Attractions in the new Athos opening hours. New Athos. What to see in the area

Sights of New Athos: photo with description on the map - Excursions of New Athos 2019 prices

The catalog contains the main attractions of New Athos with photos and descriptions, and a detailed map of their location. From the note you ask what New Athos is known for and what is the first thing to see in it, what noteworthy places, monuments and natural beauties are there in its surroundings.

The history of New Athos is perfectly illustrated by the surviving construction monuments - and this is the main superiority of New Athos over other cities of Abkhazia.

Sights of New Athos - defensive buildings , made by the Byzantines in the 7th century, a stately monastery, a chapel, a grotto, a comfortable municipal park and a free embankment. In the vicinity of the town, you’ll admire not only the hills, karst caves, thermal springs and dense forests, but also the discovered historical artifacts - rock paintings, prints of old sites.

You can visit the most noteworthy places in New Athos in 2 days, creating an intensive excursion program.

The embankment in New Athos, which suggests a blossoming garden, is excellent for walks at any time of the year, and in the evening it is beautifully illuminated by dozens of lanterns. Basic suitable for a home holiday: in addition to landscape attractions and statues, snow-white and dark swans that have taken a fancy to the district ponds attract interest.

They will suggest options for unusual routes according to the town and little-known interesting places that are traditionally not included in excursion programs.

Extremely popular attractions of New Athos - , Of the main spiritual centers of the area, for the bulk of travelers, probably the only factor is to visit New Athos. The Lavra ensemble embraces 6 temples, connecting the main Panteleimon Temple - the largest religious building.

It is located within the town, but is surrounded by nature: the path to it runs through the depression of the Psyrtskha River.

Imbued with the spiritual splendor of the place, there is no need to rush back to the city: nearby there is a beautiful (true, fake) , a colorful discharge is revealed on Lake Psyrtskha.

Don’t forget about the city museums, which have collected artifacts that are very worthy of attention: you are allowed to visit them without the help of others. .

New Athos has a number of walking routes leading to the main attractions and colorful natural places. The famous Road of Sinners allows you to feel the spirituality of the place along the path to the monastery, and the road is the Garden of Pebbles. The routes following natural attractions are no less interesting.

The most famous natural orientation in the vicinity of the town is , the largest in Abkhazia: the size of the karst cavity is about a million cubic meters. There are 6 halls for daily excursions, and along with the unusual stone formations, its attraction is the steel path for delivering travelers to the grotto.

Approximately 2.5 km. From the cave there is a magnificent place, famous as 3 cauldrons - probably 3 karst baths, the moisture in which has an emerald hue. This landmark is not included in the main routes, so there are not many people here.

Sights of New Athos: photo with description on the map. What to see, where to go on an excursion in New Athos in winter and summer 2019. Sights of New Athos in Abkhazia. Abkhazia New Athos attractions photo. New Athos attractions and entertainment 2019. New Athos attractions photos and descriptions. Abkhazia attractions. Excursions from Sochi to New Athos of Abkhazia. Abkhazia attractions excursions prices 2019.

A trip to the Black Sea in the small Abkhaz resort town of New Athos, in my opinion, is comparable to a trip to a fairy tale.

Only in a fairy tale can one encounter so many miracles at once! Here, like Ali Baba, a mysterious cave in Iverskaya mountain, one of the largest known in the world today. I first visited it as a child, back in 1982, but vivid memories are still alive to this day. An excursion to the underground kingdom, I am sure, will delight both children and adults who encounter the miracle of nature.

The New Athos Simon-Kananitsky monastery, which gave the modern name to the Abkhaz town, will give a spiritual tone to the trip. It is worth visiting the grotto, in which, according to legend, the Apostle Simon the Zealot himself prayed. I have often heard stories about miracles that still happen today through the faith of those who turn to the help of this saint.

Another page of the Abkhaz fairy tale, I am sure, for you will be a trip to Lake Ritsa, beautiful at any time of the year. (The Stalin Dacha Museum is located nearby).

The cave, monastery, ancient temples, Ritsa are the pearls of New Athos, and when you get here you have the opportunity to receive a precious necklace of impressions as a gift.

Where to begin? Of course, out of the way!

How to get there

How to get to this amazing region of the northern subtropics?

Modern Abkhazia as a state is recognized only by Russia, Venezuela, Nicargua and Nauru (UN member states), and is governed by the government of the Republic of Abkhazia. It is located in the northwestern part of the southern slope of the Main Caucasus Range on the northeastern shore of the Black Sea.

But regardless of whether the political world recognizes or ignores its border, it exists, and we will have to cross it.

I will certainly tell you in detail about this and what goods can (cannot) be transported through customs. I advise you to treat the information with attention so that your vacation is not overshadowed by random confusion.

Routes to New Athos: Plane + bus, car or train; bus; train; automobile; catamaran (from).

By plane

Today to Abkhazia itself due to international restrictions on a direct flight you won't make it. Although there are airports on its territory: the civilian “Babushara” in Sukhum and the military “Bamboura” near Gudauta.

In my childhood memories there is a comical incident: while boarding the plane at the Babushara airport, we were all amazed to see how a huge pig with a wooden yoke around his neck was calmly walking right along our runway. Yes, the attitude towards animals in Abkhazia is akin to Indian. There are cows on the highways and pigs on the runways.

I am sad that this airport, which was the first in Transcaucasia to receive the heavy IL-86 in 1986, is not yet able to function today.

But I would like to hope that soon the airports of sunny Abkhazia will again welcome happy tourists.

But one of the options to “get closer” to this edge by heaven still exists: a plane to (Adler). (From there - taxi, bus, train to New Athos).

By train

I love trains! As the train departs from the platform, the rush of everyday life dissolves. A train ride is an adventure in itself! you can enjoy the changing views of nature from the middle zone to the northern subtropics, and talk with fellow travelers. It’s not for nothing that the most sincere conversations happen in train cars, and not at an appointment with a psychoanalyst.

Now, however, it’s a little difficult to travel this way if you’re used to a cigarette. But we are with you for a healthy lifestyle!

From the south of Russia you can get to New Athos by train Adler-Sukhum. The schedule is not stable, so please consult the North Caucasus Suburban Passenger Company in advance at 8-928-127-95-25. Ticket prices start from 150 rubles. Border control takes place in the carriage.

Can Todrink direct ticket on the Moscow-Sukhum train on the way 45 hours; St. Petersburg-Sukhum (goes through Moscow) - 55 hours on my way. Attention! The stop at New Athos station is only 1 minute! Be ready! A train is not a minibus; it will not wait for our fees.

Crossing the border takes about two hours. We don't leave the compartment.

Ticket prices are lower than for trains to Sochi. The carriages of Sukhumi trains are not always new, and it is not the cashier’s responsibility to inform you about the technical condition of your train. It depends on your luck. But, for travelers traveling south with children and pets, in my opinion, getting to New Athos by train is a completely reasonable and safe option.

By bus

Yes, you can get to Abkhazia by bus. Direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg are not available there. You can only get there with transfers. You will have to drag luggage, transfer children, and so on.

From Moscow You can take a bus to Krasnodar or, and from there to Sukhum. Route length – 1,760 km. From St. Petersburg The route will pass through and (with transfers in these cities). There will also be a transfer in Adler when crossing the border. T But there is a border crossing, when traveling by bus, in any case you make it on foot. Under favorable circumstances, you will have to spend 3 days and 13 hours on the road. This method does not suit me: swollen legs and a sore back are not for me.

As for traveling by bus from, while relaxing on the Black Sea coast of Russia, you can go to Abkhazian New Athos for a one-day excursion.

Passing the borders with a cultural program will no longer be your headache. You can buy this tour from any of the operators waiting for you on the embankments and streets of Khosta and Adler.

In Abkhazia itself, bus service has also been established between cities. But don't expect comfort here. For the most part, the fleet is equipped with old Icaruses. There are also minibuses running between the cities of Abkhazia.

