Beziers on the map of France.  Sights of Beziers: what to see, guide. Allées Paul Riquet and the Municipal Theater

Bezier(fr. Beziers, ok. Besièrs) is a city on the Orbe River, located in the south of France, in the Hérault department, 12 km from the Mediterranean coast.


Early history

Beziers is one of the oldest cities in France, supposedly founded in the 7th century BC. e.. The city has many historical monuments that testify to its rich historical past: the ancient amphitheater, the Cathedral of St. Nazarius (first mentioned in the 8th century), the Church of St. Madeleine (11th century), the Canal du Canal (XVII century). The population of Beziers is about 70 thousand people.

Albigensian Crusade

In mid-1209, about 10,000 armed crusaders gathered in Lyon. In June, Raymond VI of Toulouse, suspecting something was wrong, promised the Catholic clergy to begin military action against the Cathars. Some time after this promise, his excommunication was lifted. Meanwhile, the crusaders approached Montpellier. The lands of Raymond-Roger Trancavel around Albi and Carcassonne, where the Cathar communities lived, were under threat of ruin. Like Raymond of Toulouse, Raymond-Roger tried to negotiate with the leaders of the crusaders, but he was refused a meeting, and he hurried back to Carcassonne to prepare the city for defense. In July, the crusaders captured the small village of Seviers and approached Beziers. They demanded that all Catholics leave the city. They refused, and after the capture of Beziers its entire population was slaughtered. Contemporary sources place the death toll at between seven and twenty thousand. The latter figure, probably greatly exaggerated, appears in the report of the papal legate Arnold Amalric.


The historic Hotel Chappaz features original sculptures of caryatids made by the famous French sculptor Jean Antoine Injalbert, a native of Béziers.

Detailed map of Beziers in Russian. Satellite map of Beziers in France. Where is the city of Beziers on the map:

Study the schematic map or switch to the satellite map in the lower left corner. Schematic map– city plan with street names and house numbers in Russian. The schematic map shows attractions and tourist sites, the location of train stations, shops, restaurants and shopping centers, and a map of the city's roads. Satellite map will allow you to view satellite photographs of the city thanks to images from the Google Maps service.

You can zoom in on the online map, scaling it to streets and house numbers. To change the scale, use the “+” (zoom in) and “-” (zoom out) icons located in the lower right corner of the map. You can also zoom in or out on the map using the mouse wheel. The left mouse button zooms in on the map, the right mouse button zooms out. You can use the mouse to move the interactive map in all directions by using the left mouse button to grab any place on the map.

Interactive map is a very convenient and modern guide for exploring the city, its districts and attractions, hotels, places of recreation and entertainment. The online map on the website can become an indispensable assistant for you in your independent travel. Interactive map provided by Google Maps.

Located 12 kilometers from the Mediterranean coast, Beziers is considered a real pearl of the Hérault department and attracts a sufficient number of tourists, especially in the summer. In my opinion, quite little is known about it in the CIS countries, so there are practically no Russian-speaking tourists there. But in vain. After all, the city is really very interesting.

Founded in the 7th century BC, it has retained much of its historical heritage and is happy to show it off to its guests.

The main and most noticeable attraction of the city is undoubtedly Cathedral of Saints Nazarius and Celsius(Cathédrale Saint-Nazaire-et-Saint-Celse de Béziers), overlooking the Old Town and visible from many points. It was built in the 13th century on the site of a Gothic-style temple that had existed since the 8th century, and has been preserved almost in its original form to this day. Until the 19th century it was considered a cathedral, until in 1801 the diocese of Beziers was united with the diocese of Montpellier and the bishop's see was moved to a larger city. Nowadays, you can freely go inside to enjoy the grandeur and power of this cathedral. Slightly gloomy walls, ancient stained glass windows, a magnificent organ - all this fascinates and leaves you speechless for a while. After walking through its galleries, you can find yourself in a courtyard and a mini-garden, from the observation deck of which you can enjoy an indescribable view of the city.

Next to the cathedral is Revolution square, dedicated to the brave figures of the glory days of French history, decorated in the Gothic style. There is also a very beautiful and picturesque square - Place de la Madeleine, on which the same name is located Church of Saint Madeleine, built in the 11th century on the site of the massacre of women and children in the Dark Middle Ages.

But the most significant landmark and pride of the city is the road passing through its territory. South Canal (Le Canal du Midi), equipped with a complex system of locks and allowing to connect the Mediterranean Sea and many settlements on the southern coast (in particular, it connects Toulouse with the coastal city of Sète, and in Toulouse itself it connects with the Garonne Canal leading to the Bay of Biscay). Stretching for 240 km, the canal is a true masterpiece of engineering and attracts thousands of curious tourists. Its creation began in the 17th century, and since then it has been improved somewhat, and in 1996 the canal was even included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. After all, this is not just a water channel dug in the ground, this is real engineering equipment with a system of locks designed in mountainous terrain to lower and raise ships to the required level for further advancement. One of these sites is located directly in Beziers, so when you arrive in the city, you should definitely visit this place.

Another unusual attraction for France is Arena Beziers, built in the style of an amphitheater for bullfighting. You shouldn't be surprised. Being the most Spanish city in France, Beziers is perhaps the only place in the country where bullfighting is allowed (if I’m not mistaken, even killing a bull in the arena), which attracts a lot of spectators during the season of such spectacles. In total, there are two Arenas in Beziers, the first of which appeared in the city back in the days of the Romans, the second was built at the beginning of the 20th century specifically for such competitions and is the largest structure of its kind in France, capable of accommodating up to 13 thousand spectators.

Walking through the historical center of the city, you can simply enjoy its wonderful architecture. The ancient buildings, decorated with rich stucco and unusual sculptures, and fountains, and even the Bridge, built in the ancient Roman style and preserved in Beziers from ancient times, deserve attention.

Many residents and guests of the city like to spend their free time in city ​​park, created in the 19th century in English style and is a great place for a walk. Its real heart is the Titan fountain, rising among neat alleys.

Thus, there really is something to see in Beziers. Better yet, stroll through its narrow streets, breathe in the southern city and enjoy its incredible atmosphere.

Languedoc- this is a region practically unknown to Russian tourists, who from time immemorial have become accustomed to connecting the Mediterranean Sea only with Nice, in recent years - with Cannes, and, at worst, with Saint Tropez. And yet, in the last

Nowadays, this province attracts a large number of tourists who have the opportunity to simultaneously enjoy the beauty of nature, local attractions, urban architecture and the characteristic features of Yuze (four cities are included in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites). The population of Beziers is about 75 thousand people.

The main city of the part of Eastern Languedoc adjacent to the Mediterranean coast is the city of Beziers, which, among other things, also has the status of the wine capital of Languedoc.

Beziers- is one of the oldest cities in France, supposedly founded in7th century BC e.. The city has many historical monuments that testify to its rich historical past: an ancient amphitheater, (first mentioned inVIII century), Church of St. Madeleine (11th century), South channel ( 17th century).

The most famous monument Bezier- the 13th-century Cathedral of St. Nazarius - stands on a hill and is visible from afar, majestically declaring the status of the city and its past. Once upon a time, in 36 BC, the road from Rome to southern Spain ran through this place. It was considered an important trade route.

There was a fortification at this place during the crusade. Then a city was built around the fortress. Now the Cathedral is surrounded by small streets. During these times, the fortified city witnessed a massive battle.

Note from history: In the middle 1209 about 10,000 armed crusaders gathered in Lyon . In June Raymond VI of Toulouse , suspecting something was wrong, promised the Catholic clergy to begin military action against the Cathars. Some time after this promise, his excommunication was lifted . Meanwhile, the crusaders approached Montpellier . Earth Raymond-Roger Trancavel around Albi and Carcassonne , on which the Cathar communities lived, were under threat of ruin. Like Raymond of Toulouse, Raymond-Roger tried to negotiate with the leaders of the crusaders, but he was refused a meeting, and he hurried back to Carcassonne to prepare the city for defense . In July, the crusaders captured the small village of Sevier and approached Bezier . They demanded that all Catholics leave the city. They refused, and after the capture of Beziers its entire population was slaughtered. The rector of the city, Arnaud Amaury, supposedly, when asked how to distinguish heretics from devout Catholics, said: “Kill everyone, the Lord will recognize his own...” Contemporary sources place the death toll at between seven and twenty thousand. The latter figure, probably greatly exaggerated, appears in the report of the papal legate Arnold Amalric .

The city of Beziers is the birthplace of individuals who “made” history: Paul Ricket, who conceived and implemented this grandiose plan in the 17th century to connect the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, Jean Moulin, the founder of the anti-fascist

Cathedral of St. Nazarius from the 13th century

"data-medium-file="" data-large- file="" class="alignleft size-full wp- image-174" title="Cathedral of St. Nazarius of the 13th century" src="" alt="Cathedral of St. Nazarius from the 13th century" width="500" height="333" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Bezier/ Bezierscity

in which three “passions” meet: , rugby and the Canal du Midi. If eternal dissatisfaction rages in the first two, then the latter is the result of a daring plan to connect the Atlantic and the Mediterranean with a canal.

Note from history: Languedoc Canal or South channel ( fr. Le Canal du Midi ) - a 240 km long canal in the south France . Connects Toulouse with a Mediterranean city Set (which was founded to serve as the canal's eastern terminal). In Toulouse it meets Garonne Canal , which leads to Bay of Biscay .

The inspirer of the construction and the work manager was Paul Riquet , from whose pocket, among other things, the creation of a third of the length of the canal was paid. The canal was dug at Louis XIV , its construction began in 1666, and the grand opening took place in 1681 . The construction of the canal became one of the largest government projects Colbert .

In 1996, as an outstanding monument of 17th century engineering, it was included in the list of monuments World Heritage . Currently there are 91 on the channel Gateway , raising and lowering ships 190 m .

Many streets, schools and the University of Lyon 3 are named after Jean Moulin. In 1993, the French Bank issued a two-franc coin with his portrait.

Note from history:

Jean Moulin was born in Beziers in 1899. At the end of the First World War he served in Albertville and Aveyron. Since 1936, he served as Assistant Secretary of the Air Force. In 1940 he became prefect of the department of Eure et Loire. From the very beginning of the war he took an active part in the Resistance movement and worked closely with Charles de Gaulle. He was one of the leaders of the French National Committee.

On June 21, 1943, he was arrested by the Gestapo. The head of the Lyon Gestapo, Klaus Barbie, personally tortured Moulin for many days in a row, as a result of which the French freedom fighter died on July 8, 1943, on a Berlin train near the city of Metz, on the way to a concentration camp.

As for bullfighting, Beziers is one of the few cities in France where bullfighting with the public killing of a bull in the arena is allowed. At the extravaganza in August, spectators from all over the world gather to take part in a four-day “madness” - a holiday that does not stop day or night. Can't describe it!

(although I tried to do this in my previous article “My practical lesson on wine drinking”)

Museum of Fine Arts in the old mansion Hotel Fabregat

" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="https ://" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-184" style="margin : 5px;" title="Museum of Fine Arts in the old mansion Hotel Fabregat" src="" alt="Museum of Fine Arts in the old mansion Hotel Fabregat" width="584" height="438" srcset=" 600w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 584px) 100vw, 584px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}The Museum of Fine Arts in the old mansion of the Hotel Fabregat and its branch in the Hotel Fayet, which displays works by Rubens, Delacroix and several local artists.ANDthe historical museum of Biterois in the old barracks of Saint-Jacques, as well as
the most picturesque alley Paul-Riquet, completely lined with cafes, restaurants, banks and shops, and leading to a magnificent small Plateau des Poets park in English style.

The park was opened in 1887 (work on the design of the territory had been carried out since 1863). Since 1902, monuments to poets born in Beziers began to be erected here.

15 km from Beziers there is a seashore with extensive sandy beaches. By bike, along the tennis asphalt path along the canal

Du Midi/Canal Du Midi (UNESCO included this creation of human hands in the catalog of world heritage) in half an hour you can get to the beach, or to the beach

former fishing villages on the seashore, now turned into a resort area

Consistent work is being carried out in the field of demographic policy. In recent years, city authorities, concerned about the “aging” of the population, have been making efforts to prevent the departure of young people to large cities and capitals. In Beziers there are 6 colleges, three of which are private, where students receive general secondary education, as well as 5 lyceums, including 2 private, after which students receive a bachelor's degree, which gives them the right to enter higher education institutions. Currently, two higher educational institutions are open in Beziers: the University. Paul Valéry (Montpellier III) and the Institute of Technology. There is also a Conservatory of Arts and a Center for Professional Retraining for Adults.

In the last decade, in the south of France there has been a revival of interest in its historical roots, in connection with which the study of the previously considered dead Occitan (Languedoc) language and national traditions is taking place. The Occitan language is now included as an elective subject in the curriculum of general education institutions and higher schools. The city of Béziers is declared the "capital" of the Occitan language.

I also learned an interesting fact that Beziers and Stavropol are twin cities!

There are 22 hotels in Beziers, 14 of which have WiFi, 15 allow you to bring your pets, and one even provides childcare for your children.

We can talk for a long time about the history and culture of this city, but it’s better to come and see all the sights of the city

Or simply as a walk around the city in about half a day.

7 Allées Paul Riquet and the Municipal Theater

This street was created in 1827 on the site of the former moated city fortifications (which were demolished in the 17th century). Lined with restaurants, terraces and shops, this alley is the main artery of Beziers. A statue of Pierre-Paul Riquet by David d'Angers (1838) dominates the street.

Don't miss: on Fridays there is a beautiful flower market.

At the end of the alley is the Municipal Theater, built in 1844. With an auditorium capable of seating 500 people, it is the only theater of its type in France that has retained its 'candy box' interior.

8 Roman amphitheater

Built in the first century AD and renovated in 1992, the Roman Theater of Béziers has only recently been restored, as has the medieval quarter surrounding it. These ruins of a 10,000-seat ancient Roman arena make Béziers one of the most ancient cities in Europe.

To get to the Roman Arena, walk along Rue du Moulin à Huile. Or you can look at the amphitheater from above, from Rue des Anciennes Arènes.

Free admission.

9 New Arena

A new arena was built in Béziers in 1897. Capable of holding 13,000 spectators, the arena is popular for bullfighting, but also for opera, concerts and sporting events. At the beginning of the 20th century, this arena earned Béziers two flattering nicknames: “French Beirut” (for its opera) and “French Seville” (for the quality of its bullfighting).

At the Béziers Tourist Office you can join excursions in July and August: ask for the Olé Béziers tour.

10 Andre-Moro Media Library

Médiathèque André-Malraux is a magnificent building consisting of three monoliths, 3 to 4 floors in height, with glass and steel facades. Opened in 2008, MAM (as it is known locally) was designed by Jean-Michel Wilmotte, one of the best architects in the world (in 1981 he renovated the Elysée apartments, in 2013 he redesigned the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam).

Open: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00-18:00; Sun 14:00-18:00. Closed on Sundays in June, July and August, and on Easter and Whitsundays.

11 Pont Vieux (Old Bridge)

You can't miss this bridge! A masterpiece of 12th-century engineering, this bridge with its 15 arches is 241 meters long. For a long time this was the only bridge across the river from to! Charles VII and Louis XI praised it in letters to the consuls of Béziers, describing it as a bridge "ancient, magnificent and a triumph of construction." and a luxurious triumph of construction." It was listed as a historical monument in France in 1963.

Free admission.

12 Canal du Midi, Quai Port Neuf and 9 Fonseranes locks

Beziers attractions on the map:

Tourist map of Beziers with attractions:

Beziers attractions in the city center: