The main attractions of the city of Baku with photos and descriptions. Distant and close Baku. What you need to know when planning a trip to Azerbaijan Where you can go for a walk in Baku

Nagorny Park named after Sergei Kirov, located in the very center of Baku, is considered one of the most beautiful parks in the capital, as well as a favorite vacation spot for local residents. The park is unique in that from its territory you can see a panorama of the city, which explains the name of the park - Nagorny. Another name for the park that has caught on among the people is Observation Deck.

The park was built by L. Ilyin from limestone from Baku quarries of various colors on the site of an old Muslim cemetery. He connected the alleys and stairs in such a way as to fully reveal the panorama of the Baku Bay. Also in the park there is an open theater, a reading room, a cafe and other architectural monuments.

The Alley of Martyrs is also located in the Nagorny Park, where the victims of “Black January” who died in the Karabakh War are buried.

Palace of the Shirvanshahs

The Palace of the Shirvanshahs is one of the largest monuments of Azerbaijani architecture, built by the rulers of Shirvan when moving the capital from Shamakhi to Baku. Today, the territory of the palace complex is under protection and is recognized as a historical and architectural museum-reserve. Since 2000, the palace has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The 15th century palace complex in the western part of Icheri Sheher is now a museum-reserve. The ensemble of the palace includes the main building, a mosque with a minaret, a tomb, the mausoleum of Seyid Yahya Bakuvi, Divankhane, the remains of the Keygubad mosque and baths.

Despite the fact that in the 16th century the palace was looted and the treasures of the shahs were taken from its halls, this complex is one of the most visited attractions in Baku. Some palace buildings are still surrounded by secrets. For example, scientists still cannot establish the purpose of the Divankhane, a building that is attributed both to the role of a court of law and a storage place for the Shah’s treasury.

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Baku Crystal Hall

The Baku Crystal Hall is a huge sports and concert complex, built primarily to host the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest. Its location was not chosen by chance - this is the State Flag Square in Baku, which is of extreme importance for the city. This is where the giant record-breaking flagpole with the national flag stands.

The official opening ceremony of the Baku Crystal Hall took place on May 7, 2012, and the final performances of the Eurovision Song Contest were held here on May 22-26. At one time, the complex can accommodate as many as 23 thousand people; the Crystal Hall has a lot of entrances and exits, and the conditions of the hall fully comply with international equipment and safety standards.

The outside of the Baku Crystal Hall is equipped with giant monitors, on which another 16 thousand spectators who could not fit into the hall can watch what is happening inside. Another feature of the Crystal Hall is its unusual lighting special effects developed by N ssli International AG. There are no others like them in the world. In addition to dynamic lighting installations outside and inside the building, its exterior is completely decorated with huge “crystals” that contain hundreds and thousands of light panels. The possibilities of such illumination are almost limitless.

The Baku seaside park, better known as “Seaside Boulevard,” is constantly expanding: its length is 3 kilometers, but it is planned to expand it by tens of kilometers.

In the 20th century, the park included only one terrace, behind which the sea was visible. Now the boulevard is a two-tier building with numerous attractions, cafes, alleys and flower beds. The boulevard is considered a popular recreation spot for locals and tourists.

Recently, the boulevard has become 2 kilometers longer: its territory extended from the hand games stadium to the former Krasin Square. At the moment, the boulevard continues to be completed on all sides, planted with greenery and fountains erected. In 2005, the International Mugham Center opened on the boulevard, which is located in a three-story building with an area of ​​about 8 thousand square meters.

In 1998, thanks to then President Heydar Aliyev, the boulevard was given the status of a national park.

Juma mosque

Juma Mosque is a Friday mosque for the common prayer of the Muslim community at noon on Friday. The mosque was built in the old city - Icheri Sheher - with the money of the Baku philanthropist Haji Shikhali Dadashev.

In ancient times, on the site of the modern mosque there was a temple of fire worshipers, which was then replaced by the ancient Juma Mosque. In 1899, one of the local pious merchants decided to completely rebuild the building and allocated a significant amount for the construction of a new mosque. From the old Juma of the 15th century, only the minaret remains, which today adjoins the building of the new mosque.

The Juma Mosque is not only an architectural monument, but also one of the operating mosques in the city. If you find yourself near the mosque on Friday, you can see a large number of Muslims who have come here to pray.


The area called Goygol is world famous for its beautiful and rich forests, unique nature and beauty. To preserve this natural splendor, Goygol National Park was created on April 1, 2008, the total area of ​​which today is 12,755 hectares. Goygol National Park is located in Azerbaijan, on the picturesque northern slopes of Mount Kapaz, at an altitude of 1000-3060 meters above sea level.

The creation of the national park was aimed mainly at preserving the local biological environment, efficient use of natural resources and the development of ecotourism.

The main part of the national park has rich vegetation cover. Forests at an altitude of 1100-2200 meters above sea level include 80 species of trees and shrubs. The right tributary of the Kurekchay River, Akhsuchay, flows through the park.

