Does mobile internet work on an airplane? How much does wifi cost on board an airplane? Compare airline prices. List of Russian and foreign airlines providing Internet on board

For a modern person, life without the Internet or mobile communications is, if not impossible, then certainly very difficult. Almost all areas of work are related to them in one way or another, so even on board passengers need WI-FI and the ability to use their cell phone.

If you've ever flown on an airplane, you know that passengers are asked to turn off their smartphones and tablets when landing. This is done for their own safety. You can find out whether you can use the Internet and telephone on an airplane during the flight itself by reading this article.

When mobile phones first came out, they were considered a luxury item. Only business people in Business Class used them. They have long been permitted on board passenger airliners. With the peak of their popularity, in the 90s, they were banned from using.

Research has begun on the effect of cellular communications on aircraft instruments. They were initiated by both mobile and mobile companies, since for both there was a certain interest in obtaining greater profits. They found that mobile communications do affect instrument readings. Science and technology have come a long way since that time. Therefore, cellular radiation began to decrease.

Airlines have stopped strictly enforcing the use of phones in aircraft cabins.

Currently, you can use your phone on board an airplane during the flight, but not during takeoff or landing.

The history of the Internet on board aircraft is much shorter. Carriers did not install a wireless network on board, it was too expensive, and the income from it did not justify the money spent.

Instead, multimedia systems have been developed that will allow passengers to watch movies, videos or listen to music on board.

I solved this problem by introducing Connexion by Boeing system. This service appeared in 2001. The antenna was carried outside the aircraft to ensure safety from interference with on-board systems. Special devices were installed inside to silence mobile devices in the cabin.

The base station broadcasts via WI-FI and Ethernet. Connection speed is 20 megabits per second.

Airlines immediately began to use this service, including Lufthansa. The cost was 10 dollars per hour. In 2006 the service has ceased to be used.

Is there Wi-Fi on planes now? This service is provided by all airlines.

Internet on the plane

The technologies that are used now are not fundamentally different from those proposed by Boeing. The base station, which is on the plane, receives signals from ground towers. Any system has several towers at its disposal. The Internet is transmitted over a wireless network. Any passenger can use it.

Therefore, the answer to the question: “Is there Internet on the plane?” will be “Yes, of course.” However, not all airlines yet provide such a service.

Virgin America and AirTran Airways carry it out on all of their passenger aircraft.

Fleets of American Airlines and other American carriers constitute up to 80% of wireless Internet coverage.

From airlines Lufthansa, Oman Air and Qatar Airways only 25% of aircraft have this service.

Aeroflot Internet tariffs.

Aeroflot, Air France, Egyptair, SAS and a number of other European companies this figure fluctuates around 10%.

How much does Wi-Fi cost on an airplane? The cost of Internet varies from company to company, but remains within the range from 10 to 50 euros or dollars, depending on traffic time and number of megabytes. The pleasure is, frankly speaking, not cheap.

Mobile phones on the plane

We talked about whether there is Internet on a plane during a flight, but if the ban on using phones is lifted, then why do flight attendants ask you to turn off all mobile devices during takeoff and landing?

The influence of these devices on on-board equipment is minimized as much as possible., but have you noticed that while communicating with passengers, the pilot’s connection is interrupted? This is because someone does not comply with the request to turn off the phone.

For your safety, you must comply with the crew's requirements. They do this solely for your benefit.

The Internet has become so firmly established in the life of modern people that the lack of Wi-Fi in a cafe or restaurant no longer just surprises us, but also outrages us. You can connect to the World Wide Web almost anywhere: in public transport, on the streets, in airports and even on airplanes - although just recently all this seemed like a fantasy. Our article will be useful to those who are wondering whether there is Internet on airplanes, how to use it, and how much it costs to access the Internet at an altitude of ten thousand meters above the ground.

Internet on the plane

First, let's answer the question: is there Internet on airplanes? Yes, modern technologies allow passengers to access the World Wide Web. But not all airlines offer such a service to passengers. Moreover, not all aircraft have it, since equipping an aircraft with the appropriate technology requires serious financial investments.

The largest airlines today are actively using new technologies. For example, Virgin America provides Internet access to passengers on all aircraft. American Airlines' coverage rate reaches 80%. Lufthansa and Qatar Airways offer access on less than half of their aircraft. European companies: Air France , Air Berlin, KLM, British Airways and others also offer this type of service on some of their flights.

Among Russian airlines, only Aeroflot currently provides Internet access. This service is currently available only on long-haul airliners A330 and B777. Next year it is planned that the Internet will appear on other aircraft of the airline - Airbus 320 and 321.