By car

For me, this method is the most desirable! After all, there is nothing more interesting in the world than traveling in your own car, when you do not depend on schedules or the availability of tickets. Close people and your favorite dog are nearby, and outside the windows there is freedom for the eyes and desires of the traveler! Our road trip to Abkhazia took 42 hours from St. Petersburg to Gagra, where we stopped while traveling throughout Abkhazia and often visiting New Athos.

We got to the border with Abkhazia, which operates 24 hours a day and runs along the Psou River:

Having reached from St. Petersburg to Moscow, we took the M4 highway - to Dzhubga, from Dzhubga to the checkpoint, which is located on the river. Psou, we walked along the M27 highway, took a spin on the Sochi serpentine road. We even liked it. Everything was fine with gas stations, cafes and road surfaces. The traffic cops did not commit atrocities, but we did not violate traffic rules. We didn’t get into any special traffic jams either. In short, we completed the route quite successfully. But we had 2 drivers per car! If in your case there will be only one driver, be sure to take care of rest along the way! You will find a lot of related roadside hotels. You can stop somewhere (in the same Dzhubga) with a tent by the sea. Don't save travel time on driver's rest!

So, you've reached the border:

The driver remains in the car, and the passengers go through customs as backpackers.

After crossing the border, New Athos is just a stone's throw away! Follow the same M27, which will now turn into the Sukhumi highway. Psou – Gagra – – Gudauta. New Athos will be next. All inscriptions on the signs are duplicated in Russian. The road is quite good. The serpentine will begin after New Athos. Take this fact into account if you then want to take a ride to Sukhum.

The herds of cows or goats and flocks of sheep walking along the highway will surprise and puzzle you. Here you just have to be patient.

In addition, keep in mind that drivers in Abkhazia are reckless horsemen. I would highly recommend following the rule of the three Ds - “Make way for a friend”!

Don’t break the rules yourself, because traffic cops are “ubiquitous” tough guys in this region. According to rumors, which are not groundless, they can “pay close attention to you” without any violations. Because, my friends, have DVR and be able to react competently in a situation when the truth is on your side!

By ferry

During the holiday season from late May to early autumn, you can take a boat to the Abkhaz city of Gagra, from where New Athos is easily accessible by public transport.

To purchase a ticket, a Russian passport is enough. On the catamaran boat "Sochi - 1" your journey will take about 1.5 hours. Tickets cost about 500 rubles. Children under seven years old are transported free of charge.


New Athos - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow − 1

Kazan − 1

Samara 0

Ekaterinburg 1

Novosibirsk 3

Vladivostok 6

When is the season? When is the best time to go

As the famous song says: “Nature has no bad weather.” Although, everyone has their own preferences for climate moods And disruptions. I love the warmth! The sun in St. Petersburg is quite stingy in its kindness and, even more so, in the heat. That’s why my family and I always try to escape to real summer. If you, like me, prefer a bronze tan, warm sea waves, light clothes and the “smell of burnt hair,” then the best time will definitely be summer!

Although in Abkhazia, as anywhere in the world, a true traveler will meet his discoveries and gifts of fate at any time of the year.

The climate of Abkhazia is determined by its geographical location. The Black Sea coast and the Caucasus Mountains, which protect the valleys from the winds, caused the formation of humid subtropics here. I found an interesting sign on Yandex, I think it will help you navigate the weather conditions:

Summer in these places is generous with warmth, and winter is more reminiscent of October-November in central Russia. Precipitation is evenly distributed across the seasons, and sunny days are clearly superior to rainy days.

Beach boom - from late June to August. During the velvet season, the number of vacationers noticeably decreases, which is not surprising, since classes begin in schools and institutes. Prices are distributed accordingly. During the hot season, they jump and grow along with the mercury readings of the thermometer. In a word - an axiom: "The sun is hotter - prices are higher"! This time is also notable for its crowds of people, although the beaches here are inferior in number of “persons” on the trestle beds to the heap or small of neighboring Adler.

Now about the seasons in more detail. Each of them in Abkhazia has its own melody, colors and aromas.

New Athos in summer

Let me note right away that if you decide to stay in New Athos, then even in the summer you choose a measured holiday without the usual resort bustle and entertainment.

New Athos reminds me of a reserve of flora and fauna, an architectural monument, keeper of the spiritual traditions and legends of the Caucasus. It lies lazily along the sea, so you can get to the beach from any area.

The city is carefully embraced by the Caucasus Mountains, protecting it from cold winds and excessive rain. Summer air temperature is + 25 - + 30°C. At night around 20°C. Water temperature – + 23 - + 25°C. If you are going on an excursion high into the mountains, then the temperature there is lower: sometimes up to + 18...+ 15°C.

New Athos in autumn

New Athos holds the record for the number of fine days in Abkhazia. The warmth here lasts longer than on the Russian coast of the Caucasus. In autumn, prices drop, and the weather does not interfere with getting to know culture and spiritual monuments.

September is the velvet season. Water up to +30°C, at air temperature +25°C!

In October – +20°C. But by the end of the month, winds, rains and sea disturbances intensify. Air temperature – +18°C during the day, at night – +10°C.

It rains more in November. It is from November to January that the sky especially likes to cry here and there is a sharp cold snap. Daylight hours - 9 hours. Only amateur walruses will be able to swim. Therefore, in my opinion, this is not the best time for travel, although it is also suitable for excursions, walks and long cordial conversations over a glass of red wine.

New Athos in winter

When I hear the phrase “New Athos in winter,” I immediately remember the Soviet film “Winter Evening in Gagra.” Although it is correct to pronounce "in Gagra". But this is not about the rules of declension, but about whether this very evening (morning, afternoon) is worth spending in New Athos, neighboring Gagra?

Good news: winter prices follow my axiom “The sun is hotter - prices are higher! And vice versa". Housing is 2 times cheaper, my favorite tangerines are up to 30 rubles. per kg!

During the day +10 °C. There is rarely a downside. Rains are common guests, but snowfalls also happen. In January-February there are storms and sleet. But on sunny days it can be +18 °C. Life calms down. Empty beaches, the distinct sounds of splashing waves and the whisper of pebbles underfoot. Poets will certainly produce heartfelt poems here!

Central heating is a rare occurrence here (echoes of the war), so when choosing a vacation spot, pay attention to the presence of a fireplace or autonomous heating.

Winter is a time for excursions and health care. 7 km from New Athos in the village of Primorskoye there is a hydrogen sulfide clinic, near Ritsa there is a source of mineral water Auadhara.

In the evenings you will be warmed by local wines or chacha - the sharp tear of Abkhazia. If this is enough, you are an optimist and want to take the risk of tasting a new direction, then your “winter evening” in New Athos will be completely successful!

New Athos in spring

Spring in New Athos is good for excursions, horseback riding, and walks by the sea. And prices have not yet skyrocketed, saying goodbye to hibernation.

In March the sky is cloudy and rainy. The weather is unstable, it can flirt a little sunny up to +16, and then grimace in sour mockery down to -5. On average +10 during the day and +5 at night. The sea is starting to warm up. Although you can’t jump in the waves yet, the promenade along the coast is quite romantic and useful. By the end of March the water is about +10. The day is coming.

April blooms with the freshness of new colors. The air during the day is +17°C. Sea – 13°C.
Easter is coming and you can taste the Abkhazian Easter meal, which also includes new wine and mamalyga, seasoned with sour-milk cheese ailaj.
May tirelessly rushes towards summer.


New Athos - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

There are no resort entertainment facilities in New Athos. There is tranquil nature and fabulous sights. If you are inclined to this, then the town is for you. And for critics of the unsettled life and boredom, I note that it was not without reason that even Stalin had dachas here!

You can rent an apartment, a room in a guest house, a hotel, a villa (depending on your wallet). I prefer apartments. You almost independent of the owners, you can cook, which, if you have a real chef in the company, is cheaper and safer in the south than catering.

