Chinese city of Heihe from Blagoveshchensk. Holidays in Heihe (China): shopping, hotels, entertainment. Reviews of the trip Sights and entertainment

400 years ago, on the site of the modern city, the Chinese founded the fortified border town of Aigun, best known as the site of the signing of the Amur border treaty with Russia in the 19th century.

Today Heihe is not a very large city by Chinese standards with a population of 1,750,000 people. In Russia, it would be the 3rd city in terms of population - in our third, Novosibirsk, there is “only” one and a half million.

You can get to Heihe without a visa; the city is part of the free trade zone between Russia and China. Since there is no bridge across the Amur, ships (buses in winter) go between the Russian and Chinese shores. A ship ticket costs about 1,000 rubles one way. Many residents of Blagoveshchensk, attracted by low Chinese prices, go to Heihe to buy something or just relax. I was very praised for the local cheap food, for example, kebabs for 60 rubles.

Alas, I didn’t have time to visit Heihe myself, so I had to limit myself to views from the Blagoveshchensk embankment.

1. Part of the city was even visible from my hotel room. I expected the wheel to glow in the evening, but it was perhaps the only object without illumination.
Construction work on our shore - expansion of the Amur embankment

3. According to local stories, most of the buildings appeared recently. Heihe used to be a small border village. A little earlier, according to a pensioner walking along the embankment, during his military service, he looked through binoculars at the Chinese coast and saw how the Chinese plowed vegetable gardens with oxen and transported goods on carts with wooden wheels.

4. Just like in the Soviet song about three tankmen - “the clouds are gloomy over the border”

5. Only the banks of the Amur are not high here and the “watch homelands” do not stand. They sit in the towers a little further)

8. Lots of ships. From Russia - not a single one. True, one ship was supposed to sail according to schedule. At the right time I came to the pier, but found neither people nor the ship. Then they explained to me that the weather was bad and it was Monday on the calendar, so the ship would not arrive

10. Shopping center "Yuan Dong", well known to Blagoveshchensk residents

11. Construction of Heihe is not finished yet

12. Whose monument is not visible even with a 400 mm lens

14. I can’t believe that all this was built recently. In some ways the city reminded me of Astana

16. When I saw the fisherman in the water, I was a little surprised and asked if it was cold for the man to stand in the water. He either didn’t hear me or didn’t respond on purpose. When the fisherman came out, I saw that instead of legs he had prosthetics. It became awkward

You should always travel. A change of environment enriches our lives, gives new experiences and unforgettable impressions. It’s especially interesting to look at a culture completely different from Russian.

I have always strived to explore the world and prefer not only beach holidays, but also interesting sightseeing tours to look at the life of each specific country without embellishment.

China is a mysterious country that has always fascinated me with its frantic pace of life, beauty and majesty. Chinese tea traditions, street festivals, huge variety in trade - it's so interesting. Just recently I visited the wonderful Chinese town of Heihe.

The town of Heihe is very easy to get to from our Blagoveshchensk. These two cities are separated from each other by the Amur River. It is very unusual that while in China it is quite possible to see a Russian city and examine houses and even people. Getting to China from Blagoveshchensk is very easy, you just need to cross the river by ferry, it will take only 10 minutes. Next, of course, you will have to overcome customs control, after which you can go get acquainted with the life of the Chinese.

Heihe - from the Chinese "Black River", a small trading town on the banks of the Amur, a border town with the Amur region. The city is not too rich in attractions and is interesting precisely in terms of affordable foreign shopping. Moreover, there is a visa-free visiting regime for Russians. Despite the fact that Heihei is not very interesting as a starting point for exploring the sights of China, here you can thoroughly enjoy the real life of the Chinese and see what and how they earn their living.

Shopping tours to Heihei can be purchased at almost any travel agency. in this town there are unrealistically low prices for clothes, fur coats and sheepskin coats, shoes and various household items. Here you can purchase goods for sale in your own retail outlets, or dress the whole family for little money, without overpaying to cunning merchants selling Chinese goods in Russia. You can bargain with the Chinese, they love it and often manage to significantly reduce the price.