How much does internet cost on a plane?

Internet on an airplane can hardly be called a cheap service available to everyone. It is usually not included in the price (although there are some exceptions). Prices for the service range from 3 to 50 dollars or euros, depending on the airline, time of use of the Network and volume of traffic.

Price tag " Aeroflot» depends on aircraft type, time and traffic. So, on the A330, 15 minutes of traffic cost $5 (the tariff includes 10 MB), for each MB over the limit you will have to pay $1. 30 MB of traffic in B777 will cost $15. It is worth considering that you can pay for the service only on board and non-cash - by card. As for Internet access on narrow-body ships, as the media previously wrote, unlimited access for an hour will cost 800 rubles, for the entire flight - 1000 rubles.

U Lufthansa tariffs start from 3 euros. However, for this amount you can only check email or send messages, the connection speed is up to 150 kbps. For 7 euros, speeds of up to 600 kbit/s will be available, and for 12 euros - up to 15 Mbit/s.

However, here too there are changes towards cheaper services of this kind. And some airlines have gone even further by providing this access for free. This is what the Scandinavian airline did in particular Norwegian offering all its passengers free access to the network. The company says free Wi-Fi is available on most flights within Europe and on flights between the US and the Caribbean.

A little history

You can't just install a WiFi network on an airplane. It is very expensive and quite difficult. Such expenses simply did not pay off, so many airlines did not even address this issue. It was cheaper to install passenger entertainment systems that allowed them to watch movies and listen to music.

Everything changed in 2001 when Boeing introduced With Connexion by Boeing system. To eliminate the influence of the equipment on the aircraft’s systems, the transmitting antenna was taken out of the aircraft and at the same time special “jammers” for signals from mobile devices were installed inside. Communication was provided by a base station, which broadcast via Ethernet or Wi-fi. The data transfer speed with this connection reached tens of megabits per second.

Airlines became interested in this service and began to willingly enter into contracts to equip aircraft with such systems. But insufficient demand and the air travel crisis led to the curtailment of the program - in 2006 the service ceased operation.

The Internet access systems that replaced Connexion were not fundamentally different from their predecessor. An antenna is installed on the plane, and a router is placed inside to distribute traffic. The antennas, in turn, receive signals from base stations installed on the ground. When flying over water, the antennas communicate with satellites in geostationary orbits.

Mobile phones on the plane

Now let's talk about whether cell phones are allowed on the plane. Initially, when the first devices appeared, they could be used on board. However, with the massive spread of mobile communications in the 90s, studies were conducted that showed that it can affect the readings of on-board instruments. Therefore, a ban was introduced on the use of cell phones on board ships.

Since then, scientific progress has stepped far forward, the radiation power of such devices has become much lower, and their impact on technology has been minimized. So the ban on using phones is a thing of the past. Today, the use of mobile devices is prohibited only when the plane is climbing and landing.

For a long time, air travel was considered a “digital detox,” providing us with a few hours of rest from the barrage of emails and messages. But that's a thing of the past now.

Internet on board is becoming faster and cheaper, and even some budget airlines now offer it. “Unfortunately, I didn’t see your letter because I was on the plane” - such an excuse no longer works. But still, how does Wi-Fi work on an airplane?

Where is the Internet in the sky?

In simple terms, there are two ways to transmit a signal to an aircraft, . The first is through ground-based broadband towers that send a signal to the aircraft's antennas located on the fuselage. Along the route, the aircraft automatically connects to the nearest tower. However, there are also “problem areas” in the form of seas, oceans, deserts, where the signal will disappear.

The second method uses satellite technology. The plane connects to satellites in geostationary orbit, which are used to broadcast television programs and forecast weather. The signal is received by the aircraft's antenna and then distributed by an on-board router.

In both cases, the United States has the most developed infrastructure. That's why American airlines offer in-flight Wi-Fi at a lower price than their counterparts in other countries.

Why is Wi-Fi on a plane so slow?

Technology is advancing rapidly, but it can't keep up with the sheer number of Wi-Fi devices on board. In 2008, when Gogo launched its in-flight wireless Internet service, 3Mbps was plenty of speed for several laptops. But today, with every passenger carrying at least one gadget on board, the workload has increased significantly.

The average Internet speed in European homes is 25 Mbit, but airlines are not yet able to offer more than 12 Mbit. Installing antennas, maintaining and upgrading satellites are quite expensive, but every year the Internet on board is becoming faster and cheaper.

