FishHungry bite activator – description and reviews. How to choose an original bite activator and not fall for scammers video review What does a bite activator consist of?

Not every fishing trip brings a good catch. Weather changes, sudden changes in wind direction, incorrectly selected fishing location, off-season - all this can lead to a lack of fish in the cage. This is a bleak prospect for fishermen.

Perhaps you should pay attention to fishing flavors? But how effective are they? Every experienced fisherman will say: “Effective!” They can treat any bait: plant, live, artificial, or add it to all bait mixtures, thereby increasing their effectiveness: each particle is saturated with an attractive aroma, which lasts in the water for a very long time.

Ichthyologists divide the sense organs of fish into gustatory and olfactory. Unlike humans, they sense only substances dissolved in water and react to their minimal concentrations. Hungry fish swim up to the smell of components added to the bait. Thanks to this, the fisherman lures prey to a convenient fishing spot. The prey begins to feed in the feeding area, swallows the bait and ends up on the hook.

Fish Attractors

Attractant substances are not food for fish, they are designed to attract it and whet its appetite. They are added in small doses to bait or used to process the bait directly. These are oriental spices, oils, seeds of umbrella plants, some of them are reflected in the table. Their main goal is to encourage fish to swim to the fishing spot from a long distance.

Table. Popular supplements to attract peaceful fish.

Additive name In what form is it used? Adding to bait What type of fish is it suitable for?
Ground dried (infusion) 2-5% Bream, carp, (crucian carp)
Anise Powder 6-8% Bream, carp, crucian carp, roach
Star anise fruit Ground 2-5% Peaceful fish of all kinds
Cinnamon Dried ground 2-5% Bream
Fennel Oil 2-5% Bream
Carob fruit Ground 5-10% Bream, roach
Turmeric roots and stems Ground 10-15% Roach
Dill Ground 4-8% Bream, tench, roach, crucian carp
Basil leaves and seeds Finely ground 5-7% Bream
Vanilla Sugar 6% Carp, bream, roach, ide

The above additives can be mixed to enhance the effect and add versatility to the feeding mixture.

For example, when fishing for bream, cinnamon goes well with coriander, basil, and vanilla. Garlic - with star anise, anise, basil.

Some fragrances can be easily made with your own hands. For example, an infusion of fresh garlic is used for catching crucian carp: knead 2-3 cloves, pour a glass of hot water, and leave for 5-6 hours. The resulting volume is poured into water to mix 1.5-2 kg of bait.

Fruit attractants are widely used. They are presented in the form of clean scents: strawberry, plum, banana, peach; as well as their combinations, are used mainly in the summer.

Supplements for Carnivores

The most accessible and widely known means of influencing the olfactory receptors of predatory fish is familiar to spinning anglers who fish with foam rubber. If such bait is soaked in fresh fish blood, the chances of a bite increase significantly. But the effect of blood as a bite activator is short-lived and lasts only 5-6 minutes. According to reviews, the blood of a predator is much more effective than the blood of white fish. Foam rubber fish is the optimal bait when using blood and other liquid attractants.

Pike hunts by attacking its prey from behind cover; it does not have time to try the bait. This fish is careful and picky. It is not easy to interest her with a foreign aroma, so you should choose bait with an odor close to natural. So, the smell of blood suits her perfectly.

Pike perch is very active and rarely stands in one place. Its life activity begins at night. All this complicates the fisherman's hunt for it. Having set a goal, he will no longer back down. A properly selected additive with a clearly defined smell is the key to success when catching it.

For pike perch and pike, the main flavors are anise, herring, garlic, crayfish, and shrimp.

Attractants act effectively on catfish. Preferred odors are ox blood and chicken giblets. They are very unpleasant for humans, but this fish reacts actively to them. When catching catfish, the bait is treated with a compound with a pungent odor. Diffusers that smell like fish, crayfish, or shells work well.

Qualitative characteristics

Carp love an abundance of complementary foods and a choice of bait. Females are especially picky; they approach the food very carefully, and upon noticing the slightest threat, they retire to rookeries at the bottom of pits - favorite places of peace and relaxation. When purchasing, you need to take into account the compatibility of the components of the bait with the attractant.

Their correct combination is a guarantee of a good catch of a weighty trophy.
Activators consist of synthesized pheromones, additives of animal and plant origin. In practice, choosing the right one is not an easy task. There are a huge number of their varieties and manufacturers on the modern market. Many fishermen make similar compositions at home.

Both factory-made and home-made mixtures must have some important characteristics that indicate their quality:

The active substance in the mixture must be safe and not have a negative effect on the reservoir and its fauna.


