Baggage insurance at the airport. Is it possible to insure luggage at the airport? Features of luggage transportation by rail

Despite modern methods of transporting luggage, baggage losses are still quite common. The human factor and the constant flow of passengers do their job. That is why insurance companies offer additional risk coverage to standard policies for those traveling abroad.

If you have a good habit of considering various possible situations, then you probably insured your luggage before your trip or are planning to do so.

Why insure your luggage?

The air carrier bears full responsibility for your baggage during travel. The obvious fact is that the safety of luggage is at risk, and this is especially important if valuable items are transported in it. According to statistics, about 2% of luggage goes missing every year. The numbers are not scary, but they do not console people who have lost their belongings. The risks of losing your luggage increase if you are flying with a connecting flight.

Before going on a trip, it is better to transfer especially valuable items from your suitcase to hand luggage. But insurance is an indispensable guarantee of the safety of your luggage. Thanks to her, if lost, you will receive compensation for things.

Compensation for luggage insurance is issued not only in case of complete loss, but also if things were damaged as a result of natural disasters, were stolen or partially lost.

But it is worth remembering that insurance does not cover the risk of loss for all items.

    What items cannot be insured?

  • precious stones and metals, jewelry;
  • cash;
  • antiques;
  • documents, shares, other securities;
  • works of art;
  • vehicles and parts for them;
  • religious items;
  • animals;
  • plants;
  • medical drugs (lenses, prostheses).

In the contract, as a rule, the insurance company indicates that these items are not covered by insurance. If you would like to insure your jewelry, works of art and antiques, you can do this separately. But it will not be possible to insure the remaining items from the specified list at all.

If suddenly you did not find your suitcase on the baggage carousel or found it in a deplorable condition, you should immediately contact the airport staff and draw up a report on what happened. This must be done first, as upon returning from the trip it will be useless.

If the carrier refuses to draw up a report of damage or loss of luggage, it is necessary to obtain a written refusal from him.

After the incident is recorded at the airport, you must provide information about the incident to the service department of your insurance company, with which the contract was concluded.

    Don't forget to name:
  • own name;
  • insurance policy number;
  • your location and the scene of the incident.
    • Upon arrival home, immediately contact the insurance company with a report of the incident. If you have returned from vacation a long time ago, and the insurance contract has expired, the found luggage will be delivered to you in any case, and also free of charge.

      Don't forget that baggage insurance rules say that information about an incident must be recorded no later than within 24 hours after the incident.

      How to get compensation from an insurance company?

        After arriving home, within 30 days, you must contact representatives of your insurance company and provide them with your documents that can confirm damage or loss of luggage, namely:
      • statement of damage or loss of luggage;
      • a document that can confirm the fact of loss of luggage;
      • a baggage weight tag or baggage pass;
      • a document that can confirm receipt of compensation from the airline.
      • The insurance company will need time to make a decision, and the time that the airline needs to search for the lost luggage and establish the causes of the incident will be added to it. Until the carrier collects information, the insurance company will not consider the set of documents complete. The whole point is that the luggage can be found and the amount of damage will decrease accordingly.

        It is worth remembering that if the air carrier has paid you compensation for lost luggage, the insurance company will deduct this amount from its insurance payment.

        During the registration of insurance, a detailed inspection and description of things will not be carried out. You will have to indicate the approximate cost of the luggage. In this case, the cost should be as close as possible to the real one. The insurance company pays a certain portion of this amount.

        Payment of compensation takes into account 15% of overhead costs. If the cost of damage is no more than 15%, you will not be able to receive compensation. In case of loss of luggage, compensation is paid in the amount of 100%, if damage occurs - minus the cost of undamaged property.

        What is the sum insured?

        The insured amount is the amount that the insurance company is obliged to pay in case of loss of things.

        This amount can range from 1,000 – 5,000 euros. If the baggage costs more, the amount in any case cannot exceed the maximum sum insured. Many insurance companies use an unconditional deductible. This is money that is not compensated. Basically we are talking about 50 dollars. For damage to items estimated to be less than $50, no compensation will be paid. And if the damage is greater, then the deductible amount is deducted from the compensation.

