What does the game sea of ​​whales mean? Whales die in pools of gasoline. Children's "death groups" on VKontakte - what really happened

I won't lie, many of its residents often don't get along with each other, and some doors are better off staying closed forever. And when a fire starts in the house, it affects everyone in one way or another. And the fire started. It came to us with thousands of strange hashtags, hundreds of unusual communities, later called death groups, and dozens of child suicides. Meanwhile, the flames have been raging for several years now.

Schools can create initiatives for life

As a family, schools can help identify risk situations among students. It is not just any child who will respond to the challenge of such a game, it is those who have vulnerable situations. The school helps build connections and plays a key role in understanding how students develop, says Elizabeth.

Some colleges, already aware of the viralization of the game, have started thinking of alternatives to raise awareness about the importance of life. The game is still produced by students. They meet and discuss this issue. There will be 15 problems on how best to enjoy and celebrate life, says Professor Marcelo Crocos, director of the college.

It all started on November 23, 2015 in the glorious city of Ussuriysk. This day was marked by the death of sixteen-year-old Rina Palenkova, who threw herself onto the rails right in front of an approaching train. A few minutes before her own death, Rina published two photographs on her page with the now iconic caption: Nya. Bye. This incident caused a huge public outcry and served as a kind of impetus for everything that happened next.

A few days after Palenkova’s suicide, on December 4, the very first death group entitled f57. Its creators stated that what happened in Ussuriysk was organized by them and began to actively increase the number 1642 , supposedly the number of that fateful train (in fact, this is the year when the concept was introduced into use suicide). In addition, it was announced that under the control of “f57” there is a group of people who are ready to commit suicide at any moment.

Over the next four days, the sect grows, gaining more and more various symbols and hashtags. On December 8, when the organizers realize that the topic of organized self-drinking has attracted sufficient attention, a list with names is posted in the group dead and links to their pages. As luck would have it, everyone was last online on the same day.

Following this, rumors appeared that the editor of Memnav Public Black Nulchan Milena somehow connected with the newly formed sect. The public administration published photographs on its wall allegedly confirming the fact of her suicide. Only one of them was stolen from thematic group and at that time she was already about six months old.

Despite numerous f57 failures, proving that everything that was happening was just one big staged act, the dirty hype stubbornly continued to grow. And in its wake, more and more death groups appeared, the organizers of which craved easy fame. It would be a serious omission not to talk about at least a few of them.

Sea of ​​Whale, also known as Philip Chelov- a man who perfectly demonstrated exactly how the whole scheme of fake suicides worked. Philip's group was created on December 4, 2015 at 22:38 Moscow time. There he started his game. More gave everyone who wanted to take part a personal number and date of death, after which the player was not supposed to visit the dead page for several months. Meanwhile in numerous groups Philippa published with might and main lists of the dead.

But suddenly something interesting happened. Something that forced the narcissistic schizophrenic Chelov to hastily cover all traces of himself and, imagine, start providing psychological assistance to teenagers. The Sea of ​​Whales removed old acquaintances from friends and angrily denied his past activities, ignoring any evidence. What was the reason for such a rapid change of shoes? Perhaps Philip was just scared. Or maybe one of his players actually committed suicide. We are unlikely to ever know the truth about this, but, one way or another, it is the Sea that the RuNet owes to the crazy force of suicidal whales.

Sea of ​​Whales.

Actually, the same “death administrator”.

Philip Lis (aka Philip Budeikin) is another person who wanted to gain easy fame on a popular topic. And no, you heard right, these two are namesakes, and not the same person. So, Budeikin tried to shine where he could. He carried suicidal delirium in other groups, carried it in his own, just like More, handed out numbers and elevated his personality to a cult. In addition, several times for some reason Fox arranged his death and threatened terrorist attacks in Russian cities.

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Fortunately, no hype can last forever, and fake suicides are no exception. Soon everything calmed down relatively. Most of 2016 passed quietly. However, in November, almost a year after the start of the whole movement, citizen Budeykin was suddenly detained in his apartment in only shorts and promptly sent to dry the crackers. Fox was brought to criminal responsibility for a reason, because according to reliable information, several people actually committed suicide because of death groups and their ideology. After this incident, almost all communities were completely closed, and game organizers deleted their accounts. It seemed that everything would calm down at this point. The main evil (who was actually just a power-hungry fool) was caught, justice was triumphed, and overall a complete happy ending. But for some reason the whale tale did not end.

About a month ago, a wave of suicidal hype that had already subsided, with the help of the media, reached our southern neighbors - Kazakhstan. It was there that the story flared up again with unprecedented force. Supposedly, several more actual suicides occurred, which caused widespread hysteria and alarmed the authorities. Preventive conversations in schools, monitoring of teenagers' pages, special instructions for parents - all this only contributed to the promotion of a new, slightly modified legend. As one would expect, having gained a critical mass, it boomeranged back to Russia.

According to a new story, there is a secret society on the Internet, hidden from the eyes of the common man and organizing a certain game called blue whale . It is controlled by the mysterious Chief, who is subordinate to many pawns - curators. To join the game, you need to post several special hashtags on your wall (for example,