Attractants to enhance the carp bite are divided into groups depending on the fishing location, the presence of a current, and the type of bait. They are produced in the following forms:

Among the taste preferences of carp, it is worth noting: honey, caramel, hemp, garlic, fruit aromas.

Carp baits can be divided into two types:

In spring and summer, fish prefer fruity and sweet aromas. During the cold period - smells of animal origin - canned fish, fish oil, blood, poultry offal and spices.

Fishing sauces

Dips are a type of attractant. The name comes from the English word “dip”, which means dipping, immersion. They are impregnating liquids containing amino acids, sugar, and flavorings. They come in liquid, powder, and gel forms. The bait is dipped into them before casting, after which it is saturated with aroma and other properties attractive to fish.

These supplements are now produced by hundreds of manufacturers. Despite all the diversity, they are divided into two groups:

Best Products

High-quality fishing flavors that combine all the beneficial properties of bite activators and demonstrate good results are products of well-known manufacturers.

 Some fishermen claim that if you don’t use bite activators, then there’s nothing to do while fishing; you can sit at home and not look for adventure. But the overwhelming majority say that using such tricks when fishing is a bad idea and is done not for pleasure, but for profit.

Only one thing can be said for sure: both sides are right, just each in a different way. I’ll say one thing right away, bite activators are not a scam, they work, but everyone is different. For each you need to choose the right bait and groundbait. Let's talk more about this and pay attention to the most popular activators.

So what are activators and how do they work in water? Let's talk about this. A portion of bait is thrown into the fishing spot (the volume of the portion is consistent with the instructions that are present in each package). After the bait hits the bottom, its action begins. The main task of bite activators is to attract fish from all over the reservoir to the fishing spot.

Amino acids, fats and other attractants that are part of the activators dissolve in water and create a kind of stain on the bottom at the fishing spot. This spot on the bottom forces the fish to look for food and awakens its appetite, and besides the hook with bait, it has nothing to eat.

You don't have to wait long for a bite. If you plan to fish in a body of water with a current, the smell will gradually spread throughout the entire water area, so you should cast the bait a little higher upstream. As for winter fishing, it’s even better - the laws of physics have not been canceled. In cold water, the smell and substances attractive to fish spread much faster.


Biting activators are designed to attract fish and awaken their appetite. These are the ones you should pay attention to. Some substances can only perform one function and will have little effect.

  • The fish will simply come to the fishing spot, but will not bite;
  • The fish will bite everyone except you;

This arrangement will suit few people, so it is better to look for substances that have both properties at the same time. These are the ones we will talk about below in our rating. But first things first.

Side effects

Side effects from the use of activators are not so significant, but they are still worth paying attention to. If you do not read the instructions carefully (and this is what most of our people do), you can overdo it with the dosage, which means you will saturate the fish and it will not bite.

There is also a possibility of scaring away fish, but if you buy a bite activator on the official website, this will not happen. You can chase a low price and purchase an expired or counterfeit low-quality product, then there will be little effect. If there is one at all.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the bite activator is extremely simple, and it consists of two stages:

  1. Luring fish to the fishing spot;
  2. Awakening her feeling of hunger;

Just luring the fish to the fishing point is not enough, you also have to force it to bite. And doing all this with one composition is even more difficult. Therefore, over the course of many years, scientists have experimentally selected a combination of the components of the bite activator and achieved the desired result.

Top 5 best bite activators

The best bite activators are those that fully satisfy the needs of the fisherman. And everyone’s needs are different - some like to catch predatory fish, and some prefer to go with a float rod in search of crucian carp. Therefore, it would be a bad idea to compile any general rating of bite activators.

We decided to select only the most popular bite activators and consider each of them in more detail, and of course, leave a review from the site’s editors (I fished using all the baits described below) and familiarize you with the reviews of fishermen.

Today we have 4 of the most popular bite activators under our radar: FishHungry (also called hungry fish), spray activator Fish XXL, Double Fish and the sensational Dynamite Effect bait. I think everyone has heard about them and wants to know the whole truth.

Once again, I’ll make a reservation that all the activators in the rating have been tested by me personally and they work. You just need to choose the right bait and bait for them and use it under certain conditions.

FishHungry (Fish Hungry or hungry fish) is one of the best-selling fishing products. Almost all fishermen have heard about it, but most left negative reviews. And only a small part understood how to use it correctly and responded positively.

This picture makes many fishermen wonder whether FishHungry is a scam or not. I'll tell you right away: no. People who don’t know how to use a hammer also shout that it’s bad, but are silent about the fact that their hands are crooked.. I hope everyone understands what I mean.

With the right approach and following the instructions for use, the FishHungry bite activator works exactly as the manufacturers promise.

