Who didn't make it on the flight? People are late for flights that ended in a plane crash and cancel their tickets more often than for regular ones. If you are late for check-in and the plane has already taken off

Situation. For some reason, you did not take off on your air ticket (for example, you were late for the flight) and decide to “catch up with the ticket” by purchasing the next flight to the destination airport (transfer), and upon arriving there, you find out that... all other tickets have been cancelled. . You can no longer fly further, or even return back, using your old ticket.
From the comments to the latest life hack, I realized that for many people the information was a real discovery - if you do not fly any segment of your air ticket, it will be automatically cancelled.

This rule of airlines causes bewilderment for many, and for some it turns out to be an unpleasant surprise when they show up at check-in and find out that they don’t have a ticket home...
What kind of rule is this and how to avoid such a situation?

The rule for automatically canceling an air ticket if a passenger does not use one of its segments is called NO SHOW and is used by most airlines in the world.
This term refers to a situation when a passenger does not show up for a flight without informing the carrier in advance. For example, you are sick and cannot fly, but instead of changing your ticket, simply do not show up for the flight. If you do not show up for boarding, all subsequent parts of the ticket, that is, flight segments, are cancelled.
Ticket Moscow-Barcelona-Moscow. You were late for the Moscow-Barcelona flight, took off on the next flight of the same or another airline, did your business or had a rest, arrived in time to check-in for the return flight, but the ticket will be cancelled.
Ticket Moscow-Frankfurt-Seattle-Frankfurt-Moscow. You are in Germany, decide to board your ticket in Frankfurt, arrive there by train, come to check-in, but the ticket will be canceled because... You did not take off on the Moscow-Frankfurt segment.
Ticket Moscow-Frankfurt-Seattle-Frankfurt-Moscow. You missed your Frankfurt-Seattle flight, you flew in on your own, but your return ticket will also be cancelled.

Let me make a reservation that this rule does not always work, although in most cases this is exactly what happens.
When does this happen and when does it not? How to find out?
Must read a) e-ticket, where all the rules are indicated, including exchange, return of the ticket, as well as NO SHOW conditions b) when purchasing a ticket, the rules of transportation by a specific airline.

As a rule, an air ticket (unless we are talking about a simple one-way flight without transfers) is divided into several sections, each of which has its own fare rules. It is very important to look at the rules for each flight segment, since the rules of the most “strict” fare apply to the entire ticket. The flight section is indicated by the following “header”:

This “header” contains service information about the flight segment, fare code, and so on.

The rules for returning an air ticket are described in the CANCELLATIONS section. The most common formulations are:

TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE - the ticket is not refundable
REFUND IS NOT PERMITTED - the ticket is not refundable
ANY TIME TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE - the ticket is not refundable at any time
TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE IN CASE OF NO-SHOW - the ticket is not refundable in case of no-show for the flight.

In this case, cancellation is possible. In this case, the full cost of the ticket is refundable if the ticket is returned more than 24 hours before the plane’s departure for the first flight leg.
If a ticket is returned less than 24 hours before the plane's departure for the first flight leg, a fine of 25% of the fare will be withheld.
In this case, most often somewhere below there will be information about the airline's withholding fee for the return procedure, for example, this:

Means: For tickets for which transportation begins in Russia, a fee of 25 euros (for international flights) or 900 rubles is withheld at any time for a full or partial refund. - for flights within Russia.

The “AFTER DEPARTURE” section describes the conditions for returning a ticket after the plane’s departure, but only if the passenger has begun transportation (for example, he flew on the first flight leg and did not use the second). If the passenger did not use the ticket and did not apply for a seat reservation before departure, the NO SHOW rules apply, that is, no-show for the flight.

In this case, the difference between the applied fare (to the entire ticket) and the actual fare for the used segment on the day the ticket was issued is refunded if the ticket is submitted for refund more than 24 hours before the departure time for the unused section.

This means that if a client purchased a round-trip ticket and wants to return a return ticket, in accordance with the fare rules, not half of the round-trip fare is deducted from the amount paid by the client, but the one-way fare actually available on the day the ticket was issued. side." Since a one-way fare is usually comparable in cost to a round-trip fare, it could easily be that there is nothing to return. And yes, this is if you refuse further segments, and did not miss one of them. The same notorious “notify the carrier”.

Well, regarding the transportation rules, which provide for the application of the NO SHOW rule. Typically this information is contained in the "Passenger and Baggage Reservations" section and reads as follows: "If a passenger does not show up for a flight (NO SHOW) for which he has a confirmed reservation, and has not notified the airline in advance of changes to his trip, the airline will the right to cancel a passenger's reservation for this flight and for subsequent segments of the transportation route and for the return flight."

Has the right to! This is important. That is, there may be options and, if desired, the situation can be resolved, and with proper argumentation, insist on restoring the segments...

Have a nice trip and don’t get into any unpleasant situations!

Hello, friends. I continue my review of the flight Anapa - Moscow - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Today we will fly to Kamchatka on flight su1730 on a Boeing 777-300er.
After spending a day in Khimki (we have such a ritual before flying home to skimp on Mega-Khimki), we headed to Sheremetyevo.
In Khimki we always rent the same apartment, from the balcony of which we can clearly see planes taking off/landing in SVO.