In Heihe, I bought excellent boots for winter and the off-season, excellent outerwear, and a lot of different things for all occasions. The food here is excellent and varied, typical of China. It is very interesting to try something unusual, the main thing is to try to find out the composition of the dish as accurately as possible. Especially if you are a vegetarian and don't want to try dog ​​meat or fried rat...

There are a lot of Russians in Heihe, so you can pay in both Chinese yuan and rubles. Many local residents (traders, taxi drivers, owners of restaurants and cafes) speak Russian quite well. But, if they decide to deceive you, they immediately forget Russian and begin to behave aggressively. It is better not to get involved in conflicts with the locals, since their police are always on the side of their people.

The town has many interesting streets, small parks where children frolic and cheerful pensioners dancing with fans. Heihe is decorated with a wide variety of statues and monuments. There's a lot to see here. This is the real life of the Chinese middle class, these are real people who work to earn their bread and live in the real world with its problems and concerns. Life in China is colorful and interesting, sometimes frighteningly disgusting. I was upset by the cramped cages with puppies and kittens at the market. Only God knows for what needs the omnivorous Chinese sell these fluffies...

If you want to buy Chinese goods and get to know the country without embellishment, go to Heihe.

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In northeast China there is the province of Heilongjiang (黑龙江, Hēilóngjiāng, translated as Black Dragon River). And in this province is the small town of Heihe (黑河, Hēilóngjiāng, the Manchu name for Sahalian). There are many such small settlements in China, but this one is notable for the fact that it is located in close proximity to the Russian Blagoveshchensk, they are separated by only 800 meters of the river surface. An Amur class motor ship with a capacity of about 200 people covers these meters in 15 minutes; in winter, the Puma hovercraft are used to transport passengers, which reach the opposite shore in 2 minutes 50 seconds. These figures can tell even a child about the closest contact between our countries, that the Russian and Chinese cities across the Amur River literally look at each other.

In 2004, visa-free access to the territory of Heihe was introduced for residents of Russia, so anyone can get there. If only I had a passport. While just over 130 thousand people live in the Heihe urban district, according to the government plan, by 2020 the population should increase to 320 thousand. But even this figure is simply scanty for the populous China. In the minds of the Chinese, Heihe is a small village, not a city. Nevertheless, it is visited by many Russian tourists. Why not spend a weekend in a neighboring, very interesting country? It must be said that in general, the province of Heilongjiang is extremely attractive for travelers from all over the world, because on its territory there are more than a hundred excellent sports centers where winter sports lovers can ski more than 120 days a year. Snow cover reaching from one to three meters is considered ideal for skiers. In addition, the Chinese, who quickly grasp fashionable trends, have begun to actively develop eco-tourism in recent years, taking advantage of the fact that Heilongjiang has many picturesque lakes, forests, and protected areas. The most interesting cities for tourists in this province are the cities (哈尔滨, Hā"ěrbīn), (大庆, Dàqìng) and Yichun (伊春, Yīchūn). However, Heihe is gradually approaching this top three, attracting guests primarily because it is a free zone In addition, the deep Amur (黑龙江, Hēilóng-jiāng) flows through the Heihe urban district, and in the northeast of the city the Nenjiang River (嫩江, nènjiāng), which makes these places interesting for lovers of ecotourism. The Chinese once called the Amur Heihe. (海河, Hǎi Hé), then they began to say Heilongjiang - Black Dragon River It is Heilongjiang, only not a river, but a province that can become a component of the economic corridor “China – Mongolia – Russia”, that is, the new Silk Road, the idea of ​​which was launched in 2013. formulated by Chinese President Xi Jinping. The provincial authorities plan to build a railway connecting the cities (东宁王国, Dōngníng Wángguó), (绥芬河镇, Suifēnhé), Tongjiang (同江, Tóngjiāng) and Heihe, as well as modernize the line (大连, Dàliá). n) -Tongjiang. Up to 21 million tons of cargo per year will flow from Russia to China through the bridge from Nizhneleninsky, which is now actively being built. Perhaps the construction of a road bridge between Heihe and Blagoveshchensk will soon begin, and then a railway bridge between these cities. In addition, there is a proposal to connect the Silk Road with the Trans-Siberian Railway and the BAM by cable car. So, according to its initiators, the concept of a new Silk Road is clearly promising.