Description of the activator

FishHungry is considered the most reliable, most popular and widely used among other bite activators. Some say that this was greatly affected by advertising. But if you advertise some nonsense, then no one will actively use it.

The versatility of FishHungry makes many fishermen think. After all, how can one composition of a bite activator equally good for attracting peaceful and predatory fish, and even regardless of the time of year (it works equally well for summer and winter fishing). And the composition is thought out to the smallest detail, an open bag of bait can be stored for a long time and it will not deteriorate.


The official website for the sale of fish bite activator FishHungry calls its product one of the most significant breakthroughs in the field of fishing and science. Having studied the information, you can see that it has the following properties:

  • Works over a very long distance, attracting fish from almost the entire reservoir to the selected fishing spot;
  • The fish's appetite sharply awakens and persists for a long time. And this most strongly affects large individuals, which will continuously feed at the fishing site.
  • Equally effective for summer, winter, autumn and spring fishing. It also allows you to increase your fish catch in sea and freshwater fishing.


In order to buy a FishHungry bite activator, you just need to fill out simple fields in the form, which will open by clicking on the link. Just enter your phone number and name, and then wait for the operator to call (they call within 10 minutes).

The price of the FishHungry bite activator reaches about 1,300 rubles, but not for visitors to our site. When you follow the link we provided, the bite activator will cost you only 990 rubles (or 359 hryvnia) per package, which contains 3 sachets. note that the original product is packaged in packages of 3 bags. The activator is delivered to most major countries, such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan.

Fish XXL is the second most popular, but not the most effective. These bite activators are known to all fishermen as one of the best winter activators. But it works just as well in spring, summer and autumn.

But that’s not the point, this is a really working bait. We take the classic bait for catching crucian carp (cake + flour) and add a portion of the spray (the number of presses on the bottle is determined by the weight of the prepared bait). Done, now you won't go home empty-handed.

You can also treat the bait using this activator spray. By the way, it is very convenient for carp fishing. I spray boilies with this mixture very often. It works best with a combination of roasted chicken and plum scents.


The Fish XXL bite activator is in no way inferior to the one described above. On the contrary, it wins in some conditions. Its advantage lies in its consistency - the activator is in the form of a spray. It is very convenient for processing baits and groundbaits before throwing them into the water.

I’m writing a personal review: using Fish XXL I processed semolina on a hook, and as a result, I caught three times more than my colleagues (they caught about 5 kg each). Moreover, the crucian carp in my catch were slightly larger.


The properties of this bait are no different from the previous one; by the way, we compiled the rating, selecting all its participants in such a way that they had the two most important indicators. And the Fish XXL bite activator is no exception.

Its properties are as follows:

  1. First, he lures fish from the entire water area of ​​the reservoir to the fishing spot, and creates a cloud of attractant that holds it there;
  2. When the fish smells the activator, it develops a feeling of hunger and begins to actively search for food.


Buying the Fish XXL bite activator is quite simple; you just need to enter your name and phone number in the appropriate fields of the form. After this, expect a call from the operator, which will occur in the next 15 minutes.

The price of Fish XXL is about 1980 rubles for residents of Russia (for fishermen from Ukraine it is 763 hryvnia). But we respect our readers and love to please them with gifts. Therefore we provide you opportunity to buy a bite activator at a 53% discount. You will have to pay only 990 rubles (359 hryvnia).

Dry Blooder biting activator is a new and effective activator, in the development of which European scientists and fishermen from all CIS countries took part. Fishermen gave advice on the preferences of different species of fish, and scientists tried to synthesize substances that would make fish active.

Thanks to the collaboration of researchers, it was possible to create a truly effective product that can provide a huge catch. The combination of pheromones and albumin (this is dried blood) made it possible to obtain a complex of substances that enhance each other’s effects.

Description of Dry Blooder

The action of the Dry Blooder activator is based on a combination of the interaction of dry blood and pheromones. The combination of such components provokes a feeling of hunger in the fish, which it is unable to control on its own. The only outcome for the fish is to eat the bait on your hook. The main effective means of the activator:

  1. Dried blood, also known as albumin. This is a substance obtained naturally from the natural blood of animals. Everyone knows that protein is the most easily digestible substance in the body of humans, fish and animals. Albumin contains 95% protein (protein). Simple and effective food is what fish need.
  2. Synthesized pheromones, which begin to make the fish feel hungry. Due to the influence of such substances, the fish cannot control the feeling of hunger on its own. She begins to actively move towards the place where the pheromone entered the water and finds your bait there.