Sheremetyevo airport

We got to the airport by transfer, which was included in the apartment rental price. It was agreed that they would take us at 15:00, but the driver was half an hour late + traffic jams, and as a result, when we arrived at the airport, we were pulled out of the general queue as passengers who were late for the flight.

Passenger check-in counters

After checking in your luggage and receiving boarding passes We run to our gate No. 1, from which boarding is in full swing.

Now there's nowhere to rush, you can start filming

Girl controlling passengers

When the bus was full we went to our plane, taking a few photos along the way.

Here is our Boeing 777-300 VQ-BQF aircraft Alexander Blok. The aircraft made its first flight on April 17, 2014; the aircraft has been in service with Aeroflot since May 15, 2014.

This flight was on great amount tourists, both ours and foreign ones. According to my observations, 2/3 of the plane was filled with them. Apparently, in anticipation of the upcoming journey, they were very cheerful and very, very noisy. After getting off the bus, they began a photo session against the backdrop of the plane and live broadcasts from Instagram. The SAB officer making comments to them was unable to resist them and simply stepped aside

Having climbed on board, we headed to our places 48 K, N and 49 K, N. Since there were four of us flying, these places seemed the most preferable. Having settled in, I take a photo of the salon

At these places the distance to the bulkhead is greater than at standard blocks of 3 places

And I take a few photos of outboard views

Meanwhile, loading of luggage continues

After the ramp pulled away and the passengers took their seats, the broadcast of safety instructions began.

Well, that's it, you can go for takeoff. But it was not there. The PIC got in touch and said that due to the airport’s congestion, the flight was delayed by half an hour. Half an hour passed, the PIC got in touch again, apologized, and said that he would have to wait another half hour. A wave of indignation arose among the passengers. The flight attendants began to take out the headphones and turned on the media system, and the passengers became quiet.

About 15 minutes later, the senior flight attendant announced that we would now be offered drinks, but this was not destined to happen, the PIC got in touch and said that permission to start the engines had been received. The news was met with applause. After looking at the safety instructions again, we started taxiing

The Chinese who filled Sheremetyevo flew home

A colleague preparing to take off after us

Our plane begins to take off, at that very second I start shooting video
Climbing continues

Our upcoming route

After gaining altitude, the flight attendants served the menu

While waiting for service, you need to look in the pocket of the seat in front. There I find:

Aeroflot in-flight magazine

Movie guide

And the Sky shop catalog

After this is a photograph of the panel on the head. Still, individual airflow is sorely lacking.

The flight attendants began service by first offering drinks. I take tomato juice.

Then it was time for dinner. In advance, through the Aeroflot website, I ordered myself a special meal in the form of a Russian menu.
Buckwheat porridge with a cutlet for main course (the cutlet was very tasty, the taste was very reminiscent of the cutlets that I ate in the school canteen 20 years ago). For appetizer, beef tongue, mushrooms and lettuce. Not much. For tea there is Tula gingerbread.

The folding tables are very slippery. Sergan AIR, they didn’t hear us
After dinner we head to the latrine. Everything is clean, and I note the innovations in the appearance of a teeth-cleaning kit, consisting of a toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste. Looking ahead, I note that the stocks of these sets were constantly replenished as they were used up.

When leaving the toilet, taking advantage of the absence of flight attendants, I click on the kitchen.

We fly over the Gulf of Ob, first we see it on the flight map

Then into the porthole

It's starting to get dark outside

Sky interior lighting works in the cabin

We are approaching Norilsk

1.5-2 hours after dinner we were offered ice cream, which was very tasty by the way

Before it gets completely dark, dawn begins
Clouds that resemble the ice cream I just ate

Morning outboard view

And this picture seemed stunningly beautiful to me. The fog spreads neatly along the river bed.

Not every flight can encounter such a sharp cloud limit.

It was time for breakfast, and then something happened. Since the children fell asleep on me, there was no way to look at breakfast. I asked my wife to take the boxes home so that my review would be as complete as possible. After listening to everything she thinks
about my hobby, she put breakfast in her bag, but still continued to look at me with a puzzled look. But there is an opportunity to look at what they wanted to feed us
Children's breakfast

Breakfast from the standard menu

And breakfast from the Russian menu

I tried porridge from the Russian menu. I didn’t like it for some reason, maybe because it had cooled down a long time ago, or maybe because there was a lot of tasty things at home besides porridge

Let's get back on board.
We are approaching Magadan. .

There's only a little time left to get home

This is Kamchatka. Hello dear, how I missed you!

A volcano rising from the clouds greets us.

We are slowly descending

We approach Petropavlovsk and prepare to turn around.

