Essays on the topic my city. How to write an essay on the topic “My City”: tips and tricks Write a story about your hometown

Alekseev Pavel, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “A” class

A tale about my city.

A long time ago there lived a small city in the world, and it didn’t even have a name. He wandered around the world until he saw a beautiful, huge clearing. There was a wonderful forest around. Various trees grew in this forest. Huge pines and cedars towered over small slender birches.

It was late autumn, which made the forest seem simply fabulous. The city liked these places so much that he decided to stay here.

He was very bored alone, but there was a river next to him. And then the city decided that it would grow and prosper on its banks.

One day a ship sailed along the river. Music was playing on the deck and people were dancing.

And suddenly they saw a miracle: a beautiful fairy-tale forest, and in the clearing - a city. People came ashore and stayed here forever.

Every year more and more people came. The city began to grow. People built kindergartens, houses, schools, shops, a sports complex and a bridge across the river.

And they gave the city the name STREZHEVOY!

Bobrikov Nikita, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “B” class

City of Strezhevoy.

Once upon a time there lived Ivanushka. And he lived in the wonderful city of Strezhevoy. And that city was rich in oil - black gold. And suddenly Ivanushka got an idea: to compare his city with the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Izluchinsk, Surgut.

Our Ivanushka traveled briefly for a long time, but he firmly decided: Strezhevoy, although the smallest of the cities, is also the most active in the construction of houses and palaces of creativity and talent, trading shops and islands of childhood - gardens. How glad Ivanushka was that he had a chance to live in this wonderful city. He began to live and live and increase the good of the city!

Bogomolova Victoria, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “A” class

The Tale of Strezhevoy.

In a certain kingdom, in the middle of the wide Ob River, there was an island.

On the northern side of this island there was a terrible, dense, dark forest. And animals lived in this forest. They all knew how to speak. Their main thing was the owl, who knew everything in the world.

To get to this forest, it was necessary to overcome a wall with frogs and swim across a swamp. But the worst thing was that we had to pass by the bear’s den.

In the east of this island there were impassable swamps.

On the western side of it there was a grove with flocks of different birds, and they were very aggressive.

In the south there was a lake with pink water. Nobody knew why it was pink. and no one ever dared to touch this water with even a finger.

Once upon a time, a group of researchers, there were four of them, set up camp in a small clearing. They were very interested in this place.

And then evening came. They lit a fire and began to think about how they would explore this area.

“I, as the one in charge, will go explore this area to the north tomorrow morning,” Nikita said.

“And I’ll go explore to the east,” said Nastya.

“So I’ll go west,” said Petya.

“Well, the south remains for me,” said the upset Dima.

When they decided everything, it was completely dark, and everyone went to bed.

The next morning Nikita, as promised, went north. Nastya went east. Petya went west. And Dima went south.

Nastya, Petya and Dima, when they saw what they would have to go through, immediately ran back to the camp. When they all met there, they immediately ran after Nikita.

At this time Nikita was already approaching the wall with frogs. This was his first test to enter the forest. At first he didn’t understand why this wall was covered in frogs, but then he still dared and climbed up the wall, fell several times, but still climbed over it.

The second test was to swim through the swamp. This is very unpleasant at first glance, but Nikita is brave and the most courageous of the team. And he also overcame the swamp.

Nikita was no longer afraid of the last test, because he thought that it would also be easy, like the first two tests.

The bear's den didn't look so scary, even a little cute. And now the long-awaited moment: he enters this den and sees that a bear is sleeping in the corner. Nikita tries to slowly walk past him and accidentally hits him with her foot. The bear wakes up and begins to growl throughout the den. And Nikita has to flee. Running out of the den, he sighed with relief, and, looking back, saw that the bear immediately stopped.

While he was running, he noticed how he wandered into a dark and scary forest. A small raccoon ran out to meet him.

“Hi, I haven't seen you here before. Who are you?" - asked the raccoon.

“I...I...I, Nikita, am the leader of the research team. Do you know where there is a place where no man has gone before? - Nikita asked.

“Come on, I’ll take you to the wise owl, he will tell you everything,” answered the raccoon.

An eagle owl lived in the hollow of a large oak tree. When Nikita saw the oak tree, there was a wall of trees behind the tree. He approached her. The trees parted in front of him, and he saw a large clearing. A river flowed around her. She was so clean that looking at her made my eyes hurt. This entire clearing was covered in sunlight.

When he saw this, friends approached him from behind, and Nikita shouted: “Let's build something here.” Everyone happily agreed.

A few months later, a small town stood in this clearing. Every year the city grew and flourished. More and more new people appeared there. And there was enough space for everyone.

And I was born in this city, this is my small Motherland. And she is called Strezhevoy.

Borisenko Daria, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “A” class

The city that I love

This story took place in a small northern town, the name of which many do not know. It is located in a small speck in the southeast of the West Siberian Plain on the banks of the mighty Ob River.

Deep, deep underground, under the heavy layers of the earth's crust, in the oil kingdom there lived a droplet, and her name was Neftyashka - the dirty one. She was black and always wore an oily sundress. She always wanted to know everything, she was very inquisitive. And this droplet had a younger brother - Gas. From birth he was very strong, powerful, hot and colorless. Brother and sister were very friendly, helped each other, and were inseparable everywhere. All day they traveled through the oil lake, examined the underground layers of the earth's crust, looked into all the cracks and crevices.

On one ordinary, unremarkable day, a brother and sister heard the story of their very wise grandfather that high, high on the surface of the Earth there was a completely different life, very bright, colorful, light and completely different from theirs.

The creatures living on Earth value us very much and always try to pull us out of the underground kingdom to the surface of the Earth,” said grandfather.

Why are they doing this? – Neftyashka asked, making herself more comfortable next to her grandfather.

This is what I would like to know more than anything in the world, but I’m probably not destined to, I’m getting old! - answered the sage.

To visit the surface of the Earth is what I want more than anything in the world! – Neftyashka thought and silently swam away into the oil lake.

She spent the whole day in lonely thoughts: how could she still fulfill her dream. And she decided to ask her neighbor Voditsa to help her and her brother get to the surface of the Earth in order to find out why earthly creatures are trying by all means to pull oil drops out of the ground.

Ground Water, help me and my brother Gaz get to the earth's surface. I really want to see what her earthly life is like! – Neftyashka asked so pleadingly that it was impossible to refuse her.

Okay, I'll help you. Tomorrow, early in the morning, I am waiting for you, at the cleft of the rock around the corner. - Voditsa answered and, ringing, ran away.

Early in the morning Voditsa picked up the travelers and quickly rushed upward along the crevice of the rock, overcoming one layer of the earth's crust after another. After some time, a strong stream of water pushed Oil and Gas to the surface of the Earth. Neftyashka closed her eyes from the bright light.

Wow! – that’s all she could say.

Looking around, they saw a green forest glistening in the sun. Red juicy berries are scattered in the clearing, as if like a carpet. Interesting fruits hang on the tall trees, and mushrooms are hidden under the leaves. The morning sun was shining, a plane was flying high in the sky. The very melodic, ringing trill of birds could be heard everywhere.

What a beauty! – Oily whispered to her brother.

Suddenly a strong wind rose and picked up the leaf on which the young travelers found themselves. Rising above the ground, the leaf began its journey, and with it Oil and Gas. They flew over a beautiful forest, in which animals were visible and invisible, and endless swamps.

After some time, a city of extraordinary beauty appeared. He stood in the middle of the forest, on the bank of a wide, mighty river. And this city had an unusual name - Strezhevoy. The city was young, modern and very clean. Along the asphalt streets there are multi-storey buildings, playgrounds, and many monuments. The variety of trees and bright flowers even made Neftyashka’s eyes sparkle. The city was surrounded by greenery.

Look, Gas, in this city there is even a monument to me - an oil drop! I wonder why? She looks so much like me! – Neftyashka shouted in bewilderment.

But most of all the travelers were amazed by the earthly creatures, as they called themselves - people. They smiled and enjoyed life in this beautiful city. There were a lot of children everywhere, children's laughter could be heard from everywhere. Neftyashka and Gas never ceased to be amazed at the beauty of this small city.