For convenience, I have attached a map where you can clearly see the location of the hotels registered on Booking. True, not all private guest houses, apartments and mini-hotels still use its services. Let me remind you that the town is small, and the division into districts is very arbitrary.

  • Zone No. 1 – hotels gravitating towards central attractions;
  • Zone No. 2 – hotels located closer to the sea;
  • Zone No. 3 – hotels near the railway station (also near the sea).

From zone No. 1 to zone No. 3 on foot - 20-25 minutes.

Take advantage And read real hotel reviews. Abkhazians are not only hospitable themselves, but they expect the same from you and will be surprised if you, living in the private sector, suddenly do not want to share the feast with the hosts. So, the owner of the apartment we rented often visited talk about life. Not 100% safe area with ideal residents. Then this place would be called Paradise.

Here, too, there may be troubles when renting housing. Pre-preparation will reduce risks.


What are the prices for holidays?

My pricing axiom “The hotter the sun, the higher the prices” is already known. Good news: even a summer holiday in New Athos is cheaper than in neighboring Pitsunda and Gagra, Sochi and Adler.

The reason is the minimalism of entertainment to which we are accustomed (clubs, bars, beach pleasures and hype). Although historical, spiritual and natural wonders are in abundance here.

The private sector is cheaper, but if you are not inclined to communicate with the owners (which can be sincere and interesting), we choose a hotel or boarding house.

Let me demonstrate the difference in housing prices by season:

Number for two with 3 meals a day in a boarding house 700 m from the sea: January – 2,000 rubles; July 2017 – 6,000, August – 5,000.

In the private sector A bed in the summer can be rented for 300 rubles, although the estimated price in summer 2017 per person is 500 rubles. The bathroom and shower will be on the floor.

Find out about Internet availability in advance.

I prefer a separate apartment. In New Athos this is also possible. And the same price jumps from 2,000 in the off-season to 4,000 in the summer for a 2-3-room apartment.

For a one-room apartment in the summer: 2000-2500 thousand per day.

Again good news. Prices depend on the influx of tourists. They are few? – The competition is higher. But the majority prefers Sukhum, Gagra, Pitsunda. That’s why it’s easier to find cheap housing in New Athos.

Nutrition: prices are similar to Russian ones. Vacationers in New Athos, due to the lack of a large assortment of products (especially meat), prefer to buy them in Sukhum. During the off-season, prices for local fruits and vegetables are low.

Possible expenses:

Tickets to the Cave – 500 rubles, children under 8 years old free. Entrance to the monastery is free. When traveling to Ritsa in your own car, you will be charged a “tribute” of 350 rubles. - adults and 100 rub. - children and for a car. – Territory of the Ritsinsky National Park. Catamaran rental – 400 rubles/hour, possibility to put up a tent – ​​200 rubles/day, fishing – 400 rubles/day.

Main attractions. What to see

New Athos is a small town, but unique in that quite a lot of interesting things for travelers in all aspects of their needs are concentrated here.

Nature, history, spirituality, health improvement, impressions for artistic natures and creative inspiration, acquaintance with the culture and cuisine of the Caucasus, its customs and legends. The sea, the beach, the mountains, amazing tropical vegetation, the hospitality of the local people, all this will help you have a wonderful vacation, despite the possible shortcomings of the service and tourist infrastructure to which we, the darlings of progress, are accustomed.

Top 5

There are "Seven Wonders of the World". And I offer you “Five Wonders of New Athos”!

New Athos Cave

New Athos Cave or Anakopia Abyss, one of the largest in the world. Having descended by underground train to a depth of 160 m, you find yourself in a wonderland.

Here, accompanied by guides, you will walk through unique halls, each of which has its own name and history, contemplating the flickering of stalactites and stalagmites, intricate interweaving of helictites, stone waterfalls and lakes to the music.

I remember my childhood encounter with this cave - the impression of miracle and joy!

New Athos Simon-Kananitsky Monastery

The city owes its modern name to this Orthodox monastery, the unique architectural ensemble of which is executed in the New Byzantine style and is a masterpiece of Russian architecture of the 19th century.

Grotto of the Apostle of Christ Simon the Canaanite and the temple in his honor

In New Athos, a city, according to legend, located on the site of the preaching works of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite, echoes of the early centuries of Christianity have been preserved. And the grotto where the ascetic prayed, and the ancient temple (IX-X) in his honor.

Both the cave and the temple are located near the monastery.

Iverskaya Mountain

The same mountain inside which there is a fabulous cave. At the top are the remains of the Anakopia fortress and the first Christian temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which in the 11th century. will be dedicated to the Great Martyr Theodore Tiron. Inside the citadel there is an inexhaustible well.


An amazing story from the fairy tale book of our trip was a trip to the mountain lake Ritsa. This 5th miracle of New Athos is located at an altitude of 950 m above sea level, among a forest gorge.

The mountains, carefully keeping this pearl in their arms, are like gentle giants, up to 3,000 m tall. The lake is deep. The maximum depth is 130 m. It is filled with melting snow and rain. In hot weather, the water on the surface is + 17 degrees. Its usual temperature is + 10. But if you like swimming in mountain rivers, then this is for you!

Nearby are Stalin-Khrushchev-Brezhnev's dachas and waterfalls.

Beaches. Which ones are better

Again good news! In New Athos, the first coastline is almost undeveloped, as is customary on the Black Sea coast in the Russian Federation, despite violations of the law. Therefore, long walks without fear of wandering into someone’s property are guaranteed.

The beaches are covered with pebbles. Well, firstly, it is very useful for the pampered feet of city dwellers. Walking barefoot on pebbles cures diseases such as spurs and flat feet. Secondly, pebbles are an excellent building material for castles and palaces. Your kids will be busy getting creative! (Just be careful that they don’t start playing war games and firing “volleys” at the neighbors). Thirdly, you don’t need to visit expensive spas. Hot pebbles along the spine, and - nirvana!

Smaller pebble beaches are located in the center of the resort. There is even sand in the eastern part. This is "Turkish Beach". The descent into the water is comfortable, the bottom is flat. There are many breakwaters in New Athos, which calms the waves washing the bay. The beaches here are less crowded than in other resorts in Abkhazia.

The sea is clean. Entrance to all beaches is free. True, equipment (sun loungers and umbrellas) can be rented only on the beach areas of sanatoriums and boarding houses. There are also showers, which is not available in other beach areas. There are changing cabins everywhere.

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

I think travelers should also pay attention to the religious history of the places they visit. Indeed, along with the geographical and economic prerequisites for the emergence of cities and states, it has its own sacred meaning. - the country of the soul - is associated with the name of one of the 12 apostles, Simon the Canaanite, who carried out his ministry here and died at the hands of the Roman pagans.

And let’s not forget that no matter what denomination we belong to, it is necessary to follow the rules of behavior and appearance of the spiritual place where we come to visit.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

I go to museums to get to know the cities I visit better. And if you have already started to smear yourself with sour cream because of the sun kisses, then it’s time to head on the intellectual path!


Do you love swans?

Since childhood, I have been captivated by these noble birds; at the age of six I even wanted to have a little swan at home, but for some reason my parents did not share my enthusiasm. But even now, the place where I meet this beauty always remains special for me.

This is how I became Primorsky Novoathon Park, broken at the end of the 19th century. monks. Now it is located in the center of New Athos.

At the base there is a seven-pond system with running water. The monks used these ponds for their needs, breeding fish. Between the ponds there were bridges in the form of arches. Around the ponds today there is a park (architect Shervinsky, 1908), the grand opening of which took place in 1910 during the arrival of members of the royal family to New Athos.

This is where I met my favorite birds again!

Tourist streets

Travelers love maps! No navigator can replace the process of group examination of the path diagrams that you will have to follow. Such a communicator! What about New Athos, everything is quite simple here.

