How to find an oasis in a quest in Stalker: Call of Pripyat? Where to find the legendary oasis in stalker Call of Pripyat Call of Pripyat oasis walkthrough of the quest

Heart of the Oasis (S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat). All players, when passing the stalker, have probably heard about “Oasis” from other stalkers. And that in that oasis, there is an artifact “Heart of the Oasis”. Some say that the oasis is located in Pripyat, some say that it is near Yanov. We will try to figure out in this article where it is and how to pick it up. Now directly to the Oasis itself.

Call of Pripyat - Heart of the Oasis

Where can I find "Oasis"???? Here the situation is even more complicated than with the magpie quest (this is a quest for independent search). So, we go to the Ventilation Complex, which is located not far from “Yanov”. The entrance itself is located a little to the north-west, right next to the railway. It kind of reminds me of a railway station. We go into the room, we will be met by a couple of zombies and jerboas, we go underground. We head through the pipes towards the ventilation complex (we follow the map). After you get to the corridor with the red (orange) lamp, the most difficult part of this quest begins.

There is a teleporter in the next room. To go further, you need to run this way several times until four anomalies appear in the hall, between the columns (similar to snow curtains or burning fluff). After all 4 miracle arches have appeared, we need to disable the teleport. To do this, we pass between those columns where there is a miracle of an arch, and in the row where there is no arch, we must guess between which pillars we need to pass. (pillars are chosen differently each time). After turning off the teleport, we find ourselves in the ventilation room, where the “Heart of Oasis” artifact hangs. We take it, fight off the pseudo-dog, and take the artifact to the scientists’ camp.

The diagram drawn below shows how to pass through the columns. First, we do not pass through the arches 3 times. Then we pass through 2 arches, and the last time we pass through all 4 arches (the sequence is indicated in different colors and indicated by numbers). In order for the scheme to work for passage to the Oasis, it is necessary to open all 4 arches from the beginning.

Another screenshot shows the entrance to the tunnel to the Oasis at the Yanov location.

Information for those who are too lazy to go through the Oasis, or want to get a lot of “Heart of the Oasis” artifacts. By going to the Call of Pripyat mod page, and after installing it. When you open the spawn menu in the artifacts section, you can find the line “af_oasis_heart” - this is the “Heart of the Oasis”; you can add it as much as you like.

Oasis is a legendary and interesting place in the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat", and many players are trying to find it. There are many rumors in the Zone about this mysterious place, they say that it heals almost any wounds, that peace and tranquility reigns in it, and even the monsters there are friendly to humans, a certain "Garden of Eden" among the gloomy and dangerous exclusion zone. And, of course, many seasoned stalkers, as well as scientists, are trying to find this mysterious place.

Does Oasis really exist? And if so, is this really such a heavenly place as it is described in legends? The player will have to find answers to these questions..

Where to get the task to find the Oasis

In the computer game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat", the player can receive a task to search for the legendary Oasis from Professor Ozersky, who is located in the scientists' bunker in the "Jupiter" location. The goal of the task is simple and complex at the same time - to find this mysterious place and, if successful, provide it to Ozersky evidence of its existence.

Where to start searching

If the player is not in a hurry, then the search can begin by asking other stalkers about the Oasis. Some of them will suggest that he is somewhere in Pripyat under the Ferris wheel, there will be many other versions, and some will talk completely off topic. In general, all answers will be far from the truth.

As a result, attempts to find out something about the Oasis from stalkers will not bring the player any adequate information with which to start the search; there are too many versions and they are all very different from each other. And here the player has a choice: look for the Oasis himself or go online and read this article. And if the player nevertheless chose the second option, then first of all, he needs to advance to Ventilation complex, this is where the legendary Oasis is located.

Ventilation complex

You should enter the ventilation complex not from the ground part, but from the railway side. The entrance itself is a small building, in which, by the way, there is a possibility of meeting zombified stalkers. After the player has found the entrance and entered the ventilation complex, all that remains is to move forward - to the hall with columns. The path to the hall itself is quite intuitive, there is only one way to it, and thus cutting off all dead ends, the main character will sooner or later get to this hall. There may be jerboas on the way, but they won’t cause much trouble for an experienced player.

Room with columns

The hall with columns is the last obstacle that the player must pass on the way to the legendary Oasis. Walking simply forward, to the player's surprise, the main character is simply teleported back, so before going further, you will have to solve a rather unusual puzzle. The essence of the puzzle is this: There are four columns in front of the main character, and passing through them teleports him back. But an attentive player may notice that in front of some columns, on the floor between them, a certain glow appears, similar to snowflakes. This glow is the answer to the puzzle. Next, the player just has to go through the columns “marked” with a glow and the main character finally finds himself in...


And here it is! Legendary Oasis! One of the most mysterious places in the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat". Although in reality it is just a large ventilation room. From below, the player can notice the sky - looking through the hole above. But be that as it may, if the player had any wounds before entering the Oasis, they are instantly healed, so most likely this place does have paranormal properties.

So, the player has completed most of the task, the Oasis has been found, now all that remains is to somehow prove its existence, to provide the scientists with something significant. You don't have to look far for proof. artifact "Heart of the Oasis" located on a tree branch in the middle of the room. But if you just approach the artifact, you won’t be able to take it; you’ll have to jump, and, so to speak, “pluck” it in a jump.

Artifact characteristics

Well, in the end, it would not be superfluous to consider the characteristics of the artifact itself.


  • Heart of the Oasis.


The artifact is a crystallized plant that has somehow absorbed the beneficial functions inherent in the Oasis, but unlike it, the artifact itself is radioactive.

Positive characteristics:

  • Health +2.
  • Saturation +1.
  • Stamina +2.
  • Bleeding +2.

Negative characteristics:

  • Radiation +4.


After the artifact is already in the protagonist’s pocket, an evil dog appears from the depths of the “Kingdom of Hades”; it is up to the player to decide whether to kill it or “make legs”. The extracted artifact has quite useful properties, and the player should think twice before giving it to scientists, who will pay only seven thousand for it. Visit a place about which there are legends and rumors throughout the Zone- the greatest achievement, and the player, of course, will want to show off to other stalkers, but do not rush to do this, since few will believe the protagonist’s stories about this almost mythical place...


From the video you will learn how to get through this difficult moment in the game and find the legendary Oasis.

The game "Stalker" has a large number of quests in which you need to find something. Very often these are ordinary objects that are hidden in secret places. They are led by chains of notes, diaries and other types of clues, which can ultimately be used to determine the location of the desired object. However, you will not always be so lucky with hints - we can say with one hundred percent certainty that your luck will end when you receive a quest in which you will need to find the Oasis. This is one of the most difficult tasks in the game, because absolutely nothing is told to you - you have to find out everything yourself. But even this is very difficult to do, so you’d better read this article, which will describe in detail how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat.

Receiving the information

If you want to know how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat, then you can try asking the characters in the game. But it’s worth saying right away - this is a waste of time. All that they can tell you are various legends that will not bring you one step closer to completing the task. However, pay attention to how people react after you return with a completed quest. If you try to tell someone that you have finally found the legendary oasis, then simply no one will believe you. But this is not the main thing - what is more important is the find itself, as well as the reward for it. Therefore, now you should fully concentrate on learning how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat.

Oasis location

You can wander around Pripyat for a long time trying to figure out how to find the oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat, and perhaps you will succeed. But it’s better to just use this article and go straight to the location where the oasis is located. Your goal is a ventilation complex, just keep in mind that you do not need the main building itself, but a small extension located behind it. There you will find a small passage that leads inside - get ready to fight a large detachment of jerboas at the entrance, as well as shoot a small number of zombified ones inside. After you deal with the opponents, a new phase will begin, which will be a labyrinth - the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" abounds in them. Finding an oasis is not so easy, but you should succeed.


So, after shooting all the zombies and jerboas, you can go down into the pipes, after which you will have long wanderings along the corridors. Don't worry - you won't meet any dangerous opponents along the way, so you can just safely walk towards your goal until you find yourself in a hall with columns. It is because of him that this quest is considered one of the most difficult in the Stalker game. Where to find an oasis? You will have to go through this hall to succeed, but it is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Hall in front of the oasis

In fact, you only have one step left - immediately after this hall there will be an oasis that you have been striving for. However, first you need to understand what is happening inside this room. So, there are pairs of columns that you need to go between. However, if you pass through the wrong pair, you will be teleported back to the entrance. Considering the fact that the correct combinations are randomly generated, you just need to understand the principle and try until you succeed. Just beyond the hall there is a legendary oasis. On the branch of a huge tree you can find the very artifact that you need to bring to complete the task. As soon as you take it, you will be attacked by a psionic dog that needs to be killed. And then you can go back for your well-deserved reward. And don’t forget to try telling strangers that you have found an oasis - it’s funny to watch their reaction.

Oasis in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat is a task that can easily be taken from Professor Ozersky. The essence of this side quest is to find this very Oasis and bring the professor proof that you have been there. Of course, the player can ask various in-game characters about the Oasis, but essentially this will not give any sense.

Path to the Oasis

In order to find the Oasis, you need to go to the Ventilation Complex, which is located in the vicinity of the Jupiter plant. You need to find the entrance that leads to the tunnels. To do this, you will need to enter the complex not from the main side and not from the ground part of the complex, but from where the railway embankment is located.

The entrance to the basement itself will look like a small building that has sunk a little into the ground. After you get into this room, you may encounter small mutants on your way, such as zombies or jerboas. You can deal with them easily and quickly enough.

When you reach the boarded-up opening, you need to break the boards blocking the passage, and in the opening that appears you need to turn right and go to the closed door. Not far from it there is a pipe that you will have to go into and crawl along. After you get out of it, another pipe will appear, similar to the previous one, only with brackets. These procedures must then be repeated until a closed pipe appears. As soon as you meet her, you can safely turn left and follow the corridor to the end. As a result, you will find yourself in a room with columns, where you need to solve a riddle.

Solving the puzzle

This room is a little puzzle. If you just try to walk through it, you will simply be teleported back. In the end, we need to solve a small problem. In order to complete the task and get directly to the Oasis, you need to find a small flickering rain in each horizontal row of columns. After you find them all in order, you will find yourself in the desired place. You don't have to look for the artifact - it is located on a tree branch.

You should be careful, because right after you pick it up, a psi dog will attack you. As a result, you can proudly return to the professor and report on completing the assignment. For this, he will offer you to either keep the found artifact or pay you 7000. You can take both by taking advantage of a small bug in the game.

The game "Stalker" has a large number of quests in which you need to find something. Very often these are ordinary objects that are hidden in secret places. They are led by chains of notes, diaries and other types of clues, which can ultimately be used to determine the location of the desired object. However, you won’t always be so lucky with hints - we can say with one hundred percent certainty that your luck will end when you receive a quest in which you will need to find the Oasis. This is one of the most difficult tasks in the game, because absolutely nothing is told to you - you have to find out everything yourself. But even this is very difficult to do, so you’d better read this article, which will describe in detail how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat.

Receiving the information

If you want to know how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat, then you can try asking the characters in the game. But it’s worth saying right away - this is a waste of time. All they can tell you are various legends that will not bring you one step closer to completing the task. However, pay attention to how people react after you return with a completed quest. If you try to tell someone that you have finally found the legendary oasis, then simply no one will believe you. But this is not the main thing - what is more important is the find itself, as well as the reward for it. Therefore, now you should fully concentrate on learning how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat.

Oasis location

You can wander around Pripyat for a long time trying to figure out how to find the oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat, and perhaps you will succeed. But it’s better to just use this article and go straight to the location where the oasis is located. Your goal is a ventilation complex, just keep in mind that you do not need the main building itself, but a small extension located behind it. There you will find a small passage that leads inside - get ready to fight a large detachment of jerboas at the entrance, as well as shoot a small number of zombified ones inside. After you deal with the opponents, a new phase will begin, which will be a labyrinth - the game “Stalker: Call of Pripyat” abounds in them. Finding an oasis is not so easy, but you should succeed.