The wind died down, and the leaf on which Oil and Gas were traveling fell onto a park bench. It was here that they overheard an interesting conversation between grandfather and grandson about the history of the creation of Strezhevoy.

Now I understand why people value oil so much, they build such wonderful houses, monuments and fountains! Without oil they wouldn't have the money to do it! – Neftyashka exclaimed joyfully.

And they can’t do without me either!” Gaz said proudly. In harsh, long winters, people cannot live without me! I warm them with my warmth.

Tired, but very happy, Oil and Gas jumped into a stream that ran past, and then fell into groundwater, which carried them to the underground kingdom. Interrupting each other, they told their grandfather with great pleasure about what they had seen.

Thank you for your interesting story, since people use natural resources wisely, we will be happy to serve them!

Elizaveta Burmantova, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “A” class

Why was Strezhevoy called that?

Behind the Ural Mountains, among the taiga and swamps, the city of Strezhevoy has stood for 49 years. Not big, but very beautiful city. At first birds lived there, but gradually they began to fly away to other lands, and people came to take their place. They extracted oil, built houses, schools, kindergartens and offices.

But Strezhevoy was named so for a reason. As you already know, birds used to live here, and among them there was one very illiterate swift named Arkady. You may ask: what does the swift have to do with it, and I will answer you that it is because of it that Strezhevoy was called that. And how this happened, I will tell you now.

One clear summer day, Arkady was thinking about life and suddenly realized that he did not know how to read and write at all. And of course, he flew to the owl Advisor. They called her that because she helped everyone and gave advice. The adviser suggested that Arkady attend a literacy school, and Arkady, without thinking, agreed.

But due to the fact that he had to come to school early in the morning, Arkady missed a lot of classes. While the birds were studying, Arkady was playing football. The day of the exams arrived, Arkady sat down at his desk and was given the task of writing an essay on the topic “My City.”

Arkady didn’t know what to write about, where to put which letter, and wrote: “I chew in the town of Strezhevoy...”. You will probably say that he wrote Strezhevoy correctly, but no. Previously, the largest number of swifts lived in Strezhevoy, and the city was called Strizhevoy - from the word “swift”. Time passed, all the birds scattered to different lands, including Arkady. People came and accidentally found Arkady’s essay and read the title of Strezheva. This is how our city got its name.

Can you guess what grade Arkady received? This is how you guys learn to read and write, otherwise you, like Arkady, will rename some city.

Kuznetsova Diana, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “B” class

Dream Town

Once upon a time there lived a boy. He had a secret dream - to build his own city. Much water has passed under the bridge since then, the boy grew up and became an architect. But everything that he built during this time - houses, shopping centers, stadiums - he did not like, it caused sadness and melancholy. And he decided to go on a journey, albeit not to distant lands, but very far and for a long time.

He traveled a lot and for a long time and finally found a place to fulfill his cherished dream. It was beautiful: the high bank of a capricious Siberian river, along which mighty pines grew and cedars reached their tops into the sky. Nimble swifts darted back and forth over the river and its banks. They made a ripple in the eyes of our dreamer. Watching them, admiring their flight, the architect, without thinking twice, decided to name the future city Strezhevoy.

Not much time has passed since then, only 49 years, and the city still stands on the banks of the river, becoming better and better. And every morning he greets with a restless flock of swifts.

Novoseltsev Egor, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “A” class

The Tale of Strezhevoy.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state called Strezhevoy, two friends lived. One of them was a bear, his name was Misha. And the second friend was a hare, and his name was Bunny. They lived in huts next door.

One day Mishka invited Bunny to visit him to eat lingonberries and mushrooms that he had collected in the forest. The bunny agreed, came to visit Mishka, and not with empty paws, but with cedar cones, for which Strezheva’s kingdom was famous.

The friends sat down at the table and began to feast on the gifts of the kingdom, but that was not the case: an owl Uhu flew into the window, began hooting loudly and talking about some miracle that happened in a clearing near a swamp in the very center of the kingdom. The bear began to calm the owl down to understand what she was saying. Having calmed down, Ugu said that all the inhabitants of the kingdom had gathered in one place to see a fountain of black gold. The fountain was so large that it splashed the entire clearing and swamp.

