use a funnel to pour in the alcohol of your choice. The condom is carefully tied and the knot is lowered into the pack with
the remaining juice there. Seal the juice lid with PVA glue. If, during customs inspection, the officer asks you to open the pack, he will be presented with regular juice. Upon arrival at the hotel, carefully open the bottom of the tetra-pack... And you can enjoy your vacation. (As a sample, vacationers used cognac and hypoallergenic condoms of the Beneton U. Colors XXL brand. According to the experimenters, such transportation did not in any way affect the taste of the product.)

3. Use as containers empty plastic containers of condensed milk, baby fruit puree, jams or wine, which are sold in cardboard packages (inside such boxes there is a plastic soft bag in which the wine is located).

Some useful tips.

— To just “seal” the screw cap of a juice or bottle hermetically, it is best to use films or stickers for Easter eggs. Just choose a more neutral pattern.

After screwing the lid on, you need to put such a sticker on the lid and try to grab a little of the neck. Place in boiling water for a couple of seconds and you will have a hermetically sealed container.

— You can buy special plastic bags for liquid substances (for example, creams) online and pour the desired liquid into it.

— Alternatively, you can take a bag of dry wine with you on the road. Dilute on the spot and enjoy the drink!

You can bring any alcoholic drink. The main thing is to show ingenuity and intelligence; Do not overdo it with the alcoholic cargo you carry. And, be sure to not forget that you illegally Bring alcohol into a country where it is prohibited!

- the country is Muslim, and it is not allowed to drink alcohol (even champagne) or be drunk in public places. Local residents face severe punishment for drunkenness, so it is impossible to buy alcohol in the store. But this ban does not always and not always apply to resort areas and tourists in resorts, so in some places you can still get good wine in the Maldives, although at a very high price. Many Russian tourists, before going on vacation, are interested in how to bring alcohol to the Maldives, what customs rules there are in this regard, and whether they will be sent to prison if alcohol is found in their luggage. We talk about all this in detail in our article.

Good to know: Islam is widespread in the Maldives, and therefore there are a number of local laws and religious rules that apply to all tourists, including the prohibition of drinking alcoholic beverages, nudism, as well as anti-Islamic literature and all pork dishes. Read about what else is not allowed in the Maldives.

- This is a very sensitive topic that concerns almost everyone who is planning to travel to the Maldives. All tourists should keep in mind that this is a country with an Islamic religion, therefore the sale and drinking of alcoholic beverages on the inhabited islands is strictly prohibited by law. An exception is made only for resort islands, which receive a special permit to sell alcohol, which is not cheap, and then also pay high taxes.

Therefore, alcoholic drinks can be found:

  • in the minibar in your room;
  • in resort restaurants where the sale of alcohol is permitted in the Maldives;
  • and also purchase and drink on board ships and boats sailing away from the islands on the high seas.

Once upon a time in the Maldives it was possible to officially buy alcohol and drink it to all foreigners living there on a visa. But now there is no such relaxation for expats, and the “prohibition law” is the same for all citizens of the Maldives and tourists who come on vacation.

Read also:

The only place for which an exception is made, and where can you drink alcohol in public in the Maldives?, this is the Hulhule Island Hotel, better known as HIH, on the airport island of Hulhule. or at the airport hotel. This is so that rich tourists, who are used to relaxing with the help of alcoholic beverages and who go straight from the airport to relax at their resort, do not have a negative attitude towards the Maldives due to the ban on alcohol. Otherwise, many of them would refuse to travel to the Maldives in favor of other countries with less stringent rules and laws. And this would lead to a disaster in the tourism industry, which, together with fishing, is the main source of income for the state.

Read also:

In 2017 and 2018, nothing has changed regarding alcohol in the Maldives. The rules for tourists remain the same as before. And although you can drink alcohol on site, you cannot bring your own or buy alcoholic beverages in stores here. For drinking alcohol (as well as for religious intolerance), you can even get a fine or go to jail. Therefore, all alcohol from your luggage will have to be left at the airport after passport control.

All luggage and hand luggage of tourists are checked at the Maldives airport after arrival, and if alcohol is found on you (including those purchased in duty-free stores or even on board the plane), it will be seized by customs officers without punishment or confiscated (if you bring too much a lot of). Most likely, you will not face any fine for this (although there is a fine of up to $500).

