The most terrible bear in the world. Meet the world's largest bear. Brown "American" - grizzly bear

The largest bear in the world is Kodiak (Ursus arctos middendorffi)- a subspecies of brown bear. These giants received this name from the only place where they can be found - Kodiak archipelago off the south coast Alaska. They diverged evolutionarily from other bear species, such as the grizzly bear, around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago during the last ice age. With the onset of global warming and rising sea levels, Kodiak bears have become isolated and live only on the islands of the Kodiak archipelago.

Kodiak dimensions

Kodiak is not only the largest bear, but also one of the largest land predators in the world. Of course, an unexpected encounter with one in the wild is not something most people are prepared for.

  • Males can grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh from 200 before 800 kg.
  • The average bear standing on four paws reaches 1.8-2 m at the withers!
  • The average weight of a Kodiak is approx. 400-500 kg.
  • Females are smaller by about 20% , but still also very large in size overall, with an average weight of 250-300 kg.

Kodiak appearance

The fur color of Kodiaks is predominantly brown. However, it can be any shade of brown, so some are light brown and even beige, others can be dark brown. The overall coloring on the face will always be lighter than that on the rest of the body. This feature distinguishes Kodiaks from Grizzly bears.

The huge head of the Kodiak especially attracts attention. Its powerful teeth and jaws are very impressive, capable of quickly tearing apart any prey. Kodiak claws are very sharp and long, retractable. These bears do not have very good eyesight, but they more than make up for it with excellent hearing and sense of smell.


Kodiaks, like other brown bears, are omnivores. The abundance of food and its easy availability on the archipelago gave this giant its size.

The diet of the largest bear consists mainly of fish(from May to September), mainly salmon. Therefore, during these months they are regularly found in areas around rivers.

The rest of the time, the Kodiak also successfully determines its places of stay depending on the season in order to obtain a sufficient amount of food. This allows him to take advantage of different food sources that may only be available for a limited period of time.

He eats berries, algae, other vegetation, invertebrates, maybe have carrion, sometimes kills other animals. The Kodiak will more often spend its time searching for plant food than hunting live prey. In general, Kodiaks are solitary creatures, although they often feed in large groups when food is abundant.


The mating season for these bears occurs during May and June. This is the time of year when food is most abundant for them. Unlike most other bear species, males find only one female to mate with. As a result, they have low competition among males.

After courtship, an established couple may remain together for several weeks. Males reach sexual maturity at 5 years of age, but most females are only able to reproduce from about 9 years of age.

Part of the Kodiak reproductive process is a delay in fertilization, the fertilized egg begins to develop only in November, so that the birth of the cubs occurs in January-February of the following year, when the female will spend the winter in the den. The female can bring up to 2 or 3 cubs. A Kodiak female is sometimes seen with five or six cubs, but this is probably due to the adoption of cubs from other litters.

Mortality rates for Kodiak bear cubs are higher than for any other bear species. Those who survive can stay with their mothers for 3 years, then they begin their own lives. It is at this point that the female will be ready to mate again. The slow rate of reproduction, combined with mortality, prevents the bear population from increasing.

The biggest threat to bear cubs when they leave the den with their mother comes from adult males. Males want to mate with females again, but females with cubs are only willing to do so every 4 or 5 years. Females can fiercely protect cubs, but often they are simply not the size and strength of males.

Current status.
The current Kodiak population is about 3,500 individuals that live in the Kodiak Archipelago. Their numbers have slowly increased in recent years. Kodiaks have been under state protection since 1941. Hunting them is permitted, but strictly regulated. Each year, only 160 licenses are issued to hunters to shoot these bears. Despite the fact that the license is expensive, the limit for the production of Kodiak bears is always in full demand.

Kodiak Bear Hunt (video)

In every forest of a region or region, not only in Russia, but also in the world, there is some kind of bear. Meeting him face to face does not promise anything good. Only a few can boast of a successful outcome of a confrontation with a bear. But not all of these animals are dangerous to humans. There are also quite harmless specimens. But, in any case, it is better to stay away from them. And especially from large individuals. In this article we will look at what the largest bears in the world are.

10. Gubach | Weight 54 - 140 kg

The bear with the most unusual appearance is in our top. The shape of its head, eyes and nose resembles that of a sloth. The bear's lips look like a trunk, hence the specific name of the animal.