Travelers love maps; no navigator can replace the process of group examination of route diagrams along which you will have to follow. This is such a communicator! As for New Athos, in this small town everything is quite simple. See for yourself:

I will highlight two interesting streets:

Of course, we climbed this path more than once. And even, following the custom, they picked up a pebble from below and carried it to the top. This is such a small contribution.

What to see in the area

Old railway station Psyrtskha, which is located on the outskirts of the city and is marked on the map below under No. 1. Today it has lost its former functionality. It is easily accessible on foot from any of the main attractions of New Athos. After all, everything is located nearby!

For example, you can climb the steps from an artificial waterfall (2). By the way, walk from the New Athos cave (4) , Temple of Simon the Zealot (3) and even from the New Athos Monastery (5) will not be difficult. You find yourself in a gorge, brotherly embraced on three sides by mountains, and the Psyrtskha River flows on the fourth side.

By the way, this is where the territory of the historical and cultural reserve and the trail to the mountain cell of Simon the Canaanite begin. There is also a water source here. We gladly pounced on it, since the day was too generous with heat.

Here you are greeted by the wise Tortila, a stone turtle hiding in a small pond. And somehow, traditionally, all the children, and adults too, take pictures on it.

You should definitely climb Iverskaya Mountain (345 m above sea level) and plunge into the era of antiquity, which will be facilitated by the ancient fortress of Anakopia. The path starts from the New Athos cave past the private sector. Along the way, you will admire local gardens and exotic plants. This single street will lead you to the entrance, where you need to purchase a ticket to visit this attraction. The further path will go uphill.

Be sure to take a bottle of water and a hat with you, and I think everything is clear about shoes. You can also visit the Three Cauldrons gorge, which is located a half-hour walk from the same New Athos cave. You immediately remember the fairy tale when, having bathed in three cauldrons, you can be young, rich, and loved.

This beautiful gorge is named so because of three natural tanks in the form of bathtubs filled with turquoise water. The water is very cold, diving is only for the brave! The descent is also very extreme - with the help of ropes.

There are no special markings for this place. Just ask, and everyone will be happy to tell you. Locals say that they swim in these lakes to prolong youth and longevity.

Today this place is popular among all kinds of supporters of Eastern spiritual practices. I’m not one of them, but plunging into icy turquoise is truly invigorating.

Food. What to try

Abkhazians are famous for their longevity for a reason. The reason for this, I think, in addition to the crystal air and downright sanatorium natural conditions, is also in the fact that they eat food. The Caucasus is famous for its hospitality, and where there is hospitality, there is a feast.

The local people here observe moderation in everything, and, unlike other peoples of the Caucasus, they do not often eat meat, preferring vegetable and sour-milk dishes, which they cook expertly. In New Athos, however, a curious incident occurred. Having learned that mamalyga (thick porridge made from corn flour with fermented milk cheese) is very popular here, we quickly ordered this dish for each eater in the company, in addition to everything else.

When they brought us four huge plates of porridge, it turned out that one portion would have been more than enough for everyone!

The interesting news for me was that “adjika” is a word of Abkhaz origin! Here they use little salt, replacing it with this hot “seasoning”.

Beyond competition - barbecue!

Children will be delighted with national sweets. So in New Athos you will be able to get acquainted with healthy, colorful and varied Abkhaz cuisine.

Where can you taste it? During the season there are many cafes here. Prices are lower than in the popular resort of Gagra. In catering establishments near attractions, prices soar, although the same cannot be said about the level of service.

We were really disappointed by this at Ritsa’s, but the inexpensive canteen near Swan Lake in Primorsky Park was very satisfying. By the way, it works all year round.

Many people praise the private cafe "Nikofa" on the street. Lakoba between five-story buildings, where you can even try quail meat.

One option is to cook it yourself, which is what we prefer to do. Prices in stores are similar to Russian ones; imported fruits are expensive, but local ones, on the contrary, are cheaper. There is a wonderful word - “Market”! Homemade wines, cheeses, vegetables, honey, herbs. By the way, you need to bargain here! Sometimes it's even fun. Prices are lower at stalls located further from the entrance, and the hour of lowest prices is the hour before the market closes. (If there is anything left there by then). There are not many markets in New Athos; it is better to visit Sukhum and Gagra.

The central market of New Athos is located next to the station. Opening hours 6.00 - 20.00. The second is near the cave. It's more of a souvenir.

The price range is:(per person):

Lunch at a cafe by the sea about 300-500 rubles; lunch in a cafe of national cuisine, or Apatskh, 400-500 rubles.

Prices for popular dishes: kebab from 150 rubles per 100 g; soups from 100 rubles; meat dishes from 150 rubles per 200 grams, salads from 50 rubles and above.

If you want to decorate your meal with wine, then homemade wines from 200 rubles for 1.5 liters; bottled wines - about 200 rubles; Chacha is about 200 rubles for 0.5 liters.


  • Dining room (Battle Glory Square);
  • Cafe “Veterok”, open from May to October, Lakoba street 46;
  • The dining room is to the left of the Abkhazia Hotel near Swan Lake;
  • Canteen (Ladaria St., next to the hospital and the administrative building of New Athos).


  • Cafe at the Prime Hotel (entrance from the highway). Works all season;
  • Cafe-apatskha "Nikofa" (by the sea on Lakoba street);
  • Cafe "Miracle Yard" on the central embankment (from the sea, in the middle between "Rakushka" and the station).


  • They praise the Art-Cafe Z restaurant on Heroes Square, 1 (hookah, European cuisine, good service, which is still a little difficult in Abkhazia);
  • Griffin cafe with live music (very loud): Vodopadny Lane, 7;
  • restaurant by the sea Sea Place, Lakoba street - acceptable music volume, good service.

Most likely, you should not expect the heights of European service. But in good company on vacation, this is not the main thing.


When it comes to holidays, the New Athos people certainly love them just like all other Abkhazians. Here, along with the red dates of the modern calendar, spiritual (religious: Orthodox and Muslim) and traditional folk holidays are celebrated. The Caucasus loves, honors and preserves its traditions!

The “New Athos holiday” itself is considered May, 23rd- the day of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite (zealot), when this saint is venerated on earth for his martyrdom and missionary feat.

I will highlight 2 more holidays that are especially celebrated in New Athos.

I highlight these holidays especially because during their celebration exactly in New Athos signs are clearly visible revival of Abkhaz culture. Many residents come in national clothes, and this is not a tribute to fashion, but a dictate of the soul. By the way, the author of the sketch of the modern flag of Abkhazia is the artist Valery Gamgia (1944-1992).

If these days, important for the people of New Athos, coincide with the days of your vacation, then additional vivid memories will certainly be added to it.

Safety. What to watch out for

Of all the possible alarming moments, I would choose the danger on the roads, which is sometimes personified by the fearless Abkhaz “racers” and herds of animals. Yes, yes, it’s these cute cows, goats, and sheep that can calmly walk right along the highways, or even have a “picnic” right along the route of your car, as happened with us. At the same time, the shepherds like to look into the salon, apparently testing the stability of our psyche.

One piece of advice: “Patience and humor.” Several times we found ourselves in a situation where a shepherd was slowly driving his flock right in front of our car, or when on narrow roads passing right over a steep cliff, daring locals in their cars overtook us at full speed.

In addition, to avoid confusion with local traffic police, have your car recorder turned on!

As for the popular horror stories about the threat to lovely ladies from loving highlanders, it all depends on ourselves, our behavior and upbringing. You should not walk alone in deserted places at night, try strong drinks in unfamiliar companies, or get into other people’s cars.

Also take care of the rules of sanitation and a first aid kit with the necessary medications. South is south.

Things to do

Let's summarize what to do on vacation in New Athos?

Be amazed by the beauty of nature, go hiking, generally walk a lot, and even run barefoot and cheerfully screaming along cold mountain rivers!