Bear, Bunny and Ugu ran and flew to the clearing to see the miracle that Ugu had told about. All the inhabitants of the kingdom actually gathered in the clearing: fish, birds, and animals, led by King Sturgeon, who was present with his wife Sterlyadka and his deputy Muksun.

All residents began to think about what to do with such wealth. The animals, led by Mishka and Bunny, proposed to collect all the black gold in basins, pour it into a large barrel and sell it to the neighboring kingdom of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and with the proceeds, build a crystal bridge across the Vakh River, since the residents of Strezhevoy could not get across to the other side of the river. Pisces suggested burying the black gold fountain for use by future generations. The birds agreed with the fish, but Sturgeon asked everyone for silence, and, after consulting with Muksun, decided to sell the black gold and build a crystal bridge.

And work began to boil, all the basins of the kingdom were used to collect black gold. They collected wealth very quickly, and the birds carried it to the kingdom of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug across the Vakh River. Residents of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug gladly bought black gold and gave the residents of Strezhevoy as many coins as they needed to build a crystal bridge.

Residents of the kingdom of Strezhevoy hired builders who very quickly built a beautiful crystal bridge. Bear and Bunny helped the workers install it. As soon as the bridge was built, the residents of Strezhevoy called their neighbors to visit them and threw a feast for the whole world, treating everyone with the gifts of the kingdom: berries, mushrooms, and cedar cones.

There was no end to the joy of the inhabitants of the kingdom of Strezheva.

Oleynikov Yaroslav, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “A” class

The Tale of the City of Strezhevoy

There is a small town on earth, which is hidden among large swamps and dense forests, it is called Strezhevoy. This city is ruled by the great sage Valery Mikhailovich Kharahorin. Thanks to this person, Strezhevoy blossoms, develops, grows and transforms.

It was built 49 years ago by magical builders, the founders of this city.

The city itself is not a simple one, it is famous for its vast forests, deep lakes and natural resources. It is especially famous for oil, which is extracted by magical oil workers from the depths of the earth. It is oil production in Strezhevoy that provides Russia with fuel so that people can live in warmth and comfort.

The great Ob River flows near the city; it is home to a lot of delicious fish, which are caught by those who like to fish and eat delicious food.

The large, rich forest that surrounds the entire city of Strezhevoy is home to brown bears, red foxes, fast deer, wise owlets, colorful wood grouse, hardworking woodpeckers and many other interesting and rare animals. There are also many healthy berries growing in the forest: cranberries, currants, blueberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.

But the most important feature of the city is its inhabitants, the residents of Strezhevsk; they are distinguished by their kindness, sincerity and hard work. Truly magical qualities!

Panova Maria, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “A” class

A tale about the city of Strezhevoy.

Once upon a time there lived a little Spruce Cone, who was carried away by the wind further and further from the spruce. One day, Cone rolled into the forest, and when she passed through it, she saw the road. She was very surprised, because in the place where she ended up there was not a single fir cone! “Wow!” she thought. And then she almost got hit by a car.

Then Shishka went to look at the store, huge and very beautiful. She really liked him. But even here Cone was in danger; people almost crushed her! She walked further and saw houses. There, near one house, a dog was playing, which the owners had let out for a walk. The dog, seeing Shishka, wanted to play with her. Then Shishka finally felt happy herself. But then the owners opened the door for the dog, and it ran home.

Approaching the outskirts of the city, Shishka saw the sign “Strezhevoy”, and when she reached the forest, she noticed a group of unfamiliar bigwigs who began to ask her about everything in the world.

At first she was not friends with anyone, but a week passed, and Shishka had already become friends with everyone and decided to stay in this forest.

Repnikov Lev, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “A” class


Drop of oil.

Once upon a time, once upon a time, when mammoths still lived on the earth, there was a small drop of oil.

She slept almost all the time, as all little children sleep. And she slept deep in the ground, where she felt dark and comfortable. And she grew by leaps and bounds. This is how days, months, years, centuries passed...