Properties of Dry Blooder

The Dry Blooder bite activator lures fish to the fishing spot thanks to the effect of a special combination of pheromones and albumin. After feeding the fishing spot, after 10-20 minutes, the hungry fish begins to swim up to your bait. Now the main task of the fisherman is only to timely hook and land the fish.

The most effective components of the bite activator are aromatic enzymes in fish plasma. And these components are very different from their counterparts. Their smell simply instantly spreads throughout the entire pond and makes the fish bite.

Dry Blooder is made in the form of a powdery mass that can be easily mixed into bait or added to baits. When fishing in winter, it is best to treat the bait itself with the Dry Blooder activator, so that after it is immersed in the water, an attractive scent spot is created.

Benefits of Dry Blooder

  • undoubtedly works for fishing in summer and winter;
  • contains only natural, concentrated pheromones and dried blood;
  • albumin works great when fishing on rivers and lakes;
  • attracts fish from a huge area of ​​the reservoir;
  • The bite activator is universal and attracts predatory and peaceful fish equally well.

Dry Blooder works best to attract peaceful fish of the following species: carp, crucian carp, tench, roach. If we talk about a predator, then it performs well when fishing for catfish, pike, pike perch, chub, perch and ruff.

Buy Dry Blooder

In order to buy the Dry Blooder bite activator in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus or Kazakhstan, you just need to fill out a simple application on the official website, which is located below. And then wait for the manager to call to clarify the delivery details.

Video review of the dry blood bite activator

I think it would be better to see it once than to read it 100 times. I offer you a video in which a fisherman with many years of experience talks about the properties of this bite activator and how to use it correctly in order to catch a lot of large fish.

The Double Fish bite activator is no less famous in fishing circles, although it is made in a less familiar form. This is a kind of fishing kit. When you buy it, you will receive a package containing an attractant bait and a special mixture for processing the bait. Quite an interesting approach to fishing, isn't it?

A very convenient thing, since you often have to catch a predator (and bait is not used there), using only a wobbler, silicone bait or spinner. This is where the advantages of Double Fish come into play, first of all - it efficiency.

We once coated a spoon with this mixture, and took a second one exactly the same, but did not use Double Fish. So there were no bites on the treated bait. But with the same experimental design with silicone baits, the result was the opposite - only the treated bait bit. So it’s always worth checking, combining and experimenting.


Many buyers write reviews about the use of this bait. It was tested on various bodies of water: rivers, canals, lakes, bays, seas, and even at different times of the year, both winter and summer. She worked like a charm the main thing is to observe the proportions when cooking.

All this is indicated on the flap of the package; it clearly states when, how and why it is worth processing bait or lures, or adding this bite activator to the bait. Even a beginner can cope with its use, who then will not want to reveal his secret of successful fishing to experienced fishermen.


The composition of the activator, which is completely identical to the natural pheromone of fish released during their life. It awakens her instinct to eat intensely. Everything happens at the physiological level and the fish swims up to the baited place even from the most distant parts of the reservoir, after which it begins to vigorously grab the bait.


The purchasing process is very simple: just click on the link provided at the bottom of this paragraph, then fill out the order form (indicate your name and phone number in the appropriate fields) and wait for the operator to call to clarify the delivery address.

Residents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus can buy the Double Fish bite activator. The price for the set is 2950 rubles and 848 hryvnia, respectively. But we are again giving you a gift in the form of a discount; by following our link you will receive a fishing set for only 1390 rubles or 399 hryvnia.

A sensational bait, every angler has heard about this activator. Some say that the fish pecked at the bait treated with it simply dumbfounded. An interesting fact is that it attracts peaceful and predatory fish.

It has been repeatedly noticed that pike begin to very greedily grab wobblers on which Dynamite Effect was poured. Even during the post-spawning period, such predator activity was not observed. And white fish react quite well to it.


The dynamite effect bite activator is produced only in liquid form. These are 5 bags (made of foil), small in size, and each of them is filled with the composition. The volume of each sachet is 5 ml. So only half a bag will be enough for one fishing trip.

Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Dynamite effect is made only in the form of a liquid. Beware of counterfeits and order goods by mail only from official websites.


Active biting of fish in any weather conditions and in any body of water is ensured by influencing the instincts of the fish at the physiological level. Dissolving in water, the activator releases pheromones, and the fish, on an instinctive level, begins to actively absorb their source.


Here, too, everything is extremely simple: click on the link below, fill out the appropriate fields of the form and wait for the consultant to call to clarify the data for delivery, which is carried out to Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Delivery is carried out by courier service directly to your home. This process takes from 1 to 10 business days and is completely free. The price of one package (5 ampoules of liquid bite activator) is only 1,450 rubles.