        Baggage insurance prices

        Baggage insurance is an inexpensive service. It all depends on the value at which the items were assessed and on the insurance company. The amount varies approximately from 400 - 1000 rubles. For example, the company can receive compensation in the amount of up to $5,000, but insurance will cost up to 2,000 rubles. Therefore, indicate the real value of your luggage so as not to overpay for the policy.

        Luggage insurance may seem like a waste of money. But still, in this case, confidence and peace of mind have a much greater value. You can arrange baggage insurance together. This can be done on our website in the mode

Lost luggage at airports is a fairly common problem. In addition to causing a number of problems for passengers, it also reduces the popularity rating of airlines. In this article we will tell you how compensation for lost luggage at the airport is calculated in 2020, and we will provide a sample claim.

Despite modern methods used in servicing, checking in and transporting luggage, loss remains a pressing problem. The fact is that people work with luggage, and as we know, they tend to make mistakes. In some cases, the luggage is found safely, but passengers receive it after some time, for which the airline has to pay.

Reasons for losing luggage at the airport

  • The main reason for lost luggage may be the usual loss of the tag that is attached to it when checking in for a flight. If this happens during transportation, the luggage will remain at the departure airport and finding it will not be difficult. And if a suitcase is mistakenly checked in for another flight, it may be sent to another country and will be very difficult to find;
  • The reason for the loss of luggage can also be a mistake by a company employee, in particular a loader; he may simply confuse flights;
  • The passenger himself can lose his luggage, for example, leaving hand luggage in the waiting room. But you need to deal with the loss in a general manner.

Compensation for lost luggage

First, you need to understand that the airline is not obliged to compensate for the full cost of luggage. International legislation provides for compensation in the amount of 20 dollars per 1 kg of weight, and the contents of the luggage do not matter. A baggage pass is attached to the air ticket purchased by the passenger, which indicates the weight of the baggage. For this weight, the passenger can receive compensation. If a situation occurs in which the luggage was not weighed, the average value of 35 kg is accepted for calculation.

Passengers, of course, are very often dissatisfied with the amount of payments and contact the airline's head office. And there are cases when they manage to achieve payments of up to $5,000. If you find yourself in such a situation in an unfamiliar country, you can immediately go to the head office of the airline that provided transportation.

What to expect if your luggage is lost

Compensation for lost luggage:

  • for loss of luggage with declared value - in the amount of declared value;
  • for loss of baggage without a declared value - in the amount of the cost of baggage, but not more than 600 rubles, per 1 km on a domestic flight. The cost of lost luggage or a specific item must be determined based on the cost specified in the contract for its purchase. If there are no such documents, you can get a certificate about the average cost of this item;
  • for things that were with the passenger - in the amount of the cost of the things, and if the cost cannot be determined, no more than 11 thousand rubles;
  • for damage or loss of special mobile devices for disabled people, compensation is equal to the cost of the wheelchair;
  • Loss of undeclared baggage on an international flight varies from country to country. For example, the Warsaw Convention established compensation in the amount of 150 francs per 1 kg of luggage. The International Air Transport Association provides a payment of $20 per 1 kg of weight.

The compensation calculation looks like this:

  • $20 x dollar exchange rate in rubles x luggage weight in kg
  • The dollar exchange rate is taken based on the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day when the court makes its decision. In this case, the claim must indicate that you require compensation at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of payment.
  1. A fine for late delivery of baggage, that is, the baggage was delivered to you, but late. In this case, the airline faces a fine of 25% of the minimum wage in the Russian Federation. The calculation looks like this: 25% x minimum wage x number of hours overdue
  2. The fine for late delivery of a passenger's luggage, if the flight is delayed, is considered the same as the previous one. The airline can be saved from paying such a fine by the fact that the delay was caused by force majeure circumstances (natural disasters, etc.), when eliminating aircraft malfunctions that could harm the life and health of passengers, or other circumstances that are directly from the airline do not depend.
  3. Compensation for damages. If, for example, while waiting for your luggage to be found at the airport, you miss another flight or train, you have the right to request a refund for the cost of those tickets.
  4. Compensation for moral damage. Practice shows that it is very difficult to obtain a large amount for moral damage in this case. To do this, you need to prove that the loss of luggage caused, for example, harm to health, but this will need to be documented. Usually in such cases the standard compensation is 1-2 thousand rubles.
  5. Fine in accordance with the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. This fine is imposed on the airline only by the court and only if the airline refused to satisfy the claim voluntarily. If the contract with the airline specifies a larger amount than that required by law, you can demand it.

