Academician. Russian-Finnish phrasebook for tourists (travelers) with pronunciation Big Russian-Finnish dictionary

Traveling around Finland is best vacation for those who believe in fairy tales. Everything here is reminiscent of the pages of your favorite children's stories: Moomintroll, and The Snow Queen, as well as many others. Winter holidays great here. You will be able to visit beautiful ski resorts, stroll through the wonderful cities of Finland, get acquainted with the traditions and customs of this wonderful country. All that can prevent you from having a good rest or cause discomfort is the language barrier. To avoid embarrassment associated with incorrect translation of some words and phrases, we have created an excellent website that contains all kinds of phrasebooks, one of which is Russian-Finnish. You can easily download such a phrasebook, print it directly from the website and, of course, view it online.

The Russian-Finnish phrasebook will become an indispensable assistant and personal translator for you during your travels. Thanks to him, any conversation in Finnish will be as clear to you as in Russian. The biggest advantage is that you don’t need to pay for this translator at all; any of the phrasebooks presented on our website, including Russian-Finnish, are completely free.


Standard phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
How are you?Mita kuuluu?Mitya Kuuluu
How are you?Enta Teille?entya taille
How are youEnta sinulle?entya sinulle
Thank you, greatKiitos, Hyvaakiitos hyvää
My name is…Nimeni on…his name is
My last name…Sukunimeni on…he's a sukuniname
What is your name?Mika Teidan nimenne on?Mikya Teydyan is not the one
What's your last name?Mika Teidan sukunimenne on?mikya teidyan sukunimenne he
His name is …Hanen nimensa on…haneng no less he
Let me introduceSaanko esittaytya?saanko esittyutyuya
Nice to meet youHauska tutustuaHauska Tutustua
Let me introduce youSaanko esitella Teille...?saanko esitella taille
Let me introduceSallitteko esitella Teille... ?sallitteko esitella taille
my husbandMiehenimiekheni
my wifevaimoniVaimoni
my friendystavanijustyaviani
my friendystavattarenijustyavyattyareni
What country are you from?Mista maasta olette (kotoisin)?misty maasta olette (kotoissh)
I'm from…Olen (saapunut)…deer (saapunut)
This is Mr...Tama on herra…tyamya he harra
This is Mrs...Tama on rouva…tyamya he rowa
This is my business cardTassa on kayntikorttinihe is tyassya kyayuntikorttini
I would like to meet youHaluaisin tutustua Teihinhaluaysin tutu-stua teikhin
I cameTulin...tulin
as a company representativefirman edustajanafirman edustayana
on a business tripTyomatkalletüömatkalle
as a touristturistinatourist
What city are you from?Mista kaupungista olette?mistya kaupun-gista olette
I'm from…Olen...deer
St. PetersburgPietaristapietarist
I have friends in...Minulla on ystavia…Minulla on Justavia
Sorry, I don't knowAnteeksi, mutta mina en tiedaanteeksi mutta minya en tiedya
Sorry for being lateAnteeksi, etta olen myohassaanteeksi ettya olen muyohyassya
It's OKEi se mitaanhey se mitayan
Can you help me?Voisitteko Te auttaa minua?voisitteko te outtaa minua
Of course nowHetkinen, olkaa hyvahetkinen olkaa hyvä
This is my first time hereMina olen taalla ensimmaista kertaaminya olen täjallä ensimmäista kertaa
Is it true?Ihanko totta?Ihanko Totta
Can we agree on two?Sopiiko kello kaksi?sopiiko kello kaksi
Yes it fitsKylla se sopiikülla se sopii
Unfortunately I can notValitettavasti se ei sovivalittavasti se hey sovi
Yes it fitsJoo, sovittuyo sovittu
I hope sotoivottavastitoyvottavasti
What a joy!Voi miten hauskaa!howl miten hauskaa
What luck!Killapas onnisti!kullapyas onnisti
I'm in a hurryMinulla on kova kiireminulla on kova kiire
I have to goMinun taytyy mennaminun tugging at me
I'm not very well todayEn ole tanaan oikein terveen ole tyanyan oikein terve
Are you Finnish/Russian?Oletteko suomalainen/ venalainen?Oletteko Suomalainen/Venäläinen
I am GermanOlen saksalainenolen saksalash
I'm not FinnishEn ole suomalainenen ole suomalainen
Are you saying...?Puhutteko...?puhutteko...?
in Finnishsuomeasuomea
in Swedishruotsiaruotsia
in Germansaksaasaksaa
in Englishenglantiaenglandia
in Russianvenajawenyaya
Yes I sayKylla, puhunkullya, poohun
good enoughMelko Hyvinfinely hyvin
A littlevahanVyahyan
I'm learning FinnishOpiskelen suomeaopiskelen suomea
Do you understand me?Ymmarratteko minua?ymmärrärätteke minua
Yes, I understandKylla, ymmarrankylla yummarryan
No, I don't understandEn ymmarraen Ümmärrä
You're talking too fastPuhutte liian nopeastipuhutte lian nopeasti
Would you speak slower, please?Voisitteko puhua hitaammin?voisitteko puhua hitaammin
Please repeatToistakaa, olkaa hyvatoystakaa, olkaa hyvä
Sorry, but I don't speak FinnishAnteeksi, mutta mina en puhu suomeaanteeksi mutta minya en puhu suomea
Do you speak English?Puhutteko Te englantia?puhutteko te englantia?
What, excuse me?Anteeksi, kuinka?anteeksi quinca?
Could you repeat it?Voisitteko toistaa?voisitteko toystaa?
I'm sorry but I do not understandAnteeksi, mutta mina en ymmarraanteeksi mutta minya en ymmärrä
You understand?Ymmarratko sina?ymmärärätkö sinya
Yes, I understandKylla, mina ymmarranküllä minya yummärryan
No I do not understandEi, mina en ymmarrahey minya en ymmärrä
You know?Tiedatko sina?Tiedyatkyo blue
I don't knowMina en tiedminya en tiedya
Could you translate...?Voisitteko kaantaa... ?voisitteko kayantää
this wordtaman sananchamyang sanan
this is a proposaltaman lauseenchamyan lauseen
How to pronounce this word?Miten tama sana lausutaan?miten chamya sana lausutaan
What does this word mean?Mita se tarkoittaa?Mitya se tarkoittaa
Thank you, I understood)Kiitos, ymmarsinkiitos yummyarsin

At the hotel

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Which hotel would you recommend?Mita hotellia voisitte suositella?Mitya wantedlia voisitte suositella?
Is it near the center?Onko se lahella keskustaa?onko se lyahella keskustaa?
How much does a day cost?Paljonko tama huone maksaa vuorokaudelta?palyonko tyamya huone maksaa vuorokaudelta?
Is there anything cheaper?Onko teilla jotakin halvempaa?onko teyllya jotakin halvempaa?
Could you please reserve a room for me?Voitteko varata minulle huoneen?Voitteko warata minulle huoneen?
Do you have any rooms availableOnko teilla vapaita huoneita?onko teilya vapajta huoneita?
Sorry, but there are no placesAnteeksi, mutta hotelli on Taynnaanteeksi mutta wanted he tyayunnya
Is there another hotel nearby?Onko lahella toista hotellia?onko lyahella toista hotalia?
I would like a room with...Haluaisin huoneen jossa on…haluaysin huoneen yossa on
I would like a numberHaluaisin...hengen huoneenhalluaisin hengen huoneen
Is there air conditioning in the room?Onko huoneessa ilmastointilaite?onko huoneessa ishustointilaite?
Does the hotel have...?Onko hotellissa… ?onko wantedlissa?
pooluima-allastaa lot of allasta
cable TVKaapeli TVkaapelli te-ve
I wish I could stay one more nightHaluaisin viipya viela yhden yonhaluaysin viipyuya viela yuhden yuyon
Can I have your passport?Voinko saada passinne?voynko saada passinne?
Please fill out the guest cardOlkaa hyva ja tayttakaa matkustaj akorttiolkaa hyvya ya tyattyakaya matkustay akortti
Where are you staying?Minne Te majoitutte?minne te majoituitte?
What street do you live on?Milla kadulla Te asutte?milla cadulla te asutte?
I live on the street…Asun...kadullaasun...kadulla
I live on Gorky StreetAsun Gorkikadullaasun gorkikadulla
Please give me your addressAntakaa minulle osoitteenne, olkaa hyvaAntakaa minulle osoitteenne, olkaa hyva
I live permanently in HelsinkiMina asun Helsingissa vakituisestiminya asun healthsingissa vakituysesti

Walk around the city


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Fire Departmentpalokuntapalokunta
I have…olen...deer...
Emergency exit varauloskaintien
Emergency exit varauloskaintien
Pharmacy pharmacies
insurance policyvakuutusvacuutus


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 zeronollanolla
1 oneyksiyuxi
2 twokaksikaksi
3 threekolmecolma
4 fourneljanelya
5 fiveviisiviisi
6 sixkuusikuusi
7 sevenseitsemänseeds
8 eightkahdeksankahdexan
9 nineyhdeksänYukhdeksyan
10 tenkymmenenkymmenen
20 twentykaksikymmentähow about this
30 thirtykolmekymmentäcolmekummentya
40 fortyneljäkymmentänelyakummentya
100 hundredsatasata
135 one hundred thirty fivesatakolmekymmentäviisisata kolmekummentya viisi
200 two hundredkaksisataakaksi sataa
300 three hundredkolmesataacolme sataa
1000 thousandtuhattukhat

Seasons and dates

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What time is it now? pal'yonko kello is he?
Day paiva
A week viikko
Month Kuukausi
Year vuosi
Thursdaytorstaishake off
spring kevat
summer kesa
autumn syuksyu
winter talvi
Today Tanayan
yesterday eileen
Tomorrow huomenna
day before yesterday toyssapäivänä
day after tomorrow yulikhuomenna
Now heti
soon piano
Now nut
in the morning aamullah
during the day päivällä
In the evening illalla
at night Yuollya
just a minute Hetkinen
I have no time minulla ei ole aikaa
I'm ready olen valmis

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
swap meetkirpputorikirpputori
bakeryleipamyymalaI'm happy
sporting goodsurheilutarvikkeitaurheilutar-vickeita
Department storetavaratalotavaratalo
fruits and vegetableshedelmia and vihanneksiahellelmia ya vihannexia
When is it open?Milloin on avunna?milloin on avunna
where is …?Missa on...?mission he
cash registercashcash register
store layoutkauppakaavakauppakaawa
Could you help me?Voitteko auttaa minua?voitteko aymmaa minua
I'm looking for …Mina etsin…minya etsin
Could you show me...?Voitteko nayttaa minulle...?voitteko nyättäya minulle
How much does it cost?Paljonko se maksaa?palyonko se maxaa
This is all?Onko tama kaikki?onko chamya kaikki
Anything else?Saako olla muuta?saanko olla muuta
Nothing more, thank youEi muuta, kiitoshey muuta kiitos
I would like something not very expensiveHaluaisin jotakin ei kovin kallistahaluaysin jotakin hey covin callista
Which/what… do you want?Minka...haluaisitte?minkya...haluaisitte
How much money do you have?Kuinka paljon rahaa teilla on kaytettavissa?kuinka palon rahaa teilya he kyutettyavissya
Is there a guarantee for this?Onko takuuta?onko takuuta
Are there instructions?Onko kayttoohjetta?onko käyätöhöjetta
This is not exactly what I would likeSe ei ole aivan sellainen kuin haluaisinse hey ole ivan sellainen queen haluaisin
It is very expensiveSe on Liian Kallishe's Lian Callis
I take thisOtan tamanOtan Chamyan
Where can I pay?Minne voi maksaa?minne howl maxaa?
I'm crying …Maksan...maxan...
by credit cardluottokortillaluottocortilla
I don't have small moneyMinulla ei ole pienta rahaaminula hey ole pientya rahaa
Can I have a check?Saanko kuitin?Saanko Quitin
Please give me some rye breadSaisinko ruisleipaasaisshko ruisleipää
I would like to …Haluaisin...haluaysin
grams of sausagegrammaa makkaraagramma makkaraa
a carton of milkmaitotolkinmaytotelkin
kilogram of sugarkilon sokeriakilon sokeria
Where is?..Missa on...?mission he
meat sectionlihaosastoLichaosasto
fish departmentkalaosastokalaosasto
How much is a kilogram...?Paljonko maksaa kilo...?palyonko maxaa kilo

The phrasebook consists of several important topics that contain all necessary phrases and words to communicate with local population Finland:

Common phrases- a topic whose words will help you read any sign, explain who you are and where you are from, ask where the establishment you are interested in is located. And also, there are simple words like: yes, no, please, thank you, etc.

Hotel– all the phrases that will help you check into the hotel, explain what room you need, find out the cost of the rooms and the list of services that the hotel offers.

Shop (shopping)– if you decide to make purchases in a store, this topic will help you purchase the necessary goods. Here is a list of the most purchased and common products, and other phrases that will be needed in the store and on the market.

Transport– with the help of these words you can clarify where the bus stop, car service, parking lot and much more that is related to vehicles are located.

Emergency cases– a vital topic, here are phrases and words that will help you call an ambulance, police, fire department, as well as inform passers-by that you are not feeling well, or call the police and report a robbery, fight, etc. .

Restaurant– thanks to this theme, you can easily order any dish in a restaurant, call the waiter over to you, find out which dish consists of what, ask for the bill, and so on.

Welcome to the Finnish-Russian dictionary. Please write the word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left.

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Finland is a country that attracts with its contrasts. Here you can admire the northern lights, white nights, a thousand lakes, idyllic village landscapes and views modern cities. Endless forests with pearls of blue lakes and islands of almost doll-like small farms and villages. Helsinki is a completely modern European city with all the required attributes. The Russian-Finnish phrasebook will be useful for travelers or businessmen if they are going...

Travel phrasebook

Finland is a country that attracts with its contrasts. Here you can admire the northern lights, white nights, a thousand lakes, idyllic countryside landscapes and views of modern cities. Endless forests with pearls of blue lakes and islands of almost doll-like small farms and villages. Helsinki is a completely modern European city with all the required attributes. The Russian-Finnish phrasebook will be useful for travelers or businessmen if they are going to visit calm Finland. We have collected the most commonly used Finnish words and expressions with pronunciation to make your stay in Finland as comfortable as possible.

See also “”, with which you can translate any word or sentence into Finnish (or vice versa).

Common phrases

Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Yes kyllä Küllä
No ei Hey
Thank you kiitos Kiitos
Please pyydan Pyudyan
Sorry pahoillaan Pahoyllaan
Hello hei Hey
Goodbye näkemiin Nyakemiin
Bye sillä aikaa Sillya aikaa
Good morning hyvää huomenta Hyvä huomenta
Good evening hyvää iltaa Hyvä iltaa
Good night hyvää yötä Hyvä iötä
I don't understand en ymmärrä En immyärrya
What is your name mikä sinun nimesi Mika sinun nimesi
Very nice ilo Ilo
How are you kuinka voit Kuinka Voight
Fine ok OK
So-so niin ja näin Niin ya nyan
Where is the toilet? missä on WC He misses everything
How much does the ticket cost? paljonko lippu maksaa? Palyonko lippu maksaa?
One ticket to yksi lippu Ixi lippu
Where do you live? missä asut? Missya asut?
What time is it now? mitä kello on? Is he Mitya kello?
No smoking no smoking But the tuxedo
no entry sisäänkäynti kielletty Sisyankyinti kiellettu
Do you speak English (French, German, Spanish)? puhutko englanti (ranskaksi, saksaksi, espanjaksi)? Puhutko anglanti (ranskaksi, saxaksi, espanyaksi)?
Where is?.. missä on?.. Is he Missy?..
One ticket to... please yksi lippu...kiitos Ixi lippu...kiitos
Okay, I'm buying it no, voin ostaa sen But the war is over
What it is? mikä se on? Mika is he?



Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
What is the price paljonko se maksaa Palyonko se maxaa
Cash käteisella Kätejsällä
Cashless vastiketta kuin rahaa Wastiketta kuin rahaa
By check shekki Schekki
What payment method mitä maksutapaa Mitya maksutapaa
Cigarettes savukkeiden Savukkaiden
Bread leipä Leipya
Products tuotteet Tuottet
To wrap up pakkaus Pakkaus
No change no date But the date
Tips vihjeet Vihiet
Water vesi Vesey
Fresh squeezed juice tuoretta mehua Twooretta mehua
Sugar/salt sokeri/suola Sokeri/suola
Milk maito Might
Fish kala Kala
Meat liha Likha
Chicken kana Cana
Mutton lampaanliha Lampaanliha
Beef naudanliha Naudanlikha
Pepper/seasonings pippuria/mauste Pippuria/Mauste
Potato perunat Perunat
Rice riisi Riisi
Lentils linssi Linssey
Onion sipuli Sipuli
Garlic valkosipuli Valkosipouli
Sweets konvehti Konvekhti
Fruits hedelmä Hedelmä
Apples omenat Omenath
Grape viinirypäleet Viiniryupalet
Strawberry mansikka Mansikka
Oranges appelsiinit Appelsinitis
Mandarin mandariini Mandariini
Lemon sitruuna Sitruuna
Pomegranate granaatti Granaatti
Bananas banaanit Banaanite
Peaches persikat Persicate
Apricot aprikoosi Apricoosi
Mango mango Mango
Open avata Avata
Closed suljettu Sulietta
Discount alennus Alennus
Very expensive erittäin callis Erittyain callis
Cheap halvalla Halwallah


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Bus linja-auto Linya-auto
Trolleybus johdinauto Yohdinauto
Car auto Auto
Taxi taksi Taxi
Parking pysäköinti Pysäkönti
Car service palvelu Palvelu
Stop seis Seis
Please stop lopettaa Lopettaa
What's the fare? Kuinka paljon matka? Kuinka palon matka?
What stop? Lopeta mitä? Lopeta Mitya?
I have to go out soon aion pian menna Ayon pian me
Departure lähtö Lähtö
Train juna Yuna
Airplane lentokone Lentokone
Airport lentokentä Lentokentya

Emergency cases


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Waiter tarjoilija Tarjoilia
Do you have any tables available olet vapaa taulukot Olet vapaa taulukot
I want to book a table haluan varata pöydän Halwan warata peidian
Check please (bill) tarkista (tili) Tarkista (tili)
Accept my order hyväksy minun tilaukseni Hyväxy minun tilaukseni
What year is the wine vuosi viini Vuosi viini
Your signature dish oman talon erikoisuus Oman coupon erikoysuus
Tea coffee teetä/kahvia Aunt/Kahwia
Instant coffee pikakahvi Pikakahwi
Soup keitto Keitto
Olives Oliivi Oliivi
Salad salaatti Salaatti
Grilled grillattu Grillattu
Fried paisti Paisti
Boiled keitetty Keitettu
I do not eat meat! en syö lihaa! En shuyo lihaa!
Vermicelli vermiselli Vermicelli
Pasta pasta Paste
Stuffed pepper täytetyt paprikat Tätätüt paprikat
Sandwich voileipä Voileipya
Cheese/sour cream (sour) juusto/kerma (hapan) Yuusto/kerma (hapan)
Beer olut Oluth
Wine viini Viini

    1 Akateemikko

    yks.nom. akateemikko; yks.gen. Akateemikon; yks.part. akateemikkoa; yks.ill. akateemikkoon; mon.gen. akateemikkojen akateemikoiden akateemikoitten; mon.part. akateemikkoja akateemikoita; mon.ill. akateemikkoihin akateemikoihinakateemikko academician

    2 Akateemikko

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    ACADEMICIAN- (Latin academicus, from Greek academia). 1) a scientist or artist belonging to the academy. 2) a follower of Plato. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ACADEMIC lat. academicus, from Greek. academy... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    ACADEMICIAN- title of member of the academy. In academies with a two-tier membership structure, the title of academician is the highest (as opposed, for example, to corresponding member). In academies of a number of countries there is the title of honorary academician... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ACADEMICIAN- ACADEMIC, academician, husband. 1. Member of the Academy of Sciences. || The highest artistic title awarded by the Academy of Arts. Academician of architecture. 2. Completed a course or is studying at a higher education institution educational institution, bearing the name of the academy: military, spiritual and... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    ACADEMICIAN- title of member of the academy. In academies with a two-tier membership structure, the rank of A. is the highest. In academies of a number of countries there is the title of honorary A... Legal Dictionary

    ACADEMICIAN- ACADEMIC, huh, husband. Member of the academy (1 digit), as well as the title of member of the academy. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    academician- noun, number of synonyms: 3 authority (35) film academician (1) television academician (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    academician- Academician, it’s difficult to make a mistake in the spelling of this word, but in the pronunciation... Some people tend to pronounce this word “beautifully”: [academ/mik], but the only correct pronunciation will be with a soft “d”, as, for example, in the word delo ... Dictionary of Russian language errors

    Academician- This term has other meanings, see Academician (meanings). Academician of architecture Alexey Beketov in an academic headdress. USSR, 1930s Academician, the title of full member of the organization of scientists of the Academy of Sciences. Academicians ... Wikipedia

    academician- A; m. 1. Full member of the Academy of Sciences. 2. The title of scientist, artist, sculptor, etc., elected to the appropriate academy. 3. Unlock About a person who knows a lot, is well versed in anything. In anatomy he is a. * * * academician title of member... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    academician- I. and. 1. Akademiyanen (1) gamәli әгъзаы 2. Nin. b. Academy Sailangan Galim, Rassam, sculptor h. b. w. keshelәrnen gyilmi iseme. II. ACADEMIC – p. 1. Akademiyagә bәylәneshle, shuna karagan 2. Academicism (2) principles of iyarә torgan 3. kүch.… … Tatar telen anlatmaly suzlege

    academician- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) whom? academician, who? academician, (see) who? academician, by whom? academician, about whom? about the academician; pl. Who? academicians, (no) who? academicians, who? academicians, (see) who? academicians, by whom?... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


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