I declare unequivocally: bite activators Fishhungry, Fish XXL, Double Fish and Dynamite Effect are not a scam and they work great. Understand that we have an authoritative resource that is visited daily by a lot of readers, and among them there is a significant proportion of regulars. We do not allow ourselves to write about what we have not tested from our own experience.

This also applies to this article; all 4 activators were tested by me personally and a couple of my friends. Their effect is ambiguous and they will manifest themselves on the positive side only with the right combination of all components.

Successful fishing depends on many factors. Therefore, those who think that they will buy an activator and they will be able to fish with a stick with a rusty hook are mistaken. The baits described above only help to increase the bite.

But the fisherman’s main task remains the correct choice of fishing technique and tactics, selection of gear and choice of fishing location. Therefore, everyone who bought a bite activator, but it does not work. After which they immediately go to fishing forums and websites, describing its inoperability there. I can only say one thing: it's about you, not the bait.

Combine the right gear, choose a fishing spot, guided by generally accepted rules, and approach the fishing process with complete seriousness. And only after that add the purchased mixture to your bait and groundbait. Believe me, the effect will not keep you waiting.

Using attractants is a good method to attract the attention of fish. This path is not new and has been used for many years. Modern stores for fishing fans offer a huge selection of branded products for catching crucian carp, pike or carp.

All this, of course, is good, but is it worth spending money if you can successfully prepare a bite activator yourself? So, do-it-yourself attractants for fishing: everything you need to know about them.

Fish loves natural odors and this must be taken into account when preparing attractants. Let's look at the most “delicious” ingredients.

Of course, the list doesn't end there. Cardamom, vanillin, musk, cocoa, honey, cloves, and factory-made baking flavors work well as activators. It is noted that the flavors “strawberry”, “tutti frutti”, “caramel”, “nut”, “creamy” are 100% successful. Find out how to prepare them below.

Fish responds well to oils. In particular, anise, dill, flaxseed and sunflower. From what is available in the pharmacy, camphor alcohol, valerian drops, Zvezdochka balm, and fish oil will be useful. Just add a little bit to your bait and you will see that the number of fish you catch will increase significantly.

We prepare attractants with our own hands

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest thing - with flavors. For 1 liter of water you will need 4 tablespoons of baking flavor. Stir well, put on low heat and wait for it to boil. Wait another 15 minutes, and then safely turn off the stove. The flavored additive that can be added to the bait is ready.

Bait with a pronounced garlic smell is prepared as follows. Pass 4-5 cloves of garlic through a garlic press. Mix with 2 tsp. any oil. Stir and let sit for 30-40 minutes.

When choosing an attractant, you need to consider who it is intended for. Fish have different tastes, which means they will have to be lured in different ways.

Let's cook bait for crucian carp. Pour boiling water over a handful of pearl barley and wrap it up. Wait until the cereal swells. This usually takes 3 hours. Then add one of the following: cocoa, garlic, crushed dill seeds, anise, vanillin.

Carps- are known to have a sweet tooth, which means the bait should be sweetish. Select the corn grains - remove unripe and small ones. Fill with hot water. Leave for 2 hours. Then cook, stirring constantly, for about 50-60 minutes. Add sugar or honey.

Here's a simple recipe attractant for predatory fish. Prick one fish oil capsule with a needle. Mix the contents with Vaseline (about 30 grams). Add 1 tsp. salt. All. Simple, fast and effective.

There are also universal flavors that will work no matter what kind of fish you catch.

Recipe No. 1. Mix crushed and dried bloodworms, worms and snails in equal proportions. Pour the resulting powder with a glass of alcohol and leave in a cool, dark place for a week.

Recipe No. 2. Mix anise, cinnamon, dill, cloves and garlic. Fill with alcohol and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Dip your bait into the attractant just before casting.

Recipe No. 3. Take 6 flavored tea bags (strawberry, apple, cinnamon or any other), pour boiling water and add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Then add hemp oil, soy sauce or ketchup (one or the other) - 1 tablespoon. Leave for half an hour, then strain. The solution is used to soak the bait.

How to use bite activators correctly

Before you start fishing with homemade attractants, remember a few important rules.

  1. know when to stop. An excessive amount of attractant causes the opposite effect - the fish will not swim close to you;
  2. in the hot season the amount of activator decreases, because In warm water, odors spread much faster. In winter, attractants are infused with alcohol, in summer - with glycerin and oil;
  3. In spring and summer, fish prefer sweet aromas. In autumn and winter - animal origin (dried blood, crushed worms, fish oil, bloodworms);
  4. For the best effect, combine 2-3 flavors. Try to change the compositions from time to time;
  5. so that the predatory fish has time to feel the bait, take long pauses during the wiring process.