Goygol National Park is also rich in its fauna. The park protects rare species of animals, such as Caucasian red deer and trout. The beautiful and diverse nature, rich flora and fauna of the Goygol National Park make it possible to effectively organize and develop ecotourism.

Mukhtarov Palace

In the center of Baku there is an openwork palace built in 1911-1912. It embodied all the beauty and grace of French Gothic, as well as the Venetian architectural style. This is the Mukhtarov Palace, donated by the millionaire to his beloved wife Lisa at the beginning of the century. This dilapidated architectural monument is covered with a story of love and subsequent tragedy.

Murtuz Mukhtarov wanted to build his palace directly opposite the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the largest in Transcaucasia at that time. The patron even attempted to make it taller than the temple, but local authorities did not allow it. Architect Joseph Ploshko completed the construction of the palace in record time - in just one year. Specially invited craftsmen from Italy were involved in the work.

The idyll was destroyed by the Red Army after the revolution. The palace first began to be used by the Liberated Turkish Women's Club, also served as a store and museum-reserve of the Shirvanshah, and only then finally established itself as a wedding palace (“Palace of Happiness,” as it is called here).

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Baku Zoo

The Baku Zoo has a rich history - it was founded back in 1928. Thus, it is the oldest zoo in Azerbaijan. The area where the park is currently located is 4.25 hectares, although the original plan included as many as 45 hectares of land next to the children's railway. Since its founding, the zoo has changed its location several times, starting from Nizami Park, Ilyich’s cramped garden near the railway station, and the village of Bailovo, where several animals died as a result of a landslide in the mid-70s.

Finally, in 1979, the executive committee of the Baku Council made a decision and provided funding for the construction of a new zoological park. From 1985 to this day, the zoo has been located in the Narimanov district of the city. The main “attractions” of the park are lions and tigers, wolves, a large number of monkeys, wolves and camels, as well as black swans, Nile crocodile, leopard and jaguar, and even such overseas guests as kangaroos. The symbol of the Baku Zoo is the pink flamingo; 28 of them live here.

Work is now underway to create a new site for the zoo; President Ilham Aliyev promised that this time the park’s area will be 230 hectares.

The most popular attractions in Baku with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Baku on our website.

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Photo review about the attractions of Baku (prices and opening hours) and tips on what to see in Baku in one, two or three days.

Azerbaijanis periodically wrote to me with reproaches. Why are you talking about Georgia and Armenia, but not about us? Why haven’t you been to Azerbaijan? Our Baku is so beautiful, but you ignore it.

Really, why am I doing this? If they call you, you have to go!

And guess what? Baku is a great place where you can fly cheaply for a weekend, or better yet, for a week or two. I won’t talk about all of Azerbaijan (we never got to the mountains), but the capital and its surroundings definitely deserve attention.

We wandered around Baku for a week, walking 12-20 km every day, so I think we got a good look at the city.

Usually, when traveling around Azerbaijan, a couple of days are allocated to the capital, so I’ll tell you what to see in Baku in one or two days, and what you can skip.

Baku is a large modern city on the shores of the Caspian Sea. It is called the “City of Winds” because a strong wind constantly blows from the Caspian Sea.

There are a lot of cats and almost no dogs.

There are dozens of pedestrian streets, parks and places for walking.

And also tall mosques, wide one-way avenues and the cheapest metro in the world (probably). Comfortable!

Sights of Baku on the map

Below are the sights of Baku that I especially liked.

Old Baku (Icheri Sheher)

Coordinates: 40.366929, 49.837559

Nearest metro: Icheri Sheher

The old town is small, surrounded by a fortress wall, entrance to the territory is free, you only need to pay for tickets to some key places.

Cobbled streets, hill houses, palaces, souvenir shops, several restaurants - all this can be found in Icheri Sheher.

Fortress walls of Icheri Sheher

The fortress walls are not very high, but quite thick. There is a staircase, you can climb the wall and look at the old city from there.

Kichik-Gala Street

This street runs along the fortress wall. If you are interested in where “The Diamond Arm” was filmed in Baku, here is the address: st. Kichik-Gala, 8/1, Icheri Sheher. The famous fall scene was filmed near this house.

In Google this street is called Böyük Qala, and on - Kiçik Qala

Palace of the Shirvanshahs

Coordinates: 40.366584, 49.833284

Entrance - 4 manats for adults, 0.2 manat for children

Opening hours: 10.00-18.00 seven days a week

There is a museum of Azerbaijani culture, living quarters where the shahs used to live, baths, and a mosque. It’s more interesting to go with a guide when they tell you what’s what.

For inspection without a tour, 20-30 minutes will be enough.

Bathhouse Gadzhi Gaib

Coordinates: 40.366415, 49.836669

English Haji Bani Bath complex

Similar baths can be seen in Tbilisi, Iran and, as it turned out, in old Baku.

