Ireland girls. Features of American life. The state pays for them to get drunk

An original appearance always attracts and attracts attention. The more unusual a person looks, the more interest arises in his person. Often people themselves change their appearance in order to stand out from the crowd. But there are peoples who don’t need to do anything; they are bright and unusual in themselves.

For example, the Irish, whose appearance can definitely be called memorable and non-standard. Of course, we are not talking about all representatives of Ireland, but about typical bearers of Irish appearance.

Let's go back to the roots

The Irish people (or Celts) produce general impression these kind of soulful simpletons, merry fellows and lovers of noisy companies and the drinking that accompanies the festivities.

The Irish are interesting and famous throughout the world for their culture. That alone is worth it. It is celebrated with joy by residents of various countries. And Irish tunes are loved by many fans. Some of them are even seriously interested in Irish culture and call themselves Keltomaniacs.

The Irish, wholly consistent with their lifestyle and habits, are one of the most positive people in the world.

What did Irish men originally look like?

Initially, Celtic men looked slightly different than modern men. Traditionally, long hair no lower than the shoulders was considered a sign of a true Celt. They were worn straight, combed towards the back of the head, or made into special braids, Irish braids. Of course, as in any time, there were Irish people who did not adhere to traditions, their heads were decorated with short haircuts.

The same applied to the beard, some left it, while others shaved it off completely. The nobility were characterized by shaved cheeks and chins and the presence of a mustache above the upper lip.

Depending on where they lived, the Irish, whose appearance in general and hair color in particular were variable, were proud of their characteristics. Their hair color ranged from very light shades to fiery red. At the same time, those with light hair lightened their hair even more using natural means. And the red-haired Irish simply had to enjoy their differences.

The Irish were tall, their shoulders were broad, and they were built athletically. The Celts were very sensitive to their body and tried to constantly ennoble it.

Over time, as the Celts settled in different regions, the typical, clearly expressed features could be somewhat erased due to the creation of interethnic families.

Modern Irish men

Over time, the Irish, whose appearance was initially very pronounced, partly changed.

The usual blond and red hair is now rather a stereotype. Of course, they exist, but literally only a few. Most modern Celts have dark hair and light eyes and freckles are much more common. The faces are narrow in type, one might say sunken. The hero-athletes were replaced by young Irishmen of thin build and average height.

There are now different Irish people in the way they dress and present themselves. The appearance (a photo of an Irish man is presented in the article) can be imagined quite clearly, especially if you talk to them in person. More specifically, three types can be distinguished:

  • Street guys who don't hold back much. They smoke and drink often. And they can easily pester a passerby with stupid questions or mockery.
  • "Handsome guys." The Irish, in whom their roots clearly speak, take care of themselves, have a beautiful figure, stylish clothes and a well-groomed appearance.
  • Ordinary guys. Such people can be found in any country - absolutely unremarkable individuals in appearance, without a special type or distinctive features.

What did Irish women originally look like?

If you delve into ancient times, the beautiful half of the Irish community was described as follows - long-haired women, and the hair was often much lower than the waist, an incredible, blinding red color. The hair is very thick, so much so that it was quite difficult for their owners to wear it and cope with such wealth. But at the same time, the women themselves looked very impressive - tall and more than large in build. Apart from the incredible length and beauty of their hair, Celtic women were very similar to men. And it was not just an appearance, but a real strength. Descriptions were found with the following content: “Women are able to compete with men in strength, and each can easily fight off even a group of aggressive rivals.” Writers defined Irish women as masculine, huge representatives of humanity, with terrible facial features and thunderous voices. But, despite such unflattering reviews, the Irish family continued.

Modern Irish women

It's not just Irish men who have changed over the centuries. The woman's appearance also changed noticeably.

There are two main types of Celtic women:

  • Flat, wide face with a flat nose. Dark (often blue (less often green) eyes.
  • An elongated face with an elongated nose, sunken cheeks. Blonde hair and light eyes of various shades.

When you look at a modern Irish woman, you don’t get the feeling that she is beautiful. Even though the girl takes care of herself and is fashionably dressed, it seems that “something is missing.” Charm, attractiveness, charisma - this is largely not about Irish women. It is important to note here that we are talking about standard, average girls who did not resort to the help of plastic surgeons and hardware assistance from cosmetologists.

Among Irish women there are practically no thin people. From their great, great, great, and so on grandmothers, modern women have inherited curvaceous figures.

And I want to pay special attention to my hair. Celtic contemporaries are absolutely not worried about the appearance of their heads, and artistic “bumps” are the most common option for everyday hairstyles.

National clothes of the Irish

The Irish, whose appearance is very peculiar, have traditionally worn national clothes, unusual and quite interesting.

The Irishman's coat consisted of a long skirt in red or orange shades (in some exceptions, skirts could be dark blue or green) and a long light shirt. It fit close to the waist, the sleeves reached to the wrists, and the neckline was most often made round with frills around it. A corsage was put on the shirt and a fringed shawl was put on the shoulders. And a large, most often checkered apron was required for the skirt. This is the kind of multi-layered, but certainly beautiful and original outfit that the Celts wore in the early centuries.

The men's skirt (kilt) was much shorter than the women's, predominantly yellow-brown. On top is an elongated vest and a light shirt. And a cloth beret was obligatory.

Currently, the clothing of the Irish only vaguely resembles the costumes of their ancestors. Only on family holidays or for any thematic performances do the Irish dress up in national clothes. And basically now they are dressed the same as the majority of the world's population. They also follow fashion and try to choose high-quality and stylish things.

The image of the Irishman in cinema and literature

The Celts (Irish) are often mentioned in cinema and literary works. Appearance, red hair, characteristic of the nationality, special - it is these nuances that are remembered by the viewer and reader and used by the authors. We can give the most striking examples of the use of the image of the Irishman in cinema and literature:

  • John (Ron) from the Harry Potter epic. Probably the most famous of the Irish characters. A typical boy, as most of the world's population imagines an Irish child, has red hair, freckles, a good-natured and open look.
  • The famous Leprechaun from the film of the same name.
  • Red-bearded pirates. They are found quite often in both literary and cinematic works.
  • And even Princess Fiona from “Shrek” is just a standard Irish woman in her human form.

The bright and unusual Irish (appearance, photos of which are described and presented in this material) are popular and interesting, and will definitely not leave indifferent a person who communicates with a Celt for the first time. And even without personal communication, Irish men and women can interest you, just look at their photographs or an interesting film with Irish images.

Each people of the world has its own characteristics, which are absolutely normal and ordinary for them, but if a person of another nationality falls into their midst, he may be very surprised by the habits and traditions of the inhabitants of this country, because they will not coincide with his own ideas about life. We invite you to find out 10 national habits and characteristics of the Irish that may seem surprising and a little strange to Russian people.

They receive an unusual inheritance

Usually, heirs are waiting for land property or at least a small chest with family heirlooms. The inhabitants of rainy Ireland made a kind of pun with this tradition: the main value passed from father to son is considered to be a hat - an irreplaceable thing in such capricious weather.

They don't eat out

The Irish have a strange peculiarity: they are very uncomfortable when visiting, so most often meetings are transferred to their dear pubs. If you managed to drag an intractable neighbor to dinner, be prepared for the fact that he may refuse your cooking with a straight face. Either an Irishman eats home-cooked food or is content with fast food. These are the principles of taste.

They can't do without black humor

Conversation is a favorite pastime of the Irish. However, don't expect hushed conversation by the fireplace: even close friends can't do without dark humor here. And if you are lucky enough to hear a compliment addressed to you, the next phrase will certainly bring you back to earth. Irony is honored on the island, so the inhabitants do not even think of being offended by each other.

They love to argue

Dispute is a national weakness of the Irish. You will be encouraged to discuss someone's position, and if you actively disagree, blame yourself. The debate will drag on for several hours: jumping from topic to topic, the Irish deftly change the shades of the conversation, and the most serious discussion can turn into a joke.

They shoot partridges right in the city

The Irish actively take advantage of the proximity of their settlements to nature. For example, in Dublin it is not unusual to break away from business in the middle of the work week and go hunting with the dog, and in the evening of the same day to check the mailbox and again plunge into everyday chores. And residents of smaller settlements calmly shoot partridges and engage in fishing right within the city: there is every chance of catching a nice trout for dinner.

They are crazy about horses

The heart of any Irishman is traditionally filled with love for horses. Indeed, a horse frolicking in the wild is a sight that is worth seeing at least once in your life. Residents of small towns in Ireland are especially crazy about horses: often horse racing is the only thing that arouses their interest. Here, a thoroughbred horse walking along the highway will cause more admiration than a brand new Rolls-Royce. And if a horse in the city is being prepared for racing, it becomes a local celebrity.

They are experts in nonsense

The cheerful disposition of the Irish is manifested in all sorts of sayings: it is a great pleasure to brighten up your observations with an eccentric phrase! You may hear something like: “It’s so cold in here that even a wild duck would get rheumatism!” or “We have so little cold water in the house that it’s not even enough to christen a witch.” The wild imagination of the residents also connects the unique natural landscapes with many incredibly funny events that supposedly happened here, and the most absurd incident will be told to you with a very serious look.

They drink till they drop

The culture of drinking beer drinks in Ireland occupies an honorable pedestal - the evening cannot be called successful if you do not stop by the pub. But it will be extremely difficult to return home with a flying gait, because most often the Irish drink according to the “circle” system. It implies that in companies everyone takes turns buying beer for everyone and leaving the meeting before the circle ends is considered disrespectful. Thus, in groups of more than three people, your chances of standing are extremely low, given the famous strength of Irish stout.

The state pays for them to get drunk

Continuing the theme of the traditional boundless love of the Irish for beer drinks, one cannot fail to mention their caring government. If a citizen has been suffering from alcoholism for several years, he can seek help from a special medical commission. After checking, the person is recognized as dependent, and the state undertakes to pay him 12 pounds a day, so that the patient can buy himself a drink, and not steal or take money from his family.

They are incorrigible retrogrades

The Irish, one might say, were completely indifferent to the industrial revolution and mechanization. If possible, they would rather go for something more traditional. Yes, today on railways In Ireland you can find locomotives from the early 20th century (restored and in good condition, of course). What can we say about the unconditional superiority of horses over cars!

Real name Paul David Hewson. Born 10 May 1960 in Dublin. Bono is an Irish singer, musician and humanitarian best known as the lead singer of the super popular Irish band U2.

Colin Farrell
Colin Farrell was born on May 31, 1976 in Dublin. The actor starred in such films as “Miami Vice,” “Minority Report,” “Phone Booth,” “The Recruit” and “Alexander.”

Pierce Brosnan
Actor Pierce Brosnan was born on May 16, 1953 in Drogheda, County Louth, Ireland. His popularity grew after starring in the TV series Remington Street in the mid-80s. In 1995, he became the fifth actor to play James Bond.

Van Morrison George
Ivan Morrison was born on August 31, 1945 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The singer and songwriter has six Grammy Awards and is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Gabriel Byrne
Actor Gabriel Byrne was born on May 12, 1950 in Dublin. His portfolio includes films such as The Usual Suspects, Miller's Crossing and Stigmata. He is also currently starring in the much-criticized TV series In Treatment.

Enya Enya
(real name Enya Patricia Ni Brennan) was born on May 17, 1961 in the village of Gweedore, County Donaghal. Ireland's most commercially successful musician has sold more than 15 million copies of her album A Day Without Rain. She has won four Grammy Awards.

Kenneth Branagh
Kenneth Branagh is an actor and director from Northern Ireland born 10 December 1960 in Belfast. He gained popularity as a stage actor and was nominated for an Academy Award 4 times. Mainly for directing the film Henry V and for his role in it.

Cillian Murphy
Actor Cillian Murphy was born on May 25, 1976 in the village of Ballintemple, County Cork. Murphy and his piercing eye became a household name in 2005 with his outstanding performances as two villains: Scarecrow in Batman Begins and Jason Rippner in Nightfall.

Sinead O'Connor
Sinead O'Connor was born on December 8, 1966 in Dublin. The expressive singer's popularity grew in the late 90s with her debut album, The Lion and the Cobra.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Jonathan Rhys Meyers was born on July 27, 1977 in Dublin. Best known for his roles in Velvet Goldmine, Bend It Like Beckham and Match Point. He also starred in the Elvis miniseries and as King Henry VIII in the Showtime series The Tudors.

What associations do you have when you hear the word “Irish”? Do you have any thoughts about who is the most beautiful Irish woman in the world? It so happens that in Russian-speaking countries people know little about Ireland, the culture of this wonderful country, its history and people. If we talk about Irish women, they are known for their romance, sexy figure, seductive body and amazing sense of style. Ireland is a place with the most beautiful ladies in the world. Girls from this country can be found all over the world. They appear in films, magazines, beauty shows and on television.
Today we will try to highlight ten ladies from the wide variety of beautiful girls in Ireland. And we will do this based on a subjective assessment of their beauty, sexuality, talent and celebrity.

10 Evanna Lynch / Evanna Lynch

Evanna was born in 1991 in the small Irish village of Termonfekin. From an early age she was fond of reading books about Harry Potter and was a fan of this work. Once, when Evanna suffered from anorexia, JK Rowling herself wrote her a letter with words of support. It is not surprising that a few years later, in 2006, 14-year-old Lynch auditioned for the role of Luna Lovegood in the next installment of Harry Potter, beating out 15,000 other applicants. Thanks to her efforts, Lynch received fame and praise from her fans. Evanna began to be invited to various shows, and she became a frequent guest at photo shoots for many famous magazines.

9 Katie McGrath / Katie McGrath

The stunning Irish actress and model was born in 1983 in Ashford. She simply eclipsed everyone with her beauty when she first appeared on screen. Some of her most memorable roles are the roles of Lady Morgana in the cult British mini-series Merlin and Lucy Westerna in the TV series Dracula. Her voluptuous figure, blue eyes, and silky hair made millions of men drop their jaws in awe. Her fans really enjoyed her work in the Canadian TV series Slasher (2016), in which Katie gracefully revealed her character.

8 Sarah Bolger / Sarah Bolger

The popular actress was born in Dublin in 1991. Her beautiful face with a beautiful smile and blue expressive eyes makes her look like an angel. In 2010, she won the Irish Film and Television Award and proved that she is not only beautiful, but also very talented. In Russia, Sarah is known for her role as Princess Mary in the historical television series The Tudors.

7 Rosanna Davison / Rosanna Davison

Rosanna Diana Davison was born on April 17, 1984. She is a popular Irish actress, singer, writer, model and beauty queen who holds the title of Miss World 2003. Rosanna is the daughter of the famous Western talented musician Chris de Burgh, and the song “For Rosanna” was written by her father in 1986 in her honor. Roseanne graduated from University College Dublin in 2006 with a degree in Sociology and Art History. In August 2003, she reached the final of Miss Ireland in Dublin and won the competition. In December 2003, Davison, along with 106 other beauties, participated in the Miss World competition in Sanya (China). There she also won the crown, becoming the first Irish lady to ever win the Miss World title since early 1951. She is one of the up and coming Irish actresses, models and certainly one of the most beautiful women in the world. Many local publications put her at the top of their list of the hottest women in the country, and judging by the photos, they are undoubtedly right. In 2012, Rosanna posed for the cover of the German version of Playboy.

6 Nadia Forde / Nadia Forde

This beauty is a popular Irish supermodel, actress and singer. She was born on May 3, 1989. Nadya takes part in many reality shows. So, in 2013, she appeared on “The Late Show” in Ireland. Already in 2014, she began her career in Hollywood with her own TV show. In the same year, she recorded her first single, which strengthened the bright rise of her career. People all over Ireland adore her and in their hometown She's a huge celebrity in Dublin.

5 Holly Carpenter

Holly Carpenter (born 1991) was born and raised in Dublin. She speaks fluent English, Irish and French. On August 13, 2011, Holly Carpenter was crowned Miss Ireland in Dublin. Her determination, talent, charm and attractiveness were appreciated by everyone. Her innocent appearance and sweet smile have long won the hearts of numerous fans.

4 Rozanna Purcell / Rozanna Purcell

Perfect skin, amazing figure and beauty - these are the main components of the popularity of this model. She was born in the small town of Clonmel in 1990. And in 2010, Roseanne won the Miss Ireland title. After this victory, she was offered a contract with the Trump Model Management agency, which she signed. Later it was supplemented by other contracts in Mexico and Colombia. The beautiful Irish diva was also invited as a jury to the Miss Venezuela 2010 competition. She was also on the jury of Miss Universe Ireland 2012. Rosanna is distinguished by her unprecedented diligence and takes on many things at the same time. In addition, she is a famous philanthropist. Rosanna Purcell worked with the Children's Hospital of Puerto Rico and was instrumental in raising awareness and funds to fight cancer in her country.

3 Katie Larmour / Katie Larmour

Katie Larmour is a Northern Irish designer, TV presenter, and just a well-known personality. Along with her impeccable beauty, she is very well educated. Katie is a graduate of the University of Ulster with a degree in Fine and Applied Arts. She has a keen sense of style, dresses beautifully and knows how to look graceful and sexy in a variety of outfits. Larmour was voted "Northern Ireland's most glamorous woman" by a public vote in IN!Magazine, the most popular local magazine. And in 2011, the popular global glossy magazine “FHM” for Great Britain and Ireland, through public voting, put Kat in first place as the most beautiful girl.

2 Vogue Williams / Vogue Williams

Irish model, television and radio presenter. She was born on October 2, 1985 in Portmarnock, near Dublin. Her parents separated when she was seven years old. Her career began on November 11, 2010, when she was invited to work on the set of the Irish series Fade Street, a version of The Hills, which shows the lives of 4 Irish girls in Dublin. In 2012, Williams competed on the twelfth season of Dancing with the Stars Australia, partnering with Christopher Page. After which the girl began to be invited to all sorts of popular TV shows, where she gained the support and popularity of millions of fans.

1 Saoirse Ronan / Saoirse Una Ronan

Saoirse Ronan is a young Irish actress, winner of the Golden Globe Award, three-time nominee for the BAFTA and Oscar awards. The girl is distinguished by her unusual appearance. Against the background of fair skin and Irish freckles, her blue eyes look special. The look becomes transparent and piercing. That is why, combined with her acting talent, her roles are so memorable to the viewer.