As you can see, preparing bite activators for fishing with your own hands is not difficult. A little time and patience and the result will not be long in coming. Good luck!

Video: self-production of a bite activator for crucian carp, carp, roach

The bite activator for catching predatory fish is a universal bait, which is used to attract and actively bite. Biting activators are a universal remedy that can cause hunger artificially.

Bite activator is a harmless and environmentally friendly product that affects the sense of smell of fish. This method was created to naturally attract fish to the biting area and forces them to eat obstacles in the form of bait along the way.

One type of bite activator for a predator is an attractant, which is a natural or synthetic aromatic additive that stimulates fish to eat bait. An attractant is usually used simultaneously with bait or groundbait.

Attractants became widely used in 1961, when they were discovered in a female silkworm. At that time, they took the form of combined substances of varying consistency, which attracted various types of fish through the sense of smell.

This activator affected amateur, sport and commercial fishing. Recently, the role of attractants has increased. This is due to the fact that fishing as a type of hunting is gaining popularity, and there are fewer fish.

Attractants are formed by combining organic and inorganic bonds that are not reproduced through chemical synthesis. That is why this additive has no classification.

Attractants are able to attract fish regardless of the dissolved or suspended form.

Types of attractants

Conventionally, there are three types of attractants:

  1. Traditional. This species is formed by an experimental method that does not have a scientific definition. The traditional type includes attractants in the form of human food products that have a strong odor (honey, butter, vanillin).
  2. Commercial. This type has an industrial base and is produced by companies that focus on the production of activators. Attractants of this group are formed due to complex chemical compounds and have the form of granules, gels, and solutions.
  3. Stimulating. It is a synthetic analogue of the natural fish pheromone, irritating the center of the brain, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. Thanks to this process, the fish are stimulated to search for food.

All three types are united by the fact that the attractant as a type of bait has properties such as smell and taste.

Significant development occurs when the attractant is exposed to peaceful fish rather than to predators. The difference is that peaceful fish are attracted by the smell of the bait.

And the predatory fish perceives the movement of the float, for which the main thing is to search for prey. Thanks to the lateral line, the predator finds the prey and moves along the trajectory of its movement.

The likelihood of an attack increases if the fishing tackle has a pleasant smell.

Scientists have concluded that predators have a better developed reaction to the sense of smell than to taste buds.

It follows from this that if the bait has a pleasant taste, but no smell, then the fish simply will not dare to grab it.

This fact does not at all call for ignoring the influence of the attractant on the taste buds; we should not forget that in addition to a strong smell, there must be a pleasant taste.

The likelihood of a catch increases greatly if the attractant has both a strong odor and a pleasant taste.

The attractant affects fish as follows:

  1. Once the bait is close to the fish, it begins to feel it using the lateral line;
  2. The predator begins to move towards the prey;
  3. Next, he examines it to make sure it is safe, and if the bait has not aroused any suspicion, he approaches it;
  4. At a closer distance, the smell begins to affect the fish. The likelihood of catching increases in the presence of an attractant with a strong odor;
  5. Next, the taste of the bait is important. When interacting with fish, the bait must be equipped with a natural taste, otherwise the fish will simply swim past. If this factor is triggered, the fish swallows the bait.

Situations often occur when, for example, a pike approaches prey and feels that the bait is inedible and does not detect it. Having high-quality bait guarantees a high probability of a good catch.

Also, when fishing in one place, fishermen make several casts at the same time, which creates a fragrant corridor, which increases the likelihood of a good bite.

A high-quality attractant contains salt as one of its main components. This ingredient helps to get out of the situation if the bait does not smell like shrimp, crayfish or herring.

Salt has a pronounced taste that affects the receptors of fish.

If fishing occurs during a cool period, odors spread worse in the water, and the help of the attractant when catching fish is sharply reduced.

In such a situation, salt acts as the main stimulant that stimulates the fish’s appetite. The variety of attractants increases every year.

But the most practical and frequently used attractants are those with aroma:

  • Garlic;
  • Herring;
  • Shrimps;
  • Anise;
  • Cancer.

Fishermen have noticed the fact that colors that glow in ultraviolet light are perceived most well. Such ultraviolet bait not only has taste and smell, but is also visible over longer distances.

Additionally, the attention of fish can be attracted by sparkles, which are introduced into the ointment for effectiveness.

There are several types of attractant attachments:

  1. Foam material(the porous surface absorbs the smell and taste of the bait as much as possible, which increases the chances of a good catch);
  2. Silicone nozzle with ribbed surface(such a surface allows the attractant to stay longer and not be washed off with water). Attractants with a gel-like texture are more effective. For example, dropping a blue attractant onto a red bait creates a bright contrast that attracts the attention of the fish.