Actions in case of lost luggage

When you become aware that your luggage is definitely lost. First, you need to file a lost luggage report. This can be done at the airport itself; each of them has a counter and a “Lost and Found” point. What should be indicated in the act:

  • your contact phone number;
  • the home address to which the luggage will need to be delivered, if you are on vacation, indicate the hotel address, as well as the period you plan to spend there;
  • describe your suitcase in detail, in every detail.

The loss report must be signed by the shift supervisor, the carrier’s representative, and the passenger himself.

It is important that you receive a statement indicating that the airline has received a copy. The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which is handed over to the carrier. By the way, drawing up a report is not necessary and its absence does not deprive the passenger of the right to sue. But it is advisable to do it anyway in order to record the fact of loss and begin counting the time from which the company is obliged to either find your luggage or compensate for its loss.

Secondly, you will have to wait, since 21 days are allotted for the search. As soon as the luggage is found, the carrier's representatives will notify you and specify when it can be delivered to you. Thirdly, if the luggage is never found, you have every right to demand compensation by going to court. The norms of the Air Code of the Russian Federation determine that the application must be made for the airline itself.

Fourthly, in addition to compensation for lost luggage, the passenger has the right to demand compensation for moral damages from the airline, as well as a fine in the amount of 50% of the amount awarded by the court for refusal to pay voluntarily. In this case, the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” applies to airlines and the violation is considered to be an improperly executed contract of carriage. And it is not the fact of moral harm that needs to be proven, but the violation of rights as a consumer. In this case, you can count on an amount from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

Plus, if the case is won, the airline pays legal costs, such as the costs of a lawyer or representative, as well as notary fees.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the amount that the airline paid you, you can also go to court. But for this, you need not sign any documents, otherwise you will confirm that you have no claims against the company. You must also go to court with a claim for consumer protection. A statement of claim is filed at the place of residence of the passage and if the value of the claim is less than 50 thousand rubles. - to the magistrate, and if more than this amount - then to the city or district court.

In what cases can compensation for lost luggage be denied:

  • If supporting documents are lost. We have already said that you must keep all the receipts that you are given when checking in your luggage. The fact is that you just need to prove that you checked in your luggage, that is, that you had it.
  • In addition to compensation at established rates, passengers often demand compensation for moral damage or damage to health. Proving that this really was very difficult and almost impossible without professional help, therefore, in addition to standard payments, you may be denied the rest.
  • If you are filing a claim with the airline, first find out why your luggage was lost. Perhaps ordinary negligence did not occur, but this happened as a result of force majeure circumstances or other situations beyond the control of the company. The airline can easily prove this, but your claim will be denied.

In conclusion, we can draw some conclusions so that this problem does not become relevant for you:

  • do not leave valuables in luggage;
  • if you are forced to transport valuables, you must return it with the declared value and pay an additional fee;
  • all receipts that were given to you when accepting your luggage must be kept until everyone is checked for safety;
  • It is better to remove all the tags that were on the suitcase before;
  • you can sign your contact information directly on the suitcase itself to make it easier to find;
  • choose a bright suitcase, a black suitcase is the most difficult, since, according to statistics, they try to choose exactly it.

Answers to common questions.

Question No. 1.“My suitcase was lost at the Moscow airport, I acted according to all the rules, immediately drew up a report and waited 21 days, but they refused to pay me, citing the fact that I did not enter into an agreement with them. What kind of agreement are we talking about?

Answer: You did everything correctly, apparently the airline means that the baggage was not assessed, but this is not a reason for refusal. You can safely go to court against such an airline. The act will be enough.

Question No. 2.“What value of luggage can I indicate during the assessment? Any or are there any restrictions?

When your baggage is assessed, you will be charged extra based on the amount you decide to enter. But we recommend that you indicate the maximum possible amount of reliability and the possibility of compensation in case of lost luggage.

Question No. 3.“I did not file a report about the loss of luggage and they are refusing to pay me compensation, is this legal?”

The airline must pay compensation even if a loss report has not been drawn up. However, when companies refuse to do this, your only option is to go to court. And in court you will be required to provide documents confirming the fact of loss. That's when you'll need the act. You can try to demand compensation without this act, but it is better to do it in a timely manner so that the airline does not have the opportunity to refuse.

When going on a trip abroad or a trip around Russia, many tourists think about purchasing health insurance. Everyone knows that it may be necessary to obtain an exit visa to a certain country, to receive timely and qualified treatment in unforeseen circumstances, to compensate for expenses incurred. Baggage insurance is a less obvious, but no less important step that should also be taken when planning a trip.

Who needs luggage insurance?

Baggage insurance is an option to the basic travel insurance contract. An extended policy helps a tourist compensate for the loss or delay of suitcases due to the fault of the carrier. It will not protect against the loss of things, but will allow you to count on monetary compensation under the contract. For example, luggage is often insured during air travel. Passengers on international and domestic flights often encounter negligence from airport and carrier baggage services when they simply cannot receive their bags upon arrival. The loss of valuable things is always unpleasant, and in a foreign country it is also fraught with large unplanned expenses for the purchase of replacement clothes, shoes, and other items. Extended insurance makes it possible to compensate for the loss of luggage within the payment limit.

What standard risks does the policy include?

A policy for travel abroad and for travel within Russia with the “Luggage Insurance” option included in it covers the following standard risks:

  • transportation of the insured person to a medical facility;
  • inpatient and outpatient treatment for life-threatening situations;
  • emergency dentistry;
  • early return home for health reasons;
  • repatriation in case of death.

Read more about risk content in the contract and in the Insurance Rules.

Additional options

In accordance with the timing and purpose of the trip, a standard policy can include not only luggage insurance, but also other options:

  • active recreation and sports. This option is necessary for those who do not intend to spend their vacation exclusively at the hotel and plan to engage in diving, sports tourism, freeride or other types of active leisure. Insurance may cover medical costs in the event of a sports injury;
  • Civil responsibility. In a hotel or on an airplane under unusual circumstances, you can accidentally damage someone else's property or unintentionally injure a person. Enabling this option will make it possible to compensate for damage to victims by a court decision at the expense of the insurance company;
  • trip cancellation. Insurance helps reimburse the non-refundable cost of tickets and paid hotel reservations if you had to choose another flight or cancel the trip for reasons beyond the tourist’s control.

The amount of payments for each risk and the list of insured events are specified in the contract. Read more about insurance conditions in the Insurance Rules.

How much does insurance cost?

The cost is calculated taking into account the following factors:

  • travel dates. The price depends on the number of days included in the insurance. The policy must cover the entire period of travel;
  • tourist age. The cost of insurance for an adult, a child and an elderly person will be different;
  • insurance coverage amounts. You can take out a policy for an amount from 30,000 to 100,000 USD. e. Luggage itself can be insured for 500 or 1,000 USD. e.;
  • risk filling. You can purchase insurance programs with different contents: from “Economy” to “Premium”.

Where to get baggage insurance

You can buy insurance for traveling in Russia and traveling abroad online on the website of the AlfaStrakhovanie company. To do this, enter the dates of birth of tourists and the period of travel. Choose one of the proposed insurance programs or specify individual options necessary for your trip. The cost of the policy will be calculated automatically. Pay for it on the website and receive the document by email.

According to a survey conducted by the Trispta agency, 47% of Russians have experienced luggage loss during an air flight at least once in their lives. The Air Carrier (airline) is responsible for the passenger's baggage during air travel.

Additionally, you can enable the option “ luggage insurance» as part of a compulsory insurance policy for those traveling abroad.

Air carrier liability for baggage and hand luggage

For luggage that the passenger checked into the luggage compartment, the carrier is responsible, even if the damage to the luggage was not due to his fault (but due to the fault, for example, of airport baggage handlers).

The carrier is responsible for hand luggage only if damage occurs through his fault.

The carrier is relieved of liability for baggage if he can prove that the loss or damage to the baggage occurred due to circumstances beyond his control. And also if loss or damage to luggage occurred as a result of the actions of the passenger himself.

During what period is the airline responsible for baggage?

By law, the airline is responsible for baggage accepted for carriage. from the moment of its registration until the moment of issue. Confirmation that the airline has accepted baggage is a baggage tag (receipt), part of which is attached to bags and suitcases, and part of which is given to the passenger. At the same time, the airline is also responsible for the safety of hand luggage, that is, those things that the passenger takes into the aircraft cabin.