We begin a turn over Avacha Bay. Avachinskaya Bay is the main gate of Kamchatka, along which Petropavlovsk is located.
A short digression (no need to read): the British and French entered Avacha Bay in 1854 during the Crimean War with the goal of capturing Kamchatka (they did), but were successfully defeated by troops under the command of Governor General Vasily Zavoiko. In connection with this, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was awarded the honorary title of City of Military Glory.
We're still starting to turn around

In the process of turning around, I observe the airport, on the runway of which we will land in a few minutes

The southern part of Petropavlovsk (aka Leninsky district)

After turning around, a stunning view of our “home” volcanoes opens up

I'm starting to shoot a video of the landing to complete the picture.

After landing we head to the airport

Local airlines

Boeng 738 a/k Globus arriving from Novosibirsk

Our airport building, built 50 years ago

The day before yesterday it became known that the Airports of Regions company, owned by Vekselberg, became the owner of the Elizovo airport.
The condition for the sale of the airport was the construction of a new terminal. It is planned to invest 7 billion rubles in the construction. The new airport's capacity should be 1 million people per year. Now the airport serves 600 thousand people a year.
New airport project. Wait and see.

After the stop, impatient passengers, waiting for the ramp and the bus, jumped up and took their seats in the aisle. You have to be the first in the stuffy baggage claim terminal to stand there for 20+ minutes. In general, it's their business.

We're not in a hurry. I'll supervise the unloading of the luggage.
An old ZIL drove up

And his younger colleague

Oh, I almost forgot. I take a photo of the footwell.

The buses carried passengers.

Well, it's time for us to get ready. Finally, a photo of the empty economy class cabin

And Comfort class

This is power embodied in metal and composite

A flying seagull attached a mustache to the nose cone.

After loading onto the bus, I take farewell photos with the plane.

We approach the new baggage claim hall, built last year.

Pandemonium inside the hall

Due to technical reasons, they announced a 30-minute delay in baggage claim. o_O apparently I attract delays of 30 minutes like a magnet. The technical reason was that, due to a delay in departure, we arrived at the same time as the Novosibirsk flight and the workers had an “incredible guard.”
Since it’s stuffy inside, we went outside

Meanwhile, Rossiya arrived from Vnukovo on 777-300

As a result, passengers on the flight from Novosibirsk were sent to collect their luggage at the old terminal. It is attached to the airport building.

And we, having received our luggage, go free. I take pictures of everything

On the way home we stop at the stele. Here I am at home.

A couple of days later, on the way to work, I stop and choose a vector for my next travels.

Although my vector recent years the same. 1-2 times a year to Gelendzhik and 5-6 times to Kaliningrad for work. Something definitely needs to change.

This concludes my review (story). There is nothing more to add, if I missed something, please don’t kick me too hard, I’ll correct it next time.
Thanks to everyone who read. I wish everyone good and health. See you again!

The plane crash over the Black Sea was a great tragedy for all of Russia. It claimed the lives of 92 people. But there could have been more victims. The portal talks about those who, by a lucky chance, postponed their flight and thanks to this remained alive.

Three people from the choir

On board the crashed plane were eight crew members, nine journalists, eight military personnel and two federal civil servants, the head of the Fair Aid charity foundation, Elizaveta Glinka, and 64 artists of the Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble, who were flying to congratulate the Russian Aerospace Forces air group on the New Year at the air base. Hmeimim. All the choir members were on the plane, except for three soloists - Vadim Ananyev, Valery Gavva, Boris Dyakov.

The leading soloist of the ensemble, Vadim Ananyev, had a child. On this occasion, the father of many children asked to stay at home. Valery Gavva recently underwent surgery. Boris Dyakov was supposed to have an important performance on December 26th. Therefore, the three soloists were allowed to stay in Moscow. Everyone else in the choir went to Syria. It was planned that the ensemble would give a concert and immediately fly to Moscow. This was their last flight.

The ensemble says that there are 186 artists in total. But it was decided not to take the orchestra with us on the trip to Syria. The stage at the Khmeimim base is small; it could not accommodate all the musicians. The artists had to perform songs with a backing track.

Head of the Human Rights Council under the President

The head of the Presidential Council for Development Assistance was also supposed to be a passenger on the plane. civil society and human rights Mikhail Fedotov. As Fedotov himself said, he planned to fly to Syria with the director of the Fair Aid Foundation, Elizaveta Glinka. They were supposed to deliver medicine to a hospital in the province of Latakia. But then Fedotov’s plans changed. By luck, he was not on that fateful plane, in which no one managed to survive.

Joseph Kobzon and Toto Cutugno

The news of the plane crash in the Black Sea shocked many. People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon was one step away from death. He often performed with the Alexandrov Ensemble. The artist was also invited for this trip to Syria. He remained in Russia due to lack of a medical visa.

Also on the list of victims could be a well-known Italian singer Toto Cutugno. As the artist himself told the press, he was also supposed to perform at a New Year's concert in front of the Russian military. At the last minute, he changed his plans due to his busy work schedule.

Let us recall that the Ministry of Defense TU-154 plane, heading to the Russian Khmeimim base in Syria, crashed over the Black Sea on December 25, two minutes after takeoff from Adler airport. A search operation is ongoing in the crash area. The wreckage of the plane was found 1.5 km from the coast at a depth of 50-70 meters. According to preliminary data, the cause of the Tu-154 crash was a technical malfunction or pilot error.