The main thing when going fishing is to successfully select the bait for the predator. The quality of the catch depends on this.

When choosing an attractant, you should also pay attention not only to the location of the reservoir, but also to the type of fish.

Features of attractants

The attractant for each species has its own specific characteristics.

Attractant for perch

When catching perch, you should pay attention to fragrant baits, since this type of fish is mainly guided by the sense of smell. And taste perception is less constant and changes frequently.

Another advantage of a flavored attractant is the fact that perch is hunted during the cool season, and this type of bait is more productive and has a better effect on fish in cold water.

Preference should be given to a silicone, ribbed nozzle, which absorbs odor better.

Attractant for zander

Basically, the life activity of pike perch begins at night, which makes fishing difficult for the fisherman. Pike perch are very active and rarely stand still, which is another inconvenience.

But if the fish has set its goal, it will stop at nothing. Therefore, a correctly selected attractant with a pronounced odor will not leave you without a catch and is a one hundred percent guarantee.

Attractant for pike

Pike is the most finicky fish, which is difficult to attract with an artificial scent.

To catch fish, you should choose bait with a more natural aroma.

The smell of fresh blood is suitable for this. Pike mainly hunt and attack prey from behind cover.

That is why she does not have the opportunity to try the bait.

In order to avoid attractant getting on your clothes, you should choose a more airtight package. The contents should be moved, for example, into a nail polish container, which will help you use the product more carefully.

The brush will help you economically and evenly apply the attractant to the nozzle.


Depending on the quality, the price issue of the attractant arises.

The most popular are the following models:

  • Dry blood, which is an additive to bait - from 40 rubles;
  • Attractant for balancer. Perch – from 50 rubles;
  • Marker with the smell of shelter - from 80 rubles;
  • Spray attractant Expert - from 130 rubles.
  • The following companies are considered the most popular:
  • Attractant BerkleyPowerbait – from 350 rubles;
  • Attractant MainLineSyrup – from 680 rubles;
  • Richworth attractant - from 450 rubles;
  • Attractant Dynamite – from 1000 rubles.

Before choosing an attractant, you should pay attention to both the quality, the fishing location, and the type of fish. If you choose the right bait, the catch will be rich, and fishing will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

Every fisherman should remember about activators and additives that can be used while fishing. The fact is that not all experienced fishermen know what tastes and smells can tempt picky crucian carp. And it's in vain. Indeed, often in the complete absence of a bite, just a few drops of flavoring can contribute to the amazing activity of the fish.

You can improve the bite of crucian carp by using special activators

What is a bite activator

A bite activator or attractant is a variety of substances that promote better fish activity and stimulate its increased appetite. They are added to groundbait or bait, due to which, when they hit the water, they emit an additional smell that attracts fish. A bite activator can be purchased at a fishing store or made by yourself.

They are mainly found in the form of powder, drops, tablets and aerosol sprays. There are now electronic devices that are a kind of alternative to conventional attractants. Their task is to attract crucian carp or any other fish to the fishing site. Such an electronic decoy creates acoustic vibrations at a certain frequency. Having caught them, the fish hurries to get to it as quickly as possible.

As a rule, the composition of purchased attractants is amino acids and cyclic esters. To put it simply, these are various extracts and squeezes from plants and animal organs that are rich in hormones (liver, gonads, etc.). They also often add strong-smelling oils, sweeteners, spices and other aromatic components.

Bite activators can be found in various forms, including in the form of a spray

We will not dwell in detail on the most popular brands of activators. Let us only note that there are both domestic and foreign companies involved in the production of such funds. It is much more important to explain how to properly use such fishing “helpers”, because often by overdoing it with attractants you can achieve the opposite effect, scaring off the fish. We’ll also tell you how to make a bite activator with your own hands, and what advantages its use provides.

When does a bite activator help?

Attractants should be used only as an aid. They will never provide you with a good catch if you choose the wrong place to fish or fish with the wrong gear. Therefore, you should not think that the bite activator will make the fish jump ashore or bite on a bare hook. If used correctly, it will give you some advantage: it will attract crucian carp, arouse its increased appetite, etc.

You can turn to these tools for help:

The activator should be used when other fishermen are nearby

How to properly use a bite activator for crucian carp

First you need to understand what smells attract this fish the most. These are mainly natural and sweet aromas. Therefore, attractants with taste perform well:

  • strawberries;
  • worm;
  • garlic;
  • corn;
  • plums;
  • vanilla;
  • hemp;
  • cake, etc.