Airlines offering free Wi-Fi on planes

  • Emirates
  • JetBlue
  • Norwegian
  • Turkish Airlines
  • Air China
  • Philippine Airlines
  • Hong Kong Airlines
  • Nok Air.

Hello! Today I have chosen an interesting topic, which concerns, of course, Wi-Fi, but not on the ground, but in the sky! My colleague Khomyachok has already written about the Internet on trains. And I decided to find out if there is Wi-Fi on the plane.

Large businessmen, artists, and officials fly more often than ordinary people. And for sure, many people need access to the Internet almost 24 hours a day to work. But we, mere mortals, also won’t refuse to while away the flight time on social networks or You Tube. Well, let's look into the issue.

The very first service to access the Internet during air travel was provided by the German air carrier Lufthansa back in 2004.

Where does the Internet come from in the sky?

To provide customers with the Internet, the carrier installs a satellite dish on board the aircraft. It picks up the signal from towers installed on the ground. Here clients face one problem. When the aircraft loses contact with the base station, for example, while flying over the ocean, the radio signal will disappear. But it doesn't matter. When you can't catch a signal from land, antennas catch it in the sky!

Relay satellites fly in the geostationary orbit of the earth and are connected to aircraft and stations on the ground. The coverage area of ​​one such satellite is measured in hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

Some purchase stations operating in the Ka-band. This frequency range is used for satellite radio communications and radar. It extends in the frequency spectrum from 26 to 40 GHz. The connection speed reaches 100 Mbit/s.

After gaining altitude (from 3000 m), satellite stations begin to work. Passengers can connect to the network.

Watch an interesting video on the topic “Where does the Internet come from on an airplane?” Excellent presentation with humor:

What does Aeroflot offer?

Aeroflot is the largest aviation holding company in our country. Wi-Fi has been available on this company's aircraft since 2012. This service is called “Internet on board”. It is provided by the Swiss company SITAOnAir. Wi-Fi has been available on short flights since July 2018.

Aeroflot has Wi-Fi on flights operated by Airliners A330 and B777. The airline’s website says that payment is made directly to the provider of the “Internet on board” service in US currency. The cost is not included in the ticket price. The service can only be paid for on board the aircraft. These are the restrictions.

Payment is made exclusively by bank transfer. Fortunately, most Russian debit and credit cards are accepted.

How much does Wi-Fi cost on Aeroflot planes:

  1. Airbus A330:
  • 15 minutes and 10 MB of traffic – 5 dollars;
  • 60 min and 30 MB – 15 bucks;
  • 180 minutes and 100 MB – 40 US dollars;
  • Throughout the flight (traffic limited to 150 MB) – $50.
  1. There are two tariffs for the Boeing B777 and the restrictions apply only to traffic:
  • 30 MB – 15 $;
  • 100 Mbit – $40.

If the provided tariff is not enough, the client can use an additional one at a price of $1 per 1 MB of traffic. Wi-Fi connection speed is up to 50 Mbit/s. This is quite enough for comfortable work and even watching videos. When a large number of clients connect to the network, the speed will be lower.

Using the Internet in the sky is not difficult:

  1. Be sure to wait until the plane gains altitude and the “Turn off phones” warning signs go off.
  2. Disable Airplane mode and activate the Wi-Fi module on your gadget.

  1. In the list of available connections, select the network called “OnAir” and connect to it.
  2. Open any browser and select a tariff based on your personal needs.

Remember! Electronic devices with data transmission functions interfere with aircraft instruments and systems!

Other air carriers

Is Wi-Fi available on planes of other companies? Certainly! Many foreign carriers also provide this service. Here is the list:

  • Malaysian company AirAsia;
  • The second in Germany after Lufthansa is Air Berlin (and of course Lufthansa itself);
  • French airline Air France-KLM;
  • The largest in the world is American Airlines;
  • The national airline of Great Britain is British Airways;
  • The Philippines' airline, the oldest in Asia, is Cebu Pacific;
  • The largest air carrier in the Middle East is Emirates;
  • The national company in the United Arab Emirates is Etihad Airways;
  • Budget European company from Ireland - Ryanair;
  • The national carrier of Vietnam is Vietnam Airlines.

These are not all foreign airlines that offer Wi-Fi to their passengers. I mentioned only the largest ones.

The picture shows interesting information about free Internet in the air:

The second largest company in Russia (after Aeroflot), S7 Airlines, does not equip its aircraft with equipment for accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi during the flight. Airbus 321 passengers have the opportunity to view entertainment programs during their journey via the S7 app. In this case, network access is not provided.