Maiden's Tower

Coordinates: 40.366256, 49.837498

Entrance - 8 manat

This is the oldest building in Baku that has survived to this day. As often happens, there is a beautiful legend about the construction of the Maiden Tower.

A long time ago, one all-powerful Shah fell in love with his own daughter and decided to marry. And the girl asked her dad to postpone this event, and instead start building a cylindrical tower on a rock ledge.

My daughter’s logic is clear to me. When you are engaged in construction, you forget about everything in the world. But the Shah did not forget. I completed the tower and again let’s frighten the child with marriage.

The virgin did not want to marry her father, so she jumped into the waters of the Caspian Sea right from the top of the building (in those days the Caspian Sea splashed at the foot of the tower). This is such an evil legend.

We didn’t climb the tower; instead, we immediately went to the Nagorny Park to the observation deck - from there we had a better view of the city.

Excursions to Baku

Photo of old Baku

It's nice to just walk around the back streets of the old city. Tourists mostly wander along the same routes and cluster near the Shirvanshah's palace and baths.

But you can also go a little off the beaten path. You will find yourself completely alone. Just you and the cats.

Primorsky Boulevard

One Azerbaijani said that previously in Baku one could often hear a similar dialogue:

— Have you been to Baku?
- Was
— Have you been to Primorsky Boulevard?
- No
- So you haven’t been to Baku!

Therefore, we leave the old city and go to the sea, to the Seaside Park and to the boulevard.

It’s good here at any time of the day; on Fridays they set up a stage and sing songs.

Locals are running in the evenings, fishermen are catching fish, couples are hugging, restaurants are waiting for visitors, Argentine 200-year-old baobab trees are growing, the beauty of Azerbaijan is being broadcast on a huge screen. Beautiful!

I think I don’t need to tell you how to walk along the boulevard :) The park is green, specially trained people look after it. I saw 6 people trimming one bush.

Hilton (right) and "Egg" on the left

On Primorsky Boulevard I liked the area of ​​the Hilton and Marriott hotels, where the Government House and shopping center are located Park Boulevard in the shape of an egg.

Coordinates 40.371137, 49.849489

Little Venice

Coordinates: 40.361136, 49.835759

There is a small system of walking water canals on the boulevard. In the summer they float on gondolas.

Carpet Museum

Coordinates: 40.359777, 49.835544

Price for adults - 8 manat, with audio guide - 10 manat

Operating mode: 10.00-18.00 seven days a week

The Carpet Museum is another architectural landmark, located on the embankment immediately behind Little Venice, across the road from the funicular.

The world's first specialized museum for the collection, storage and study of carpets. It is better to take a guide or audio guide, otherwise it will not be so interesting.

Funicular Baku

Baku funicular in front of the Carpet Museum

Coordinates: 40.360255, 49.833083

Price - 0.6 manat

Operating mode: 10.00 — 22.00 , dinner 13.00-14.00

Closed: Monday

If you come during business hours and the funicular is actually working, then urgently buy a lottery ticket. You are lucky today!

The cable car rests more often than it works. We arrived during working hours, there was a piece of paper on the door with the word “Prevention”, and three people were sitting inside. They showed a cross with their hands on their chest (they say it’s closed), and then let’s chat.

If the funicular works, then good, but if not, then there is a staircase to the left of it. Follow it vertically upward for 15 minutes to get to Nagorny Park

Nagorny Park

Coordinates: 40.357225, 49.830121

One of the highest observation points in Baku, the entire city is visible from the observation point.

It is cooler here than near the sea, and the wind is even stronger. In summer, Nagorny Park is an ideal place to escape the heat.

There on the hill you can see the Alley of Martyrs, the eternal flame in memory of the dead, the Turkish Mosque and come close to the Flame Towers.

Blue Mosque

Coordinates: 40.358595, 49.827900

Turkish mosque near the Flame Towers at the top funicular station. A functioning Sunni mosque.

It may not be worth going here specifically for it, but if you’re in Nagorny Park, you can come and have a look.

Towers of Flame

Coordinates: 40.359481, 49.826602

The Flame Towers are the tallest buildings in the country and are visible from anywhere in Baku. A unique symbol of the city. Tower heights: 190, 160 and 140 meters.

They look especially cool in the evening when the lights are turned on.

You can even live in these pieces of glass by booking a room at the 5* Fairmont hotel in one of the towers. The view from the panoramic window is many times cooler than from any observation deck.

Area of ​​the national flag

Coordinates: 40.344293, 49.844836

From the observation deck you can see the Ferris wheel, and even further away - Bayraq Meydanı Square with a huge state flag of Azerbaijan. You can go take a closer look.

And even further south there is a large Water Palace, where in the evenings they also turn on the illumination and show a giant guy swimming in the pool. An unusual sight.