Today Heihe is a city with multi-storey buildings, large shopping centers, many medical institutions, that is, a completely modern settlement. However, like most Chinese cities, most recently it was a run-down village, the exact date of its establishment historians cannot even calculate. The fact is that until 494, the territory of the entire current province of Heilongjiang belonged to the Koreans - the state of Buyeo. In the 7th century, when the Chinese Sui dynasty was in power, seeking to unite the fragmented parts of the country and annex foreign territories, these places passed to the Celestial Empire. In 1683, the fortified town of Aigun was founded to monitor its Russian neighbors. It was here that the Aigun Treaty was signed, according to which the border between our countries was determined. There were many different events in the history of the neighbors. In particular, in 1900, when the Yihetuan uprising took place, it was from here that the Chinese opened fire on Blagoveshchensk, after which Russian troops temporarily occupied this city. The Yihetuan Rebellion is better known as the Boxer Rebellion (义和团运动, Yìhétuán yùndòng), more accurately translated as the uprising of the troops of harmony and justice. The people then opposed foreign interference in their lives, but the forces turned out to be unequal, and the rebellion was suppressed. There were years when the northeast of China was under Japanese oppression, from which it was freed only in 1945. But it was after returning under their native Chinese wing that these places suddenly stopped in their development for many years, as if no one needed them. It was only in 1993 that the Heihe urban district was formed, which very quickly turned into a popular medical and shopping center for tourists. Representatives of more than 30 nationalities live in the district, mainly Manchus, Mongols, Daurs, Hans, and Orochens.

According to statistics, in this city the average annual temperature is +1.6 °C, and the average annual air humidity is 67%. It seems quite comfortable. But in fact, the climate of these places is continental with a cold monsoon zone. Winter is long, temperatures range from minus 10 to minus 30 degrees, summer is short, the thermometer can rise to plus 30°C. So the weather in Heihe is not too pleasant, but you shouldn’t be afraid, in neighboring Blagoveshchensk it’s about the same.

It is noteworthy that it is from here that the Trans-Manchurian Godao 202 (G202) begins - a route connecting Heihe and the Lushunkou region (旅顺口区, Lǚshùnkǒu qū) and passing through the whole of Northern China. Lushunkou is an ice-free port, a naval base on the Yellow Sea under the better known name of Port Arthur. Since 1950, it has been subordinate to the sub-provincial city of Dalian (大连, Dàlián). Transport in Heihe, as throughout China, is quite well developed. Heihe Airport is located 16 kilometers from the city. It is small, serves only domestic flights, is located at an altitude of 312 meters above sea level, and the length of the runway is only 2500 meters. Airplanes of three Chinese airlines fly into this airport, most often China Southern Airlines and Okay Airways, which operate regular passenger flights to (北京, Běijīng), Harbin (哈尔滨, Hā"ěrbīn) and Mohe (漠河县, Mòhé Xiàn). In general. , an ordinary small provincial airport. You can get to it from the center of Heihe by taxi, for which you will have to pay about 15 yuan.

Heihe railway station is also small, but quite modern. Tourists usually depart from here by train K7034 to Harbin. It turns out that you only need to spend the night in the compartment: departure at 19.39, arrival at 7.20. If you wish, you can walk around Harbin for a day or two, and then again go by train to Beijing. A bus also runs from Heihe to Harbin, covering this distance in 10 hours. There are four departures per day, and the bus station is located across the street from the train station. Well, the river port is well known to residents and guests of Blagoveshchensk - 800 meters across the Amur are perceived as a country road. By the way, the flight from Moscow to Blagoveshchensk lasts eight hours, from Vladivostok – a little more than two hours. Well, there is very little left to do: go through border control, buy a ticket for the ship - and here it is, Heihe. For information: In Blagoveshchensk, the river port is located on Tchaikovsky Street, 1. The first ship in Heihe leaves at 10.15, you can leave on the last one at 18.30. You can also return by boat; they depart from the Chinese side every hour. If a tourist goes only to Heihe, a visa is not required. If further, you will have to register.