A droplet of oil gradually turned into a huge ocean of oil. She felt cramped and bored in the depths of the earth. Oil wanted to look at the sun, at the city that was built above it.

And then one fine day, oil workers drilled a well in the ground and released oil out. This is how the drop’s wish came true, she began to travel all over the planet, seeing many cities and countries. And in gratitude to people, she did a lot of good things.

Since then, oil has been traveling this way and bringing a lot of benefits to people.

Yasakov Ilya, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, 5 “B” class

Fairy tale.

In a certain kingdom-state called Strezhevoy, there lived a king. And the king had a son - the hero Ilya. The kingdom lived, it did not grieve and did not know troubles, because it lived off oil. Yes, we've run out of oil. And a cruel, catastrophic time came: the equipment stood still, people suffered from unemployment and hunger-cold, and there was also nothing to trade. And the wise king sent his son, the hero Ilya, to look for all sorts of good things.

Ilya got ready for the little journey, walked and walked, and came to the kingdom of Tomsk, to bow to Tsar Zhvachkin. The king received him cordially: he fed him, gave him something to drink, and started asking him questions: what happened?

Our Ilya sent a message to his homeland father-father, and the answer was not long in coming; his son received a fatherly blessing and with parental instructions.

Ilya married the daughter of the Tsar of the Tomsk kingdom-state, and they began to live and live well and live well.

Today we will learn how tell about your city in English. This topic may not seem very important, but it is not. In any language, you must, first of all, be able to introduce yourself to others, create a mini-story about your occupation, home and location. The latter is often associated with the city where the speaker has the pleasure of living.

What do you need to know to talk about the city in English?







fire station

fire Department

pet shop

pet Shop






Butcher shop











shoe shop

shoe store



clothes shop

clothing store

hardware store

computer store










petrol station

gas station



car park





vegetable shop





police station

police station






An example of how to talk about a city in English

Let's look at a small example of how you can tell about the city in English.


I live in Moscow and it is an exciting city. This place is full of energy and quite motivating for achieving any goals. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages of living here. Let's start with the positive points. There are a lot of sights and you may admire them every weekend. The city impresses by its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are a lot of shop centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms, etc. In other words, you have all you might need for a quality life here. However, such life is not cheap. As any other mega polis, Moscow offers a variety of opportunities for development but you need to be active to get at least one of them.

Traffic jams at rush hour is a big problem. Very often people spend more than 1-2 hours to get to work and back home. This also affects the environment. But what to do? We need to choose between a calm place with ideal nature and a busy fast-developing city. I seem to choose the second one and have never regretted.


I live in Moscow and it is an impressive city. This place is filled with energy and it motivates you to achieve any goals. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to living here. Let's start with the positives. There are many attractions and you can admire them every weekend. The city impresses with its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are many shopping centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms and so on. In other words, you have everything you need to live a quality life here. However, such a life is not cheap. Like many other megacities, Moscow offers a variety of development opportunities, but you need to be active to get at least one of them. Back

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    Sections: Working with preschoolers

    Kind of activity: cognitive activity.

    Form of activity: lesson (preparatory group).

    Subject:“I am telling my story about my city.”


    1. To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about their hometown - Abakan, about the main attractions of their hometown, and teach them to recognize them in photographs.
    2. To form love and interest in the small Motherland.
    3. Develop coherent speech and logical thinking.

    Materials and equipment for the lesson:

    • slide projector, disk with slides;
    • a hoop with ribbons, boxes of cereals;
    • sticks for drawing, multi-colored pebbles, decanter.

    Previous work:

    • reading poems about your hometown;
    • viewing photographs, booklets;
    • excursion to the Skazka theater.

    Vocabulary work:

    • Small Motherland.
    • Big Motherland.
    • Attractions.
    • Abakans.

    Progress of the lesson

    At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gets to know the children.

    Educator: Children, what city do you all live in? What are we all called - residents of Abakan? (Abakan people.) Do you know that Abakan is the capital of the Republic of Khakassia? This is our small Motherland. What do we call Motherland? (The place where we were born, we live, we go to kindergarten, where our fathers and mothers, friends live.) Right. Listen to the poem and to the Motherland.

