What you need to know for a trip by car to the Baltic States. Independent trip to Riga - five simple steps Traveling to the Baltic Self Map

It doesn't matter whether you experienced a traveler or for the first time you find yourself in Europe, you are quite able to organize a trip to Riga yourself. Without stopping at the advantages of the city, what we wrote about repeatedly, we give five stages of planning a trip on their own.

Time planning for traveling to Riga

Riga - the city is very popular among tourists, in a year it is visited by more than a million guests, and in the plans of the city hall to bring this figure to 1.5 million tourists a year. And this is at a population of 700 thousand inhabitants, that is, one of Riganin accounts for 1.5 tourists.

But still, it is enough for you to succumb, even in the most peak periods, the tourists are resolved along Riga and Jurmala in such a way that the city may seem deserted for Muscovites.

The best period for visiting Riga is from May to August, as well as on Christmas and New Year holidays. If you are planning a trip at this time - to take care of the reservation of the hotel and transport tickets in 2-3 months.

In the event that you prefer a calm atmosphere - then we advise you to come in the second half of April, or from September to mid-October.

The tourist flow subsides, but the weather often gives warm sunny days. Plus, the State Hospitals at this time reduce the prices of accommodation, so that you can save up to 30-50% of the summer room. Below we will share the secret, it is most profitable to book a hotel in Riga.

Registration of an entry visa in Latvia

Latvia enters the countries of the Schengen zone, which means that if you have a Schengen visa in your passport, then this item can be skipped - the road to Riga is open to you.

If there is no visa, then it will have to arrange it.

This process was described quite in detail on our website in the section "", here you can read about the necessary documents, the procedure for filling out the questionnaire and.

Book hotels in Riga

Yes, start from the hotel.

There are several reasons for this - in Riga can be reached by various types of transport, the number of only flights on the day comes to five (Aeroflot, Transaero, Utair and AirBaltic). But there is still a train, a bus, a personal car, finally. Hotels in Riga also a lot (about 200), however, in high season, the population comes to 100%. Finally, the hotel's booking you can refuse, but from plane tickets is problematic.

With booking, everything is quite simple, not to be caught enough enough just to go to one of the on-line services for booking hotels.

The risk at this stage is minimal, because no one prohibits later.

We plan to get to Riga

We have already made an overview of the most economical ways to travel, read which can be passed on this link ().

In our understanding, the best solution is a plane. At completely reasonable prices, you do not lose the night in the train (with a mandatory rise in three in the morning for customs control), do not spend your nerves on the crossing of the border on the car and do not shake on the bus fifteen hours.

Preparing and dreaming about the trip

The troubles remained behind, it's time to plan a trip. To begin with, we are looking for travel guides in Riga.

Could not, sites are, and so to download the phone? And I don't want to buy books - you can then wear them in the city?

Well, quite a reasonable desire to whom we go to meet - on our site you can download (moreover, free) Four parts of the Riga Guide -

No violations of copyright - guide prepared by the site and we give you all the right to its use and distribution! (But it is not necessary to change anything in the text) in the near future the fourth part comes out - "Riga - Pearl of Yuggendistil." We can promise that it will not be the last.

Finally, we have access to, tips, where and how to pay for the parking lot .. Eh, badly praise, so let's stop at this, and we want to wish you to spend an unforgettable stay in the most beautiful city of the Baltic States!

Soon, very soon new year holidays. Where to go for the holidays? A-Renta is ready not only to provide you with truly inexpensive rental prices from Moscow, but also to submit ideas for holidays. For example, why don't you arrange a romantic trip by car on the Baltic States?

Many are negligible to the Baltic States: they say, the countries of the former USSR, which Ryano rushed to Europe, although European there does not smell there. There is nothing to look there, the service zero, and the attitude of the Balts to us, the Russian ... to put it mildly, leaves. However, those who think so are the root of the wrong. Let's try to destroy the established stereotypes, leaning on the Baltic States on the car.

Trip to Baltika by car

To take care of the documents - this is necessary:

  1. For those who go on a journey by car, it is necessary to arrange the so-called Green Card, which will need to be present when passing the border.
  2. And do not forget that Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are part of the European Union, so in passports must be worthwhile visas.