Travelers usually prefer to travel around the city by taxi - the distances are not long, so the trip costs 5-6 yuan, for 10 you can get to any, even remote corner of Heihe. Some people choose a motorized or cycle rickshaw, which costs 2 yuan. Well, of course, there are city buses “Heihe bus”, there are ticket offices where you need to deposit 1 yuan. The most popular bus routes with tourists have signs in Russian.

As you know, many of our compatriots have been going to China for treatment in recent years, including for. If previously preference was given to European countries, now oriental medicine is very popular. In Heihe, in particular, female infertility, childhood enuresis, and cervical paralysis are successfully treated. The Chinese Medicine Hospital is popular in Heihe, where it provides effective care for diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Doctors, along with European methods of treatment, use traditional Chinese massage and acupuncture. However, most of our compatriots travel to Heihe for dental services. This area in the city is so well developed that the dental department at the Hospital of Chinese Medicine joined the International Association of Dentists, that is, the International Dental Association. In addition, after serious treatment or surgery in Heihe, doctors often recommend their patients rehabilitation and a wonderful vacation in one of the sanatoriums in Heilongjiang Province.

In any Chinese city, travelers pay special attention to national dishes. Heihe cuisine is based on northeastern traditions. There are many seafood and meat dishes there. Guests of the city like meat with pineapples and fried dumplings. Naturally, many people also feast on the famous “Peking duck”, at least according to tradition. Among the Chinese establishments, it is worth visiting “Xing Yu” on the embankment, it is also called “Hans Beer” or “Dumpling House”. They recommend trying locally produced unfiltered beer. On Pedestrian Street there is a restaurant “Laguna” and a dumpling shop “38 Hectares” with very reasonable prices. Yet real Chinese cuisine can only be found in small eateries where locals eat. One of these places is called “Putin”, where lunch costs 30-40 yuan.

Of course, we travel abroad primarily to see something interesting. In this case, you cannot do without a Heihe map or a mobile application for your phone or tablet. Although the city is small, almost every street has a disco, bowling alley, karaoke, and sauna. And all the attractions are located quite compactly. The attractions of Heihe include, first of all, the old city of Aigun, which embodies not only the history of the province, but also the entire country. Well, it also has something to do with the people of Russia - it’s interesting to see where Tsarist Russia once signed the famous Aigun Agreement. Heihe is also famous for its magnificent resorts – Stinkhu and Longzhu, as well as the Wudalianchi Geopark. This is where you can truly relax your soul and body.

Vonyukhu has snow-capped mountains, a dense forest and an amazingly beautiful lake where people go ice skating in winter. There are also springs with mineral water rich in carbonates. They say they prolong life. – these are lava landscapes and thermal springs, excellent treatment and scientific research. The mineral water of these places can restore even long-sick people to their feet. Well, Longzhu is, first of all, an international ski resort. People come to the Longzhu base to enjoy winter recreation: skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, tubing, and admiring the frozen but picturesque lake. The base operates from mid-October to mid-April, and in the summer you can simply relax on Lake Woniu, which means Lying Cow. Some will sit in a cozy cafe, others will ride catamarans and scooters, play beach volleyball - everyone will find entertainment to their liking. By the way, these places make great photos of Heihe.

Visitors to Heihe are increasingly renting bicycles. At the so-called “Green parking lot” (there are many of them around the city), you just need to leave a deposit and then ride around all day. For example, go to the Russian village, which was built before the filming of the Chinese version of the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.” To participate in the film, the Chinese invited graduates of our VGIK - Andrei Sokolov, Tatyana Ostap, Lyudmila Kolesnikova and others, with whom six translators worked. It was not easy for both the Russians and the Chinese. The creators of the film were convinced that Russians drink vodka from a bottle and master wushu techniques. In the end, having figured everything out, our eastern neighbors made a good film. Well, then the filming location with the Orthodox Church, woodpiles of firewood and sunflowers near the fences of wooden houses was turned into a park. There is also another park there - “Vansu” with numerous attractions for children and adults. And also the park-island “Big Heihe”, the road to which goes along the Amur embankment past the singing fountains. This park is home to the Botanical Garden, which is worth visiting in the evening - each tree is illuminated, and together they shimmer, creating a completely extraordinary picture.

When you arrive in Heihe, you should not refuse to visit the sauna. For example, “Tian Yi” in the city center offers various types of massages and other useful procedures. The Shan Mao Hotel has a jacuzzi and a large swimming pool, and a good sauna in the East Hawaii hotel complex. There are also a lot of beauty parlors there - “Flower City Beauty Body”, “Natasha”, “Meinuo Skin Care Spa”... The Chinese work professionally. In general, Russian tourists do the right thing when they come to Heihe, for example, on a weekend to visit the sauna, walk in beautiful parks, exercise, or celebrate a birthday in a small restaurant. And, of course, go shopping.

Shopping in Heihe, as in most Chinese cities, is a real pleasure. Among the shopping centers, the most popular “Huafu” and the surrounding shops on the Central Pedestrian Street are in first place. There you can buy everything: from large furniture, computer equipment and expensive fur coats to souvenirs, toys and simple clothes. You can bargain for your own pleasure and for the pleasure of the sellers. Everyone likes this game. Well, sometimes you can buy goods for practically nothing at the Flea Market on Wenhuajie Street, where it is advisable to arrive early in the morning. Interestingly, the Russian International Trade Center sells many goods that are more profitable to buy in Heihe than at home. In any case, no one returns home without shopping.

As soon as this city began to attract tourists, they began to grow like mushrooms after rain. True, most of them are three-star. Perhaps the Chinese are right that they are not building many luxury hotels - the city is still not designed for moneybags. On average, a night in a regular “three stars” costs 100-140 yuan, and conditions may vary. But usually it looks like Tian Zhi Hotel Heihe (黑河天植大酒店). This hotel was opened in 2010, there are 7 floors, 68 rooms. The Chinese position it as comfortable and elegant, and besides, it is located in the city center. Accommodation at Tian Zhi Hotel costs from 100 yuan. You can pay in cash or non-cash: Peony Card, Golden Harvest Card, Great Wall Card, Dragon Card, Pacific Card, Eastern Card. Address: No. 68, Nan Da Street, Ai Hui District, Heihe If you want to pay even less, you should contact the Aihui District Renhe Express Hotel Heihe (黑河市爱辉区仁合快捷宾馆), a so-called economic hotel. It was opened in 2012, it also has 7 floors, but there are only 60 rooms. It is located at No. 627 Central Street, Aihui District (爱辉区中央街627号(昌平路与中央街交叉口). You will have to pay for accommodation. from 70 yuan. Well, if you don’t mind about 300 yuan or more, you can stay at the International Hotel at No. 123-128, Wangsu Street, Heihe (黑河市爱辉区王肃街123号(近俄罗斯商品一条街) It is considered five-star. Excellent rooms, elegant decorations - this is what the Chinese say about it. The building has 17 floors, 141 comfortable rooms. Upon arrival, in addition to the payment for the room, a deposit equivalent to one night's stay is required. It is returned upon departure. but if a tourist stays after 12 noon, they may require an additional fee. Most often, you can negotiate and not pay, but you need to be prepared for this.

Heihe in Heilongjiang Province is one of those Chinese cities where you want to return again and again. Compact, cozy, modern, it gives a feeling of comfort and joy, provides an opportunity to have a wonderful rest and healing. Well, and what is important for many, a trip to Heihe is quite affordable - upon returning home, you will not have to adhere to a strict economy regime.

Heihe- a city in northeast China, located opposite the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk, with which it is connected by regular river traffic. There are only 800 meters between Heihe and Blagoveshchensk. Now it is a very developed city with a population of about 130 thousand people.

The intensification of Russian-Chinese relations began in the 90s with the beginning of perestroika, and was expressed, first of all, in the development of trade relations. Just two decades ago, Heihe was a small border village. And at the moment the city is a free Russian-Chinese trade zone with a visa-free regime for citizens of the Russian Federation and to cross the border it is enough to have a foreign passport.

During the Moscow-Vladivostok expedition, passing by Blagoveshchensk, we decided to stop by China for a couple of days.

Free visa-free access was opened in 2004. Until this moment, the Russian-Chinese trade zone was located within the Greater Heihe Island, where the customs office is located. Now the entire city is included in the shopping zone.

It's very easy to get here. In summer, passenger ships sail through the Amur, in the off-season, hovercraft, and in winter, buses. You can leave your car right at the port in a guarded parking lot (150 rubles per day). A return ticket for a ship costs from 1100 to 1900 rubles, depending on the class of service.

Already in line at the box office for tickets, you will understand what Russian rednecks are. People go to Heihe to buy Chinese junk and at the same time relax. The main contingent, for the most part, resembles typical Russian vacationers in an all-inclusive Egyptian resort and believe that everyone around them owes them something. Fortunately, on the way there, no one has checkered trunks with things, so there are no queues or crowds (on the way back it turns into an obstacle course, each shuttle has 3-4 bags in his hands and his task is to overtake everyone and be the first to run for customs control).

On the way there, the line starts at Chinese customs. The problem is that on the one hand there are fucking Russian rednecks jumping in line, and on the other hand there are Chinese border guards who are sick of this attitude. At the same time, our Russians have already accustomed the Chinese to bribes, and if you travel as part of a tourist group, they will be held at customs out of turn. The funny thing is something else. The Russians themselves create a crush and a queue out of nothing, and the Chinese border guards work quickly and professionally. Here you need to pay a port fee of 45 yuan (1 yuan = 5 rubles) and a customs fee of 50 yuan. You can change money here, or you don’t have to change it - the Chinese also take rubles very well. Then we go out and take a taxi. Any trip around the city, from port to city, or back costs 5-10 yuan.

And now we arrive in the city center:

2. You need to tell the taxi driver to take you to the city center; a good landmark is the Huafu shopping center. Next we go to look for a hotel. There are many of them here, the prices are very reasonable. On average, a standard double room will cost 120-150 yuan. The only unpleasant fact will be that the Chinese, taught by the bitter experience of communicating with Russian cattle, will ask you for your international passport as collateral. They brought it to this themselves...

4. The city lives by trade, but I could not find any things that would interest me. All normal equipment costs no less than in Russia. But Chinese clothes are not for everybody.

5. The only purpose of coming here is to relax. Again, even taking into account the cost of a boat ticket and customs duties, spending two nights in Heihe will be cheaper than in Blagoveshchensk.

6. And it’s not worth talking about food. A full lunch will cost less than 100 rubles per person. Yes, I recommend eating in small establishments that are primarily aimed at locals (take a closer look at where middle-class locals go to dine). The prices in such establishments are excellent, without markup for Russians.

7. A special feature of the city is the signs in Russian. Moreover, they seem to be only happy that they write signs with errors.

8. The central square of the city. A kind of tourist Arbat. Surprisingly, but true - the Chinese are still quite good at distinguishing redneck tourists from normal people. We were practically never pestered with offers to buy some crap.

9. At the same time, the Chinese speak Russian very poorly and also poorly understand Russian speech. You can immediately forget about English - gestures are everything. Although some specimens can say “Dluga, hello!”, “Podesevle” and “Don’t be silly!”

10. According to local tradition, a red ribbon adds benefits to karma.

11. The most interesting thing is to get off the shopping route and into the gateways.

12. And look at the real life of the Chinese. This is still a good area. The area of ​​Heihe territory is 10 square meters. km. It is one of the most important border and coastal cities in China.

13. Transformer substations are located directly on poles.

14. Garbage cans of various models. They always stand next to the pillars.

15. By the way, most tourists come here for one day as “lanterns”, transporting other people’s cargo. They not only pay nothing for travel, but also earn 200-300 rubles.

16. They sell here absolutely everything that Chinese industry can do. And the medicine is excellent, too, by the way.

17. Particularly advanced compatriots carry everything they need at home.

18. According to rough estimates, about 500 Russians come here on weekdays. On weekends - more than 1 thousand. They buy everything: shoes, clothes, household appliances.

19. Store signs are excellent.

21. And Chinese ads are good too.

22. And there, on the other side - Russia. They are also trying to build skyscrapers and better illuminate the city in order to keep up with the Chinese.

23. Road transport in China is incredibly diverse. They drive anything here, with or without a motor. Chinese cars are excellent too. There are also many models from Japanese and European manufacturers that are not available in other countries. For example, where else will you see the BMW 5 Series in L version? No one follows the rules on the roads, but we have never seen a single accident.

24. Yes, there are also a lot of electric scooters and motorcycles here.

25. And this is on the outskirts of the city. These shacks will soon be demolished.

26. And they will build a new residential area.

27. In the meantime, he is adjacent to this garbage dump.

28. Glitter and poverty are very close.

29. Boys to the left, girls to the right. Excellent toilet in a block of high-rise buildings.

30. Construction is constantly underway in the city. Old buildings are demolished, and new multi-storey residential and administrative buildings are erected in their place.

31. Everyone is selling, exchanging, offering something.

32. And the Chinese are very hardworking, they constantly work without holidays or weekends.

33. More wonderful signs.

34. This is a market for locals; tourists usually don’t come here.

35. By the way, almost all the roads in the city are made of concrete. Chinese technology, however.

36. Even plastic windows can be taken home to Russia. We even saw such shots at customs on the way back.

37. Lots of shops - from small stalls to large shopping centers where you can buy anything you want.

38. And here is a mysterious sign without a Russian translation. What could it mean for pensioners joyfully chewing bananas? Dentistry?

40. A small remark. A Chinese samovar is not what our imagination pictures. This is a large vat of broth standing in the middle of the table, in which everyone prepares their own food.

41. Entertainment for every taste - cafes, restaurants, discos, 3D cinemas, saunas, billiard rooms, beauty salons.

42. Prices for services are much lower than in Russia, but normal goods and equipment cost the same.

43. My favorite sign.

44. Pedestrian bridge to Great Heihe Island.

45. A slightly more civilized part of the city.

46. ​​New microdistricts, industrial enterprises, hotels, banks, offices - all in a European style, but with a national flavor.

47. Naming a restaurant Putin is a great way to attract Russian natives.

48. Street fast food. By the way, I almost forgot - China has excellent and inexpensive beer. Only 15-25 rubles per 0.6 liter bottle.

49. Afternoon nap.

50. China, such China.

51. Huafu Central Shopping Center. The main place for purchasing various Chinese junk. Almost all prices are written in rubles. What is cheap (for example, sneakers for 150 rubles) is outright junk. And normal quality sneakers will cost 2 thousand rubles. The question is, why is it needed?

52. And this is what Heihe looks like from the hotel window. Electricity is not being saved in the city.

This is what the Chinese city of Heihe looks like. If you go to Vladivostok by car, be sure to stop by Blagoveshchensk and sail to Heihe. Two days will be enough to get a feel for the local flavor and return back to Russia with a clear conscience.

China is worth seeing in order to return home to Russia with joy. I recommend!

Heihe from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Heihe.

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Do you want to visit China just by crossing the river? Then welcome to Heihe - a border city, which is located next to the Amur region, and to be more precise, Blagoveshchensk. There are several advantages of such a foreign voyage. Firstly, there is no visa for Russian citizens. Secondly, cheap and varied shopping. And thirdly, new impressions from visiting, albeit not the capital of the Celestial Empire, but still one of its unique cities.