    What do we call Motherland?
    The house where you and I grow up.
    And birch trees by the road,
    Which way we are walking.
    What do we call Motherland?
    The sun is in the blue sky.
    And fragrant, golden
    Bread at the festive table.
    What do we call Motherland?
    The land where you and I live,
    And ruby ​​stars -
    Stars of the world over the Kremlin.

    (V. Stepanov)

    Children, what country do you live in? Russia is our big Motherland, it is what unites all people living in one country. We are all Russians, we all speak the same language. We love our Motherland dearly.

    Children, we received an SMS message on our cell phone. Let's read it. It says that guests are coming to us from the capital itself, from Moscow. They really want to get to know our city and the interesting sights of Abakan. We need to help them. Do you know what a landmark is? (These are beautiful, memorable places that adorn our city.) Are there places in our city that we are proud of and are happy to show to residents of other cities and countries? I think the main attraction of our city is the people living here. After all, we have people of different nationalities living here. Can you name them? (Russians, Khakassians, there are Germans, Tuvans, Ukrainians, Chinese, Kyrgyz and many other peoples.) They all live together in our beautiful and cozy city.

    We always meet our guests on the main street of our city. What is it called? (People's Friendship Street.) Why do you think it is called that? (People of different nations pass here.) On this street there is a huge hotel “Druzhba”, where guests stay.

    Children, what sights would you like to introduce our guests to? (Zoo, Skazka Theatre, Orlyonok Park, Transfiguration Cathedral, Abakan Youth Palace.) Yes, children, in our city there are indeed a lot of interesting places where you can have a good rest and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

    The teacher invites the children to tell a little about each attraction one by one, looking at the slides.

    A didactic game “Recognize in the photo” is being conducted.

    The slide opens. Did you find out what it is? Yes, this is a stele that greets all guests at the entrance to our city.

    Then the children look at photographs of the Skazka Theater. People enjoy visiting theaters. Children, why do they come here? Children already know the Skazka Theater from an early age, where they come with their parents to watch fairy tales. This theater is famous all over the world and it has many awards. We should be proud of our actors.

    The children's favorite place is the Mishutka entertainment center. You were here? What is interesting or noteworthy here? (There is a toy store here, various attractions for children are offered, and there is a children's cafe.)

    What kind of place is this in our city? (Montenegro Park.) What is he famous for? Yes, here we see a monument to the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War. We will tell guests that in summer it is very beautiful here: lawns, flower beds. In the middle is the eternal flame of military glory of the heroes who died for their Motherland. Behind the eternal flame rises a sculptural composition of two figures - a Russian and a Khakass warrior. This idea of ​​​​the joint struggle of the Russian and Khakass peoples against the Nazi invaders.

    You will recognize these photographs immediately. (Eaglet Park.) What interesting things can we offer our guests here? They will probably take their children with them. What attractions await them here? Have you been here? Have you ridden the carousel? Children, do you want to remember summer now and ride the carousel?

    The outdoor game “Carousel” is played.

    At the command “One, two, three, take the ribbon,” children run in a circle with a ribbon in their hands.

    Barely, barely, barely, barely
    The carousels are spinning
    And then, then, then
    Everybody run, run, run
    Hush, hush, don't rush,
    Stop the carousel.
    One - two, one - two
    So the game is over.

    Educator: Did you enjoy riding the carousel? I think the guests will really like it too.

    After such a vacation, we will remember one more of your favorite corners of our city. Did you recognize him? (Zoo.) What can we tell our guests about it? What animals do we meet? There are a lot of exotic animals here that we can only see in a zoo: snakes, crocodiles, monkeys. Many city residents are unfamiliar even with animals such as cows, horses, and goats. For this they go to the zoo.