The airline is not responsible for damage to which items

The airline is not responsible for:

1. Damage to luggage caused by objects located in the luggage itself;

2. Items that are not advisable to be checked into the luggage compartment:

  • fragile things;
  • perishable foods;
  • passports, cash, securities and business papers, various documentation;
  • jewelry,
  • precious metals,
  • computers and other electronic devices,
  • Cell phones,
  • cameras, video cameras,
  • glasses and other optical devices;
  • paintings, manuscripts, manuscripts;
  • medicines;
  • keys.

All of the above items must be under the personal supervision of the passenger in hand luggage.

Carriage with declared value

If your luggage contains valuables, it is permissible arrange transportation with declared value. This can be done during check-in for the flight, subject to filling out the declaration and paying an additional fee.

Baggage insurance with an insurance company

An air passenger who transports valuables, as well as expensive sports equipment (skis, snowboards, surfboards), is recommended to take out luggage insurance from an insurance company. Then, in the event of loss, damage, or delay of luggage, the passenger will receive insurance from the insurance company minus the amount of compensation paid by the airline (if such payment took place), or in addition to this compensation (this condition depends on the rules of the insurance company).

The rules of some insurance companies stipulate that Payment for lost luggage is made only after receiving compensation from the airline.

Depending on the insurance company, luggage can be considered either the things of the Insured, handed over under the responsibility of the Carrier, only for the period of travel (air flight, train trip), or all the things of the tourist for the entire period of travel.

In the first case The liability of the insurance company is almost no different from the liability of the carrier, only complements it financially. In the second case The insurance company's liability is more expanded and extends to cases where the traveler's luggage was stored in a locked hotel room, hotel lockers, guarded cloakrooms or in a locked car trunk in a guarded parking lot.

When purchasing insurance, most often the passenger can choose the approximate cost of his luggage. It ranges from 500 to 2000 dollars/euro. The amount specified in the insurance contract will be maximum limit liability of the Insurer. The passenger will be refunded actual value his things within this amount. You can justify the actual cost of luggage for the Insurance Company using receipts for the purchase of these items, or by indicating the specific quantity and brand of lost items and their service life (to calculate the degree of wear and tear).

In case of damage to luggage compensation will be paid only for damaged items if they cannot be restored, or the costs of their repair will be reimbursed.

If your baggage is delayed The insured will be refunded the cost of the essential items and clothing he purchased. The actual need for these things in a situation of baggage delay will need to be justified by the insurance company. Unlike air carriers, where baggage delay is considered to be at least 24 hours, for insurance companies this period may be shorter (from 4 to 24 hours).

With details of baggage insurance conditions Insurance companies can be found at the following link:
luggage insurance .

What to do if an insured event occurs

In a situation of loss, damage, or delay of luggage, the algorithm of actions of a passenger who has insurance from an insurance company will be approximately the same as that of a passenger who wants to receive compensation from the airline. That is, he should go to the Baggage Search desk(Lost&Found) and present your passport, air tickets, and a tear-off coupon for your luggage tag. After the airport staff draw up an act about loss, damage, delay, luggage, you need to write an application to the airline and insurance company.

If within 24 hours the insured person does not notify the airline that his luggage was lost, damaged, or delayed, the insurance company has the right to refuse payment.

When contacting an insurance company, in addition to your passport, airline tickets, luggage tag, certificate of loss, damage, or delay of luggage, also attach to your application an insurance policy and documents confirming receipt of compensation from the airline.

If your luggage is damaged, list what was damaged and for what amount. For example, if some electronics were damaged, name its brand and approximate price.

If your luggage was delayed on the way to the country of temporary stay, write down what essential items you had to buy there and provide receipts for them.

Not every insurance company insures luggage against delayed collection at the airport. Delay of baggage by airport customs is not considered an insured event.

Features of luggage insurance in various insurance companies

We compensate for the loss and delay of checked baggage, hand luggage and personal belongings as a result of: natural disasters; theft; fire; road accident; damage by third parties; actions of transport services; theft from a car during the daytime. Compensation for a flight is not more than the insured amount of the air carrier. Expenses for essential items if the delay is at least 6 hours.

Loss, damage and delay of checked baggage and hand luggage during a trip, as well as theft from a locked car with signs of burglary are compensated. You can insure audio and video equipment. The loss of valuables is compensated if they were transported in hand luggage and there are receipts. You can insure the loss of your passport and travel tickets.