Sometimes, in the absence of a bite, completely “exotic” smells begin to work. For example, flavors like cheese, chocolate, a mixture of spices, etc. It is quite difficult to guess what flavor will be attractive to crucian carp. However, if you constantly fish in a particular body of water, then identifying which attractant is more effective is not so difficult. Having decided on the popular smells and aromas, let's talk about how to use the fish activator.

The most commonly used bite activators are the flavors of the presented products.

It was noticed that a large number of attractants gathers many crucian carp at the fishing site, but they simply swim next to the bait and are not going to try it. The fact is that the fish is looking for something more tasty than the bait offered.

The optimal dose of added bite activator is 5-7% of the total volume of groundbait or bait. In addition, you need to remember that the effect of its use will only be in fairly warm water, which has warmed up above 15-18°C. This applies to any attractants. If the water is cold, then it is difficult for crucian carp to catch odors even at a very close distance. For many other types of fish, you can successfully use the activator during winter fishing.

As for the types of attractants, sprays are best suited for baits. They are convenient for processing the bait immediately after it has been placed on the hook. You can also use dips. These are liquid substances in which the bait is soaked for a couple of seconds to several hours. Unlike sprays, dips last longer.

For fishing, you can use activators in the form of dips

It is best to add liquid flavors to complementary foods. In this case, it is more rational to first mix the attractant with the water with which you pour the bait mixture than to add it to the finished bait. Another mandatory condition is that the composition of the bait and the activator are combined with each other. That is, if you use a corn-flavored flavor, be sure to add crushed grains of this plant to your complementary foods.

Today, special tablets and balls are also popular among fishing attractants. They are thrown into the fishing spot immediately after feeding the point. Once in the water, they dissolve and form an attractive and fragrant spot for fish.

We independently prepare bite activators for crucian carp

Many fishermen prefer to make their own dips and liquid flavors due to the high cost of the finished product. Some fishing enthusiasts even believe that most fish activators sold in stores have a placebo effect. Therefore, they try to make such “flavor enhancers” for bait and bait on their own.

A bite activator can be prepared from mint and worms

It is not difficult to prepare fishing attractants with your own hands. The main thing is to know what ingredients to use, how best to mix them, etc. We will talk about this below. In addition, here are five recipes for making a bite activator with your own hands:

  • The simplest attractant any angler can make requires worms and mint leaves. Both of these ingredients are finely chopped and mixed together. A similar mixture can be added to complementary foods or baits such as pearl barley and corn can be soaked in it.
  • In a garlic jug, chop 4-5 cloves of garlic. Then pour it all with a couple of tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil with a scent and mix thoroughly. You can also add finely chopped fresh or dried dill. A few drops of fish oil won't hurt either.
  • Take 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sunflower or corn oil. Vanillin is added to it. About half as much as oil. Then a teaspoon of honey. An excellent option for enhanced flavoring for bait.
  • Quite a few recipes are based on the use of alcohol-containing products. For example, dried bloodworms, maggots, worms and any insect larvae are poured with a glass of alcohol. After which this solution is removed for 1-2 weeks in a dark place.

By mixing vanillin with sunflower oil, you can get a good bite activator

  • For another method of preparing an activator at home, you will need tea bags (fruit, green, black, etc.). They are filled with a small amount of boiling water. Then add sugar at the rate of 100 g. by 0.5 l. The final stage is to pour a mixture of spices (cloves, cumin, cinnamon, etc.), cocoa or any factory-made baking flavors into this decoction.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Use other ingredients when creating a crucian carp activator with your own hands. The main thing is that all components are safe for aquatic life (without harmful substances) and have an attractive smell.

A good fishing attractant should under no circumstances scare away crucian carp. Then you need to make sure that the fish can notice its aroma from a long distance.

  • If you add animal ingredients to the bait, then you need to use attractants carefully. Especially if they are in concentrated form. Even a small drop of such a substance falling on a bloodworm or maggot immediately kills it. Therefore, we recommend that you first drop the activator onto your fingers or a piece of cloth, and then smear it with your hands along the bottom and walls of the container in which you will breed complementary foods.

Activators should be used with caution when using animal baits.

  • You cannot mix different purchased attractants. The combination of components can lead to such an effect that the fish, on the contrary, will avoid the fishing spot. To determine which activator is working, it is enough to first add it to the bait and, by throwing the equipment into the water, understand whether it has become more attractive to crucian carp.
  • In cold water (early spring and late autumn), the use of attractants when fishing for crucian carp is not recommended. It’s not even that the fish reacts poorly to odors, it’s just that at this time its appetite noticeably worsens, and strong aromas only frighten and alarm. If you use it, then only do it yourself, and in very small quantities.

What and how to catch crucian carp - you can learn about this from the video: