A short message about what a comet is. Comets for children

Comets are the brightest and rarest objects in the night sky. These floating beacons with their beautiful tails fly to us from the outer sphere of the solar system.

What is a comet?

Comet is small world, formed from dust and ice, like a dirty snowball.

Where did they come from? Explanation for children.

Comets come from two places: the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud.

In particular, how should the question be answered, what is a comet? It is a celestial body composed predominantly of icy volatiles which, when the comet is close to the Sun, allows the phenomenon of hair and tail to occur. But now we must ask the basic question, that is, whether at the time of Jesus' birth an astronomical phenomenon was interpreted as an announcement of the landing of the Messiah.

The first hypothesis talks about a supernova, it is a weak star and very distant, but thanks to a very strong explosion it is visible even for months and even in daylight. The second hypothesis is the one who sees a real comet, a star that crosses regular trajectories, with aspects that are sometimes very impressive and very bright, everyone remembers famous comet Halley. Can the evangelist refer to this comet?

Imagine a place far, far away at the very edge of the solar system. A place where you can see millions of comets flying around in a chaotic direction. These comets come to us from two different places, both of which are very far away. One of the places is called the Oort cloud, and the other is called the Kuiper belt.

Why do Comets leave their homes in the Oort Cloud or Kuiper Belt?

Comets fly for billions of years in the Kuiper belt or Oort cloud. Sometimes two comets come very close to each other or even collide. When this happens, the direction of the comets changes. Sometimes their new path runs into the solar system. Now, children, you know where comets are flying to us.

The third hypothesis, which seems to be the one most attributed, is the multi-planet conjunction hypothesis. This event is also reported on terracotta tablets by Babylonian astronomers. Is this the event that Matthew spoke of? If we then think that the Magi were most likely astronomers and scientific astrologers, the fact might have occurred, although we are still not able to give the correct position and scientific proof. This is the story, the legends of course speak differently and more poetically, as one who wanted a rather humble star, and that for this virtue it was chosen to show the way to the Magi.

Do you know, children?

Many people think that a comet's tail always follows it, but in fact the tail can be either behind or in front of the comet. Which direction the tail points depends on where the Sun is. That's right, the sun's heat and radiation produces a wind called the solar wind and when a comet gets close to the sun, it starts to melt. Gas and dust are blown away from the Sun by the solar wind. So if a comet is moving towards the Sun, then the tail will follow behind, but if the comet is moving away from the Sun, then the tail will be in front of the comet.

The other is the one that talks about when Joseph and Mary were looking for a place to spend the night and not finding it, remember Gozzano's poem "Holy Night"? They started out in the dark countryside looking for shelter, but the light was too small, then a small star came to them and approached the earth, illuminating their path. For this generosity, Jesus Christ gave him a luminous tail and an even brighter light.

Then, after all these words, do not forget to place your own stele, as they say in Milan, on a crib or on the top of a tree. Cosmic consciousness - through war Berlin. Cosmic Consciousness: Ison approaches Earth. Question: Is it true that Comet Eason falls into small pieces when it reaches the Sun, as everyone says? If so, what happened to the Galactic Federation ship that was traveling with him? How did this affect her mission in terms of planet Earth? Was the outbreak predicted or occurred as a result of an attack by a reptilian race from Orion.

At a certain moment they begin to glow. Up to this point, the comet could not be distinguished from millions of other objects in the solar system, but as it approaches the Sun, it begins to melt, leaving behind magnificent tails.

Unfortunately, comets don't live very long after they appear in the inner solar system. Just as a snowman melts in the summer, comets melt in the Inner Solar System. Although this is the most glorious part of their lives, traveling through the inner solar system ultimately kills them. After a few thousand years they will melt down to a small piece of ice and dust, not enough to leave a tail. Some even melt completely.

Cosmic Consciousness: Things don't always look like this. Don't trust information from those who are asked to tell you, but they are actually controlled by disguised agendas. There are people who would have you think that Eason is broken and scattered. As Cosmic Consciousness said, things are not always what they appear to be.

Cosmic Consciousness explains what happened to Komon-Ison before the beginning of the central table considered by comets. This main table was surrounded by matter which, in contact with the sun's rays, was thrown into space. The huge mass continued to dissolve as it moved towards the Sun, and when it reached its perihelion, Ison's core broke and collapsed.

Is it safe to fly through the tail of a comet?

Unlike the recent blockbuster movie that showed a spaceship flying past giant rocks the size of houses, a comet's tail is actually quite harmless. The only thing that can hit your ship is microscopic dust particles.

Many people think that a comet's tail always follows it, but in fact the tail can be either behind or in front of the comet. Which direction the tail points depends on where the Sun is. That's right, the sun's heat and radiation produces a wind called the solar wind and when a comet gets close to the sun, it starts to melt. Gas and dust are blown away from the Sun by the solar wind. So, if a comet is moving towards the Sun, the tail will follow behind, but if the comet is moving away from the Sun, the tail will be in front of the comet.

Then some people respected in the UFO community came up with a message about the comet breaking apart and turning into clusters and pieces under the influence of solar activity and proximity. Many of the satellites at this time interrupted the transmission of information for several hours over several days.

They are still not properly explained. For several weeks, Cosmic Consciousness emphasized that there were ships on the surface and inside the comet. The forces that use the comet have the technology to recreate the matter behind which they hide. The comet's nucleus is empty. There are several ships between the table and the center. Surface ships had been shot before while photographing the comet. These ships are still there, although they are hidden and invisible to us. There was a release of matter from the center of the comet and the formation of clusters, which Ison's remains now refer to.

Comets are bright and interesting objects in the night sky. These celestial objects fly to us from other parts of the Galaxy and are quite frequent guests in the sky.

What is a comet?

A comet is usually understood as a small ball consisting of ice, dust and large inclusions.

Origin of comets

All comets originate from the Oort Cloud or Kuiper Belt.

The energy of the pieces is retained, but more importantly, the ships that were in and around the core continue to orbit it and are heading towards planet Earth. There are some interesting tidbits about the comet, and the saga is just beginning. The main idea of ​​the misinformers who reported Eason's death was to eliminate the idea that the comet was important and predestined. As experienced illusionists, they allowed some frames to be seen, while others hid people. Similar tricks were played on both sides.

The Galactic Federation has its own reasons for choosing when to remove the curtain on its ships and when to make its fleet visible. There are forces on the planet that would not want approaching Federation ships to be seen by humans. The Celestial Fleet sends beams and energy streams to Earth to prepare its electromagnetic field to satisfy the Ison debris that will bring its gifts to the planet: new minerals, gems and objects.

All children can imagine a distant place at the edge of our solar system. You can see this place only with the most powerful telescope. Here millions of comets fly in a chaotic direction. This is where they fly from comets into our system. Scientists today know only two places for the accumulation of such celestial bodies - the Kuiper Belt and the Oort cloud.

This is bound to happen, and the channel is adamant that Comet Eason, despite the transformation taking place, is still a distinct object in the starry sky that is heading towards Earth and encompasses various flying objects, as well as debris that will come into contact with the surface. The comet's movement behind Earth will continue for weeks and months to come, but especially after Christmas, December 28th, is the period when the planet will be completely under the influence of Eason's tail. More important than any other event that has been announced so far, is evidence that alien forces are aboard a comet approaching Earth.

Why do comets fly in outer space?

Comets can travel for billions of years in the Oort cloud and Kuiper belt. However, when they collide with each other, these celestial bodies change their trajectory. And often the new trajectory of movement passes through solar system. We hope that now children know why comets change their trajectory and fly into our system.

Whether the information will be fully and truthfully conveyed remains to be seen. The forces currently in charge of the planet will try to hide the truth and knowledge of the event. Watch the sky and know that it is covering an unprecedented event and is changing for those who want this information, vision and new reality.

Thank you Cosmic Consciousness! Are their statements true? Remember what cosmic consciousness mentioned a while ago is that those who seek to deceive will say things that are not necessarily the truth. A similar thing was used as a hollow heart camouflage, artificially created to hide the Galactic Federation fleet. At the same time, the comedy core was surrounded by other ships surrounding the ice table. They sent pulsating waves towards the Sun, Mars and Earth.

Interesting facts about comets

It is generally accepted that the tail of this celestial body must be behind the comet. However, it is not uncommon for it to be located in front of a comet. Its location directly depends on the Sun. The solar wind carries thermal energy that melts the ice on the comet and forms a tail. Such a tail, provided that the solar wind blows from behind the comet, can outpace the celestial globe.

In the coming days, such energy will also be released to the Earth. Everything happens as intended and does not harm the planet, and, as the Cosmic Consciousness says, the Divine Plan must be fulfilled. We remind you that this is happening right now. According to those who rejected the comet and said, "It's just a piece of ice," they don't want humanity to know the truth that it is actually empty and harbors a spaceship. They keep the population in the dark that an alien fleet is approaching Earth.

They use all their power and influence to deny information, mislead and confuse people. For many, this event is of no interest, because most people have not heard about Comet Eason and its incredible dance in the sky. If they heard about it, it's probably a lie and misconduct.

Initially, it is problematic to notice a comet, since they begin to glow only when flying into close proximity from the sun. Under the influence of thermal energy, the comet begins to melt, which leads to the appearance of a tail that is clearly visible to all of us.

Usually a visit to the solar system ends tragically for a comet. The ice melts under the influence of heat from the sun, and soon the tail of this celestial body shrinks so much that it becomes completely invisible. Some small-sized comets completely melt away and are no longer classified by astronomers.

Classic human mind control consists of deception, deception, denial, distortion of facts, with the sole purpose of not waking people up and raising questions: Why? Who is trying to deceive us? This is what frightens the forces currently in power and forces them to take horrific measures against anyone who dares to show information on the screen. Cosmic Consciousness is happy to announce that this is about to change because many people are reporting data about Eason and his features. Those who try to put pressure on people will become completely unable to do so.

Composition of a comet's tail

Many may be interested in the question of whether it is safe to fly a spaceship through the tail of a comet. We can say that studies have shown that the tail of this celestial body consists of microscopic dust and melted ice. Therefore, flying through such a comet trail will be completely safe.

Of course, however, they will influence those who refuse to seek the truth in depth, who are not particularly interested and believe blindly in government propaganda and disinformation. The Ambassador asks all those who are influenced by the power elite and their misinformation to stand firmly behind their strong convictions on this issue and intuitively understand that Eason is something else. The comet has a much greater mission for humanity than governments and official agencies such as NASA can say.

The truth is that Eason is not what the lens looks through. It contains a great promise to expose the lies of the ruling powers and reveal their true nature. Question: It was assumed that Ison came from another orbit from Far North and turned once without turning back again. Her journey began when humans inhabited the Earth.

Based on the shape of the comet's tail, you can determine its direction of movement and the direction of the solar wind. And remember that the tail may not necessarily be located behind the celestial body. It is not uncommon for a plume of dust and melted ice to be in front of a comet.