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How to get there

Finding yourself in Heihe is quite easy. But to do this, you first need to arrive in distant Blagoveshchensk. An air flight from the Russian capital (flights to Blagoveshchensk are served by Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports) will take about eight hours. And that's assuming you fork over the cash for direct flights.

If traveling by train evokes purely romantic and nostalgic feelings in you, you can take train tickets to Blagoveshchensk. Their prices are an order of magnitude lower than if you fly by plane. But, on the other hand, few people will most likely agree to spend six days listening to the sound of wheels. In any case, we note that train tickets in a reserved seat carriage will cost on average 95-110 EUR, in a compartment - 145-160 EUR per person. True, this is the cost of tickets only to Blagoveshchensk, not counting the return trip. We got to Blagoveshchensk, how to go further? Since Heihe is located on the banks of the Amur, tourists are taken to it by boat.

Passenger ships depart from the river port (located on Tchaikovsky Street, 1) daily from 8:50 to 17:30. The first ship from the port of Heihe to Blagoveshchensk departs at 10:15, and the last one at 18:30.

Flights from the Chinese border operate on the same schedule, that is, every day and every hour. Tickets for the ship (round trip) in a regular lounge cost 1650 RUB, in a luxury lounge - 2250 RUB. In principle, you don’t have to overpay, since the sail to Heihe is not long. But it still makes sense to pay extra to exit the VIP terminal in Heihe, so as not to stand in line at passport control. You will have to fork out about 100 CNY, plus the same for the visa fee. Russian tourists do not need to apply for a visa (only a form is filled out at customs), but this is provided that you will stay only in Heihe. You will still need a visa to travel to other cities in China.

  • How to get a visa to China in Blagoveshchensk and travel to Heihe

Where to stay

There are a lot of hotels in Heihe, but let us immediately note that you will not find five-star hotels here. Most hotels are “three rubles”, and with different conditions. In order not to be disappointed in the room, ask the reception to show the room and, if it suits you, make payment. The fact is that in Heihe (but, probably, like any other city that lives off tourists) they do not like to return money to foreigners.

The average cost of a room in three-star hotels is 110-140 CNY.

There are hotels that are much cheaper (from 40-60 CNY per room), but the conditions there will be minimal (shower, shared toilet - on the floor). By the way, if you are not satisfied with the price for housing, you can always bargain and bring the price down to an acceptable price for you.

Food and shopping

The cuisine in Heihe is varied. There are plenty of cafes and eateries here where you can taste not only Chinese, but also dishes prepared in the Russian style. In addition, at almost every step there are street stalls that sell all kinds of food. The average check in popular establishments (for example, Laguna, Xinyu, Putin) is 20-40 CNY. What to try in Heihe? In fact, there are a lot of dishes made from both meat and seafood. Most often, tourists in local cafes order a salad called “Heihe”, fried dumplings, Peking duck and meat with pineapples.

Many people go to Heihe for cheap shopping. You can buy anything here: from trinkets and souvenirs to the latest computer equipment and phones, car parts and even fur products. But whatever you like, be sure to inspect the product up and down, and if it’s clothing, and especially a mink coat, try it on and, of course, bargain.

The epicenters of trade in Heihe are the Huafu shopping complex (located in the city center), as well as Yuandong and Great Heihe Island (they are located next to the customs).

By the way, there is a flea market on Wenhua Street in the mornings. Here you can buy anything you want and almost for nothing.

Entertainment and attractions in Heihe

There is something for tourists to do in Heihe, regardless of the time of year. As a walking tour, you can go to the city embankment and, while admiring the panorama of the Amur River, dream about something good. For active entertainment, you can go to the park, which is located near the customs office, and ride the Ferris wheel and other attractions. You can literally sweat in the Tian Yi baths. Here you will also be offered massages and various beauty treatments.

In winter, you can have a blast, as they say, to the fullest, at the Longzhu ski resort, which is located in the suburbs of Heihe. For natural beauty, you can go to Wudalianchi Park with its picturesque lakes and thermal springs.

Prices on the page are for October 2018.