Distribution area: India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal. Currently endangered and listed in the Red Book. Lives no more than 40 years.

9. Himalayan bear | Weight 120 - 140 kg

The animal with black short silky fur weighs 120-140 kg and has a body length of 150-170 cm. A distinctive feature of the bear is a spot in the shape of the letter “V” on the chest. It was this that gave the second name to the mammal - Moon Bear.

The Himalayan bear can be found in Iran, Afghanistan, the Himalayas, and Pakistan. Rare in Korea. On the territory of Russia it lives in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories.

The mammal, which ranks ninth on the list of the largest bears on the planet, can be called a herbivore, because almost 90% of its food consists of nuts, berries, and herbs. Of living creatures, it feeds only on frogs, mollusks and ants. Lives about 25 years. Listed in the Red Book.

8. Spectacled Bear | Weight 70 - 140 kg

The only resident of the bear family in South America. Lives in Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, Peru. It weighs from 70 to 140 kg, and the body length of the mammal reaches 150-180 cm. It lives only 21 years. The spectacled bear, one of the largest bears in the world, does not hibernate, although it makes a den for itself. He hunts at night or during twilight hours. In its herbivory it is second only to the Giant Panda. It feeds on roots, herbs, and fruits. Very rarely attacks deer. Single bear. It is considered a critically endangered species. Listed in the Red Book.

7. Giant Panda | Weight up to 160 kg

The most peaceful bear on the planet. It has a specific black and white coat color. The weight of the largest individuals reaches 160 kg. The length of the mammal is 1.3-1.8 meters.

It feeds only on bamboo. It can eat more than 30 kg of this plant per day. When there is a shortage of food, the panda, which is one of the largest bears, does not disdain small animals, insects, and bird eggs.

Panda habitat: Tibet and Sichuan - mountainous regions of China. It is under threat of complete extinction. There is a death penalty for killing a panda in China.

6. Kermode | Weight up to 300 kg

This animal, one of the largest bears on the planet, is called a ghost bear by the Indians. It was named after the zoologist Francis Kermode. It was he who first described this type of bear.

The habitat is located on the west coast of Canada. Kermode is a subspecies of the American black bear. Having a white coat, he is, however, not an albino or a relative of Polar bears.

It feeds on both animal and plant foods: fruits, berries, rhizomes.

It has a length of up to 1.8 meters and a body weight of up to 300 kg.

5. Baribal | Weight 330 - 360 kg

The length of the baribal, which occupies the middle of the ranking of the largest bears in the world, reaches two meters. The weight of an adult male is 330-360 kg. The largest individual that was shot had a body weight of 363 kg. The animal with a sharp muzzle and shiny black fur lives throughout almost the entire United States and Canada. Also common in northern Mexico. The bear feeds mainly on food of plant origin (berries, nuts), insects, and fish. Sometimes attacks sheep or pigs. Lives about 10 years in natural conditions and 30 in captivity. The number of baribal individuals currently reaches 600,000.

4. Grizzly | Weight up to 450 kg

Subspecies of brown bear. Found in Alaska, western Canada, near Yellowstone Park and northwestern Washington. The mass of this large animal reaches 450 kg. It feeds mainly on fish (salmon), but does not disdain carrion.

The grizzly bear is very similar to the brown bear. There are almost no special differences. The difference is mainly in behavior, not appearance. The mammal is stronger than the brown bear.

Although the word “Grizzly” is translated as scary, the bear attacks people only when it is hungry or angry. The rest of the time, a person is not of particular value to the mammal, which occupies 4th place in the ranking of the largest bears in the world.

3. Siberian brown bear | Weight 750 - 800 kg

Another subspecies of brown bear. The largest specimens reach a length of 2.5 meters and a body weight of 750-800 kg. An animal with dark brown fur lives near the basin of the Kolyma and Anadyr rivers. Sometimes found east of the Yenisei River, near the border of Eastern Kazakhstan and in the Chinese province of Xinjiang.

