Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast. It might be interesting. Sochi residents in "kissel" with a foot


The author of the appeal is Larisa Yangol, a resident of Norilsk. According to her, "being with a small child in Adler for only two days and swimming in the sea, instead of rest, we got an intestinal infection and a tour to the infectious diseases hospital, which turned out to be overcrowded with vacationers"
RIA Novosti / Mikhail Mokrushin

"I ask you to influence the local authorities and the general sanitary situation on the coast, which is out of control and threatens the health of the nation!" Yangol writes. She addressed her appeal to the President of the country Vladimir Putin and the chief sanitary doctor of the country
Global Look Press

Russian tourists decided to draw the attention of the authorities to the sanitary situation on the Black Sea coast. They call it "catastrophic" and call on officials to stop the spread of intestinal infection in the Black Sea resorts, follows from the petition posted on the website.

The author of the appeal is Larisa Yangol, a resident of Norilsk. According to her, "being with a small child in Adler for only two days and swimming in the sea, instead of rest, we got an intestinal infection and a tour to the infectious diseases hospital, which turned out to be overcrowded with vacationers." “Sick children lie even in the corridors, there are not enough places! Everyone has the same story - they swam in the Adler Black Sea, where sewage is drained and E. coli is teeming! children cannot create conditions for a safe holiday!" - writes the tourist.

"I ask you to influence the local authorities and the general sanitary situation on the coast, which is out of control and threatens the health of the nation!" Yangol writes. She addressed her appeal to President Vladimir Putin and the country's chief sanitary doctor.

Within a month, more than 800 people signed the petition. "I'm signing up because the vacation on the Black Sea coast is hopelessly ruined, because out of 6 people in our company, all had an intestinal infection, spent a lot of money on medicines and spent most of the vacation in the room! Urgent checks from Moscow are needed, because. local authorities are hushing up the whole truth about the epidemiological situation," Tatyana Chugunova, a resident of Moscow, writes in the comments.

Since mid-August, numerous vacationers have been posting on social media about cases of intestinal infections and rotavirus in Sochi and Anapa, as well as their reports of visits to overcrowded hospitals. The BlogSochi resource published a message from Angela Alekseenko, who complained that her child in Adler had contracted an intestinal infection just by sitting on the beach.

“60 children are admitted to the hospital overnight with one diagnosis - “intestinal infection”, all the children are in the hands of their parents, they are constantly vomiting, they are exhausted and cannot stand on their feet,” the woman writes. “Poor doctors who do nothing well, the hospitals are full."

At the same time, the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory and Rospotrebnadzor deny mass outbreaks of infection. According to the Ministry of Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, the occupancy of the Black Sea beaches in the high season of 2016 exceeded 100%. Nevertheless, the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor reported that there were no cases of group and outbreaks associated with the water factor of infection transmission (swimming in the sea, rivers, use of recreational areas), Kommersant writes. This information was confirmed to the publication by the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory.

Sochi City Hall suggests that parents and their children stay in the sun for too long, including at hours when it becomes unsafe to be there. According to the deputy head of the tourism department of the Sochi administration, Elena Pavlovich, they do not exclude cases of poisoning, but they focus on the fact that this is not widespread at the resort. And parents are advised to take a closer look at their children so that they are not all the time in the sun and do not drink sea water, the website reports.

“I am in complete shock: why is everyone silent?”

Black Sea resorts of Russia are captured by an intestinal infection

In the Krasnodar Territory - an outbreak of intestinal infection. Tourists complain that the sea is polluted with sewage and algae, and talk about overcrowded hospitals. Local authorities do not recognize the problem: official comments say that there are no mass cases of diseases. In the meantime, a collection of signatures began on the Internet for a petition in which the Russians ask President Vladimir Putin to save the Russian resort from an environmental disaster.

“It turns out you can’t go to the sea”

“The situation is simply catastrophic! Being with a small child in Adler for only two days and swimming in the sea, instead of rest, we got an intestinal infection and a tour to the infectious diseases hospital on Kirova 50, which turned out to be crowded with vacationers, sick children lie even in the corridors, there are not enough places! Everyone has one story: they swam in the Adler Black Sea, where sewage is poured and where E. coli is teeming! People come from all over the country and spend their holidays in the infectious diseases department. Little children and their parents lie under droppers and do not get off the pots! And this is in post-Olympic Sochi, where everything has been done for the guests of the Olympiad, but they cannot create conditions for a safe holiday for their children! With her petition, she is trying to attract the attention of President Vladimir Putin and the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, whom Yangol asks to "stop the intestinal infection in the Black Sea." So far, only 778 people have supported the petition, but the number of signatories is growing.

Social networks and blogs are full of tourists' stories about the epidemic of intestinal infection in the major resorts of the Black Sea: Anapa, Sochi, Gelendzhik and others.

In the public domain, you can find hundreds of similar messages about how tourists, after swimming in the sea, suffered from diarrhea and vomiting, waited for an ambulance for hours, and spent most of their vacation in the hospital. Basically, parents of preschool children complained about the spoiled vacation.

The situation with the incidence of intestinal infection is observed on the coast for the third year in a row

Perhaps the most replicated in social networks is the post of Angela Alekseenko from Petrozavodsk. She is indignant that for the sake of profit, the authorities, doctors and the media are hushing up information about the epidemic on the Black Sea coast. She was vacationing in Sochi with her two-year-old son. After a trip to the sea, he had a fever, diarrhea and vomiting began. The baby, together with his mother, was taken by ambulance to the emergency room of the infectious diseases hospital, where they had to wait three hours to see a doctor in the company of other vacationers with similar problems.

“A bunch of parents, all the kids are in their arms, they are constantly vomiting, they are exhausted and cannot stand on their feet. Poor doctors, who do not have time to do anything, try to be kind, understanding. But tired as hell. And today is the fourth day in the hospital, periodically I roar, in complete shock, why is everyone silent, ”writes Angela Alekseenko.

According to Alekseenko, 60 children are admitted to the hospital every day with one diagnosis - an intestinal infection.

“It turns out that you can’t go out to the sea, it’s dirty, children get poisoned, their small, fragile body fails! And everyone is silent! Hospitals are overcrowded, people are lying in the corridors, I see this nightmare myself. Dirt, stuffiness, there is no refrigerator or microwave in the whole hospital,” the woman is indignant. The ambulance doctors told her that this situation had been happening since the beginning of summer. “Why are you silent? “Then you won’t come to us,” they answer. This is fine? All summer such nonsense, poor children are poisoned, someone vomits blood, and everyone sneezes, because money! ”, - Alekseenko is indignant. Her post was reprinted by the media and bloggers, but later, for unknown reasons, it was removed from Facebook. the site tried to contact Angela Alekseenko through the social network, but at the time of preparation of the material, she did not respond to a personal message.

“They called back from the ambulance, they said that the doctors would not come”

Tourists faced similar problems throughout the summer in other resort towns of the Krasnodar Territory. According to the site, Denis Stepanchenko, a Sverdlovsk resident, who was vacationing with his family in the village of Vityazevo near Anapa, the family spent 10 out of 14 days of vacation in the room due to an intestinal infection that struck the children. Denis Stepanchenko with his wife and two sons (one is 7 years old, the other is 11 months old) arrived in Vityazevo on July 29th.

On the second day of rest after swimming in the sea, the youngest son began to vomit, have diarrhea, and the temperature rose to 38.5 degrees. Later, the same symptoms began in the eldest son. “At first they treated themselves, on the third day they asked the hotel to call an ambulance. Later, they called us back from the ambulance and said that the doctors would not come to us, since the child’s temperature is relatively low, and they have a lot of calls even without us, ”says the Uralian. According to him, in pharmacies there is always a queue of about twenty people.

“Everyone has the same symptoms, everyone buys the same drugs. The pharmacy understands the situation and doubles the prices,” says the Uralian.

According to Denis, during the holidays, an ambulance came to the hotel every day, where he rested with his family, two or three times. “They took small children with their mothers to the hospital. And everyone started to get sick after visiting the sea,” he says. Denis notes that after what he has experienced, he is unlikely to risk going to the Russian Black Sea coast. According to him, local residents say that the situation with the general incidence of intestinal infection has been observed on the coast for the third year in a row and always at the end of the holiday season. This is also confirmed by the posts of users in social networks.

The flight and a two-week vacation in a four-star all-inclusive hotel cost the family of Denis Stepanichenko 220 thousand rubles. The family spent another 10,000 rubles on buying medicines at local pharmacies.

A similar story happened in Gelendzhik with Ekaterina Shipitsyna, a resident of Yekaterinburg, who was vacationing at the resort with three small children, her husband and mother-in-law. “We came for four weeks, rented an apartment, cooked only ourselves, thoroughly washed all the fruits and vegetables, followed all the rules of hygiene, but nevertheless we got sick,” the mother of many children told the site. According to her, three-year-old twins fell ill first, and then a one-year-old son. Later, the adults took turns falling ill. The symptoms are the same for everyone: vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, high fever. By the end of the vacation, the children managed to get sick twice.

According to Ekaterina, local residents believe that the main cause of diseases is dirty sea water, in which, at the end of summer, due to the heat, algae bloom and bacteria multiply. In addition, the old-timers point to the lack of a centralized sewage system.

City Hall of Sochi: the cause of diseases is the carelessness of vacationers

More than 3.3 million tourists rested in Sochi from January to July 2016, according to an official statement on the website of the municipality. The beaches are 100% loaded. At the same time, the administration's health department refused to tell the site by phone how many people were hospitalized with intestinal infections this season. The site sent an official request to the press service of the city administration, but there is no answer yet.

At the same time, the city health department emphasizes that over the past six months, no cases of mass infectious diseases have been registered in Sochi. According to doctors, in most cases, the cause of illness is the carelessness of the vacationers themselves, who do not comply with elementary sanitary and epidemiological standards: for example, they buy food in street stalls and wash fruit right in the sea. Officials have even developed a memo for tourists on how to maintain good health during the holidays, however, apparently, it does not always save vacationers.

Official reports from the Sochi administration say that the water in the sea meets all the necessary standards. According to the press service of the city hall, citing specialists from Rospotrebnadzor, this summer the water even became cleaner by about 10% compared to 2015.

The city administration notes that twice a week water samples are taken in the resort. “Since the beginning of the summer period, about one and a half thousand water samples have been taken. All of them met the established standards, and the maximum allowable concentration was not exceeded,” the press service of the municipality notes.

Also, on the website of the Sochi City Hall, messages regularly appear on the improvement of local sewerage. One of them says that in 2015 in Sochi “almost 12,000 non-sewered objects were identified, at the beginning of the summer of 2016 there were 2,571 of them left.” Work in this direction continues, according to the city administration.

Ecologist: sewage and faecal water flow into the sea

Environmentalists point to a problem with sewerage in the Krasnodar Territory. “Many times I have been on business trips to Sochi and its suburbs and with my own eyes I have seen sewage flowing into the sea. This situation is typical for Russia and for the settlements of Sochi. Sewerage and faecal water flow into the sea. Effluent ends up in local rivers that empty into the sea. Often people swim on the beaches where the runoff comes out, ”says Vitaly Bezrukov, head of the My Planet charity environmental foundation.

According to him, the sanitary situation in the resort is also deteriorating due to the construction of mini-hotels in a place where there used to be only small private houses. “For example, there used to be a one-story house in which, say, four people lived, there was relatively little waste. Then a five-story mini-hotel was built on this site. Accordingly, the volume of sewage flows increases significantly, and they both merge into the sea and merge,” the ecologist explains. In addition, according to him, household chemicals (phosphorus-containing washing powders, detergents, etc.) enter the sea with these effluents, which give rise to the blooming of blue-green algae, which in turn contributes to the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Over the past few years, in the media, you can find unflattering reviews from people vacationing on the Black Sea. The reason for such conversations is the incidence of intestinal infections among tourists. Is it really? It is possible that this information is false and is being disseminated in order to reduce the number of vacationers on the coast. Otherwise, it is dangerous to spend holidays in the famous resorts of the Black Sea. How the situation is in reality, journalists and tourists who have been poisoned are trying to find out.

The incidence of intestinal infections in the Black Sea

Information about what is found in many vacationers appeared in 2012. Since then, this rumor has been spreading more and more every year. The presence of foci of infection in this area is indeed a big problem not only for vacationing tourists, but also threatens the health of local residents and affects the profits of owners of resort areas.

Everyone knows that the Black Sea has always been considered a great place to relax. The favorable climate and various amenities for tourists attract not only residents of Russia and Ukraine, but also people from other countries. In addition to recreation areas, there are many resorts and sanatoriums on the Black Sea coast. They are intended for people with chronic diseases. Therefore, the outbreak on the Black Sea coast is a large-scale problem. Nevertheless, it cannot remain unresolved, because not only resort owners, but also state authorities are interested in this.

Information about outbreaks of infections in the Black Sea: truth or myth?

The fact that an intestinal infection has appeared on the Black Sea coast is evidenced by a lot of people's reviews. Mostly complaining tourists who returned after a holiday and were dissatisfied with this situation. Some of them even conducted their own investigation and collected information from the head of the infectious disease hospital and local authorities. However, people did not receive a reliable answer. Complaints about infection with infectious pathologies scare others who want to relax on the Black Sea. This has a significant impact on the economy of the country.

Despite cases of infection, there is no official confirmation of such information. Doctors say that infectious diseases are normal for the summer period. Especially if you take into account the number of fruits and vegetables sold at the resorts. In addition, many come to the hospital with ordinary poisoning. No one is insured against such cases, regardless of where a person is: on vacation or at home.

Despite this, people planning a vacation often ask themselves the question: where on the Black Sea coast is there no intestinal infection? Indeed, this topic is quite relevant. Especially if the infectious lesion of the intestine is associated with bacteria found in sea water. There is no confirmation of such information at the moment. But, if this turns out to be true, the owners of recreation areas will suffer big losses, and swimming in the sea will become dangerous for health.

What infections are found on vacation?

Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast can be different. Especially if the cause of its development is not related to water contamination. The most common intestinal pathologies encountered on vacation in this region are diseases, the pathogens of which live in the sea. At the same time, people can become infected both while swimming and eating fish from this reservoir. There are the following types of infectious diseases:

All these diseases are acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, when eating sea fish, you can get a specific infection - opisthorchiasis. This disease adversely affects the cells of the liver and bile ducts.

Reasons for the development of intestinal infections during rest

Despite the fact that intestinal infection occurs on the Black Sea coast, its cause is not always in poor water quality. After all, the causative agents of pathologies can be anywhere. As the doctor of the infectious diseases hospital, located in one of the resort towns of the Black Sea, explains, most often patients come to the clinic with banal food poisoning. In this case, it is impossible to talk about the contamination of sea water. breed in vegetables and fruits, eggs, meat of poor quality. Transmission and spread of infection from sick people to healthy tourists is also possible. It is known that intestinal pathologies are highly contagious lesions.

Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast: symptoms of pathology

Signs of an infection acquired on the Black Sea coast may be different. It depends on the pathogen. However, all intestinal infections have similar symptoms. The main ailments that you can pick up include enterocolitis, dyspepsia and intoxication. People who have been infected experience the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • General weakness and fever.
  • Pain in the abdomen, localized in the lower and middle sections.
  • Diarrhea.
  • The appearance of impurities in the feces. With some infections, there is a discharge of blood, pus.

Specific signs of dysentery is pain in the left iliac region. Tenesmus is also observed - a false urge to defecate. With salmonellosis, the feces become green, reminiscent of “frog spawn”.

Diagnosis of infectious diseases of the intestine

Diagnostic criteria include diarrhea (bowel emptying more than 10 times a day), fever, abdominal pain. It is important to distinguish diseases among themselves. After all, the choice of treatment depends on the causative agent of the pathology. To this end, pay attention to the change in feces (its appearance), localization and nature of pain. To identify the pathogen, biological fluids and excrement are sent for laboratory testing.

Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast: treatment of pathology

Such pathologies cause such dangerous disorders as loss of fluid from the body (with vomit, feces), changes in water-salt metabolism. This is the danger of an intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast. How to treat such a disease? Therapy should be aimed at combating the pathogen and correcting violations. The choice of drugs depends on the etiology of the infection. In some cases, treatment is carried out with the drug "Penicillin", "Metronidazole", "Ceftriaxone". To replenish the volume of fluid, it is recommended to take Regidron. In case of severe violations, an intravenous infusion of saline is performed, and the electrolyte balance is corrected.

To avoid infection, it is recommended to postpone the vacation on the Black Sea for 1 month. That is, to come to the resort before the opening of the season. People who relax at sea in May or early June do not complain about the development of infectious diseases. Unlike the tourists who came in July and August. It is also recommended not to take infants with you. Refrain from climate change should be people who have problems with the immune system, suffering from acute illnesses.

Prevention of intestinal infections in the Black Sea

Before going to the resort, you should consult with your family doctor. Doctors also need to be warned that, judging by the reviews of tourists, an intestinal infection may develop on the Black Sea coast. Prevention for those who decide to go on vacation is to perform the following activities. First, you must follow the rules of hygiene. It should be remembered that you can not swim in the presence of damage to the skin, during menstruation. Secondly, fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed. In the presence of small children, products should be poured over with boiling water. Thirdly, you need to clean and wash the fish well, give it a thorough heat treatment. Drinking bottled water is recommended.

Tourists who vacationed this summer on the Black Sea coast of Russia are trying to draw the attention of the authorities to the sanitary situation on the Black Sea coast. According to them, it is "catastrophic."

"Tour to the Infectious Diseases Hospital"

The Russians demand officials to stop the spread of intestinal infection in the Black Sea resorts. This is stated in the petition, which is posted on the website.

The author of the petition is Larisa Yangol, a resident of Norilsk. According to her, "being with a small child in Adler for only two days and swimming in the sea, instead of rest, we got an intestinal infection and a tour to the infectious diseases hospital, which turned out to be overcrowded with vacationers."

Sick children lie even in the corridors, there are not enough places! Everyone has one story - they swam in the Adler Black Sea, where sewage is drained and E. coli is teeming! ... And this is in post-Olympic Sochi, where they did everything for the guests of the Olympiad, but they cannot create conditions for their children for a safe holiday! "-

writes an excited tourist.

In his appeal, Yangol asks local authorities to influence the general sanitary situation on the coast. She, says the tourist, "is out of control and threatens the health of the nation." She addressed her appeal to President Vladimir Putin and the country's chief sanitary doctor. Within a month, more than 1,000 people signed the petition.

I subscribe because the vacation on the Black Sea coast is hopelessly ruined. out of 6 people in our company, all had an intestinal infection, spent a lot of money on medicines and lay in the room for most of the vacation! Urgent checks from Moscow are needed, because. local authorities are hushing up the whole truth about the epidemiological situation,”

Moscow resident Tatiana Chugunova tells her story in the comments.

Netizens who have vacationed on the Russian Black Sea coast are posting numerous case stories. Intestinal infection and rotavirus were picked up by those who had a rest in Sochi and Anapa.

So, Angela Alekseenko complained that her child in Adler contracted an intestinal infection just by sitting on the beach.

60 children are admitted to the hospital per night with one diagnosis - "intestinal infection", all the children are in the hands of their parents, they are constantly vomiting, they are exhausted and cannot stand on their feet. Poor doctors who do not have time to do anything, the hospitals are overcrowded" , -

a woman writes.

According to Vitaly Yegorenkov, a native from the Urals, whose family also had an intestinal infection, there are always twenty people in line at pharmacies.

Everyone has the same symptoms, everyone buys the same drugs. The pharmacy understands the situation and doubles the prices," he said.

says Ural.

Ambulances come to hotels several times a day to take away those who are infected.

Authorities: the carelessness of vacationers is to blame

More than 3.3 million tourists rested in Sochi from January to July 2016, according to an official statement on the website of the municipality. The beaches are 100% loaded.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory and Rospotrebnadzor deny mass outbreaks of infection. Nevertheless, the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor reported that there were no cases of group and outbreaks associated with the water factor of infection transmission (bathing in the sea, rivers, use of recreational areas), Kommersant writes.

This information was confirmed to the publication by the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory. According to official data, the state of sea water is also not satisfactory. According to research by Rospotrebnadzor, the proportion of water samples that do not meet hygienic standards for microbiological indicators was 0.8%; according to sanitary and chemical indicators - 0.4%.

Authorities also believe that parents with their children are too long in the sun, including at hours when it becomes unsafe to be there.

According to the deputy head of the tourism department of the Sochi administration, Elena Pavlovich, they do not exclude cases of poisoning, but they focus on the fact that this is not widespread at the resort. And parents are advised to take a closer look at their children so that they are not all the time in the sun and do not drink sea water, according to the site

Ecologist: sewage drains flow directly into the sea

Environmentalists point to a problem with sewerage in the Krasnodar Territory.

I have been on business trips to Sochi and its suburbs many times and have seen with my own eyes sewage flows flowing into the sea. This situation is typical for Russia and for the settlements of Sochi. Sewerage and faecal water flow into the sea. Effluent ends up in local rivers that empty into the sea. Often people swim on the beaches where the runoff comes out.

says Vitaly Bezrukov, head of the My Planet charitable environmental foundation.

According to him, the sanitary situation in the resort is also deteriorating due to the construction of mini-hotels in a place where there used to be only small private houses.

For example, there used to be a one-story house in which, let's say, four people lived, there was relatively little waste. Then a five-story mini-hotel was built on this site. Accordingly, the volume of sewage flows is significantly increasing, and they both merge into the sea and merge,” -

explains the ecologist.

In addition, according to him, household chemicals (phosphorus-containing washing powders, detergents, etc.) enter the sea with these effluents, which give rise to the blooming of blue-green algae, which in turn contributes to the growth of pathogenic bacteria.