Loss of checked baggage and hand luggage is compensated; expenses for search, storage, putting in order and forwarding in the amount of no more than 1000 rub. for 1 kg luggage weight. If there is a delay - 150 rubles per 1 kg weight. Damage to the integrity of luggage and loss of individual items from it are not insured.

Loss, damage, delay of checked-in items, hand luggage, personal belongings as a result of theft, road accidents, natural disasters, fire. Costs of searching, storing, organizing and shipping. Luggage delivery delayed by more than 6 hours. Theft from a car during the day when stopped for no more than 3 hours. Loss of audio and video equipment, laptop computers, if they were indicated in the customs declaration. Payments in addition to the Carrier's compensation upon receipt. 25 cu/20 kg luggage in economy class 50 USD/30 kg baggage in business class If baggage is delayed no more than 200 USD/person, 400 USD/family

Loss of baggage and hand luggage as a result of a natural disaster, theft, fire, road accident, damage by third parties, or errors of transport services. Repairing luggage if it is damaged. Search, rescue, storage, forwarding. Baggage delay for more than 6 hours. The payment is no more than what the Carrier must compensate. 25 USD / no more than 20 kg luggage - economy class 50 USD / no more than 30 kg luggage - business class

Loss of 1 storage space with the Carrier. Repair costs. Baggage delay more than 24 hours. Limit 25 USD/kg weight of luggage If more than 25% of the surface of a piece of luggage is damaged - compensation is 25% of the insured amount, if the handle is damaged - 5%; wheels - 10%; several parts - 15% of the sum insured

Almost all transport companies offer luggage insurance service.

But is it really necessary?

In what cases should luggage be insured, and when can it be neglected?

How much does this type of insurance cost?

We will help you answer these questions.

Why insure your luggage?

During the trip, the carrier company is entirely responsible for your luggage.

In this case luggage safety becomes quite a significant problem, especially if it contains valuables. According to statistics, every year approximately 2% is lost luggage

The numbers are very small, but they cannot console people who have lost their things.

The risk of losing your luggage increases if you travel or fly with transfers.

It is best to remove especially valuable items from the suitcase (jewelry, money, documents) and attach a piece of paper to it with your details (phone number and full name).

But the best guarantee of the safety of your belongings is luggage insurance.

Then you can receive compensation for the loss of your items.

Compensation for luggage insurance is paid not only in cases of its complete loss, but also if things are stolen, partially lost, damaged as a result of natural disasters (fire, flood).

But you should not forget that insurance does not cover all things.

What items are not covered by insurance?

The insurance company must indicate in the contract that these items are not covered by insurance.

If you want to insure your jewelry during your trip, you will have to do this separately.

You can take out insurance for jewelry, vehicles, works of art and antiques.

But you won’t be able to insure the rest of the things on this list.

But the best option is not to put expensive items in your luggage, because many insurance companies pay compensation for loss of jewelry and works of art only if they were stored in one permanent protected place (for example, in a safe).

How to get compensation?

If your belongings are lost during a trip, you need to immediately contact your insurance company's service center.

This is where they will tell you what to do next.

If you lose things abroad, you need to leave a statement at your local Lost service and found.

Along with the application, you make an inventory of things. The application must be submitted no later than one day after the loss.

To receive monetary compensation to you you will need luggage receipts, so be sure to save them.

Items are considered lost only if they are not found within 2 weeks.

Therefore, the company will pay you compensation no earlier than this period.

If you are abroad, then compensation will be paid in your country.

Rules for baggage transportation by air

The baggage transportation rules for all airlines are approximately the same.

You can carry up to 30 kg of luggage, as well as hand luggage.

Insurance will cover both suitcase and hand luggage.

You can choose insurance only for the duration of the flight or for the entire trip.

When purchasing insurance, you must indicate the approximate value of your luggage in the contract.

The minimum insurance amount is $1,000.

The maximum for all airlines varies from $1,500 to $5,000.

If you lost your luggage without insuring it, then you will be paid 15-25 dollars for each kg of weight of the suitcase.

This small amount is unlikely to compensate for all the damage caused by the loss.

Therefore, it is better to insure your luggage when flying, because insurance is very inexpensive.

Transportation of baggage by sea

Items can be transported free of charge by sea only up to a certain weight.