Bibi Heybət Mosque

Interesting view from the walls of the mosque

Coordinates: 40.308543, 49.820516

Shia mosque on the shore of Baku Bay in the village of Shikhovo south of Baku.

It seems that Iranians traveling around Azerbaijan come here only for this mosque. Everyone gathered there. And if there is some kind of religious holiday or just a day off, then there will be tons of people.

I cannot take responsibility and advise you to specifically go to this mosque. It’s far from the center; it took 30 minutes to get there by bus with transfers.

TV tower

Coordinates: 40.351524, 49.823357

There is a TV tower in Baku, also on a hill. At the top there is a revolving restaurant at an altitude of 310 meters, you can admire the city from above. The price tag is high.

You can get there by bus 18 from the old town or by taxi.

I was too lazy to go to the tower, just know that this option is also available.

Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center

Coordinates: 40.395915, 49.867804

Nearest metro: Nariman Narimanov, walk from the metro 1 km (10-15 minutes)

Entrance - 15 manat. We didn’t go into the museum itself, so I don’t know what’s inside.

One of the most famous attractions of Baku. You can find a million photos of this building on the Internet, but in real life it is more beautiful and monumental. Smooth lines, sheer perfection. Recognized as one of the most beautiful buildings on the planet.

There is a large park around. There are giant colorful rabbits with snails.

Here is “I love Baku”, with which everyone takes pictures.

If I had only 5 minutes to explore Baku, I would come straight here. Like many other buildings in Baku, the Heydar Aliyev Center is especially beautiful in the evening.

Fountain area

Coordinates: 40.370892, 49.836710

Here Baku residents and tourists stroll slowly at any time of the day. Sculptures, cafes, walking trails.

The fountains operate all year round. In winter, New Year's fairs are held on Fountain Square.

There is also a restaurant serving national Azerbaijani cuisine. Firuza(Firuze). The owner of the apartment recommended it to us, and there are good reviews on tripadvisor. The interior is designed purely for tourists; visitors are also tourists (which is logical). After this Firuza, I didn’t even want to look at Azerbaijani cuisine.

There is also a Georgian restaurant. Of course we visited there. Don't repeat this mistake.

Teze Pir Mosque

Unusual floor on the premises of the mosque

Coordinates: 40.372115, 49.828661

If you visit any religious sites in Baku, then Teze Pir should be in the first place.

The Teze Pir Mosque stands on a hill above the old city. This is one of the important religious centers of Azerbaijan

It is interesting that this mosque was built not by men, but by a woman, Nabat Khoja gizy Ashurbekova, an oil industrialist and philanthropist.

Night Baku

Baku is a city that you must definitely see in multi-colored lights. Flame Towers, Heydar Aliyev Center, Baku Boulevard, Aqua Center with a huge screen - all these places are worth admiring at night.

The lights in Baku are on until one in the morning, then they turn off. The city used to sparkle all night, but during Formula 1 there was a cost overrun and now we have to save money.

Museums Baku

I have only been to the Museum of Modern Art, and only on the advice of a friend. I will not recommend this place.

My reviews about Baku

If you cross Moscow with Batumi and add a little bit of Istanbul, you get Baku. These are exactly the associations I had.

There is a sense of scale in Baku. Wide streets, a long boulevard, an endless sea, tall buildings. I liked the city. True, not right away.

I understand that it is incorrect to compare, but I still involuntarily drew parallels with and. In Baku there is no this Georgian “Zakhady, daragoy!” There, no one will run after you with compliments. If you ask people for help, they will help, but they themselves don’t really make contact.

It seemed that people in Baku are more closed. It’s understandable: a big city, a lot of people, everyone has their own worries. But outside the capital, you again find yourself in your beloved Caucasus, where they will get to know you, talk to you, and help you.

Is it worth going if you have already been to and? Yes, it's worth it. Azerbaijan is different. The religion is different, nature, language, people. It definitely won't be boring.

The next post will contain technical information: where to go from Baku for one day, what area to live in, where to go shopping, etc.

Let your holiday in Baku be as bright as the lights of the city at night!

Your Mila Demenkova


Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. Those who come here will definitely be delighted with this city. Shiny modern high-rise buildings are mixed with old five-story buildings from the Soviet era. Baku is a city where you want to walk, it is very beautiful, both during the day and at night, when the buildings are illuminated. There is an embankment along the shore of the Caspian Sea where you can stroll. The old part of the city is worth a visit. Narrow streets, by the way, this is where certain moments of the film “The Diamond Arm” were filmed. The city of Baku is filled with a large number of interesting and beautiful places, and I will tell you about them in more detail.

What is worth seeing in Baku.

1. Palace of the Shirvanshahs

This palace is located in the Old Town and occupies the highest point. This is not a separate building, but a whole complex consisting of a mosque, a tomb, a tomb, a reservoir, a bathhouse, and in the palace itself there are as many as 52 rooms. The Palace of the Shirvanshahs is the heart of the Old City; unfortunately, today it no longer has the luxury it had in the 15th century, but despite this, it is still valued for its atmosphere and unique appearance. Entrance ticket inside will cost 2 manats. The doors of the palace are open to visitors from Tuesday to Sunday from 10-00 to 18-00

2. Baku TV Tower

This tower takes an honorable 34th place among the tallest television towers. At the very top there is an observation deck from where you can admire wonderful Baku. And at a height of 175 meters there is one of the most expensive restaurants in Baku. It’s definitely worth a visit once, the food here is amazingly delicious, the service in the restaurant is beyond praise and, of course, the main feature is the panoramic view of the city.

3. Towers of Fire

The towers are amazingly beautiful and can be seen from almost anywhere in Baku. Of course, they are especially noticeable after dark. They are illuminated in the colors of the Azerbaijani flag, sometimes they glow only orange - and resemble a real fire. The Towers of Fire began to be built in 2007 and were planned to be completed by Eurovision, but for some reason they did not have time. Today, one tower houses a five-star hotel, and the other recently opened a huge cinema with an IMAX screen.

4. Maiden's Tower

This famous landmark can easily be called the main symbol of Baku. The time of construction is approximately the 12th century. During the Russian Empire, it served as a lighthouse, but with the advent of the revolution, it was no longer used for any purposes. Today it is the observation deck of the city. The name of this tower is associated with a sad legend about a girl. Her father wanted to marry her to someone he didn’t love, but she asked to build a tower before the wedding. When everything was ready and the wedding was about to take place, the girl could not stand it and jumped down from the very top of this very tower. This is a sad story connected with the Maiden Tower. I don't know if this is true or fiction. But even local residents believe that everything was exactly like that. Entrance to the tower costs 2 manats. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10-00 to 18-00.

5. Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater

A very beautiful building in the Art Nouveau style, it was built exactly like the Dal Verme theater in Milan. It first opened its doors to the first visitors in 1911. There is also a legend around him, and of course about love. A young man from a very rich family fell in love with a singer who came to his city on tour. At that time, there was not a single musical theater in Baku where musicians and singers could perform. Therefore, all concerts took place in the circus arena or in a casino, which of course the artists did not like. During her interview, that same singer said that she would not come to Baku again, since there was absolutely nowhere to perform here. After these words, the young man promised to build such a building, after which he invited that singer to tour again to a completely new and beautiful opera and ballet theater. How their relationship ended and whether it was, alas, no one knows.

6. Gobustan Nature Reserve

A very beautiful and unique place. Rock paintings have been preserved here since the primitive era, these are all kinds of images of animals and people, there are even ancient inscriptions. All these creations are protected by UNESCO cultural heritage. In addition, the Gobustan Nature Reserve is also famous for its mud volcanoes. They are completely different in size, some are even very tiny. The mud that comes out is oil mixed with water.

7. Icherisheher (Old City)

This is the only part of the city of Baku where you can see what eastern medieval architecture was like. There is no need to pay anything for entry. The most amazing and incredible thing is that people still live inside the old city. Walking along the narrow streets, you can see hanging laundry and small grocery stores. But somehow it’s already empty and deserted. But here there is a real atmosphere of the East. On the territory of the Old City there are mosques, small residential buildings, and the Palace of the Shirvanshahs. Be sure to get to the place where the scene from the film The Diamond Arm was filmed, when Semyon Gorbunkov slips and allegedly breaks his arm. Most Russian tourists love to come here and take photographs at this place.

8. Baku Boulevard

The length of Baku Boulevard is a little more than 5 kilometers. At its core, this is an ordinary city embankment that stretches along the shore of the Caspian Sea. It started near the Government House. Baku Boulevard is a favorite place for local residents, especially in the summer in the evening, when a pleasant cool breeze blows from the sea. There are flower beds everywhere and benches where you can sit and relax. Along the boulevard there are many interesting buildings (Carpet Museum, Puppet Theater, 75-meter parachute tower), restaurants, and a large entertainment shopping complex called Park Boulevard.

9. Baku funicular

The price per trip is about 0.2 manats. The attraction is open from 10-00 to 22-00. The year of construction was 1960, but only thanks to the Eurovision Song Contest, which took place in 2012, the funicular was completely restored. The trip will take about 5 minutes, but during this time you will be able to admire the views of the Caspian Sea and the city of Baku.

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Maiden Tower in Baku

The most majestic and mysterious monument in Baku is the Maiden Tower (Giz Galasy), which rises in the southeast of the Icheri Sheher fortress and which has been considered a city symbol for many years. This original building - an example of the architectural art of Azerbaijan - is unlike any other building of this type in the East.

City boulevards

The boulevards in the city are a favorite vacation spot for local residents, and it’s not without reason that one of the attractions of Baku is Primorsky Boulevard, which is more than a century old. It is believed that after reconstruction work it will increase in length four times!

The history of Primorsky Boulevard dates back to the nineteenth century - then a competition was announced for the best project. At first there was a bathhouse here, reminiscent of a fairy-tale castle, but after the war it was demolished. Over time, the boulevard grew, and today it is about six kilometers long.

Another city boulevard - Fuzuli- has long been a subject of dispute among local managers, who still cannot decide how to carry out the work on its reconstruction. While they think hard about it, the boulevard somehow exists on its own, gives joy to local residents and tries to at least minimally supply the city with oxygen thanks to its green spaces.

City parks

City parks in Baku are another favorite place for local residents to relax. One of the most popular is Heydar Aliyev Park. Shaded alleys, flower beds, a large number of green spaces, comfortable places to relax - all this allows Baku residents and visitors to have a great time here.

Near the building of the State Philharmonic there is a garden, which in former times was called Governor's. In the twenties and thirties of the last century, this place served as a meeting place for music lovers. One can assume that in this wonderful park there were very intimate conversations about beauty under the pleasant sound of the murmur of water in the fountains.

Sahil Park, which is located in the central part of the city, is very old, and perhaps for this reason it is most loved by local residents. As a result of recent renovation work carried out by the city government, benches have been updated, new lawns have been planted and fountains have been repaired.

IN Huseyn Javid Park, which is located near the Academy of Sciences, has also recently undergone reconstruction work, so there is now a complex that includes several fountains, and there are bowls of water around the monument. The monument in the park was erected in honor of Javid, the national poet and playwright.

Park Buzovna, which is located in a settlement with the same name, was created according to the order of the country's President Ilham Aliyev in a quiet area, perfect for relaxation. The park is planted with many trees, flowers and ornamental plants, and the landscape in which it is laid out impresses with its beautiful and varied landscapes.

City squares

Often, squares in cities are places where cafes and restaurants, as well as other establishments intended for relaxation and entertainment, are concentrated. But in Baku there are areas that do not fully comply with the generally accepted standard.

The iconic landmark of the entire state of Azerbaijan is located near the main naval base. This - State Flag Square, on which the state flag of the republic flies and the symbols of the country are indicated - the coat of arms, anthem and map of the state, made of gilded bronze. Located in the same place Museum of the National Flag- a building in the shape of an eight-pointed star. The Museum contains awards, money, stamps and other items through which you can learn about the history of Azerbaijan.

Until 2011, the flagpole rising on the square was known as the tallest in the world - thanks to its 162 meters, it even ended up in the Guinness Book of Records. However, the record subsequently passed to Dushanbe. The dimensions of the flag are also very impressive - seventy-five by thirty-five meters, and its weight is approximately three hundred and fifty kilograms.

Another historically important place is Square of Twenty-Six Baku Commissars– here in 1920 their remains were buried, and the Eternal Flame was lit over the mass grave. They were shot by the British interventionists. Later, a monument in honor of the Commissioners was unveiled on the square.

Fountain Square is an amazing place, which is decorated with all kinds of fountains and figures; young people like to spend time here in comfortable cafes and small restaurants. The figures that stand on Fountain Square depict people who are waiting for someone - like, for example, a girl talking on a mobile phone, or the one sitting on a bench... There is a figure of a violinist playing for passers-by. The design of the fountains is quite suitable for the figures - elaborate, amazing, completely different and also decorated with interesting sculptures.

City Fountains

Fountains are one of the calling cards of the city. A visitor may get the impression that fountains are everywhere in Baku - at least, almost every park has at least one small fountain. The city has an entire Fountain Square, where a laser show is staged, striking in its grandeur, which attracts thousands of spectators. In the streams of water you can see different images - a map of Azerbaijan, the flag of the country and many others.

A huge complex of fountains called "Seven Beauties", is located in the National Park near the Government House. It covers an area of ​​four thousand square meters, it is illuminated by powerful lanterns, and while the performances are going on, works by local and foreign composers can be heard.

Fountain which is installed in Baku Bay, five hundred meters from Primorsky Boulevard, is found in only a few places in the world. A stream of water, which seems to burst directly from the bowels of the earth, reaches a height of one hundred and twenty meters - a very impressive picture...

The streets of the capital will also amaze tourists - with a large number of pre-revolutionary buildings and scientific institutions.

Enjoy your holiday in Baku!

That amazing and colorful eastern city that Baku now is, wins the hearts of all its guests. And it’s not surprising - the magical combination of modern skyscrapers with preserved medieval buildings amazes the eye; not every city manages to present such a contrast in architecture with a twist. Handmade carpets are still sold in local bazaars in Baku. And the number of modern buildings and skyscrapers is growing rapidly. Along with this progress, Baku remains a city of high culture and rich values.

1. Maiden Tower of Gyz Galasi

A landmark of the Azerbaijani capital, which has practically no equal in the entire Eastern world, is the Maiden Tower. In the national language it is called Gyz Galasy. This building has been a symbol of Baku for many years. This attraction is shrouded in many mysteries, the main one of which is still its purpose. As befits a real lady, the Maiden Tower does not reveal its true age; the approximate date of its construction is considered to be the 12th century.