Breathe deeply, play sports, strengthen your health and nervous system, weakened in big cities!

In New Athos you need to love, throw accumulated problems out of your head, enjoy communication with the Black Sea, sunbathe (in season), read (to the sound of rain in the off-season), visit the wonderful places that I told you about, communicate with talkative, friendly locals, delicious food (including hominy).

In one word - Live!

My daughter even found a friend in a cafe, from whom she learned a real Abkhaz dance.

And then the time spent in this resort town will truly become a fairy tale from the mysterious “1000 and 1 nights”. You shouldn’t waste time looking for the resort’s shortcomings or comparing it with others. Live on the bright side and have bright thoughts!

Shopping and shops

For those who like to wander around the shops and for shopaholics, there is no room for revelry in New Athos. But it is still possible to pay attention to the “highlights”. At least for localwine and traditional chacha.

When we decided to buy alcohol as gifts, we took it directly from local residents, having gotten to know them during our vacation and having friendly relations with them. Abkhazians love to once again show their hospitality and goodwill. The fact is that during the high season you have the opportunity to buy low-quality goods. Therefore, if you are vacationing in New Athos itself, follow our example and find yourself a friendly company of local residents.

New Athos is also valued honey, but carefully read the rules for transporting it to the Russian Federation. And for some reason, judging by the forums, the opinions of our chief sanitary doctor sometimes fly around. Sometimes you can bring honey, sometimes you can’t. But he’s really good here!

In the south I always take spices. Of course, there are plenty of them in St. Petersburg markets. But the product that we sell does not have any special notes that can only be heard in a jar (bag, bag) purchased at a real Abkhaz bazaar!

Please your loved ones and yourself with sweet gifts, as national Abkhaz sweets are excellent!

Of course, pay attention to souvenirs that will remind you of the sunny days of New Athos!

Clubs and nightlife

Extreme Sports

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

I have a rule: before buying a gift for someone, I ask myself the question - would I like it?

And really, what would I like to receive as a gift, even from myself in New Athos?

  • I have a sweet tooth, so, of course, honey (the apiaries are located in the mountains, so the taste and environmental standards of this product are above all praise), sweet treats - churchkhela of all kinds of colors and tastes. Local craftsmen prepare this delicacy according to their own recipes. It is better to buy Churchkhela (walnut beads) as a gift before leaving. 1 PC. costs about 70 rubles. Exotic sweets also include preserves and jams made from feijoa, walnuts and rose petals and dried persimmon.
  • Among the products that I myself would be happy with are local cheeses! It's time for them to sing a real ode! The cheese traditions of Abkhazia are unique! After all, the beloved “suluguni” by many comes from here.
  • Adjika? Definitely! Of course, this seasoning, originally from the Caucasus Mountains, can also be found in Russian stores, but the taste of the Abkhazian one is not comparable to others. And I advise you to definitely buy a homemade one.
  • Since we're talking about something spicy, I'll mention my favorite spices again!
    You can choose them on the market yourself, or you can trust the experience of the seller. They are usually poured into a jar in an intricate colorful pattern.
  • Along with Georgian tea, Abkhazian tea was also famous in Soviet times. If you buy tea leaves (preferably large-leaf tea) as a gift along with a jar of honey, then your friends who know a lot about tea will certainly appreciate it.
  • Abkhazia has a lot of medicinal herbs. I always bring home bay and eucalyptus leaves. Eucalyptus is not only good for bath brooms or steam baths for colds, but also a decoction of eucalyptus leaves is very useful to drink both as a preventive measure for viral diseases and as a remedy for colds.
    In our family, a decoction of eucalyptus leaves is always on the table in autumn and winter. You can find here alpine herbs, various mixtures, pads and sachets filled with them.
  • Alcohol: The wines are very good. In addition, there is also cognac and chacha. You can buy this in special stores (manufactured by the Sukhumi plant) to avoid the option of low-quality products, but you can do so at your own risk and from familiar local residents. Brands of popular Abkhazian wines: “Lykhny”, “Kagor”, “Apsny”, “Asher”, “Bouquet of Abkhazia”, “Chegem”, cognac “Atsnar”.
  • As for “non-gourmet” souvenirs, products made from grapevine, boxwood and bamboo, and ceramics are popular here.
  • Ash mortars and pestles will be a useful decoration for your kitchen interior. Of course, you will take a lot of photographs, the most worthy of which can be placed in a carved frame, which can also become a gift.
  • In the south, juniper products are often sold. Mainly as coasters for hot cookware. But we also use such souvenirs at home. in a Russian bath, when the steam room heats up, it begins to smell fragrant with this subtle bitter aroma.
  • For coffee lovers, you can bring an Abkhaz cezve as a gift.
  • As interesting souvenirs, you can choose coral beads (I brought these rosary beads), as well as clay jewelry.
  • If your family and friends are avid hunters and fishermen, then bring them felted goat wool burkas. You can also pick up a handmade dagger for men, although problems may arise when crossing the border back with such a “souvenir”.
    Our local friends even offered us guns, saying that they “have a gun in every house”! But we courageously restrained ourselves from this tempting acquisition (or rather, our men pulled themselves together).
  • It is also worth considering sweaters, socks, mittens, and hats made from goat down and wool.
  • Let the main gift be a charge of joy, health, and warm memories of a journey into a fairy tale.

And also - a piece of summer in your hands and new friends!

How to get around the city

New Athos is a small resort town, and within its borders you can easily walk.

Taxi. What features exist

Buses, minibuses and taxis run quite often between the cities of Abkhazia. From 6.00 to 20.00. Payment goes to the driver. The minibuses do not have a specific schedule, but run when they are full.

A taxi will cost many times more. Although this is the same market. Bargain without embarrassment!

For comparison: You need to get from the border (from Psou) to New Athos. A bus costs 80 rubles, a minibus costs 150 rubles, a taxi can cost 1,500. And a “transfer” from the airport in Adler will cost 5,000. So the choice is yours. It’s better not to catch something on the highway yourself! Rules of safe behavior are the key to your relaxing holiday! Use the services of dispatchers from official companies. You will immediately know the exact price, and there will be less suspicious worries. By the way, be sociable! If you are traveling with fellow travelers, then you can split the fare in half or “for three”. And within the city of New Athos there is simply no need to take a taxi.

Transport rental

Unfortunately, for now you will not be able to rent an independent car in New Athos (and throughout Abkhazia). Or rather, you will only be able to do this if you also hire a driver-owner as part of the load, that is, you can rent a taxi for the whole day. It will cost more than 3,000 rubles per day. Prices can be viewed. By the way, the people here are very talkative and love their region. Therefore, in the person of the driver, there is a possibility of finding a tour guide, a toastmaster, and a storyteller. So this path can also be considered as a potential “reserve” of tourist activities on the menu of your travels.

Give way to a Friend! Attention and caution! An indispensable car recorder in working condition!

New Athos: holidays with children

I am sure that New Athos is very suitable for families with children.

And my advice as a mother is:

The locals have a wonderful attitude towards children. Here, in general, children are traditionally loved and the elderly are revered.

It seems to me that when traveling with children, it is important to remember that our interests and theirs do not always coincide, and what is boring for us will seem surprising to children due to their sparkling imagination. What does a child need? To be close to your beloved father and mother (grandmother, grandfather), to comprehend the unknown, the sun, the sea, movement. There is plenty of this in New Athos!

In the evening, admire the fireflies cutting through the darkness with fiery sparks. You can even collect them in a jar (not forgetting to release them later).

Make up fairy tales! together, with the whole family, in the evenings by the sea! And finally, you will be able to talk to your heart's content and communicate with your family, taking a break from your office computers. Just don’t clutter up those magical southern evenings with watching TV.


There is a lot to see in New Athos, although if you wish, you can visit all the sights in one day. But I wouldn't recommend doing this. It is better to come for 5 days in order to properly relax and enjoy the excursions. This place is especially interesting for those who want to visit Orthodox shrines and enjoy the almost wild, sometimes even too untouched nature and ruins of the Soviet past.

So, here is my list of the main attractions of New Athos:

You can also visit museums, for example the Museum of Ethnography and the Abkhazian Kingdom, or try to see an old steam locomotive. But I didn’t succeed, so I won’t write about it. And, of course, don’t forget about the sea if you come in the summer, and about tangerines and persimmons if you’re in Abkhazia in the fall;-)

Is the answer helpful?

New Athos is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Abkhazia, a cozy city located on the slopes of two mountains - Iveron and Athos and located 80 kilometers from the border with Russia. New Athos attracts tourists both with its sea beaches and Mediterranean subtropical climate, as well as with natural and architectural monuments and Christian shrines.

One of the main attractions is the New Athos Monastery

The monastery was built by Russian monks who arrived here from the Greek Athos. The monastery was built near the temple and cave of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite; his relics are located in the ancient temple.

Iverskaya (Anakopia Mountain) with the ruins of the Anakopia fortress and the New Athos cave

The ascent along the serpentine Iverskaya Mountain to the ruins of the ancient city of Anakopia is very picturesque; at every turn, more and more attractive views of New Athos and the sea coast open up. Under the mountain there is the famous New Athos Cave - a karst cavity with a unique world of stalactites and stalagmites. It also has its own “metro” - the electric train “Tourist”, on which excursions through the underground halls of the cave are organized.

Opening hours: in the summer from the beginning to the end of October from 9.00 to 20.00, in the winter from 10.00 to 18.00 on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. The ticket price for adults and children over 8 years old is 400 rubles, for privileged categories of citizens - 100 rubles.

Psyrtskha railway platform, Psyrtskha waterfall and hydroelectric power station

A picturesque platform with ticket offices in a stylized gazebo, built in 1944 in an ancient style, is located near the lake, which is the reservoir of the Psyrtskha hydroelectric power station. You can get to the platform by climbing up from the waterfall of the same name, which was built at the beginning of the last century by monks for their needs.

Seaside park with swans and a system of seven ponds

In the very center of the city there is a park with a system of ponds created by the monks, which are fed by the waters of the Psyrtskhi River. Thanks to running water, fish swim in the ponds and black and white swans nest, which are the decoration of this park. This shady place is ideal for leisurely walks with the whole family.

All the attractions of New Athos are within walking distance, making it an excellent place to relax.

Is the answer helpful?

New Athos is one of the most visited places in the Republic of Abkhazia. Every year it is visited by a large number of tourists and mostly they are all from Russia. You can get to New Athos from Sochi by excursion bus or on your own. But to do this you need to cross the border. You can also buy excursions in any Abkhaz resort. For example, in Gagra, every travel agency offers excursions to New Athos and the drive there is only about an hour. Another option is to stay in one of the hotels in New Athos and leisurely see all the sights, walk around the city and relax by the sea. The beaches in New Athos are very clean and there are not as many people there as, for example, in Pitsunda. If a tourist is vacationing in Abkhazia for the first time, then it would be better to go with an organized excursion. And then you can come back and explore everything that was not included in the excursion program. On the small territory of New Athos there are very interesting sights that are worth seeing.

New Athos Monastery

Usually the first thing many people associate with New Athos is a monastery. It's beautiful. a majestic building built on a mountain can be seen from afar.

This monastery was built at the end of the 19th century with the permission of Prince Mikhail Romanovich. It was to him that the monks from the monastery on the Greek Mount Athos turned to him with such a request. Construction was carried out by the monks themselves and with great difficulty due to local conditions. However, they completed their work quite quickly, in just 12 years. To get to this monastery, tourists have to walk uphill along a very inconvenient road. You need to take a supply of water with you, you will really need it. When entering the temple, you must wear a scarf and a long skirt; they can be borrowed from the monastery. The visit to the monastery itself is free and is included in the program of every excursion to New Athos. The monastery is the first place to visit where tourists are brought. There is another very famous temple nearby.

Temple of Simon the Canonite

This temple is much older than the New Athos Monastery. Its construction dates back to the 9th - 10th centuries and is made of white stone. According to legend, it was at this place that one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, Simon the Canaanite, was killed. At that time he was preaching in the Caucasus.

Before the construction of this temple, there was a wooden church built in the 4th century in its place. In the 19th century, the temple fell into disrepair and was partially destroyed. But after its transfer to the monks from Athos, it was completely restored. Currently, this temple is operational. And the services held there every day attract many pilgrims. including from other countries. Usually a visit to this temple is not included in the excursion. It must be visited separately.

Grotto of St. Apostle Simon the Canaanite

An excursion to this grotto is not obligatory and tourists are taken there for a fee if desired. According to legend, it was in this cave that the Apostle Simon the Canaanite lived and prayed. The grotto is located in the gorge of the Psyrtskha River and there is a specially cut entrance for tourists. And the path to the cave begins from the temple built in honor of this saint. Simon the Canonite is especially revered among Abkhaz Christians.

The monks of the monastery carved a four-pointed cross on the walls of this cave. In addition, the faces of Simon the Canaanite, Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary are laid out there using mosaics. The cost of an excursion to this grotto is 300 rubles and it takes about 20 minutes.

New Athos Cave

This is one of the most famous and popular attractions of New Athos and used to be called the Anakopia Abyss. It was only discovered in 1961 by a local artist named Givi Smyr, who is currently the director of this real cave complex.

This complex includes 9 caves of different sizes and each room has its own name. The largest cave is called the Hall of the Mahajirs. Each cave room has features that distinguish it from the rest. For example, in the Nart hall there is the so-called “Living Lake”. It got its name because crayfish are found in it. And in the cracks of the cave lives an eyeless beetle. In the halls of the cave there are a huge number of stalactites and stalagmites of various shapes and sizes. It is forbidden to break them, and it is unlikely to succeed. But they are sold right in the cave quite officially. Apparently, cave workers are not prohibited from breaking them. When visiting this cave, be sure to take a light jacket with you, since the constant temperature in it is about 10 degrees. And especially after leaving it, you feel a temperature difference. The cost of the excursion is 400 rubles. Despite the fact that there are long queues at the box office. You don't have to wait long. After all, about 200 people are allowed on the excursion at once. The cave is a very interesting object to visit and leaves no one indifferent.

Museum of the Abkhazian Kingdom

This is a completely new attraction of New Athos. It was opened only four years ago, but already attracts many tourists. The museum's collection is very diverse and includes exhibits from such different eras as the Stone and Bronze Ages, the Middle Ages and antiquity. In addition, in the museum you can see household items and weapons of the ancient Abkhazians. As well as many maps and photographs. They say that the collection will continue to be replenished. It will be interesting to visit the museum in a couple of years. And entry there is quite inexpensive, only 100 rubles. Moreover, they don’t charge money for photography there.

Anakopia fortress

A visit to this attraction is also not included in the mandatory program due to its inaccessibility for everyone. It is located at the top of the Apsara Mountain and it takes quite a long time to climb there and not all tourists are ready for this. But those who endure this path remain very satisfied. There is little left of the fortress, but the tower itself is very well preserved and is a delight for history buffs. Next to the fortress there is a well with living water, as they call it there. The water is really very tasty and many people take bottles with them to get it. In addition, this fortress offers stunning views of the sea and mountains. At least for this it is worth overcoming such a difficult path.

Waterfall and lake Psyrtskha

Tourists visit these attractions in their free time.
Near this beautiful waterfall there are many souvenir shops and cafes where you can try national Abkhaz food and just sit and admire the beauty of New Athos.

The New Athos resort is located in the Gudauta region of Abkhazia. It is surrounded by lemon, orange, tangerine and olive groves. The area in which the resort is located is hilly. The warm climate attracts tourists to the city all year round. The nature of this region is amazing and diverse. In addition, New Athos in Abkhazia, the sights of which are presented in the article, attracts with interesting places and cultural monuments. A quiet and peaceful resort is an ideal place for those who want to get acquainted with the history of this region and enjoy a relaxing holiday.

Sights of New Athos: photo with description

New Athos Cave is considered one of the largest in Abkhazia. It is located near Iverskaya Mountain. The cave was discovered in the second half of the 20th century. Since then, research has been carried out in it. The New Athos Cave has many halls through which excursions are held for tourists.

To get to the Iverskaya Mountain, in which the New Athos Cave is located, a railway was built. It operates during the holiday season and resembles a metro. The length of the tracks is only about 2 km. The line includes 3 stations.

This station is located on the shore of the reservoir. Psyrtskha appeared in the first half of the 20th century, but ceased to be used during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. Currently there is only one train passing through the station. All the sights of New Athos have a special atmosphere, and this place is no exception. It’s worth visiting the station to admire the beautiful pavilion and the surrounding nature.

From the Psyrtskha railway station you can go to the artificial New Athos waterfall. Previously, there was a hydroelectric power station in this place, but today it is not operational and is a historical monument. Having visited the New Athos waterfall, you can immediately see other attractions of New Athos, which are located nearby.

It is located near the Psyrtskha River. New Athos, the sights and photos of which can be seen in the article, is known for its religious places, temples and monasteries. Of particular importance is the grotto of Simon the Canaanite. It is believed that this is where the famous apostle preached. The road to the grotto passes by a picturesque gorge.

The museum's exposition is dedicated to the events of the Abkhaz-Georgian war. It includes books, newspaper clippings, soldiers' belongings and photographs. The museum is located in a snow-white building rising on the Black Sea coast.

In the city center there is the famous Seaside Park. It was founded by monks, thanks to whom the New Athos Monastery appeared. The main decoration of the park is snow-white and black swans. They inhabit ponds surrounded by benches and green spaces. After a walk through the park, you can relax by the water in the shade of tall trees and enjoy the peace and quiet around you.

The largest pond in the seaside park is known as Swan Lake. This name did not appear by chance. The pond is home to beautiful black and white swans. They are not afraid of people and happily go ashore, begging for bread crumbs. There is a cafe on a small island in the center of the pond. In the warm season, you can dine there, admiring the mirror-like surface of the water and graceful swans swimming past.

It is better to start a walk around the city from the embankment. Among all the attractions of New Athos, it stands out because it allows you to feel a special atmosphere. The embankment is full of people most of the time. Lively and noisy, it allows you to feel the rhythm of the resort town and breathe in the fresh air blowing from the sea.

The two-story dacha was built in the mid-20th century. It is furnished with trophy German furniture, has 3 bathrooms and the same number of bedrooms. Through the main entrance, tourists immediately find themselves on the 2nd floor, where they can see the reception and office of the great leader. Brezhnev also vacationed at the dacha. During the war with Georgia, most of the property was taken away, some buildings on the territory were destroyed. However, such sights of New Athos as Stalin’s dacha are still interesting to visit, because they preserve the special spirit of the times.

This fortress is considered one of the most ancient sights of New Athos. It was built to protect against invaders. Once upon a time, Anakopia was the capital of the Abkhazian kingdom, and important trade routes passed through it. The western tower offers an excellent view of the surrounding area.

New Athos: attractions and entertainment

The building was erected in the colonial style in the second half of the 20th century. Despite the fact that it has been reconstructed many times, its main features have not changed. Elements of the colonial style are still clearly visible. There is a large area tiled in front of the building. The area around the station is well-groomed, there are benches everywhere and fragrant flower beds.

New Athos is located at the foot of the Inver Mountain. The Anakopia fortress is located on it, and from the top there is a magnificent view of the surrounding area and the sea coast.

The facility is located in Primorsky Park, not far from the park, which is famous for the fact that black swans live there. The sculpture depicts an eagle clutching a snake in its talons and looking at it hungrily. Vacationers often take pictures near this attraction.

It is located next to the New Athos Monastery. The sculpture represents a long-haired girl who is trying to hide from the cold water by hugging herself with her arms. A small figurine is located in a recess in the rock where water flows. Therefore, the mermaid periodically hides under the streams. However, some tourists manage to photograph the sculpture at a time when it is not immersed in water.

This object appeared on the territory of New Athos more than 80 years ago. The well has a unique design, thanks to which there is always water in it. Scientists have put forward several hypotheses to explain the features of its origin. However, none of the versions was confirmed, and the secret of the inexhaustible well was never revealed.

Not far from New Athos is the Grotto of Agts. Rock paintings and paintings were discovered on its walls. Later, scientists found out that in the vicinity of the grotto there was a site of the Paleolithic era.

The archaeological exhibition allows you to get an idea of ​​the history of the local people. The Museum of the Abkhaz Kingdom presents ancient archaeological finds and household items, on the basis of which scientists were able to learn the details of the ethnogenesis of the Abkhazians and their material culture.

Temples and monasteries

To get to the Temple of Simon the Canaanite, you need to walk along the “Path of Sinners”. There is a belief that those who can overcome the entire path on their knees will be absolved of all sins. The trail is often called Cypress Alley. It is planted with greenery and large stones lie along it. It is located next to a well-kept park and seems designed for leisurely walks.

The small-sized temple is interesting from an architectural point of view. The building, made of white cut stone, is clearly visible from afar. The Temple of Simon the Kananite has a strict composition that looks harmonious in this picturesque region of Abkhazia among other attractions of New Athos.

This monastery was considered one of the largest spiritual centers in the Caucasus. Today it is one of the places for which Abkhazia and New Athos are famous. It is better to look at attractions, photos of which are easy to find on the Internet, in advance and decide what you need to visit. Once in New Athos, you should not miss the opportunity to see the New Athos Monastery.

The ensemble of the New Athos Monastery includes 6 temples. The most famous and beautiful is the Panteleimon Cathedral.

This small, neat chapel is located on Iverskaya Mountain. It was built by monks. For a long time, the chapel was the place where the miraculous icon was kept, which was later transferred to Panteleimon Cathedral.
Once in Abkhazia, you should definitely visit the main attractions of New Athos. Walking through memorable places and visiting monuments will allow you to get an idea of ​​the culture and history of the local people and learn many new facts. Natural sites also deserve special attention. Walking through the park and forest paths is an opportunity to see amazing flora and fauna, breathe in fresh sea air, and find peace and tranquility.

What else to see in New Athos?

The town of New Athos in Abkhazia is one of the richest in attractions. In the entire history of the city's existence, who has not made a mark here: Greeks, Romans, Genoese, Turks.

In New Athos you can stay for one or two days to explore everything in the city itself and its surroundings. Can you come with excursion from Sochi for 1 day .

In this article you will find a list of what you can and should see in New Athos, photos of these places, as well as my recommendations for visiting.

New Athos, Abkhazia: open-air museum

New Athos is one of the most visited places in Abkhazia. The local population is only 1,500 people, but in one summer day 2,000-3,000 tourists come here on excursion buses and their own transport.

Even if you only have time to see New Athos out of all of Abkhazia, you will already have a lot of impressions. Because here, in a relatively small area, several interesting tourist sites are concentrated. So if this town is definitely worth getting to.

How to get to New Athos

New Athos is located 80 kilometers from the Russian-Abkhaz border, on the Black Sea coast.

You can get to New Athos from Adler in the following ways:

  • by train from the Adler railway station to the Novy Afon stop (operate only in season)
  • by taxi : find out taxi prices
  • by car. If you don’t have your own, you can rent: car rental in Sochi
  • with excursion on a big bus
  • with a private guide by car . For example, you can contact these guys: +79384600693, they will pick you up from the hotel, take you, tell you all the information.


Below I briefly list all the attractions of the Abkhaz resort of New Athos with photos. You can read more about them in separate articles (follow the links).