The required weight of luggage is determined by each company independently.

Baggage insurance when traveling by sea is not very common in our country.

But if you are carrying a large amount of cargo, it is better to take out insurance.

Although the risk of loss or damage to luggage is almost zero.

It is also necessary to take into account that luggage is presented strict requirements for its packaging that need to be taken into account.

Features of luggage transportation by rail

When traveling by train, you can take luggage weighing up to 36 kg and hand luggage free of charge.

You will have to place the rest of your luggage in a special carriage for an additional fee.

Baggage transportation by rail is rarely insured. But if you are afraid for the safety of your things, then You can insure your railway luggage at any insurance company.

Without insurance, in case of loss of things, the railway company will pay you compensation in the amount of no more than 23 thousand rubles.

In this case, you should contact the office of the carrier company to receive compensation.

If you insure your luggage, the amount of compensation will increase to 2, and sometimes even 5 thousand dollars.

To receive such compensation, you must contact the insurance company directly.

Transportation of luggage by road

According to the rules, you can transport hand luggage in vehicles for free.

For transportation of the rest of the luggage you need put in a special luggage compartment, you'll have to pay. When you pay for your luggage space, you will receive a special receipt.

You can also purchase luggage insurance. The rules for obtaining insurance when transporting baggage by road are the same as the rules for transporting baggage by rail.

If you have not taken out insurance, the bus company will pay you no more than 23 thousand.

When you take out insurance, your compensation increases significantly.

Depending on whether you have insurance or not, you will need to contact the insurance company directly for compensation or to the office of the carrier company.

Insurance for traveling abroad

If you travel abroad, it is better to take out luggage insurance.

Risk of lost luggage when transplanted or in a foreign country, it increases significantly.

By insuring your luggage, you can receive compensation even in a foreign country.

But figuring out the problem without insurance, especially if you don’t know a foreign language, will be much more difficult.

The insurance scheme for tourists traveling abroad and for those traveling around our country is the same.

Therefore, you will not have any difficulties when obtaining insurance.

What will be reimbursed in any case?

Even if you did not take out insurance, if you lose things at the airport in accordance with the rules of the Warsaw Convention the airline pays you between 15 and 25 dollars for each kg of suitcase weight.

But such a small compensation from the airline is almost always significantly less than the actual cost of the items.

When things are lost in sea, rail and road transport, the exact amount of compensation for the loss is not even provided.

And although the chances of losing anything are very small, but such cases sometimes still occur.

In this case, it is very difficult for a traveler to prove his case and receive compensation.

What will the insurance company reimburse?

When taking out insurance, a full inspection and description of things is not carried out.

You only need to indicate approximate cost of all luggage.

The cost of things should be as close to real as possible.

The insurance company pays you a certain portion of this amount.

It is important to remember that the insurance company does not reimburse the cost of lost documents, jewelry, securities and some other things.

When calculating the cost of baggage, the cost of these items is not taken into account.

What is the sum insured?

The insurance amount is the amount that the company is obliged to pay you in case of loss of things.

The minimum amount is 1000 euros. The maximum amount varies among all insurance companies. It can be from 1500 to 5000 euros.

Even if your luggage costs more, the amount cannot exceed the stated amount.

Also all insurance companies use an unconditional franchise.

This is the name of a sum of money that is not subject to compensation. It is usually $50.

If the damage to your belongings is assessed for less than $50, then you will not receive any compensation.

If the damage is significantly greater, the deductible amount is deducted from the compensation.

Insurance prices

Baggage insurance is usually inexpensive.

The amount of insurance depends on the value at which you value your belongings, as well as on the company itself.

Usually the amount varies from 400 to 1000 rubles.

From Ingosstrakh you can receive compensation for the cost of luggage in the amount of up to $5,000, but insurance in this case will cost almost 2000 rubles.

Therefore, soberly assess the real value of your things so as not to overpay for insurance.

Insurance does not pay for all items. The full list of these things is written above.

These items are best placed in your hand luggage. Jewelry, antiques and religious items must be insured separately.

You must properly store insured items(in the safe or luggage room). If lost, you will need to provide documents that would confirm that your luggage was stored correctly.

You must report missing luggage no later than 24 hours later.

You can take out luggage insurance together with general medical insurance. This procedure can be completed online.