The Flame Towers in Baku became a symbol of the national spirit of Azerbaijan. They symbolize the hot temperament that is inherent in the local residents. This landmark of the capital of Azerbaijan is represented by three skyscrapers of a sinuous shape, reminiscent of flames. During the day, this architectural complex seems to be made of dazzling steel, frozen in a bizarre shape, and at night, the surface of the buildings is engulfed in flames, which are projected onto it using LED screens. An incredibly beautiful sight and a tourist hotspot in Baku.

The Heydar Aliyev Center is rightfully considered one of the best attractions of Baku. In 2014, this cultural complex received the title of best building in the world - quite a loud title. The appearance of the structure is clearly unlike anything on earth. Inside this huge complex there is a congress center, many offices, and the doors of the Heydar Aliyev Museum, several exhibition galleries and many cafes and restaurants are open for tourists. You can walk around the center for an incredibly long time, and your interest in it will not fade throughout your stay. Undoubtedly, this is an interesting place to visit in Baku.

The Shirvanshahs' Palace is a historical and cultural landmark of Azerbaijan. This architectural monument is located in the center of Baku and is very popular among tourists. On the territory of the famous palace there are also the courtyard of Divan Khan, an ancient tomb, a mosque from the early Middle Ages, a bathhouse and the mausoleum of a scientist who worked at the palace. Visitors to the palace will be able to see all these places with their own eyes, as well as visit the museum that was created at the court. All historical values ​​found by archaeologists during excavations are stored there.

The main symbolic place of Baku and all of Azerbaijan is the State Flag Square. This attraction is not classified as a cultural or historical property, but its national importance cannot be overestimated. All the symbols of Azerbaijan are located on the square: the State flag rises, the coat of arms, anthem and map of the country are engraved in gilded bronze. Near the square there is a thematic museum, the exhibition of which will tell visitors about the history of the state. While in Baku, it is worth visiting this place if possible.

The Azerbaijan State Philharmonic, one of the main cultural attractions of the city of Baku, became a special and unique note in the melody of the country’s cultural wealth. It bears witness to the magnificent union of Western and Eastern culture. The very appearance of the Philharmonic building very successfully conveys how the external architecture of the building merges into one with the internal musical atmosphere - a component of this art. The stage of the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic has seen many famous artists of the Soviet Union and other countries.

The Azerbaijan Drama Theater gives a special uniqueness to the appearance of Baku - an equally attractive attraction in Baku for visiting among lovers of cultural entertainment. Its history is rich in various cultural events, thanks to which it received the status of a state theater. Not only performances by Azerbaijani authors, but also productions of world literary classics were staged on its stage. The theater troupe performed its performances many times in major cities of Russia and Europe. A visit to the Azerbaijan Drama Theater in Baku is a must-see on the program for supporters of literary creativity.

8. Baku seaside boulevard

Primorsky Boulevard is a beautiful, picturesque place in Baku. Its length is 16 kilometers and its age is more than a hundred years. Local residents jokingly say that after visiting the boulevard, you don’t have to return to the city - they say, there is nothing else to see. On this part of the coast there are many attractions that have no equal throughout Azerbaijan and neighboring countries. Among them: a light and music fountain, a children's theater, a huge Ferris wheel and many others. Baku Seaside Boulevard is a popular tourist destination in Baku, without visiting which you cannot leave the city.

The Museum of Azerbaijani Literature has become one of the main cultural assets of the country. This is a great place in Baku where you can get acquainted with national literature. The museum is located in the central part of the city, and one of the best ancient buildings was allocated for its collection of literature. The museum was restored and expanded several times, which made it possible to expand the possibilities for larger placement of thematic exhibits. The façade of the building is decorated with several statues of national writers and poets from different eras.

Another jewel in the crown of Baku's cultural attractions is the Azerbaijan Museum of Art. The museum's exhibition includes over 17 thousand items, which are located in two buildings. Among the exhibits here you can see works not only by Azerbaijani artists, but also by artists and authors from Russia, the Middle East and European countries. There is no museum bigger in Azerbaijan than this one. Guests are invited to visit 60 rooms, each of which is dedicated to the works of artists from a particular country.

The State Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. M. F. Akhundova. It is also called the Baku Opera. A century ago, local professional opera and ballet troupes of Baku performed on the stage of this theater, and today the attraction hosts world-famous stars and gathers huge halls of guests. It is worth noting that in our time here you can watch performances staged based on the works of Azerbaijani and foreign authors. The theater is also designed for small spectators - children's plays are also staged here.

12. Russian Drama Theater named after S. Vurgun

And the last attraction on our list of Baku that you need to see is the Russian Drama Theater named after S. Vurgun, which appeared about a century ago. It was created by the union of two theater troupes. Initially, the program of the new theater consisted mainly of humorous, poetic and dance performances. Nowadays, the theater's repertoire consists of a large number of dramas and comedies by famous writers of past eras and modern times. An appropriate program is provided for visitors with children, which includes many popular fairy tales. Guests of all ages will find performances to suit every taste, making this theater an excellent place to visit in Baku for tourists of all types.

How to spend time in Baku and what to see in the city and its surroundings in 1, 2, 3 or more days? Our advice, reviews from tourists, descriptions of attractions, photos, prices for entrance tickets. Attractions on the map of Baku.

We spent only one day in Baku (we had a transfer there on the way to) in February 2017, but the city completely captivated us with its extraordinary cleanliness and neatness, the harmonious combination of ancient architecture and sparkling new buildings, narrow streets and the scope of its avenues and boulevards. Before the trip, of course, we compiled a list of attractions that need to be seen in Baku and the surrounding area, which we are sharing with you.

Where will you rest?

Baku attractions map

What to see in Baku in 1 day? Personal experience

If you only have 1 day to visit Baku, as we did, then don’t waste time and go straight to the center. Take the very front seats and enjoy the views. The trip is an attraction in itself: the driving style in Azerbaijan, as indeed everywhere in the Caucasus, is expressive. You will hear many wonderful words from the driver in relation to road users, especially in traffic jams. We recommend starting your acquaintance with Baku with Primorsky Boulevard and then go to Old city(Icheri Sheher).

(Photo © site)

It took us about 4-5 hours to explore the Old Town in detail, wandering through the labyrinth of streets, looking into entrances, admiring the overhanging balconies and interesting doors. In the Old Town, we decided not to specifically look for sights, but to give in to chance and just walk the streets. The attractions were in themselves: mosques, interestingly decorated artists’ shops, baths. In general, the Old City of Baku is worth seeing:

  • Maiden Tower (8 manats);
  • Kichik-Gala street, 8 (Kicik Qala, but on Google it is listed as Boyuk Qala), where the famous scene from “The Diamond Arm” was filmed;
  • Palace of the Shirvanshahs (4 manats);
  • the Mohammed Mosque is the oldest building (1078);
  • Shemakha Gate and Icheri Sheher Fortress.

Video walk around Baku

We didn’t go into the tower and the palace, since we didn’t have much time left, and we read in the reviews of tourists that there was nothing remarkable there. Except that from the Maiden Tower there is an interesting view of the city and the Flame Towers. By the way, if you suddenly can’t find something in the Old Town, don’t be afraid to contact the locals, almost everyone speaks Russian perfectly (at least older people).

After the Old Town we walked to the funicular, which takes you to Nagorny Park(from there you can see the city), the alley of martyrs, mosques and Flame Towers. The funicular was closed because Monday was a day off. However, you can also climb the stairs on the left. Are you tired after walking around Icheri Sheher? It is quite possible to postpone your visit to the park and towers to the second day.

If you are wondering what you can see in Baku in winter, then don’t worry - it’s the same as in summer! True, there may be various vagaries of the weather, but no one is immune from this. For example, we flew to Baku in February 2017, and the Baku residents said that we were lucky with the weather, because the city was sunny. The temperature was +5...+10°C, and all the snow had melted. Locals advised to come in the spring, when the vibrant Nauruz holiday takes place.

(Photo © site)

What to see in Baku in 2 days?

What other attractions can you see in Baku? You can start the second day by visiting a beautiful Tezepir mosque with golden domes. Then you can go to museums, for example, visit the Museum of Miniature Books, Carpet Museum(carpets are national pride) and Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center- its smooth lines, perhaps, do not leave anyone indifferent. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of strolling through the streets of the new city and admiring the architecture - it reminded us of St. Petersburg and Paris at the same time.

After dark, it’s worth taking a walk along Primorsky Boulevard (note the fountains) and see night city. According to tourists, Baku is illuminated wonderfully; some even think that it is more beautiful in the evening than during the day. Unfortunately, we didn’t catch the illumination, as we were flying to Istanbul before sunset.

If you decide to stay in Baku for more than one daylight hours, we recommend booking a hotel. You can find a convenient accommodation option for yourself on the well-known service - the site compares prices of a variety of booking systems and finds the best one.

(Photo © site)

What to see in Baku on day 3?

It is better to devote the third day to the outskirts of Baku and see the archaeological reserve Qobustan, which is included in the UNESCO list - there you can see mud volcanoes, well-preserved numerous petroglyphs, ancient human sites and tombstones. Entrance - 2 manats, you can get there by bus 195 from stop 20. Sahә.

If you want to visit the mud volcanoes, it is better to take a taxi upon arrival in the village. The trip will take about 20 minutes, the cost is from 30 manats. The views are deserted and a bit fantastic. It’s also definitely worth going to the rock paintings (about 2 km from the petroglyph museum; the museum itself, as tourists write, is not very interesting).