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Nowadays, finding wi-fi is not a problem, it is available everywhere: from cafes to bus stops. This is a service that is in great demand not only for updating VKontakte status or a new photo on Instagram, but also for work. It’s already hard for me to imagine myself without a phone in my hands)))

Airlines have also decided to keep up with progress and some are already providing this service on board. Now this innovation is gaining momentum and every month someone is eager to show off a new service. In 2015, only 8 airlines offered free internet to passengers: Emirates, JetBlue, Norwegian, Turkish Airlines, Air China, Philippine Airlines, Hong Kong Airlines and Nok Air. In 2016, the list grew by several percent, and more than 20 airlines can provide Internet for $$$! What will happen in 2017 is anyone's guess

Below is a list of the most popular airlines with Internet on board and the cost of this service:


Price: smartphone: 3MB – $8; 9MB – $22. Laptop or iPad: 9MB – $22; 19MB – 40$


Price: CHATS PLAN (WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, KakaoTalk and Viber) 3MB - $2. INTERNET PLAN (great for applications, worse for loading sites) 10MB - $4. The Internet plan does not support YouTube or downloading any software.

SriLankan Airlines

Air Berlin

Offers 3G on board. To use the service, you will need to download the airberlin connect app from the App Store or Google Play in advance, before departure. Internet is not currently offered in all directions.

Price: 30 min (20MB) – 4.90€; 60 min (50MB) – 8.90€. There are also options of 13.90€ for 90MB on medium-haul flights and 18.90€ for 120MB on long-haul flights.

Air France and KLM

Price: only 2 tariffs: 10.95 € - per hour or 19.95 € - for the entire flight. You can pay by credit card on board.

American Airlines

We divided the cost of the service for domestic and international flights.

Price on domestic flights: All-day pass - $16 + taxes, American Airlines Plan - $49.95 + taxes (monthly subscription). The last option is suitable only for frequent flyers.

Price on international flights (only on board Boeing 777-300ER, 787 Dreamliner and Boeing 777-200): 2 hours - $12, 4 hours - $17 and entire flight - $19.

British Airways

Only on direct flights between London and New York. Very modest

Price: 1 hour - 14$ and for 24 hours - 25$.

Price: 25MB – 5$; 50MB – 10$


Offers free 10 MB for all classes (economy, business, etc.) on board the A380. If there is no free Wi-Fi on board, you can buy 500MB for a symbolic $1 on board the A380 and B777.

Qatar Airways

Most flights offer free internet on board. For example, on my Colombo-Doha flight there was an hour of free internet access. You can read more about the service on board the Qatar aircraft.


Free internet for Etihad's Diamond First Class passengers only. The rest, if desired, will need to pay $13.95 per hour of use or $24.95 for 24-hour access.


Price: HotSpot Pass Sky 1 hour: 9€ or 3,000 miles; 4 hours: 14€ or 4,500 miles; 24 hours: 17€ or 5,500 miles. Still, a loyalty card won't hurt here. Collecting miles on a ticket is not always an easy task, but on the Internet it’s faster


The service will be available in 2017, but according to preliminary data, it may be free for checking mail. I can’t even believe that Ryanair can provide something for free)

Vietnam Airlines

This service has not yet been officially announced, but the website contains information that the estimated cost on international flights will be $15-20 and free Internet on domestic flights.

In my opinion, these are the most popular airlines among travelers now, so the list of remaining companies is below:

  • Aer Lingus
  • Air Canada
  • AirChina
  • AirTran
  • Alaska Airlines
  • All Nippon Airways
  • China Eastern Airlines
  • Delta Airlines
  • Egypt Air
  • EVA Air
  • Finnair
  • Frontier Airlines
  • Garuda Indonesia
  • GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes
  • Gulf Air
  • Iberia
  • Icelandair
  • JetBlue
  • Libyan Airlines
  • Malindo Air
  • Mango Airlines
  • Norwegian
  • Oman Air
  • Philippine Airlines (PAL)
  • Saudia
  • Singapore Airlines
  • Southwest Airlines
  • TAP Portugal
  • THAI Airways
  • Turkish Airlines
  • United
  • US Airways
  • Virgin America
  • Vueling
  • WestJet

I have not provided a list of all airlines that currently have Internet on board. This list is updated quite often. If you want to check whether your flight has internet, search Google for “[airline name] wifi ondoard” or “[airline name] inflight wifi”.

Bright and unforgettable travels to everyone!