How to get there?

In the Baltic States, you can get in two ways: through Belarus and through the Leningrad region. Residents of central Russia, as a rule, are trained just through Belorussia. Therefore, if you are required by car in the Baltic States from Moscow, you can at the same time on one of our former edges of the eye, which is called to look.

Tests at customs

The first and perhaps the only thing that overshadows the journey on the car is the incredible queues on the border with Lithuania. You can stand 6, 8, 12 hours. This is how lucky. You need to be prepared for the fact that arrogant drivers on steep cars with thorough numbers pass without a queue. And for some reason they pass them.

Before the trip, it is better to "stagnate" the forums of cars travelers, where people share observations and considerations about what time it is better to pass the border.

The procedure for inspection of the car and passports takes a little time.

Traveling on the Baltic ...


And here is the cherished stamps about the passage of the border stand in passports: you are in Lithuania.

The most famous Lithuanian city Vilnius for visiting is required. Let you do not embarrass the old five-story buildings of the Khrushchev era. Yes, yes, they will meet you at the entrance to the city. But the so-called old town in Vilnius is incredible:

  • cozy atmosphere,
  • little streets,
  • beautiful architecture of old buildings,
  • motor tracks,
  • hospitable cafes - this is what is worth visiting Vilnius!

In addition to visiting attractions in Lithuania, you must ride along the coast. To rest on the sea, Klaipeda and a little-known sailor are remarkably suitable. Palanga, by the way, the largest city resort of the Lithuanian coast. And housing prices as, however, and on food, there are very biting there.


To get to neighboring Latvia, no borders should be passed. Ride from Lithuania to Latvia for about four hours.

Naturally, the first city to see is a stunning Riga. Old town in Riga is one of the most beautiful throughout Europe. At every step, incredible vintage buildings, cathedrals, squares. An ideal place for romantic walks together and for visiting the whole family.

On small streets here and there are cozy cafes. Prices are truly European. A sufficiently modest dinner on three will cost no less than 50-60 euros.

The most important thing is that you need to know about Riga traveling on your own car - these are paid parking lots in the oldest city. You can only leave the car in specially designated places and just a few hours. Usually, at night.

When booking a hotel, it is important to clarify whether there are free parking spaces, which, most likely, will not be included in the price of living. In addition to Riga, cars travelers advise to look in Jurmala, Cesis and Liepaja.


Last on line, but not the last beauty, Estonia.

By tradition, begin to get acquainted with the country from the Old Town in Tallinn. There are a lot of incredible in the beauty of towers, town hall, fortresses and cathedrals. The center of the Old Town is the famous Town Hall Square. The place is truly awesome: to find out there, as if they are transferred to the Middle Ages. It seems to be a little bit and from the next street on the area riding the knight ride on horse.
By the way, many cafes that are located in the old town at every step are decorated in the medieval style. Prices are high enough. The closer to the Town Hall Square, the more expensive.

Another mandatory place to visit the place in Estonia is Tartu. Very beautiful city in which one of the oldest universities of Northern Europe is located. Do not be lazy to Haapsalu - North Venice Estonia. Haapsalu will strike you with small streets and cute wooden houses.

Share impressions

So, the overall impression of the Baltic States:

  1. Incredibly, beautiful, atmospheric.
  2. The tracks and roads are ideal, everywhere very clean and cozy.
  3. Vintage buildings and churches are amazed.
  4. Our compatriots are perfectly ready to help suggest a route or any other question.
  5. In the cafe and restaurants there are menus in Russian. The waiters are very friendly and friendly. Constantly interested in whether all the ordered dishes liked everything.
  6. Almost everyone is perfectly spoken in Russian. The exception is only young people. She almost does not own Russian speech.
  7. Hotels for every taste and wallet, and there are almost always free spaces. (It is better to book the room you like for the night, if you wish it can always be extended).
  8. Be sure to take with you warm things. Even in the summer in the Baltic States can be very cold. Especially the caprication nature in Estonia: there are often rain, the temperature in July-August can reach only to + 16-17 degrees.
  9. Of the minuses: Long passage of the border from Russia and back. And prices in the cafe: they are quite high, designed for secured Germans and the French, who, by the way, there are a lot.

Vilnius - Kaunas - Trakai

Breakfast in the hotel.
Moving to Kaunas (100km)

Excursion to Kaunas.
Kaunas - The second largest city of Lithuania is located at the merger of the Nymunas and Neris rivers. Kaunas founded in 1362 - this is the second capital of Lithuania. The city is famous for its medieval area. Here you will see the Town Hall, which is called the "White Swan", admire all European architectural styles.
You will see the perkunus house (thunder) - one of the most original buildings of the late Gothic style in Lithuania. You will admire the batholic st. Vitautas, see the cathedral of St. Peter and Paul.
Modern street Kaunas Laysves Alley is a boulevard called "Little Paris" with his cozy shops and cafes. The length of this street is about 2 km, and the magnificent church completes the panorama, built at the beginning of the 20th century on the project Beno'a (now the church of Mikhail Archangel).
Kaunas is famous for his museum K.M. Chaurleins. Many tourists from the East and West come here to admire the canvas of this great artist and the composer. Also located here is the famous Museum of the devils, which the whole world knows about.

Moving to Trakai (86 km).

Lunch in the restaurant of Karaaymsky cuisine. In the menu, the famous Karaim dish - mobby, is a crescent-shaped patties from a dough with a sliced \u200b\u200bmeat sliced \u200b\u200bwith a large amount of onions and spices. For this, Lithuania should be grateful to the great prince of Vitautas. It was 600 years ago brought to Lithuania Karaimov, and those - "Kintini". It is surprising that no more than two or three thousand caraims lived in Lithuania, and their "mobby" peacefully won the whole country.

Traka tours.
, The ancient capital of Lithuanian Principality, located just 30 km from Vilnius. Trapay - the ancient capital of Lithuania, the city between the three lakes. The main attraction of the city is the famous Trakai castle standing on the island in the middle of Lake Galve. It should be noted that this is the only island castle in Eastern Europe, one of the largest medieval defensive structures in Lithuania, it covers a territory of 1.8 hectares. To get into the fortress, visitors must go through two wooden bridges. The center of the architectural ensemble of the castle is the Princely Palace, surrounded by a thick fortress wall with defensive towers. Now in him the museum, the exposition of which covers the period from ancient times until the middle of the 20th century. The exhibition presents genuine furniture, dishes, products from glass and bones, printing, hunting trophies and archaeological finds discovered during excavations. By the way, it was here that the film "Adventures of Electronics" was shot.

Return to Vilnius.
Free time.

It so happened that Pratbra often broadcasts from the Baltic countries - in Latvia is one of the editorial bases. Often we look at how our friends and acquaintances travel through Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, and grab the head. Therefore, decided to write this column about how to truly feel these small countries where the flavor should really look.

Do not go with the route Tallinn - Riga - Vilnius at a time

A few days just walk through the old cities of three capitals, drink, eat, stare and spend money, and then say: Yes, I was in this Baltic, everything is the same. Although all three cities are peculiar and very different, it is possible to understand this, only coming to each separately.

For a trip to three capitals you will remember some passages, but everything sticks into one lump of cathedrals, towers, food and drinking. And at the same time, each city has its own face and its unusual places that you will most likely see. Just because, the format "Three (five, seven) days - three cities" does not imply nothing but an endless race and walks in the old town along with British lovers cheap to fly on the boys and to get enough, old people and tourists with ferries.

Tip: Let you mislead the size of the countries - each best to look separately. Therefore, do not seek to drive around everything for allotted vacation time

Old Town Tallinn

But if they still went, do not spend all the time in the old town

As already mentioned, each city has its own face and its own positions: in Tallinn, it is a Telliskivi district (Telliskivi), which is located outside the Old Town. In Riga, for example, the best bars have never been in the art of the Old Town: just go to walk along Krishian Barona Street and fold into small streets. It is there that will be the most interesting places and institutions, such as the favorite Bar of Editorial - Taka. Or the most relevant dance floor of the city - Piens.

In the old town - averaged entertainment, typical bars and restaurants, which are many in any cities of Eastern and Northern Europe from Krakow to Stockholm. Not for this you travel to watch the country.

Tip: If you know that in the old city there is no life, then no need to shoot housing there either. Look for Apartments on Airbnb or hotels near Power Places: Save time and time, and money.

Telliskivi Area (Telliskivi) in Tallinn

Another class location outside the old town of Riga - Kaņepes Kultūras Centrs

Don't linger in cities

In cities you do not look at the country, so be sure to plan a visit to alternative or country attractions.

    From Tallinn you can easily go to watch the quarry in Rummu (there is still where it is where to crawl, do not be afraid of the fence), and then go to the island of Saaremaa, where the attractions are hardly more than in the whole Estonia.

    From Riga, it is necessary to go to Irben - a ghost city with a huge radar, spend the night on the cape of the ring, watch the seaside Ventspils and Liepay. And who does generally know about the existence of the Mark Rotko Art Center in Daugavpils? The famous artist was born in this city.

    From Vilnius, it is necessary to go to the mountain of the crosses, visit the Europos Parkas landscape park - an analogue of the Russian Nikola-Lizenz, inspect Klaiped and move the border with Russia in the Curonian Spit.

In all three countries there are many opportunities for a variety of tourism: alternative attractions, ecopherms and national parks - plan the route in such a way as to be in the capitals one or two days, familiarize yourself with the main places and cultural life, and then go deep into!

Countries are replete with kraft family productions of everything in the world, from cheese before amber. In Latvia, a fair is held annually on which you can buy not just manually made things, but modern and beautiful accessories and clothing. Such things are nice to use not because of their crapples, but simply because they are comfortable and beautiful.

Mount Crosses

Quarry in Rumm

But if they still delayed, be sure to go beyond the city at least one day

If it is already late and you stay with each of the capitals for three days, then do not be sad: around each of the cities there are many interesting places:

    near Vilnius - Beautiful Trakai Castle;

    from Riga, we must certainly go to Jurmala or to the Kemeri National Park;

    from Tallinn go to the Laahema National Park.

By the way, the locations from the previous paragraph are applicable to this: these are the Baltic States, and to any place within the same country, you can go back there! The main thing is not to be lazy and plan. It is quite possible to rent a car for one or two days or find a driver using Blablacar, use Lux Express buses, and maybe in the hitchhiker. In summer, Estonia is flooded by friendly Finns, and Latvia with Lithuania - Poles and Germans (and less fearful tourists on Russian cars).

Kemeri National Park

More time to spend on the search

Not all good hotels, campgrounds and guesthouses are on the usual booking sites. For example, the favorite camping saulesmājas with a barrel houses on the cape of the ring (another gorgeous Latvian location - the meeting place of the Baltic Sea and Riga Bay waves) appeared on Booking.com only in May of this year!

Or another excellent option - Klaukas Glemoping in the Sigulda area and the Gauja National Park. And this is only the fact that there are dozens on the surface - there are dozens of such places, but you have to prepare well and search.

Camping saulesmājas.

Do not forget that this has long been different countries.

If in the heads of the older generation it is still a homogeneous Baltic, the modern traveler striking the developmental differences: Estonia and especially Tallinn - a full-fledged Northern Europe, Lithuania to Poland, and Latvia still on an undefined crossroads, but with European features. At the same time, in each of these countries, unique distinctive places and cultural features are preserved. Understanding this simple fact will help a different look at these neighboring countries and choose for a full-fledged trip the one that is closer in spirit!

Check tickets to Tallinn, and can Riga or Vilnius

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I think that 3 years of regular trips give me the right to summarize "secret knowledge" and write notes in the FAQ style for those interested in this direction. All information provided here is based on personal experience and communication with like-minded people. Our 3-week trip to Latvia and Lithuania (12/19/2012 - 01/19/2013) is taken as a basis.

Visa. We became the happy owners of the 2-year-old Latvian Schengen! The Consulate of Latvia willingly gives multiple visas to those who have already traveled to them, and the "novice" puts one-handles. Last year introduced an electronic form, which can be filled in Russian, but Latin letters. The list of documents is on the official website.
The closer to the holidays, the more wishing to receive a visa, so it is better to give documents in advance (maximum 90 days before the trip). All useful information in my article How to get a Schengen visa yourself

From positive moments: payment of accommodation is not required, take any armor, including with airbnb, the main thing that the dates and names of all tourists are correctly indicated in them, preferably on the branded letterhead with signature and printing (usually seen by fax or e-mail scanned form). We brought 5 bookings this time, and to be clearer to the visa officer, it was all step by step in document "Route", mandatory for traveling by car.

At the moment, the Latvian visa is the most successful option. For comparison: in the consulate of Estonia, you can sign up by phone (in high season it is very in advance), multiple visas are issued "by mood"; Consulate of Lithuania requires confirmation 100% of the payment of accommodation and gives one-time visas.

P.S. In 2015, we again filed a Schengen visa through Latvia and received multivibuses for 2 years to the term of passports.

Accommodation. I plan this part immediately as soon as the dates are defined. In principle, if there is an open visa and a trip to the non-season or not on holidays, it is not necessary to hurry. Recent years, more and more wishing to spend the New Year in the Baltic States and here the earlier booked, the better. Hotels in Latvia are the cheapest in the European Union (meaning the price per room, not quality). Read my recommendations on the choice of hotel in Riga and Vilnius, and it will be easier for you to decide on the place and prices:
Choosing a hotel in Riga
Review Hotels Vilnius

Usually we go to Riga immediately after the New Year, having met his houses, which and I advise everyone, so you will avoid overpayment for the hotel, air or railway tickets, and if on the car, then there is a queue on the border. This time we found all holidays, including both Christmas and New Year. There are no problems for Catholic Christmas in Riga. There is no English.

Thanks to last year's contacts, this time I booked apartments in Sigulda with a discount, a suite room at the price of the standard in Kedaine, and in Riga managed to quickly solve the problem with changing the hotel.

The goal of our 22-day trip was to change the situation, calmly and unpainted rested. We lived in 4th places, alternating hotel and apartments, the average cost of the night for two turned out € 37 (there were breakfast in hotels).

In the process of finding housing, I learned and used the AirbnB booking system. Unlike others, AirBNB specializes in private accommodation, the reservation process makes it possible to pre-communicate and discuss the conditions with the owner. We really liked the apartment in Vilnius, the initial price was € 45, we were passed for € 35.

Road. We travel by car. In the Baltic States, you can ride in Russian rights and in winter on studded rubber. Currently, the only good road to Latvia and Lithuania on M1 through Belarus. Previously, we stayed halfway over the night, now we get in one day, we rest on the side in Daugavpils. The passage of the border depends on many factors, and never know how much time will take. On December 19, we passed the CPT Grigorovshchina-Patenieki in 15 minutes, January 10 Medininkai-stone log in 20 minutes. Before that, the border, on average, occupied 1-1.5 hours. More cars rides on weekends and in summer, before the holidays, the situation is such that it is better not to drive (December 30 people stand in the queue of 5-11 hours).

The price of a ticket for a train, in my opinion, in this direction is overestimated, besides, they will not buy them for the New Year, the same trains have now become now. For the price of the plane can even be cheaper than trains, if you take in stock or in advance. The bus is inexpensive, but not comfortable.

Roads within the Baltic countries are different, the best and speedy in Lithuania. Focus easily, there are signs, but it is advisable to have a printed map (you can travel) and the navigator. The rules should not be broken, especially exceeding the speed, the chambers warn special signs, but there are also "ambushes", the fines are high. Once in Riga, when departure from Mezaparka, we were stopped and asked for the use of alcohol. Immediately fined for parking in a wrong place or non-payment. Booking accommodation, specify about parking, in the old town of Riga. Parking price per day is very high. If you drive somewhere for a few hours, it does not make sense to seek free parking and then go from it long. In Kaunas on the Town Hall Square, hourly pay was only 20 rubles. Useful to have parking hours.

Even if you are on the car, I want to ride somewhere every day. Public transport walks often and good. Buy an e-ticket is better in the kiosk (the driver is 2 times more expensive), while it is important to know that one ticket with two trips for two will not suit, you need to have 2 separate. Card with unused trips do not throw out - the period of action (reason to return). The stops are displayed by the running string, if you can not always ask for passengers, help. And be careful: buses and trolleybuses in Riga are very similar.

Weather and clothes. Baltic does not give a warranty 100% sun in July or snow in December. According to my impressions there are a lot of "variable clouds", wind and rain.

For the three December-January weeks in Latvia Lithuania, we caught frosts, snow, rain, dry asphalt and several sunny days, the temperature scatter was from -20 ° C to + 3 ° C.

Before the trip, I always watch the forecast for local sites, and he, in principle, comes true. In winter, you need to have several options for clothing on very coldly haul with the possibility of combining. On this new year we went under the rain on the ice, the shoes were protected by impregnation from moisture, and we ourselves - a large umbrella (the latter is required at any time of the year). On the coast, penetrating winds are often blowing (hood to help).

Money and shopping. I am surprised by the fact that Russian tourists still use currency exchanges. Everywhere accept credit cards, from an ATM can be removed cash in local currency to pay for the rest (parking, entrance tickets, tip). The most advanced country is Estonia, they can buy a bus on the bus in the kiosk and almost everywhere to pay for the entrance to the museum.

We do not go specially for purchases, but go to the shops, if there is time and desire. As else everywhere, the most favorable time is the sales, in our case January. Shoes in Vilnius, compared with Moscow, 2 times cheaper and choosing another, besides, you can arrange Tax Free and get back the tax amount. In hotels and info centers there are always map of the city with addresses of stores and shopping center. I wrote about shopping in Vilnius.

Excursions. For the New Year holidays, good guides are highly in demand, therefore it is necessary to negotiate the excursion in advance. Proposals Set: hiking and on cars, combined, individual, for group. Choose your taste:

Food. Hungry will not stay and do not go on food. In major cities, especially in the capitals, many establishments for every taste, prices below Moscow, but again, if you and have breakfast, and dinner, and dinner in the restaurant on the house area, it will not be cheap.

The most popular option is Lido National Kitchen Enterprises, in Riga there are several of them, including a large entertainment complex on the street. Krast. You walk with a tray, choose what you like, all fresh, is not fired, the prices are very democratic. In Tallinn Lido is in the shopping center "Solaris".

It is necessary to try the national cuisine, but all the time there is only it quickly bored, especially since it is not Italy or France. For example, a traditional gray pea with a spicent - the satiety of Latvian peasants, which I would not take in the restaurant, once ordered boiled pork ears once - did not appreciate. Lithuanians love potatoes very much, it is served even to the soup, the challenins lay down "heavy cargo" on my stomach, it was necessary to take one portion for two. Belgian beer is well represented in Lithuania, in Latvia, mostly local (large selection), in Estonia, two main stamps.

Drinking coffee with a bun is most advantageous for everything we did in Kaunas, there on Laisves Aleja there is a pastry café with a huge selection of baking and coffee. In winter, when I just want to get to warm up, use the Internet toilet, it is worth paying attention to the special offers of the coffee type + croissant or the morning menu. Cafe in a good location with service is not cheap anywhere. Traveling around the cities and villages, at the same time feeding "at the exit" it is necessary to keep in mind that in many places after 16: 00-18: 00 everything closes and people are sitting at home, especially in no season.

In the apartment we ourselves are preparing breakfast and dinner. It is very interesting to walk on different supermarkets, enjoying the range of products and their quality. I always take local dairy products - yogurts, curd cheese, cheeses, milk. From meat is mainly represented by pork and a bird that workshops are separated. Fresh vegetables, fruit. Many wines, including Georgian.

In Latvia produce delicious black-cormoranodine SIDO juice, which is perfectly combined with the Riga Balsam; Under this brand, non-alcoholic mulled wine is produced, which drink hot. Latvian chocolate and candy factories "Laima" are very popular, good-bitter chocolate, candy with balm, there are beautiful boxes with views of Riga as a gift. In Latvia, there are a lot of natural marmalade of different varieties, I buy the sea buckthorn and cranberry. Estonian "Kalev" makes my favorite candies with liqueur and marmalade fillings, marzipan bars.
Even in large supermarkets, it is advantageous to buy souvenirs and trivia for the house.