It is important to know: According to the rules, all alcohol found among people crossing the Maldives border remains at customs in a special storage room at the airport. When alcohol is confiscated, owners are given a special receipt and a token for the entire duration of their vacation, and alcoholic drinks will be returned only before the return flight in exchange for this same token. However, times are changing and there are rumors that the storage of alcohol confiscated from tourists in the Maldives may soon be completely banned. If the rules change, then all alcohol will be confiscated and destroyed.

Helpful advice: If you try to illegally smuggle alcohol into the Maldives, you immediately become a lawbreaker and you may even be recognized as a smuggler and imprisoned. Therefore, it is better not to risk trying to break the rules and bring alcohol with you, and you will not lose precious vacation time and waste your money.

The ban on alcohol is called on some forums the main horror of the Maldives for Russian tourists. After all, what is a vacation for most Russians without a glass of wine or a glass of vodka? People also often write to us asking us to tell us how bring alcohol to the Maldives. But this problem, again, only concerns those who come to inexpensive hotels that are located on the islands where the population of this country lives. Because in luxury resorts everything is fine with alcohol, although it is a little expensive.

Good to know:

It's no secret that there are different ways to circumvent prohibition and import alcohol illegally. On various Internet sites and forums there are many tips, stories with photos, and even entire video instructions on how to transport alcohol to the Maldives. But we strongly do not recommend doing this, so as not to neglect the laws of the country where you are voluntarily going on vacation, and not to violate religious rules.

Customs officers in the Maldives are by no means stupid people and have long learned all the tricks that Russians use to smuggle alcohol. By the way, keep in mind that they especially carefully inspect all passengers from flights from Moscow. But for some reason they treat all other tourists arriving from other countries more loyally. Probably the fact is that it’s really very difficult for Russian people on vacation without alcohol, so they try to stock up on it for future use, having learned about how high prices are for all alcoholic drinks here.

We especially emphasize that after a flight to the Maldives, customs officers check the luggage of only some tourists quite carefully (including hand luggage). All prohibited items such as spearfishing weapons, pork, anti-Islamic religious literature and any pornography are immediately confiscated. But the most important thing that they are trying to take away from Russian tourists is alcohol, which they bring with them in large quantities.

Russian tourists go to great lengths to try to smuggle alcohol to the Maldives! They pour vodka into aluminum cans with a syringe and seal the hole with sealant, sticking a price tag on top, put condoms with cognac into juice bags or jars of pills, pour them into different containers instead of drinking water and dilute them with different flavors so as not to smell of alcohol, they try to smuggle in body warmers or pack gin and tonics into small bottles in the hope that if they do take it away, it won’t be all at once. The smartest ones even pump pure alcohol into oranges and stuff the alcohol from the plane (some airlines, such as Emirates, give it out in 50-gram bottles in-flight) into their pockets or into their bras.

One of our compatriots even recorded a video in which he shares his experience on how to smuggle alcohol to the Maldives:

Our impressions about transporting alcohol to the Maldives:

The behavior of such tourists from Russia sometimes gives the impression that Russians simply cannot relax without alcohol. This is probably why customs officers in the Maldives consider all tourists arriving from Moscow to be drunkards and alcoholics. Because of this, Russians are given red stickers on their suitcases and asked to line up in the red corridor at customs to a special scanner that scans all their belongings, including hand luggage. Personal searches in the red corridor are also carried out very carefully. If containers with any liquids are found, be sure to open them, then smell them and look at the light. We ourselves witnessed such a doomsday and confirm that very few manage to get through.

Maldives all inclusive - alcohol at the hotel

If you want to relax throughout the day while on vacation, then it is better to immediately choose “all inclusive”. This recreation system is well known to those who are used to going on package tours. The main advantage is that you don’t have to worry about where to get your favorite drinks or worry about prices in restaurants and bars, since the cost of alcohol is already included in the price of your trip to the Maldives.

Typically, the price includes an unlimited number of cocktails at the bar, beer, white and red wine, as well as vodka whiskey and inexpensive cognac. Moreover, the more expensive the hotel, the better the selection and quality of alcoholic drinks. It is worth adding that you will have to pay separately for expensive elite alcohol and champagne in your room.

  • Lily Beach Resort and Spa 5*– luxury villas, 5 restaurants, children’s club, good house reef
  • Kurumba Maldives 5*– close to the airport, youth parties and always a fun atmosphere
  • Royal Island Resort & Spa 5*– inexpensive 5-star all-inclusive, villas with private beach
  • Bandos Maldives 4*– the best all-inclusive hotel available for diving and snorkeling

Read also:

In general, it is better not to drink strong alcohol in the Maldives, as the climate is tropical and quite hot. But why not have a glass of wine with dinner? In resorts, wine can be ordered in the restaurant, but on residential islands this is much more difficult, since there is a ban on alcohol and you will never see it on the table.

As you probably already understood, on the local islands of the Maldives (the so-called islands where the local population lives) the sale and consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited. But there are exceptions to all rules, and this also works here. Indeed, recently many of them have new 3 and 4 * hotels, which began to accept foreign tourists from all over the world. Along with them came the demand for alcohol. And demand, as we know, creates supply, and “drunken barges” have already begun to ply near local islands - these are alcohol bars on the high seas, where you can legally purchase alcohol.

Read more:

When we first vacationed in the Maldives on the island, we were shown a small boat there at the pier, which was on duty waiting for clients who wanted to get into the floating bar. We haven’t been there ourselves, but from the stories of other tourists we realized that getting to the alcohol bar on such a boat is completely free. Entrance to the bar is also free, but alcoholic drinks there are quite expensive, much like in resorts. So, a small can of beer costs about $5, and you can buy a bottle of strong alcohol for $80-150 (prices may vary, but still remain too high). The assortment is not very wide - several types of beer, a choice of vodka, whiskey, cognac. You will also be taken back from the bar to your island on the same boat.

All lovers of relaxation will be curious to know that alcohol prices in the Maldives and really very large, about 3-5 times higher than in Russia, since it can only be officially ordered in restaurants. A small 0.33L can of beer starts at $4 each. A glass of simple wine in a restaurant will cost at least $10. Stronger alcoholic drinks cost $100-200 per bottle. Moreover, you can only drink in a restaurant or bar, and not on the beach.

Those tourists who want to drink good wine a couple of times and do not want to overpay for an all-inclusive meal will be interested to know that almost all 4 and 5 star resort hotels in the Maldives have restaurants and bars by the pool and on the beach, where alcohol is always available. In this case, it is beneficial to choose the FB (Full Board) system, which is $200-500 cheaper than “all inclusive”. On FB, food is already included in the price and you can drink free alcohol only at dinner, and at all other times during the day - only for an additional fee.

Good to know: Many hotels offer happy hours in their bars (usually between lunch and dinner, from 15:00 to 17:00), when the cost of a cocktail or glass of wine is 2 times lower than usual.

As you probably guess, the most expensive alcohol in the Maldives is on the luxury resort islands. You can order alcoholic drinks in the restaurants of these hotels either a whole bottle at once or in portions (then there will be a price for each glass). Moreover, rare collectible wine will cost much more. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with the cost of alcohol in advance in order to plan your budget.

Here are the prices for alcohol in the Maldives:

  • $5-10 - can of beer;
  • $6-12 – a glass of vodka, cognac or whiskey;
  • $12-25 – alcoholic cocktail at the bar;
  • $10-30 – a glass of wine in a restaurant;
  • $50-80 – a bottle of inexpensive wine from Chile, Argentina or Spain;
  • $90-250 – a bottle of French wine (rare wine can cost several thousand dollars);
  • $75-150 - champagne;
  • $100-250 – whiskey, gin or vodka.

Despite the high prices for alcohol, we do not recommend carrying illegal alcoholic beverages in your hand luggage in various small containers, flasks in your pockets, as well as in juice cartons or plastic bottles of soda and iced tea in your luggage for the sake of small savings (relatively total holiday budget in the Maldives). After all, if you fail to declare alcohol and carry it through the green corridor at customs at the airport, you risk receiving a large fine or even being arrested.