New Athos Cave

It has been open to the public since 1975. You can enter the cave only during an organized excursion with a guide. First you will enter the cave by electric train, then you will walk through 8 halls. In each of them you will see something unusual: either an underground lake or a bizarre formation (stalactites and stalagmites). The cost of visiting is 500 rubles. /person, for children under 8 years old - free.

Time required to visit the cave: 2 hours

New Athos Monastery

The monastery is located on a hill and is easily visible from anywhere in New Athos.

Founded in 1875 by the monks of the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon from Old Athos (Greece). When the foundation of the main temple was laid in 1888, Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Fedorovna were present. Major construction continued until March 1896. On September 28, 1900, the solemn consecration of the main altar of the Panteleimon Cathedral Church took place.

The New Athos Monastery was the largest spiritual center of the Russian Church on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In addition, the monks launched a wide range of economic activities: they planted several thousand trees (olive, citrus), built workshops, opened their own stud farm, and collected honey from beehives in their apiaries. The swampy and bush-overgrown valley of the Psyrtskhi River was cleared and turned into a park with canals and a system of ponds in which mirror carp were bred.

They were also involved in charity work: they opened a school for Abkhaz children, distributed free medicines and food to the poor. In 1924 the monastery was closed. The revival of the monastery began only in 1994.

Now in the monastery you can go to the Panteleimon Cathedral, built in the neo-Byzantine style. And go down the stone-paved road path of sinners down to the park. The time you will spend visiting the cathedral is 15-20 minutes; descending the path will take another 10-15 minutes.

Seaside Park

The park dates back to 1880, when the monks, while building the New Athos Monastery, began to improve the surrounding area. 7 ponds were dug, which were fed with water from the Psyrtskha River. The bottom of the ponds was tiled and trout were bred in them. Exotic trees were planted between the ponds, gazebos were installed and paths were laid, and bridges were built over the ponds.

The park was inaugurated in 1910, on the day of the arrival of the royal family in New Athos.

Already in Soviet times, cafes and plaster statues appeared in the park. The hallmark of the park is the white and black swans swimming in the pond.

The time required to visit the park is 15-30 minutes.

Stalin's Dacha

There are five Stalin's dachas in Abkhazia. The one in New Athos was built in 1947 and is located almost on the territory of the New Athos monastery. The location was chosen so that the dacha was not visible from the city. Even now, the dacha buildings are hidden by subtropical vegetation.

The dacha complex consists of three buildings: the main house, the dining room and the former dacha pavilion of Alexander III, built in the 19th century. They say that a secret passage was built from the dacha into the railway tunnel, so that in case of emergency the leader could escape safely. According to rumors, there is a second tunnel - to the beach.

Since 1993, the dacha of I.V. Stalin in New Athos has been one of residences of the President of Abkhazia , nevertheless, a museum is organized there and excursions are conducted.

The cost of the excursion is 100 rubles. It will take you about 40 minutes.

Waterfall and power plant on Psyrtskhe

The waterfall in New Athos is artificial, formed due to construction dams on the river Psyrtskha (yes, thanks again to the monks). “Psyrtskha” translated from Abkhazian means “fir spring”.

It started to be difficult for me to pronounce this word - Psyrtskha. But I recommend that you remember this name, because... all the most beautiful objects of New Athos are located here.

The height of the waterfall is 8.6 meters, the length along the ridge is 21.2 meters. The dam is equipped with two culverts, sluices for irrigating fields and vegetable gardens, as well as sluices for draining water to the flour mill. The mill has not survived.

But the hydroelectric power station has been preserved - a white building to the right of the dam. This is the Psyrtskhinskaya hydroelectric power station, built by monks in 1892-1903, one of the first in Tsarist Russia. Tourists are not allowed into the hydroelectric power station building - the explanation is that everything there has been looted for a long time and there is nothing special to see.

Under the waterfall there were once rooms that were used as natural cold storage chambers.

The waterfall is one of the most popular attractions in the city of New Athos. Even on a hot summer day there is always a cool breeze near the waterfall. This is one of the most photographed places. It will take you about 20 minutes to take photos and explore the waterfall.

From the waterfall there is a path to the next must-see object in New Athos.

Psyrtskha station

The station above the Psyrtskha River is my favorite place in new Athos. It is wonderful at any time of the year:

From a distance this pavilion does not at all resemble a railway station. Most of all, it looks like a beautiful gazebo hovering over a pond.

And only when you come closer and climb the stairs, you will see the rails and the railway platform, sandwiched between two tunnels.

By the way, one of these tunnels is called the “scared tunnel”. Can you guess why?

The place is amazingly beautiful, and in the off-season, when there are few tourists, its atmosphere smacks of some kind of mysticism... If you just take a photo and move on, 15-20 minutes will be enough for you to explore it.

Cross the railway tracks and follow the path to the next object - the grotto of Simon the Canaanite.

Grotto of Simon the Canaanite and the path to it

The path to the grotto of Simon the Canaanite begins immediately after the railway tracks. The trail goes along the same Psyrtskhi river. The place, it seemed to me, is not very popular among tourists. Many simply do not reach it: after examining the waterfall and the former railway station, they turn around and leave. They leave for various reasons: either they were given little time and the excursion bus has to go further, or people don’t know about it at all.

And the place is historically significant. It is associated with the name of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ himself. He arrived in the territory of future Abkhazia to preach Christianity. And he successfully did this, living in a grotto-cell, until the Roman soldiers dealt with him. He was killed right on the banks of this very river. And people buried him there. A temple was later erected on this site in his honor:

And you will have to walk about 20 minutes to the grotto itself. The last part of the route is the climb up rocky steps to the cave where the saint’s grotto is located:

In summer, the walk can take a long time: many people want to plunge into a cool plunge pool right in the Psyrtskhe River after a steep climb to the grotto in the heat...

Admission to the route is paid: 250 rubles per person.

Anakopia fortress

Even at the entrance to New Athos, you will see white fortress walls on one of the hills. This is the Iverskaya (Anakopia) fortress. It is located on Iverskaya Mountain, at an altitude of 344 meters above sea level. There is a normal road leading to the fortress; by car you can get there in 5 minutes. But you can also climb on foot

Even if you are not very interested in stories, I recommend visiting this place. For the magnificent views of New Athos, which will open from above, from the fortress walls and towers:

Allow at least two hours to visit this site. The hike up the mountain from the parking lot will take about an hour (with photo stops that you will definitely want to take). A visit to the fortress costs 200 rubles. Parking is another 100 rubles.

Beaches of New Athos

I will not particularly describe the beauty of the New Athos beaches - you will see them in any case.

In summer there are much fewer people here than in Gagra and Pitsunda. So you may have an irresistible urge to take a swim:

If, after visiting all the sights of New Athos, you still have time and energy for this, do not deny yourself this pleasure!

Tourists who travel to New Athos on an excursion by bus are usually taken to a cave, a monastery and, if there is still time, to a waterfall on Psyrtskhe. It is unrealistic to see everything else on such an excursion.

Therefore, if you don’t want to gallop around Europe, choose trips with private guides (phone number indicated above). But even in this case, it is not a fact that you will have time to visit everything. Especially if, in addition to New Athos, you have Ritsa or something else planned on this day.

If you do it wisely, you need to go to New Athos for the whole day. Or even an overnight stay. In terms of accommodation, I can recommend the following guest houses and hotels: Guest House Bagrat, Boutique Hotel Lime, Inn Mandarin, Guest House Villa Oliva, boarding house Waterfall.

If you still have limited time, see the monastery with Stalin’s dacha and all the objects on Psyrtskhe: the waterfall, the station, the grotto of Simon the Canaanite. The New Athos Cave is certainly an interesting object, but it takes a lot of time. Like the Anakopia fortress. But if you have already been to a cave and a monastery, do not ignore this fortress.

Have a great experience visiting New Athos and see you on the blog!