    And this is the youngest and most beautiful corner of our city, which is full of interesting sights. Which of you has been here and can tell us? You are right, this is the Transfiguration Cathedral. What is he like? For what purpose do the townspeople visit this cathedral? Probably some of you went there for baptism or to light a candle for the health of your loved ones. We very often hear the ringing of bells that call believers to service. Religious festivals are also held here. Near the cathedral there is a youth palace. What interesting things can you tell about him? That's right, concerts are held here, and every child can find activities to their liking: dancing, sports clubs, theater arts and much more. Many Abakan residents and guests of our city relax in Preobrazhensky Park. After all, all the conditions have been created for this: a beautiful fountain, a park of exotic plants “Gardens of Dreams”, flowering alleys and even a children’s corner. It is imperative to take our guests to this park.

    I think that there are a lot of beautiful places in our city. Please choose your favorite corner in your favorite city. Maybe we didn't name him. I will ask you, as a gift to our guests, to draw with sticks in the boxes where the cereal is poured, that corner of our city that, in your opinion, is the most interesting and beautiful. Our guests will definitely like it. We will leave these drawings until our guests arrive. We will also send them these photographs, which will introduce guests to Abakan in absentia. I will send an SMS message that we are ready to meet our guests.

    Children, I am very glad that you know your city well. You talked about him with such interest that it was immediately clear how much you loved him. And now I want to hear good words from you about our city. Everyone takes turns taking a pebble, saying a word and throwing it into the jug.

    Educator: Look how many good, kind and affectionate words you said to your beloved city. You really love and take care of him. After all, the future depends on you, guys, on how much you love your Motherland, what good you can do for it when you become adults.

    The teacher thanks the children for an interesting conversation and treats them to sweets that are made here in our confectionery factory.

    Sabinin Ivan

    Every person has their own favorite city. Most often, the favorite city is called the city where a person spent his childhood, because the most dear memories to the heart are associated with childhood.



    My favorite city.

    Every person has their own favorite city. Most often, the favorite city is called the city where a person spent his childhood, because the most dear memories to the heart are associated with childhood.

    Favorite city... This city does not at all have to be the capital, a millionaire city. He may be small and quiet, but very dear.

    Cities, like people, each have their own destiny, their own face and their own character. I want to talk about the city of my childhood, my small Motherland.

    The vast expanses of our Motherland are vast. But there is a small northern city on the map of our country: warm and cozy and the most expensive.

    I suggest you get acquainted: Noyabrsk is the city of my childhood. This is where I was born. I love this city, I don’t know why. For nothing, probably, for now specifically, or rather, for the fact that it exists, that it is exactly like this, unlike any other city. There is simply a feeling that I cannot explain in words, but I can explain this feeling in comparison: with love for my family. After all, we love them not for anything, but simply for the fact that they exist.

    I am 9 years old. Of course, I still know little about my city, but every year I learn more and more about its history and people. And every year I discover it in a new way.

    Noyabrsk, one of the largest cities in Yamal, is called the pearl of the Far North. Yamal is a mysterious northern land; Translated from Nenets, “Yamal” means “end of the earth” - the land of snowstorms and blizzards, the land of mosquitoes and midges, the land of autumn colors, countless calm lakes and noisy rivers, with silent tundra and berry meadows.

    My acquaintance with him, my city, probably began with a story from my mother. After 25 years of living in sunny, hot Uzbekistan, just the word “north” was a little scary, which is why she was probably nervous when she first encountered the edge of a long, harsh winter. But when she saw the bright sun, and it was in August, high, blue, and not, as she had expected, a low, gray sky hanging over the earth, she immediately realized that she liked this city. The north struck her with its majestic beauty, fragile and strong nature, and the city seemed very compact and cozy.

    I, of course, saw Noyabrsk already different, more expanded. My mother told me that when she arrived, the construction of microdistrict 5 was just beginning, and now the construction of microdistrict 8 is just around the corner.

    I love my city, there are many interesting and beautiful places, various monuments.

    One of the wonderful places in the city is the children's park. There are many attractions here in the summer, and in winter it becomes a real ice city. Next to the park there is a fountain - a favorite recreation place for children and adults.

    One of the favorite places for city residents in winter is the ski resort, where the kids from my class and I sometimes go skiing.

    The city has its own Temple - the Temple of the Archangel Michael, it stands on a hill, and therefore its gilded domes are visible in all parts of the city. Next to the temple burns the Eternal Flame, lit in memory of those who defended their Motherland in fierce battles for the life and happiness of subsequent generations.

    There are many beautiful, modern buildings built in the city: an intellectual center, a teleport. Recently my dad showed me an unusual monument - a monument to a mosquito. This sculptural composition, made of metal parts, symbolizes, probably, one of the living “attractions” of the north - as it is also called, the “mosquito land”.

    And another amazing thing: someone, in love with the city, decorated city buses with the emblem of the city with the inscription: “I love you to the sky.”

    In general, in recent years, Noyabrsk has been transforming: new buildings are appearing, 2 more microdistricts will be built up, the city is growing before our eyes and becoming more and more beautiful every year.

    I want to end the story about my city with lines from the song based on the words of B. Dubrovin “Home, home.”

    Wherever we go

    And it pulls us from afar,

    And it pulls you and me -


    Both in December and January,

    Both in October and November,

    Both in summer and spring -

    To Noyabrsk,


    And every time we return from vacation, we rejoice at the changes: the roads are paved, new houses and fences around the houses have appeared. And now the city also greets us with an abundance of bright city flowers, among which are yellow dandelions - a symbol of the sun, light, home, warmth, comfort. They have taken root in the city and after a long winter and protracted spring they are striking with bright yellow spots on the emerald grass.

    Many different names were given to our city - the pearl of Siberia, the city of family, the city of dreams, the city of dandelions. And even funny - a city of “unafraid pedestrians”.

    And I will call it - the city of Happiness, Goodness and the Sun. This is how I know my city. And for everyone it is different and, of course, the dearest and most wonderful.

    Ulyana Semenishcheva

    In kindergarten, we publish the magazine “Pochitayka” quarterly. In it we publish various children's stories, run a section “children speak”, all kinds of games, quizzes, etc.

    Our city of Kogalym turned 30 years old, we decided to devote one of the issues to this topic.

    We found a lot of interesting information, and of course we asked our children what they thought about the city in which they live.

    Our city is called Kogalym, it’s very nice. When it gets warm, I like to ride a bike around the central square of our city. There is a real big steam locomotive and a very beautiful fountain. I like to admire them.

    Also, there is a church in our city. I love going there, it’s beautiful and interesting. Near the church there is a monument with many books. Our city is very beautiful, and I really like it!

    Timofey Ryabinin, 6 years old.

    I live in the city of Kogalym. Kogalym is a small, calm city. My favorite place in the city is the museum. There are entertaining games, I love the game where you have to catch frogs, and there is a 5D cinema. My grandparents live here in Kogalym. I love going to visit them. I love walking around the city in the evening when it is dark and there are a lot of lights. There is a military equipment park in our city, we often go there for walks and take pictures. In the summer I like to ride my bike along Rowan Boulevard, it’s very beautiful there. I like my city, it is beautiful, cheerful, loved!

    Irina Vorobyova, 5 years old.

    The city where I live is called Kogalym. Our city is the kindest, goodness has always bloomed in it. There are many interesting places in our city. For my sister’s birthday, we went to Metro, where I liked jumping on the trampolines. We have a museum in Kogalym, there are many different interesting things there. I really like going to the Yantar cinema, they show cartoons there. In the summer we have an amusement park in our city, and it’s a lot of fun. I also like to go to the military equipment park, there are tanks and cars there. In the summer we go to the beach, where we can make sand castles. I like to go with my dad to his fire department, there are red and white cars there.

    Our city is the most beautiful, it has many interesting and beautiful places. I love Kogalym very much! Lev Semenishchev, 6 years old


    Kogalym is my favorite city,

    You are standing in a harsh land.

    Dear childhood city,

    We are all proud of you!

    You are beautiful, young

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my city!

    How could you not wish

    Get rich and flourish!

    We will become adults

    We will glorify you too!

    Publications on the topic:

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    Abstract of the OOD “The city where I live” (senior group) Goals: 1. Expand older preschoolers’ ideas about their hometown; 2. Develop interest in the symbols of the city; develop curiosity.

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    Project “The city where I live” The city in which I live Type of project: practice-oriented. Implementation period: 12/01/2015 - 02/28/2016 (long-term). Project participants:.