So, after shooting all the zombies and jerboas, you can go down into the pipes, after which you will have long wanderings along the corridors. Don't worry - you won't meet any dangerous opponents along the way, so you can just safely walk towards your goal until you find yourself in a hall with columns. It is because of this that this quest is considered one of the most difficult in the Stalker game. Where to find an oasis? You will have to go through this hall to succeed, but it is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Hall in front of the oasis

In fact, you only have one step left - immediately after this hall there will be an oasis that you have been striving for. However, first you need to understand what is happening inside this room. So, there are pairs of columns that you need to go between. However, if you pass through the wrong pair, you will be teleported back to the entrance. Considering the fact that the correct combinations are randomly generated, you just need to understand the principle and try until you succeed. Just beyond the hall there is a legendary oasis. On the branch of a huge tree you can find the very artifact that you need to bring to complete the task. As soon as you take it, you will be attacked by a psionic dog that needs to be killed. And then you can go back for your well-deserved reward. And don’t forget to try telling strangers that you have found an oasis - it’s funny to watch their reaction.

The quest to find the legendary Oasis is given by the scientist Ozersky in order to confirm the numerous rumors circulating in the Zone about the existence of a mysterious place replete with artifacts, and with the mysterious name Oasis. The main goal after searching for a place called Oasis is to find and deliver to the customer a unique artifact, the Heart of the Oasis, which is rumored to grow in this place.

The Heart of the Oasis artifact is nothing more than a crystallized plant, the name of which comes from a comparison with a source that has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole. But to become the owner of a healing artifact, you first need to find it.

How to find the Oasis in Stalker Call of Pripyat? In order to find the entrance, you need to move from Yanov station along the railway to the southwest. You will find the entrance to the dungeon in a small building near the railway in which there may be zombified stalkers.

The Screenshot shows the entrance to the dungeon that leads to the Heart of the Oasis:

After you have entered the room, you begin to descend directly into the dungeon, shooting jerboas along the way. Using the map as a guide, you begin to move up the pipes. After passing, you find yourself in a corridor in which there is a teleport, which will become our main obstacle on the way to the Oasis.
To turn off the teleport that starts chasing you in a circle, you need to go under the arches, which begin to sparkle. In order for this sparking to begin, you need to run around the hall several times and they will begin to manifest themselves.

This is what the sparking of the arches through which you need to pass looks like:

To make it clearer how to get to the Oasis and turn off the teleport, a video walkthrough of the quest Heart of the Oasis has been added.

Video walkthrough of the Oasis teleport in Stalker Call of Pripyat:

Additionally, you can see on the graphic diagram the direction of movement through the hall with arches to the heart of the Oasis:

After you rip off the Heart of Oasis artifact, you will need to fight off the pseudo-dog. Next, go up the stairs to the surface and carry the artifact to Ozersky.

Thus the quest is completed. Good luck everyone!!!

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Stalker call of Pripyat how to find an oasis when passing the game? First you need to take the quest from a scientist named Ozersky. Outwardly, this scientist is a bald man from a bunker. Your task in the quest is to confirm the existence in the Exclusion Zone of a place with numerous artifacts and a mysterious name - Oasis. And also the search and discovery of an artifact growing in a mysterious place called the Heart of the Oasis. The Heart itself is presented to us in the form of a green crystalline plant.

But in order to take possession of the Heart, you must first find an oasis in the Stalker Call of Pripyat passage. The entrance to it is not so easy to find. First, go to the railway, which is located to the west of the Ventilation Complex, then follow the iron track from Yanov station to a small building with zombie stalkers. Having dealt with them, go down into the dungeon where evil jerboas live. Move along the pipes located on the right, straight up to the corridor with the teleporter. This teleport is the main obstacle on the way to the Oasis. Your task is to turn it off, otherwise it will chase you in circles. This is a kind of system of portals invisible to the naked eye. To do this, go under the sparkling arches.

To study and better understand the passage of Stalker Call of Pripyat how to find an oasis video material:

You can also graphically draw a diagram of the passage to the Oasis through the teleport:

After going through the teleport, you can safely pick off the Heart of the Oasis, which weighs only half a kilogram. And get ready to be attacked by a dog that creates attacking phantoms while itself stands aside. You can quickly run away after mastering the heart, or you can deal with the shaggy-snouted dog.

Then take the Heart to Ozersky. There is no point in keeping the Heart for yourself, because it is very radioactive. And as a reward from the scientist you will receive seven thousand, which is not enough, of course, but at least some reward for your labors and efforts.

Everything is so easy and simple in words, but in practice it is very complex and difficult to achieve!