It is a solitary bear and hibernates during the winter. An animal receiving a bronze rating biggest bears in the world, eats plant and animal food in approximately equal proportions, that is, an omnivore. He loves fish very much: the Iberian brown bear can often be found near shallow rivers

2. Kodiak | Weight 800 - 1000 kg

And finally, the largest subspecies of brown bear and the silver medalist in the rating of large bears on the planet is Kodiak. The mammal, up to 2.8 meters long and weighing up to 800-1000 kg, is an omnivore. It has a muscular long body with a massive head and a short tail.

At the moment, the number of these bears is 3000 individuals. They have been endangered for a long time, so you can shoot no more than 160 animals per year. The man scares the beast. After meeting him, the bear may stop gaining weight for hibernation.

The species is common in the Kodiak archipelago, which is located off the coast of Alaska.

1. Polar bear | Weight up to 1 ton

A predatory animal, up to 3 meters long and weighing up to 1 ton, becomes the leader in the ranking of the largest bears on the planet. The species is widespread in the Arctic. There are a lot of Polar bears on the island of Spitsbergen. There are many more of them there than people. Spitsbergen is also called the “Island of Polar Bears”.

This family does not have a wide variety of species. Scientists identify only eight. But the quantity makes them very common. All of them have the right to claim to be included in the list called “The World's Largest Bear.” This is explained by the fact that they are incredibly heavy and tall. And yet, among the giants, one can also single out the very best. For bears, this is a Kodiak.

Brown giant

These are rightfully the largest bears in size and weight. Kodiaks are a subspecies of browns. Among all the predators on our planet, they are the largest. These bears grow up to four meters in length. Their height at the withers can reach one and a half meters. Kodiak is truly the world's largest bear.

If we talk about the weight of giants, then its average values ​​are as follows: for females - two and a half centners, and for males - about five. These numbers are not maximum. Data have been recorded that the weight of some individuals reaches one ton. After these figures, there is no doubt which bear is the largest in the world.

The name of this subspecies of bears corresponds to its habitat. Their distribution area is the Kodiak archipelago, located near the southern coast of Alaska. The climate in this area is characterized by short and mild winters. And bears have no natural enemies. This explains their huge size.

The diet of predators consists not only of animal meat. It also includes berries and herbs, roots and fish. It is known that they do not even disdain carrion.

Despite the fact that these bears have no enemies, their population is small. Today there are about three thousand Kodiaks in the world. Therefore they are protected.

Northern giant - polar bear

Most often, when asked which bear is the largest in the world, they receive the following answer: “White.” It is also called polar, northern, sea, oshkuy. Its ancestor, like the Kodiak, is the brown bear. The maximum dimensions of this animal reach the following values: length - three meters, weight - up to eight centners. However, smaller individuals are most often found. Their length is less than a meter, and their weight is about five centners. Females are usually even smaller.

These bears are distinguished from brown bears by their head structure. They have it flat on their elongated neck. And the ears on the head are significantly smaller. Polar bears have black skin. This is invisible due to the incredibly thick fur. By the way, it can also be yellow. Only most often the wool fades under the rays of the scorching sun.

It received its polar name due to its limited range. This bear rarely visits the mainland. He spends almost his entire life in the Arctic.

The diet of this giant is limited to what can be found in the ice. And these are mainly marine animals, such as walrus and seal. Its hunting style involves ambushing its prey in cover and hitting it on the head. The animal is unable to quickly recover from this powerful slap. In constant winter conditions, the polar bear needs a lot of food. Therefore, hunting methods may change. The main thing is to get meat or fish, because at one time he needs up to 20 kg of food. Although most often the portion is about 7 kg. You don't really have to choose. May pick up carrion or eat chicks.

Due to the slow reproduction of offspring (one bear cub appears every three years) and the high mortality rate of young individuals, the northern bear is listed in the Red Book. Today its population in the wild numbers about seven thousand.

Some interesting facts about the life of a polar bear

He is not only the largest bear in the world, but also the most agile, because he runs fast, swims excellently and dives remarkably. The polar bear can move in water over distances of up to 80 km.

The animal is distinguished by very thick fur, which consists of two layers. The lower one, very short and incredibly thick, is designed to protect against the cold. The upper one, long and waterproof, allows you to swim and get out of the water dry.

This type of bear is capable of creating a pair with a brown one.

Brown "American" - grizzly bear

If he is not the largest bear in the world, then on the American continent he is certainly. This is where the grizzly bear's habitat extends. Most often it can be found in Canada and Alaska. Although there are known cases of its detection in Mexico.

The grizzly bear is also a subspecies of the brown bear. But it is distinguished by very long claws, which can reach 15 cm. With these it will not be possible to climb trees. This is only available to babies until their claws grow back. These bears owe their name to their gray tint, which makes the animal slightly gray. Translated from English into Russian, the word “grizzly” means “gray”.

The sizes of these giants are similar to those already listed earlier. They can grow up to 4 meters in length and weigh about a ton.

Baby grizzlies eat mainly plant foods, while adults need a lot of meat. During the spawning period, animals do not mind catching fish; they master this skill in childhood.

Due to its large size and enormous strength, this bear is dangerous for humans, because one blow from its paw can be fatal.

The territories of US national parks are inhabited by grizzly bears, which are protected. Like other species, they are practically not allowed to be shot.

A little about other types of bears


Since all of the above species are its subspecies, we can say that it is the largest bear in the world. The body length of the animal is about 2.5-3 meters, and it weighs about 7 centners. But such indicators are rather characteristic of the inhabitants of the Far East and Kamchatka. Bears in the European part of Russia most often do not grow large. Their weight varies between two centners. The variability of the coat color of these animals is interesting. It can be from light fawn to almost black.


This is not the largest bear in the world, but it is definitely the slenderest. Its difference is that it is almost black in color with a white tick on its chest. Because of this feature, it is sometimes called white-breasted.


It is distinguished by its sharper muzzle and long hind legs. Its fur is significantly shorter than that of other representatives of the bear species.


This bear is the only one of his relatives who has chosen the expanses of South America, where he prefers the mountains.

Among the diversity of the animal world, the bear family stands out. For many, since childhood, the animal is associated with two concepts - polar bears and those that perform in the circus. But among the eight species of bears there are big differences in the characteristics of their habitat, nutrition and habits. It has been proven that the intelligence of a bear is higher than that of a dog. Among predators, bears are the largest animals. Are you interested in knowing which of the clubfoot family is the largest bear in the world?

Kodiak is the largest bear in the world

Just like among people, bears have their champions. The largest brown bear on the planet is the Kodiak. These giants live on the islands of the Kodiak archipelago, off the coast of Alaska. Like all brown bears, the Kodiak is omnivorous.

A young bear can be identified by a narrow white stripe around the neck, which disappears by the age of two. The Kodiak reaches its largest size at the age of six years. The lifespan of Kodiaks is 20–25 years. Males live shorter lives than females.

The male weighs 500–700 kg. It reaches 2.5–3 meters in length. A Kodiak giant weighing 757 kg lived at the Colorado Springs Zoo.

Although the Kodiak is considered a very cruel predator, it rarely attacks people and tries to avoid meeting them. Throughout the 20th century, only two fatal collisions between a person and a Kodiak were recorded.

Now the number of Kodiaks is gradually increasing: there are already about three and a half thousand. Animals are protected by the US government.

The biggest bears in the world

For the curious, we have compiled a list of the largest bears in the world:

Polar bear

Courageous polar bears manage to survive in extreme conditions. That's why they had to become so smart and inventive. Scientists equate the intelligence of a polar bear to that of a monkey. Its distinctive feature is white fur. But its hair follicles are clear, hollow tubes.

Although the bear is impressive in size, it can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h. Polar bears are very clean. After eating, they spend up to half an hour on their toilet. The lifespan of a polar bear is 20–25 years, although it can live 30–35 years in a zoo.

A close relative of the Kodiak, the grizzly bear is also recognized as one of the largest bears in the world. Grizzlies live in Alaska and Canada. An adult bear weighs 400–450 kg. The length is at least three meters.

The predator feeds on fish, but can also pick up carrion. Grizzly bears are considered one of the most ferocious animals. The bear is even credited with cannibalism.

Another of the larger species. Its length is two meters. An adult male weighs 300–350 kg. The bear is easily recognized by its black fur.

Baribal is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Canada and the United States of America. The baribal's diet is dominated by plant foods. He also loves to eat fish. There were cases when baribals hunted sheep and pigs.

Researchers are still arguing about which of the bear family is considered the largest bear on the planet. Who will you give the palm to?

Among the largest bears are the Kodiak brown bear, grizzly bear, and polar bear. These are all animals of enormous weight and length. There is also a record holder among teddy toy bears.

The largest teddy bear

The record-breaking teddy bear, recognized as the largest in the world, greeted visitors to the plush toy museum every day for almost twenty years, standing at the entrance. The museum was located in the city of Statford. All this time he was the subject of admiration for young visitors. The height of this toy is three meters and thirty centimeters. It's hard to imagine the weight of this giant.

Over the years, the exhibition was visited by at least a million people. Unfortunately, the museum was closed in 2007, and this bear, like the rest of the exhibits, was put up for sale.

Big polar bears

Polar bears have several other names - polar bear, sea bear, northern bear and oshkuy. The polar bear descended from the brown bear. The largest specimens grow up to three meters or more and can weigh about eight hundred kilograms, however, this is very rare. Usually the male is within the length of two to two and a half meters, his weight does not exceed half a ton.

Externally, the oshkuy and the brown bear have noticeable differences. The polar bear's head is flat on an elongated neck, and its ears are small. The wool is not only white, but also yellowish. It's amazing that all polar bears have black skin. This is impossible to notice due to the dense fur.

Oshkuy lives in the northern hemisphere and feeds on walruses, seals, seals and other marine animals. To catch them, the bear hides in a shelter and then stuns them with a blow to the head.

Polar bears have long been listed in the Red Book. The reason is that they reproduce slowly, and their young often become prey to other predators. These bears are hunted by poachers. Every year they destroy at least two hundred individuals.

Huge Kodiak bears

One of the subspecies of brown bears is the Kodiak. It is the largest among the planet's predators. This is confirmed by its size. The height at the withers of an individual of this subspecies reaches one and a half meters, and the length is about four meters. The weight of the giant bear is also striking. So, a female weighs a quarter of a ton, and an adult male weighs almost four hundred and fifty kilograms. These parameters are average, and there are specimens that reach a weight of one ton.

The habitat of this subspecies is Kodiak Island and the islands of the Kodiak archipelago, that is, where winter does not last long and there is always a lot of different food. Like other bears, Kodiaks hibernate in winter. Their food is not only animals, these bears do not refuse carrion, they eat roots, berries and herbs. During the salmon spawning period, Kodiaks enjoy eating it with pleasure.

Animals mate in the summer, and the development of a fertilized cell begins in the fall. No more than three cubs are born in January or February, when the female is in a state of hibernation. Children remain with their mother for the first three years of life.

Kodiaks are an endangered subspecies of brown bears. There are less than three thousand of them left. However, according to official permission, one hundred and sixty individuals are shot annually.

The largest grizzlies

Another large subspecies of brown bear, considered the second largest in size after the Kodiak, is called the grizzly. Its habitat is Alaska and Canada. Until recently, grizzlies could be found in Mexico. Outwardly, he is not particularly different from other brown bears. The only difference is the length of its claws, which can reach fifteen centimeters. It is for this reason that grizzlies never climb trees.

Some individuals weigh about a ton and are about four meters long. From a distance, grizzlies appear slightly grayish, the reason being that, being brown, they are covered in gray fur in some places. While bears are small, their claws are still very small, which allows grizzlies to climb trees, destroy hives and eat plant foods.

The main diet of an adult is animal food. Grizzly is an excellent fisherman. It is very dangerous for a person to encounter this predator. He can deliver a fatal blow with one blow of his paw. It is known that this subspecies of brown bear and polar bear can interbreed.

The biggest bear in the world

The largest bear in history is considered to be a giant short-faced cave bear that once lived in South America. He is known as Arctodus. According to scientists, such bears lived from about two million years ago to five hundred thousand years ago.

The mass of the giant predator reached two tons, and its height was at least three and a half meters. The cave bear ate lions, woolly rhinoceroses, wolves, tigers, giant moose and deer. He had enormous bite force.

In Argentina in 1935, the skeleton of a short-faced cave bear was found. According to National Geographic, there is nothing in the world even remotely similar to such a powerful predator.

In 2006, a huge man-eating grizzly bear was killed in Alaska. If he could stand on his hind legs, he would be about four meters and thirty centimeters tall. The bear's weight turned out to be seven hundred twenty-six kilograms.

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